Idk about the lar gibbons but this is what siamang sounds mean based on google "Susan Lappan, an anthropologist with Appalachian State University, explained that these “mesmerizing songs” are usually a duet between male and female partners “woven together into an elaborate vocal display, and to their acrobatic movement through the trees.” Researchers believe that gibbons, like the siamangs, sing to mark their territory, fortify family bonds, protect the best fruiting trees and advertise for a mate"
When the Lar Gibbon said “Woooo woooo wooaaa” I rlly felt that
🥰. Nothing like a good conversation!
They are beautiful!! Nothing like an intense convo/singing session.....
One of my favorites could use a little more lar but really still a good song
What's the difference between the lar Gibbon and the siamang Gibbon singing?
Idk about the lar gibbons but this is what siamang sounds mean based on google "Susan Lappan, an anthropologist with Appalachian State University, explained that these “mesmerizing songs” are usually a duet between male and female partners “woven together into an elaborate vocal display, and to their acrobatic movement through the trees.” Researchers believe that gibbons, like the siamangs, sing to mark their territory, fortify family bonds, protect the best fruiting trees and advertise for a mate"
It kinda sounds like a little sister trying to copy her older brothers
This video was published a few days before gorilla tag released
0:01 there is seen an aaaaaaaa
Jshlatt would love this video