Wow... Only 7 male and 7 female singer but producing 7000+ and 7000+ voice. I thumb up for this song. Long live RNBACC Choir. To God be the Glory in the highest.
King gai hak ding e rakai tat ngm mk mei gun khou hei nun lu goi king na g leng kho leo na king ju2 bmntong d the suanchuina suanloumi goi ta daina thuanku e soihiam daimei ni t loumei sudui Ragong christa jankhou tingkao thu nganna hei kum suanbmmei sukan diu o
May God bless those who sing for the kingdom of god
Old is gold. Always love this choir, missing ❤️
Parabéns pela linda voz de todos vocês. Thank you. Brasil
May God bless RNBA.
Soun chui the king gai ding the rongmei gospel lu ram gai kum mei mak ge. 15/12/19.Jalukie Nagaland
Nangniu lu ta kinglou na baothao e christian subam gai e da.
Kingai a jian hkge 👍👌💞💕
my favourite song peina suan chui e thuankuthe
Thuan Ku the
King sang tihai king gai hai2 dngthe tingsang Jang suan chui bm mo
Wow... Only 7 male and 7 female singer but producing 7000+ and 7000+ voice. I thumb up for this song. Long live RNBACC Choir.
To God be the Glory in the highest.
thank u so much.. gbu
Great... I like this choir nd song.. Can I have a choir part for this songs?
Yes sure
Can I get a choir part for this songs?
Pleaseee... I very need part choir of this songs
Kingai hkthe lyrics ramgai le suanchui lou mei guai ta ni thuanku the
Thuanku hak the..
King ju ju e Raguang twg suaihiam tilou my su diu o
Thuanku hak the
Praise the lord
King gai hak ding e rakai tat ngm mk mei gun khou hei nun lu goi king na g leng kho leo na king ju2 bmntong d the suanchuina suanloumi goi ta daina thuanku e soihiam daimei ni t loumei sudui Ragong christa jankhou tingkao thu nganna hei kum suanbmmei sukan diu o
Thuanku hak dinge.....
Kinglou na bam mei guai khangta raguang swaihiam lou mei sudiu o
@@namppanmei7498 heikhng song gai2 mei ni suanlouna upload ni geina suku loudat pu o jenlouna
Love it
Thuan Ku the
Plz do upload more
Sure... 👍
Wanna know it who give dislikes in this vidoes to the amazing choir😀.upload more bro..
Nungai the
suan chui hk dng the
Thuanku the
Kingai langna
Um thuan ku the
Vai meini upload sulou pu o
King gai hak e👏👏
Vedeo hei clear su mk ge king tho king gay hk the
I will b in RNBA choir so soon.bless everyone
kajao tho ... gai hak tng d.
wow ☺
hehe.... watchout....😂
kingai hak ge