[아이돌 댄스] SHINee(샤이니) "Lucifer"(루시퍼) KPOP DANCE COVER / 데프수강생 월말평가 방송댄스 안무 가수오디션 정보 실용음악 defdance

  • Опубліковано 3 гру 2024
  • "여러분의 꿈과 미래를 함께 하는 프리미엄 댄스학원"
    Korea No.1 데프댄스스쿨 DEF DANCE SKOOL
    데프댄스스쿨 강남점 www.defdance.com
    데프댄스스쿨 노원점 www.defdance-n...
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    페이스북 / defdance
    트위터 / defdance_com
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    네이버TV tv.naver.com/de...
    샤이니(SHINee) - 루시퍼(Lucifer) K-Pop Dance Cover
    데프댄스스쿨 수강생 월말평가 영상
    촬영월 : 2010.9
    촬영장소 : 데프댄스스쿨 강남점
    DEF DANCE SKOOL students (Korea Dance School) 강남댄스학원 영등포댄스학원 노원댄스학원
    [월말평가 및 빨리평가 신청안내]
    월말평가 및 빨리평가 영상은 매월 자체 오디션을 통해 멤버가 선정되어지며, 데프수강생이면 누구나 오디션에 지원하실 수 있습니다 (오디션 지원 시 어떠한 비용도 발생하지 않습니다) 자세한 신청 문의는 각 반의 강사 또는 인포메이션 직원에게 문의 해 주시기 바랍니다.
    왕성하게 활동하는 현직 아이돌 가수를 다수 배출한 학원인 '데프댄스스쿨 데프실용음악학원’ (이하 데프) 입니다. 2002년에 오픈한 데프는 국내 유일의 기초 전문 댄스학원 및 실용음악학원으로 시작해서 10년 넘게 오디션을 진행하면서 쌓아온 노하우와 국내 유명 기획사들과의 유대관계를 통해 수강생들에게 오디션에 대한 빠르고 정확한 정보와 치밀한 전략으로 교육하고 있으며, 기획사마다 원하는 인재가 다른 점에 착안하여 기획사별 맞춤식 트레이닝으로 매년 국내 최다 오디션 합격률을 자랑하고 있습니다.
    데프실용음악원, 데프댄스스쿨의 아이돌 양성 교육은 해외에서도 큰 관심을 보여 뉴욕타임스, CNN, NBC, 로이터 등 전 세계 언론에서도 K-POP 트레이닝의 근원지로 저희 데프을 주목하고 있으며, 실제로 데프수강생들은 체계적인 트레이닝 시스템으로 세계적인 인재로 거듭나고 있습니다. 데프의 수업은 수개월 동안 배워야하는 오디션반이나 특화 교육과정을 운영하기보다는 1개월 단위로 수강할 수 있는 일반 정규반을 운영하여 누구나 기획사 오디션에 참가할 수 있으며 모든 오디션은 기획사 캐스팅 담당자분들이 학원에 직접 내방 해 심사가 이루어지고 있습니다. 또한 자체 촬영하는 월말평가, 빨리평가 영상은 기획사 캐스팅 담당자의 모니터 자료로 제공되고 있습니다.
    데프에서 트레이닝을 받고 데뷔한 데프수강생 출신의 아이돌 가수로는 YG엔터테인먼트의 보이그룹 iKON의 김동혁, 위키미키의 최유정, JYP엔터테인먼트의 보이그룹 스트레이 키즈 한지성, 러블리즈 서지수, 오마이걸의 승희와 유아, 여자친구의 은하, 온앤오프 심재영, 업텐션 비토, 틴탑 니엘, K팝스타에서 최종 우승한 김종섭, 박현진 군 등이 있으며, 많은 데프수강생 출신들이 유명 기획사의 연습생으로 소속되어 데뷔를 앞두고 있습니다. 이 외에도 수 많은 연예인들이 데프에서 방송 및 CF 개인 트레이닝을 받고 있으며 국내 유명 안무가들과 강사 (트레이너), 교수를 배출한 점 등 많은 부분들을 데프 공식홈페이지 (www.defdance.com) 에서 확인 하실 수 있습니다.
    since2002 대한민국 최초의 프리미엄 댄스학원!
    NO.1 데프댄스스쿨!
    대한민국 NO.1 댄스.보컬.미디.랩 트레이닝 센터!
    NO.1 데프실용음악학원!
    글로벌 댄스&뮤직 트레이닝 센터
    Recording Month : 2010.9
    Shooting Place : DEF DANCE SKOOL Gangnam studio
    DEF Dance Skool student
    The first korea Premium dance skool, No.1 Def Dance Skool!
    Republic of Korea best dance.vocal.midi.rap training center!
    Def company www.defcompany...
    Def Dance Skool www.defdance.com
    Def Music Academy www.defmusic.asia
    Def Kids Dance Skool www.defkidsdan...
    Facebook / defdance
    Instagram / defdance_official
    Twitter / defdance_com
    Naver TV tv.naver.com/de...
    ( +82-2-557-2805 ) 25, Yeoksam-ro 65-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea
    DEF DANCE SKOOL Yeongdeungpo studio :
    ( +82-2-852-4933 ) Annam B/D 2F 79, Yeongjung-ro, Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul, Korea
    DEF DANCE SKOOL Nowon studio :
    ( +82-2-952-2805 ) 55, Sanggye-ro, Nowon-gu, Seoul, Korea
    Global Dance&Music training center. The first korea Premium dance skool, No.1 Def Dance Skool! Republic of Korea best dance.vocal.midi.rap training center!
    [Def Dance Skool & Def Music Academy class]
    #hiphop #Girlshiphop #coverdance #kpop #kpopdance #kpopcover #streetdance #urbandance #poppin #housedance #girlishdance #bboy #kidsdance #힙합댄스 #걸스힙합 #방송댄스학원 #가요안무 #스트릿댄스 #얼반댄스 #어반댄스 #팝핀댄스 #팝핀 #팝핑 #하우스댄스 #걸리쉬댄스 #비보이 #비보잉 #아이돌댄스 #키즈댄스 #어린이댄스학원 #취미댄스
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    #강남댄스학원 #강남역댄스학원 #선릉댄스학원 #선릉역댄스학원 #역삼댄스학원 #대치동댄스학원 #영등포댄스학원 #구로댄스학원 #영등포방송댄스 #여의도댄스학원 #안양댄스학원 #홍대댄스학원 #신림댄스학원 #신림방송댄스 #서울대입구댄스학원 #낙성대댄스학원 #광명댄스학원 #노원댄스학원 #의정부방송댄스 #강남보컬학원 #선릉보컬학원 #강남실용음악학원 #강남역보컬학원 #역삼보컬학원


  • @sun57500
    @sun57500  6 років тому

    ★ 데프댄스스쿨
    ★ 데프실용음악학원
    ★ 수강신청 및 상담전화 02) 557-2805

  • @smashinkelsey
    @smashinkelsey 12 років тому +1

    What most people didn't know.. a GIRL choreographed Lucifer! Rino rocks!

  • @yourfanalways23
    @yourfanalways23 11 років тому +13

    That taemin loooks really like taemin

  • @CrystalDollie
    @CrystalDollie 14 років тому

    Normally def dance school covers alway amazes the hell out of me cos they're usually ten times better than the original. But for this video, it was JUST as good as Shinee. Love def and Shinee

  • @claudzsalazar
    @claudzsalazar 13 років тому

    for me, LUCIFER by SHINee got one of the most complicated dance steps i've ever seen... but they did it like SHINee~ i'm loving DEFDANCE

  • @InuGrrrl
    @InuGrrrl 13 років тому

    Just speechless. The Lucifer dance is SO hard and you guys made it look like cake. You're all amazing, honestly amazing.

  • @Anessa64222
    @Anessa64222 14 років тому

    SHINee is remarkable in their abilities to stay in sync while dancing, and of course only Def dance can prove themselves to be just as good, Good work!

  • @xxcarlyxx
    @xxcarlyxx 13 років тому

    Must say this is the best Lucifer cover on youtube. Thanks alot!

  • @whitecwings9492
    @whitecwings9492 14 років тому

    this is close to perfection! :D u guys did an awesome job
    the guy with the colourful jacket "WOW" dude! ..the knees the lines the movement def a pro dancing :)
    am really glad u guys did a cover of this song ,love it

  • @aarod1391
    @aarod1391 13 років тому

    The taemin look-alike was a nice touch :) but honestly, great amazing fantastic dancing!!!

  • @2pmchansung
    @2pmchansung 14 років тому

    whooo! best cover of lucifer ive seen!!!!

  • @dokidokibaby
    @dokidokibaby 14 років тому

    Guys, you are the best!!! I was curious to see Def dance dancing to Lucifer and honestly, you all did a great job!
    Def dance, hwaiting!!!

  • @imArtfreak1
    @imArtfreak1 11 років тому +1

    Wow, they have perfect timing!! Amazing!!!

  • @omfgstrid
    @omfgstrid 13 років тому

    this is probably one of the best, if not THE best lucifer cover i've seen :D

  • @ohbbyQQ
    @ohbbyQQ 14 років тому

    우와 대박. 완전 멋있어요!

  • @Forevershining99
    @Forevershining99 13 років тому

    You are perfectly in sync with each other. It is kind of crazy.

  • @mardiyantini
    @mardiyantini 13 років тому

    Rino Nakasone. Again. WOW. I just love her, love her choreography. Just. Wow.

  • @TeraCMusic
    @TeraCMusic 14 років тому +1

    Why is this so perfect?!?! AHHHH I want to dance like them!

  • @JazzRoyalty
    @JazzRoyalty 14 років тому

    Guy in the blue t-shirt NAILED it! HE's always on point, great job! ^^

  • @easter6071
    @easter6071 13 років тому

    They even look similar!!! GREAT COVER!!!

  • @nechelabad
    @nechelabad 13 років тому

    oh!,. god you guyz really amazing if i didn't know that your not a real shinee
    i thought it was a them ....your better than other lucifer dance version
    good job:)

  • @puppypiggy1
    @puppypiggy1 14 років тому

    OMG AWESOME!!!!! i like the guy is dancing as taemin!!!!

  • @amayachoify
    @amayachoify 14 років тому

    I am a SHINee fan to and I think they did a great job. You can't duplicate everything exactly the way you see it, they are just giving there interpretation of the dance.
    That dance is difficult and I can see they took their time to master it.

  • @Jellies256
    @Jellies256 14 років тому

    yes finally!! been waiting forever for this ^.^

  • @bekahbrat
    @bekahbrat 14 років тому

    That.... was perfect...... AMAZING.

  • @patrick4091a
    @patrick4091a 14 років тому

    Great cover!!
    I always have high expectation of Lucifer covers (it's my favourite chereo) but wow I have to say GOOD JOB.

  • @lastingimpressions
    @lastingimpressions 14 років тому

    seriously, i feel like i am actually watching SHINee dance! amazing!! The dance school in Toronto where I go are really great but I would love to go to Def dance school!!

  • @aznmelodiii
    @aznmelodiii 14 років тому

    How does anyone say this is terrible? This is freaking amazing. It's perfect. O.O

  • @mairua9018
    @mairua9018 14 років тому

    Keep going on guys!

  • @YH987
    @YH987 14 років тому

    my eyes only look at the blue jacket guy !!! he really like taemin !!!

  • @Misslindz89
    @Misslindz89 9 років тому

    Great Lucifer! Although... I can't help but love SHINee messing up their own songs at concerts XD it's just too funny. You guys slayed this though!

  • @laughalotXD
    @laughalotXD 14 років тому

    i had really high expectations for this dance, but they perfected it.. as always! defdance jjang :D

  • @PurpleSwils
    @PurpleSwils 13 років тому

    This is just...(lost for words)...The best!
    The dancing and attitude are that of a real performance. If the video had better lighting it would be a Perfect Lucifer!

  • @ghostbabe38
    @ghostbabe38 14 років тому

    cant wait to learn this after my exam! complicated dances just totally attracts me :D

  • @amayachoify
    @amayachoify 14 років тому

    You guys did a great job!!

  • @emikidance
    @emikidance 14 років тому

    BEST Lucifer cover~!

  • @CrystleKuri
    @CrystleKuri 14 років тому

    this is one of the most epic dances ever choreographed, i was wondering when def dance was gna cover it! shinee dances are always farking amazing and you guys did it justice

  • @lindaXIONG0
    @lindaXIONG0 14 років тому

    LOL you guys picked the tallest guy to be minho.. LOL love it.. he is tall.. hahaa super cute..!!!!

  • @sheenology
    @sheenology 14 років тому

    wow the choreo in this song is very difficult. but u guys rock it!

  • @micmoiii
    @micmoiii 14 років тому


  • @Mavmp
    @Mavmp 14 років тому

    that was absolutely perfect! love the way you guys dance XD

  • @aithusa2905
    @aithusa2905 14 років тому

    the minho guy is awesome!!!!

  • @robertangeles1803
    @robertangeles1803 11 років тому +3

    Taemin is played as a girl btw =))

  • @turnemintopink
    @turnemintopink 14 років тому

    i dunno why but i just cant keep my eyes off the blue-jacketed guy!
    he really reminds me of taemin!

  • @bananashoujo
    @bananashoujo 14 років тому

    im so impressed. good job. keep uploading stuff! 8D

  • @SayurixxGo
    @SayurixxGo 14 років тому


  • @rextay4237
    @rextay4237 10 років тому +6

    can renew to HD version ??

  • @TheSoukainaMaroc
    @TheSoukainaMaroc 13 років тому

    wow well done !

  • @termeulouloute
    @termeulouloute 14 років тому

    Wow, I really like it !! The one who dances like Taemin is really good !!
    (Sorry if my english is bad, I'm french >

  • @gotsu75
    @gotsu75 14 років тому

    nice prestation

  • @nataliaespino8203
    @nataliaespino8203 11 років тому

    wow! sorprendente el imitador de taemin es muy bueno

  • @dmusta99
    @dmusta99 14 років тому

    "Minho" with facial hair.

  • @mymeo1994
    @mymeo1994 14 років тому

    Gosh O.o
    Like the guy as Taemin lol !! ♥

  • @LadyMiatch
    @LadyMiatch 14 років тому

    Whoah! If I didn't know any better, i'd think this really was SHINee practicing.. Great job Def Dance School.. Now i'm wondering how i'll get my kid to go to Korea and enroll in this school.. LOL.. ^_^

  • @gunzstah
    @gunzstah 14 років тому

    the one with jacket moves like taemin!!

  • @AntiqueHessa
    @AntiqueHessa 14 років тому


  • @mahdii98
    @mahdii98 14 років тому

    fuckin awesome, this is the only group ive seen whos actually able to do it as good as SHINee

  • @hellosinnix
    @hellosinnix 14 років тому

    He dance just like taemin x.x

  • @emilily109
    @emilily109 14 років тому

    perfect :x u guys r awesomeeeeeee :x

  • @LeoAddiction
    @LeoAddiction 14 років тому

    you guys look alot like shinee :D

  • @OtakuugiRl
    @OtakuugiRl 14 років тому


  • @melmel123000m
    @melmel123000m 13 років тому

    Omfg the best cover of Lucifer.
    I actually thought that the guy was Taemin. Ahha

  • @DonBiSuperKiss
    @DonBiSuperKiss 12 років тому

    ... is that a girl in the black shirt with the red thing in the middle! I swear half these views are min but i just noticed
    that's awesome! Imma dance like her when i grow up. even tho i'm 20 already XD

  • @xXxS7xXx
    @xXxS7xXx 14 років тому

    this is amazing

  • @Mbabyblue1233
    @Mbabyblue1233 14 років тому

    you guys are great, u should do intoxication by xiah

  • @doaremos
    @doaremos 14 років тому

    very nice

  • @pretyshiaky
    @pretyshiaky 11 років тому

    Jajajaj yo tambien pense es Taemin? No no es Taemin, Si si es Taemin
    Muy Buen Trabajo!
    Los empece a ver desde que vi Wolf de EXO

  • @MizukixGoxRAawr
    @MizukixGoxRAawr 13 років тому

    Lol. I have been watching this for five times and I have JUST noticed......there's a girl in there~!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • @Yurboiaj
    @Yurboiaj 11 років тому

    i wanna learn 2 dance here!!

  • @iiZahbel
    @iiZahbel 14 років тому

    awesomeeeeee :D

  • @proudpinaygirl101
    @proudpinaygirl101 14 років тому

    yay lucifer!!

  • @jhuynh94
    @jhuynh94 14 років тому


  • @xbabyjazx
    @xbabyjazx 14 років тому

    awesome :D

  • @bitzrulz
    @bitzrulz 14 років тому

    i think "taemin" did a good job on his part xD
    but was that a girl dancing there? with the ponytail?
    anyway, GOOD JOB!!! it was so good, but i expect no less from defdance :]

  • @versatileVenice143
    @versatileVenice143 13 років тому

    they were like 1mm closer to the way SHINee dance

  • @Suh6727
    @Suh6727 13 років тому

    I really can't stand when people try to compare these dancers to the people they are convering....JUST ENJOY THE FREAKING VIDEO! No one is trying to be better than anyone!

  • @oggy06
    @oggy06 14 років тому

    OmO!!!! FLAWLESS, If our boys dissapeared for a bit! U guys can put masks on and perform for them loool

  • @automique
    @automique 14 років тому

    the person in the jacket seems to be a girl...
    they did a fantastic job.

  • @versatileVenice143
    @versatileVenice143 13 років тому

    was that a girl on pony tail..? o.O
    sHE moves cooler than the other guys.. SERIOUSLY..

  • @minble1115
    @minble1115 13 років тому


  • @myotsuki
    @myotsuki 14 років тому

    insaneeeee!!!! (y)

  • @ziming95
    @ziming95 14 років тому

    For shinee dacing skills are better as the original than another that is not.

  • @preawbreemjin777
    @preawbreemjin777 11 років тому

    ฉันชอบคุณ คนที่ใส่กางกางแน่นๆ

  • @oOkonataOo
    @oOkonataOo 14 років тому

    luv itttttttttttttt >

  • @NanzYzZ123
    @NanzYzZ123 14 років тому

    they dance like the original SHINee 10/10

  • @__wetrice
    @__wetrice 13 років тому

    -.- damn you amazing people

  • @immabigbangfan
    @immabigbangfan 13 років тому

    whoa, did they get a trainer from SME or something? :PP

  • @MuffinEito
    @MuffinEito 13 років тому

    I think Taemin joined Defdance school secretly for a day, just for Lucifer cover xD

  • @kaixis
    @kaixis 13 років тому

    @miss4real4life No. Try searching for SHINee - Lucifer dance. there's one where they filmed themselves in dance practice. ;))

  • @02jana02
    @02jana02 14 років тому

    i love how the guy dancing as taemin looks like taemin. XD

  • @yui0929
    @yui0929 10 років тому +1


  • @khaybias
    @khaybias 13 років тому

    That guy dance Taemin's part and look like Taemin and dance like Taemin..OMO Maybe its Taemin!! xD

  • @magdatrejo8409
    @magdatrejo8409 11 років тому

    you should make an academy in Mexico

  • @july2love
    @july2love 13 років тому

    good ^^

  • @ewulaja17
    @ewulaja17 14 років тому

    Aaaaa! xD Love that version of Lucifer Too! XDD You guys are f*ckin awesome. Just keep it up

  • @TigerofCali
    @TigerofCali 14 років тому

    @JazzRoyalty I agree! I kept trying to look at everyone else but that guy (the "Minho" of the group) really kept drawing my attention. I think he really had this down.

  • @daidre1
    @daidre1 13 років тому

    i still wuv them but i wuv the original more :D

  • @kimchijjige
    @kimchijjige 13 років тому

    @shmaalice they learn it from the actually video too.

    @1HELLOHELLO12 13 років тому

    @mardiyantini didn't she only do the final touches this time? :o

    @SOSHIPOWER9 14 років тому

    The only two accounts who uploads covers of k pop dances that i follow are Def dance and Wawa dance academy