Hi Family! Thank you for watching. We appreciate your support. Here are some links to help you with your next step: 🤝Donate: bit.ly/48NJAm4 💬Submit Your Testimony: bit.ly/46CzWBn
New age is very scary and so commercialized. They make astrology and tarot seem comforting. It’s absolutely scary and I have a similar testimony. I used to have terrible anxiety and depression. Jesus is the ONLY cure! 🙌🏼❤️
It's also "cheap" too. You can find all these new age books and materials at places like FiveBelow. They really target the youth and the poor. It's sad.
I have been obsessed with tarot for 3 years, same story here, no wonder I felt depressed and empty, I now have stopped watching it and just watching worship and listening to music that is godly. I feel relieved. But I’m only 2 weeks into my walk I need to stay strong 💪 🙏🙏
Wow all glory to God. And if you are not yet, please plug into a bible based local church so you can be part of a community that will help you grow in this journey.
Tarot Cards Lie🤬 They Lead You Down The Wrong Path👽👹👿 Pray and ask Yeshua for His Will To Be Done in Your Life ✝😇🥰 He Wants Your Full Attention and He Wants You to Trust in HIm, He Loves You 💚💛🧡❤💙💜 The Gospel: 1st Corinthians 15 1-4 🥰
I usually listen to some kind of political podcast in the morning on my way to work, but I clicked your testimony. As I was driving I was smoking a cigarillo and when u started talking about the spirit of anxiety casting out I began to see shapes in the road and felt an evil presence and knew I needed to repent I threw my smoke out and prayed Lord I ask that you cast this demon out of me in Jesus name I repent of smoking and I started coughing and tears came in my eyes it felt like I was going to vomit but now I can breathe clearly and I feel connected to God.
Amen brother, let’s go! I just stopped vaping 2 days ago, been praying to Holy Spirit anytime I feel tempted. He’s helping me overcome this addiction. He’s already helped me quit alcohol, drugs, and porn… vaping is the last to go🙌🏼
@davidnoonan7893 bless you all .same here just stopped smoking fentanyl ,detoxing was horrible but wouldn't change anything now God is GREAT .WE GOT THIS BROTHERS!
@@ArturoRamirez-i7b Awesome bro, keep up the Good Fight, it’s so worth it! With Jesus and leading of Holy Spirit, we have the power to break every chain! I’m now 10 days vape free🙏🏼
A week ago I saw her video on TikTok about zodiac signs being demons. It was at the perfect time as God has been moving my heart to renounce new age. Tonight, I casually checked Delafés channel being prompted by the Spirit and I chose to watch this video based on the title. It didn’t show up in my feed. But this story is identical to my story. I’m ready to go back to Jesus and renounce all the New Age beliefs and practices. Thank you for this message! ❤
I gave my life to Christ in 2020 after leaving new age , I struggled with these familiar spirits aswell. I am backslidden even after traveling to spread the gospel and being very passionate about Christ and advocating for the freedom only found in Him.. I returned to my sun and I am now struggling with anxiety, migraines, intrusive thoughts of suicide.. I am truly lost once again.. please pray for me . The timing of this video is crazy.. I just wanna be well again I miss God
You're confused and you feel lost, again, with all that Satan wanted to bring into your life, to destroy the work of God in your life. But Jesus is the good shepherd, who even leaves the 99 sheep to go after the one, lost sheep. When He finds it, he lays it on his shoulders and bears it back to the flock, rejoicing. I should look it up, so I can quote it accurately. Go ahead and find out if you were really saved, back then, but if you were, you belong to Him still He hasn't let you go; He is working on you, and He loves you and you are His.
Amen! I dived into witchcraft, mainly astrology back in 2015-16 up until March this year when Jesus came into my life. What she said about it turning on you is 100%! I studied and did the birth charts and even went as far as doing Astrocartography which is a world map with your planet lines to show where you’d thrive the most and things like that. 2021 I started diving HEAVY into it and even did the psychic medium reading in person and from then I started getting panic attacks like never before I couldn’t do anything to get rid of them and I had only ever had maybe 2 panic attacks before that phase. Did spiritual baths and all of it started to turn on me, tried to commit suicide this year on new years while I was 7 months pregnant, just nothing was going on for my life until I called out to God to take me away and got this feeling of strength overcome me. Gave up witchcraft and threw out all my crystals in March and have been in spiritual warfare since 😅 For those who are stuck in witchcraft it’s not impossible to break out of, Jesus has the power to break you from anything and if you don’t trust my testimony or my word please study him for yourself and start a relationship with him. Amen 🙏🏼
Amazing testimony and thank u for sharing, even tho I’m not into that, Ur testimony is powerful. I believe the demons of alcohol took my daughter s life.
I remember about 2 years ago when I was about to ask this random woman to give me a “spiritual reading” regarding some questions I had about my life. “Am I on the right career path? Should I move here? Is this man my husband?” I already felt hesistant sending this woman these questions but as soon as I went to click the submit button an extremely LOUD voice in my head told me “NO!” I absolutely knew it was God. And the most beautiful thing is that every single question I was about to ask this woman, God answered them for me a week later. ❤
It seems like many people backslide right after they get that first encounter with the Holy Spirit. After I got baptized in 2018, I was on fire for Jesus. But after some months I started getting drunk with wine almost everyday and the enemy was telling me “God doesn’t mind. It’s not a big deal”. Until i randomly went to a church service with a friend, and I sat in the front row wishing I didn’t come. I wanted to stay home that day. Until this lady with a microphone in her hand pointed straight at me (didn’t know me from Adam) and said “God is telling me the devil is trying to take you away from Him.” And I started balling my eyes out. My drunkenness after my baptism of the Holy Spirit was a HUGE mistake. My life continued to spiral down. My health begin to decline, poverty came over me, and I never felt so lost and confused. We are to FLEEEE from sin. Repent and flee. Because the wages of sin is surely death and I could see death coming upon me once more. So again, I repented and gave my life back to God once more. I actually tried going to the grocery store to get some wine coolers for myself and they ended up busting all over the aisle floor as soon as I took them off the shelf. And I knew God was telling me to clearly “STOP” again. I’ve learned to stay as close to God as I possibly can and my life will surely yield good fruit. That’s why it’s written stay on the vine and you will bear fruit (John 15:4)
Hearing her talk about being filled with the Holy Spirit, the negative (devilish) thoughts in my head thought, “she said she was filled with the Holy Ghost but she probably doesn’t even know what she’s talking about, she probably didn’t speak in tongues” and she said exactly that, that she had spoken in tongues and how it felt like the whole world looked different after that. That was my experience as well when I first received the Holy Ghost, and I wanted to cry for how judgmental I was thinking and she reminded me of how powerful the Holy Ghost is and how I need to get closer to God again. We all struggle in our walk but ignoring God and putting off reading His Word (like I’ve been doing) makes the walk even harder. God bless you Tailah!!!
🫂 you were so brave to share that ace the more you continue to uncover those thoughts and feelings, the less they will be in your life. Ephesians 5:11-14. You can actually start at 5:7 and it will still be helpful 🤗
Dang… this was my story as well. I did the exact same things. Dating the guys, becoming the astrologer. I tell people before Christ I was an evangelist for astrology that was the main thing I always focused on, it was always the answer. But praise God we’re out of that! Praise God He can take what we do and make it good! He can redeem any situation! We just have to be willing to seek Him and follow Him.
I think the smoking weed and alcohol my daughter was doing for years is what led her to her anxiety and depression, which she tried to medicate with more alcohol. Sadly she died from alcoholism last May. She went to church but I didn’t really give her life to Jesus or I believe she would have been able to battle the alcohol, etc. Thank you for your testimony, it helps explain why my daughter couldn’t overcome.
I'm sure you never meant any harm to your daughter. You were the best mother you could be for her and she probably knew that but didn't know how to change her life for the better. You really did try and that's what counts I know it's about Jesus at the end of the day, but he makes people responsible for their children and you took responsibility the best way you could.
I’m sorry for your loss. I’m sure May will never be the same again, or any birthday or holiday. I lost my mommy last year and even though she didn’t do any drugs or alcohol, the enemy tormented her mind with fear and anxiety. The spiritual warfare is real.
Going to a temple made with hands and "giving our life to Jesus" are two very different things. They cannot coexist because when we receive the Spirit of Christ we come out of these idols temples. Thousands of divided denominations and carnal sects who oppose each other and contradict each other and follow men who preach for gain in temples made with hands are the MANY not the FEW mentioned in the scriptures. There is obvious confusion and darkness when we follow men who claim to be anointed in some religious sect and the "anointed" guy down the block in a different sect contradicts the first guy. This is the reality of christianity but none in this carnal religion can see yet, they are led by blind guides. I see many really sad stories of people who grow up in religious families who suffer addiction later in life. Some just cannot make sense of the fables taught in this religion and they are under immense pressure to fit in with other carnal religious people. As it is written, we are under tutors and governors UNTIL the time appointed by the Father. The few who are chosen receive the Spirit of Christ, the Spirit of Truth and come out of this divided and contradictory religion when they are raised from the dead, the carnally minded. As it is written, cursed be the man who trusts in man and makes flesh his arm and whose heart is apart from the Lord. Those still warming a pew in a harlot house, a temple made with hands, are not only still under tutors but they are trusting in men and are still under the curse. Of course nobody in these places can understand the scriptures yet because of their blindness and carnality but the scriptures remain true. These fornicators filling the pews are often arrogant about thinking they "chose" Jesus but they didn't and they have yet to receive Him. There is absolutely no understanding of scripture until we receive the Spirit of Christ and come out from among them to be separated unto God through Christ IN us. This is the reason for the division in Christianity, they can debate the scriptures all they want but they still lack the only Good Shepherd who has the keys to death and the grave. One of my favorite verses about these harlot houses comes from proverbs 9:18: But he knoweth not that the dead are there and her guests are in the depths of hell (sheol, the abode of the dead, grave).
Amen!! Love your takeaway advice! I called on Jesus after being surrounded by demons and threatened by Satan, and Jesus graciously and powerfully rescued me and set me free. My life is COMPLETELY different now and full of peace.
Certainly many people just do not know that 👉demons want us to hate ourselves👈- Because they hate themselves. 🤔 That was a very important piece of information for me, a solid "missing link". ⛓️
My lack of trust in JESUS was keeping from HIS BEST...I went through a spiritual trial or test. Fear & anxiety took over my life....GOD WAS WITH ME THROUGH THE ENTIRE PROCESS. HE IS FAITHFUL & TRUE!
I can relate so much to her Testimony…I too back slid to a level that almost destroyed me..Thankfully, our Father is so good and chastises us when it’s necessary…He showed me how sneaky satan is..How he slither’s in and deceives us into one compromise after the other. He showed me how each compromise is like a small crack in a dam and as those cracks accumulate, it’s inevitable that eventually all hell will break loose, as it did in my life. It’s taken me 8 years to break off all the curses that I brought on to myself after going to a retreat for 12 days in the Amazon jungle and submitted myself to 12 ceremonies of using Ayahuasca and allowing shaman’s to speak over me in languages I couldn’t understand. I know now that they spoke demonic curses over me…BUT GOD..He has used what the devil thought would destroy me and has brought me full circle, and stronger than ever in my Faith in Jesus Christ..I believe that God is leading me into Deliverance Ministry because I have experienced first hand having demons cast off of me and God shows me people all around me who are desperate for Deliverance but don’t even realize it..
He takes it all away 😭.....My life changed....he took depression and lifeless living away 😢. I was delivered from all that plagued me. I knew his power was Great. Holy holiness that consumes all negative energy. Full of love,life, and the spirit of God. His spirit is key to changing your mind. The things that hold you back will dissipate. Thank you Father for your will being done in my life 🙏🏽.
Her story is so similar to my spiritual journey as a teenager - young adult, wow. Yoga, psychics, idolatry to romantic partners, anxiety, depression, eating disorders, partying, astrology, drugs, wearing a mask…I just tried to do everything to control my life. I am not the God of my life. I relinquish all control and give it to Him. My experience was a result of my disobedience however a lesson is protection for the future. I thank God for his correction, mercy and compassion. It is more than man can ever give me. This video is further confirmation ❤ I pray for everyone to get closer to God for peace.
Thank you for sharing. I can relate! I did not grow up with one faith and had a universalist belief as described here. I studied psychology, philosophy, and religions to understand the meaning of life. During my youth I rejected Christianity as a narrow-minded ideology. I met Christ only after I was so depressed I didn’t know where else to go. My friend invited me to Bible study and the truth softened my heart to who Christ truly is. I realized I had been deceived before. I committed my life to Christ and was baptized. He saved me from depression. God has made huge changes in my life. 🎉🎉🎉 I pray that others will know the truth about God and Christ so they will also be saved.
I'm a millennial all the way in Uganda Kampala, and i can relate to this lady's story .in the new age...... eventually it all turns on you especially when you decide to go back to the Lord, so there is a battle for your soul and that you have to stick out as God cleans you up, i may take years mine took 2 years, but eventually the Lord saves you again, because He is mighty, and He is powerful in battle
Thank you for being willing to share your story. So many Christian parents are dealing with similar situations. God bless you. Keep on telling your story to young people!!!!!
I have an auntie who’s into this, deep. She doesn’t claim it’s “new age” she’s getting deeper and deeper. I’m afraid for her. I’ve dappled in New Age and the LORD literally snatched me from that quick by his great mercy
This testimony is the absolute truth. I have lived through this as well and am so thankful that I have found my way back to our Heavenly Father through Jesus
Hallelujah 🙌🏽✝️🕊 I too have a history of witchcraft and other sins. Jesus saved me and I am a new creation. Thank you Lord for your Love, your grace, your mercy, and most of all your sacrifice!! You are Lord or lords and King of kings 🛐
Just so much deception creeping in through spiritual immaturity.....I got stuck in heaviness & depression because I was believing lies from the enemy. My home & work life were growing resentfulness & bitterness. The breeding ground for the enemy. I was going through this for 8 years. When it started I wasn't going to church....but around 4yrs in I went back to church because it was getting worse instead of better. It still took 4 more years. Jesus was revealing issues along the way so HE didn't leave me completely alone. This past year is when things are really changing for the better. TRUSTING & OBEYING HIM ARE THE KEY TO THIS RELATIONSHIP! HE REALLY DOES WANT WHAT'S BEST FOR ME ❤
This is such an amazingly powerful testimony of the saving grace of God. I do want to add for anyone watching that may suffer with depression, that while an instantaneous deliverance is possible, it doesn’t happen that way for everyone. Sometimes its a continuous process of prayer, repentance, community, and the working of the Holy Spirit that takes away the depression over time. Sometimes it looks like removing yourself from situations, and sometimes even getting professional help, all guided by prayer and the Holy Spirit. Just want to add this in case anyone feels discouraged that they have also been praying for deliverance but it hasn’t fully come yet. With love 💛
If anyone is going to get professional help, most people are okay but I've had personal experiences of being abused by psychiatrists and counsellors. That doesn't mean this will happen for everybody but please be careful. I prefer to receive counselling from my current church. So far so good! I only visit the doctor if I have a verifiable physical issue that can be fixed in a tangible way. Any spiritual issues don't get sorted out at the doctors. Most doctors do not help with spiritual healing.
Speak with authority ma’am! 🙌🏾😩…I can identify with a lot of this personally and I have relatives involved with this…so this hits home and everytime I watch a testimony like this I feel more hope. And this testimony in particular brought to light some things I need to do for myself.
I remember having panic attacks for also practicing these things and i also remember that morning that i called out to Jesus and He showed up. Powerful testimony thank you for sharing so many will be delivered.
Only God knows the map of your life and you have to let him guide you. Love your testimony. Thank you. 🙏 "Your problem is spiritual".... If only all mothers realized this.
Another issue that I struggle with is COMPLETE SURRENDER...because I don't know what is best for my life but HE DOES. I was struggling in my marriage because of a few issues but JESUS revealed to me that HE IS MY 1ST HUSBAND! Alot of my issues are with putting things in the CORRECT ORDER. 1) GOD 2) Spouse 3) family 4) work
I was contemplating where was the accountability from other Christian friends when you got led astray into Astrology, yoga, etc. My personal experience with similar detours I've taken is I tend to be extremely introverted and distanced myself from anyone telling me what or what not to do. That's landed me in a tricky spot this late in my life but trying to get back.
The enemy works with "intelligence", as in the espionage movies. The introvertedness and lack of strong relationships in the church is part of the enemy's plan to destroy God's people. ("Be sober, be vigilant..." I always wondered what Apostle Peter meant exactly until the enemy had me in a stranglehold.) Intercessors are needed in the church, to contend for souls. I love the NT letters, these issues are mentioned in them.
I love what she has to say at the end in regards to the wisdom and advice! She is so matter-of-fact yet understanding and affectionate. She radiates LOVE!!! Thank YOU, Jesus!!!!! Witchcraft is so dangerous even today. It does nothing but destroy-a trademark of the adversary! First-hand witness here… It’s too dangerous to treat lightly. But we have a promise! Yes, those who call on the Name of the LORD SHALL be saved! Saved from the bondage and chains of witchcraft and evil, in Jesus’ Name!!!!
Thank you for your testimony! You’re so right about the New Age turning on you. I am so grateful to God for revealing His goodness to me and deeming me worthy of saving. He’s working right now and I am in spiritual warfare because I’m choosing to repent and dedicate my life to Jesus! I was on the fence about keeping some crystals I felt were good, but God has given me confirmation through this testimony that although crystals were created by Him, it has been tainted by evil and sin. Amen Lord Jesus!
Hi, I just want you to know that your videos do help people. I know they help me a lot as I struggle sometimes as we all do. It's good to know and reaffirm our love and trust in Jesus Christ together as his children.
Love this !! I GOT BAPTIZED last year in June and let me tell you, the moment I CUT OFF ties with “my zodiac” them demons literally mentally were attacking me for that. In the name of Jesus I great now💞
This came up on my UA-cam as soon as I turned TV on, I had to watch. I felt the same when I did this Inner Engineering course with Sadhguru in October- instead of chanting I started to pray. It didn’t go well with my soul. Everything about your story relates to me- even those bad habits. Thank you for being courageous and sharing. I’ve got some work to do. 💪
@@delafetestimonies most definitely. I love hearing other people testimonies. It’s so amazing. Especially the ones that resonate with me and what I may possibly be going through at that time. It’s like if God delivered them from that then surely he will deliver me from it so it’s a blessing to have a channel like this 🥰
I'm struggling right now, I just want to be filled with the holy spirit again. I pushed God away for years. Then Jesus reminded me of his love for me, and I was on fire for a couple of weeks, I can feel the looming sinfulness feeling that you're not supposed to this anymore but then I'm living in conitnious Sin, there is a battle going on spiritually in my mind and tugging my heart. I know what Jesus's love felt ashamed as I was, I cried and felt his awesomeness because he is. Even the filth that I was to him, he still freaking loved me!? As I type this he is pouring his love for me again, and it's so awesome. God, I'm so sorry for being the sinner that I am. I want to be close to you all the time and feel you fully. In Jesus' name, I pray, amen.
Amazing testimony Tailah. Thank you for bringing up and uncovering the tricky ways of the devil, his deception on how he lies and counterfeit our Creator. For sure there was a huge battle in the spiritual and also in your real life. This is with all of us. Until we totally surrender all of us and all of our lives to God and follow Jesus. “ If you love Me , you will obey My commandments “. We know what is right and the moment we decide not to do it is when we fall and go the opposite direction from God. It may take so long time, but in the end we can’t ignore His calling to us we can’t live without Him because we belong in His love. You are a healer sister and you can prophecy. Many will come to know Jesus through you. Glory be to our heavenly father God forever and ever amen 🙏
After watching so many testimonies, I could see that the devil attacks in so many ways. And what I take from every testimony is that we’re living in a spiritual battle or war for souls. And there’s only two places for it to go, neither heaven or hell . Jesus, thank you father for never giving up on us. Love you, Father.🙏🏽
Hey I just wanted to inform you, I received an ad on a separate UA-cam video and they used this girl through AI to promote a health benefit with blood sugar levels or something in that regard. It was a direct clip of your video, but they used CGI to change her mouth movement and placed another woman's voice over the top of her. I clicked skip on the video before reporting but I figured I would share this in respect for your and her privacy and hopefully others will see this as well to help prevent those types of things from happening. Hope this is helpful.
My mom started mixing religions. Our lives fell apart more after that. She let anger and pain over take her. I watched my loving and patient moma disappear. I'm 30 years old and I can't be in contact with her. She's so worried about trying to get me to "remember the past right" that she can't move forward. I miss my loving mom so much.
Ammeennnn sister praise God amen so glad he's moving for you amen. I come from new age. These testimonies helped bring me out !!! Hearing my brothers and sisters stories have helped me realize so much. Amen God is so good. All new age has to go. Amen in Jesus name
God is using this channel greatly. God bless you more. I wish Christian were more comfortable with sharing their testimony but everyone is quiet and the church needs to hear testimonies. #I have decided to follow Jesus ❤️🙏
There’s unfortunately many many worldly Christians that are not in Christ. Just because you go to church and listen to Christian music does NOT make you a Christian. Praise God Holy Spirit convicted her and became a born again believer! 🙌
Tip for the reader: Always remember that God never confuses; it is the devil that does. When Jesus said to Thomas: I am the truth, the way and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me (John 14:6) He also was speaking us 🙏🏽 Thank you for this beautiful testimony ❤
AMEN!! Thank u for telling this amazing testimony !!! I pray everyday to be just as strong in commanding just like your mom. She is truly a warrior in Christ. I was war for my children just the same . God bless u my sister in Christ 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽
Please pray for my brother, Joe… the devil has attacked his life, he lost his good paying job due to events that the devil put in place, he is filled with anxiety and depression, he has lost his family and feels hopeless… he is on the verge of being homeless…
Thank you for sharing your story ❤ it will reach and bring many people to know Christ.. I have been a what you said christian witch and threw out all my devination tools a few weeks ago, gave up thc products and have recently over Christmas found a church I call home.. I have taught all the spiritual garbage to my children and I bought them up to believe in it and I can only hope and pray they relinquish this evil foolishness I taught them and come to know Christ as I am. God bless you.
Hi Family! Thank you for watching. We appreciate your support. Here are some links to help you with your next step:
🤝Donate: bit.ly/48NJAm4
💬Submit Your Testimony: bit.ly/46CzWBn
New age is very scary and so commercialized. They make astrology and tarot seem comforting. It’s absolutely scary and I have a similar testimony. I used to have terrible anxiety and depression. Jesus is the ONLY cure! 🙌🏼❤️
It's also "cheap" too. You can find all these new age books and materials at places like FiveBelow. They really target the youth and the poor. It's sad.
It’s very scary. I’m happy to be saved by Jesus. God bless you
Yes! But this poor woman now preaches deliverance ministries.... claiming she can cast out demons.
New ageism with a jesus label.
I have been obsessed with tarot for 3 years, same story here, no wonder I felt depressed and empty, I now have stopped watching it and just watching worship and listening to music that is godly. I feel relieved. But I’m only 2 weeks into my walk I need to stay strong 💪 🙏🙏
Wow all glory to God. And if you are not yet, please plug into a bible based local church so you can be part of a community that will help you grow in this journey.
PRAISE GOD! Keep your eyes on Jesus. ❤
Tarot Cards Lie🤬
They Lead You Down The Wrong Path👽👹👿
Pray and ask Yeshua for His Will To Be Done in Your Life ✝😇🥰
He Wants Your Full Attention and He Wants You to Trust in HIm, He Loves You 💚💛🧡❤💙💜
The Gospel: 1st Corinthians 15 1-4 🥰
Females can never be satisfied with not knowing. That’s why most witches and psychics are females
I usually listen to some kind of political podcast in the morning on my way to work, but I clicked your testimony. As I was driving I was smoking a cigarillo and when u started talking about the spirit of anxiety casting out I began to see shapes in the road and felt an evil presence and knew I needed to repent I threw my smoke out and prayed Lord I ask that you cast this demon out of me in Jesus name I repent of smoking and I started coughing and tears came in my eyes it felt like I was going to vomit but now I can breathe clearly and I feel connected to God.
as I am aware of, demons coming out can manifest itself by caughing
Amen brother, let’s go! I just stopped vaping 2 days ago, been praying to Holy Spirit anytime I feel tempted. He’s helping me overcome this addiction. He’s already helped me quit alcohol, drugs, and porn… vaping is the last to go🙌🏼
@davidnoonan7893 bless you all .same here just stopped smoking fentanyl ,detoxing was horrible but wouldn't change anything now God is GREAT .WE GOT THIS BROTHERS!
@@ArturoRamirez-i7b Awesome bro, keep up the Good Fight, it’s so worth it! With Jesus and leading of Holy Spirit, we have the power to break every chain! I’m now 10 days vape free🙏🏼
Praise the Lord that you were set free!
A week ago I saw her video on TikTok about zodiac signs being demons. It was at the perfect time as God has been moving my heart to renounce new age. Tonight, I casually checked Delafés channel being prompted by the Spirit and I chose to watch this video based on the title. It didn’t show up in my feed. But this story is identical to my story. I’m ready to go back to Jesus and renounce all the New Age beliefs and practices. Thank you for this message! ❤
What is her TikTok ?? 🙏
@@TrustInYahusha @tailahofficial
Amen sister! ❤✝️
Holy Spirit is timely
Glory. Glory. Glory. I love to read comments like this one. How are you? How have you been since renouncing evil?
I gave my life to Christ in 2020 after leaving new age , I struggled with these familiar spirits aswell. I am backslidden even after traveling to spread the gospel and being very passionate about Christ and advocating for the freedom only found in Him.. I returned to my sun and I am now struggling with anxiety, migraines, intrusive thoughts of suicide.. I am truly lost once again.. please pray for me . The timing of this video is crazy.. I just wanna be well again I miss God
I declare freedom upon you in the name of Jesus Christ. Be free right now
@@christianfofie9028 amen
You're confused and you feel lost, again, with all that Satan wanted to bring into your life, to destroy the work of God in your life. But Jesus is the good shepherd, who even leaves the 99 sheep to go after the one, lost sheep. When He finds it, he lays it on his shoulders and bears it back to the flock, rejoicing. I should look it up, so I can quote it accurately. Go ahead and find out if you were really saved, back then, but if you were, you belong to Him still He hasn't let you go; He is working on you, and He loves you and you are His.
Confess, repent, humble yourself at the feet of Jesus. He is just to forgive.
@@lindajohnson4204 amen , Thankyou ..
How could this beautiful girl think she's ugly? The devil is a liar! Thank God for Jesus 🙏
so true.
I dived into witchcraft, mainly astrology back in 2015-16 up until March this year when Jesus came into my life. What she said about it turning on you is 100%!
I studied and did the birth charts and even went as far as doing Astrocartography which is a world map with your planet lines to show where you’d thrive the most and things like that. 2021 I started diving HEAVY into it and even did the psychic medium reading in person and from then I started getting panic attacks like never before I couldn’t do anything to get rid of them and I had only ever had maybe 2 panic attacks before that phase. Did spiritual baths and all of it started to turn on me, tried to commit suicide this year on new years while I was 7 months pregnant, just nothing was going on for my life until I called out to God to take me away and got this feeling of strength overcome me.
Gave up witchcraft and threw out all my crystals in March and have been in spiritual warfare since 😅
For those who are stuck in witchcraft it’s not impossible to break out of, Jesus has the power to break you from anything and if you don’t trust my testimony or my word please study him for yourself and start a relationship with him. Amen 🙏🏼
Thank you so much for sharing this.
Praise God!!! So happy for you, sister!!!❤❤❤❤
I am SO VERY Happy for you! I pray your child is fine, family and friends. Amen. 😊❤❤❤.
Amazing testimony and thank u for sharing, even tho I’m not into that, Ur testimony is powerful. I believe the demons of alcohol took my daughter s life.
I remember about 2 years ago when I was about to ask this random woman to give me a “spiritual reading” regarding some questions I had about my life. “Am I on the right career path? Should I move here? Is this man my husband?” I already felt hesistant sending this woman these questions but as soon as I went to click the submit button an extremely LOUD voice in my head told me “NO!” I absolutely knew it was God. And the most beautiful thing is that every single question I was about to ask this woman, God answered them for me a week later. ❤
this is why we have to pray for discernment daily ❤
I claim her prayer for me. Breathe your life into me Jesus.
In Jesus name ❤
I claim her prayer for me too! In the almighty name of Jesus Christ🙏🏽 Amen 🙏🏽
It seems like many people backslide right after they get that first encounter with the Holy Spirit. After I got baptized in 2018, I was on fire for Jesus. But after some months I started getting drunk with wine almost everyday and the enemy was telling me “God doesn’t mind. It’s not a big deal”. Until i randomly went to a church service with a friend, and I sat in the front row wishing I didn’t come. I wanted to stay home that day. Until this lady with a microphone in her hand pointed straight at me (didn’t know me from Adam) and said “God is telling me the devil is trying to take you away from Him.” And I started balling my eyes out.
My drunkenness after my baptism of the Holy Spirit was a HUGE mistake. My life continued to spiral down. My health begin to decline, poverty came over me, and I never felt so lost and confused. We are to FLEEEE from sin. Repent and flee. Because the wages of sin is surely death and I could see death coming upon me once more.
So again, I repented and gave my life back to God once more. I actually tried going to the grocery store to get some wine coolers for myself and they ended up busting all over the aisle floor as soon as I took them off the shelf. And I knew God was telling me to clearly “STOP” again.
I’ve learned to stay as close to God as I possibly can and my life will surely yield good fruit. That’s why it’s written stay on the vine and you will bear fruit (John 15:4)
The scales fell from her eyes. Thank you, Lord Jesus. Thank you, LORD. AMEN.
Hearing her talk about being filled with the Holy Spirit, the negative (devilish) thoughts in my head thought, “she said she was filled with the Holy Ghost but she probably doesn’t even know what she’s talking about, she probably didn’t speak in tongues” and she said exactly that, that she had spoken in tongues and how it felt like the whole world looked different after that. That was my experience as well when I first received the Holy Ghost, and I wanted to cry for how judgmental I was thinking and she reminded me of how powerful the Holy Ghost is and how I need to get closer to God again. We all struggle in our walk but ignoring God and putting off reading His Word (like I’ve been doing) makes the walk even harder. God bless you Tailah!!!
Thank you for sharing Kaylar. I’m glad to hear the Lord spoke to you through this testimony!
Yes she’s very very educated in the truth!
🫂 you were so brave to share that ace the more you continue to uncover those thoughts and feelings, the less they will be in your life. Ephesians 5:11-14. You can actually start at 5:7 and it will still be helpful 🤗
Wonderful testimony!
Psalm 16:8 “I have set the LORD always before me; because He is at my right hand, I shall not be moved.”
I just threw my cards away, I was scared to be honest I felt fear but I prayed all way to the trash can. Thank you for sharing your testimony.
Dang… this was my story as well. I did the exact same things. Dating the guys, becoming the astrologer. I tell people before Christ I was an evangelist for astrology that was the main thing I always focused on, it was always the answer. But praise God we’re out of that! Praise God He can take what we do and make it good! He can redeem any situation! We just have to be willing to seek Him and follow Him.
I think the smoking weed and alcohol my daughter was doing for years is what led her to her anxiety and depression, which she tried to medicate with more alcohol. Sadly she died from alcoholism last May. She went to church but I didn’t really give her life to Jesus or I believe she would have been able to battle the alcohol, etc. Thank you for your testimony, it helps explain why my daughter couldn’t overcome.
I'm so sorry for the loss of your precious daughter 😢 These testimonies really open your eyes. The battles are real 🙏
I'm sure you never meant any harm to your daughter. You were the best mother you could be for her and she probably knew that but didn't know how to change her life for the better. You really did try and that's what counts I know it's about Jesus at the end of the day, but he makes people responsible for their children and you took responsibility the best way you could.
I’m sorry for your loss. I’m sure May will never be the same again, or any birthday or holiday. I lost my mommy last year and even though she didn’t do any drugs or alcohol, the enemy tormented her mind with fear and anxiety. The spiritual warfare is real.
That’s so horrible
Going to a temple made with hands and "giving our life to Jesus" are two very different things. They cannot coexist because when we receive the Spirit of Christ we come out of these idols temples. Thousands of divided denominations and carnal sects who oppose each other and contradict each other and follow men who preach for gain in temples made with hands are the MANY not the FEW mentioned in the scriptures. There is obvious confusion and darkness when we follow men who claim to be anointed in some religious sect and the "anointed" guy down the block in a different sect contradicts the first guy. This is the reality of christianity but none in this carnal religion can see yet, they are led by blind guides. I see many really sad stories of people who grow up in religious families who suffer addiction later in life. Some just cannot make sense of the fables taught in this religion and they are under immense pressure to fit in with other carnal religious people. As it is written, we are under tutors and governors UNTIL the time appointed by the Father. The few who are chosen receive the Spirit of Christ, the Spirit of Truth and come out of this divided and contradictory religion when they are raised from the dead, the carnally minded. As it is written, cursed be the man who trusts in man and makes flesh his arm and whose heart is apart from the Lord. Those still warming a pew in a harlot house, a temple made with hands, are not only still under tutors but they are trusting in men and are still under the curse. Of course nobody in these places can understand the scriptures yet because of their blindness and carnality but the scriptures remain true. These fornicators filling the pews are often arrogant about thinking they "chose" Jesus but they didn't and they have yet to receive Him. There is absolutely no understanding of scripture until we receive the Spirit of Christ and come out from among them to be separated unto God through Christ IN us. This is the reason for the division in Christianity, they can debate the scriptures all they want but they still lack the only Good Shepherd who has the keys to death and the grave. One of my favorite verses about these harlot houses comes from proverbs 9:18:
But he knoweth not that the dead are there and her guests are in the depths of hell (sheol, the abode of the dead, grave).
I just journaled this part of my testimony on the exact thing almost word for word this morning 🤯🤯🤯
Wow, look at God!!
Amen!! Love your takeaway advice! I called on Jesus after being surrounded by demons and threatened by Satan, and Jesus graciously and powerfully rescued me and set me free. My life is COMPLETELY different now and full of peace.
Certainly many people just do not know that
👉demons want us to hate ourselves👈- Because they hate themselves. 🤔 That was a very important piece of information for me, a solid "missing link". ⛓️
Similar to horror movies and how the demons want us living to suffer
This channel is A GOD SENDDDDDDDDDD. This testimony is the one for me. Thank you Lord. Seek and you shall receive
Thank you for supporting! Glad this testimony has encouraged you today!
My lack of trust in JESUS was keeping from HIS BEST...I went through a spiritual trial or test. Fear & anxiety took over my life....GOD WAS WITH ME THROUGH THE ENTIRE PROCESS.
Amen!! Thank you for sharing!
My whole life changed color too! God is so good 🥰🥰 thank you Jesus!!
I can relate so much to her Testimony…I too back slid to a level that almost destroyed me..Thankfully, our Father is so good and chastises us when it’s necessary…He showed me how sneaky satan is..How he slither’s in and deceives us into one compromise after the other. He showed me how each compromise is like a small crack in a dam and as those cracks accumulate, it’s inevitable that eventually all hell will break loose, as it did in my life. It’s taken me 8 years to break off all the curses that I brought on to myself after going to a retreat for 12 days in the Amazon jungle and submitted myself to 12 ceremonies of using Ayahuasca and allowing shaman’s to speak over me in languages I couldn’t understand. I know now that they spoke demonic curses over me…BUT GOD..He has used what the devil thought would destroy me and has brought me full circle, and stronger than ever in my Faith in Jesus Christ..I believe that God is leading me into Deliverance Ministry because I have experienced first hand having demons cast off of me and God shows me people all around me who are desperate for Deliverance but don’t even realize it..
Praise Jesus
Beautiful testimony! Please keep me in your prayers🙏🏽
Definitely Should Get Into Deliverance Of Demons
He takes it all away 😭.....My life changed....he took depression and lifeless living away 😢. I was delivered from all that plagued me. I knew his power was Great. Holy holiness that consumes all negative energy. Full of love,life, and the spirit of God. His spirit is key to changing your mind. The things that hold you back will dissipate. Thank you Father for your will being done in my life 🙏🏽.
Her story is so similar to my spiritual journey as a teenager - young adult, wow. Yoga, psychics, idolatry to romantic partners, anxiety, depression, eating disorders, partying, astrology, drugs, wearing a mask…I just tried to do everything to control my life. I am not the God of my life. I relinquish all control and give it to Him. My experience was a result of my disobedience however a lesson is protection for the future. I thank God for his correction, mercy and compassion. It is more than man can ever give me. This video is further confirmation ❤ I pray for everyone to get closer to God for peace.
Thank you for sharing. I can relate! I did not grow up with one faith and had a universalist belief as described here. I studied psychology, philosophy, and religions to understand the meaning of life. During my youth I rejected Christianity as a narrow-minded ideology. I met Christ only after I was so depressed I didn’t know where else to go. My friend invited me to Bible study and the truth softened my heart to who Christ truly is. I realized I had been deceived before. I committed my life to Christ and was baptized. He saved me from depression. God has made huge changes in my life. 🎉🎉🎉 I pray that others will know the truth about God and Christ so they will also be saved.
❤ awesome and honest testimony!
I'm a millennial all the way in Uganda Kampala, and i can relate to this lady's story .in the new age...... eventually it all turns on you especially when you decide to go back to the Lord, so there is a battle for your soul and that you have to stick out as God cleans you up, i may take years mine took 2 years, but eventually the Lord saves you again, because He is mighty, and He is powerful in battle
Thank you for being willing to share your story. So many Christian parents are dealing with similar situations.
God bless you.
Keep on telling your story to young people!!!!!
I am dealing with my oldest daughter right now.
Same. 😢😢😢
Thank God, that our children were made by God, Himself. He will keep an eye on them but we should pray. 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾
Enjoyed your testimony. I pray many are set free in Jesus name.
I have an auntie who’s into this, deep. She doesn’t claim it’s “new age” she’s getting deeper and deeper. I’m afraid for her. I’ve dappled in New Age and the LORD literally snatched me from that quick by his great mercy
This testimony is the absolute truth. I have lived through this as well and am so thankful that I have found my way back to our Heavenly Father through Jesus
Amen!! Thank you for sharing!
Always encouraged by these testimonies! Thank you!
So glad to hear that!!
Hallelujah 🙌🏽✝️🕊
I too have a history of witchcraft and other sins. Jesus saved me and I am a new creation. Thank you Lord for your Love, your grace, your mercy, and most of all your sacrifice!! You are Lord or lords and King of kings 🛐
Amen!! Thank you for testifying!!
Just so much deception creeping in through spiritual immaturity.....I got stuck in heaviness & depression because I was believing lies from the enemy. My home & work life were growing resentfulness & bitterness. The breeding ground for the enemy. I was going through this for 8 years. When it started I wasn't going to church....but around 4yrs in I went back to church because it was getting worse instead of better. It still took 4 more years. Jesus was revealing issues along the way so HE didn't leave me completely alone. This past year is when things are really changing for the better. TRUSTING & OBEYING HIM ARE THE KEY TO THIS RELATIONSHIP! HE REALLY DOES WANT WHAT'S BEST FOR ME ❤
Awesome testimony! Been down the same road as a Christian. Praise Jesus!!!
This is such an amazingly powerful testimony of the saving grace of God. I do want to add for anyone watching that may suffer with depression, that while an instantaneous deliverance is possible, it doesn’t happen that way for everyone. Sometimes its a continuous process of prayer, repentance, community, and the working of the Holy Spirit that takes away the depression over time. Sometimes it looks like removing yourself from situations, and sometimes even getting professional help, all guided by prayer and the Holy Spirit. Just want to add this in case anyone feels discouraged that they have also been praying for deliverance but it hasn’t fully come yet. With love 💛
Thank you for sharing!!
If anyone is going to get professional help, most people are okay but I've had personal experiences of being abused by psychiatrists and counsellors. That doesn't mean this will happen for everybody but please be careful. I prefer to receive counselling from my current church. So far so good! I only visit the doctor if I have a verifiable physical issue that can be fixed in a tangible way. Any spiritual issues don't get sorted out at the doctors. Most doctors do not help with spiritual healing.
AmeN 🙏
Extremely True
Everything Happened Different For Everyone
Powerful testimony! Good lesson for youth as a warning. Loved hearing that She had a good mother!
We agree!
Speak with authority ma’am! 🙌🏾😩…I can identify with a lot of this personally and I have relatives involved with this…so this hits home and everytime I watch a testimony like this I feel more hope. And this testimony in particular brought to light some things I need to do for myself.
Very POWERFUL testimony! Thank you Jesus❤
Oh, I love this!!! Healing only comes through Jesus! Amen!
I remember having panic attacks for also practicing these things and i also remember that morning that i called out to Jesus and He showed up. Powerful testimony thank you for sharing so many will be delivered.
Only God knows the map of your life and you have to let him guide you. Love your testimony. Thank you. 🙏 "Your problem is spiritual".... If only all mothers realized this.
Another issue that I struggle with is COMPLETE SURRENDER...because I don't know what is best for my life but HE DOES. I was struggling in my marriage because of a few issues but JESUS revealed to me that HE IS MY 1ST HUSBAND!
Alot of my issues are with putting things in the CORRECT ORDER.
1) GOD
2) Spouse
3) family
4) work
man, this video came in such a perfect time in my life. I love my God soooooooooooo much
I was contemplating where was the accountability from other Christian friends when you got led astray into Astrology, yoga, etc. My personal experience with similar detours I've taken is I tend to be extremely introverted and distanced myself from anyone telling me what or what not to do. That's landed me in a tricky spot this late in my life but trying to get back.
The enemy works with "intelligence", as in the espionage movies. The introvertedness and lack of strong relationships in the church is part of the enemy's plan to destroy God's people. ("Be sober, be vigilant..." I always wondered what Apostle Peter meant exactly until the enemy had me in a stranglehold.)
Intercessors are needed in the church, to contend for souls. I love the NT letters, these issues are mentioned in them.
I love what she has to say at the end in regards to the wisdom and advice! She is so matter-of-fact yet understanding and affectionate. She radiates LOVE!!!
Thank YOU, Jesus!!!!!
Witchcraft is so dangerous even today. It does nothing but destroy-a trademark of the adversary! First-hand witness here… It’s too dangerous to treat lightly.
But we have a promise! Yes, those who call on the Name of the LORD SHALL be saved! Saved from the bondage and chains of witchcraft and evil, in Jesus’ Name!!!!
Thank you for your testimony! You’re so right about the New Age turning on you. I am so grateful to God for revealing His goodness to me and deeming me worthy of saving. He’s working right now and I am in spiritual warfare because I’m choosing to repent and dedicate my life to Jesus! I was on the fence about keeping some crystals I felt were good, but God has given me confirmation through this testimony that although crystals were created by Him, it has been tainted by evil and sin. Amen Lord Jesus!
I came across her TT about zodiacs when I was started to come back to Jesus and the way she explained it made me realize astrology was demonic.
Jesus perform a miracle in my life and keep me away from sin and temptation
just WOW! what an incredible testimony and beautiful child of God! Amen
Amen; I think my grandmother's and my mother's prayers saved me, too; thank you for sharing with us; God bless.🙏
Hi, I just want you to know that your videos do help people. I know they help me a lot as I struggle sometimes as we all do. It's good to know and reaffirm our love and trust in Jesus Christ together as his children.
Thank you for the encouragement William. We’re really glad the testimonies have been a blessing to you!
Love this !! I GOT BAPTIZED last year in June and let me tell you, the moment I CUT OFF ties with “my zodiac” them demons literally mentally were attacking me for that. In the name of Jesus I great now💞
This came up on my UA-cam as soon as I turned TV on, I had to watch. I felt the same when I did this Inner Engineering course with Sadhguru in October- instead of chanting I started to pray. It didn’t go well with my soul. Everything about your story relates to me- even those bad habits. Thank you for being courageous and sharing. I’ve got some work to do. 💪
What a beautiful powerful prayer! Amen!
Amen, dear lady, dear sister in Christ. Jesus is not religion for you. He is personal, he responds with a touch and beautiful love. He speaks… ❤
Praise! Hearing your story gives me hope for the youth of today and praise God for your true freedom in Christ. Keep sharing your testimony!
Love these testimonies ❤
Thank you for supporting us!
@@delafetestimonies most definitely. I love hearing other people testimonies. It’s so amazing. Especially the ones that resonate with me and what I may possibly be going through at that time. It’s like if God delivered them from that then surely he will deliver me from it so it’s a blessing to have a channel like this 🥰
Such a blessing. I wrote 3 pages of notes. Thank you Lord. Thank you for using your daughter in Christ to so understandably express your truths ❤
Loved this testimony! It really spoke to me. Thank you for your honesty. I'll listen again and have some praying to do.
Glad it spoke to you Laura! Thank you for watching!
I enjoyed listening to Tailah's testimony. Praise God for people who are coming out of New Age and following Jesus. ❤🔥
Bless her. What a great testimony. Thank you for sharing.
Thank you for watching!
Wow such a beautiful, wonderful Blessing of God her testimony great truth 🙏🏾 🙌🏾 ❤️
We’re so glad it has encouraged you!!
Tell it!!! Amen!! God bless and keep you. "Greater is He than he that is in the world."
I'm struggling right now, I just want to be filled with the holy spirit again. I pushed God away for years. Then Jesus reminded me of his love for me, and I was on fire for a couple of weeks, I can feel the looming sinfulness feeling that you're not supposed to this anymore but then I'm living in conitnious Sin, there is a battle going on spiritually in my mind and tugging my heart. I know what Jesus's love felt ashamed as I was, I cried and felt his awesomeness because he is. Even the filth that I was to him, he still freaking loved me!? As I type this he is pouring his love for me again, and it's so awesome. God, I'm so sorry for being the sinner that I am. I want to be close to you all the time and feel you fully. In Jesus' name, I pray, amen.
Me as well. I think all Christian struggle with sin. We all want forgiveness from Jesus.
Amazing testimony Tailah. Thank you for bringing up and uncovering the tricky ways of the devil, his deception on how he lies and counterfeit our Creator. For sure there was a huge battle in the spiritual and also in your real life. This is with all of us. Until we totally surrender all of us and all of our lives to God and follow Jesus. “ If you love Me , you will obey My commandments “. We know what is right and the moment we decide not to do it is when we fall and go the opposite direction from God. It may take so long time, but in the end we can’t ignore His calling to us we can’t live without Him because we belong in His love. You are a healer sister and you can prophecy. Many will come to know Jesus through you. Glory be to our heavenly father God forever and ever amen 🙏
My mom did the same thing she brought home the relationship book of birthdays. God has finally restored me and sibling. Stlll praying for my parents.
I am trusted Jesus now and letting him guide me to the right things, have been caught up in online dating and horoscopes , it is all over today
Amen!!! Thank you for sharing brother!
I have a very similar story to you. Maybe one day I can share my testimony too. Thank you for sharing!
After watching so many testimonies, I could see that the devil attacks in so many ways. And what I take from every testimony is that we’re living in a spiritual battle or war for souls.
And there’s only two places for it to go, neither heaven or hell . Jesus, thank you father for never giving up on us. Love you, Father.🙏🏽
What a powerful testimony and desperately needed to be said.
I went to acquire the fire too 🔥 it was very special. I believe sit enthroned - school of worship was a huge blessing 🙌
We went to Aquire the Fire too. My daughter went to the school in Texas for a year. ❤
Hey I just wanted to inform you, I received an ad on a separate UA-cam video and they used this girl through AI to promote a health benefit with blood sugar levels or something in that regard. It was a direct clip of your video, but they used CGI to change her mouth movement and placed another woman's voice over the top of her. I clicked skip on the video before reporting but I figured I would share this in respect for your and her privacy and hopefully others will see this as well to help prevent those types of things from happening.
Hope this is helpful.
That's pretty scary. Theres no boundaries with AI
My mom started mixing religions. Our lives fell apart more after that. She let anger and pain over take her. I watched my loving and patient moma disappear. I'm 30 years old and I can't be in contact with her. She's so worried about trying to get me to "remember the past right" that she can't move forward. I miss my loving mom so much.
Ammeennnn sister praise God amen so glad he's moving for you amen. I come from new age. These testimonies helped bring me out !!! Hearing my brothers and sisters stories have helped me realize so much. Amen God is so good. All new age has to go. Amen in Jesus name
God is using this channel greatly. God bless you more. I wish Christian were more comfortable with sharing their testimony but everyone is quiet and the church needs to hear testimonies.
#I have decided to follow Jesus ❤️🙏
Amen, she breaks it down so well
There’s unfortunately many many worldly Christians that are not in Christ. Just because you go to church and listen to Christian music does NOT make you a Christian. Praise God Holy Spirit convicted her and became a born again believer! 🙌
Thank GOD for your testimony and how it is helping so many young people!!!!❤❤❤❤Many Continual Blessings On You!!!!!
Hallelujah for your testimony! 🙌🏾
Tip for the reader:
Always remember that God never confuses; it is the devil that does.
When Jesus said to Thomas:
I am the truth, the way and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me (John 14:6)
He also was speaking us 🙏🏽
Thank you for this beautiful testimony ❤
Amen!! GOD help me, in the name of Jesus!
Wonderful honest testimony, continue in the Scriptures and prayer. God richly bless you and your family.
This testimony has given me so much motivation and has blessed me so much❤
AMEN!! Thank u for telling this amazing testimony !!! I pray everyday to be just as strong in commanding just like your mom. She is truly a warrior in Christ. I was war for my children just the same . God bless u my sister in Christ 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽
Such a blessing listening to This testimony, blessings from norway💕🙏🏻
Everybody, Read the Bible daily!
Powerful testimony. I can relate. May Yeshua continue to bless and use you! 🙏🏾
This testimony is very important for people to hear, because these practices seem so Innocuous on the surface. That’s how Satan gets most people.
Thank you for your testimony! Amen and God bless to you and everyone on this channel. In Jesus name! ✝️💜🙏
Thank you for supporting us!
Amen wonderful Jesus Hallelujah 🙌🏾 🙏🏾 ❤️ 😢😢
Please pray for my brother, Joe… the devil has attacked his life, he lost his good paying job due to events that the devil put in place, he is filled with anxiety and depression, he has lost his family and feels hopeless… he is on the verge of being homeless…
Thank you for sharing your story ❤ it will reach and bring many people to know Christ.. I have been a what you said christian witch and threw out all my devination tools a few weeks ago, gave up thc products and have recently over Christmas found a church I call home.. I have taught all the spiritual garbage to my children and I bought them up to believe in it and I can only hope and pray they relinquish this evil foolishness I taught them and come to know Christ as I am. God bless you.
God bless your life. You are a sister in God and your testimony will help change and save Souls for God's Kingdom!!❤👼🏽💯
Love these interviews!!!! Praise the Lord!!
This is so similar to my story! I never realized so many of us have gone through this.
What a mighty and merciful God we serve!