As long as Russia has more altillery Ukraine will countinue to lose teritory . How do you plan to keep Ukraine territorial integrity with Russian army controling 1/5 of Ukraine . Will Ukraine recognize referendums in those "oblast" ? If it does what will happend to Ukrainians that lived there ? Will they be mark as terrorist as Croats army from Bosnia and Hercegovina is ? Even if they lose there home, please don't alowed taking there's dignity !
Good idea
Kęstutis Budrys,, ✨👍🌟👍✨
Supporting Ukraine’s success is Europe’s best security
What does iligal agression mean ? Oximoron ??
As long as Russia has more altillery Ukraine will countinue to lose teritory . How do you plan to keep Ukraine territorial integrity with Russian army controling 1/5 of Ukraine . Will Ukraine recognize referendums in those "oblast" ? If it does what will happend to Ukrainians that lived there ? Will they be mark as terrorist as Croats army from Bosnia and Hercegovina is ? Even if they lose there home, please don't alowed taking there's dignity !
اختك من فلسطين وهاذا القناة مصدر رزقنا انا واخوني الايتام لاكن ينقصني الكثير من المش تركين√\¢√\\√¢√\¢>√\
Only Baltic nations think this way 😂😂
And why is that exactly?