people will do anything for money

  • Опубліковано 20 гру 2024

КОМЕНТАРІ • 20 тис.

  • @ISOE651
    @ISOE651 4 роки тому +2022

    George is an absolut Angel. Gotta love him.

  • @jesuscarreno7004
    @jesuscarreno7004 5 років тому +4751

    I love how you didnt use the homeless man as click bait, you really are changing logan. RESPECT

    • @blitzbeast16
      @blitzbeast16 5 років тому +40

      Agreed 100%

    • @fngkotakidofc6307
      @fngkotakidofc6307 5 років тому +5

      Jesus Carreno true

    • @fngkotakidofc6307
      @fngkotakidofc6307 5 років тому +38

      Hey used the bitch that wouldn’t give up the money and said ppl will do anything for money

    • @justinelias3160
      @justinelias3160 5 років тому +5


    • @nakai4672
      @nakai4672 5 років тому +5

      Jesus Carreno did you hear when he said I’ll email you at the end ish lmao

  • @jarnevgt9016
    @jarnevgt9016 5 років тому +862

    Finally a vlog that brings something to society. Not putting the homeless man in the title shows a sign of good will. Respect!

  • @madelinehixon
    @madelinehixon 4 роки тому +364

    Actually gross to me that those girls didn’t give the money... like deeply angers me to my core over the greed. If anyone I knew did that I would cease to hang out with them.

    • @Sean-xr1xj
      @Sean-xr1xj 4 роки тому +31

      100%. I’m actually heated. Glad Mike has the balls to actually call them out on that. Definitely couldn’t be friends with someone if they did something like that with no regret

    • @BStant23
      @BStant23 2 роки тому +10

      @@Sean-xr1xj Shows u what 95% of the women care about!!

    • @toeb3497
      @toeb3497 2 роки тому +3

      Thank god they’re cute

    • @trevorphillips3340
      @trevorphillips3340 2 роки тому +1

      lol I bet you've never given a single cent to a homeless person

  • @alexd3436
    @alexd3436 5 років тому +1971

    Dave deserves that cash, that really sucks that he’s homeless, +1 prayer for Dave.

  • @jossip22
    @jossip22 5 років тому +5819

    I like how Mike is plain honest and calls out the girls cuz they be digging

    • @itzmrgg6535
      @itzmrgg6535 5 років тому +126


    • @dxd9200
      @dxd9200 5 років тому +24

      ItzMrGG yup

    • @qluvcl5709
      @qluvcl5709 5 років тому +8

      Bro text back if u want to see the texts

    • @milja1406
      @milja1406 5 років тому +57

      Yeah fucking gold digger asses😂

    • @qluvcl5709
      @qluvcl5709 5 років тому +8

      Logan Paul yesterday at 12 pm I texted him on this ig called gingerthegiantfans and I said I hope u win the Russian slapp box and he said how old are u I said 14 then he said is u're.......
      If u want to see the rest comment on one of my videos and I will follow u on IG to show u the text

  • @hithere4919
    @hithere4919 5 років тому +637

    I love that Logan didn't use the homeless guy for clickbait. Seems way more genuine this way. Keep it up 👏🏻

  • @BenDover-iv4qk
    @BenDover-iv4qk 4 роки тому +1683

    And to this day, the women still kept the money.

    • @mr.dylbob8089
      @mr.dylbob8089 4 роки тому +11

      Ben Dover bro why this on my recommendation 1 year later

    • @NiaGeeh
      @NiaGeeh 4 роки тому +49

      No, they spent it 20mins after

    • @Fr0s7y.
      @Fr0s7y. 4 роки тому +23

      Hahaha I'm wondering if they gave it later but he didn't put it in the vlog for it to be funny xDD if they didn't then those are some clout chasing bitches

    • @ramizraja8851
      @ramizraja8851 3 роки тому +2

      who is the girl in the thumbnail

    • @BenDover-iv4qk
      @BenDover-iv4qk 3 роки тому +4

      @@ramizraja8851 im pretty sure thats daisy keech

  • @sonialasseigne7986
    @sonialasseigne7986 5 років тому +1623

    The way that he wasn’t greedy and was trying to pick up what he could but still let other people have it

    • @ktglittertime7697
      @ktglittertime7697 4 роки тому +42

      SoniaAndWhatever PlusNothing; Right?? I think Dave was the only one who wasn’t running around like a crazy person! He was happy with whatever he had in his hands...I’m gonna cry 😭

    • @rebeccaok694
      @rebeccaok694 4 роки тому +5

      @@ktglittertime7697 it mustve been awkward for him

    • @dl3209
      @dl3209 4 роки тому +2

      @@rebeccaok694 true but then there is the fact that he aint as money hungry like the others

  • @jen3933
    @jen3933 5 років тому +478

    Those girls must be cold
    Edit: Also do more vlogs like this they really are the best

  • @kevmaxfly4050
    @kevmaxfly4050 4 роки тому +3111

    Haha gotta love Mike, he wasn't gonna let those fools get away with being greedy, "at that point you might as well not even be a human" lol

    • @pambak76
      @pambak76 4 роки тому +52

      Kev Maxfly he called them out immediately 😂 NO MERCY

    • @Bradmhj
      @Bradmhj 4 роки тому +56

      Those insta queens are selfish money sluts selling there looks and keeping from homeless smh 🤦‍♀️

    • @thelazorzone9269
      @thelazorzone9269 4 роки тому +1

      Kev Maxfly yeah lol

    • @adox1codrav
      @adox1codrav 4 роки тому +23

      i felt so happy when he said that because I was saying that in my mind when none of those bitches gave a shit xd haha

    • @APerson-tb8mr
      @APerson-tb8mr 4 роки тому +1

      IceyYou facts

  • @michaelomglol
    @michaelomglol 4 роки тому +382

    You can tell how Mike was trying to keep it pg when he was saying how the girls didn't give the homeless guy their money, cause he was mad af

  • @trevormcknight6429
    @trevormcknight6429 5 років тому +3553

    To the girls that kept the money and didn’t give it to the homeless man who doesn’t even have a home to live in you deserve to be robbed

    • @sigurdstaloy
      @sigurdstaloy 4 роки тому +13

      @Xilent Mosquito the would be no video otherwise

    • @zyloctal
      @zyloctal 4 роки тому +7

      Dude if you work hard and stick with it, you will be successful. He made poor choices in life to end up how He did. don't give up.

    • @SometimesTurtle
      @SometimesTurtle 4 роки тому +50

      @Xilent Mosquito The point is that it became a social experiment, and when you root out that kind of selfish greed, it GREATLY shows your disgusting personality.

    • @SometimesTurtle
      @SometimesTurtle 4 роки тому +8

      @Xilent Mosquito I think you are wrong, I saw what kind of creature he was a few years or more ago, who knows, never followed, and this beast now is half-way decent. Much different.

    • @GiulianOlt
      @GiulianOlt 4 роки тому +7

      @Xilent Mosquito and also yeah he did it for some views but he also did a good thing so whats the problem bro ? Both got something -_-

  • @chrischros7049
    @chrischros7049 5 років тому +815

    The fact you didn’t use him for clickbait, is just honorable

    • @matrix.3295
      @matrix.3295 5 років тому +1

      used him for clickbait i dont see him in the thumbnail or title your obviously 10 and have no brain😂

    • @fahadahmed7179
      @fahadahmed7179 5 років тому +19

      IDarkIMatrixI do you know how to read???

    • @fahadahmed7179
      @fahadahmed7179 5 років тому +13

      IDarkIMatrixI it seems like you’re The Who doesn’t have a brain...

    • @BandoBoyz8
      @BandoBoyz8 5 років тому

      @@fahadahmed7179 true that

    • @Zanderyee
      @Zanderyee 5 років тому


  • @mindywiley1935
    @mindywiley1935 5 років тому +42

    God Bless those who helped that man. Keep showing ur love and kindness.

  • @aidenherz2467
    @aidenherz2467 4 роки тому +1684

    Low key woulda not talked to those girls I don’t understand why they wouldn’t give him the money

    • @zackwilliamson560
      @zackwilliamson560 4 роки тому +125

      Because they girls in L.A all they there for is the money

    • @kbequestrian1514
      @kbequestrian1514 4 роки тому +16

      Ok but tbh he could be lying ab his whole story, he could go buy drugs in 2 hours. Usually they hit rock bottom for a reason.

    • @kiarar.1219
      @kiarar.1219 4 роки тому +61

      kB Equestrian not everyone goes homeless because of drugs. His behavior did not show any drug dependence. Don't assume things. Now these girls, they are influencer who make a lot of money and have lots of brand deals. They were incredibly greedy. At least give him a portion of what you picked up? I bet they make that quantity in an hour (whatever they picked), so why not help the man?

    • @kbequestrian1514
      @kbequestrian1514 4 роки тому +11

      Kiara R. I totally get that. In the situation he was a good man they should of gave him the money no hesitation. Daisy Keech is all about the money, I agree. I was just saying homeless people are really good liars when it comes to money. He could not even be homeless and just scam people for money. Maybe he was telling the truth but you can never be to careful.

    • @sajasharaf9464
      @sajasharaf9464 4 роки тому +32

      I lost my full respect for daisy to be honest

  • @meerutofu
    @meerutofu 5 років тому +317

    Logan is becoming a better man and I appreciate. And I hope he does more of this stuff more often!!!!

    • @arouras9914
      @arouras9914 5 років тому +1

      Maram Othman he literally had the title of the video when it first came out “girls will do anything for money” he sure has changed

    • @xsk0den666x
      @xsk0den666x 5 років тому

      Hmm wonder if he gave him some merch 😋

    • @argengaming9183
      @argengaming9183 5 років тому

      He will but not everyday what you think he’s like mrbeast lol waste 100k grand for a 5.3mil

    • @kinds6007
      @kinds6007 5 років тому

      I like old Logan

  • @ephremcyron3594
    @ephremcyron3594 5 років тому +194

    this honestly put the biggest smile on my face seeing how happy it made him. good job logan! you’ve definitely changed!👏🏻👏🏻

  • @kapilgupta6538
    @kapilgupta6538 5 років тому +398

    "Gold digger alert"
    Always knew george is the best guy in your friend circle

  • @winterwillow8440
    @winterwillow8440 4 роки тому +534

    I could tell she was greedy from the Hype House drama. This confirms it!

    • @lucypound7899
      @lucypound7899 4 роки тому +8

      looking for this comment

    • @MM-hl5ne
      @MM-hl5ne 4 роки тому

      @@lucypound7899 YEEEEEEE

    • @michaelbronson7410
      @michaelbronson7410 3 роки тому +2

      Daisy Keech.. and she has an onlyfans now and definitely makes more than anyone else in this video, including Logan!

    • @jirengrey4140
      @jirengrey4140 2 роки тому

      @@michaelbronson7410 She ain't making more money than Logan lmao

  • @xq3
    @xq3 5 років тому +173

    I hate those girls that just shamelessly hid and kept the money when they are so fortunate to have good food clothes and a home. They didn't give it to the man who really works hard and is in a bad situation. Imagine being the person to get all that money and hide it in the face of a homeless person. Mike called them out but they didnt do anything. I hope they realize their mistake and change in the future. Sometimes people aren't grateful for what they have because they have never been in a situation without it. I hope they soon realize this.

    • @antwto8784
      @antwto8784 5 років тому +9

      works hard??

    • @Pho_Q
      @Pho_Q 5 років тому +10

      @@antwto8784 Yeah ikr lol. Still don't agree how they kept the money, though.

    • @lsd-rickb-1728
      @lsd-rickb-1728 5 років тому +11

      Those girls are fucking selfish basic Instagram thots smh😒😔 they make more than that per basic Instagram selfie wtf

    • @dylanwolger1368
      @dylanwolger1368 5 років тому +2

      LSD-Rick B-172 i don’t blame them

    • @lsd-rickb-1728
      @lsd-rickb-1728 5 років тому +6

      I fucking hate this generation with thots being fake and selfish

  • @josephsargent2737
    @josephsargent2737 5 років тому +287

    I have so much respect for you for not clickbaiting this. Nice job :)

    • @stinkyudon
      @stinkyudon 5 років тому +2

      yea this wasn't a clickbait if you guys really watched it😂

    • @vlogstation1463
      @vlogstation1463 5 років тому

  • @samanthaw23
    @samanthaw23 5 років тому +550

    Mike is 100% right. Glad he said it. I get that there are gold diggers out there but there is a homeless man right in front of you and you clearly don’t need the money. 🙄 Disgusting

  • @robinsimon764
    @robinsimon764 4 роки тому +66

    I'm actually disgusted about the fact that these 2 selfish girls didn't give their money to the homeless guy. Smh

  • @CINDYakaHondagirl92
    @CINDYakaHondagirl92 5 років тому +566

    I loved how Logan knew that George was going to give the money first.

    • @itsredd2460
      @itsredd2460 5 років тому +2

      Honestly it's probably scripted

    • @teamnf6369
      @teamnf6369 5 років тому +19

      Its REDD damn dude can’t do nothing nice without it being “scripted” 🤦🏾‍♂️

    • @kjmmd5758
      @kjmmd5758 5 років тому +15

      @@itsredd2460 They know each other for long time, Logan knows how his friends are. If it was scripted how come those two girls didn't give the money

    • @itsredd2460
      @itsredd2460 5 років тому +1

      @@teamnf6369 well come on man the dude was wearing clothes and looked like he probably had a ok paying job and at least an apartment if its not then good on Logan, I'm just saying there's a possibility

    • @yoursimenthusiast8721
      @yoursimenthusiast8721 5 років тому +11

      @@itsredd2460 so all homeless people have to be fucking naked then? and look the part? theres a quota for being poor now ass hole...? 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️.. 🖕🏻fuck your shit

  • @legostarwarsgang6986
    @legostarwarsgang6986 4 роки тому +836

    I like how the girls were laughing when he explained that there bad people instead of giving him the money.

  • @TheBrownBebe
    @TheBrownBebe 5 років тому +144

    Lol totally knew George would go first, and Mark 2nd... hahaha good on Mike for calling the girls out 😂

  • @shruti640
    @shruti640 4 роки тому +228

    honestly after watching this daisy probably deserved what happened with her. i was 100% her side but now... nah man. how can someone be so selfish ion understand

    • @vladimirpetrov7530
      @vladimirpetrov7530 4 роки тому +6

      @ido lumerman Nothing, she lives in a 23 mil. dollar mansion now lol.

    • @cyph3rshrill357
      @cyph3rshrill357 4 роки тому

      ido lumerman something happened with her and AB

    • @lemaukatsu
      @lemaukatsu 4 роки тому +1

      @@vladimirpetrov7530 simp

    • @Bryan-jj3if
      @Bryan-jj3if 4 роки тому +9

      @@lemaukatsu you don't know how to use that word

    • @sophia3vans
      @sophia3vans 4 роки тому

      nice pfp

  • @ph4nt0mplayz34
    @ph4nt0mplayz34 5 років тому +132

    I'm genuinely so happy for Dave, It melts my heart to see him smile and be happy.

  • @mr.woofwolf5852
    @mr.woofwolf5852 5 років тому +390

    Them girls be way cold hearted

    • @lqmnhzm
      @lqmnhzm 5 років тому +4

      One of the girls used her money that she got to give one of her family that is homeless . So yeah bro dont judge her unless you know the fullstory

    • @rxd_tulips8269
      @rxd_tulips8269 5 років тому

      Liam South but how do you know what girl? Correct me if I’m wrong but I don’t think all the girls there make money from that

    • @Nick__1
      @Nick__1 5 років тому +4

      The bitch has one million+ on insta

    • @abbyhadley3341
      @abbyhadley3341 5 років тому

      iGamer_X wanna to fucking bet that’s what I thought 😁

    • @Nick__1
      @Nick__1 5 років тому

      Her name is daisy keech

  • @KevinLangue
    @KevinLangue 5 років тому +1843

    This really felt like the old Logan Paul Vlogs I use to love so much. Keep it up brotha!

  • @prongssupremacy
    @prongssupremacy 4 роки тому +29

    He's diabetic man, my brothers diabetic and I know how expensive buying all the supplies to just stay healthy can be. I'm glad you decided to use your money for good, Logan.

  • @Kenzierose93
    @Kenzierose93 4 роки тому +1126

    This is the best video you’ve ever made Logan... And George my man, you’re a good human being, god bless you my dude. Mike, THNAK YOU! I wouldn’t of ever let these girls forget that bullshit.

  • @robertogonzalez8718
    @robertogonzalez8718 5 років тому +693

    I love how Logan didn’t even use the homeless as clickbait

    • @vedantsshni6294
      @vedantsshni6294 5 років тому +14

      Cause he is not like Jake the bitch

    • @gillies724
      @gillies724 5 років тому +5

      He's humble af and he's a Mav leader

    • @thegamingpotatochip1016
      @thegamingpotatochip1016 5 років тому +2

      Yah but he still screwed up a year ago

    • @robertogonzalez8718
      @robertogonzalez8718 5 років тому +2

      You said it “a year ago” and like you also said he screwed up, everyone does maybe not to that extent but shit honestly just happens

    • @thegamingpotatochip1016
      @thegamingpotatochip1016 5 років тому

      Roberto Gonzalez ya, but it’s not ok to do that, ya he’s changed tho

  • @daveeaton5995
    @daveeaton5995 5 років тому +126

    Instagram models hitting a new low

    • @kK-ox7rk
      @kK-ox7rk 5 років тому

      Dave Eaton it was fake

    • @iamalegend5620
      @iamalegend5620 5 років тому +9

      No it was not

    • @gotsnoname
      @gotsnoname 5 років тому +5

      Honestly fuck those selfish fucks smh

    • @kK-ox7rk
      @kK-ox7rk 5 років тому

      I AM A LEGEND they hot though

    • @kK-ox7rk
      @kK-ox7rk 5 років тому

      BboyXposure i would 100% fuck them

  • @beatrizarredondo9479
    @beatrizarredondo9479 4 роки тому +47

    I was starting to think Daisy was a decent person but I was wrong Thomas and Daisy are both horrible people just using these famous kids for their own benefit

  • @eaters101
    @eaters101 5 років тому +98

    Him not putting the homeless guy part in the title says alot about who he is and what he stands for and thats exactly why i like him

    • @jacobw8148
      @jacobw8148 5 років тому +1

      Dj elictrica
      A lot isn’t a word, it’s a lot. 😂

    • @supsoul7235
      @supsoul7235 5 років тому

      Nah, hot chicks and money is just better clickbait.

  • @itsthomas651
    @itsthomas651 5 років тому +864

    Everyone can agree that game of thrones season 8 started amazing but ended in the most shit way possible

    • @xenon6374
      @xenon6374 5 років тому +3

      I think your brain cells have changed n become immature after watching his videos

    • @danielkeane9821
      @danielkeane9821 5 років тому +1

      I agree HI IM THOmas

    • @Timothy_Andrews
      @Timothy_Andrews 5 років тому +7

      Lmao people are salty, if you a hater than why you watching him. Because your a pussy ass bitch and you hate when people grow from who they were into something better and try to knock them down.

    • @jonathangreyling3312
      @jonathangreyling3312 5 років тому +2

      To be honest this video does not really show the changes he has made...
      His mother has made a video a long time ago telling her viewers about how Logan has helped where he can and that he has a good heart.

    • @shilohbrz
      @shilohbrz 5 років тому

      Jow Whats The New Background Music of logan🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥❤❤❤❤❤

  • @tbbgminimet1618
    @tbbgminimet1618 5 років тому +262

    The fact that he didn’t use him as clickbait just shows how much he has changed as a person, too many UA-camrs nowadays will do something nice just to get clicks and views, but this video is how it should actually be, giving to the less fortunate keep up the great work Logan.....

    • @eleettabboo8673
      @eleettabboo8673 5 років тому

      I'm beginning to believe. Not fully there yet tho

  • @cleoa6006
    @cleoa6006 4 роки тому +258

    I would be so uncomfortable if people clapped for me just because I was homeless

    • @gautamkelkar2132
      @gautamkelkar2132 4 роки тому +42

      C'mon they were not aware that Dave was homeless at that point. They just thought he was one of the new friends of Logan.

  • @jorgegonzalez2129
    @jorgegonzalez2129 5 років тому +215

    Like how he didn’t use him for click bait

    • @prathamdingraja235
      @prathamdingraja235 5 років тому +6

      Agree with you, most youtubers put a homeless person in their thumbnail and title to get views and he didnt. Respect this dude

    • @samuellazaro7670
      @samuellazaro7670 5 років тому +1

      Yeah like he just put ppl do crazy stuff for money he didn't like put i give a homeless guy a lot of money that's why we are the best channel on youtube the logang

    • @codysamuel1140
      @codysamuel1140 5 років тому

      You're right hahaha

    • @caderoelofson3102
      @caderoelofson3102 5 років тому

      Jorge Gonzalez good point

  • @jebbush3130
    @jebbush3130 5 років тому +429

    damn those girls really kept that money
    that's crazy

    • @rxd_tulips8269
      @rxd_tulips8269 5 років тому +17

      Jeb Bush ye lol I expected them to give the man their money too as well as the boys, I would’ve

    • @shahidsediqi4051
      @shahidsediqi4051 5 років тому +12


    • @beastgaming3819
      @beastgaming3819 5 років тому +12

      Yea, the girls are assholes

    • @neoastral7950
      @neoastral7950 5 років тому +11

      Gold diggers

    • @calvin4279
      @calvin4279 5 років тому

      Check daisy keech's insta story

  • @lumwu
    @lumwu 5 років тому +160

    Cannot even watch the whole thing through so far. My eyes are a waterfall. George, RESPECT!!!

  • @chloekent4706
    @chloekent4706 4 роки тому +19

    im crying because my uncle was homeless and he died i miss him a lot he was the only one who was there for me

    • @hamdaan4449
      @hamdaan4449 4 роки тому

      So did you give him a place to stay with you?

    • @jersliss
      @jersliss 4 роки тому


  • @jeffreyluna4651
    @jeffreyluna4651 5 років тому +336

    Instagram models Scooped so low! Damn! Lost my respect for those individuals

    • @carson-vi6ou
      @carson-vi6ou 5 років тому +1


    • @Samsepiioll
      @Samsepiioll 5 років тому +13

      hoes will be hoes my guy

    • @sophiehilton6696
      @sophiehilton6696 5 років тому

      Nah bruh fuck him he got like 5k as it is if they wanna keep it they can fucking keep it man

    • @potater9509
      @potater9509 5 років тому +2

      Mynames Sophie you are fucking stupid they are friends with Logan they probably live with him that’s fucking low

    • @tylerzaw1
      @tylerzaw1 5 років тому +2

      yeah fuck them

  • @friskeyyy6999
    @friskeyyy6999 5 років тому +306

    U should find a Homeless guy and make him a member of the Logang and then change his life fr fr

    • @rajmagar3167
      @rajmagar3167 5 років тому +2

      Yes you should do that

    • @skychristian9554
      @skychristian9554 5 років тому +1


    • @justelectronics2471
      @justelectronics2471 5 років тому

      Nahh he won't do that bro even thow he is rich but still every rich and famous person don't do things like this

    • @delaneyrae6175
      @delaneyrae6175 5 років тому

      I agree Logan should totally do that

    • @cremantck
      @cremantck 5 років тому

      Friskeyyy 69 besides the fr Fr part yeah that would be nice

  • @User_hjlgjkuoldtg_578
    @User_hjlgjkuoldtg_578 5 років тому +75

    Who else finds this vlog satisfying after a freaking long time..

  • @sanatchandla6125
    @sanatchandla6125 4 роки тому +23

    Notice how the only one that was not running for the money, was the one that understands its true value.

  • @aliviapowell660
    @aliviapowell660 5 років тому +384

    I knew right away that George would be the one to give up a his money even before Logan said it. George is such sweetheart

    • @ashtenladd2193
      @ashtenladd2193 5 років тому +1

      Alivia Powell same! I love George he’s the best one out there tbh❤️

    • @assyrianmermaid5749
      @assyrianmermaid5749 5 років тому +1

      of course. Assyrians are the most humble and generous people

    • @oRexter
      @oRexter 5 років тому +2

      I knew before they got to that part they would give the money to the homeless guy it was all planned

  • @MarcTerryPhotography
    @MarcTerryPhotography 5 років тому +66

    FAIR FUCKS... You know what man, hats off. Giving anything back is amazing.

  • @KingBM_
    @KingBM_ 5 років тому +159

    That’s what I call Quality Content!
    I loved seeing the people give the money to him ❤️

    • @lilboy1676
      @lilboy1676 5 років тому

      You mean shit instead of 'quality?'

    • @v3jaylon
      @v3jaylon 5 років тому +2

      Lil Boy167 nah, he meant quality. don’t know why you’re even watching if you’re just gonna hate. lmao.

    • @lilboy1676
      @lilboy1676 5 років тому

      I clicked on the video to reply to Logan Paulers or whatever the fuck it's called comments.

  • @Gooso-rg6gn
    @Gooso-rg6gn 4 роки тому +1

    ngl ive been watcing you since i was around 12-13-14 years old ive loved watching you for ages im now 18 and still love you when i seen the japenese forest video i was like shit this is fucked but i knew you made a mistake and everyone makes mistakes ive made really fucked up mistakes in my life logan i love you and you are amazing ive had mental issues since i was 10 and have always looked up to you over vine etc and youtube you are one of the best youtube creaters on youtube i am from Australia and you should definetly visit it. i understand wha it is like having everyone against you and i can tell your parents were alwasy there for you like my parents i got caught up on drugs even tho i went to a private school and my parents were well off with money i fucked my life up but im now rebuilding it i try every day at getting my life back together ive gotten off drugs and alchohol i am trying to get a job atm but would love to do youtube you are an amazing person and keep at it i am an og subsriber and you are an og at everything. i seen how you changed your life after that forest video and i am proud of you the wholde internet is proud of you you grew up and its amazing that you did i fucking love you when i was younger and i still do now xxxxx

  • @samyoghamal9378
    @samyoghamal9378 5 років тому +474

    I love how Logan did not use Dave as clickbait Logan your the man love to be your fan

    • @smoothpanda7730
      @smoothpanda7730 5 років тому +1

      Lol facts

    • @adox1526
      @adox1526 5 років тому +1

      Fingers down ladies; * *gags uncontrollably* *

    • @Alanquac
      @Alanquac 5 років тому

      He's probably jeolous

  • @tannerbaughman2524
    @tannerbaughman2524 5 років тому +451

    It felt amazing , seeing the old faces like Mark and George. 😂😂 Today was definitely quality contact!

    • @zglaqui
      @zglaqui 5 років тому +3

      Tanner Baughman and alex wasabi og old apartment friends hahahaha

    • @kennicole2994
      @kennicole2994 5 років тому +3

      oh hi mark😂🤦‍♀️ I MISS THAT

    • @varennstime6785
      @varennstime6785 5 років тому

      @@kennicole2994 GEORGE OF THE JUNGLE

  • @nirajfernando5790
    @nirajfernando5790 5 років тому +93

    Good job Mike for calling out the girls who didn't give the money to the homeless guy

    • @dominiccline3977
      @dominiccline3977 5 років тому +3

      So true those girls are gold diggers and just plain out mean

    @FFARINDIA 3 роки тому +1

    I love you LP for this. Thank you! Do kore such videos to help those in need. God bless you man!

  • @Melissa-uq8fn
    @Melissa-uq8fn 5 років тому +3485

    damn those insta models really won some money and wouldn't give it to a homeless guy in need?

    • @jackluck7426
      @jackluck7426 5 років тому +19

      ADMZLI _YT raindrops

    • @haadiqazi1913
      @haadiqazi1913 5 років тому +10


    • @seamonkey8435
      @seamonkey8435 5 років тому +131

      They are only there for the clout. I’d be ashamed if I were them. Hanging out at a 7 million dollar mansion being greedy. All they have to do is lay on their backs to get what they want

    • @sexytony7898
      @sexytony7898 5 років тому +36

      Seriously so pathetic of them

    • @TurkandGray
      @TurkandGray 5 років тому +1

      Melissa checkout my channel

  • @slatttokenz2612
    @slatttokenz2612 5 років тому +2658

    Mike a real one for calling them girls out! No capp
    Edit: This is crazy 😜 didn’t expect this many likes I was just speaking my mind lol thank you guyss 🤪🤪🤪

    • @Nick__1
      @Nick__1 5 років тому +30


    • @DM-bu6to
      @DM-bu6to 5 років тому +73

      Some girls a just a complete joke smh.

    • @sudeshnapal1832
      @sudeshnapal1832 5 років тому +42

      @@DM-bu6to money hungry thots

    • @abaza1428
      @abaza1428 5 років тому +7

      i think they were just shy they couldn't care less about the money i think

    • @mikeysarlo9645
      @mikeysarlo9645 5 років тому +23

      Yeah that took serious guts to say that in front of crew surrounding a homeless man

  • @braydinsaxon5830
    @braydinsaxon5830 4 роки тому +1360

    How u gonna be the only 2 people outta the whole group to not give the homeless man who is also diabetic your money like damn that's just stingey...

    • @aryan3272
      @aryan3272 4 роки тому +40

      That's daisy keech for ya

    • @sambranon2926
      @sambranon2926 4 роки тому

      @@aryan3272 yep

    • @madelinehixon
      @madelinehixon 4 роки тому +27

      Not even their money... its Logans. So gross.

    • @BaddieKyTV
      @BaddieKyTV 4 роки тому +19

      Heartless bitches

    • @BaddieKyTV
      @BaddieKyTV 4 роки тому +13

      People like that don’t bring any humanity with them

  • @maluderek3935
    @maluderek3935 4 роки тому +8


  • @pambak76
    @pambak76 4 роки тому +159

    The way he was just standing there picking up what he could get instead of running around and the way he said “thank you” made me wanna cry. Logan don’t ever change man. Keep doing nice stuff like this God will reward you.

  • @rohanmathew6317
    @rohanmathew6317 5 років тому +360

    The title is just perfect, he ain't even trying to click bait

  • @samknight9503
    @samknight9503 5 років тому +258

    When u see Logan do things like this, this is what we wanna see from u. U have the power to change lives Logan. Use it.

  • @99emy99
    @99emy99 4 роки тому +43

    yikes daisy not a good look here

  • @gabrielbedard1222
    @gabrielbedard1222 5 років тому +301

    I gotta say... I really didn’t like you before, but after the drama I can see you really improved and became a good human being ! keep it up Logan !!

    • @kenzaa609
      @kenzaa609 5 років тому +4

      When will you understand that he doesn't need your approval 😂

    • @prajwolshrestha8
      @prajwolshrestha8 5 років тому +2

      @@kenzaa609 lol thats what I am saying 😂😂

    • @rednrg2641
      @rednrg2641 5 років тому +1

      How did he improved?? LOL are you kidding me?? So... Humiliating poor people for money is a good thing?? Good kind people donate anonymously, they give people a hand without making them do stupid things to earn the money. He does it to gain views and subs!! I'm crying and shaking after watching that video. Who the f*ck does that?? People!!! WAKE UP!!! he gives the poor guy 10,000... Guess how much he makes per video??? Go check socialblade!!!

    • @Person-in8mb
      @Person-in8mb 5 років тому

      Chloe helped a lot

    • @sudeshnapal1832
      @sudeshnapal1832 5 років тому +1

      @@rednrg2641 shut the fuck up get outta here

  • @avinashlang5569
    @avinashlang5569 5 років тому +727

    The homeless guy picked up the dollars so calmly but logan's friend picked like they were homeless 🤣😂

    • @abbhhhiiiii1010
      @abbhhhiiiii1010 5 років тому +3


    • @michi7487
      @michi7487 5 років тому +11

      I think he didn't really recognize what is happening

    • @anands6132
      @anands6132 5 років тому +1

      F***k u

    • @noahmo1480
      @noahmo1480 5 років тому +8

      that is why he is poor

    • @GearsOfLag2
      @GearsOfLag2 5 років тому +1

      Drugs are bad man

  • @cambriasipprell
    @cambriasipprell 5 років тому +86

    Awww this was the sweetest thing ever George is soo nice I miss see him and mark!!

    • @lqmnhzm
      @lqmnhzm 5 років тому +1

      Did u know that george start vlogging again ?

    • @cambriasipprell
      @cambriasipprell 5 років тому

      Luqman Hazim no omg really!!!??

    • @lqmnhzm
      @lqmnhzm 5 років тому +1

      @@cambriasipprell yeah . U should visit his channel . The ending of his video is the best

  • @ArmedandLoaded
    @ArmedandLoaded 4 роки тому +7

    Mike is just real man. Lana, the book sales, the podcast, the growing fans of the Night Shift, you deserve all that because you are real!

  • @assassinofthecaribbean9084
    @assassinofthecaribbean9084 5 років тому +285

    Logan just went like full Mr. Beast for this video!

    • @brandonpapesh
      @brandonpapesh 5 років тому

      The Assassin of the Caribbean not really

    • @p3_432
      @p3_432 5 років тому +2

      @@brandonpapesh he actually did just not alot like mr beast because he dosent have many sponsors

    • @tiagoferreira3908
      @tiagoferreira3908 5 років тому +1

      TRUE AF

    • @brandonpapesh
      @brandonpapesh 5 років тому

      He doesn’t need to be like mr. beast or have sponsors. He uses his own money to help people.

    • @dariusjohnson3928
      @dariusjohnson3928 5 років тому +1

      @ logan should do more off this

  • @bajelex5524
    @bajelex5524 5 років тому +257

    Logan becoming a better man.. respect for you dawg

    • @isaactaylor1833
      @isaactaylor1833 5 років тому +2

      Elexotia shut the fuck up

    • @jonheidenreich7234
      @jonheidenreich7234 5 років тому

      Logan pig

    • @persononyoutube5880
      @persononyoutube5880 5 років тому

      Elexotia r u sure

    • @leath4708
      @leath4708 5 років тому

      @@isaactaylor1833 shut the fuck up you dumb flop

    • @X3H3X
      @X3H3X 5 років тому

      I mean yeah we're gonna hold those things against him for a long time, but it does seem he's attempting to be a better person than what he was years ago

  • @zantilo1545
    @zantilo1545 5 років тому +550

    Wow I actually watch him now, the change is real🙌

    • @Naz-2002
      @Naz-2002 5 років тому +4

      Jerk Of All Trades stfu pussyo he sed suin nice uno u fckn neek

    • @cas1547
      @cas1547 5 років тому

      Jerk Of All Trades 👌👌👌

    • @nialldinhooo
      @nialldinhooo 5 років тому

      H N ey uk gang n dat uno

    • @waynenichols3100
      @waynenichols3100 5 років тому

      Jakes better

    • @waynenichols3100
      @waynenichols3100 5 років тому

      Don't swear bitch

  • @unphase.
    @unphase. 4 роки тому +1775

    who’s here after Angelikas video tho 😳😳😳

  • @Daniel-ln7dg
    @Daniel-ln7dg 5 років тому +537

    Please do more vids with Dave. I don't usually watch ur vids Logan, but this one speaks for itself....

  • @justcallmebob3219
    @justcallmebob3219 5 років тому +1866

    Logan Paul: *gives homeless 7k*
    Mr.beast: hold my beer

    • @PixelSwordsman
      @PixelSwordsman 5 років тому +22

      why did i actually laugh out loud XD

    • @db10qlust59
      @db10qlust59 5 років тому +28

      It's almost unfair. 😪 Mr. Beast gets like 10 million views every video, gets on the trending page. Logan only gets 1 to 3 mil. On top of that, Beast gets sponsors

    • @ryanacevedo6158
      @ryanacevedo6158 5 років тому +8

      @@db10qlust59 gets money like that when he gets sponsored and then sense he is MrBeast he just gives it away because content

    • @laughingemoji865
      @laughingemoji865 5 років тому +11

      Logan Paul: *gives* *homeless* *7k*
      Mr.beast hold my money

    • @GM.Donkey
      @GM.Donkey 5 років тому +2


  • @trickyboi8910
    @trickyboi8910 5 років тому +668

    People say that men are careless...
    Edit:holy crap I came back to this comment and saw 533 likes,thanks guys!

  • @cristobalthomasdecarranzaf1197
    @cristobalthomasdecarranzaf1197 4 роки тому +1

    Man, when you do shit like this, it makes people admire you a lot more. Great video. Respect!

  • @ffatima5877
    @ffatima5877 5 років тому +322

    Has anyone noticed he started gaining views
    So proud of you logan
    That's a record for me 300+ likes thanks logang

    • @nikogasic1755
      @nikogasic1755 5 років тому +2

      its the dogs

    • @Anthonyh4523
      @Anthonyh4523 5 років тому +2

      @@nikogasic1755 yea but he is also getting better

    • @DylanPlaysonYT
      @DylanPlaysonYT 5 років тому +2

      Syeda Khan Ana’s subs

    • @ffatima5877
      @ffatima5877 5 років тому

      @@nikogasic1755 I think soo

    • @ffatima5877
      @ffatima5877 5 років тому

      @@DylanPlaysonYT I don't think Jake paul gonna cross his subs

  • @PuffBoy71
    @PuffBoy71 5 років тому +152

    Yooooo Logan he should be your employee... Give him a job !!!
    This made me cry, wow .... Gj Logan

  • @theflashoflife8088
    @theflashoflife8088 5 років тому +746

    Mike was speaking big facts😂😂🤣the girls kept the money. They have no soul🤣😂🤣

    • @odragxn1840
      @odragxn1840 5 років тому +26

      The Flash of Life no they are just goal digger it’s okay

    • @amjadrasheed444
      @amjadrasheed444 5 років тому +5

      Her name is daisy something lol . Anyways she said she took the money to donate to some other homeless person

    • @2718aj
      @2718aj 5 років тому +8

      Shut up both you and mike are wrong to give hate to them. You guys don't know their situation or plans for the money. There is mostly a reason as to why they kept it. Family, rent, bills, or friends.

    • @KatatonicKym
      @KatatonicKym 5 років тому +8

      The Flash of Life Mike is fast becoming my favourite person on the planet 😂

    • @bezirkgaming5722
      @bezirkgaming5722 5 років тому +2

      Ye I know there so ungrateful

  • @dmdksksndbdbfhdndnjs8014
    @dmdksksndbdbfhdndnjs8014 4 роки тому +18

    Imagine not giving the money to him the girls should be ashamed of themselves

  • @charliesquirrell3759
    @charliesquirrell3759 5 років тому +331

    I am mortified by the girls. They should actually be ashamed. 😪🙁. It just proves actions speak more than words... (this doesn’t apply for every girl)

    • @rxd_tulips8269
      @rxd_tulips8269 5 років тому +3

      unreal gaming keep in mind it’s not all girls.

    • @rxd_tulips8269
      @rxd_tulips8269 5 років тому

      dmx dmx ye I get what u mean but it annoys me when people assume every girl is a gold digger lol

    • @ZeroFunTV
      @ZeroFunTV 5 років тому

      maybe they are less fortunate than the rest of the people there.

    • @rxd_tulips8269
      @rxd_tulips8269 5 років тому

      ZeroFunTV ye, maybe. But just because like two or three girls don’t give the man their money don’t mean every girl is a gold digger or something

    • @rxd_tulips8269
      @rxd_tulips8269 5 років тому +1

      Unreal gaming ty for adding that it does not apply to every girl lol, cuz I get frustrated when I see comments about every girl being a gold digger or stuff relating to the subject

  • @trev3557
    @trev3557 5 років тому +135

    Logan I just wanted to say that this has to be the most emotional I've been when watching your vids. By helping out this homeless man I thought was a very courageous act and it was so glad to see a smile on his face. Keep up the amazing work. LOGANG FOR LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • @michaelremleyjr8448
    @michaelremleyjr8448 4 роки тому +1490

    Im poor but I would still give him the money because i have food water and a roof to live under

  • @MrRickydoe
    @MrRickydoe 4 роки тому +1

    Why tf why would you dislike , this is pure kindness from Logan’s heart

  • @AriefAdri
    @AriefAdri 5 років тому +433

    Its kinda humble how you're not using the homeless guy as a clickbait

    • @theyoungone5032
      @theyoungone5032 5 років тому +1

      Because he has a girl in it

    • @flygata
      @flygata 5 років тому +1

      so the instagram girl is a homeless guy? Wow, that was clever of them

    • @adobongbata8432
      @adobongbata8432 5 років тому

      Because he doesn't need money anymore

    • @xxluisflowxx4388
      @xxluisflowxx4388 5 років тому

      Your dumb

    • @gamervoyoger
      @gamervoyoger 5 років тому +1

      @@adobongbata8432 nah man, he has sincerely grown up. he has been working on becoming more intact with emotions and ethics. people never stop hungering for money, only growing as a person contributes to this.

  • @Timmygregson23
    @Timmygregson23 5 років тому +247

    This is the kinda shit that'll get you back on preferred, wholesome stuff I love it!

    • @Dravhs
      @Dravhs 5 років тому

      Dave will be mugged. You can't let him go back after that.... He is in danger ..🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔

    • @VedDhole
      @VedDhole 5 років тому

      No man just give him the fucking money, why are you using homeless people for content. Goddam man. Jesus

    • @Timmygregson23
      @Timmygregson23 5 років тому

      @@VedDhole Hes just having some fun at the same time as helping someone out, this is literally his job dude he needs content lmao, so negative

  • @Idontknowho.
    @Idontknowho. 5 років тому +184

    Actions speak louder than says a lot about them girls. Well done Logan and the rest of the guys 💜

  • @brodywolf3292
    @brodywolf3292 4 роки тому +1

    Logan keeps getting more humble and genuine, it's amazing how far hes come

  • @vStitchy
    @vStitchy 4 роки тому +901

    that insta model known as daisy keech is now a TikToker and she really didn’t give her money away? I’m actually shook

    • @kadenrodrigues3745
      @kadenrodrigues3745 4 роки тому +86

      StitchyXD and she says that the guy Thomas is a bad guy in the hype house but she really doesn’t need that money and they kept it for herself instead of giving it. A homeless man

    • @vStitchy
      @vStitchy 4 роки тому +5

      Kaden Rodrigues fax

    • @KC-nv6qf
      @KC-nv6qf 4 роки тому +6

      Kaden Rodrigues That’s cuz Thomas is a bad guy. Her being greedy doesn’t change that fact.

    • @kadenrodrigues3745
      @kadenrodrigues3745 4 роки тому +3

      K C how is he a bad guy then

    • @KC-nv6qf
      @KC-nv6qf 4 роки тому +9

      Kaden Rodrigues The dude basically scammed her and a whole bunch of other ppl. He’s an ex Team 10 member, there’s not much I should have to explain...

  • @vishal0895
    @vishal0895 5 років тому +140

    That reminded me of the good old vlogs!! So happy! There you go LP

  • @brennan_f2
    @brennan_f2 5 років тому +208

    Imagine being one of those girls and not giving any of your money to the homeless guy.

    • @6uzismax
      @6uzismax 5 років тому +4

      BF2 Futbol bro shut up they want all the star bucks they can get

    • @brennan_f2
      @brennan_f2 5 років тому +1

      @@6uzismax ay u right mate

    • @kylermd1767
      @kylermd1767 5 років тому +3

      BF2 Futbol no lie I’d keep at least 40$ but he could have the rest I’m to young I’d have nothing to spend it on if I kept more I’d give it to my parents

    • @Tommy-he8es
      @Tommy-he8es 5 років тому +2

      i would be planning my trip to hell if i didn't give the money i won to the homeless man

    • @Ben-ou8jn
      @Ben-ou8jn 5 років тому +6

      They are thots...
      Of course they will keep the money

  • @ShadowWhisperer_unmasked
    @ShadowWhisperer_unmasked 4 роки тому +1

    This video shows the real respect that Logan and his friends have for the people in need he is one of the most kindest people in the world and thanks to him I have given some money myself to people in need hope everyone else does the same to those in need

  • @harleydelacruz4377
    @harleydelacruz4377 5 років тому +220

    You should Collab with Mr.beast and help homeless people Logan.

  • @caroltassin4049
    @caroltassin4049 5 років тому +460

    Those girls should be ashamed. Damn good job Logan, I'm seeing a good change in you & I like it!! Good to see Alex too!!!!!

    • @Brucelee89896
      @Brucelee89896 5 років тому +16

      they are gold diggers lol

    • @Luisehernandez07
      @Luisehernandez07 5 років тому +3

      Watch daisy keech explanation. She has family struggling

    • @codyjohnson6427
      @codyjohnson6427 5 років тому +14

      They just there for the money and clout. They dont give a fuck

    • @chicobang7142
      @chicobang7142 5 років тому +1

      Why should they be ashamed they’re not obligated to give him the money

    • @josez375
      @josez375 5 років тому

      Girls: "nikkas aint shi*"
      Boys:gives all their earned money to an homeless person.

  • @Marcelo.Ancerrr
    @Marcelo.Ancerrr 5 років тому +493

    Helping homeless man and not putting it as a title❤️👌🏼

    • @getbuckets5718
      @getbuckets5718 5 років тому +1

      Lol whats it matter if he did

    • @Raven-vx9qz
      @Raven-vx9qz 5 років тому +2

      He has 19m subsribers he don't care lol

    • @taylorstreet1142
      @taylorstreet1142 5 років тому

      get buckets if he did that would make people think he did it for views

  • @unknownperson6781
    @unknownperson6781 4 роки тому +1

    thank you Logan for helping the less fortunate. and your videos are hilarious, keep up the good work my man

  • @mattsmith6284
    @mattsmith6284 5 років тому +317

    This reminds me of the good old days back in 2016/2017! Good vlog

  • @douglasgraham7352
    @douglasgraham7352 5 років тому +328

    This is how many people you impacted today, by the good you did for that man

    • @angryoctipus1748
      @angryoctipus1748 5 років тому +1


    • @thebluerhino5628
      @thebluerhino5628 5 років тому


    • @vereira4048
      @vereira4048 5 років тому

      If u edit this comment to make it something funny props to u

  • @surina_agarwal
    @surina_agarwal 5 років тому +357

    i'm so proud of him :') Logan, you deserve so much
    we love you
    logang for eternity

  • @callum_brand
    @callum_brand 4 роки тому +2

    he is the nicest homeless man ever🙌🏻