Kawai KDP120 Review & Features Demo

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @TheLooking4sunset
    @TheLooking4sunset 3 роки тому +12

    Ordered mine today!

  • @stan7899
    @stan7899 Рік тому +2

    Tony, your presentation is highly convincing. I bought this piano today and I can’t wait to play it, although I am a beginner.

  • @JohnMcGFrance
    @JohnMcGFrance 3 роки тому +19

    After comparing quite a few digital pianos I think this is top of my wish list. I’m a beginner to piano but have played classical guitar and flute for years so I hope I’ll make quite good progress. This seems a model that’ll last me for many years. I think I’d end up upgrading if I bought a cheaper model, but not sure my playing will ever be good enough for a more expensive version. I think this one hits the sweet spot between price and quality. Sadly, I can’t buy from Bonners as I live in France but I really appreciate your excellent reviews. Thank you.

    • @e-nq5ro
      @e-nq5ro 7 місяців тому +2

      hello! did u end up getting it? if is, how did it go

    • @JohnMcGFrance
      @JohnMcGFrance 7 місяців тому +2

      @@e-nq5ro Hi. Yes, I’ve had it quite a while. Really pleased with it. Nice feel to the piano action and great sound.

    • @e-nq5ro
      @e-nq5ro 7 місяців тому +2

      @@JohnMcGFrance thank you so much!gonna check it out at the store first, but i’m thinking about going with this one. thank u again😁

  • @f3nw1ckfamily
    @f3nw1ckfamily 10 місяців тому +1

    Thank you so kuch for this super helpful review. We're getting our KDP120 next week and this is the best video I've found that really shows everything we need to know and get excited about it. Many thanks!

    • @ludwigwittgenstein2422
      @ludwigwittgenstein2422 8 місяців тому

      What's the verdict do you like it. Lots of reviews say it sounds artificial on some.notes?

    • @f3nw1ckfamily
      @f3nw1ckfamily 8 місяців тому

      It sounds like a "real" piano to me, not like the piano toys my daughter had as a toddler. 😄 I'm not a piano player, so I don't have the skills (or natural ability) to very technically evaluate the sound quality. We like how it sounds and looks.
      My daughter goes to a studio that uses Kawai pianos in their lessons, so that was another factor why we chose this.
      The only problem we've had so far was when one key suddenly stopped working. It turned out my daughter spilled her water on it. My husband used the canned/compressed air that we use for cleaning computer keyboards and it got fixed quickly. Needless to say, we now strictly implement the "no food & drink near the piano" rule.

  • @JeffIftekaruddin
    @JeffIftekaruddin Рік тому +1

    Tony this video was superb and mega helpful. Thank you for doing such a concise demonstration. Your playing is awesome!

  • @MercilessDoc
    @MercilessDoc 5 місяців тому

    A month ago bought this for my wife, in white color! She plays, and I'm interested in all sorts of technical things to understand! And everyone is happy.

  • @yellowkonijn853
    @yellowkonijn853 2 роки тому +5

    Wonderful review! Was torn between F701 and the KDP120..this review has convinced me to go with this one

    • @e.s.5271
      @e.s.5271 17 днів тому

      Any regrets after 2 years. I am thinking about getting this model. Also how much you paid? It is 1499 now on retailers.

  • @leyrev7756
    @leyrev7756 Рік тому +3

    I own this piano and I love it

  • @diegoflores1125
    @diegoflores1125 2 роки тому +1

    This guy is the best… thanks for this amazing video (and others). Greetings from Lima.

  • @helenarichard
    @helenarichard 3 роки тому +12

    Just ordered this one, just seeing this now. Wow I'm even more excited. Piano + string layer sounds wonderful, because I love to cover gentle film music and it sounds a lot like this.

    • @HarveyB12
      @HarveyB12 3 роки тому +1

      hey, do you have it yet? im deciding before i buy between the ydp 144 and the kdp120, i dont know what to go for? the kdp120 does sound better however i have seen ALOT and SO many reviews on the ydp144 and im almost defending it... idk

    • @helenarichard
      @helenarichard 3 роки тому

      @@HarveyB12 do I look like a shop? Do you think I own all the pianos in the world?

    • @islaadele1212
      @islaadele1212 3 роки тому +1

      @@HarveyB12 Yeah, I was going to ask her the same question, don't think I'll bother now! I'm a bit torn between the KDP120 and the CN29 (kind of the next one up). Also very tempted by the three hundred odd sounds available on the CN39 but I think it's just a few centimetres too long to fit in the teeny tiny size I'm hoping to squeeze it into. I'd probably only get distracted playing them all anyway. Have you decided which you're going for yet? They all get great reviews so can't really go wrong. CN29 gets especially stellar reviews for its price point, though.

    • @islaadele1212
      @islaadele1212 3 роки тому

      @@HarveyB12 Cheers for the insider info! Glad that the feel is good. I guess an amplifier might be an idea long term? I think the KDP120 looks like the best value for money, nothing to touch it under £1k certainly, and the sound from all I've heard is superior to any Yamaha model in the same price bracket. I'm going to keep saving my pennies (overspent on Xmas presents) and see if I can get to a showroom in the next few months to compare Kawai model sounds in person. Will probably end up going for the 120 too. Enjoy your piano!

    • @oscar_sheen
      @oscar_sheen 2 роки тому +1

      Hi Helena, please tell where your Kawai KDP120 is manufactured and how its been since you've got used to it. Thanks.

  • @hamedsanborn150
    @hamedsanborn150 3 роки тому +3

    Kawai sound made to give goosebumps. 🖤

  • @ghassankanaan1767
    @ghassankanaan1767 2 роки тому +4

    Very nice presentation. Thank you

  • @rafkend1422
    @rafkend1422 2 роки тому +3

    Thank you Tony for the in depth review. I have one question; does the KDP120 have the Reverb options like the ES520 has? I meant like that fabulous Cathedral reverb effect... Thanks!

  • @jolund31
    @jolund31 Рік тому +3

    Should I go for the Kawai kdp120 or the Yamaha ydp 165?

  • @shelleykeating3698
    @shelleykeating3698 2 роки тому +1

    Really helpful review and demo. Thank you!!

  • @skrzypasia8988
    @skrzypasia8988 Рік тому +1

    Great presentation!

  • @jeaneaton2731
    @jeaneaton2731 Рік тому +1

    Very nice review!

  • @xtim0x
    @xtim0x Рік тому +1

    Great review thanks

  • @igaa8946
    @igaa8946 2 роки тому +1

    GREAT VIDEO!! Thanks

  • @martinrakic2404
    @martinrakic2404 Рік тому +1

    I'm thinking of buying this one, just i see in the video if you press a little harder on the keys the whole piano moves, so did they just not screw the screws good or? and is it a good option to buy, cause I've been searching and this one is almost the best in my opinion

  • @villiyo4918
    @villiyo4918 3 роки тому +3

    Hi Tony, just a quick question, can you adjust the volume of the sounds independently when you layers 2 sounds together? Thanks for a great review

    • @wehttam67
      @wehttam67 3 роки тому +3

      Yes, it's easy to do on the "PianoRemote" app but it's also possible to do on the piano itself by holding the Sound Select button and pressing certain notes on the keyboard (F#1 and G#1) that become volume up and down buttons to adjust the volume balance between the two sounds.

    • @villiyo4918
      @villiyo4918 3 роки тому +1

      @@wehttam67 Thank you 😊

  • @alexb8795
    @alexb8795 2 роки тому

    Thank you for the review, but what's the song at 11:40 ?

    • @ndrvr
      @ndrvr Рік тому

      green onions!

  • @Hsinking
    @Hsinking 3 роки тому +3

    It is indeed a KDP110 Plus

  • @TheLooking4sunset
    @TheLooking4sunset 3 роки тому +1

    An excellent video

  • @محمدالخلفي-ط1ل
    @محمدالخلفي-ط1ل 2 роки тому +1

    How you recording?
    No line outputs

  • @jarialanko8416
    @jarialanko8416 Рік тому

    wonderfull.choir and churc organ mix

  • @tinkabell8671
    @tinkabell8671 3 роки тому

    Do you answer questions? Thank you

  • @marcialgenari3893
    @marcialgenari3893 3 роки тому +2

    Video muito bom. Obrigado por compartilhar. Aqui no Brasil kawai é um sonho de consumo.

  • @ellimetamusic3502
    @ellimetamusic3502 8 місяців тому


  • @suk6944
    @suk6944 2 роки тому

    Thank you very much for your vdo.

  • @vcapar
    @vcapar 3 роки тому +2

    Song on 2:40?

    • @angeluzunov6933
      @angeluzunov6933 3 роки тому +1

      Hans Zimmer - The Battle (Gladiator Soundtrack)

    • @KAR3DITS
      @KAR3DITS 3 роки тому +1

      @@angeluzunov6933 You are the best thank you !!!

  • @zezethewanderer1796
    @zezethewanderer1796 2 роки тому +1

    Comparing to CN29?
    what are adventages of CN29 over KDP120?

  • @CorneliusBueller
    @CorneliusBueller 3 роки тому +1

    Can I record myself playing and export that to a computer to make an mp3?

  • @captainprice2346
    @captainprice2346 3 роки тому +1

    I want to know, kdp120 isn't available yet until after 2 months in my country, but is it so different from the kdp110?

    • @alpay389
      @alpay389 3 роки тому

      the newest apps of kawai is not usable with kdp 110. kdp 120 is just a updated kdp110. the arius 164 is better if you dont care about apps.

    • @captainprice2346
      @captainprice2346 3 роки тому

      @@alpay389 ok I dont care that much about the apps, I have the kdp70 and i wanted to go up a bit, I'll wait for the kdp120 because they used another material for it that's not in the kdp110, basically when you press down a Key the sound of the plastic and counter weight is almost gone so it feels so much smoother, thanks

  • @hansrichter2409
    @hansrichter2409 Рік тому

    What is song name of the Church Organ by 12 min.

  • @tentrade2
    @tentrade2 3 роки тому +1

    All, I got this one on top of 520,670,870....I recommend get a 100 USD Logitech thx speakers with a big WOOFER, you will enjoy your DPs so much better....the manufactures can do much with the speakers till you go up to nv5 or lx708 but a $100 Logitech takes care of all your needs🗽🗽🗽

  • @jeaneaton2731
    @jeaneaton2731 Рік тому

    I had a B3 organ , I had to sell it I kept moving. It was Too expensive to move!That rotating speaker is a Leslie Speaker.

  • @Themosthatedman
    @Themosthatedman 3 роки тому

    Hello. I just bought today but i have a problem. There is a hammer noise and reverb on 7th octave keys. I can't remove them. I turned off reverb but there is still reverb on 7th octave :S

    • @mozolewski
      @mozolewski 2 роки тому

      Hi, did you solve your problem?

    • @Themosthatedman
      @Themosthatedman 2 роки тому

      @@mozolewski What I wrote was normal. Since real acoustic pianos sound like this, they imitated the same. It's written in the user manual.

    • @umut2181
      @umut2181 2 роки тому

      Selam, piyanondan memnun musun? Tuşların hissiyatı, ses kalitesi vs bakımından kawai kdp 120 yi, yamaha ydp 144 e tercih etmeli miyim sence?

    • @Themosthatedman
      @Themosthatedman 2 роки тому +1

      @@umut2181 hocam ben çok memnunum. Yamaha ydp 144 ile karşılaştırmalı videoları var. Kawai daha iyi diyor inceleyenler. Bluetooth epey işe yarıyor bu arada. Garageband ve diğer programlara falan kablosuz bağlanıyor.

    • @umut2181
      @umut2181 2 роки тому

      @@Themosthatedman teşekkürler

  • @preknown9258
    @preknown9258 Рік тому

    what is the name of the app for ios?

  • @sarafoxy
    @sarafoxy 3 роки тому

    Turn down the lights. Turn down the bed. Turn down these voices inside my head 🎼

  • @bobbypeck5065
    @bobbypeck5065 3 роки тому

    how does this model compare with Korg LP380U?

    • @alisterthomas9355
      @alisterthomas9355 2 роки тому

      The Kawai has a more realistic sounding piano sound. The strings and organ tones are comparable to the korg but the feel of the keys and the beautiful tone of th Kawai make it the winner

  • @khalidali6637
    @khalidali6637 3 роки тому +1

    Which piano is better in your opinion ? the kawai kdp120 or the yamaha ydp164 ?

    • @juliocesarpereira537
      @juliocesarpereira537 3 роки тому

      Talking about sound is kdp, but on Key action, ydp is better.

    • @DionisisChristodoulatos
      @DionisisChristodoulatos 3 роки тому +1

      I liked the kawai action better in this price range.

    • @mohannedmohammed1326
      @mohannedmohammed1326 2 роки тому +1

      I’m also confused between the kdp 120 and ydp 164. But i guess I will go with the kdp still not sure.

  • @ravinclassical3000
    @ravinclassical3000 3 роки тому +1

    Sir,Can you give me a help plz?

  • @Omar07Shalom
    @Omar07Shalom 3 роки тому +1


  • @gatta1271
    @gatta1271 Рік тому

    the name of the app?

  • @pawelf4456
    @pawelf4456 2 роки тому

    Cannot store setting on kdp 120;/

  • @phildalton6405
    @phildalton6405 8 місяців тому +1

    Natalie Cole performed miss you like crazy not Whitney Houston