Woodworking Beginner: New - Update. This test is only if you want to saw with precision with a miter saw.(test is not intended for rough and hard work). Tips and Test: Very important if you would like to saw with precision. (avoid torsion as much as possible)! Always choose a Miter saw with a handle positioned in a VERTICAL line above the saw blade. Everything must be aligned, slide rails, handle, and saw blade,it is much better this way the blade will not tilt. Because there is some torsion in the aluminum housing . And choose an engine with softstart on it to prevent wear of the gear and worm shaft. It is very important that everything is aligned. Here are some examples to show how the handle must be positioned above the blade. First option: handle vertical positioned above the saw blade. Bosch gcm 800 sj / Bosch gcm 8 sjl / Evolution rage 3 / FESTOOL KS 60 / Bosch GCM 8 SDE / FESTOOL KS 60 E KAPEX / Metabo KGSV 72 Xact/ Bosch PCM 8 SD / Hitachi C10FSH / Ridgid MS255SR 10-inch / Evolution Fury3-S / Evolution R255SMS / Metabo HPT C10FSBS / Hitachi C10FSB / Hitachi C10FS. Second optie: handle horizontal positioned above the saw blade / Evolution R185SMS / Evolution F255SMS / Evolution RAGE3R255 SMS3 . (This also is the case with the Miter saw without the slide rails). (If you want). You can test it yourself at home if there is torsion in the aluminum housing. Step-1. First you make a saw cut from +-5 mm deep in to a flat piece of wood about +- 20 mm thick to this with the normal handle positioned on the right side of the Miter saw (the wood it will remain in place until the test is completed). Step-2. Then repeat this by pushing the saw blade down with your hand or finger on the aluminum protective cover were the saw blade is cased in. Just now only do this without the running engine. Step-3. Now you can see if the saw blade will be positioned in or next to the saw cut. If the saw blade is (+- 0,2 / 0,5 mm) next to the saw cut then there is torsion in the aluminum housing. (test is completed). Step-4. Therefor it is much better to choose a Miter saw with the handle positioned VERTICAL in line above the saw blade. The second option is the handle positioned HORIZONTAL in line above the saw blade. Step-5. When you measure the vertical 90 degrees angle square (Digital Level Box) of you're sawblade don't forget that there is always some torsion in the aluminum housing. Conclusion: Remember this, the test is only about torsion and nothing else how further away the handle is from the saw blade how more chance of torsion in the aluminum housing, you better not go for that. (the choices are yours).
Mas, merek yasuka ini bener2 sma konsepnya dgn h&l. Tp h&l minusnya ketika slide nya di yarik mentok, agak goyang ke kiri dan ke kanan,bs jd hasil potongannya goyang juga g lurus. Apakah merek yasuka mengalami kendala yg sama? Atau merek yasuka lebih kokoh ,sehingga minim goyang? Konsep vertikal dan horizontal pada shaf sliding sangat berpengaruh
Mav mas bukan dilepas mksd sy di tarik kaya tombol cuma keras bgt ga bisa ditarik. Emg seperti itu / ada caranya biar ga keras ditarik tombolnya? Sy lihat mas kan ditarik tombolnya biar dia engga ngunci
Barang baru terus mas, mantaap review nya 👍
Buat menunjang hoby mas🙂
Woodworking Beginner: New - Update.
This test is only if you want to saw with precision with a miter saw.(test is not intended for rough and hard work).
Tips and Test:
Very important if you would like to saw with precision. (avoid torsion as much as possible)!
Always choose a Miter saw with a handle positioned in a VERTICAL line above the saw blade.
Everything must be aligned, slide rails, handle, and saw blade,it is much better this way the blade will not tilt.
Because there is some torsion in the aluminum housing .
And choose an engine with softstart on it to prevent wear of the gear and worm shaft.
It is very important that everything is aligned.
Here are some examples to show how the handle must be positioned above the blade.
First option: handle vertical positioned above the saw blade.
Bosch gcm 800 sj / Bosch gcm 8 sjl / Evolution rage 3 / FESTOOL KS 60 / Bosch GCM 8 SDE / FESTOOL KS 60 E KAPEX / Metabo KGSV 72 Xact/ Bosch PCM 8 SD / Hitachi C10FSH / Ridgid MS255SR 10-inch / Evolution Fury3-S / Evolution R255SMS / Metabo HPT C10FSBS / Hitachi C10FSB / Hitachi C10FS.
Second optie: handle horizontal positioned above the saw blade / Evolution R185SMS / Evolution F255SMS / Evolution RAGE3R255 SMS3 .
(This also is the case with the Miter saw without the slide rails).
(If you want). You can test it yourself at home if there is torsion in the aluminum housing.
Step-1. First you make a saw cut from +-5 mm deep in to a flat piece of wood about +- 20 mm thick to this with the normal handle positioned on the right side of the Miter saw (the wood it will remain in place until the test is completed).
Step-2. Then repeat this by pushing the saw blade down with your hand or finger on the aluminum protective cover were the saw blade is cased in. Just now only do this without the running engine.
Step-3. Now you can see if the saw blade will be positioned in or next to the saw cut. If the saw blade is (+- 0,2 / 0,5 mm) next to the saw cut then there is torsion in the aluminum housing.
(test is completed).
Step-4. Therefor it is much better to choose a Miter saw with the handle positioned VERTICAL in line above the saw blade.
The second option is the handle positioned HORIZONTAL in line above the saw blade.
Step-5. When you measure the vertical 90 degrees angle square (Digital Level Box) of you're sawblade don't forget that there is always some torsion in the aluminum housing.
Conclusion: Remember this, the test is only about torsion and nothing else how further away the handle is from the saw blade how more chance of torsion in the aluminum housing, you better not go for that. (the choices are yours).
Thanks for ur info and atttention
Tolong suara nya terlalu kecil, pada saat suara mesinnya di hidupkan .... Glegar suara mesinnya 😅
biar tau suara aslinya gan,,,hahahahaa
Sukses terus Bang?
Btw bisnis meubel juga?
iya gan,,,iseng iseng..
Pakai dimmer bisa ga?
sama ryu gmn bang, diluar kapasitas potong?
Belum pernh membandingkan gan,,jd belum tau..
mata gergajinya bisa di ganti buat potong besi nga om🙏
Gk recomend gan potong besi pke mitre sleeding,,,bahaya
Tombol buat naikin bladenya kok alot banget ada saran g
Masa sii..
Maaf uda terselesaikan blade ya di turunkan dulu biar g ada tekanan .kesalahan saya . Barang bagus banget
Bisa potong kusen 4"aluminium ?
bisa gan,,bolak balik...
Berarti gak bisa langsung ya bang kusen alinium 4 inci
gk bisa,,blade mta pisaunya gk muat,,
Mas, merek yasuka ini bener2 sma konsepnya dgn h&l. Tp h&l minusnya ketika slide nya di yarik mentok, agak goyang ke kiri dan ke kanan,bs jd hasil potongannya goyang juga g lurus. Apakah merek yasuka mengalami kendala yg sama? Atau merek yasuka lebih kokoh ,sehingga minim goyang? Konsep vertikal dan horizontal pada shaf sliding sangat berpengaruh
di yasuka aman,,potongan lurus..
@@HsWood777ohiya ya! naik turunnya agak berat ya mas?
kalo itu memang sdikit berat,,tapi kalo udah biasa gk jd masalah..tp panjang potong nya bisa 30cm,itu alasan sy memilihnya.
Om mau tanya.. gimana peforma nya sampai sekarang? Ada kendala apa aja Om?
Masih ok,,gk ada kendala..
Untuk cara kalubrasinya gmna ya om.?
pake penggaris siku,,
Gimana fill nya stalh pemakaian bbrapa bulan bang
Amann gk da kendala,,,
@@HsWood777 mantap suksek sealu bang teeimkasih
mas kok saya baru beli pengunci naik turunnya mesin keras bgt dibuka ? apa ada caranya tombol yg hitam saya tarik keras bgt
Pengunci naik turunnya gk sy lepas,,tapi cuma dilubang nya sy kasi tutup pke doble tip jadi nda ngunci..
Mav mas bukan dilepas mksd sy di tarik kaya tombol cuma keras bgt ga bisa ditarik. Emg seperti itu / ada caranya biar ga keras ditarik tombolnya?
Sy lihat mas kan ditarik tombolnya biar dia engga ngunci
Ohhh udah bisa mas ternyata dorong kebawah baru tarik kedepan. Walau keras pake tang baru bisa pas udhhanya pake tangan bisa
Pakai listrik rumah 900 watt bisa gak bang
Bisa,,itu sy pk 900
Daerah Jawa Timur ada g bos
ada surabaya,,liat di toped aj
Listrik 900 Watt kuat gak yaa?
Masih kuat gan,,,
mas maaf mau tanya, ini diameter as motornya berapa ya?
kalau mau pakai blade diablo yg diameter arbornya 16mm / 20mm bisa ga ya?
Nda bisa
@@HsWood777 oh iya baik mas.. terima kasih banyak infonya 🙏🏻
Mas mau tanya bagian yg mengunci naik turunnya daerah bagian pisau itu milik saya macet gk bisa ditarik, ada solusi mas?
Coba pas menarik penguncinya itu,,sambil di tekan k bawah,,pasti bisa..tangan kanan menarik penguncinya,,tangan kiri menekan handle mitresaw nya..
Yasuka diamater arbor brp Bang?
25,4mm kalo gk salah
@@HsWood777 Siap, terima kasih.
Untk ketebalan potong 45" dn lurus max brp cm om
Ketebalan 6cm
Klo miringkan mata pisau 45" itu kedalaman potong brp cm om
Sekitar 4cm mungkin
Berarti msh bisa yh buat motong kusen jendela 45" yh om
Yasuka produk mana y...