+DEE davE Yes, it is your channel. But that didn't really answer "[iP]od's" question. What's your answer to his or her question? Cool video, by the way!
Note to Self: If doing any suspicious activities at GameStop, don't use my GS Power Up Rewards card that's tied to my personal info. This is awesome. Been waiting for this video.
+Kacy DaGameNerd It's also possible that the police could have grabbed the number from the Identification card (driver's license) you provide to gamestop when trading in. All police need are a name (and preferably address) and they can pull your phone numbers including cellphones under your name.
It might depend on the state but most of the time it's illegal to go though someones trash if it's not on public property. Which seeing as almost every game stop is either in a mall, part of a strip mall, or a free standing building. They are all built on privately own property. Making it not public property. I really want shit bags like this to stop going through trash. Dumpster diving is a great thing to not be a crime when done right. I rather the laws not be changed to punish these kind of assholes. Dumpster diving and picking up trash on the side of the road is great for people who want to be constructive or cheap with things. Assholes like this are going to ruin a good thing for everyone
M'iaq the Liar Yea...that person was a lying manipulative scumbag piece of filth. Piss a bitch like her off and she will call the police and lie to try get you in trouble
Except they tried stealing money from Gamestop by selling their trash back to them. And thought they were clever with the "oh btw we got them from your garbage" right as they were leaving and it was too late for them to do/say anything other than to call the cops.
You guys went dumpster diving, robbed a multi-million dollar company of $7, got the police called on you and are likely on some type of record of theirs now; yea Gamestop is the one that really took the loss here guys.
As far as i know; it IS actually illegal to dig through trash cans or dumpsters. I believe that's why paparazzi can get into trouble for doing it and it's part of what a private investigator license covers. I didn't fact check all of this so I could be wrong. However, I know in the city that I live in you can't tamper with or search through any person or business trash.
Stewart Gaming You do realize if the dumpster is in there property it's trespassing and You Can get arrested. it's legal to dumpster dive but if they catch you then you will get a ticket
Ok to all the people who are saying "this isnt illegal why did they call the cops" a few things. Yes going through garbage that is on public property is completely fine, if someones garbage is on the side of the road you can go through it no problem at all, people may look at you funny but other than that there is nothing wrong with it. When it is on private property that is a completely different story, these people are in a closed off section, you can see the wooden door/gate in the background, which is already trespassing and then they go through garbage that is not on public property which is illegal. This would be the equivalent of going into somebody's unlocked garage and going through their garbage, it is both trespassing and stealing since it has not become public property at that point even though the garage isn't locked and the door is open doesn't mean you can go in and take shit. Same is applied to this scenario, just because the dumpster area isn't locked, hell the door could even be wide open, does not mean you can legally go in there and start taking stuff out of it.
dude, thats not how it works.....just cause there is a fence around the dumpster doesnt mean its private property. Its a 3 sided fence used in attempt to hide the dumpster to make the property more appealing. Unless the dumpster is locked its public property.....period
DEE davE That is not how property works i dont know where you are getting this from. Even if it is only 3 sided with no locked door/gate does not mean it suddenly becomes public property. That would be like saying someones backyard is public property or their driveway is since there is nothing gating it. The only things that are public property are sidewalks (most of the time), the road (again most of the time), and the road verge (narrow strip of grass between the sidewalk and road). Everything else is private property owned by either the government or private citizens. Even parks aren't actually public property they are open to pubilc use but are owned by the government which is why they have hours they are closed and even have rules enforceable by police. SO yeah not sure where you are getting this "its not locked so its not private property" shit.
dude it is illegal. they got the said items out of a dumpster on private property. 1 that's trespassing. and yes it s ilgal to take stuff that doesn't belong to you that's stealing. even if it is in the dumpster. it is still the property of gamestop.
Keep in mind how many other people like minded to you traded in that same game and how long it took you to trade it in that determines how much it's worth at that time, sucks you don't get much for it but it also doesn't cost as much when the trade in value is low
+Rickyy Munoz They shouldn't have to worry about assholes climbing into their trash in the first place. +Matt Williams If you robbed a bank for $5, it'd still be illegal.
@2fastHarley Don't know where you live, man, but in my state, we have mandatory intrusions commenced by Gamestop employees who inspect our homes for physical copies of video games and if they find any, then they take them back to GS to sell them.
This is the most beautiful and tragic example of capitalism possibly ever. For the billionaire in all of us that never worries about small things such as feeling poor, like that time you could only put two dollars and thirty five cents of fuel in the car because that was how much change you found in the couch. A modern Shakespearean tragedy of profits flowing in the wrong direction as a result of deliberately wasteful business practice.
+Seaghán Influence GTA 5 has a value of 29.99-35.00 value and sonic can be re sold for almost $20...i would know i use to work there :( they really steal ur money on the used games and trade ins...
since when does cops call your cellphone to tell you what you did was wrong AND why would he ask if this is going on youtube?! Joey Salads was definetly on the other side of the phone
I have given information about customers to my local police department when a theft occurs. We usually end up with all the information needed when we register equipment or they register for our rewards program. I had a customer buy a Stihl chainsaw (that I registered which required his ID) then ordered a part for him for another stihl chainsaw he owned, so I took his number to call him when it was in. He then proceeded to steal a sharpener. The cops called him because he wasn't at his address. Cops likely did the same thing in this instance.
The obese god of tech reviews has blessed you both on this day. Now with only a fraction of his power imbued upon you, go forth and receive many thousands of views. Never incur his wrath however, for he can be an equally cruel god. Worse than Zeus to Kratos in God of War
That was silly of you, you had a wide exit just waiting for you, a clean getaway, no trouble and a nice, free 7 dollars. But oh no, you just _had_ to get that snarky reply on the way out.
There is nothing illegal about dumpster diving. If they are dumb enough to buy them back. The cop was stupid calling. Nothing to see here folks move along.
1. This is fake. 2. Dumpster diving is illegal. It's called theft. It's still Game Stops property until it's picked up, then it's government property. 3. Know your facts before you post.
some people are not worth commenting on,especially idiots that think the government controls the garbage service and stores own a dumpster. The garbage service owns and under contract to the store. once its in the dumpster,its property of the garbage service. Cops dont bother people going though dumpsters as proved by these guys. It depends on state to state,county by county. Check your laws before stating bull shit. I have a friend that works for the garbage service.
yeah I sure do hope that minimum wage employee or slightly above who wasn't trained on how to be an expert in games appraisal and just scanned in the barcodes and read off the numbers got fired from a job that probably doesn't even know her name and she probably depends on to pay rent and food...I HOPE SHE IS HOMELESS...NO SCRATCH THAT DEAD! NO SCRATCH THAT UNDEAD WITH A VOLLEY OF SURVIVOR BASEBALL BATS CRUSHING.....ok the walking dead episode might still be a little fresh in my mind.
Lolno because how in the fuck did the cop get there phone number. And just the way they were talking about it was suspicious. I could be wrong but I don't think I am.
+A. Kessler Where's the proof really though that GameStop threw away this in the trash. No where do we see these guys really dumpster dive into the actual dumpster. It just starts out with them already having the games in their hands. I can literally start my video with a PS4 in my hands and say I got it in a dumpster located near a GameStop. GameStop never has designated dumpsters so anyone can throw away those games. It could have been someone that threw them out because they didn't have ID and/or they were offered very little for it.
+mcquack306 (mcquack306) yes, cause they were offered very little, instead of taking the little amount they decided to throw the games away. It is very will known that gamestop does this practice a lot. their will be times where you will see dumpsters filled with Controllers, Headsets, Games, Consoles, and Other merchandise. The Controllers tend to have cords cut, same with head sets, and games tend to get a scratch on them. If you work with electronics you can actually repair a lot of the broken stuff they throw away. Hell look up on youtube for some people who went dumpster diving. I don't know if they got the games in this video from a Dumpster or Not. I do know that many gamestops tend to break old merchandise and throw it away
556forlunch Could be a 9 dollar loss for the employee. That's almost a loss of an hour's work. Working for Gamestop is around minimum wage even for some of the managers.
could have been a privately owned franchise, not a corporate store, its more than a 9 dollar loss too...and screw you man, this is one the reasons ppl get low exchange return rates when you trade in games..
the cop wouldn't know lol he asked a question lol youtube is a household name everyone pretty much has heard of it especially police because if someone gets stopped for no reason and sometimes even when they have reasons a video of it pops up on youtube granted im not saying every stop does go on youtube im saying enough the police are mindful of it. So to be honest it wouldn't be to abnormal for them to ask though I do agree the call is fake but not for that reason. The call is fake because it happened to fast. I highly doubt the cops would have called them until the next day. 1. Its dark outside in the video. 2 what the call is about is a non emergency(possible crime meaning no one is hurt dying or in jeopardy of any kind whatsoever. 3. the cops wouldn't have called just to ask what there side of the story and say ok goodbye. If cops were truly investigating some form of crime they would have asked them to come to the police station. Cops don't do business over the phone. They would have asked them to come in and answer questions at the police station or at the very least set up a time for a policeman come to them and talk in person.
I have had the police call my phone before both at night and during the day. The police don't always follow protocol whatever that may be either. They kill unarmed PEOPLE of all colors and religion they kill family pets they overreact and have lost touch with all reality and people need to realize people in the military see fucked up shit on deployment only cops see it all the time and could happen anytime so there must be severe ptsd running through police stations that go under the radar because of a strong "brotherhood" almost gang like mentality that every cop bears. long story short people cops are above the law and only answer to other cops. When they called my phone neither time was a life threatening situation and WAS only to get my side of the story... This could be fake it could be real. The logic of "I know it's fake because who would do this" is a false sense of knowledge. The answer to who would do this is secretly hidden right in front of your face all over the whole video
brandonbursley I agree! how did the cops get the guy in the Blue hoodies phone number when it was the dude in the black that gave up his ID and traded them in?
Yung Baby A'Lo She lied about what happened to the police though. Why would the cop refer to them as hooligans? Because the scummy bitch lied to try and get them in trouble.
I'm in a law Class in high school and we actually went over this law that once you discard or "throw away" any thing it is no longer your property meaning he could take them and sell them back
You were asking for trouble when you said "will these go back in the dumpster where we found them"...you couldve just walked out and made a smooth getaway
FUCK GAMESTOP, once I had a copy of Wreck it Ralph for 3DS, brand new, in box, only been opened and played ONCE!, and when I tried to redeem it for cash, they said that they would give me $1.50, ONE DOLLAR AND FIFTY CENTS, FOR A PRETTY MUCH BRAND NEW GAME!!, and for reference my grandmother bought it for me and it cost her $39.99, WHAT A RIPOFF!!!, I ended up keeping the game and I plan to sell it in about 10 years once it becomes worth something.
Retrogeek 2003 the shipping can be paid by the buyer and you only give 10% to eBay of whatever you earn but if you do list an item make sure to go on the internet and learn about "how to eBay" before you sell anything
LOL wait you used your personal Power Up card to do this? Good thing you aren't committing actual crimes, for your sake. In any case, this was entertaining.
If you're a USA citizen, your driver's license is linked to your home address. You home address is linked to many things such as a place of employment. Your job has your phone number on file, which in turn, is also given to the Social Security Administration by your employer for tax and other legal reasons. It's all linked in a global cloud database which legal or not, police can cross-reference anytime they claim "probable cause". Seriously, the government and police can access everything that has gone on record about you from your school records to your first job to your medical records. They can also create and access files about you that you will never be allowed to access no matter how much money you dump into one of those "enter any name for a full background check" services. Invoking the "Freedom of Information Act" won't get you access to these files either. Unless you can get proof these files exist, then they technically don't. It doesn't matter if you are a 100% law-abiding citizen. They still collect as much information as they can every time your name goes through an internet-connected system.
Sorry but you guys handled this like children. "OMG our bad idea backfired so let's generalize Gamestop over the action of one employee". When copying someone else's idea, at least do it in a smart way like OmargoshTV did. He didn't want to take advantage of them like you guys did and yes that call was well deserved with the stupid way you handled it when you left.
+Starwarman1 OmargoshTV did the same thing before but the honorable way he handled it gave him a different experience in the end and he didn't come off as obnoxious. These guys wanted to take advantage, it went wrong, too bad.
silent saucepan I do care. I've even seen SkyDoesMinecraft figures in Wal-Mart. It makes me shed tears for humanity. Now, you. Who do you think you are, whelp. You *dare* enter my domain and I shall feed you to *The Butcher's* Hounds. You watch yourself, boy.
+SeeJayAre Those are the same guys who think anyone who makes a profit off of games is a douchebag even though they themselves make a huge profit on them.
I'm pretty sure that GameStop has a priority that their employees MUST be assholes. I think it's only in Kentucky, though. I've been to about ten different GameStops and their employees are freaking horrible people. The girl in this video was actually being really nice and just doing her job. I could only hope that there are more workers like her.
Yes because she is doing her job and had just been told those games were from their dumpster had she not acted annoyed would look worse on her don't you think?سمسم شي
how the fuck did this end up in my feed?? fucking UA-cam doesn't know me like Netflix does.
Same dude
rightttt same happened to me
It's bs
Lol right.
Like this video if you hate GameStop
+Ipod because I can do what I want, its my channel
+DEE davE
Yes, it is your channel. But that didn't really answer "[iP]od's" question. What's your answer to his or her question?
Cool video, by the way!
+DEE davE Do you have one for bestbuy? ;-)
You can delete anything you want. I don't remove my comments because it's like taking someone's first amendment away.
+DEE davE
I like the gamestop that I go to they always treat me fair, but I'll give you a thums up because that woman is a bitch
Note to Self: If doing any suspicious activities at GameStop, don't use my GS Power Up Rewards card that's tied to my personal info.
This is awesome. Been waiting for this video.
+Kacy DaGameNerd ha ha ha thanks Kacy
+GrowShow lame
+DEE davE what about EB games r they just as bad as gamestop?
+ARAM 123 same thing.
+Kacy DaGameNerd It's also possible that the police could have grabbed the number from the Identification card (driver's license) you provide to gamestop when trading in. All police need are a name (and preferably address) and they can pull your phone numbers including cellphones under your name.
fr looks legit like FaZe Banks
Luis Hernandez I swear
Was just about to comment that.
Luis Hernandez Lmao
Luis Hernandez I thought that was
Why did you tell them you got them from the dumpster???
Because its 100% legal? Nothing to hide
Megasheanster right. Why did they say that? Idiots
It might depend on the state but most of the time it's illegal to go though someones trash if it's not on public property. Which seeing as almost every game stop is either in a mall, part of a strip mall, or a free standing building. They are all built on privately own property. Making it not public property.
I really want shit bags like this to stop going through trash. Dumpster diving is a great thing to not be a crime when done right. I rather the laws not be changed to punish these kind of assholes. Dumpster diving and picking up trash on the side of the road is great for people who want to be constructive or cheap with things. Assholes like this are going to ruin a good thing for everyone
sreggad u work at GameStop don't u
sreggad wait... malls aren't public property? well I ain't ever setting foot in one again
The guy in the blue kinda looks like FaZe banks 😂
ひKing Anthonyひ i was about to say that
+TasteTheRainbow Congrats, youre late by 48 hours!
ひKing Anthonyひ I agree
I was thinking the same thing
Looks like they found an infinite money glitch in real life.
+Jeremy Bierker W
Yasss!! xD
Note to Self: If you sell games, you're acting up. CALL DA CERPS
M'iaq the Liar
Yea...that person was a lying manipulative scumbag piece of filth. Piss a bitch like her off and she will call the police and lie to try get you in trouble
18 bellanca court
Except they tried stealing money from Gamestop by selling their trash back to them. And thought they were clever with the "oh btw we got them from your garbage" right as they were leaving and it was too late for them to do/say anything other than to call the cops.
Since when did shaggy drive the mystery mobile?
I'm dead af
would have been funny if you said mystery machine. not mystery mobile. smh
+Apple- 503 It was also called the mystery mobile in the old ones
Stop copying comments.
oh i fucken love comments like this 😂😂😂😂
Why would the cops ask if it was going on youtubes
I think cuz the lady say the camera when they were recording
Billy Douglas the guy wasnt actually talking to anyone...
You can't record someone without permission
S2DaM 00 you actually can i know it's creepy but legally if it's public you can
S2DaM 00 you can buy you can't show their face w/o their permission
I like the guy on the right who was trying really hard to laugh. Nothing funny was happening but he had to act like it was hilarious.
i knew someone would call him out hes so fucking annoying trying way to hard
+klutch plays (klutchplaysgg) to much
This whole fucking this is fake.
You guys went dumpster diving, robbed a multi-million dollar company of $7, got the police called on you and are likely on some type of record of theirs now; yea Gamestop is the one that really took the loss here guys.
Bryan Gonzalez it's not Illegal dumbass
Bryan Gonzalez trash has no owner, so you cant steal something that has no owner
As far as i know; it IS actually illegal to dig through trash cans or dumpsters. I believe that's why paparazzi can get into trouble for doing it and it's part of what a private investigator license covers. I didn't fact check all of this so I could be wrong. However, I know in the city that I live in you can't tamper with or search through any person or business trash.
Stewart Gaming You do realize if the dumpster is in there property it's trespassing and You Can get arrested. it's legal to dumpster dive but if they catch you then you will get a ticket
Magic Conch Shell only if it's posted no trespassing.
Dude in the blue looks like FaZe Banks 😂😂
Banks returns with fire
i know
it is
The guy with the blue sweatshirt looks like faze banks
thats what i was going to say
I knew he looked like someone but I couldn't figure out how it was 😂
Holy shit, I was thinking that!
Wtf I was going to comment that
Is the driver Shaggy from Scooby-Doo?! 😱😂
Where is Scooby?! 😝
+Dragon Savage bruh literally what i was thinking i thought i was the only one lol
Id get the gamestop chick fired. legally she cant give out YOUR personal information. that includes your phone number. Gamestop broke the law
Devin Gagne to give the number to the police department is different.
He didn't talk to a cop. A cop wouldn't ask if this was going on Facebook. He faked the call.
There was no crime so she did give up your private information without s good reason.
Show me that that law exists
Ok to all the people who are saying "this isnt illegal why did they call the cops" a few things. Yes going through garbage that is on public property is completely fine, if someones garbage is on the side of the road you can go through it no problem at all, people may look at you funny but other than that there is nothing wrong with it. When it is on private property that is a completely different story, these people are in a closed off section, you can see the wooden door/gate in the background, which is already trespassing and then they go through garbage that is not on public property which is illegal. This would be the equivalent of going into somebody's unlocked garage and going through their garbage, it is both trespassing and stealing since it has not become public property at that point even though the garage isn't locked and the door is open doesn't mean you can go in and take shit. Same is applied to this scenario, just because the dumpster area isn't locked, hell the door could even be wide open, does not mean you can legally go in there and start taking stuff out of it.
dude, thats not how it works.....just cause there is a fence around the dumpster doesnt mean its private property. Its a 3 sided fence used in attempt to hide the dumpster to make the property more appealing. Unless the dumpster is locked its public property.....period
DEE davE That is not how property works i dont know where you are getting this from. Even if it is only 3 sided with no locked door/gate does not mean it suddenly becomes public property. That would be like saying someones backyard is public property or their driveway is since there is nothing gating it. The only things that are public property are sidewalks (most of the time), the road (again most of the time), and the road verge (narrow strip of grass between the sidewalk and road). Everything else is private property owned by either the government or private citizens. Even parks aren't actually public property they are open to pubilc use but are owned by the government which is why they have hours they are closed and even have rules enforceable by police. SO yeah not sure where you are getting this "its not locked so its not private property" shit.
go on
dude it is illegal. they got the said items out of a dumpster on private property. 1 that's trespassing.
and yes it s ilgal to take stuff that doesn't belong to you that's stealing. even if it is in the dumpster. it is still the property of gamestop.
+Fallen Deus Dude, there's not talking to him. He is an unhappy person who thinks he has an original idea. Let him have his 15 minutes...
so this is where FaZe Banks went.
thought the same thing bro 😂😂
Holy crap that's who this guy reminded me of lmao
Lol i actually did
I thought it was faze banks
GameStop wanted to give me 4$ for halo 5 Xbox one
Joel Vega #GameStopRipOffTrades
Joel Vega now that's fine bullshit I'm glad we have a disc replay here lol
Marcus H I dunno I turned in 4 Pokémon games and got 60 cash from GameStop
Keep in mind how many other people like minded to you traded in that same game and how long it took you to trade it in that determines how much it's worth at that time, sucks you don't get much for it but it also doesn't cost as much when the trade in value is low
You're an idiot for thinking they would give you something that would buy you a big mac meal.
she called the police cause you told them that they were from the dumpster ding bats
Josh Hagen
No she lied to the police and said they were being hooligans because they pissed the scumbag off.
Shit people should call the police on Gamestop for how much they rip people off.
+Christopher Huber GameStop employee I take it?
+Christopher Huber Agreed. I actually like Gamestop. They're not forcing anyone to go into their stores and execute transactions.
yea they should i got $50 cents for GTA 5 but the sell it for almost $30 lmfao
+Xentricityy88 gamestop PR's trying to defend the company? Or just extreme autists?
It's not illegal, that's actually genius 😂 you guys shouldn't have said they were from the dumpster though 😭
How is swindling a buisness out of money not illegal?
+Fat6amer Look Fat6amer, if they didn't want anyone doing that they could've shredded the discs just like how you throw your credit cards away.
+Fat6amer i dont think game stop is struggling for what $9 lol
+Rickyy Munoz They shouldn't have to worry about assholes climbing into their trash in the first place.
+Matt Williams If you robbed a bank for $5, it'd still be illegal.
+Fat6amer I'm not going to say I don't respect your opinion, I just have a different view on the situation (:
Bro Gamestop I hate getting games from them they like to steal your expensive games for ship as fuck
How do they steal them?
Don't know where you live, man, but in my state, we have mandatory intrusions commenced by Gamestop employees who inspect our homes for physical copies of video games and if they find any, then they take them back to GS to sell them.
Ruler Of The Wasteland are you bullshitting or do they really break in steal and resell?
Yeah I stop selling games to them years ago because they always rip me off. Well up here its Microplay, same thing.
"Is this going on youtube?"
Is that shaggy in the video ??
Wasn't me
That guy reminded me of FaZe Banks
ImSimplyToxxik-YT same I thought I was the only one
RED Tape Banks and Mcjuggernuggets
Nathyn i did XD
Nathyn lmao they look like them
ImSimplyToxxik-YT Q
You should sue Gamestop so you can finally fix that light in your car.
+64BitForLife look at all ur thumbs up, U made it!!
i am champion?
This is the most beautiful and tragic example of capitalism possibly ever. For the billionaire in all of us that never worries about small things such as feeling poor, like that time you could only put two dollars and thirty five cents of fuel in the car because that was how much change you found in the couch. A modern Shakespearean tragedy of profits flowing in the wrong direction as a result of deliberately wasteful business practice.
That guy in the black hoodie strung out on shrooms
They all had big scratches on them I think, Plus the games they grabbed may not have had a big value? Not sure.
+Seaghán Influence actually GTA 5 is worth alot it's a brand new game
+Seaghán Influence GTA V has a big value.....
Jozef Brudnicki that had the huge scratch rings on it , even if it's new it's worthless if it's unplayable.
+Seaghán Influence GTA 5 has a value of 29.99-35.00 value and sonic can be re sold for almost $20...i would know i use to work there :( they really steal ur money on the used games and trade ins...
Dee, thank you for using your seatbelt. A fine, outstanding citizen.
I've been to that exact GameStop lmao
Boom Raider me too
Hey can you email me your kirby profile picture?
Boom Raider that is the tiniest gamestop I have ever seen
Same I live 2 minutes or so from there
I sold a 30$ Chinese PlayStation 4 take off to gamestop for 150$
cool story bro. Now back to reality.
+doc-holiblaze stfu. Nobody asked you
+originally unoriginal who the fuck asked you, bitch?!
+doc-holiblaze What an internet tough guy xD
His mistake was to say the " I hope these game s go back to the garbage back were we got them from
since when does cops call your cellphone to tell you what you did was wrong AND why would he ask if this is going on youtube?! Joey Salads was definetly on the other side of the phone
Jairo Herrera when you sign up with your account
You can give them your number
I have given information about customers to my local police department when a theft occurs. We usually end up with all the information needed when we register equipment or they register for our rewards program. I had a customer buy a Stihl chainsaw (that I registered which required his ID) then ordered a part for him for another stihl chainsaw he owned, so I took his number to call him when it was in. He then proceeded to steal a sharpener. The cops called him because he wasn't at his address. Cops likely did the same thing in this instance.
Jairo Herrera hahahahahahaha nice one
Had to pay $60 to get a game from them they gave me back $3
David Uldrich thats why you sell online
David Uldrich gets 60 likes
David Uldrich they gave me i shit you not $0.02
Just came here from there :3
+DEE davE Did she really call the cops on you dudes? Man.
Hooray for ritch
The obese god of tech reviews has blessed you both on this day. Now with only a fraction of his power imbued upon you, go forth and receive many thousands of views. Never incur his wrath however, for he can be an equally cruel god. Worse than Zeus to Kratos in God of War
+Shin Gai lol
Lol u earned a sub
and you earned a .... thanks fam
im surprised you responded to this comment
Savage Gaming fuck oofffff
+Savage XGaming wat did i do
man, good to see Bank's is back on track
Was thinking the same thing
Bruh 😂
Leaked Audio literally thought the exact same thing
Spent 140$ on advanced warfare 1 month later brought it back got 16.55$ still have the receipt even with the platinum
Rhino Gaming advanced warfare was a piece of shit game though xD
bo3 ditt tho 1v1@Richard Nyomouf
this long haired dude sounds like the biggest stoner ever
+SoaR Dusa hes annoying as fuck.
+Joey Hallstein he acts like a 13 year old who looks 30
+Joey Hallstein once they got in the car, like 15 seconds later i realized i fucking hated him lol
Mcjuggernuggets when he's 30
And Jeffrey lol
I found a juggle xD Better block you For Security
When he runs out of ideas for the psycho series lel.
don't save her she don't won't be save
That was silly of you, you had a wide exit just waiting for you, a clean getaway, no trouble and a nice, free 7 dollars. But oh no, you just _had_ to get that snarky reply on the way out.
Rest in peace Dave Parks.
gamestop rips people off all the time. heaven forbid you get them once and awhile.
+shawn goldman No, because people accept their offer in the first place.
+Michael Greco yes! You understand economics my good sir. :)
+Michael Greco no what? It isn't a rip off? Simply because it is standard doesn't mean it isn't a rip off.
+Subaru Blue no, he really doesn't.
+Kicking Guy Then, GameStops rips money of stupid people.
This guy looks like faze banks
Holy shit he does
Damn Gamestop needs that burn heal stat
I live a few miles from this. I've gone to this gamestop. so this is funny as fuck yo me love your videos you satanic fuck.
+AlphaOmegaSin There isn't enough aloe vera on Earth that'll be able to treat that burn.
These guys are just saving the nature recycling is a good thing.
There is nothing illegal about dumpster diving. If they are dumb enough to buy them back. The cop was stupid calling. Nothing to see here folks move along.
1. This is fake. 2. Dumpster diving is illegal. It's called theft. It's still Game Stops property until it's picked up, then it's government property. 3. Know your facts before you post.
I do know the government doesnt own dumpsters at game stops duh.
scott firman Read what I fucking said again. It's GmaeStops property, until trucks come to pick it up, then it's the governments property.
some people are not worth commenting on,especially idiots that think the government controls the garbage service and stores own a dumpster. The garbage service owns and under contract to the store. once its in the dumpster,its property of the garbage service. Cops dont bother people going though dumpsters as proved by these guys. It depends on state to state,county by county. Check your laws before stating bull shit. I have a friend that works for the garbage service.
+Extremely Boring Names idiot dumpsters are accessible to anyone and anybody can take anything from them learn the law idiot get rekt
"is this going on youtube?
*nods head
+MrCrazy0ne DYING
Next, go to a Burger King dumpster and return a half eaten burger.
+Scottsquatch Do you know JHMDF?
+DEE davE I killed him and threw his body into a dumpster. You may find it on your adventures.
+DEE davE that shit was hilarious , Go Cubs 🐻
that driver has smoked alot of Kush😂😂.. in the past
she called the cops caouse she knew she fucked up by buying games that were originaly thrown out,i wonder if she got fired for that?lmao
yeah I sure do hope that minimum wage employee or slightly above who wasn't trained on how to be an expert in games appraisal and just scanned in the barcodes and read off the numbers got fired from a job that probably doesn't even know her name and she probably depends on to pay rent and food...I HOPE SHE IS HOMELESS...NO SCRATCH THAT DEAD! NO SCRATCH THAT UNDEAD WITH A VOLLEY OF SURVIVOR BASEBALL BATS CRUSHING.....ok the walking dead episode might still be a little fresh in my mind.
TheNitroG1 wow weirdo alert
That cop phone call was fake as shit
Explain how it was fake?
Lolno because how in the fuck did the cop get there phone number. And just the way they were talking about it was suspicious. I could be wrong but I don't think I am.
riley gagne yes yes no no
riley gagne they used their GameStop account which had their phone number
riley gagne no
Fuck GameStop, they offered 10$ for my Xbox one and bestbuy offered me 70$!!! Insane!
Willtrollmaster Yeah righto
Willtrollmaster bullshit
Scott Langdon dead ass my guy
Dan Bing I'm dead ass serious they did
Willtrollmaster any proof?
11,391 game stop employees watched this
why where yall holding hands
they love each other
+Jack Bombers at 8:06
Theyre reptillians and thats how they exchange fluids
+68 mopar lmao simpsons
Shame on GameStop for throwing away all of that material when they could give it to good will, they deserve it :/
They throw away broken games.
+A. Kessler Where's the proof really though that GameStop threw away this in the trash. No where do we see these guys really dumpster dive into the actual dumpster. It just starts out with them already having the games in their hands. I can literally start my video with a PS4 in my hands and say I got it in a dumpster located near a GameStop. GameStop never has designated dumpsters so anyone can throw away those games. It could have been someone that threw them out because they didn't have ID and/or they were offered very little for it.
+mcquack306 (mcquack306) yes, cause they were offered very little, instead of taking the little amount they decided to throw the games away. It is very will known that gamestop does this practice a lot. their will be times where you will see dumpsters filled with Controllers, Headsets, Games, Consoles, and Other merchandise. The Controllers tend to have cords cut, same with head sets, and games tend to get a scratch on them. If you work with electronics you can actually repair a lot of the broken stuff they throw away. Hell look up on youtube for some people who went dumpster diving. I don't know if they got the games in this video from a Dumpster or Not. I do know that many gamestops tend to break old merchandise and throw it away
1:32 "are you guys taking reservations for the new dream cast coming out?"
and she actually checked lmao
"Hopefully these are back in the dumpster where we found them," what a savage.
Its not like the police have better things to do, lets call the cops over a 9$ loss to a multi-million dollar company
556forlunch Could be a 9 dollar loss for the employee. That's almost a loss of an hour's work. Working for Gamestop is around minimum wage even for some of the managers.
+Brandon Francis They're paid a set number by the hour.
556forlunch The store recording a loss of money under your watch can end up in the loss of wages.
556forlunch $7
could have been a privately owned franchise, not a corporate store, its more than a 9 dollar loss too...and screw you man, this is one the reasons ppl get low exchange return rates when you trade in games..
"is this going on youtube?"
Fake cop call how would the cop OVER THE PHONE know they were gonna be on UA-cam
If the lady at the store did know about them on youtube, and told the police maybe? idk might be fake
Jack Toohey possibly
Rejected Crayon the girl probably saw the guy with the camera but I don't j is really. It does seem fake though.
the cop wouldn't know lol he asked a question lol youtube is a household name everyone pretty much has heard of it especially police because if someone gets stopped for no reason and sometimes even when they have reasons a video of it pops up on youtube granted im not saying every stop does go on youtube im saying enough the police are mindful of it. So to be honest it wouldn't be to abnormal for them to ask though I do agree the call is fake but not for that reason. The call is fake because it happened to fast. I highly doubt the cops would have called them until the next day. 1. Its dark outside in the video. 2 what the call is about is a non emergency(possible crime meaning no one is hurt dying or in jeopardy of any kind whatsoever. 3. the cops wouldn't have called just to ask what there side of the story and say ok goodbye. If cops were truly investigating some form of crime they would have asked them to come to the police station. Cops don't do business over the phone. They would have asked them to come in and answer questions at the police station or at the very least set up a time for a policeman come to them and talk in person.
I have had the police call my phone before both at night and during the day. The police don't always follow protocol whatever that may be either. They kill unarmed PEOPLE of all colors and religion they kill family pets they overreact and have lost touch with all reality and people need to realize people in the military see fucked up shit on deployment only cops see it all the time and could happen anytime so there must be severe ptsd running through police stations that go under the radar because of a strong "brotherhood" almost gang like mentality that every cop bears. long story short people cops are above the law and only answer to other cops. When they called my phone neither time was a life threatening situation and WAS only to get my side of the story... This could be fake it could be real. The logic of "I know it's fake because who would do this" is a false sense of knowledge. The answer to who would do this is secretly hidden right in front of your face all over the whole video
GameStop charge to much and sells for to less GameStop in a SCAM!!!!
Gamestop is the shittiest brand ever
brand? you mean company?
+Yard Sale Hunter no no no no no EA is worst, they kill game
+Yard Sale Hunter gamestop: power to the bullshit.
+Killer stfu
alternine no
I bet this shit was fake.
brandonbursley Why?
fake as fuck.... cop not gonna call them and ask if its going on youtube
brandonbursley I agree! how did the cops get the guy in the Blue hoodies phone number when it was the dude in the black that gave up his ID and traded them in?
Skyscraper6394 yes fake
brandonbursley maybe they have an account at game stop which requires a phone number =P
ReviewTechUSA? anyone
Hey hey
choke on a cucumber
skibbidy bup um badap
Oh look , It's the real life Harry & Lloyd.
Well... They were dumb enough to take their garbace back lol
a company that thrives on bending over the impatient consumer, yet they call the cops when someone returns the favor.
who is watching in september 2016
yo yooo
Lmao yes🔥😂
+James of Menifee ima lost boy from never land
Last day of September 2016
Bro she called the cops cause your homie said they were from the dumpster.. that was a red flag
Yung Baby A'Lo
She lied about what happened to the police though. Why would the cop refer to them as hooligans? Because the scummy bitch lied to try and get them in trouble.
No, because a fucking hooligan makes snide smartass remark to an employee who just served you with a smile. Not fake news. ;)
Review Tech USA brought me here. Subbed 👍👍👍
Lady: "ok don't forget about modern warefare"
Him: "oh yeah"
"We found these in the dumpster"
Lady: *pauses*
featuring pyrocynical at 1:50
+Sir. Hemingsworth lol
+Sir. Hemingsworth lol
+Sir. Hemingsworth lol
+Lonk lol
+Lonk lol
Bruh this is genius you guys are really good at your content and it is absolute hilarious. I love your videos. Cheers from canada.
Like they say, another man's trash, is another man's treasure
"One man's trash is another man's treasure" FTFY
way to ruin it for all the dumpster divers out their
ya how dare you tarnish the name of dumpster diver. they are a proud people ...oh and it's "out THERE"
This is the most thrilling 8 minutes of men swimming in a dumpster I've ever seen.
It's amazing. I love this, best GameStop dumpster diving ever.
I'm in a law Class in high school and we actually went over this law that once you discard or "throw away" any thing it is no longer your property meaning he could take them and sell them back
Guy with the long hair reminds me of a 80's surfer dude, lol. Who is he?
that's dave
Noooo that's Shaggy from Scooby-Doo ! 😆👌
Dragon Savage 😂😂😂😂
the big lebowski?
GameStop. The place where you can turn in 18 games for 0.58$
where I Live 18 used games plus a kinect 100
I sold 3 gta IV games for xbox 360 1 gra V game for xbox 360 for only $6. Whatva ripoff.
Lol and then when you walk away you watch them slap a 50$ price tag on the box
You were asking for trouble when you said "will these go back in the dumpster where we found them"...you couldve just walked out and made a smooth getaway
dat smooth get away for all of $7 what are you 10?
Apparently YOU are because they exchange it for another game and there was still 9$ left for them to take. #Whentheidiotaccusepeopleofbeingidiots
You guys just earned a sub!
Dude in the Cubs hoodie lookin like a bootleg version of Banks
Omg so true
I legit thought it was Banks at first😂
Bro this is hella funny got my subb
hell ya, thanks dude
FUCK GAMESTOP, once I had a copy of Wreck it Ralph for 3DS, brand new, in box, only been opened and played ONCE!, and when I tried to redeem it for cash, they said that they would give me $1.50, ONE DOLLAR AND FIFTY CENTS, FOR A PRETTY MUCH BRAND NEW GAME!!, and for reference my grandmother bought it for me and it cost her $39.99, WHAT A RIPOFF!!!, I ended up keeping the game and I plan to sell it in about 10 years once it becomes worth something.
Retrogeek 2003 it's going to be even more worthless
Whelp, only one solution, GARAGE SALE!!!!
Retrogeek 2003 go on eBay it's where I sell my useless games
I don't know, because I think it cost money for you to ship, and I believe that you have to pay EBay, so I'll just hold onto it for now.
Retrogeek 2003 the shipping can be paid by the buyer and you only give 10% to eBay of whatever you earn but if you do list an item make sure to go on the internet and learn about "how to eBay" before you sell anything
They're probably going to look at your own footage of drunk driving.
Why tf was mw2 in the trash!?!?!?
Because its shit
+Jorge Rodriguez no it isn't
+Jorge Rodriguez Oh are you one of those 12 year old hipsters who like advanced warfare
employees prolly advanced warfare fans
nah it's just really old
LOL wait you used your personal Power Up card to do this? Good thing you aren't committing actual crimes, for your sake. In any case, this was entertaining.
He didn't commit a crime if it's thrown away its public property
***** Reading comprehension is an important skill, just saying.
+Audio Crossing I was restating what you said buddy don't get hard on me
***** Nice save, I guess?
+Quisito Lol.
ripping off the biggest ripoff place ever
how did the cops get their number
damian codgplys because he gave his id to sell game duh stupid fucks
pg86131314 your id doesn’t have your phone number lol
If you're a USA citizen, your driver's license is linked to your home address. You home address is linked to many things such as a place of employment. Your job has your phone number on file, which in turn, is also given to the Social Security Administration by your employer for tax and other legal reasons. It's all linked in a global cloud database which legal or not, police can cross-reference anytime they claim "probable cause". Seriously, the government and police can access everything that has gone on record about you from your school records to your first job to your medical records. They can also create and access files about you that you will never be allowed to access no matter how much money you dump into one of those "enter any name for a full background check" services. Invoking the "Freedom of Information Act" won't get you access to these files either. Unless you can get proof these files exist, then they technically don't. It doesn't matter if you are a 100% law-abiding citizen. They still collect as much information as they can every time your name goes through an internet-connected system.
to sell games they have to either have a gamestop account or give their information because of pawnshop law so they gave them their number lol
lmaooooo >_< right and my thing is you're recording everything else why not put it on speaker phone? the whole cop calling thing is fake as fuck.
Why did u guys change the name of the vid
we didnt ......
DEE davE I thought it was called selling gamestop back their trash or gatbage
DEE davE I thought it was called selling gamestop back their trash or garbage
DEE davE I thought it was called selling gamestop back their trash or garbage
Vibee Snipez ...
Sorry but you guys handled this like children. "OMG our bad idea backfired so let's generalize Gamestop over the action of one employee". When copying someone else's idea, at least do it in a smart way like OmargoshTV did. He didn't want to take advantage of them like you guys did and yes that call was well deserved with the stupid way you handled it when you left.
+Goggins go on
+DEE davE Not necessary. The failure explains it all.
a lot of gamestops are like this. they did nothing wrong
+Starwarman1 OmargoshTV did the same thing before but the honorable way he handled it gave him a different experience in the end and he didn't come off as obnoxious. These guys wanted to take advantage, it went wrong, too bad.
+Goggins howd it go wrong they got 7 bucks
FNaF toys. What are we coming to...
Oh stfu when they make mine craft toys or plushies no one cares why don't you just stfu ok
silent saucepan I do care. I've even seen SkyDoesMinecraft figures in Wal-Mart. It makes me shed tears for humanity.
Now, you. Who do you think you are, whelp. You *dare* enter my domain and I shall feed you to *The Butcher's* Hounds. You watch yourself, boy.
How did that indie game ever get toys sold from a company as pig as game stop
+Simon Ruiz wh pic?
"Are you putting this on UA-cam?"
*Nods head*
That shit had me dead
Pat just called you guys "douchebags" on his podcast... You've officially made it. lol
+SeeJayAre ohhh we saw, we got a response coming
+SeeJayAre Wait, it was Ian... forget it, you're still potatoes.
+SeeJayAre Those are the same guys who think anyone who makes a profit off of games is a douchebag even though they themselves make a huge profit on them.
I'm pretty sure that GameStop has a priority that their employees MUST be assholes. I think it's only in Kentucky, though. I've been to about ten different GameStops and their employees are freaking horrible people. The girl in this video was actually being really nice and just doing her job. I could only hope that there are more workers like her.
Bradley Willoughby she called them pricks when they told her it was from the dumpster...
Yes because she is doing her job and had just been told those games were from their dumpster had she not acted annoyed would look worse on her don't you think?سمسم شي
Bradley Willoughby ur wrong. its not only in kentucky
Bradley Willoughby screw you pal, you're GameStop might suck, but mine are always nice
The fnaf dolls made me gag
+Matthew K. Five nights at Freddy's? There were dolls on the counter
+QB Machine ikr
I got the 16 inch Foxy in my house.
HicksZ34 mhm, I bet buddy. Are you a triggered fnaf fan as well?
At 2:35 you Can see the grils face