"Leena, Queen of the Jungle" was Ernie Kovacs' jab at the 1950's TV show "Sheena, Queen of the Jungle" Quoting from Wikipedia, "She possessed the ability to communicate with the wild animals after having grown up with them since being orphaned in the jungle. She was fiercely proficient in fighting with knives, spears, and bows, and improvised with makeshift weapons. She is deeply in love with Calum McConnell. Her primary ability was to surprise her opponents, either human or animal".
If you've ever seen one of the original Sheena episodes with Irish McCalla, it's interesting that Ernie really did try here to imitate her earnest delivery of Sheena's childlike dialogue. (Irish called it "Sheenatalk.") Also a typical live-TV blooper; the supporting player who calls Ernie's character Sheena!
Greatest comedic mind in television - ever.
2:32 - I absolutely adore that she totally breaks and starts cracking up right there. It's PERFECT.
My mother just adored him and loved his show.
"Leena, Queen of the Jungle" was Ernie Kovacs' jab at the 1950's TV show "Sheena, Queen of the Jungle" Quoting from Wikipedia, "She possessed the ability to communicate with the wild animals after having grown up with them since being orphaned in the jungle. She was fiercely proficient in fighting with knives, spears, and bows, and improvised with makeshift weapons. She is deeply in love with Calum McConnell. Her primary ability was to surprise her opponents, either human or animal".
If you've ever seen one of the original Sheena episodes with Irish McCalla, it's interesting that Ernie really did try here to imitate her earnest delivery of Sheena's childlike dialogue. (Irish called it "Sheenatalk.") Also a typical live-TV blooper; the supporting player who calls Ernie's character Sheena!
Ernie "recycled" the floor drop gag and counting the patsies in his other sketch poking fun at the opera "Naughty Marietta".
Was he great or what????
and... FLIT.
Speak for yourself
@ciesaro but they watchin! 😂