RazoRock Superslant L2, Declaration Grooming B16, RazoRock The Freedberg

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @AppleFanX2
    @AppleFanX2 10 місяців тому

    Nice review HD! I ordered my Maggard’s Meetup ticket yesterday. Hopefully I’ll see you there.
    Thanks, Lindsay 💈

    • @HDShaves
      @HDShaves  10 місяців тому

      Awesome! Yes, hope to meet you then.

  • @RonnieYates
    @RonnieYates 10 місяців тому

    Nice shave HD. I have the b16 and enjoy it. I don’t like gelly brushes so this one works and is still pretty soft. I’m surprised that the slant you used was on the mild side being L2++. Have a good one

  • @walden_
    @walden_ 10 місяців тому

    Superb. I had a RazoRock soap and thought it was "fine", but I had a streak of poor shaves with it and decided to toss it. I liked the scent, though, and kept the aftershave.

    • @HDShaves
      @HDShaves  10 місяців тому +1

      Don’t blame you for tossing the soap! Much better soaps out there these days

  • @whoaskedforthis
    @whoaskedforthis 10 місяців тому

    best '24 wishes hd !

  • @TravisTraverses
    @TravisTraverses 10 місяців тому

    Great shave brother! And I do appreciate you being in the wet shaving game for a good while so as to provide your own unique take on the evolution of products today compared to several years ago products...I also have been trying to limit my software purchases so I can actually use up the massive stock I have now...I kinda think I'm affected by the law of diminishing returns, for the lack of a better word, in that I have spent a chunk on all these wonderful soaps and splashes, but soooo much of it sits and collects dust before I get back around to it. I love this hobby and invest in it heartily, but also feel guilty for my bloated stockpile..lol! Gotta actually kill a tub to know the joyful feeling at some point! Oh well, I shouldn't complain cause I do appreciate it all! And thank you for your kind encouragement for setting goals and reaching them, because I've kinda stalled out a bit with a few things I've been wanting to achieve but have been continually putting off. Glad to see you again and I always enjoy your musings and shave content!

    • @HDShaves
      @HDShaves  10 місяців тому

      Thanks Travis!
      I strongly recommend finishing off a tub of soap or a bottle of aftershave - it's a great feeling :)

    • @TravisTraverses
      @TravisTraverses 10 місяців тому

      @@HDShaves thanks HD!...and that's all the encouragement I need to make it a goal to finish off a tub of soap or a splash!!...take care!🤙

    • @HDShaves
      @HDShaves  10 місяців тому

      @@TravisTraverses if you have trouble using the same product for every shave, I recommend alternating days. So Monday kill tub, Tuesday whatever you want 🙂

    • @TravisTraverses
      @TravisTraverses 10 місяців тому

      @HDShaves that's a great idea, HD
      ...cause I can see myself maybe getting tired of the same soap day after day...I actually have under a half tub of Zingari Man wanderer that I think I'll go with first to try and finish, while alternating with my many other soaps to keep my interest going! Thanks for the great tip, my friend!👍

    • @HDShaves
      @HDShaves  10 місяців тому

      Good idea to start with the tub that is closest to being done. Keep me updated with your progress! Godspeed :)

  • @borbelyhaz321
    @borbelyhaz321 10 місяців тому

    Hi Henry. Nice 👍 Glad you're back. I also think that you need a couple more ingredients in a splash like glycerin for example. Keep crackin' out great content

    • @HDShaves
      @HDShaves  10 місяців тому

      Thanks! Hope you're well.

  • @okieshaver997
    @okieshaver997 10 місяців тому

    Who is that guy???
    Good to see you my friend Henry! I found that slants, although plenty good to use, were gimmicky and mostly ordinary!
    Thanks for sharing pard. Hope your upcoming week is fine!

    • @HDShaves
      @HDShaves  10 місяців тому +1

      Nice to hear from you as always, pard!
      I need to catch up on your last few videos soon :)

    • @okieshaver997
      @okieshaver997 10 місяців тому

      @@HDShaveshaha!! You know me, seen one and you've seen em all!! 😆

    • @HDShaves
      @HDShaves  10 місяців тому +1

      @@okieshaver997 not at all, man! Love the new southern sayings I hear in your videos

  • @whoaskedforthis
    @whoaskedforthis 10 місяців тому

    maestro freedberg