Always a pleasure to be with so many wonderful people whom over ther years have become best friends with. Pigeon friends are the absolute best friends anyone can have due to the fact that are so passionate about the birds and new friends. It is a common thread between the birds and friendship with so many individuals from all over the world.I am so glad to be a part of the pigeon world . The NPA, LAPC ,Southern Calif Color Pigeon Club and Snohomish Pigeon club in Wa. 1ST class Act all the way.
Always a pleasure to be with so many wonderful people whom over ther years have become best friends with. Pigeon friends are the absolute best friends anyone can have due to the fact that are so passionate about the birds and new friends. It is a common thread between the birds and friendship with so many individuals from all over the world.I am so glad to be a part of the pigeon world . The NPA, LAPC ,Southern Calif Color Pigeon Club and Snohomish Pigeon club in Wa. 1ST class Act all the way.
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