What I love best about this channel is that you do not bash conventional cars but rather you are just extremely passionate about electric vehicles! I love my conventional cars but I'm also just as excited for electric cars getting cheap enough to buy used!
Ryan Bernadett That's awesome to hear! It gives me hope for the future of electrics that they are starting to filter down to the second hand market at such a reasonable price. That price seems on par with ICE cars, maybe a little cheaper but not so cheap it makes me nervous about the longevity of the EV's!
Ryan Bernadett that is cheaper but right now I drive a transit connect with 75k miles and 2012 year. It was $3600. Plus a Nissan Leaf isn't exactly what I'm excited about. I'm waiting for things like Tesla to get affordable and plentiful. I like performance cars and own a used Cayenne turbo as well (even though I haven't driven it in 6 months). I would like to have more power from an electric car that can also keep up with range and keep recharge time reasonable. In North Dakota everything is 2-5 hours away and electric cars can be driven daily but take lots of planning if you drive anywhere far. So although it's a good sign that the Nissan Leaf is getting cheaper I still am waiting for the more desirable cars to achieve that $15k price range! I'm also looking forward to seeing how people will start modifying them for more power or range!
Have you driven a Nissan LEAF jondanimal? I've driven performance cars all my life and I can tell you nothing gives me more pleasure than driving my LEAF. Sure it's not a "performance car" but if you live in a city I believe it's one of the best performing cars out there. It's quick at the lights and makes nearly all conventional cars look like they are standing still. And it does it absolutely effortlessly. The instant torque makes merging onto freeways and in traffic a dream and it actually handles pretty well too. I hear you about the range, long distances are tricky but performance wise, it absolutely blows me away every time I drive it. A BMWi3 is quicker as is a Tesla but my LEAF is quicker to 50kph than almost anything else in the city.
That part at the start where you were talking about all the upcoming episodes. Not fair. Now I have to sit here and wait for all your interesting videos to be published.
The videos you make are simply marvelous and I am right now pursuing my undergraduate degree in electrical and watching your videos time to time put me really close to real world technology, thanks for your interest in making this channel
Hi from Karamoja Uganda we love the show. Like the comment on energy for the poor. Interesting fact me and my hubby are working on a 10mw solar farm in Napak district Karamoja. With battery battery storage, the cost is 6ct per KWH . We hope to see you guys one day to film our strugglers to power the Karamojong.
I love your sense of humor, something a bit scarce nowadays and obviously love the news you comment on every video. Thanks for keeping us well informed.
Another happy episode and I needed some good news. Massive congratulations to Germany and the UK for an amazing power program. Go Orkney Islands!! I also know people in the power business that continue to claim that renewables do nothing and are a terrible hazard. Just intentional blindness at this point. We will be installing our solar PV this year (Just 1.5 KW to start and expanding later). I am happy to have started supporting Fully Charged on patreon and am really looking forward to the upcoming episodes. Fully Charged rocks!
I suggest you decided on want you want solar wise upgrading is not always as simple as you may think and it is more cost effective to just make a decision. I spent £4300 on my system consisting of 8 x JA SOLAR 315 watt panels and SOLAR EDGE tech and inverter. I made 14kWh hours today and I live in north Manchester.
It depends on your circumstances but my installation needed scaffolding which together with the electrical work was the most costly. So I installed the maximum number of panels that would fit on on my roof (18 x JA 280W panels) with SolarEdge optimizers and inverter giving 5 kW DC generation with a current max 3.7 kW inverter. This means I can't generate more than 3.7 at present but I can use more of lower light levels until I upgrade the inverter which won't then need expensive scaffolding. My current max daily generation has been 32 kWh but I'm in Berkshire, a bit further south than Manchester
Our situation is a bit different from most. I have a small farm and we will do a ground mount PV so expansion is a lot easier than a roof mount (which most people have). I also have all the tools and equipment to do the mechanical work (tractor, backhoe, etc). Our rural electric coop is very hostile to customer owned PV and wind systems so I have to work around several nasty rules that the coop has added in the last 5 years. There is now a maximum renewable connection of 5% of the coop's peak capability. They also added a 2.0 cent per KWhr charge for electricity that the owner puts into the grid and then uses (also called grid storage). So if I put 300 KWhr into the grid and use 300 KWhr from the grid I will end up owing $6. This is on top of the $31 per month line charge - which may be higher for a PV system. In all other aspects our electric coop is awesome - the old guys that run it just don't like hippie energy and want to burn coal. Eventually that will change. I know that what we pay for electricity is very small compared to much of the world but it makes the economics difficult since the savings are small. However, our major reason for installing PV is environmental so I don't really care.
You should read the article before writing. I'm not saying the article is right, but it's not saying wind farms do not produce electricity, either. Chees!
Thank you Issam, I'm so please you watch Fully Charged in Algeria. You do have another massive mostly untapped resource, the sun. And I believe a bit of desert with some space to put up a few million solar panels. Just an idea. (You could sell some excess electricity to those pesky Europeans)
Lots of sun, lots of desert to put solar panels in... Algeria would make a fortune selling electricity, hopefully they will start soon, oil is going to be selling less :D
You had me stitches of laughter! Absolutely brilliant the way you present this, yes. You are right and that blithering idiot is wrong! I have shown and shared the National Grid video to so many people to prove them wrong that renewables are the way forward! Keep up the great work!
And what else has Matt Ridley done? Well, it just so happens that he was the Chairman of Northern Rock until 2007. And we all know what a good job he did there.
A quick search reveals that it was a bank that went bust during a financial crisis in 2007. Suffered a "bank run" (every single depositor wanted their money at once) and summarily ceased to exist.
He didn't do a very good job. Northern Rock (a UK bank) was bailed out by the UK Government (eg, UK Tax payer), for something like £27 billion. Not that that doesn't mean he doesn't know what he's talking about with regards to renewable power I suppose, but I wouldn't take anything he says/writes at face value.
Have you a photo of him in the queue for his moola when Northern Rock shut the doors on their customers. Obviously, he is a placeman of the fossil fuel lobby. There are loads of these tossers about who are given handy jobs if they are prepared to sell their souls for a few bob. Any CEO jobs going in tobacco that he could apply for? As we know, this business of tobacco causing cancer is all a load of malarky. Does he know that the Indians will be all electric by 2030. Did Germany have a complete blackout the other day when nearly all their power came from wind and solar. The Tory crowd on the train to Haslemere must have a great nod fest as they read the Spectator article last week.
Thanks, I love watching you in Israel. We're not as good with renewable energy here as some of Europe and although "Better Place" started here (before it tanked) we're still behind on electric cars, but hopefully we'll get there soon. Electric cars are actually perfect for Israel.
We'll shoot it soon, I just want to gather a bit more data so I can explain what it's like to have one for more than a couple of days. (so far its game changing, revolutionary and amazing but it has been very sunny)
Bob, check out these channels: jehugarcia and HBPowerwall People (including myself) are building their own lithium based powerwalls and EV batteries from old laptop and drill batteries and it's starting to become a thing.
Why everyone forget about hydro energy? Romania for example was never using 100% coal for energy, most likely from 80% to less and now we have something like 35% renewable because 20% has always been hydro.
did you hear about the salt water battery the energy provider EWE in the north of Germany is going to build? It would be interesting to know a bit more details about it on this show. keep it up!
The Germans are building a pack assembly plant, not a cell factory. They stopped making cells some years ago because it was too expensive. Cells are a commodity anyways and they will just buy them from LG. Two places you should visit: Kreisel at their new HQ. KiteGen in Turin and have a look at their technology and the 3MW power Wing.
Can you post how you came up with the 486.8 GW, and is that purely wind or is that combined with some other renewable energy source? Is there some type of tracker our there? Thanks, and awesome video again!
One recurring problem with with power is how you *have to* back them up with something in case the wind dies down. To ensure baseload, you're going to have to back up every MW of wind with another MW of fuel generator that can do some very serious load following -- that is to say, they need to be able to ramp up and down with incredible speed. Another problem seen with wind farms is their seasonal variability. They're the most productive during spring and autumn, are a tad less productive during winter but their productivity is pretty abysmal in the summer months.
The UK could have been amongst the leaders in this tech. We threw away a perfect opportunity around 10 years ago and now everyone is moving ahead while we play catch up.
fullychargedshow I will take another look. I have notifications on so when you upload I should see it but I haven't been. time to call mr Google and complain lol
Here in Quebec we almost have 100% renewable energy source (hydro dams), we closed the only nuclear plant we had 2 years ago, and we have 2 oil plants on standby (pretty much never used). Sad to see the rest of the world still strugling with power sources...
Don't be so cocky Quebec needs a lot more solar, wind and geothermal. Hydro can be impacted by climate change. Plus big top down hydro is still centralised and gives you no home independence. Considering your weather it is important to have home energy production and battery storage or a microgrid of a group of houses etc. Your current system makes Quebec very vulnerable.
The whole electric strategies based on the Electric trucks & Cars with Range Extenders Generators is the best ideas in electric car concepts in our time ( like the cell phone or mortor in vehicles) and will further develop the world of EVs, the wave that is here.
So the 7.7GW peak generated in the UK by solar is zero? And the 6+GW of wind generation (usually when solar is low) is also nothing...out of a 30-50 GW demand?
It is like the start of cell phone or flying cars The whole electric strategies based on the Electric trucks & Cars with Range Extenders Generators is the best ideas in electric car concepts in our time ( like the cell phone or mortor in vehicles) and will further develop the world of EVs, the wave that is here.
It's not easy to get a degree in engineering and the traditional sciences. Sorry to disappoint you but people work hard to get these qualifications and can be considered pretty smart. This is not however saying that people with degrees have good judgement or a sound point of view - they are just as flawed as everyone else in that respect.
how's about a programme on getting car buying apps to give decent info on electric cars. still don't give battery and charging info. I have spoken to Auto trader but no change. they still think elecyric cars are petrol cars without petrol. what info would fully charged put on Auto trader?
It's going to be fun to see what happens as all of the new battery production capacity comes online. It makes me think of when the computer memory chip market started exploding in the late 80's. That led to unbelievably cheap prices for memory, and enabled applications that would have seemed like science fiction a few years earlier. In a few years time, I'm expecting to be able to pick up an improved version of the Tesla Powerwall at my local Home Depot for a few hundred bucks. That should lead to some interesting outcomes!
For Clarcson it's going to be good argument - "This only proves electric cars are dangerous! Unlike safe and clean V8" By the way James May has an i3 now.
And we should look at energy usage in total, we could produce hydrogen to make green gas with wind partially. But only massive heat potentials will decrease fossil fuel. Electricity and personal transport is just a small part of it all.
Basel Kader has answered perfectly. About 3% of the people who watch contribute to Patreon, which is our main source of income. There's no pressure, unless you want to. www.patreon.com/FullyChargedShow
85%??? Seems too good to be true. Is that over a 24 hour period? Or is this in one specific moment when the sun had it's hat on and the wind was flowing?
Bring it on Richard. Looking forward to more common sense info. Remember the Cadbury Smash advert of years past.. well.., digging stuff out of the ground is similar when compared with solar etc.
Before you do the final edit on the episode about induction charging in the road, please do consider people who have had a heart attack and have a pace maker fitted. All these induction cookers say don't use them if you have a pace maker. well what happens if you have an induction charging system in the road. Are you simply not allowed to go outside?
Hi. I am from Nepal. Our country is still poor. Yet, heavily investing in hydropower to divest from non renewables and in next 5-10 years, we will have 100 renewable energy, all from hydropower. So things are looking great. However, we are waiting for regulations to ease on EVs. Its still ridiculously expensive in my country. Hopefully we will have a lot of Chinese ones in the market soon.
Matthew White Ridley, 5th Viscount Ridley DL FRSL FMedSci (born 7 February 1958), ... Ridley was chairman of the UK bank Northern Rock from 2004 to 2007, during which period Northern Rock experienced the first run on a British bank in 150 years. He actually owns a coal mine. For readers abroad a Viscount is not a complete count but can easily be mistaken for a total count and indeed may spend a lot of time associating with a lot of other counts. Because of his political views he can accurately be described as a "Right Count". Lord Lawson for example is not a count although he sounds like one.
please do a video on the ecological issues with lithium for batteries, if any, as im interested in said subject. makes me wonder whether electric vehicles actually still contribute to more pollution than we think.
Love your channel, and do think renewables have a big part to play in the energy mix going forward. I work in the oil and gas sector, and unfortunately the latest downturn in oil has had a much bigger impact on developing countries than the developed. So fossil fuels are a great leveller and my worry is once you remove that source of income for the Angola's, Gabons etc of this world. Climbing up the economic ladder will be much harder.
Not wishing to defend Ridley (I'm a big fan of wind power) but he doesn't claim wind power 'produces zero percent of the worlds energy', he said 'That is to say, *to the nearest whole number,* there is still no wind power on Earth. And he quotes his sources. If he's wrong then demonstrate that but Straw Man arguments are a poor way of making your point.
What I love best about this channel is that you do not bash conventional cars but rather you are just extremely passionate about electric vehicles! I love my conventional cars but I'm also just as excited for electric cars getting cheap enough to buy used!
Couldn't have said it better myself!
I recently bought a used Nissan Leaf for $7000 (2013), which is waaayyy more affordable than a conventional car of the same year and mileage (45,500)
Ryan Bernadett That's awesome to hear! It gives me hope for the future of electrics that they are starting to filter down to the second hand market at such a reasonable price. That price seems on par with ICE cars, maybe a little cheaper but not so cheap it makes me nervous about the longevity of the EV's!
Ryan Bernadett that is cheaper but right now I drive a transit connect with 75k miles and 2012 year. It was $3600. Plus a Nissan Leaf isn't exactly what I'm excited about. I'm waiting for things like Tesla to get affordable and plentiful. I like performance cars and own a used Cayenne turbo as well (even though I haven't driven it in 6 months). I would like to have more power from an electric car that can also keep up with range and keep recharge time reasonable. In North Dakota everything is 2-5 hours away and electric cars can be driven daily but take lots of planning if you drive anywhere far. So although it's a good sign that the Nissan Leaf is getting cheaper I still am waiting for the more desirable cars to achieve that $15k price range! I'm also looking forward to seeing how people will start modifying them for more power or range!
Have you driven a Nissan LEAF jondanimal? I've driven performance cars all my life and I can tell you nothing gives me more pleasure than driving my LEAF. Sure it's not a "performance car" but if you live in a city I believe it's one of the best performing cars out there. It's quick at the lights and makes nearly all conventional cars look like they are standing still. And it does it absolutely effortlessly. The instant torque makes merging onto freeways and in traffic a dream and it actually handles pretty well too. I hear you about the range, long distances are tricky but performance wise, it absolutely blows me away every time I drive it. A BMWi3 is quicker as is a Tesla but my LEAF is quicker to 50kph than almost anything else in the city.
That part at the start where you were talking about all the upcoming episodes. Not fair. Now I have to sit here and wait for all your interesting videos to be published.
The videos you make are simply marvelous and I am right now pursuing my undergraduate degree in electrical and watching your videos time to time put me really close to real world technology, thanks for your interest in making this channel
5:43 i was like ... wtf, i didn't know Robert did beatbox
Hi from Karamoja Uganda we love the show. Like the comment on energy for the poor. Interesting fact me and my hubby are working on a 10mw solar farm in Napak district Karamoja. With battery battery storage, the cost is 6ct per KWH . We hope to see you guys one day to film our strugglers to power the Karamojong.
I love your sense of humor, something a bit scarce nowadays and obviously love the news you comment on every video. Thanks for keeping us well informed.
I just love watching these news episodes, it makes me feel good!
Thanks, Robert. Some old horses are terrified when one tries to remove their blinkers...
Another happy episode and I needed some good news. Massive congratulations to Germany and the UK for an amazing power program. Go Orkney Islands!!
I also know people in the power business that continue to claim that renewables do nothing and are a terrible hazard. Just intentional blindness at this point. We will be installing our solar PV this year (Just 1.5 KW to start and expanding later).
I am happy to have started supporting Fully Charged on patreon and am really looking forward to the upcoming episodes. Fully Charged rocks!
I suggest you decided on want you want solar wise upgrading is not always as simple as you may think and it is more cost effective to just make a decision. I spent £4300 on my system consisting of 8 x JA SOLAR 315 watt panels and SOLAR EDGE tech and inverter. I made 14kWh hours today and I live in north Manchester.
Yeah, you are likely correct. Thanks for the input and good luck with your solar system.
It depends on your circumstances but my installation needed scaffolding which together with the electrical work was the most costly. So I installed the maximum number of panels that would fit on on my roof (18 x JA 280W panels) with SolarEdge optimizers and inverter giving 5 kW DC generation with a current max 3.7 kW inverter. This means I can't generate more than 3.7 at present but I can use more of lower light levels until I upgrade the inverter which won't then need expensive scaffolding.
My current max daily generation has been 32 kWh but I'm in Berkshire, a bit further south than Manchester
Our situation is a bit different from most. I have a small farm and we will do a ground mount PV so expansion is a lot easier than a roof mount (which most people have). I also have all the tools and equipment to do the mechanical work (tractor, backhoe, etc).
Our rural electric coop is very hostile to customer owned PV and wind systems so I have to work around several nasty rules that the coop has added in the last 5 years. There is now a maximum renewable connection of 5% of the coop's peak capability. They also added a 2.0 cent per KWhr charge for electricity that the owner puts into the grid and then uses (also called grid storage). So if I put 300 KWhr into the grid and use 300 KWhr from the grid I will end up owing $6. This is on top of the $31 per month line charge - which may be higher for a PV system.
In all other aspects our electric coop is awesome - the old guys that run it just don't like hippie energy and want to burn coal. Eventually that will change.
I know that what we pay for electricity is very small compared to much of the world but it makes the economics difficult since the savings are small. However, our major reason for installing PV is environmental so I don't really care.
Dear Mr Ridley
please hold the end of these cables....
3.. 2... 1
Real enough!?
You should read the article before writing. I'm not saying the article is right, but it's not saying wind farms do not produce electricity, either.
Wow first time I've caught a webisode so early two min since was posted and another great one. Looking forward to seeing future up and comers.
Wait, is the Orkney episode out yet?! How did I miss that?! That looks awesome as hell! oh wait, "coming soon" as I type this. Whewf.
@4:51 "We still do use a metric shit ton...." hehehe that was very funny bit.
Thank you for the uplifting news, This channel always puts a smile on my face.
He did the Sad Kryten voice at the end, I love it.
thank you for your channel. took me long time to find it. I enjoy it so much. best regards.
Best UA-cam channel ❤️ saying that though I am from a country heavily reliant on oil (Algeria)
Thank you Issam, I'm so please you watch Fully Charged in Algeria. You do have another massive mostly untapped resource, the sun. And I believe a bit of desert with some space to put up a few million solar panels. Just an idea. (You could sell some excess electricity to those pesky Europeans)
Lots of sun, lots of desert to put solar panels in... Algeria would make a fortune selling electricity, hopefully they will start soon, oil is going to be selling less :D
RealistReviewer and co, hate too say it but it ain't that simple......
Ufstermonster111 Kocker1. if by goat herder you mean neurosurgeon so that is me
Shame on you!
++ issam
possibly the best retort I've EVER seen on line... WELL DONE SIR.
Great Channel and it sounds like a lot of exciting things to come.
You had me stitches of laughter! Absolutely brilliant the way you present this, yes. You are right and that blithering idiot is wrong!
I have shown and shared the National Grid video to so many people to prove them wrong that renewables are the way forward!
Keep up the great work!
And what else has Matt Ridley done? Well, it just so happens that he was the Chairman of Northern Rock until 2007. And we all know what a good job he did there.
No we don't, at least not where I live. :-)
A quick search reveals that it was a bank that went bust during a financial crisis in 2007. Suffered a "bank run" (every single depositor wanted their money at once) and summarily ceased to exist.
He didn't do a very good job. Northern Rock (a UK bank) was bailed out by the UK Government (eg, UK Tax payer), for something like £27 billion.
Not that that doesn't mean he doesn't know what he's talking about with regards to renewable power I suppose, but I wouldn't take anything he says/writes at face value.
Have you a photo of him in the queue for his moola when Northern Rock shut the doors on their customers. Obviously, he is a placeman of the fossil fuel lobby. There are loads of these tossers about who are given handy jobs if they are prepared to sell their souls for a few bob. Any CEO jobs going in tobacco that he could apply for? As we know, this business of tobacco causing cancer is all a load of malarky. Does he know that the Indians will be all electric by 2030. Did Germany have a complete blackout the other day when nearly all their power came from wind and solar. The Tory crowd on the train to Haslemere must have a great nod fest as they read the Spectator article last week.
Probably has some investment in non-renewable energies.
Another happy viewer and fan from Morocco, cheers!
Thanks, I love watching you in Israel. We're not as good with renewable energy here as some of Europe and although "Better Place" started here (before it tanked) we're still behind on electric cars, but hopefully we'll get there soon. Electric cars are actually perfect for Israel.
Loads of the technology, software and amazing energy related systems are coming out of Israel, and yes, electric cars are perfect for you guys
when's that powerwall episode coming out, can't wait
We'll shoot it soon, I just want to gather a bit more data so I can explain what it's like to have one for more than a couple of days. (so far its game changing, revolutionary and amazing but it has been very sunny)
Bob, check out these channels: jehugarcia and HBPowerwall
People (including myself) are building their own lithium based powerwalls and EV batteries from old laptop and drill batteries and it's starting to become a thing.
I subscribe to jehugarcia and HBPowerwall and I'm fascinated by what they are doing. I'm really glad it's becoming a thng
Great! Jehu's working on a 1MWh battery which should be newsworthy when done... Mine's only 2kWh, but growing... :-)
Why everyone forget about hydro energy? Romania for example was never using 100% coal for energy, most likely from 80% to less and now we have something like 35% renewable because 20% has always been hydro.
Robert, your Clarkson has improved. One day you can re-envigorate the Top Gear franchise by taking over a host role. :)
Tilman Baumann
Ti ..... sorry
T.. sorry
T t t imi. sorry
Recognition at last :)
Can't wait! This channel is growing nicely
I always enjoy your channel and your commentary. Keep up the good work.
did you hear about the salt water battery the energy provider EWE in the north of Germany is going to build?
It would be interesting to know a bit more details about it on this show. keep it up!
Thanks for the link to the article.
Matt Ridley talking about wind turbines is like a biologist trying to run Nothern Rock.
Great, I'm hardly waiting for the videos you were working on !
The Germans are building a pack assembly plant, not a cell factory.
They stopped making cells some years ago because it was too expensive.
Cells are a commodity anyways and they will just buy them from LG.
Two places you should visit:
Kreisel at their new HQ.
KiteGen in Turin and have a look at their technology and the 3MW power Wing.
Robert you are the best! Love your show. Keep on with your exceptionell good work.
Your Jeremy Clarkson impersonation was spot on.
Great stuff. Keep up the good work Robert!
how about some stiff on super capacitors ?
You are awesome Robert, and perfect editing. Super funny xD!
Once you start seeing a 30-40% increase in sales year-on-year, you know that you're close to a tipping point.
Can you post how you came up with the 486.8 GW, and is that purely wind or is that combined with some other renewable energy source? Is there some type of tracker our there? Thanks, and awesome video again!
One recurring problem with with power is how you *have to* back them up with something in case the wind dies down. To ensure baseload, you're going to have to back up every MW of wind with another MW of fuel generator that can do some very serious load following -- that is to say, they need to be able to ramp up and down with incredible speed.
Another problem seen with wind farms is their seasonal variability. They're the most productive during spring and autumn, are a tad less productive during winter but their productivity is pretty abysmal in the summer months.
love it Robert, gonna keep donating to Patroen, keep it the awesome work 😀
The UK could have been amongst the leaders in this tech.
We threw away a perfect opportunity around 10 years ago and now everyone is moving ahead while we play catch up.
When is the Orkney episode?
good episode. is it me or have the videos been slow to come lately? am I just not seeing them?
We've put out 5 episodes this month so I guess you're just not seeing them :-)
fullychargedshow I will take another look. I have notifications on so when you upload I should see it but I haven't been. time to call mr Google and complain lol
when you say natural gas in UK do you mean the gas after we finish roasted parsnip or beer battered fish and chips?
Here in Quebec we almost have 100% renewable energy source (hydro dams), we closed the only nuclear plant we had 2 years ago, and we have 2 oil plants on standby (pretty much never used). Sad to see the rest of the world still strugling with power sources...
Don't be so cocky Quebec needs a lot more solar, wind and geothermal. Hydro can be impacted by climate change. Plus big top down hydro is still centralised and gives you no home independence. Considering your weather it is important to have home energy production and battery storage or a microgrid of a group of houses etc. Your current system makes Quebec very vulnerable.
My country produce a lot photovoltaic cell(Malaysia). but we did not use solar power much.
I am only 18 and I am in love with u and u chanal because it has changed my view of sustainable development
Damn that smug at 1:12!
Links! Finally! Sweet, sweet citation
That German plant appears to be about 1/4 the size and cost of TESLA Gigafactory 1.
Good to hear that the German car makers are investing into battery factories. This means that the German cars will be electric sooner.
Opinions on the future of LFT reactors?
The whole electric strategies based on the Electric trucks & Cars with Range Extenders Generators is the best ideas in electric car concepts in our time ( like the cell phone or mortor in vehicles) and will further develop the world of EVs, the wave that is here.
This is great. Brilliant host.
Absolutely brilliant channel, it would be great if you could churn out more vids per week, keep it up 😎
looking forward to the future episodes , especially the formula E vid!
One day 'thank you for watching' will be so highpitched only dogs can hear it
So the 7.7GW peak generated in the UK by solar is zero? And the 6+GW of wind generation (usually when solar is low) is also nothing...out of a 30-50 GW demand?
486.8 GW x 725,000 homes/GW = 352,930,000 homes powered by renewable energy. Exponential growth will make this number go crazy soon. :)
Good update, well done. IN THE WORLD.
It is like the start of cell phone or flying cars The whole electric strategies based on the Electric trucks & Cars with Range Extenders Generators is the best ideas in electric car concepts in our time ( like the cell phone or mortor in vehicles) and will further develop the world of EVs, the wave that is here.
As I`ve always said:"Just because you have a degree, doesn't mean you're smart"
Common sense should be the first degree everyone needs, without it, you cannot apply what knowledge you acquired.
Garry Cole -- Having common sense doesn't pay very well.
It's not easy to get a degree in engineering and the traditional sciences. Sorry to disappoint you but people work hard to get these qualifications and can be considered pretty smart. This is not however saying that people with degrees have good judgement or a sound point of view - they are just as flawed as everyone else in that respect.
MyNameIsPhil he his smart I just has an agenda that is not true
waiting waiting waiting for the next episodes
me too
Ahmed Shareef you from India?
yes man. i like this channel come here more often
Ah! Me too. One of my faves. I luckily work in a solar smart village company. And I want to move into EV.
all the best man. take care :)
One of your best episode
how's about a programme on getting car buying apps to give decent info on electric cars. still don't give battery and charging info. I have spoken to Auto trader but no change. they still think elecyric cars are petrol cars without petrol. what info would fully charged put on Auto trader?
can you convert a aeroplane into electric powered or is there one to buy
It's going to be fun to see what happens as all of the new battery production capacity comes online. It makes me think of when the computer memory chip market started exploding in the late 80's. That led to unbelievably cheap prices for memory, and enabled applications that would have seemed like science fiction a few years earlier. In a few years time, I'm expecting to be able to pick up an improved version of the Tesla Powerwall at my local Home Depot for a few hundred bucks. That should lead to some interesting outcomes!
These updates should be longer! Wo else freezed on the tesla battery?
excellent show!
I wonder where the Viking is from. ;P
Scott Needs
Spam sketch?
I know the answer!
Ben Green
we're waiting!
Melton Mowbray, the home of cholesterol wrapped in pastry.
Wow, you have been busy creating near future fullychargedshow content.
Jeremy Clarkson...."in the world...." would approve.
I noted Hammond hurt his knee driving an electric car, it seems the grand tour has embraced them!
For Clarcson it's going to be good argument - "This only proves electric cars are dangerous! Unlike safe and clean V8"
By the way James May has an i3 now.
No they are just trying to rid the world of EV's by destroy them one at a time now like they used to do with caravans lol.
And we should look at energy usage in total, we could produce hydrogen to make green gas with wind partially.
But only massive heat potentials will decrease fossil fuel. Electricity and personal transport is just a small part of it all.
Congratulation on the bladder upgrade
What is the monthly subscribtion charge for this Show?
Y2Kvids it's free. unless you'd like to contribute via patreon, in which case you can choose how much to contribute, and it's completely voluntary.
Basel Kader has answered perfectly. About 3% of the people who watch contribute to Patreon, which is our main source of income. There's no pressure, unless you want to.
Favourite Channel !!!
85%??? Seems too good to be true. Is that over a 24 hour period? Or is this in one specific moment when the sun had it's hat on and the wind was flowing?
It was within a 24 hour period, that's why it made the news, they average between 35 and 50% most of the year.
Bring it on Richard. Looking forward to more common sense info. Remember the Cadbury Smash advert of years past.. well.., digging stuff out of the ground is similar when compared with solar etc.
Jolly good opinionated news as always. Keep 'em coming!
Cheers Bob...
Nice..a little comedy with my energy news! Sweet!
Batteries are gonna save the world.
Those glass electrolyte one's especially, it's getting harder to get cobalt D:
I would like to see a collaboration between You and the guys at Now You Know
Before you do the final edit on the episode about induction charging in the road, please do consider people who have had a heart attack and have a pace maker fitted.
All these induction cookers say don't use them if you have a pace maker. well what happens if you have an induction charging system in the road. Are you simply not allowed to go outside?
Hi. I am from Nepal. Our country is still poor. Yet, heavily investing in hydropower to divest from non renewables and in next 5-10 years, we will have 100 renewable energy, all from hydropower. So things are looking great. However, we are waiting for regulations to ease on EVs. Its still ridiculously expensive in my country. Hopefully we will have a lot of Chinese ones in the market soon.
I would love to know why we in Australia are so far behind the UK in the use of electric cars? Can anyone tell me.
Solar + battery at the utility scale is the way to go
Those sound effects tho XD
Matthew White Ridley, 5th Viscount Ridley DL FRSL FMedSci (born 7 February 1958), ... Ridley was chairman of the UK bank Northern Rock from 2004 to 2007, during which period Northern Rock experienced the first run on a British bank in 150 years. He actually owns a coal mine. For readers abroad a Viscount is not a complete count but can easily be mistaken for a total count and indeed may spend a lot of time associating with a lot of other counts. Because of his political views he can accurately be described as a "Right Count". Lord Lawson for example is not a count although he sounds like one.
bob, last time i checked the measure it was a standard shit-ton.... not metric. we should run our numbers again.
I think these videos might be a bit quicker if jump cuts were used? Love the videos now but it makes sentences a bit quicker and efficient.
Can't wait to see the new episodes. Dump them all on me at once please!
For a guy who so adamantly dismisses wind power, ridley could power a small village with the blast of noxious hot air his mouth produces.
please do a video on the ecological issues with lithium for batteries, if any, as im interested in said subject. makes me wonder whether electric vehicles actually still contribute to more pollution than we think.
Love your channel, and do think renewables have a big part to play in the energy mix going forward. I work in the oil and gas sector, and unfortunately the latest downturn in oil has had a much bigger impact on developing countries than the developed. So fossil fuels are a great leveller and my worry is once you remove that source of income for the Angola's, Gabons etc of this world. Climbing up the economic ladder will be much harder.
SUPERB UA-cam Channel - Let's give this Patreon thingy a try...
Not wishing to defend Ridley (I'm a big fan of wind power) but he doesn't claim wind power 'produces zero percent of the worlds energy', he said 'That is to say, *to the nearest whole number,* there is still no wind power on Earth. And he quotes his sources.
If he's wrong then demonstrate that but Straw Man arguments are a poor way of making your point.