Looking at the graph at 2:00, it seems like there is a frequency threshold when the error from stray capacitance begins (about the apex of the true data parabola). Is this threshold consistent in humans? If so, what is the threshold?
The error is increasing gradually with frequency, so there is not a exact treshold, but it is increasing stronly non-linear way so that it looks like some treshold graphically. This "tresehold" is not consistent and different for different subjects. It depends on the stray capacitance of human body itself (consider the human body as a general conductive object - regardless if living or not living object) and also on the parasitic effects of electrodes and cables. As the overall stray capacitance effect is not completely consistent but varying, it is necessary to use some adaptive dynamic compensation as described in the video to obtain high quality Bioimpedance Spectroscopy data.
Looking at the graph at 2:00, it seems like there is a frequency threshold when the error from stray capacitance begins (about the apex of the true data parabola). Is this threshold consistent in humans? If so, what is the threshold?
The error is increasing gradually with frequency, so there is not a exact treshold, but it is increasing stronly non-linear way so that it looks like some treshold graphically.
This "tresehold" is not consistent and different for different subjects. It depends on the stray capacitance of human body itself (consider the human body as a general conductive object - regardless if living or not living object) and also on the parasitic effects of electrodes and cables.
As the overall stray capacitance effect is not completely consistent but varying, it is necessary to use some adaptive dynamic compensation as described in the video to obtain high quality Bioimpedance Spectroscopy data.