Since the interviewer has to interview a wide range of english learners in different levels a day then he has to control his speed, accent, pronounciation and so on to ensure that every participants can understand what he is saying 😂
@Arman Garist :) that makes sense :) may be the requirements are not depend on the accent anymore but on a participant’s critical and innovative thinking, right form of sentences and accurate pronunciation :)
11:2611:38 So smart, so right and so handsome to. That's what i mean, we have to. Its can be so simplestly think like barista-barmaid-playing music or writing book little russian story, but it has to be, that's the college need, that's the university means
The candidate speaks much better than the interviewer, lol. He should be an interviewer too, his English is way too good for an Asian who never lives in a native English speaking country.
They're both native level English speakers. The interviewer is Irish and the candidate sounds like he either lived in the USA during childhood or did all his schooling in English
The examiner in my 2nd test didnot talk clearly. He used a mask and the speed of his sound also was very fast. I had to make sure again and again to him for what he did just say. I gues he was above 70 y.o. Therefore in 2nd test I got 5.5 because cannot hear obviously his sound. While my 1st test i got 6.5 because the examiner's sound was very clear, not fast but i still can get the point. So your score for speaking also depends on your examiner. I turned to 5.5 from 6.5 because i cannot hear the examiner clearly. In this video, you can hear him without even make more attention of what he did say.
He said he had lived in different places around the world, so he probably went to an international school for much of his life. That would make him practically a native speaker because he would've used English except when he's with his parents (just like most second-generation Korean Americans/Canadians/Australians, etc). But since he lived in so many different countries, it's likely that he has a Korean passport rather than a US/Canadian/Australian/UK passport (Usually, Korean parents go to these countries to settle down, not to move around). And that's why he needs to take IELTS. He's a Korean national, and he needs to prove that he's good at English, which he obviously is. He's a TCK and practically an English native speaker.
There are some question lists in website. They prepared answer sentences for each question. So he can promptly answer the question. Someone ask you questions in Korean, it is difficult to answer it directly without thinking.
Hello! Our video follows the same format as the actual exam. Therefore, candidates are not aware of the test questions in advance. They are being evaluated based on their own abilities. Please support the candidates who provide excellent answers. :)
나 10년 전에 아이엘츠 스피킹 6점 받았다. 묻는 말에만 대답해라. 말 많이 한다고 좋은 점수 받는게 아니다. 질문에 대해 정확한 답변, 그리고 그 답변이 얼마나 유창한가에 따라서 점수가 나뉘는거지 한강에 대해 decribe 하라는데 자기가 한강에서 데이트 하던거, 마포대교 무너진거 등등 한강 묘사하는거랑 전혀 상관없는 이야기하면 그냥 그렇게 골로 가는거다. 담당자는 절대 말 안끊고 다 듣고 있다. 말 많이 했다고 좋아하다가 골로간다.
@@Asdfasdf-s8r 아뇨. 9점 영상에 훈계하는게 전혀 아닌데 님이 그렇게 생각한다면 그건 알아서 생각하면 되요. 분명 누군가는 도움이 될테니까. 10년 전이나 지금이나 호주 대학입학용 아이엘츠 요구 점수는 똑같은데 10년전 6점이 요즘 5점이하 정말 맞나요? 님 말이 맞다면 요즘 대학입학은 저 때보다 훨씬 더 쉬워졌네요. 그럼 요즘 학교 입학하는 사람들 수준이 저보다 더 떨어진다는 말인데..... 이게 말이 되는건가요?
@@Asdfasdf-s8r 음.. 뭔가 착각하고 있는거 같은데 난 요즘 아이엘츠 수준은 모릅니다. 나는 나보다 아이엘츠 점수 잘받은 사람한테 설교한게 아니라 아이엘츠 시험 경험이 없는 사람들에게 제 경험을 이야기한것 뿐이예요. 제 글이 설교질로 보여서 기분나빳다면 그건 내가 알 바는 아닙니다. 제가 발작한걸로 보인다면 그렇게 보세요. 굳이 제 알바 없는 것들을 자꾸 언급하는데 당신 인생 당신 알아서 사는거죠ㅋ 하지만 내가 설교를 하든 내 경험을 공유하든 당신처럼 내 글이 9.0 동영상에 설교하는걸로 밖에 못보는 한글 독해력을 가진 수준의 사람이 참견할건 아닌거 같아요. 아니 대학 입학 요구점수가 10년 전이랑 그대로라는 말도 이해가 안가요? 예전 점수 6점이 요즘 5점이면 대학 입학가능 수준도 요즘 5점대 수준이라는 말인데.. 당신 말대로면 요즘 외국대학가기 정말 쉽다는건데.... 아이엘츠 6점 수준에 대해서 대학을 믿어야 하나 님 말을 믿어야 하나....
@@Asdfasdf-s8r 설교 아니라해도 혼자 막 정신승리하면서 자아도취하는 모습이 너무 보기 웃깁니다. 요즘 아이엘츠는 따기가 많이 어렵나봐요... 10년전에도 님처럼 똑같이 말하는 사람들 많았었는데 예나 지금이나 징징대기만 하는 가축류들은 여전히 들끓나봐요.. 님은 저보다 아이엘츠 점수가 더 높으니 저한테 설교질하고 있겠죠? 10년전 6점이면 지금은 어느 정도 수준일지 생각은 못하나봐요ㅋㅋ 핀트 잘못잡고 엉뚱한 사람한테 깝치지 말고 님도 저처럼 본인 경험이나 주의할점같은거 사람들한테 공유해주면 아이엘츠 처음보는 사람들한테 더 도움이 될거 같아요. 10년전 6점이 지금 5점인게 중요한게 아니라 10년전에 아이엘츠 시험을 봐서 대학에 입학했던 사람이 본인 경험을 이야기해 주면 참고할거면 하고 아닐거면 그냥 증발하면 되요. 낄때 안낄때 구분 못하고 대화주제의 핀트도 제대로 못잡아서 본인의 부족한 두뇌프로세스와 결여된 사회성은 그만 증명하셔도 됩니다. 인생을 지금 님처럼 패배자로만 살려고 발버둥치지말고 널리 인간을 이롭게 하려고 노력해봐요. 아무래도 거기가 파이팅이 필요한듯 하네요. 그래도 님은 파이팅하지말고 지금 이대로 쭉 가축류로 지냈으면 하는게 제 개인적인 바램입니다. 그래야 제가 편하거든요ㅎ 그래도 저 파이팅해주셔서 감사합니다. 쓸모없게 되면 잡아먹는대신 땅에 묻어는 드릴게요ㅎㅎ
@@Asdfasdf-s8r 혼자 그렇게 정신승리하면서 패배자로 살면 됩니다. 10년 전에도 님처럼 예전에는 쉬웠는데 지금은 어렵다며 징징대는 가축류들이 많았답니다. 10년전 6점이었던 제가 지금은 어떨지 저 스스로도 궁금은 하네요. 근데 이제는 시험성적으로 이야기하는 수준은 아니라서....무튼 덕분에 옛날생각나고 좋네요ㅎㅎ 10년전 6점은 요즘 5점대는 전혀 핀트가 아니예요. 핀트는 시험요령이예요. 저 시험칠때 쓸데없는말 많이해서 저보다 점수 안나온 사람들 많이 봐서 묻는 말에만 대답하라는 팁을 주는건데 님처럼 갲ㅂ신처럼 이해할 사람이 있을 줄은 전혀 몰랐어요.. 보니까 저보다 점수 높게 받은거 같은데 님도 저처럼 시험요령이나 주의할점같은거 다른 사람들에게 공유해 주는건 어때요? 아이엘츠 처음보는 사람들한테는 무슨 정보든 도움이 될거니까요. 저때는 이런 정보가 없었어서^^ 나는 님 따위의 파이팅 전혀 필요가 없어서... 오히려 파이팅은 님이 절실히 필요해 보이는데.......
I'd appreciate if you could correct this sentence grammatically and semantically.there is massive comparison of my current hometown to the area where I lived before. In the past I would live in a rural area which was mesmorized by alot of greenery spaces and breathtaking landscapes
Agreed.The Speaking criteria in band 9 doesn’t define his Performance. 8.0 perhaps.I guess examiners vary their scores based on some other preferences.
I'd appreciate if you could correct this sentence grammatically and semantically.I live in an apartment with three stories we are on second has a kitchen ,living room and a bathroom and two bedrooms
I'd appreciate if you could correct this sentence grammatically and semantically.parents play an important role to raise a successful children.since children spend almost all day with their parents it is naturally to imitate their manner and attitude
"Parents play an important role in raising successful children. Since children spend almost all day with their parents it is natural to imitate their manner and attitude." However a native speaker would never say "imitate their manner and attitude" in conversation because the word "manner" with this meaning in this context is not conversational register, we would just say "imitate them and their attitude," or if you want to be more specific "imitate their mannerisms and attitude" or "imitate their behavior and attitude"
I like that he was able to correct himself when he made a mistake, and he did it very naturally. Amazing.
not only he's able to do good grammar phrases and know vocabularies, he's really smart as well
he's just an asian
this video helped me feel comfortable with the speaking test. the way he answered each question was so natural and comfortable
Not only a brilliant speaker, but also incredibly smart. What a pleasure
his accent is so relaxing to my ears its absolutely smooth throughout the way there's no hesitant in his speech
his voice is so soft and smooth, It's like want to keep listening to him 🥺
This guy is really polite and good boy, well done😊
i could listen to him speak all day long lol
he's impressive and his thought is so profound.
That was really smooth! Pretty impressive!!
i hope i can be this guy in the future.. he is absolutely fantastic
The interviewee's accent is even more natural than that of the interviewer.
Yes indeed😂
same lol
Since the interviewer has to interview a wide range of english learners in different levels a day then he has to control his speed, accent, pronounciation and so on to ensure that every participants can understand what he is saying 😂
@Arman Garist :) that makes sense :) may be the requirements are not depend on the accent anymore but on a participant’s critical and innovative thinking, right form of sentences and accurate pronunciation :)
Вот это настоящая 9 ка, а не как у многих других)
I’ve learned a lot from this video 😊
11:26 11:38 So smart, so right and so handsome to. That's what i mean, we have to. Its can be so simplestly think like barista-barmaid-playing music or writing book little russian story, but it has to be, that's the college need, that's the university means
I think he deserves more than a 9 scores.
Apparently, he never need to get any feedback. Really impressive mock test.
this dude is legit incredible
This is so impressive! Good luck Hong!
The candidate speaks much better than the interviewer, lol. He should be an interviewer too, his English is way too good for an Asian who never lives in a native English speaking country.
They're both native level English speakers. The interviewer is Irish and the candidate sounds like he either lived in the USA during childhood or did all his schooling in English
@@birefringent2851 not native
Smooth af. Just close your eyes and this is an ordinary american man 😂
Please have more people like this with good accents and logical and comfortable tones😊
how'd you sum up your thoughts in a second while speaking smoothly like that... I'm so jealous😂
He doesn't deserve a score of 9.0.
He should be a *9.5*
Very thoughtful questions, but the interviewee did very well.
congratulations, you are so worthy brand 9.0
I could get how fluent he is once I got his first sentence of the entire talk. No need to listen to all. Brilliant!
The key is being natural and comfortable. I mean, don't think about idioms, just speak even you just speak with a basic vocabulary.
He is not only good at English but also has a high level of knowledge😂 He speaks like professor who studied for their entire life.
this guy's answers are greate and sounds smart... I hope I can be like him lol
The examiner in my 2nd test didnot talk clearly. He used a mask and the speed of his sound also was very fast. I had to make sure again and again to him for what he did just say. I gues he was above 70 y.o. Therefore in 2nd test I got 5.5 because cannot hear obviously his sound. While my 1st test i got 6.5 because the examiner's sound was very clear, not fast but i still can get the point. So your score for speaking also depends on your examiner. I turned to 5.5 from 6.5 because i cannot hear the examiner clearly. In this video, you can hear him without even make more attention of what he did say.
Did you request a remark?
Not to mention his English language skills, I'm drawn to working with him or becoming good friends because of what he says and his personality alone.
He’s was smooth!!! 👏🏻
so fluently.Admire
Why does he need a test? He’s clearly an English native speaker.
Ofcourse an Application needs proof in the form of certificate
He said he had lived in different places around the world, so he probably went to an international school for much of his life. That would make him practically a native speaker because he would've used English except when he's with his parents (just like most second-generation Korean Americans/Canadians/Australians, etc). But since he lived in so many different countries, it's likely that he has a Korean passport rather than a US/Canadian/Australian/UK passport (Usually, Korean parents go to these countries to settle down, not to move around). And that's why he needs to take IELTS. He's a Korean national, and he needs to prove that he's good at English, which he obviously is. He's a TCK and practically an English native speaker.
와 이런내용은 한국말로도 조리있게 말하기 힘들듯 ㅋㅋ 똑똑한 청년 .
Amazing guy
he's sooo goooddd omggg
Confident 👍🏻
What a gorgeous accent 😍
amazing! I wanna be like him 😊
He is so great!
I will never get this level of his speaking ability😢
남자분 영어하시는 목소리가 진짜 좋으시네요
@@parislondon5141 he is fine❤
his answer is so brilliant lol 😂
내용도 풍부하고 감각도 좋고 문장도 자유롭게 쓰네요. 문법 오류가 있어도 스스로 감지하는 것 같고 정말 훌륭합니다.
근데 목소리 좀 크게 키워야 해요. 스피커를 최대로 놓고 해야 들리네요. 이 정도면 밖에선 잘 안 들려요.
"What is your favorite room in your home?"
It seems like he had studied in the international school where they used English for teaching all his childhood life.
Every year IELTS examination is getting harder and the interviewers are very selective in giving the grades .
Could you please write down the questions/topics??
Damn he is so fluid in engllish
His english is really great.I want to steal it from him😅
진짜 줜나 잘하네
lol the interviewee's english is more fluent here
역시 pharmaceutical를 전공할 학생이라 영어가 정말 유창하네요 ㅎㅎㅎ Good luck on your study !!!!
I got that... it's all about fluency. I think he is an international student in overseas...for a while..
Awesome ♥ sometimes questions be more efficient and helpful for the candidate
👏 awesome
Is this a test to see if American really can understand English?
this is very good
There are some question lists in website. They prepared answer sentences for each question. So he can promptly answer the question. Someone ask you questions in Korean, it is difficult to answer it directly without thinking.
yea, you can learn like 10 speaking samples , and you will be able to do real speaking test well. There are a lot of similar questions in IELTS
Hello! Our video follows the same format as the actual exam. Therefore, candidates are not aware of the test questions in advance. They are being evaluated based on their own abilities. Please support the candidates who provide excellent answers. :)
Subtitle makes ur video more effective
He says " yeah " like Jone Wick
Is he a native speaker? He speaks really well
when the interviewee is better than the interviewer in English XD XD XD
나 10년 전에 아이엘츠 스피킹 6점 받았다.
묻는 말에만 대답해라.
말 많이 한다고 좋은 점수 받는게 아니다. 질문에 대해 정확한 답변, 그리고 그 답변이 얼마나 유창한가에 따라서 점수가 나뉘는거지 한강에 대해 decribe 하라는데 자기가 한강에서 데이트 하던거, 마포대교 무너진거 등등 한강 묘사하는거랑 전혀 상관없는 이야기하면 그냥 그렇게 골로 가는거다.
담당자는 절대 말 안끊고 다 듣고 있다. 말 많이 했다고 좋아하다가 골로간다.
@@parislondon5141 he is cool ❤
@@Asdfasdf-s8r 아뇨. 9점 영상에 훈계하는게 전혀 아닌데 님이 그렇게 생각한다면 그건 알아서 생각하면 되요.
분명 누군가는 도움이 될테니까.
10년 전이나 지금이나 호주 대학입학용 아이엘츠 요구 점수는 똑같은데 10년전 6점이 요즘 5점이하 정말 맞나요?
님 말이 맞다면 요즘 대학입학은 저 때보다 훨씬 더 쉬워졌네요. 그럼 요즘 학교 입학하는 사람들 수준이 저보다 더 떨어진다는 말인데..... 이게 말이 되는건가요?
@@Asdfasdf-s8r 음.. 뭔가 착각하고 있는거 같은데 난 요즘 아이엘츠 수준은 모릅니다. 나는 나보다 아이엘츠 점수 잘받은 사람한테 설교한게 아니라 아이엘츠 시험 경험이 없는 사람들에게 제 경험을 이야기한것 뿐이예요.
제 글이 설교질로 보여서 기분나빳다면 그건 내가 알 바는 아닙니다. 제가 발작한걸로 보인다면 그렇게 보세요. 굳이 제 알바 없는 것들을 자꾸 언급하는데 당신 인생 당신 알아서 사는거죠ㅋ
하지만 내가 설교를 하든 내 경험을 공유하든 당신처럼 내 글이 9.0 동영상에 설교하는걸로 밖에 못보는 한글 독해력을 가진 수준의 사람이 참견할건 아닌거 같아요.
아니 대학 입학 요구점수가 10년 전이랑 그대로라는 말도 이해가 안가요? 예전 점수 6점이 요즘 5점이면 대학 입학가능 수준도 요즘 5점대 수준이라는 말인데..
당신 말대로면 요즘 외국대학가기 정말 쉽다는건데....
아이엘츠 6점 수준에 대해서 대학을 믿어야 하나 님 말을 믿어야 하나....
@@Asdfasdf-s8r 설교 아니라해도 혼자 막 정신승리하면서 자아도취하는 모습이 너무 보기 웃깁니다.
요즘 아이엘츠는 따기가 많이 어렵나봐요... 10년전에도 님처럼 똑같이 말하는 사람들 많았었는데 예나 지금이나 징징대기만 하는 가축류들은 여전히 들끓나봐요..
님은 저보다 아이엘츠 점수가 더 높으니 저한테 설교질하고 있겠죠? 10년전 6점이면 지금은 어느 정도 수준일지 생각은 못하나봐요ㅋㅋ
핀트 잘못잡고 엉뚱한 사람한테 깝치지 말고 님도 저처럼 본인 경험이나 주의할점같은거 사람들한테 공유해주면 아이엘츠 처음보는 사람들한테 더 도움이 될거 같아요.
10년전 6점이 지금 5점인게 중요한게 아니라 10년전에 아이엘츠 시험을 봐서 대학에 입학했던 사람이 본인 경험을 이야기해 주면 참고할거면 하고 아닐거면 그냥 증발하면 되요.
낄때 안낄때 구분 못하고 대화주제의 핀트도 제대로 못잡아서 본인의 부족한 두뇌프로세스와 결여된 사회성은 그만 증명하셔도 됩니다.
인생을 지금 님처럼 패배자로만 살려고 발버둥치지말고 널리 인간을 이롭게 하려고 노력해봐요.
아무래도 거기가 파이팅이 필요한듯 하네요. 그래도 님은 파이팅하지말고 지금 이대로 쭉 가축류로 지냈으면 하는게 제 개인적인 바램입니다. 그래야 제가 편하거든요ㅎ
그래도 저 파이팅해주셔서 감사합니다.
쓸모없게 되면 잡아먹는대신 땅에 묻어는 드릴게요ㅎㅎ
@@Asdfasdf-s8r 혼자 그렇게 정신승리하면서 패배자로 살면 됩니다.
10년 전에도 님처럼 예전에는 쉬웠는데 지금은 어렵다며 징징대는 가축류들이 많았답니다.
10년전 6점이었던 제가 지금은 어떨지 저 스스로도 궁금은 하네요. 근데 이제는 시험성적으로 이야기하는 수준은 아니라서....무튼 덕분에 옛날생각나고 좋네요ㅎㅎ
10년전 6점은 요즘 5점대는 전혀 핀트가 아니예요.
핀트는 시험요령이예요. 저 시험칠때 쓸데없는말 많이해서 저보다 점수 안나온 사람들 많이 봐서 묻는 말에만 대답하라는 팁을 주는건데 님처럼 갲ㅂ신처럼 이해할 사람이 있을 줄은 전혀 몰랐어요..
보니까 저보다 점수 높게 받은거 같은데 님도 저처럼 시험요령이나 주의할점같은거 다른 사람들에게 공유해 주는건 어때요? 아이엘츠 처음보는 사람들한테는 무슨 정보든 도움이 될거니까요. 저때는 이런 정보가 없었어서^^
나는 님 따위의 파이팅 전혀 필요가 없어서...
오히려 파이팅은 님이 절실히 필요해 보이는데.......
I feel pressure to take my exam if I saw a performance like this 😢 however, well done Korean!
wow he's smart
기아 이범호랑 진짜 똑닮았네 ㄷㄷ 아들이라고해도 믿을듯
is it possible to post part 2 questions in future videos like the previous videos did?
Best answers I ever heard
I'm casually watching this and I don't even know why😂
plz upload more video band 9,,,,,,,thank you so much
He’s got an asmr voice brb taking a nap
I'd appreciate if you could correct this sentence grammatically and semantically.there is massive comparison of my current hometown to the area where I lived before. In the past I would live in a rural area which was mesmorized by alot of greenery spaces and breathtaking landscapes
I learn from you
Ui t mê cái phát âm bây oi 😃
He is a natice speaker I guess and for his age realy knowledgeable
솔직히 아이엘츠 스피킹은 심사위원 성향에 따라 조금씩 달라지는듯
저도 지금 아이엘츠 보는데, 시험관이 어떤 사람이냐에 따라 1점이 왔다갔다 하더라구요.
회화공부들은 어캐들 하시고 계신가요?
@@Ratatouille_ 저는 Vocabulary 만 1년 했어요.
그리고 현지에서 튜토리얼 선생님과 2번씩 하고 있어요.
그냥 많이 듣고, 말하면 되요.
아는만큼 들리고 말할수록 있어요
@@yang_goon_ca vocabulary만 1년 하셨다는게 무슨 의미인가요?
@@parislondon5141 it s Beautiful
He speaks like a native
i have a question for the ielts examiner where is this place to hand over ielts score?
excellent and respectful
In the real world this would probably get an 8.
Agreed.The Speaking criteria in band 9 doesn’t define his Performance. 8.0 perhaps.I guess examiners vary their scores based on some other preferences.
He had the answer of part 3 same me. Children learn attitude with life from parent❤
I bet even the examiner is hard to beyond his performance
Only like six floors apartments?Which means when it comes to apartments normally more higher?
Most apartments in Korea are usually more than 15 stories tall.
Does anyone know this person's account or where I can contact him?I want to take some notes from him
this guy is more fluent than the dude giving the test lol
He speaks like Elon Musk
I'd appreciate if you could correct this sentence grammatically and semantically.I live in an apartment with three stories we are on second has a kitchen ,living room and a bathroom and two bedrooms
At the end of the sentences he low his voice that I don't understand what he says 😟
sounds like bear bears..!I like his voice
9.0 ㄷㄷㄷㄷ
I'd appreciate if you could correct this sentence grammatically and semantically.parents play an important role to raise a successful children.since children spend almost all day with their parents it is naturally to imitate their manner and attitude
"Parents play an important role in raising successful children. Since children spend almost all day with their parents it is natural to imitate their manner and attitude."
However a native speaker would never say "imitate their manner and attitude" in conversation because the word "manner" with this meaning in this context is not conversational register, we would just say "imitate them and their attitude," or if you want to be more specific "imitate their mannerisms and attitude" or "imitate their behavior and attitude"
I hear "as well" in every answer
Not using a wide range of words. Positive good nice great from the first question to the end. 8.5