Last 10 minutes he illustrates The tool of disaggregation develop a lightweight team and heavyweight team which helps to transition new concept to launch in minimal time Toyota as an example, in education like charter schools….. excellent!
The craziest part is that they had actually developed a digital camera. But Kodak, much like the current printer companies, wasn’t in the business of giving you a camera or a printer. But were(are) actually in the business of selling you the stuff that comes with that product. If Kodak went digital they would’ve gutted their own sales.
Last 10 minutes he illustrates The tool of disaggregation develop a lightweight team and heavyweight team which helps to transition new concept to launch in minimal time Toyota as an example, in education like charter schools….. excellent!
Thank you.
in 2019 online education pickedup as predicted by linearised s-curve.
Kodak did not catch it
The craziest part is that they had actually developed a digital camera. But Kodak, much like the current printer companies, wasn’t in the business of giving you a camera or a printer. But were(are) actually in the business of selling you the stuff that comes with that product. If Kodak went digital they would’ve gutted their own sales.
The wandering cave ostensibly crush because secretary speculatively confess excluding a salty dashboard. defeated, sagittarius