"You are not slaves you are not beggars. You are sons and daughters of a great king." This entire video touched me but for some reason those words have resonated deep within my soul.
I went 11 years away from the church. At first I stopped going because I wanted to live my own way. After a while I stopped believing. I didn't think I could stop believing but I did. After a while I WISHED I could believe again but I couldn't ask Jesus to help. For years I couldn't believe and finally after just being ground down into the dirt, depressed, suicidal ideations, I finally hit a point where I could finally reach out to Jesus again. After reaching back to Jesus it took maybe 2 weeks and I had made it to confession and received the Eucharist again and it all legitimately came back. I'm so happy. I know I could lose my faith again and that it's a gift. Going to trust that it comes from Jesus and am so thankful I have it back.
Bless you, thank you for this message. I did not know she had suffered so much, including such a dark night of her soul. You, yourself, are a sweet and holy saint.😢
Please pray for my daughter Claira Francis she's a recovering drug addict and has been clean for two months and is praying 🙏 a novena to St. Therese.... please pray for her journey to full recovery and that she would have a complete recovery and a lasting recovery 🙏 I Jesus name I pray 🙏🕊️💞 amen...
I pray for your daughter Claira Francis, please may the Lord speak to her heart, and show her the path he has set out before her. I pray for you too, for healing, for it is hard to see your child suffer in such ways. May the Lord help you, and bring you both closer to him. Amen 🙏
Only saw this now… Love her very much. My beloved spiritual love. Had two occasions where upon praying tye novena to her, I received a Lilly, quite unexpectedly. Guantee that my petition was granted.
When I was younger I prayed god not to loose faith but I did. Surrounded by people claiming to be spiritual or downright militant atheists, a tiny part of me was still on the lookout before the grace of revelation. Living up to that hasn’t been a straight line and I’m amazed at God’s patience… Which can only be explained by his immense love for us. Thank you brother, and by the way you made me cry.
Through God's graces I was able to go to Lisieux with my kids, and able to bring my mom there (we are from Toronto) to visit St. Therese of the Child Jesus! She is one of my patron saints. St. Therese of the Child Jesus, pray for us!
Dear Fr. Columba: I liked your insight about the challenge of being confident when things don’t go our way. As you said, it’s much easier to be confident when all is fine. I tend to be hard on myself when my confidence falters in trying times. Your insight reminded me that having doubt in times of trouble is normal. No need for self-loathing. I’ve heard St. Therese is quite a remarkable saint, yet I haven’t read about her in detail. I’m now moved to learn from her…as well as pray to her for the gift of confidence and poise in trying times, and in dark nights of the soul. Thank you for your candor, and for being a great messenger of God. Well done good and faithful servant. Fondly, Juan Carlos F.
Thank you Father for a beautiful video. I tear up easily so I was there with you. I read Story of a Soul about 18 months ago. Initially I was just overwhelmed by her saintliness from an early age and I felt “Oh my Lord, I am in trouble. I am so far away from that. I can never measure up in comparison”. As time has passed, I realize grace is a gift from God and He dispenses it as He sees fit. I trust in that and I continuously pray to St. Therese to help me walk her Little Way even if it means just a little gesture for the day. Keep up your content.
I felt the same way reading her book.. then I just realised that “wow, God loves me just the same He loves her, I also am His beloved daughter” ; that heals my heart and my thoughts of comparison..!
Father, thank you. How beautiful. I would like to ask you to pray for me that a particularly difficult financial situation be resolved soon. It’s a small thing compared to all the problems in the world today but would appreciate a prayer and your blessing upon our situation. I will pray for you Father and thank you for these beautiful messages of yours.
Finally ❤ someone is getting the depth of a childhood to a youngest Carmelites life . The love of saint Theresa!! She’s our end times Saint. this is why so many obstacles were put on her ways. She’s so powerful right now! She’s here on earth searching for souls for her little ways… powerfully pray 🙏 to her ! She’s coming Out with the truth of her little humble ways because this was the most misunderstood pure virgin saint from the crib to saint Theresa’s death ever. She excepted all sufferings, all suffering from the early life the loss of loved ones ,separations constantly by her sisters, being so young misunderstood by her fellow nuns .Her future missionary dreams all taken away by a horrible death so young to die .Your spiritual connection… you were chosen ❤ I feel her through you. Praise God! We’re so blessed to have this beautiful presentation by you Praise Jesus Christ church in gratitude 🙏
I went through three months of total darkness where it felt I had fallen in a totally black and very deep well so deep I couldn't see the light up. I couldn't do anything to save myself, only pray and pray but God was utterly silent, absent. I didn't understand what was happening.. until during confession a very faithful priest I had never met before came to bed and told me that our Blessed Lord had granted me that great gift. I knew what he meant but felt so terribly unworthy. After absolution, and final Blessing he left. Then came four months of utter jubilation. I hardly slept. Though I was in a wheelchair I was in Heaven.
Father you had me reaching for my tissues I crying with you this one really touched my heart ❤️ thank you. Saint Therese Steal my heart and give it to Jesus I beg you humbly bless you all
Dearest St Therese 🌹 please pray for me and give me some of your confidence and trust as a child of God 🌹✝️🌹 Amen Thank you for sharing Fr. Columba, I love Therese Little sister of mine.
The beauty of your tears and love for God also moved me. He loves us so much. Thank you for being so open. I often imagine me being a little girl just holding his hand because I am so weak and small. Thank you Father for CTM.
I am a convert to the Faith and Saint Therese is primarily responsible for my conversion. I have always thought that she is the most misunderstood Saint. Her greatness is still hidden for so many. Thank you for this beautiful video. God bless, Father!
So much of her experience resonates with us. The idea of God being ‘helpless’ to withhold anything from us when we come to Him in total confidence…well my tears erupted along with you Father. The daily battle to truly believe Him and trust Him is endless but these words were such a beautiful reminder of how pleased God is when we persevere.
Sister Therese, steal for me the things of Heaven so I can save as many souls here on earth! Your unworthy little brother; a Carmelite postulant! Singapore 🇸🇬
😢I cry with you my brother, the realization of God’s love, the Saint’s love for us is more beautiful than words can express. I was one of those who started to read St Therese’s autobiography. When I reached the part that her priest declared she had never committed a mortal sin I closed the book and said, this Saint is not for me. She is spoiled and a goody goody. Then years later my priest encourage me to read another book about her, cannot recall the title, but let me tell you, I fell hopelessly in love with my little Saint. I now regard her as my very close confidant. She has a part of my heart and I cannot wait, by God’s grace, to weep tears of joy with her in Heaven!
Not being a believer, but very interested in faith, I learnt of few things about St Therese over the last few days and read some of her words. They were intriguing, to say the least. What struck me personally was her determination to stick to her faith in the face of months of doubt and how she re-framed that doubt as a sacrifice for the benefit of unbelievers. It is easy to see for me how much of a sign of a strong faith this is, so, for that alone, I can see why the Catholic Church reveres her. What it meant for me personally is a gain in understanding of how people can stick to their paradigm in the face of doubt. To be honest, I myself would re-examine my convictions at such a time and have done so in the past. I would see doubts (honest doubts based on reasoned criticism) as a sign to check the truth of my beliefs and a need to look for answers. St Therese certainly offers an interesting, different perspective on this.
I became incredibly sick. To the point I felt it was a victory if I could crawl out of bed that day. When I was finally diagnosed with a thyroid disease, I said to Jesus that I had no idea what was wrong or how I was going to get well, but I would offer it all to Him for the salvation of souls and place all of my suffering in His hands and trust He would see me through. This was in the early days of e-books and since going to the library was challenging, I started downloading ebooks. I thought if I was going to give this to Jesus I should start to learn how to do it right and what better way than to read about the saints. So I entered "Saint" into the search. The first book I found was Story of a Soul. God has a crazy way of doing things like that to me. I had a hard time with it's childlike simplicity and sentimentality, but I totally latched onto the simplicity of her faith. It's probably the only way I could have made it through the darkness which turned out to be multiple tick born diseases. Treatment was dark and unrelenting at times. The pain and suffering is intense and drives many to choose suicide. Sometimes the only prayer I could say was "Jesus." One night the brain inflammation and pain was unstoppable and inescapable, I was likely delirious, but I can still feel the gentle kiss that Jesus placed on the side of my head. I knew I would be alright. I am much better now, but I still go through periods of intense darkness, agitation and irritation. I just get back to the basics and take comfort in my daily prayers and rest on the promises of Christ until it passes. My friends and family do not understand how going through the darkness is an important part of the process. But, to me it is when I experience the most important spiritual insights and improvements.
You know how sometimes saints choose you? St Therese chose me and got me to finally move on the call to start inquiry with the Lay Carmelites. She’s a persuasive little fighter and great encourager. Her sister Leonie is too. Don’t forget Leonie. She had to fight from day 1. What a family!
I don’t mean to disrespect your vocation Father. But you beautiful spirit! I felt those tears drop on my heart! I’m sending you hugs from a sister. lot’s of prayers for you and for the whole universe ♥️ May St Therese of Lisieux pray for us and pounce on us at the gate of our Heavenly Kingdom 🙏🏻
I named my daughter Blathín Theresa, as a non believer at the time. ‘Little Flower’ Theresa is the translation. How apt, yet I never knew. God guided me there, even though I was lost. She’s not yet found Jesus, but I pray that she will find him soon 🙏
Thank you for this beautifully piercing revelation on the life of Saint Therese, Father Columba! As soon as you said she should be the patron saint of atheists and people struggling with their faith, I immediately thought maybe that's really why Saint Therese is the patron saint of missionaries even though she never went on mission and stayed within the confines of the convent. I very much appreciate your videos! Greetings and prayers from Prince Edward Island, Canada
Father, thank you so much for this talk. Periodically, that darkness hits me for a day.. and it takes all my might to resist succumbing to that darkness.. it’s as if there is no up or down or right or left, or weight or depth or anything I feel like I can measure or know.. and then, suddenly I’ll wake up the next day and it’s gone.. and I experience the peace of God. If Therese endured anything like that for nine months: wow. I can’t help but think of those nine months of darkness preceded her physical death.. what a pregnancy of life! She must have been born so powerfully and beautifully into eternity.. a darkness before the dawn of life with the Lord. Your talks continuously touch my soul and help me to grow in strength and understating, Father Columba.
I was given a 1st Class Relic of St Therese on my birthday in 1998. My favourite saint who definitely comes with many miracles and presents from Heaven.
I realised a few months later that my completely unexpected return to the Catholic Church after decades of agnosticism had coincided with the tour of the relics of St. Thérèse to the UK. She is still “stealing” from Heaven for us (and thanks, Mum, for baptising me “Theresa Maria”❤)💐
Gosh, Father I saw this last year....and there it was again on UA-cam......Somehow I have to save this.....such struggling when I got up this morning, a darkness, yes, not like Therese, of course, but it was enough for me that I had to struggle with a mantra I came up with yesterday, I am not my dark thoughts, I am not my past, my future is in the hands of a loving God. ...... I am a new creation in God (2 Cor).....I wrote it out and put it on my phone when those dark thoughts hit me again.....THANK YOU, FATHER!!! 🌺❣
Daughters can get away with anything with fathers and brothers. When I realized faith is a choice is when I escaped a life of atheism, and I began to witness graces in my life that very day. I made the choice to be a believer in something before I knew if it would be christianity, but God’s Providence brought me into all the places and relationships I needed to make that right decision. God bless everyone experiencing the absence of God’s face. When he hides it you learn the fear of the Lord, as well as the love and gratitude for his mercies. If it was just natural consequences of material substance then that would be God’s justice which we all ought to dread as sinners. But we can all attest his mercies which are evidence of his love and forgiveness. Thank God.
I always thought St Therese was too sweet, too naiive-perfect, too not real... All those pictures of her with eyes turned upwards and smile plastered to her face like nothing ever hurt her or bothered her turned me off, and I "wrote her off". Father Columba, you changed it for me. I think I want to know more about her. Thank you.
I heard about St. Therese, but never thought of learning about her. Today on my way home from work I had this desire to look on YT for something about her, not much about her, but I saw your video and I understood why I need St. Therese in my life, she is so simple and yet so complicated, arent we all.
So, so good... No one warns you that once you make a decision for Christ, the floor may drop out from underneath you. And there's no way to know when God will put it back. It's easy to get mad at God when I don't understand. Even more painful is a desire to serve God that goes unanswered, sometimes for years, while he is doing the necessary work of a heart surgeon. I can so relate to why Therese wrote the Creed in her own blood. She probably would have put it on her own body if she could have. It's a permanent way to say to God, "I'm never leaving you." No matter what. There is no one and nothing else for me.
oh most certainly yes!!! Love Therese so much as she has been helping me more deeply know my identity as a beloved daughter of God the Father. Thank you Father
I read The Passion of Therese by Guy Gaucher OCD. He describes the mental and physical sufferings she endured in those final months. It was an eye opener. You are right to say that she was a warrior.
I have sooo much love for her and gratitude to her for teaching me. And grateful for your words today pointing towards that confidence that I try so hard in the small ways a million times a day to imbue my weakness with. I will pray to her! It’s funny how one can at the same time be brimming with faith and have fear and doubt. I will also pray for a clean heart and the will to allow God Full Rein! Thank you Father for your teaching! Sending prayers to you and your community.♥️
Thank you for sharing such an amazing edifying experience in your own words what active faith in Gods Mysterious Plan for Mankind’s Salvation truly is. May God Bless you for all eternity for what you have given to a once broken bird.
You are so refreshing. I feel you so much and am praying daily for your country. I’ve never seen you before or this channel, but I know it was providence today. Love St. Teresa and I too am a little soul with much faith. I’m a convert and am amazed that as much as I fall, He is always there and feel His deep love and when I’m in darkness, I may not “feel” Him but my soul cannot deny Him. I finally understand that this is part of the journey and He always sends me people to help me carry my cross. It’s such an adventure to be Catholic and I can’t wait to meet you one day. ❤️🔥🙏🏻🌹
Thank you Fr. Columba for clarifying that… I’ve never heard it explained like that before. …God is powerless before someone who believes with all their heart, despite how they feel or what is going on around them… awesome, incredible…I really needed to hear that right now, thank you 🙏❤️🥹
BEAUTIFUL!! St Theresa IS my little sister and I love her dearly! It’s so simple yet so profound! GOD OUR FATHER LOVES US! LOVES ME! As if we are each the only ones in earth! The more TRUST and CONFIDENCE we gave in Him, the more TRUST and CONFIDENCE we receive through Grace through Our Heavenly Mother! It’s a wondrous cycle of TRUE LOVE!
Do you know how many love her and rest in her Little Way? Well, me for one as she is my Patron. I held the doors open at the Cathedral in Seattle when her relics visited and was overwhelmed amazed at the thousands who came to see her. Not all Catholic, maybe not many, but they came to bring her their love.
Do you know how many realizations you just helped me have. I've known St. Therese for years and always thought she was a cutesy bubbly bum too. This puts into perspective so much of her person in depth of suffering and so much of how GOD wants to test us for me. Thank you and GOD Bless you.
Saint Thérèse of the Child Jesus, pray for us.
Amen 🙏
More and more.....Amen
Amen 🙏
Ave Maria ❤ Jesus I Trust in You
Amen 🙏🏻 Upon the whole universe 🙏🏻
This is probably the most beautiful description of her I have come across. Thank you 🌹
"You are not slaves you are not beggars. You are sons and daughters of a great king."
This entire video touched me but for some reason those words have resonated deep within my soul.
I went 11 years away from the church. At first I stopped going because I wanted to live my own way. After a while I stopped believing. I didn't think I could stop believing but I did. After a while I WISHED I could believe again but I couldn't ask Jesus to help.
For years I couldn't believe and finally after just being ground down into the dirt, depressed, suicidal ideations, I finally hit a point where I could finally reach out to Jesus again.
After reaching back to Jesus it took maybe 2 weeks and I had made it to confession and received the Eucharist again and it all legitimately came back. I'm so happy. I know I could lose my faith again and that it's a gift. Going to trust that it comes from Jesus and am so thankful I have it back.
Peace be with you, friend
Bless you, thank you for this message. I did not know she had suffered so much, including such a dark night of her soul. You, yourself, are a sweet and holy saint.😢
Oh man I felt that sting in the eyes and burning in the heart of "I choose to believe" while watching. Thank you brother.
Thanks for watching!
A "mighty warrior" is one of the most accurate descriptions of St. Thérèse ever. Thank you, Fr. Columba 🙏
you are love and bubbles!
Thank you so much, cried with you. Please steal many things from heaven for us sister Therese ❤️
❤🙏 🌹 🌹🌹🌹🥹
Please pray for my daughter Claira Francis she's a recovering drug addict and has been clean for two months and is praying 🙏 a novena to St. Therese.... please pray for her journey to full recovery and that she would have a complete recovery and a lasting recovery 🙏 I Jesus name I pray 🙏🕊️💞 amen...
My prayer are with you and your daughter, much love!In Jesus name we pray
Thank you Norman
How is Claira Francis today?
I pray for your daughter Claira Francis, please may the Lord speak to her heart, and show her the path he has set out before her. I pray for you too, for healing, for it is hard to see your child suffer in such ways. May the Lord help you, and bring you both closer to him. Amen 🙏
Only saw this now… Love her very much. My beloved spiritual love. Had two occasions where upon praying tye novena to her, I received a Lilly, quite unexpectedly. Guantee that my petition was granted.
When I was younger I prayed god not to loose faith but I did. Surrounded by people claiming to be spiritual or downright militant atheists, a tiny part of me was still on the lookout before the grace of revelation. Living up to that hasn’t been a straight line and I’m amazed at God’s patience… Which can only be explained by his immense love for us. Thank you brother, and by the way you made me cry.
Beautiful. Thank you for watching!
Through God's graces I was able to go to Lisieux with my kids, and able to bring my mom there (we are from Toronto)
to visit St. Therese of the Child Jesus! She is one of my patron saints. St. Therese of the Child Jesus, pray for us!
Dear Fr. Columba: I liked your insight about the challenge of being confident when things don’t go our way. As you said, it’s much easier to be confident when all is fine. I tend to be hard on myself when my confidence falters in trying times. Your insight reminded me that having doubt in times of trouble is normal. No need for self-loathing.
I’ve heard St. Therese is quite a remarkable saint, yet I haven’t read about her in detail. I’m now moved to learn from her…as well as pray to her for the gift of confidence and poise in trying times, and in dark nights of the soul.
Thank you for your candor, and for being a great messenger of God.
Well done good and faithful servant.
Fondly, Juan Carlos F.
Dear Juan, this is wonderful to hear thank you for sharing. Praying for many blessings as you learn more about the Little Flower.
Thank you Father for a beautiful video. I tear up easily so I was there with you. I read Story of a Soul about 18 months ago. Initially I was just overwhelmed by her saintliness from an early age and I felt “Oh my Lord, I am in trouble. I am so far away from that. I can never measure up in comparison”. As time has passed, I realize grace is a gift from God and He dispenses it as He sees fit. I trust in that and I continuously pray to St. Therese to help me walk her Little Way even if it means just a little gesture for the day. Keep up your content.
Thank you @luluq01, and so glad to hear this video meant something to you! Bless you
I felt the same way reading her book.. then I just realised that “wow, God loves me just the same He loves her, I also am His beloved daughter” ; that heals my heart and my thoughts of comparison..!
Father, thank you. How beautiful. I would like to ask you to pray for me that a particularly difficult financial situation be resolved soon. It’s a small thing compared to all the problems in the world today but would appreciate a prayer and your blessing upon our situation. I will pray for you Father and thank you for these beautiful messages of yours.
Absolutely, Gabe, we will be praying for you. Very glad you’re enjoying the videos. Bless you
Thank you for showing us the warrior in Terese, Father. And for your tears. I cried too in thinking of the Father giving me His kingdom.
Thank you for watching!
Incredible saint! We are so blessed to be catholic…
Amen to that!
Finally ❤ someone is getting the depth of a childhood to a youngest Carmelites life .
The love of saint Theresa!!
She’s our end times Saint.
this is why so many obstacles were put on her ways.
She’s so powerful right now!
She’s here on earth searching for souls for her little ways… powerfully pray 🙏 to her !
She’s coming Out with the truth of her little humble ways because
this was the most misunderstood pure virgin saint from the crib to saint Theresa’s death ever.
She excepted all sufferings, all suffering from the early life the loss of loved ones ,separations constantly by her sisters, being so young misunderstood by her fellow nuns .Her future missionary dreams all taken away by a horrible death so young to die .Your spiritual connection…
you were chosen ❤ I feel her through you.
Praise God!
We’re so blessed to have this beautiful presentation by you
Praise Jesus Christ church in gratitude 🙏
Thank you for your kind and lovely words, Susan. Bless you!
I went through three months of total darkness where it felt I had fallen in a totally black and very deep well so deep I couldn't see the light up. I couldn't do anything to save myself, only pray and pray but God was utterly silent, absent. I didn't understand what was happening.. until during confession a very faithful priest I had never met before came to bed and told me that our Blessed Lord had granted me that great gift. I knew what he meant but felt so terribly unworthy. After absolution, and final Blessing he left. Then came four months of utter jubilation. I hardly slept. Though I was in a wheelchair I was in Heaven.
St.Therese of the Holy Face ..pray for us 🌹✝️
Beautiful beautiful beautiful. St Therese burst into my life in a big and unexpected way this year. I love her. Thank you for this
So lovely to hear! Bless you
Father you had me reaching for my tissues I crying with you this one really touched my heart ❤️ thank you.
Saint Therese Steal my heart and give it to Jesus I beg you humbly bless you all
So glad this spoke to you, and thank you! Blessings to you too, Friend :)
@@ctmcatholic 🙏bless you Father
I like the symbolism of relentless faith illustrated by the action of your hand as a wave powerfully crashing against the rock at 2:27.
Thank you 🙏🏼
Amazing. That truth moved me to tears aswell. Just extraordinary. Amazing God. Amazing Grace. Amazing St. Therese. God bless you more Fr.
God bless you!
Amen thank you my St Theresa please 🙏 remember my family for one voice one family 💓❤️ for ever and ever 🙏 amen shalom amen
Dearest St Therese 🌹 please pray for me and give me some of your confidence and trust as a child of God 🌹✝️🌹 Amen
Thank you for sharing Fr. Columba, I love Therese Little sister of mine.
Thank you for watching ❤️
Amen 🙏
Thank you father, for creating these videos.
Thank you for watching!
Beautiful tribute to a beautiful saint. Any time I talk about St. Therese and St. Maria Goretti, I get choked up too.
The beauty of your tears and love for God also moved me. He loves us so much. Thank you for being so open. I often imagine me being a little girl just holding his hand because I am so weak and small. Thank you Father for CTM.
Thank you Diane for your encouraging words, and glad you found the video helpful. Bless you
Such a powerful talk the move the heart in the right direction.NEVER GIVE UP ON GOD THANK YOU SO MUCH
Oh Fr. This touched my heart and soul like no other. I cried with you. Thank you for letting God talk to me to right now. My joy is immeasurable.
Wow. Powerful. I know about her Little Way and little of her short life. I shall dig in.
Thank you for watching.
I am a convert to the Faith and Saint Therese is primarily responsible for my conversion. I have always thought that she is the most misunderstood Saint. Her greatness is still hidden for so many. Thank you for this beautiful video. God bless, Father!
That's amazing, praise God.
I got out my third-degree St. Thérèse relic and I held it over my heart, just like she did with the Creed. Thank you, Father Columba.
That's beautiful, thank you for sharing!
So much of her experience resonates with us. The idea of God being ‘helpless’ to withhold anything from us when we come to Him in total confidence…well my tears erupted along with you Father. The daily battle to truly believe Him and trust Him is endless but these words were such a beautiful reminder of how pleased God is when we persevere.
Kinda speechless...cried along with you as I think most of us did. Thank you Father. St. Therese, pray for us.
Bless you, Anthony.
Thank you Father, I love you so much ❤️ because you remind us of how much the Father loves us 🙏
Thank you for watching. May God bless you!
Sister Therese, steal for me the things of Heaven so I can save as many souls here on earth! Your unworthy little brother; a Carmelite postulant! Singapore 🇸🇬
Thank you so much Father. That was beautiful. St Therese pray for us in these most difficult times of heresy and unbelief.🙏🙏🙏
You’re very welcome
St. Therese, steal for me the things of Heaven so I may share them with everyone I meet!! ❤️❤️❤️
Amen. 💙
Thank you for this Fr. Columba!
You’re very welcome. God bless.
Thank you, Father, I feel sooooo lost. The Little Flower is helping me from heaven....I need.the grace of confidence.🙏
Keep praying and He will give you the strength you need! We’ll be praying for you, Debra.
I struggle with confidence in the Lord as well. You’re not alone ❤️
😢I cry with you my brother, the realization of God’s love, the Saint’s love for us is more beautiful than words can express. I was one of those who started to read St Therese’s autobiography. When I reached the part that her priest declared she had never committed a mortal sin I closed the book and said, this Saint is not for me. She is spoiled and a goody goody. Then years later my priest encourage me to read another book about her, cannot recall the title, but let me tell you, I fell hopelessly in love with my little Saint. I now regard her as my very close confidant. She has a part of my heart and I cannot wait, by God’s grace, to weep tears of joy with her in Heaven!
Yes please pray for us St Therese and teach us to understand and live your little way
Thank You Holy Father. God Bless You
God bless!
Not being a believer, but very interested in faith, I learnt of few things about St Therese over the last few days and read some of her words. They were intriguing, to say the least.
What struck me personally was her determination to stick to her faith in the face of months of doubt and how she re-framed that doubt as a sacrifice for the benefit of unbelievers. It is easy to see for me how much of a sign of a strong faith this is, so, for that alone, I can see why the Catholic Church reveres her.
What it meant for me personally is a gain in understanding of how people can stick to their paradigm in the face of doubt. To be honest, I myself would re-examine my convictions at such a time and have done so in the past. I would see doubts (honest doubts based on reasoned criticism) as a sign to check the truth of my beliefs and a need to look for answers. St Therese certainly offers an interesting, different perspective on this.
I became incredibly sick. To the point I felt it was a victory if I could crawl out of bed that day.
When I was finally diagnosed with a thyroid disease, I said to Jesus that I had no idea what was wrong or how I was going to get well, but I would offer it all to Him for the salvation of souls and place all of my suffering in His hands and trust He would see me through.
This was in the early days of e-books and since going to the library was challenging, I started downloading ebooks. I thought if I was going to give this to Jesus I should start to learn how to do it right and what better way than to read about the saints. So I entered "Saint" into the search. The first book I found was Story of a Soul. God has a crazy way of doing things like that to me.
I had a hard time with it's childlike simplicity and sentimentality, but I totally latched onto the simplicity of her faith. It's probably the only way I could have made it through the darkness which turned out to be multiple tick born diseases. Treatment was dark and unrelenting at times. The pain and suffering is intense and drives many to choose suicide. Sometimes the only prayer I could say was "Jesus."
One night the brain inflammation and pain was unstoppable and inescapable, I was likely delirious, but I can still feel the gentle kiss that Jesus placed on the side of my head. I knew I would be alright.
I am much better now, but I still go through periods of intense darkness, agitation and irritation. I just get back to the basics and take comfort in my daily prayers and rest on the promises of Christ until it passes.
My friends and family do not understand how going through the darkness is an important part of the process. But, to me it is when I experience the most important spiritual insights and improvements.
I just wanted to reach through the camera and hug you.
Aw haha thank you!
You know how sometimes saints choose you? St Therese chose me and got me to finally move on the call to start inquiry with the Lay Carmelites. She’s a persuasive little fighter and great encourager. Her sister Leonie is too. Don’t forget Leonie. She had to fight from day 1. What a family!
Those two qualities - love and confidence you have in abundance by the grace of God. God bless you, my heart has softened another little bit 🙏✝️
That’s very kind of you. God bless you!
I don’t mean to disrespect your vocation Father. But you beautiful spirit! I felt those tears drop on my heart! I’m sending you hugs from a sister. lot’s of prayers for you and for the whole universe ♥️ May St Therese of Lisieux pray for us and pounce on us at the gate of our Heavenly Kingdom 🙏🏻
God bless you! God bless St Therese!! Still crying tears of love and joy!! Amen ❤
God bless you 💙
I named my daughter Blathín Theresa, as a non believer at the time. ‘Little Flower’ Theresa is the translation. How apt, yet I never knew. God guided me there, even though I was lost. She’s not yet found Jesus, but I pray that she will find him soon 🙏
Thank you for this beautifully piercing revelation on the life of Saint Therese, Father Columba! As soon as you said she should be the patron saint of atheists and people struggling with their faith, I immediately thought maybe that's really why Saint Therese is the patron saint of missionaries even though she never went on mission and stayed within the confines of the convent. I very much appreciate your videos! Greetings and prayers from Prince Edward Island, Canada
You’re very welcome. God bless you!
Thank you, Father. I had tears with you.
Bless you.
Father, thank you so much for this talk. Periodically, that darkness hits me for a day.. and it takes all my might to resist succumbing to that darkness.. it’s as if there is no up or down or right or left, or weight or depth or anything I feel like I can measure or know.. and then, suddenly I’ll wake up the next day and it’s gone.. and I experience the peace of God. If Therese endured anything like that for nine months: wow. I can’t help but think of those nine months of darkness preceded her physical death.. what a pregnancy of life! She must have been born so powerfully and beautifully into eternity.. a darkness before the dawn of life with the Lord. Your talks continuously touch my soul and help me to grow in strength and understating, Father Columba.
I was given a 1st Class Relic of St Therese on my birthday in 1998. My favourite saint who definitely comes with many miracles and presents from Heaven.
Gracias querido padre ! Gracias por este bello regalo! Gracias por el Amor dado y recibido! Un fuerte abrazo!
Wow!! Thank you for this. God bless you.
You are so welcome.
Therese understood Jesus' teachings perfectly, and lived them....simple :-)
I realised a few months later that my completely unexpected return to the Catholic Church after decades of agnosticism had coincided with the tour of the relics of St. Thérèse to the UK. She is still “stealing” from Heaven for us (and thanks, Mum, for baptising me “Theresa Maria”❤)💐
That is incredible! St Therese is powerful.
Congratulations and welcome back. Praise Jesus!... and thanks to St Therese 🌹
Gosh, Father I saw this last year....and there it was again on UA-cam......Somehow I have to save this.....such struggling when I got up this morning, a darkness, yes, not like Therese, of course, but it was enough for me that I had to struggle with a mantra I came up with yesterday, I am not my dark thoughts, I am not my past, my future is in the hands of a loving God. ...... I am a new creation in God (2 Cor).....I wrote it out and put it on my phone when those dark thoughts hit me again.....THANK YOU, FATHER!!! 🌺❣
Wonderful! Thank you, Father!
Daughters can get away with anything with fathers and brothers. When I realized faith is a choice is when I escaped a life of atheism, and I began to witness graces in my life that very day. I made the choice to be a believer in something before I knew if it would be christianity, but God’s Providence brought me into all the places and relationships I needed to make that right decision. God bless everyone experiencing the absence of God’s face. When he hides it you learn the fear of the Lord, as well as the love and gratitude for his mercies. If it was just natural consequences of material substance then that would be God’s justice which we all ought to dread as sinners. But we can all attest his mercies which are evidence of his love and forgiveness. Thank God.
Thank you for sharing. It sounds like God has really been working in your life to bring you back to him. May God bless you!
"Oh, Woman, great is your faith." May it be, God, at the time of my transformation, that those be the words I hear.
Amen 🙏🏼
How beautiful is our Father💛
Thank you Father. So completely beautiful and stunning the gifts God has for us. St. Therese, pray for us!!! 🌹
A pleasure!
I always thought St Therese was too sweet, too naiive-perfect, too not real... All those pictures of her with eyes turned upwards and smile plastered to her face like nothing ever hurt her or bothered her turned me off, and I "wrote her off". Father Columba, you changed it for me. I think I want to know more about her. Thank you.
This is great to hear. Thank you! God bless you.
"Story of a Soul" saved my soul
I heard about St. Therese, but never thought of learning about her. Today on my way home from work I had this desire to look on YT for something about her, not much about her, but I saw your video and I understood why I need St. Therese in my life, she is so simple and yet so complicated, arent we all.
Glad you found us! We have another episode on St Therese that you might enjoy: ua-cam.com/video/GD3ksvsw6QE/v-deo.html
So, so good... No one warns you that once you make a decision for Christ, the floor may drop out from underneath you. And there's no way to know when God will put it back. It's easy to get mad at God when I don't understand. Even more painful is a desire to serve God that goes unanswered, sometimes for years, while he is doing the necessary work of a heart surgeon. I can so relate to why Therese wrote the Creed in her own blood. She probably would have put it on her own body if she could have. It's a permanent way to say to God, "I'm never leaving you." No matter what. There is no one and nothing else for me.
oh most certainly yes!!! Love Therese so much as she has been helping me more deeply know my identity as a beloved daughter of God the Father. Thank you Father
Praise God!
I read The Passion of Therese by Guy Gaucher OCD. He describes the mental and physical sufferings she endured in those final months. It was an eye opener. You are right to say that she was a warrior.
Wow, sounds like a great book!
Thank you 🙏🏼❤️
I have sooo much love for her and gratitude to her for teaching me. And grateful for your words today pointing towards that confidence that I try so hard in the small ways a million times a day to imbue my weakness with. I will pray to her! It’s funny how one can at the same time be brimming with faith and have fear and doubt. I will also pray for a clean heart and the will to allow God Full Rein!
Thank you Father for your teaching! Sending prayers to you and your community.♥️
Thank you so much for your prayers Shea, know you are in ours!
“All love and bubbles” ❤
What a gift to the internet. ❤️
Thank you for watching!
Thank you for sharing such an amazing edifying experience in your own words what active faith in Gods Mysterious Plan for Mankind’s Salvation truly is. May God Bless you for all eternity for what you have given to a once broken bird.
She earned the right to know these things in her suffering. Is it really for all of us? Wow 💝
St therese of the child Jesus and the Holy Face pray for sarahs conversion. Thankyou steal a conversion for me. I love you. My sister.
Thank you, Father. It is personal witness shared with others that changes souls. God bless you!
God bless you!
Ave Maria🙏🏽💕God bless you and protect you Father 🙏🏽 You are amazing ❤ your teaching blessed me every time! Thank you 🙏🏽🌹🌹🌹🌹
St Therese, she IS my sister in Faith. She did not die of turbulence, she died of Love.
It should say tuberculosis not turbulence
Thank you Father, I'm reading her book now and am amazed at her life and faith. Much love to you from Texas
Wonderful that you’re reading it!
Thank you so very much Father. I hear His voice thru you!❤️🙏
Thank you for watching. God bless!
St Therese, please pray for me and everyone 🙏 😢
Amen 🙏
Gods love poured out 🙏🏽😇😇😇💙💫
Thank you Fr. C St Therese has always been there for me. She’s so awesome 👏
She is indeed!
Thanks farther. God bless
God bless!
Wow… thank you so much for this video and thank you God for St. Therese!
You’re very welcome!
You are so refreshing. I feel you so much and am praying daily for your country. I’ve never seen you before or this channel, but I know it was providence today. Love St. Teresa and I too am a little soul with much faith. I’m a convert and am amazed that as much as I fall, He is always there and feel His deep love and when I’m in darkness, I may not “feel” Him but my soul cannot deny Him. I finally understand that this is part of the journey and He always sends me people to help me carry my cross. It’s such an adventure to be Catholic and I can’t wait to meet you one day. ❤️🔥🙏🏻🌹
Dear Amanda, we are so glad you’re enjoying these videos with Fr Columba, we will be sure to forward your comment to him. Bless you and your faith 🙏
@@ctmcatholic my Bishop from Knoxville, Tennessee is in Ireland right now!
@@amandapflanz1041 Haha no way! Hope he enjoys it here :)
@@ctmcatholic it’s his first time and first day. He posted pics. St. Patrick Cathedral is now Protestant 😔
Thank you! 🇵🇪 from Perú, South America!
You’re welcome!
Thank you Fr. Columba for clarifying that… I’ve never heard it explained like that before. …God is powerless before someone who believes with all their heart, despite how they feel or what is going on around them… awesome, incredible…I really needed to hear that right now, thank you 🙏❤️🥹
So glad this spoke to you, Linda!
Amen alleluia shalom thank you my God my lord my Holy spirit 🙏 for ever and ever 🙏 amen shalom alleluia
BEAUTIFUL!! St Theresa IS my little sister and I love her dearly! It’s so simple yet so profound! GOD OUR FATHER LOVES US! LOVES ME! As if we are each the only ones in earth! The more TRUST and CONFIDENCE we gave in Him, the more TRUST and CONFIDENCE we receive through Grace through Our Heavenly Mother! It’s a wondrous cycle of TRUE LOVE!
Do you know how many love her and rest in her Little Way? Well, me for one as she is my Patron. I held the doors open at the Cathedral in Seattle when her relics visited and was overwhelmed amazed at the thousands who came to see her. Not all Catholic, maybe not many, but they came to bring her their love.
That's beautiful, Mary! Thank you for sharing.
Do you know how many realizations you just helped me have. I've known St. Therese for years and always thought she was a cutesy bubbly bum too. This puts into perspective so much of her person in depth of suffering and so much of how GOD wants to test us for me. Thank you and GOD Bless you.
I’m glad to hear that. May God bless you!
LOVE THIS MESSAGE and insight. Thank you for the knowledge of faith.
Thank you Fr for giving me a little confidence with these heartfelt words. 🙂 ST Therese pray for us.
Excellent suggestion, Saint Thérèse of Lisieux as a patron of those falling away or in doubt. Thank you for this examination, I must read her works.