Day of the sammer solstice (quarrel sisters) past 11

  • Опубліковано 5 січ 2024
  • Comet went to check on the festive food at the banquet. Then she saw a pony baking a cake.
    - Yes, a little more cream and it's done! Oh hi, I'm sorry I haven't seen you... I'm Apple Bun.
    - Nice to meet you, I'm Comet Sentry. Tell me, please, what will you cook for the holiday?
    - Yes, yes, for the holiday I will prepare apple pie, strawberry pie, tartlets with apple jam, colored jelly and much more.
    - Of course, thank you. May I taste your tartlets?
    - Yes of course! Hot only from the oven!
    - Mg, thank you.
    Pony took a bite of the tartlet and wrote something in the letter.
    - Um, sorry for the question. Will you be the fourth princess at the party? - asked the pony impatiently.
    The comet was sad.
    - So I .
    - And this is so cool... congratulations!
    - Mg. I see that everything is fine here.
    - Goodbye, princess!
    - Goodbye .