Lets plate this frame! Frame Friday S2 Ep03

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @Dreadnor92
    @Dreadnor92 Рік тому +30

    So nice to see, that anatomy of mechs is becoming more and more human-like, with all that moves and turn abilities, awesome!

  • @Chubbybots
    @Chubbybots  Рік тому +97

    Hi everyone! This video was supposed to be out yesterday but had to iron out some of the editing :D Hope you enjoy my take on my mech frame no 12 which was featured in the previous episode:D TThere will be another version for this so watch out for the community tab! Stay safe and keep on bricking!

    • @jobulletchief8936
      @jobulletchief8936 Рік тому


    • @Epok_Noob
      @Epok_Noob Рік тому +1

      No worries your ok

    • @davydave9957
      @davydave9957 Рік тому

      Is there any way you can make the rx78 Gundam In this size or the Unicorn Gundam if not it's OK

    • @odsjv9406
      @odsjv9406 Рік тому

      Okay, i want to tell you something, that try make animation?

    • @edzon6269
      @edzon6269 Рік тому

      Ok chubby Is so beautiful your mech

  • @jamescaulfield6632
    @jamescaulfield6632 Рік тому +29

    the skirt armor was really brilliantly done you never cease to amaze me impressive as always

  • @dracoheero2490
    @dracoheero2490 Рік тому +80

    Man that frame is so awesome. I don’t have the parts to make it right now but when I do it’s gonna be a great day. Keep being a mecha master builder Chubbybots!

    • @Chubbybots
      @Chubbybots  Рік тому +12

      Thanks! have fun with the frame!

    • @godwinyan5448
      @godwinyan5448 Рік тому

      I have the pieces, but I just dont wanna destroy my mechagodzilla

    • @EarlO-ik9ge
      @EarlO-ik9ge 4 місяці тому

      @@godwinyan5448 I get that

  • @sterm1ous
    @sterm1ous Рік тому +2

    That skirt idea is just big brain

  • @mikelipton6116
    @mikelipton6116 Рік тому +16

    I am in awe of your skill sir!

  • @williambarnett9367
    @williambarnett9367 Рік тому +1

    This is definitely given me inspiration to get my lego out and build again. Been really down for awhile now with no motivation to do anything. Thank you chubbybots for the great ideas and builds

  • @RansomFern
    @RansomFern Рік тому +4

    I love that your videos don’t just show how a bricks comes together but also how the “ideas” come together, giving us a peak into how you think!

    • @Chubbybots
      @Chubbybots  Рік тому +2

      thanks man :D Also showing piece by piece will be too long for a video too haha

    @BOYCHAGY Рік тому +5

    Thank you so much for sharing how to plate your awesome frame.
    Its one of the coolest most detailed mocs I've ever seen

  • @anissazichella5292
    @anissazichella5292 Рік тому +5

    Absolutely amazing job, I'd like to see how you would design a big mech frame that uses the double ratchet pieces

  • @sunnygringo
    @sunnygringo Рік тому +7

    very innovative, great ideas - keep it up :)

  • @thesaviourfromheavensunwuk9639

    Nice work on the plate frame

  • @Franklewis64
    @Franklewis64 Рік тому

    I really love your lego mecha building style. Your a favorite and my inspiration... Keep building your Amazing.Thank you

  • @anthonymuzyczek
    @anthonymuzyczek Рік тому +8

    This is awesome.
    I really like what you did with the shield on the right arm, that was inspiring....

  • @TheCakbuck
    @TheCakbuck Рік тому

    dude, this is awsome. I actually think this the most gudam lego ever, the way u got the gundam design is absolutly astounding! its the best ive seen so far!
    awsome work as always chubbs!

  • @junkgamer8158
    @junkgamer8158 Рік тому +4

    Not going to lie, the structural design with the collar and over the shoulder cannon makes me think you could do a Doomslayer design with this frame. Good work with this one 👍

    • @Springboi9832
      @Springboi9832 6 місяців тому

      I literally used this frame to make the Doom Slayer lol… and it works extremely well

  • @MR87.
    @MR87. Рік тому +1

    i knew from the frame alone it was going to be something amazing. some of your best work yet!!

  • @sorenwahlun
    @sorenwahlun Рік тому

    LOVE to see a butterfly shoulder joint. Most underrated joint

  • @khoaphqwerty8034
    @khoaphqwerty8034 Рік тому +4

    omg this looks insane i gotta try make this!

  • @kbricks4858
    @kbricks4858 Рік тому +1

    Nice frame got cool plating! Super Police 🚔 mech!! Weapons are so cool too.

  • @Whatsthepointofaname
    @Whatsthepointofaname Рік тому

    Fantastic build love the frame fridays

  • @talhaozturk2141
    @talhaozturk2141 Рік тому +2

    Another masterpiece! Chubbybots thank you for this frame.

  • @communistraccoon898
    @communistraccoon898 Рік тому +1

    This gives me idea for some builds of my own… nice video btw

  • @zenyx211
    @zenyx211 Рік тому

    This is the coolest frame ever and you just made it way cooler

  • @edmundolastra3279
    @edmundolastra3279 Рік тому +1

    Such an awesome design. Thank you for sharing your process with us 👍
    On a side note I adore what you did with the shoulder cannon. I would do an infinitely simpler version as a kid 🤣

    • @Chubbybots
      @Chubbybots  Рік тому +1

      haha well we all start somewhere

  • @sanantonio1663
    @sanantonio1663 Рік тому +1

    All,the things you build are just amazing like I don’t get how you do this it’s crazy keep up the great work man

  • @crunchyman5330
    @crunchyman5330 Рік тому

    That's cool that you have access to all the lego pieces ever made. I think the cheaper option is still to just buy the 1 gunpla set that I want to build.

  • @sir_wesley86
    @sir_wesley86 Рік тому

    nicely done! love watching a master at his craft!

  • @Ququz
    @Ququz 4 місяці тому

    Greetings from Poland! When I saw your mecha video I found it very interesting so I decided to re-create your model in Lego Studio software to explore more details about the build and used building techniques. And I found it even more interesting - which made me thinking about recreating it in real life.
    After creating a list of required pieces and buying all required parts (or at least - almost all, because few of them are in another but still matching colours and some little details I've recreated a little differently, but still having original shape) I've managed to re-create and finish the mecha. And I must say - it looks amazing, even better than on the video! And has very good articulation. But also I'm amazed by it's details level (like the anatomy) and used building techniques.
    As for cons - there are not many. It sometimes has issues standing (depends on gun position) and some parts like to fall-off just like knees. But from my perspective those can be easily skipped.
    I had a very long break in building Lego mechas (and I built them differently using quite different type of parts) and your creation brought some inspiration and hope for me - to create something new but maybe a little inspired (I'm especially thinking about Lego techniques to make it fully articulated and overall proportions). What about similar mecha from Ice-Planet (Lego space theme from 1993) with sword and some jests on it's back? That sounds interesting - especially
    Hope to see more models from you soon.

  • @paularbiz9215
    @paularbiz9215 Рік тому

    keep inspiring us sir thank you for the wonderful frame and build my mech is improving more and more

  • @nixiorski9621
    @nixiorski9621 Рік тому

    Great building. Keep going.

  • @jonarnett9416
    @jonarnett9416 Рік тому

    I was in the Lego store the other day, looking at Ninjago, and thinking, why hasn't there been a Gundam line already!? Or just mecha in general, with this level of design and creativity? I would buy this in a heartbeat. I would collect them all. Well done!

    • @themageofcontext7071
      @themageofcontext7071 11 місяців тому

      Well, Gundam is simple. Bandai already has Gunpla, their own line of plastic models that is actually the primary revenue stream for Gundam. If they were to license the franchise (which mostly aims for a early teen and up audience) out to Lego, who primarily markets to young children and early teens, not only is it ignorant of their market, the relatively low quality associated with Lego mechs in general (oversimplification, loss of joints), could have negative impact. As for a more bespoke mecha line, that existed in Hero Forge (especially the Terror from the Depths line, a flop) as well as the fact that most exclusively adult-oriented sets have to be ridiculously pricey to make up for excluding their largest demographic. Not to mention, a more complicated, high-quality mech line would be more expensive to design. So to Lego, a well-designed Mecha line would be pricey to make, potentially edge out its target demographic with price due to the higher quality and complexity, and would be following in the footsteps of a flop. TL;DR, the reason is economics.

    • @Joneender
      @Joneender 10 місяців тому

      @@themageofcontext7071 Yes but lego is a multi billion dollar company, cant they afford to take small risks? besides, they already overprice alot of sets, it cant hurt them financially too much. its funny how billion dollar companies take less risks than what they did in their early days, even though a risk in their early days would arguably be financially worse.

  • @la.an.vi.ver12
    @la.an.vi.ver12 Рік тому

    Nice now I've got a new inspiration to finish my mech

  • @BEAST29367
    @BEAST29367 Рік тому

    This was amazing love build ❤

  • @davidchan5319
    @davidchan5319 Рік тому +1

    Chubbybots deserves 10million subs for the videos he post on UA-cam

  • @lmaoguy4570
    @lmaoguy4570 Рік тому +1

    Doing pose for mech is my favorite part :>

  • @elemonbuilds5606
    @elemonbuilds5606 Рік тому +1

    Awesome mech

  • @Mike-mf3ed
    @Mike-mf3ed Рік тому +1

    This is awesome! But I’d love to see more designs that use the nexo night torso piece in larger mechs. I can’t figure out how to use it for that purpose.

  • @ElliotsLegoCreations
    @ElliotsLegoCreations Рік тому +1

    Love the vid but I feel like it needs some sort of blades melee weapon for up close and personal fights

  • @TheMisterKimy
    @TheMisterKimy Рік тому +3

    Hi Mr Chubbybots
    I left a suggestion on the wither post about a legend here in Brazil
    it's mapinguari, a cyclops like ogre that has a mouth in his belly, seeing him in lego can be really crazy
    I hope you like the suggestion, hugs from Brazil

  • @KhibXuab
    @KhibXuab Місяць тому

    Thanks for making feel like an amateur. LOL. Great job!

  • @sailance9677
    @sailance9677 Рік тому

    This is awesome! 🤩

  • @GR_SR24
    @GR_SR24 Рік тому

    It would be cool if Lego make sets like this

  • @stanshatter3875
    @stanshatter3875 Рік тому +2

    The build is out of this world, the pain would be real if it was accidentally dropped.

  • @BaoNguyen-ok6ek
    @BaoNguyen-ok6ek Рік тому

    Love ur build , so amazing ❤❤

  • @ahmechz1894
    @ahmechz1894 Рік тому

    Really awesome video
    And cool plating 💯👍🏻

  • @legendm614
    @legendm614 Рік тому

    it looks really good great job I love that frame!!!😀

  • @skydog4034
    @skydog4034 Рік тому +1

    I seriously think mech or bionicle builders could seriously benefit from building a couple gunpla. The techniques used in them is nothing like what Lego does and I think it could be a good learning opportunity or just interesting inspiration

    • @Chubbybots
      @Chubbybots  Рік тому +2

      Gunpla has some really good techniques that can be used for Lego mechs

    • @skydog4034
      @skydog4034 Рік тому

      @Chubbybots would love to build something based off of the MG Barbatos frame

  • @goblingoblineus928
    @goblingoblineus928 Рік тому

    Love the content. Keep up the excellent work. Maybe when I build my first home made mech I will use it as my profile pic

  • @demonstrateslife
    @demonstrateslife Рік тому

    Being a gunpla/Warhammer fan myself I had to click on this... I don't regret it this is an awesome build

  • @Kkreed77
    @Kkreed77 Рік тому

    So cool!!!!! 🎉

  • @ArsiRochell
    @ArsiRochell Рік тому

    Damn watching some of your videos about these frames just reawakened that urge I had back then when I was a wee lad who loved Gundam and mecha alike, building a frame and making my own MS, with it’s own frame too, god if I could only have parts on hand, I’d design one, maybe even do that GM Nu Spec or Jegan Nu Spec kit bash I had in my head for a while, but that might just be another dream I have, but still, maybe mecha bullshit is more of my thing

  • @TMuc-dp9ei
    @TMuc-dp9ei Рік тому

    awesome, just gotta love what u do

  • @BinaryArmorOnline
    @BinaryArmorOnline Рік тому

    I definitely want to recreate this frame

  • @olyxd5678
    @olyxd5678 Рік тому +1

    Hey man love the way you create the builds do you accept recomendations?.
    If so can you do Atlas destroyer? to continue a bit of the PR series much love as always
    (and yes i am still here since the day you were making lego mech head tutorials♥)

  • @cjroman1396
    @cjroman1396 Рік тому +1

    Good job I make Lego mechs to

  • @bao7458
    @bao7458 Рік тому +2

    look so perfect🗿

  • @KuruttaSeibishi
    @KuruttaSeibishi Рік тому

    Whoop whoop, that’s the sound of the police

  • @19piniligaretteemanuelragu58
    @19piniligaretteemanuelragu58 Рік тому +2

    try a schwable it's from iron blooded orphans and it might be easier.

  • @quilikx6414
    @quilikx6414 Рік тому

    I can tell you are having fun posing that frame lmao

  • @ejays_hater
    @ejays_hater 7 місяців тому

    nice i love your talent!

  • @lukaszchojnowski659
    @lukaszchojnowski659 Рік тому

    This is amazing, awesome and zajebist***

  • @8thMaestreo
    @8thMaestreo Рік тому

    lego after seeing this channel: WRITE THAT DOWN WRITE THAT DOWN

  • @bruhdashno
    @bruhdashno Рік тому


  • @skullzyvr1733
    @skullzyvr1733 Рік тому

    I love your vids!

  • @mikeclutter7800
    @mikeclutter7800 Рік тому +1

    Build a balance breaker from DxD please

  • @camilosoleno2521
    @camilosoleno2521 Рік тому

    Wow es increíble lo que se puede lograr con unos legos y mucha creatividad, increíble ❤

  • @ahmadfamily5586
    @ahmadfamily5586 Рік тому

    I love your builds you made me a better Lego builder and in your next can you please make a robot wither please

  • @masterblack5596
    @masterblack5596 Рік тому

    @Chubbybots what part and pieces did you use for your moc the build looks very cool I really to build it and put it on my shelf. 🙏🏼

  • @13.nguyenquangat43
    @13.nguyenquangat43 Рік тому

    I like your lego moc

  • @robflexen3104
    @robflexen3104 Рік тому +1

    Now hear me out…
    Steampunk Saturday?

  • @tomplan505
    @tomplan505 Рік тому

    Hey chubbybots your builds are insane. Could you please consider making mech from game super mechs? I recommend flame hammer, brutality torso and devouring paws legs. It could look very good in lego.

  • @Slimytheicy
    @Slimytheicy Рік тому

    Sad that i can’t build this masterpiece but when I have the pieces I’ll definitely make this and for the armor I was thinking of making gipsy danger

  • @kuroc5116
    @kuroc5116 Рік тому

    Makes me want to spend a shit ton of money to start building mechs

  • @the5stargamer419
    @the5stargamer419 Рік тому

    I would love to see you try to make something like metal gear rex but I'm not sure if that is too tall of a task for you since rex is pretty interesting in terms of design haha

  • @Lynxssss
    @Lynxssss Рік тому

    It would be a good idea for you to make a web page with tutorials on how to make your figures.

  • @scalajonss9359
    @scalajonss9359 Рік тому +3

    Hi Kelvin! I would like to ask if there will be any crimson typhoon type projects this year, or big mechs? By the way, I really liked this fur, keep it up bro!

    • @Chubbybots
      @Chubbybots  Рік тому +1

      not at the moment :D Probably just small to mid size ones for now^^ A bit busy with work!

  • @mashturamou4451
    @mashturamou4451 Рік тому

    Good as ever keep the amazing work up! By the way I've watched all of your videos!

  • @Balrogcateee
    @Balrogcateee 2 місяці тому

    Just wow

  • @idkjustleavemebeplease
    @idkjustleavemebeplease Рік тому

    Bionicle 2.0 looks sick

  • @-beanbags-are-gospel-
    @-beanbags-are-gospel- Рік тому

    This so reminds me of Iron Heart from Black Panther: Wakanda Forever but blue

    @THEKHAYYYAM Рік тому

    I would love to see your take on the bionicle GWP

  • @Patriota110
    @Patriota110 Рік тому

    Chubbybots’s shorts always make spoilers lol

  • @Epok_Noob
    @Epok_Noob Рік тому


  • @MisterLG08
    @MisterLG08 Рік тому

    finally Legopla

  • @bigdragonking29
    @bigdragonking29 Рік тому

    Neato, I'm the first to arrive on the scene!

  • @CrystalizedSun1998x
    @CrystalizedSun1998x Рік тому

    Keep up the good work, If you owned Tahu GWP, try modding the Famous Character.

  • @mufasa5014
    @mufasa5014 Рік тому

    Since you've already built King Ghidorah you should also build muto prime

  • @invox9490
    @invox9490 Рік тому

    I bet that there are some Engineers out there that go: "How did he do that?" 😅

  • @woozydonut
    @woozydonut Рік тому

    yo i love the mechs that u make, is there any place where i can find a part list?

  • @nashvinycrem2693
    @nashvinycrem2693 Рік тому

    at this point lego Should just hire you

  • @m4r5sandoval
    @m4r5sandoval Рік тому

    I love your kaiju figures, if your up for it can you do Gigan?

  • @jobulletchief8936
    @jobulletchief8936 Рік тому

    Nice, But what's all the Numbers of Bricks from Legendary Godzilla you made?

  • @Adrian.bues0
    @Adrian.bues0 Рік тому +1

    Can you make a mech adding pieces from 71773 and 71769

  • @LegoDream2603
    @LegoDream2603 Рік тому

    I also have a small channel for making Lego like you. Never know when to be like you

  • @Zhinoi
    @Zhinoi Рік тому

    Not sure about gunpla but it does remind me of an anime mech😅. Awesome build!!

  • @douey245
    @douey245 Рік тому

    May god bless him and his poor fingers

  • @leodark_animations2084
    @leodark_animations2084 Рік тому

    i think it would be cool if you make a small series where in the comments we write a theme+2 colors and you need to build a mecha picking 2 comments (one for the theme and one for the color scheme) maybe with a random generator..

  • @fishyidiot
    @fishyidiot Рік тому

    Lego good like ur vids

  • @MytheraI
    @MytheraI Рік тому

    Technically the definition of gunpla is: "Gundam plastic model kit"
    So technically this IS a third party gunpla