The ultimate work positioning lanyard concept! A hybrid 2 in 1 lanyard!

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @StrayWolfForge
    @StrayWolfForge 3 роки тому +1

    I am wanting to upgrade my lanyard. You provided some good ideas I haven't considered. Thanks for sharing.

    • @Joshman5000
      @Joshman5000  3 роки тому +1

      Glad it could help, that was my intent, and. I appreciate hearing about it. Thanks for watching!

  • @FT4Freedom
    @FT4Freedom 9 місяців тому +2

    My sister and I used to try and put as many ornaments as possible on the tree.

    • @Joshman5000
      @Joshman5000  9 місяців тому +1

      Nice must have been special bonding time! Funny though she’s never mentioned having a brother during our special bonding time! 🤔

    • @FT4Freedom
      @FT4Freedom 9 місяців тому

      @@Joshman5000 😆

  • @equipmentdoc42
    @equipmentdoc42 3 роки тому

    Great video! Thanks for sharing! Look forward to seeing more.

    • @Joshman5000
      @Joshman5000  3 роки тому

      Thanks for watching, and thanks for your time!

  • @ericharris893
    @ericharris893 3 роки тому

    Thanx for the vid. Stihl born sent me. That lanyard is sic. I should set my long lanyard like this. I use a 14’ with prussic and a tending pulley that you refuse to use lol. I use it as a second ascend lanyard, and for srt limb walkin and drt. It’s perfect for a quick skirmish on easy trees where I don’t need a drt tie in.

    • @Joshman5000
      @Joshman5000  3 роки тому +2

      Thanks for stopping by and checking out the channel! Yeah it's sweet having such a versatile lanyard. I'm gonna incorporate the K1 keeper in there soon

  • @ThienTran-ly9fi
    @ThienTran-ly9fi 2 роки тому

    awesome video. thanks for putting in the work!

    • @Joshman5000
      @Joshman5000  2 роки тому

      Thanks a lot, I appreciate it! Thanks for watching!

  • @Billster1955
    @Billster1955 3 роки тому

    Nice setup brother. Thanks for some new ideas.

    • @Joshman5000
      @Joshman5000  3 роки тому

      Thanks for watching brother! Yeah it's a slick set up!

  • @verticalfeel
    @verticalfeel Рік тому +1

    I just climb recreational but I see your passion man, I've created a adjustable lanyard with Michoacán hitch in closed system ( no tails), I got to test it and make a video( it's shorter than yours)
    Go ahead, find the best for you!
    congrats for your work 👏👏

  • @nicod1886
    @nicod1886 3 роки тому

    Clear, informational and straightforward video; great content brother 👍👍. Keep it up and climb safe.

    • @Joshman5000
      @Joshman5000  3 роки тому +1

      Hey thanks Nico, that's good to hear, much appreciated! You stay safe as well! Thanks for watching!

  • @PoplarMechanic
    @PoplarMechanic 3 роки тому +6

    Thats a sweet setup jman, I like longer lanyards, I run 15 feet and it seems to be enough for most stuff we do, if its real crazy spread out I honestly just grab my zizag and run 2 systems, I see how that is handy though, I may have to try it! 🤙💯

    • @Joshman5000
      @Joshman5000  3 роки тому +2

      Yeah 15ft is a real versatile length. Like I said the first iteration of my hybrid lanyard was on 15ft and seemed to handle most everything up in the canopies. It made life easier this way since I'm so used to always having 2 lanyards on me at all times, I had to get used to having them both on the same side together but it's worth it cause I don't have the lanyards getting tangled up with the saw on my right side anymore. Thanks for watching brotha!

  • @stevebrough304
    @stevebrough304 3 роки тому

    Thanks for the video. Very interesting, especially since we have similar equipment preferences. That's nice that you have such a beautiful tree to climb at home.

    • @Joshman5000
      @Joshman5000  3 роки тому +2

      You're welcome sir! Thanks for your time! Yeah it's a sweet structured tree, but under neath it's acorns galore, and the birds shit on my cars the basterds.

    • @stevebrough304
      @stevebrough304 3 роки тому +1

      @@Joshman5000 I guess you have to put up with a little bad with the good. At least the good is much greater than the bad. I'd recommend wearing a hat lol I got nailed by a bird a couple of days ago.

    • @Joshman5000
      @Joshman5000  3 роки тому

      God I didn't think of that, thankfully I usually do have a hat on. 😄

  • @InDisTREETV
    @InDisTREETV 3 роки тому

    Nice setup Jman....i am constantly changing my lanyard set...i have been trying to get my hands on one of the shizzle's and they are always sold out...excellent vid Jman
    Stay safe stay healthy

    • @Joshman5000
      @Joshman5000  3 роки тому

      Thanks brother! Yeah the shizll is the shizzle, it weights nothing and tends faster and easier then some pulleys do. You stay safe and healthy too brother, I appreciate the continued support!

    • @Sethhaun78
      @Sethhaun78 Рік тому +1

      Always sold out for sure.tryed for year

  • @lifeisgood070
    @lifeisgood070 3 роки тому

    Very clear video. Thank you for sharing! Great setup. Next time it would be cool to go over the setup when it's laid out on the ground and the name of each thing. Was hard to figure out what brand you replaced the sterling thimble with

    • @Joshman5000
      @Joshman5000  3 роки тому

      Hey thanks for watching, and commenting! I probably should've gone over the names of everything yes, I believe that is still a sterling prussik I have just the ring version

  • @timbermen11
    @timbermen11 3 роки тому

    Nice setup brother! You’re so serious it scares me😂🤙🏻

    • @Joshman5000
      @Joshman5000  3 роки тому

      I wondered if it'd make some of the true blues uneasy 😆, there's a couple more monotoned gear related vids I have planned around the way soon. Thanks for hanging in there brother!

  • @mattwood9981
    @mattwood9981 3 роки тому

    Hell yeah, all the ideas!

    • @Joshman5000
      @Joshman5000  3 роки тому +1

      Gets ya thinking and some fun creative ideas to maybe try out, if ya have a long enough lanyard. Thanks for watching brother!

  • @Sethhaun78
    @Sethhaun78 Рік тому

    I've tried buying a shizzel for 4 years .where did u get it they only had a big version

    • @Joshman5000
      @Joshman5000  Рік тому +1

      I believe I ordered mine from treestuff, but it was years back and I heard they stopped making em so I probably caught some of the last remaining product. I should’ve bought another one or two looking back but never would’ve guessed it’d become a collectors item lol

    • @Sethhaun78
      @Sethhaun78 Рік тому

      Sucks man why don't someone make one.

  • @dan-dan-da-treeman
    @dan-dan-da-treeman 3 роки тому

    Excellent run down. I love long lanyards in long walk out trees. Awe yeah beefy. Water buffalo I'm hungry now. You could work a whole tree just on your lanyard. Friggin sweetness 🤘

    • @Joshman5000
      @Joshman5000  3 роки тому +1

      Hell yeah bro, water Buffalo! I'll just use the lanyard to take my next Norway maple down with, no climb line, just for you brotha! Those are perfect structured (brittle pieces of shits too) for that lanyard. Thanks for watching!

    • @dan-dan-da-treeman
      @dan-dan-da-treeman 3 роки тому +1

      @@Joshman5000 awe...thanks J man. Hahahaha.

    • @Joshman5000
      @Joshman5000  3 роки тому


  • @matthewstone8466
    @matthewstone8466 3 роки тому

    Nice one brotha, I run the same setup! Love it

    • @Joshman5000
      @Joshman5000  3 роки тому +1

      Thanks brother! It's pretty bitchin I think! I'm gonna try and incorporate the K1 keeper (teufelberger version) from someone's suggestion

    • @matthewstone8466
      @matthewstone8466 3 роки тому +1

      @@Joshman5000 I need to check that out, thanks

  • @br-dj2ti
    @br-dj2ti 3 роки тому

    Great video have you ever heard of the neat freak for your lanyard I think tefl burger also sells it it's called The k1 it's great.

    • @Joshman5000
      @Joshman5000  3 роки тому

      Yeah I saw that lanyard keeper, it does look sweet, seems to work well, it's just no spot to put it on my saddle, the monkey beaver needs more spots for caritools.

    • @Joshman5000
      @Joshman5000  3 роки тому

      Thanks for your continuous support BR, much appreciated!

    • @br-dj2ti
      @br-dj2ti 3 роки тому +1

      @@Joshman5000 Yeah I have the monkey Beaver saddle as well and it does take the place of my extra carry tool I know what you mean but I tell you what man it does come in handy for long lanyards stay safe God bless my friend

    • @Joshman5000
      @Joshman5000  3 роки тому

      @@br-dj2ti you know, I need to check it out again, it's been a minute since I looked at the keeper and see if I can Jimmy it onto the second accessory D ring some how. That's where I added my second caritool on that side was just zip tied it to the second D ring with like 5 or 6 zips and it seems to be real stout and should hold fine. That'd be sweet if I can mount the keeper on that same D ring since I don't like to use that one really, I could be fine with just the one metal accessory D and have another caritool spot and maybe a cloth gear loop below. Maybe they should mirror both sides the same with another saw ring and clip on the left side to make it like ambidextrous.

    • @br-dj2ti
      @br-dj2ti 3 роки тому +1

      @@Joshman5000 Yeah one more carry tool holder on the monkey Beaver saddle would be great you're definitely right about that I would need that I want that that would help a lot especially if you have the keeper

  • @Sethhaun78
    @Sethhaun78 Рік тому

    Also I read on arbsession about epicord wich is my favorite but it says do not repel on it.kinda confused?????

    • @Joshman5000
      @Joshman5000  Рік тому

      Hmm I hadn’t heard that, I can’t see why not cause it holds up better then most any other cordage out there and runs smooth. I ran it on my hitch hiker XF for a while before going back to one of the cords that came with the device.

  • @christophersprague1279
    @christophersprague1279 3 роки тому

    Nice man..I actually use the same setup. I have 2 lanyards setup like that. Stay safe man. 🤙

    • @Joshman5000
      @Joshman5000  3 роки тому +1

      Niiice! You may be on to something really, with this current lanyard I kinda went for a new permanent set up but I have enough extra bells n whistles to set my 15ft tritech back up as a 2 in 1. Then I could just make the decision before each climb what one I'm gonna want. I'm still waiting on my teufelberger K1 keeper to arrive but I'm thinking that will help improve this set up by gobbling up some of the slack and therefore leaving less I have to daisy chain and hopefully a much cleaner and smoother operation. The 15fter 2 in one was super nice and was faster and easier to manage then this longer one, I do fight the daisy chain sometimes since it's all one rope and blends together trying to find the 2 legs to pull it apart for more slack. All in all I like being able to DRT on my bridge with the hitch climber portion a good ways and still being able to get good and secure with the hip Ds. Thanks for watching brother!

    • @christophersprague1279
      @christophersprague1279 3 роки тому +1

      @@Joshman5000 what I do when I'm running that setup is use the 1 setup as I normally would. And if I'm not using the second I just clip the pulley and the other working end to my dmm carritool. And just grab it when needed. Both setups are on about 15ft lanyards and most of the time most slack is out of the way. But yeah I really like this idea and I don't understand why most don't utalize it.?

  • @jasonfeazel3806
    @jasonfeazel3806 3 роки тому

    Great video nice lanyard setup. Is that the original saka you have there or the mini max v2?

    • @Joshman5000
      @Joshman5000  3 роки тому +1

      Thanks Jason! Saka mini, and I love it! Way better then the Haas I had before it, I disliked almost everything about the Haas and always had to take it off once I was up in the tree, with the saka mini I find it's almost like a ghost and I leave it on and ready to deploy again, but like if it's a removal and I happened to deem a rope walk up better then spuring up, I'll take the saka off once I'm up and it's super quick and easy to do so unlike the Haas and that foot strap.

    • @jasonfeazel3806
      @jasonfeazel3806 3 роки тому +1

      @@Joshman5000 thanks brother I’ve been thinking about getting a saka because I’ve got the haas right now and it works but I have to take it off and put it back on because it just doesn’t feel comfortable leaving it on but I’ve seen you and a couple others using the saka and leaving it on ready to deploy and I just wasn’t sure weather to get the original or the mini max v2 but I’m going to pull the trigger now. Climb safe and God bless 🙏

    • @Joshman5000
      @Joshman5000  3 роки тому +1

      @@jasonfeazel3806 ya probably mini max cause you can remove that stiff portion like the original came with. I can just bunch the mini up and put it in my saddle pouch out of the way

  • @sawdustjunkies5779
    @sawdustjunkies5779 3 роки тому

    Nice set up. 15 foot is the magic lanyard length, I think. I do carry a 30 footer I use in big wide spread trees. I've been playing a lot with different lanyard set ups lately. Might give it a go.

    • @Joshman5000
      @Joshman5000  3 роки тому

      Thanks for watching brother! I'm gonna throw a K1 keeper in the mix to eat up slack quick and have an even smaller doubled up daisy chain to mess with. I failed to mention how on occasion that can get a little "busy" there when you just want a little more slack and trying to see which 2 legs to pull out lol. I agree though, that 15 tritech I have seems to be perfect length.

  • @Cholton222
    @Cholton222 3 роки тому

    Sweet deal bro. Bsafe

    • @Joshman5000
      @Joshman5000  3 роки тому

      Thanks for watching! It's been a sweet piece of kit so far!

  • @carlobernardi1387
    @carlobernardi1387 3 роки тому

    That's makes you think... Don't you feel safer with a wire cord lanyard ... I get it .. some people like having lighter lanyards.. but having that wire core just in case you nip it with a saw is much easier on the nerves 😫😫😫.. you like using mechanical ascenders but old school lanyard adjusters..🤔🤔🤔..Great vid...

    • @Joshman5000
      @Joshman5000  3 роки тому

      I've had minor knicks on my rope lanyards with a handsaw, and once with a chainsaw before that got half-way through the rope but it's all a matter of being mindful of your position and maintaining control of the saw. Accidents can happen yes but it's not enough for me to use wire core lanyards as my primary everyday lanyard, I really dislike the wire core lanyards other then using em on pines. I keep a 1/2 Yale maxiflip with a Buckingham rope grab in my kit at all times just for the occasional pine. I had the ART positioner 2 on my side the past few years and prefer it over hitch cord, I just took it out of commission since it had a swivel and you're supposed to retire swivels after so many years, I'm gonna get the non swivel version to replace the one I keep on my side D ring in the near future. I like the confidence the hitch cord gives you though, with the right hitch cord and rope combo, and a good reliable hitch tied I've found I never have to worry about them slipping or acting up when they're on a lanyard, they always grab for me, when I used them on my main climbing system that's when I had more issues with finding one that worked for me, so far oceans 8mm is the only one that would grab and stay consistent for me without babysitting it. And I do prefer the unicender now for it's versatility and how low tech and crude it is, it's almost like the least "mechanical" mechanical device out there, and is good and reliable and works with any rope within it's rated capacity.

    • @Joshman5000
      @Joshman5000  3 роки тому

      Thanks for watching, much appreciated!

    • @carlobernardi1387
      @carlobernardi1387 3 роки тому

      @@Joshman5000 Thanks for the reply brother..we all different climbing set ups... Looking forward to the next one..

    • @blip88
      @blip88 7 місяців тому

      Sometimes being afraid of something is productive, you can still cut a wire core under tension with a saw. Be safe :)

  • @jeffschroeder9089
    @jeffschroeder9089 2 роки тому


  • @brushlife9426
    @brushlife9426 3 роки тому

    Whats cracken 👊🏽👍🏽✌🏽

  • @Psy6o
    @Psy6o 2 роки тому

    I'm sure you meant well and your a cool dude bhf you lost me lol

    • @Joshman5000
      @Joshman5000  2 роки тому

      Lol I believe you, I kinda just shoot from the hip when making vids so there’s probably a shorter more strait to the point version that should’ve been presented here. Thanks for tuning in anyhow, appreciate your time! Have a good one!

    • @Psy6o
      @Psy6o 2 роки тому +1

      No I'm just not that advanced yet with all the equipment is all's not your fault I'm not up to speed

    • @Joshman5000
      @Joshman5000  2 роки тому

      @@Psy6o oh gotcha, no worries brother. I still use the same style set up as here in the vid but have since switched to a shorter lanyard, that one there was a bit too long to manage for all the time use.

  • @bhajandearaujo3998
    @bhajandearaujo3998 Рік тому

    This is way over board the ultimate positioning is better then this set up do just has too much going on and why a 25-foot really