it chapter two cast being chaotic for 20 minutes straight

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @graceoliviaparkin1978
    @graceoliviaparkin1978 4 роки тому +2411

    Andy is really a father of 14 at this point
    Thank you for all the likes

  • @ciaracalhoon8710
    @ciaracalhoon8710 5 років тому +2257

    Wyatt is like Andy’s son who’s just so embarrassed of his dad 😂

  • @EdenKorsia
    @EdenKorsia 4 роки тому +1221

    bill and finns chemistry is amazing

    • @matthewworrall4986
      @matthewworrall4986 4 роки тому +10


    • @julekascientia1012
      @julekascientia1012 3 роки тому +1


    • @Stephen_KB
      @Stephen_KB 3 роки тому +1

      Of course! They’re the same person!

    • @dogdog7883
      @dogdog7883 2 роки тому +3

      literally. I love how bill is always being a savage and saying whatever he wants whenever he wants, and then finn is dying of laughter

  • @lethe9705
    @lethe9705 4 роки тому +1399

    wyatt: i'm so good
    at opening chip bags really quietly
    chosen and finn: really?
    wyatt: no.
    and that, my peeps, is why we adore wyatt.

    • @amelieg246
      @amelieg246 4 роки тому +22

      He has a bit of a Stanley esque sense of humour. Kinda sarcastic and not everyone gets the joke because it's more subtle humour. 👌

  • @hannahjones9806
    @hannahjones9806 4 роки тому +1342

    5:18 Andy - “Stanley has married his wife Patricia and....” Wyatt - “he’s married his wife yep” Andy - *concerned sigh*

    • @iloveasunflowah89
      @iloveasunflowah89 4 роки тому +53

      Wyatt being Wyatt

    • @KaiKailuv
      @KaiKailuv 3 роки тому +9

      I don’t think it’s as much concern as it is annoyance 😂

  • @danica6077
    @danica6077 4 роки тому +835

    Andy trying not to say Stan’s dead is the funniest thing ever

    • @pronerd5761
      @pronerd5761 4 роки тому +35

      Right??? I mean poor research on the interviewers part but 🤣

  • @deletusfetus9892
    @deletusfetus9892 4 роки тому +658

    *Andy Muscietti getting annoyed at the IT chapter 2 cast for 20 minutes*

    • @Erasureeraser
      @Erasureeraser 2 роки тому +6

      He gets annoyed with the adult cast than with the kids I love it 😂😂

  • @alexwilson1878
    @alexwilson1878 4 роки тому +783

    Andy is like a Teacher to these grown up kids, cause Richie is the one who won't shut up, these damn kids

  • @eleanorcoffey5657
    @eleanorcoffey5657 4 роки тому +503

    that pink sweater makes wyatt look like a mom who brings her kids apple slices but in the best way possible

  • @deltaruneez798
    @deltaruneez798 4 роки тому +546

    Bill Hader first scene:Leans and pats James Ransoms shoulder-
    James:Excuse me!

  • @im6871
    @im6871 4 роки тому +467

    “I cant think of a famous clown except for Gacy” I sNORTED

  • @kveld9893
    @kveld9893 4 роки тому +253

    i love how bill hader makes a joke about *porn hub web cam service* right after not getting Richie as his test result. rigged.

  • @shriekynoodles
    @shriekynoodles 4 роки тому +433

    I feel like no one appreciates how almost identical Wyatt Oleff and Andy Bean look and honestly act!

    • @satansapartments
      @satansapartments  4 роки тому +51

      right? i've seen so much appreciation for pj's casting n how similar he and jack look/act which is fair n valid, but andy was also fantastic casting. they rly are identical.

    • @eva-sf4zb
      @eva-sf4zb 4 роки тому +6


    • @efailure481
      @efailure481 4 роки тому +7

      I like to pretend that Andy is Wyatt from the future

  • @maggieamaya2685
    @maggieamaya2685 4 роки тому +368

    andy is more of a father to the adult cast then the kids and i- WHAT

  • @alannahhan2045
    @alannahhan2045 4 роки тому +249

    “Cuz that’s where he resides”

  • @briannap7576
    @briannap7576 4 роки тому +379

    alternative titles: “andy bean having secondhand embarrassment for 20 minutes”

    • @onett64
      @onett64 4 роки тому +9

      more like andy bean off to the side or in the back in interviews for 20 mins

  • @phoenixette5676
    @phoenixette5676 4 роки тому +424

    Finn: when’s your birthday?
    Bill: June 7th
    Finn, at the same time: ju- oOh

    • @maddiej2165
      @maddiej2165 2 роки тому +5

      I was literally born two days after Bill so my friends always buy me a cake that says “happy late birthday bill hader.”

  • @nouralsayagh7335
    @nouralsayagh7335 4 роки тому +185

    Andy bean in the corner in the first clip:👁👄👁

  • @KayK0708
    @KayK0708 4 роки тому +309

    Its funny how there is James Ransone, James McAvoy then Bill Skarsgård, Bill Hader and Andy Bean, Andy Muschietti two james two Bill's two Andy's😂

    • @Biohazard1walker
      @Biohazard1walker 4 роки тому +40

      But you can see that theres just one CHOSEN

    • @haleydiaz2985
      @haleydiaz2985 4 роки тому +22

      And Bill Denbrough in the actually movie haha

    • @norahughes7901
      @norahughes7901 4 роки тому +13

      Gabriel Bruhn THE CHOSEN CHOSEN.

    • @KaiKailuv
      @KaiKailuv 3 роки тому +5

      Then Mustafa means Chosen. Creepy dude

  • @em.ma_sm.ith08
    @em.ma_sm.ith08 4 роки тому +140

    "thats my boyfriend" i cant stop laughing

  • @nowhereman5521
    @nowhereman5521 4 роки тому +53

    it chapter two cast: h-
    andy: S I L E N C I O C A R A J O

  • @honeystarr7557
    @honeystarr7557 4 роки тому +170

    “this is another you should know”
    jeremy: “that’s my boyfriend ;)”

  • @Shaza.edrees
    @Shaza.edrees 4 роки тому +131

    Bill and Finn are actually both same ENTP personality type ...they are basically twins no wonder their chemistry is amazing lol

    • @satansapartments
      @satansapartments  4 роки тому +11

      Ooh that's really interesting, I always figured Bill as an introvert of some kind

  • @zachbugg9667
    @zachbugg9667 5 років тому +205

    Andy beans laugh 🥺😭❤️

  • @tequilakilos7084
    @tequilakilos7084 4 роки тому +210

    11:05 jessica coming through with sweet mom-like response 🥺🤧

  • @georgiaanice1618
    @georgiaanice1618 4 роки тому +116

    jessica quietly saying “gacy” is SO FUNNY to me

  • @breannadetrano3293
    @breannadetrano3293 4 роки тому +128

    No one:
    Bill 0:21 “i am very uncomfortable with the energy that we’ve created in the studio today”

  • @iloveasunflowah89
    @iloveasunflowah89 4 роки тому +78


  • @xxleah_haydenxx
    @xxleah_haydenxx 4 роки тому +76

    Andy: Stanley has married his wife Patricia and they've moved down to the sou-
    Wyatt: he's married his wife, yep
    Andy: *disappointed sigh*
    Wyatt: that's it *straight faced*
    Andy: *whispers* oh my god
    Wyatt: *smiles*

  • @mystiqcz7076
    @mystiqcz7076 4 роки тому +55

    jack: and i dont have time to use my brain power right now

  • @annabellaalmoguera
    @annabellaalmoguera 4 роки тому +82


  • @geoxgamer1121
    @geoxgamer1121 4 роки тому +32

    Jessica cant stop laughing of Bill Hader's "Pennywiser"

  • @mac8750
    @mac8750 4 роки тому +81

    This casting was so good, all the kids look a lot like their adult selves

  • @irlwillsolace
    @irlwillsolace 4 роки тому +77

    andy being an annoyed father for 20 minutes*

  • @LuckyBones77
    @LuckyBones77 3 роки тому +13

    Ohhhhh my god, imagine being the Stan actor. Doing a press tour when you’re in like, five minutes of a three hour movie, and deflecting literally all questions

  • @breannadetrano3293
    @breannadetrano3293 4 роки тому +46

    Chosen is so underrated this man is funny as hell

  • @slimeafullife2278
    @slimeafullife2278 4 роки тому +31

    0:21 Bill: I feel very uncomfortable with the energy we’ve created in this room

  • @vanessasuarez9110
    @vanessasuarez9110 4 роки тому +36

    3:38 “the vOOmit”

  • @robinisntfunny8623
    @robinisntfunny8623 3 роки тому +21

    andy treating everyone in the cast both kids and adult like theyre his kids and hes a very tired and annoyed dad is giving me life

  • @cryptidcal
    @cryptidcal 4 роки тому +24

    1. Chosen's impression of Isaiah was so good

  • @bobross885
    @bobross885 4 роки тому +61

    i’m sorry he really said “nikki really wants to be eaten” my name is nikki i’m concerned

  • @EmmaSmith-zj2wv
    @EmmaSmith-zj2wv 4 роки тому +49

    the two dislikes are andy and that lady behind the camera that facepalmed

  • @thatcoolgothmom8989
    @thatcoolgothmom8989 4 роки тому +18

    I love that the adults are more chaotic than the kids and that proves we don't get old and boring, quite the opposite lol

  • @lexiedoesanimation4017
    @lexiedoesanimation4017 4 роки тому +41

    That awkward moment when the adult cast more childish than the young cast lmao

  • @4farrarsandafunbus589
    @4farrarsandafunbus589 4 роки тому +28

    I love how James is just laughing through the entire first interview 😂

  • @mekenna6214
    @mekenna6214 2 роки тому +5

    16:21 i knew isaiah would break eventually 😭😭😭

  • @FashionFairy
    @FashionFairy 4 роки тому +23

    no one:
    Finn Wolfhard: fünny... vömit

  • @Hi-fv6zv
    @Hi-fv6zv 4 роки тому +14

    15:00 you can hear everybody’s sighs of relief as Andy didn’t screw everything up 😂

  • @lexiedoesanimation4017
    @lexiedoesanimation4017 4 роки тому +17

    Alternative title : Andy muschietti gets annoyed for 20 minutes straight

  • @wesisnotonfire
    @wesisnotonfire 4 роки тому +56

    I love Andy Beans laugh I-
    His last name explains him, he is a bEaN-

  • @xxviolet_black20xx57
    @xxviolet_black20xx57 4 роки тому +82

    Why does james NOT talk into the microwphone????

  • @chaseandseek
    @chaseandseek 4 роки тому +15

    Bill Hader is a kid at heart and I love that 😔✊🏻

  • @goff_innit
    @goff_innit 4 роки тому +13

    Bill: breathes
    Finn: *wheezing*

  • @mavisanya6969
    @mavisanya6969 4 роки тому +14

    how andy managed to wrangle both the child and adult casts enough to film two entire fucking movies i will never understand 🤣🤣 patience of a saint

  • @annapoopyhead
    @annapoopyhead 3 роки тому +11


  • @itswherethecomedycomesin8864
    @itswherethecomedycomesin8864 4 роки тому +22

    Andy walks into every interview already not wanting to be there because he *knows* the crap his cast is gonna pull

  • @Funsies.
    @Funsies. 4 роки тому +42

    Finn: When’s ur birthday
    Bill: June 7th
    *me dying coz mine is June 8th*

    • @maddiej2165
      @maddiej2165 2 роки тому +1

      I was born on the 9th so my friends get me a cake that says “happy late birthday bill Hader.”

  • @lexiedoesanimation4017
    @lexiedoesanimation4017 4 роки тому +12

    No one:
    Andy bean: *spooky*

  • @eibongrey
    @eibongrey 4 роки тому +13

    you really get the sense that muschietti had to basically herd cats to get these films done

  • @cynicismpiee
    @cynicismpiee 4 роки тому +59

    tHaT's WhErE hE rEsIdEs

  • @tessat8920
    @tessat8920 4 роки тому +17

    this has me wheezing like Eddie kaspbrak

  • @mayarhijazi6847
    @mayarhijazi6847 4 роки тому +15

    Both Richie actors cuss so more than any of the others like in the movie loll

  • @imtryingmybest673
    @imtryingmybest673 4 роки тому +39

    Bill Hader making everyone mad

  • @yuhyuh7842
    @yuhyuh7842 4 роки тому +20

    Andy: *silencio*

  • @AndiLang8146
    @AndiLang8146 4 роки тому +39

    I like a PRENK

  • @ellaconsole8491
    @ellaconsole8491 4 роки тому +17

    "I don't want a wife I want a baby"
    -Jack Dylan Grazer 2019

  • @alisspotifywrapped
    @alisspotifywrapped 4 роки тому +6

    3:46 It's like that one flash scene from Zootopia and I'm ✨SCARED✨

  • @g.a5336
    @g.a5336 4 роки тому +19

    its honestly scary how much andy and wyatt look alike

  • @kloe6350
    @kloe6350 4 роки тому +9

    ive watched this 1000 times and i still DIE every single time. im crying from how hard i laugh every time. thank you thank you

  • @dogdog7883
    @dogdog7883 2 роки тому +3

    3:36 the way he said vomit is for some reason hilarious to me

  • @sarahwhitson5021
    @sarahwhitson5021 3 роки тому +5

    10:39 "and Professor Xavier, HE CAN WALK!!!"

  • @hyunjnpoet
    @hyunjnpoet 4 роки тому +66


  • @Midwestgothicc
    @Midwestgothicc 4 роки тому +5

    11:29 "u love him" 🥺💘

  • @raitamzen7791
    @raitamzen7791 3 роки тому +5

    3:46 how he turns his head like a muppet though

  • @ace18131
    @ace18131 5 років тому +2

    "Mildly annoyed"
    *balloon pops*
    James: *FUCK OFF*

  • @isabelhannah
    @isabelhannah 4 роки тому +24

    me watching this realizing its June 7th today 👁👄👁 HAPPY BIRTHDAY BILL

  • @nehemiahzo_
    @nehemiahzo_ 3 роки тому +4

    “This is Jeremy Ray Taylor who plays
    J E R E M Y in IT: Chapter 1 and 2”

  • @octopusstars
    @octopusstars 2 роки тому +2

    Idc how old this is I love it

  • @Rainbowcampbellsoupcan
    @Rainbowcampbellsoupcan 4 роки тому +4

    I LOVE how Andy is of in the corner like can I join-

  • @steved8714
    @steved8714 3 роки тому +4

    The joke of the photo with rose petals is hilarious.

  • @ayskarsbla8711
    @ayskarsbla8711 4 роки тому +11

    Jack: "I hate myself"
    Me: "NoOoOo don't hate yourself! And I love you!!" 🥺🥺🥺

  • @Enjolras_24601
    @Enjolras_24601 3 роки тому +4

    I just. I am in love with Bill Hader.

  • @thykiwiduck7030
    @thykiwiduck7030 4 роки тому +5

    When Bill Hader said "What's wrong?" an ad for anti depressions came up

  • @bean8809
    @bean8809 4 роки тому +7

    This was probably the most ✨chaotic✨video I’ve ever watched lol

  • @samfitz5416
    @samfitz5416 4 роки тому +8

    The fact that the adults were as chaotic as the kids made me love the cast even more. So sad IT’s over, like I’m still here

  • @meatcalfe6180
    @meatcalfe6180 3 роки тому +4

    i love how the adult cast is just as chaotic as the child cast

  • @MaximumGae
    @MaximumGae 3 роки тому +2

    the way that when the balloon popped Jessica was unbothered whilst everyone else was terrified

  • @abbytrudell4083
    @abbytrudell4083 4 роки тому +19

    im about to pee myself help its 1 am

  • @donnajm329
    @donnajm329 4 роки тому +20

    *thank you for this.*

  • @kbear0614
    @kbear0614 3 роки тому +3

    jack grazer uses logic to pick treehouse.
    bill hader- " carnival coz theres rides"

  • @sagecsmith
    @sagecsmith 4 роки тому +72

    “Wanna give me what Stefon would say for Derry’s hottest night club?”
    Bill: No
    Me: Here! In Derry main! Near a old sad man doing coke by the sewers, is Derry’s hottest Pub! The password to get in is (Demonic Screech) this place HAS EVERYTHING! Murderous clowns, grey water, child lanterns, dance lessons-
    Person reading this comment: what are child lanterns? Wait? Do I want to know?
    Continuing: Well you see, they’re children that are GLOWING! (jazz hands)and they float in the air, and if you’re close enough, you can spin them in CIRCLES! (covers mouth) But beware the Oompa Loompa that roams the streets screaming “EDDIE BEAR!” It WILL NOT give you gummy bears.

    • @rileyrenck6257
      @rileyrenck6257 4 роки тому +3

      Sage Smith this is amazing

    • @PolyBiBadger
      @PolyBiBadger 4 роки тому +3


    • @norahughes7901
      @norahughes7901 4 роки тому +5


    • @anavasquezhernandez183
      @anavasquezhernandez183 4 роки тому +5

      I'm so, so, SO, sad that this comment doesn't have more likes. Thank You, city correspondant; Sage Smith, everybody!!

    • @norahughes7901
      @norahughes7901 4 роки тому +3


  • @davidkonevky7372
    @davidkonevky7372 3 роки тому +7

    Andy Muschietti is truly our bilingual king

  • @shriekynoodles
    @shriekynoodles 4 роки тому +8

    Where's the car,,, SETH?
    *my OC villan with Jaeden as a faceclaim cowering in the corner

  • @g444bsters
    @g444bsters 3 роки тому +2

    bro stawp when the producer was getting really pissed at the adult actors for laughing i was dead!!!!!!
    "can you fucking SHUT UP."
    "can You SHUT UP!"

  • @halle7743
    @halle7743 4 роки тому +3

    ‘I am really good at opening chip bags really quietly’

  • @tiagoantonio564
    @tiagoantonio564 3 роки тому +7

    10:04 Synchronised laugh.

  • @ollie4723
    @ollie4723 4 роки тому +4

    "omg my time has come I'm gonna 𝑑ḯℰ"

  • @anafiction1645
    @anafiction1645 4 роки тому +3

    He was like taking care of 7 children

  • @kitchencountess
    @kitchencountess 3 роки тому +3

    "here we go again."
    me, watching for the 107th time: u bet !!

  • @ashleytomlinson446
    @ashleytomlinson446 3 роки тому +1

    Andy and Wyatt’s resemblance is mind blowing