Quantum physics is the study of matter and energy at the most fundamental level, and how particles interact to make up the world. It's the best description we have of the nature of particles and the forces that act upon them. Quantum physics is the foundation for many emerging technologies, including quantum computing, cryptography, sensors, and simulation. It explains how atoms work, and why chemistry and biology work as they do. Some examples of what quantum physics explains include: How electrons move through a computer chip How photons of light are turned into electrical current in a solar panel How the sun keeps burning Some fundamental laws of quantum mechanics include: Pauli Exclusion Principle: States that no two electrons in a single atom can have identical quantum numbers Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle: Another fundamental law of quantum mechanics The word "quantum" comes from the Latin word quantus, which means "how much".
Quantum physics is the study of matter and energy at the most fundamental level, and how particles interact to make up the world. It's the best description we have of the nature of particles and the forces that act upon them.
Quantum physics is the foundation for many emerging technologies, including quantum computing, cryptography, sensors, and simulation. It explains how atoms work, and why chemistry and biology work as they do. Some examples of what quantum physics explains include:
How electrons move through a computer chip
How photons of light are turned into electrical current in a solar panel
How the sun keeps burning
Some fundamental laws of quantum mechanics include:
Pauli Exclusion Principle: States that no two electrons in a single atom can have identical quantum numbers
Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle: Another fundamental law of quantum mechanics
The word "quantum" comes from the Latin word quantus, which means "how much".