Shelter from the Rain (ASMR)

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @josephrice7917
    @josephrice7917 6 років тому +2242

    “Ahh your awake”
    *start falling asleep*

    • @julianedgar7491
      @julianedgar7491 6 років тому +17

      Shut up 😂😂😂

    • @wyomingisfake4813
      @wyomingisfake4813 6 років тому +33


    • @JuniperF
      @JuniperF 5 років тому +70

      Caught in that imperial ambush, same as us

    • @bikerboy3k
      @bikerboy3k 5 років тому +9


    • @SarumanOrthanc
      @SarumanOrthanc 5 років тому +49

      "You were trying to cross the border right? Walked right into that Imperial ambush. Same as us, and that thief over there."

  • @calebbergmann799
    @calebbergmann799 6 років тому +612

    Idk why this hit a nerve with me but the kindness he shows at the beginning abt a stranger showing up with cuts and bruises in worn out clothes and he just accepts it and takes the person in legit almost made me cry

  • @monjessenstein
    @monjessenstein 6 років тому +737

    "Kindnapper" *THE PLOT THICKENS*

    • @ib1205
      @ib1205 6 років тому +7


    • @Gustavoenderdragon
      @Gustavoenderdragon 6 років тому +1


    • @boopsboops7692
      @boopsboops7692 5 років тому +11

      SCP 1694
      Object class: Keter
      Arkham is a city that pulls in people and try’s to manipulate the people inside Arkham so they don’t have any sense of worry. In witch case there will is [DATA EXPUNGED] to [REDACTED]. [REDACTED] seems to be a [DATA EXPUNGED] that wants to control all living organisms and make the world “more peaceful”. Although this is only a ruse as you have no freedom in your actions should you join it. The main source of taking people in to Arkham seems to be a man by the name of “kind napper”. D-class personal that have been taken are only taken randomly. And they do not remember how or what happened when they got kind napped. After entering Arkham, the D class are “connected” to the aria. In witch they will have a harder time leaving. They are usually told to go to the sanitarium in witch case (not unlike the SCP facility) the sanitarium will do tests with the D class. One recent experiment was with a thing in a crate. The object “thing in a crate” or SCP 1694-A is an organism suspected to be you in a crate with a cloth over its head and a lock around the neck. This organism is in the crate and with the cloth over it by the choice of the Arkham sanitarium for the reason “you would simply go insane if you looked at it.”
      It is advised you do not go near Arkham as there is a high chance that you will be kind napped. Arkham seems to be somewhere in Massachusetts and it seems to be unable to be contained.

    • @pinedragon5398
      @pinedragon5398 5 років тому +8

      I don’t know why but when you said *THE PLOT THICKENS* I heard Jack Septiceye’s voice in my head.

    • @siposmarton8324
      @siposmarton8324 5 років тому +2

      The plot (rubber) chickens

    @NINELIVECORP 6 років тому +564

    Came home early from school because I got a stomach flu. This is what I needed. Thanks,

    • @mahakuasa9569
      @mahakuasa9569 6 років тому +15

      chopsticks Hope you get better

    • @HyperHunt621
      @HyperHunt621 6 років тому +12

      Feel better! ^_^

    • @v00idless72
      @v00idless72 6 років тому +12

      chopsticks get well soon

    • @keldonworley2570
      @keldonworley2570 6 років тому +8

      How's that stomach flu coming along?

    • @criticalpact
      @criticalpact 6 років тому +28

      Literally the best community in the world

  • @billyknoxx304
    @billyknoxx304 5 років тому +272

    Love how he's created his own universe and overlaps his characters and references them in other videos..Rift is my favorite ASMRtist with Ting Ting coming in second and Olivia Kisspers in 3rd

    • @charmeleon3680
      @charmeleon3680 3 роки тому +5

      WOAH THERE! What about asmr zeitgeist, Dall ASMR, Jimち ASMR, and Seafoam Kitten? THEY ARE ALL SO GOOD!!!

    • @jellyhamster1872
      @jellyhamster1872 2 роки тому +3

      @@charmeleon3680 what about gibi and jojo asmr

    • @AmateurBarbarian
      @AmateurBarbarian Рік тому

      @@jellyhamster1872What about Dr. T?

  • @Enda680
    @Enda680 6 років тому +759

    Caught some references to:
    • The Road
    • Fallout: New Vegas
    • The Walking Dead
    • It Comes at Night
    Nice work, Uncle E! :)

    • @porngod4260
      @porngod4260 6 років тому +19

      I don't understand references. :)

    • @lifesabitch8099
      @lifesabitch8099 6 років тому +53

      Be a gent and mark em next time x

    • @LunarEdge7
      @LunarEdge7 6 років тому +12

      But that would probably ruin the fun/challenge of eventually hearing it.

    • @loganslimcrocks7622
      @loganslimcrocks7622 6 років тому +9

      Wow it's almost as if he made the references crystal clear in the video that we all saw.

    • @Vanaathiel
      @Vanaathiel 6 років тому +11

      I missed the New Vegas one! What was it?

  • @waywrdvagabond1710
    @waywrdvagabond1710 6 років тому +97

    seriously, youre such a good writer/creator. I love that you choose ASMR as your medium. Idk its just so good to see these videos.

  • @seanmackenzie1449
    @seanmackenzie1449 6 років тому +550

    Rift sits down to edit this video the day after filming, sees the candles and thinks to himself "Did I blow those out?" Looks outside the window to see the shell of his burnt down shed

  • @KristaDLee
    @KristaDLee 6 років тому +817

    Breh I was taking a nice relaxing moment while listening to this and a really loud plane flew overhead, then you immediately started talking about government planes flying over and it made me question if it really happened or not

    • @lancel6149
      @lancel6149 6 років тому +79

      That was me,my bad. I was in a rush to get home after the daily patrol.

    • @VogtTD
      @VogtTD 6 років тому +19

      I read this comment at the exact moment he mentioned planes.

    • @Garg0y13
      @Garg0y13 5 років тому +1

      What just happened?

    • @acr_master5594
      @acr_master5594 5 років тому +12

      i read the replies just as my balls started itching... is the government hiding it from us?

    • @miles2957
      @miles2957 5 років тому +1

      Lance L I'm kind of late on this but LOL

  • @derekdevita5721
    @derekdevita5721 6 років тому +121

    Love the rain please make this a series!
    Pt 2: umbrella collection and testing where he goes outside for a minute to test umbrellas and we can hear his voice in the distance reviewing each umbrella

  • @ivanhinojosa6651
    @ivanhinojosa6651 6 років тому +16

    Leave it to ER to create a scenario and ambiance so convincing, you almost feel like you're legitimately in a post apocalyptic world being sheltered by a good Samaritan and his family. Love your quality ER, you're making magic.

  • @GipzandChipz
    @GipzandChipz 6 років тому +245

    0:03 I feel like I’m playing a campaign of a game.

    • @chandlerdean5030
      @chandlerdean5030 6 років тому +9

      Gipz bro I was scrolling through to see if anyone else thought that

    • @spades_acex
      @spades_acex 5 років тому +13

      Like, almost skyrim or fallout new vegas

    • @lilchokeoncheetodust6498
      @lilchokeoncheetodust6498 5 років тому +3


    • @CornealDrago1
      @CornealDrago1 5 років тому +4

      @@chandlerdean5030 "Scrolling through" eh. I'm sorry but I had to.

    • @cdz3210
      @cdz3210 5 років тому +3

      Gipz so, you’re finally awake.

  • @graysonperdue9402
    @graysonperdue9402 6 років тому +133

    Rift: uploads
    Me: hey look a fallout reference

    • @appleseed2933
      @appleseed2933 6 років тому

      Please explain

    • @graysonperdue9402
      @graysonperdue9402 5 років тому +6

      Mr. 13 sorry I took so long, but nearly every one of rift’s videos contains a reference to something he likes. Fallout is fairly common

    • @thomasmoriarty04
      @thomasmoriarty04 5 років тому +8

      @@graysonperdue9402 he should do a Preston Garvey roleplay, where he only says "another settlement needs our help" for an hour

    • @gabriel2728
      @gabriel2728 5 років тому

      @@thomasmoriarty04 gold

    • @joe5989
      @joe5989 5 років тому +3

      The opening is a direct quotation of the opening for Fallout NV

  • @ihaveastoma3869
    @ihaveastoma3869 6 років тому +56

    Any video that starts with the lighting of a match deserves a like off top

  • @BusyBASMR
    @BusyBASMR 6 років тому +205

    Tingles right from the beginning

  • @threeep4023
    @threeep4023 6 років тому +35

    You always create the most unique, tangible atmospheres within your videos. They're so calming.

  • @jestle
    @jestle 5 років тому +333

    'Ah, you're awake.'
    *_You were trying to cross the border, right?'_*

  • @Bodomi
    @Bodomi 5 років тому +11

    I love how you let the viewer be a part of telling/making the story, like in this video the viewer can tell the story of why they were there, etc.

  • @FiddsOnYou
    @FiddsOnYou 5 років тому +384

    Er-"You're awake."
    Me- *rapidly switching between races, sex, and feats*

    • @justherefortheviolence
      @justherefortheviolence 5 років тому +32

      Watch the skies, traveler

    • @theleckiearchive9348
      @theleckiearchive9348 4 роки тому +14

      Wait... I know you.

    • @TrueLocalEnthusiast
      @TrueLocalEnthusiast 4 роки тому +16

      Let me guess...someone stole your sweet roll.

    • @t_r4349
      @t_r4349 4 роки тому +13

      I used to be an adventurer like you.. till I took an arrow to the knee.

    • @meking1808
      @meking1808 4 роки тому +4

      @Bezimienny Z Gothic 2 Walked right into that imperial ambush

  • @Tubeytime
    @Tubeytime 6 років тому +119

    Holy crap, Rift doing well for himself for only his 4th day out in nature.

  • @Mistah_Phrog
    @Mistah_Phrog 6 років тому +133

    First thing I thought when I started watching was “did the fucking kindnapper get me again?”

    • @aidensmiley2687
      @aidensmiley2687 4 роки тому +4

      @@summerwine3 the kindnapper

    • @peresusjacksonfan
      @peresusjacksonfan 4 роки тому +5

      @@summerwine3 rift has a video called kindnapped. He starts if off by us waking up giving us some water after telling us it's not posioned and making us eat rice

  • @forgotten453
    @forgotten453 2 роки тому +9

    I would love if ER did more videos with rain it’s so relaxing and just very comfortable 😴

  • @life.have.smolbagels9554
    @life.have.smolbagels9554 6 років тому +19

    A lot of your videos heal me.
    After long days and maybe long nights, the unique calmness makes me feel at ease and I can sleep peacefully.

  • @KennyHavoc
    @KennyHavoc 6 років тому +644

    Oof love the rain in ASMR

    • @seamusdoyle4884
      @seamusdoyle4884 6 років тому +26

      Kenny Havoc oh hi Mark

    • @b1n4ryb1rd7
      @b1n4ryb1rd7 6 років тому +22

      Seriously, did you hit her or not

    • @parkerbradshaw4122
      @parkerbradshaw4122 6 років тому +17

      Daniel Muñoz he did not hit her, he did not!

    • @zakadams762
      @zakadams762 6 років тому +2

      I read that in Tommy's voice

    • @DrLeatherface
      @DrLeatherface 6 років тому +7

      We should all play football in tuxedos

  • @holeinc7364
    @holeinc7364 6 років тому +29

    If this video put me in any deeper sleep, I would literally be dead

  • @freetun
    @freetun 6 років тому +214

    here in ontario, a snow shelter is what we need!

    • @Justin-uc8sc
      @Justin-uc8sc 6 років тому +9

      Toronto represent

    • @xJabro
      @xJabro 6 років тому +7

      you'd be surprised

    • @yodaiam9305
      @yodaiam9305 6 років тому +4

      Floridian Mapper Trees? Is that that you call those weird, thin, kinda scary snow sculptures scattered around nowadays?

    • @ミカカ花
      @ミカカ花 6 років тому +4

      What's spring this is Canada its snowing 256 days a year!

    • @redmountain.9687
      @redmountain.9687 6 років тому +5

      Here in Britain, a literally-nothing-except-endless-grey-sky shelter is what we need!

  • @MsDoodleydoo
    @MsDoodleydoo 6 років тому +18

    I love the ambiance of this video. It's aesthetically pleasing.
    Also your hair is glowing

  • @TheMightySilverback_
    @TheMightySilverback_ 6 років тому +20

    Might be your best video for me personally.

  • @noahluke3152
    @noahluke3152 6 років тому +45

    I just realized that the man and boy heading for "the coast" is a reference to "The Road". Sneaky sneaky uncle e

  • @nicolaslarrain9264
    @nicolaslarrain9264 5 років тому +25

    “Come in”, he said “I’ll give you shelter from the storm.”

  • @bowietheunholy6891
    @bowietheunholy6891 2 роки тому +3

    this video made me feel safe and yet mildly threatened at the same time- you’re honestly one of the best creators on the platform

  • @Jakki_G
    @Jakki_G Рік тому +35

    It's raining, the power is out, I'm in desperate need of sleep. Thank you

  • @hollyb750
    @hollyb750 4 роки тому +5

    Watching this 2 years later from quarantine...oh how times have changed

  • @marcfrenette3834
    @marcfrenette3834 6 років тому +1579

    Shelter from the government

    • @alexcarrick6540
      @alexcarrick6540 6 років тому +29

      you'd know

    • @jennifersmith6761
      @jennifersmith6761 6 років тому +5

      +Venu Gopal I checked him. He's actually good. I love the vibe the channel is giving. Thanks

    • @Justin-uc8sc
      @Justin-uc8sc 6 років тому +29

      Venu Gopal how much is he paying you?

    • @jennifersmith6761
      @jennifersmith6761 6 років тому

      +Justin lol.. Seriously man, he's good for a newbie.. Something different. Just like effemeral Rift

    • @b1n4ryb1rd7
      @b1n4ryb1rd7 6 років тому +2

      ORA ORA ORA?

  • @stephenl5416
    @stephenl5416 2 роки тому +1

    This is such a cozy video. I like to pretend it's only like 9. P.m. so he gets to rest all night. The candles and rain just make it so relaxing.

  • @MrSmitht04
    @MrSmitht04 6 років тому +7

    Best rain sounds. Could listen to those for a long time

  • @fayajkhan1539
    @fayajkhan1539 6 років тому +122

    You have such creativity in your videos. It’s what differentiates you from other ASMR artists 🤘🏼👌🏼👍

    • @cassiussaldana235
      @cassiussaldana235 5 років тому

      Jesus asmr

    • @Pupqet
      @Pupqet 4 роки тому

      @@PeterGriffin-kb2hf It's funny how you edited it and yet still not even the greatest cryptologists in the world could decipher this

    • @Pupqet
      @Pupqet 4 роки тому

      If most people have a big lake of creativity, then ER has the whole ocean. It's like a tap: water keeps coming out, it's endless and a big mystery as to what the magic inside of the tiny little tap is.

  • @sumayyaramadan9108
    @sumayyaramadan9108 6 років тому +33

    This man is unique

  • @Shawshook
    @Shawshook 6 років тому +5

    Uncle E comes across so nice and peaceful with his soothing voice

  • @j-rock8299
    @j-rock8299 3 роки тому +2

    I've been coming back to this video for of my favorite ASMR videos of all time. The situation and ambience are perfect. Well done uncle E.

  • @IlikeTrainsak47
    @IlikeTrainsak47 5 років тому +3

    This is probably one of the most relaxing of ephemeral rift's videos.

  • @denise5334
    @denise5334 5 років тому +8

    I love this one. Play it over and over . Many thanks .

  • @LC-jw2cd
    @LC-jw2cd 3 роки тому +1

    The fact that I’m listening to this in the rain makes me feel an emotion that doesn’t exist.

  • @errorASMR
    @errorASMR 6 років тому +52

    how do you know the shape of my clothes?!
    * puts on a strangely shaped alluminum coat

    • @hentaisailor5951
      @hentaisailor5951 3 роки тому +3

      great jacket where can i get one?
      **flamethrower noises**

  • @kitmakin289
    @kitmakin289 6 років тому +76

    E: "You sure you don't wanna tell me why you're out around these parts this late at night?"
    Me: "I don't like getting to know people on that personal a level. You don't like to give out your name, I don't like to give out my motives."

  • @youngspunky2835
    @youngspunky2835 6 років тому +50

    day 4 and he already built a shelter!Damn uncle E

  • @Max-el7zd
    @Max-el7zd 4 роки тому +5

    IMO this is one of your best vids. I like it because I can apply it to most post-apoc video games I play.

  • @etherealhawk
    @etherealhawk 2 місяці тому

    So good every time. Rain works so well and the RP premise is great, makes the listener feel safe

  • @fitchyyboi
    @fitchyyboi 2 роки тому +7

    I'm probably at least 25000 of the 675000 views this video has. Please make another video with rain!

  • @cocmain8907
    @cocmain8907 6 років тому +16

    This is my new favorite ASMR video now. Thanks!

  • @battletoadsisfun472
    @battletoadsisfun472 6 років тому +13

    title gave me tingles tbh

  • @osteoporosis2902
    @osteoporosis2902 5 років тому +2

    You always find such a good way to create such a wholesome character.
    Very nice work

  • @Debra-ly9uo
    @Debra-ly9uo Рік тому +1

    Thank you for being the only video like this it's been my alone place for years now you really need to make another !

  • @ShaunTheCHB
    @ShaunTheCHB 6 років тому +3

    The creativity and storytelling are always amazing from you, Mr Rift.

  • @unlesssly2121
    @unlesssly2121 6 років тому +20

    "Never heard of him" 😂😂
    Idea: Since stories are in the same universe maybe ER could pull a Nutty Professor and have both characters meet in a future episode 😁

    • @Pupqet
      @Pupqet 4 роки тому +1

      I would love any two characters on once at the same time. I don't think he's ever done that before and it would be awesome! There would be TWO creative geniuses on the screen at the same time!!!

  • @joshelvins3016
    @joshelvins3016 5 років тому +36

    You should do a “War of the Worlds” role play, as the guy in the basement.

  • @tshiololiai6135
    @tshiololiai6135 5 років тому +6

    I love rain ASMR ! It’s a pity that there is not a lot of videos with rain and whispering voices !

  • @JustRoses333
    @JustRoses333 6 років тому +3

    Thank you so much for making this ASMR video. I've been extremely stressed, along with very tired and depressed, and this really helped relax and sooth me. Thanks so much once again! ❤

  • @denisponomarev2793
    @denisponomarev2793 4 роки тому +1

    Your ASMR is one of the best. I appreciate the rain on the background.

  • @chicken1009
    @chicken1009 6 років тому +3

    I was really feeling depressed so I couldn't sleep. This is what I needed, thank you so much!

  • @blonde_homie_4569
    @blonde_homie_4569 6 років тому +2

    Oof the weather in PA is so odd lately over the weekend it was in the 80s and now it's snowing and raining ugh gotta love spring

  • @skyfox9275
    @skyfox9275 5 років тому +1

    i really like the way this man moves, speaks or thinks.

  • @shrivardhanjadhav1
    @shrivardhanjadhav1 6 років тому +6

    'Cozy' ASMR. Thank you E.R

  • @loganmorrison5598
    @loganmorrison5598 5 років тому +1

    So I discovered this channel last night not being able to fall asleep due to being supper sick and I’m at work and it’s raining bad and see this video lol

  • @sumoddball
    @sumoddball 2 роки тому +1

    That “you’re finally awake” hit me with some Skyrim nostalgia

  • @kristaselene
    @kristaselene 6 років тому +4

    Rain videos are the best! This is fantastic!

  • @deanmartin2491
    @deanmartin2491 6 років тому +11

    Who could possibly dare to leave a dislike on Uncle E’s video smh

  • @larsstoerloes6619
    @larsstoerloes6619 6 років тому +1

    This is one of my favourite pieces of your's yet, Uncle E. Rain is an incredible sleep-inducer for a LOT of people, myself included. Thanks, keep up the good work :)

  • @emmadear3276
    @emmadear3276 6 років тому +120

    Aaaah this is a nice one 😌

  • @netherwing7033
    @netherwing7033 6 років тому +26

    Has Rift ever did a Knight ASMR? Im assuming he doesnt have a Knight costume or Helmet. But be pretty sweet having his voice saying Knightly things, idk what topic or items he would use, but the Rift finds a way.

    • @Pupqet
      @Pupqet 4 роки тому +1

      He'd probably buy a steel sword to cut through the souls of the weak and sharpen in the blood of his enemies, and make cool sounds with the sheath and swinging the sword through the air

    • @carnasondrakith2553
      @carnasondrakith2553 2 роки тому

      He has a dark souls ASMR.

  • @vojtapro4843
    @vojtapro4843 5 місяців тому

    Thank you for creating this gem, I return here quite often.

  • @mankind-redefined1982
    @mankind-redefined1982 6 років тому +44

    I know it's a bit of a stretch but you kind of look like an older Murphy Pendelton (Silent Hill: Downpour's protagonist) in this role-play. The environment even enhances it.

  • @cazette3945
    @cazette3945 6 років тому

    I started watching this and it started to rain outside. I think nature is telling me that I need to watch this video.

  • @callmekiefer7795
    @callmekiefer7795 4 роки тому +2

    This man is no man the is a legend he is some sort of untouched being of epicness he cannot be stricken down or defeated he has a beard of meany ways and is one hundred percent a re-burthed version of Bob Ross

  • @another_random_ace8820
    @another_random_ace8820 6 років тому +3

    So this made me realize that while our ‘character’ is in the sanitarium relaxing and stuff, the entire outside world has gone to shit thanks to the sanitarium itself.

  • @DefinetelyNotAnAlien
    @DefinetelyNotAnAlien 6 років тому

    Here I sit, ready to fall asleep, 20 degrees outside, the sun burning my skin well done. Nice.

  • @captaingallifrey4274
    @captaingallifrey4274 4 роки тому +2

    Please give this man money so I don't have to be woken up by another chime commercial in the midst of peaceful asmr sleep times

  • @austinschwartz7424
    @austinschwartz7424 3 роки тому +3

    My head cannon is that rather than this being post apocalyptic world .it's some backwaters area of northern Canada. Escaping Covid

  • @ihopcsx
    @ihopcsx 2 роки тому

    He sets the mood extremely well. Full immersion

  • @lauraroy9093
    @lauraroy9093 6 років тому +2

    This is awesome. super comforting and relaxing.....great job

  • @jordan95hd83
    @jordan95hd83 6 років тому +2

    *Your content is getting better and better each time you upload a video, ER! This was amazing and I loved the rain sounds! 👌 Keep up the great content, man!* 👍

  • @laurenbenoit6209
    @laurenbenoit6209 6 років тому +3

    I absolutely love these kinds of videos, you should do more wounded watcher and you patching them up!

  • @tijanaaaa7183
    @tijanaaaa7183 6 років тому +19

    Legit Christian Bale voice :D

  • @floofyfloof616
    @floofyfloof616 6 років тому +13

    Awesome vid! An ASMR reading of anything lovecraftian would be cool!

    • @c.r.4985
      @c.r.4985 6 років тому +3

      Not sure if you have seen it, but he has made a video or two reading The Shadow Over Innsmouth a while back. Just to let you know.

    • @floofyfloof616
      @floofyfloof616 6 років тому +1

      Clarissa Royalice hadn't seen it, I'm going to watch that now! Thanks!

  • @natalieg.3607
    @natalieg.3607 6 років тому +1

    Just woke up from a nap...time to fall back asleep 😴

  • @Justin-uc8sc
    @Justin-uc8sc 6 років тому +12

    Soothe me to sleep Daddio

  • @AreYouHookd
    @AreYouHookd 6 років тому +1

    My gf got me a toque with speakers in it. It's my new favorite way to listen to ASMR to fall asleep with. This video just got even better.

  • @Ezackiel1
    @Ezackiel1 6 років тому +1

    One of the few male Asmr'tist that makes me relax that much

  • @wKayy
    @wKayy Рік тому +1

    More lovely when itss actually raining 🌧

  • @aperson2378
    @aperson2378 6 років тому +68

    Ah! Good ol' Britain, the land of nothing but rain. 'Tis drowning me again.

    • @ollyravenhill7341
      @ollyravenhill7341 6 років тому +9

      Rule Britannia Britannia rules the rain Britons shall never never feel the sun’s rays

    • @SamWeaving
      @SamWeaving 6 років тому

      Is Rift British?

    • @LunarEdge7
      @LunarEdge7 6 років тому +1

      I do not like your profile picture. It makes me think of smth out of Shadman.

    • @fairlady4096
      @fairlady4096 6 років тому +1


    • @aperson2378
      @aperson2378 6 років тому +1


  • @maiktheliar6807
    @maiktheliar6807 4 роки тому +3

    This reminds me of The Walking Dead. It's kinda like those scenes where survivors that seem friendly at first turn out to be canibals or Negan's goons.

  • @AltimaMantoid
    @AltimaMantoid 5 років тому

    Almost 2 years later and this is still one of my favorites to listen to

  • @lukachris9016
    @lukachris9016 4 роки тому +3

    "No, my name's not Thomas. Why do you ask?"
    *has war like flashback*

  • @prul
    @prul 6 років тому

    Thank god. I've been watching the last video you did in the rain in the garage for months

  • @SantinoBA2005
    @SantinoBA2005 6 років тому +3

    You ever felt that a video was made specifically for you? Well that's me now. It feels pretty goddamn awesome.

  • @MegaChorro123
    @MegaChorro123 2 роки тому +1

    Watching this while it’s raining outside :)

  • @RealEnerjak
    @RealEnerjak 5 років тому +3

    I wasn't feeling good, so I listened to this.

  • @Donna-rm2qg
    @Donna-rm2qg 6 років тому +7

    Absolutely love this ASMR I’ve got into a habit of watching it before bed to help me sleep if I’m struggling it’s so relaxing and beautiful to listen to. Honestly finding your channel was a god send it helps me so much with my anxiety depression and insomnia it’s amazing how nice sounds voices can be a medicine for my mental health. Keep up the good work🙌🏻🙌🏻❤️

  • @Steve-wz5ju
    @Steve-wz5ju 2 роки тому +3

    Such a cozy video

  • @aysheafarag
    @aysheafarag 6 років тому +93

    Omg uncle E, how many shirts are you wearing!

    • @Estragon17
      @Estragon17 6 років тому +6

      That Girl Bella half as many as the human parasite known as Steve Bannon.

    • @brewmastermonk9356
      @brewmastermonk9356 6 років тому +1

      Looks like 4

    • @lifesabitch8099
      @lifesabitch8099 6 років тому

      2 and a half

    • @ChrisKing1229
      @ChrisKing1229 6 років тому +2

      It was cold in PA today with some snow and rain showers that's why, and 3 days ago it hit almost 90°.. damn weather smh..

    • @Anyxera
      @Anyxera 6 років тому +3

      I see three. But *There could be more*