Crystal loves to play Gem Pushers!

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @isabelleandres6251
    @isabelleandres6251 5 років тому +14

    Yay!! I'm happy crystal won 😁 so excited to see more videos from Japan!!!!

  • @denaleesdreams
    @denaleesdreams 5 років тому +2

    Y'all sure do brighten up a day! Thanks for sharing the gem pusher game! Take care and God Bless both of you!

  • @larinabaker9269
    @larinabaker9269 5 років тому +17

    Thats a baited coin pusher not enough gems and the key chains are still in the wrappers and thats why they keep falling.

  • @thedarkknight7287
    @thedarkknight7287 5 років тому +1

    A challenging coin pusher game to start a Monday which is awesome!!!! I like how you guys kept at it until you won!!! That shows determination and true grit!!!! Way to go guys :) Great video!! Have an awesome day!!!!

  • @miamordecai9653
    @miamordecai9653 5 років тому +8

    "She got one rock! That isn't gunna do anything" Everything falls over Ya'll r awsome

  • @SillyCyl
    @SillyCyl 5 років тому +25

    Ya Crystal is right about those dessert keychains being pricey though in Japan rofl Probably $5 to $7 or even $10 depending on the detail and where you buy them lolz

  • @christyfrick2047
    @christyfrick2047 5 років тому +8

    I dont know if you read these but they put double sided tape on those machines so the almonds dont move so easily.

  • @catsmeow3814
    @catsmeow3814 5 років тому +3

    Awesome Video!! Those Japanese gem pushers are so cool. Those keychains are awesome!! The Rilakuuma bag is so cute! So are the keychains. Hope you have a great day! 🐈

  • @DragonClawGames
    @DragonClawGames 5 років тому +7

    Great job Cris! This looks like it was so much fun to play and hard too! That Rilakuma toast looks so tasty 🤤

  • @SandraA1
    @SandraA1 5 років тому

    You two just made our day! We love it...."rocks and pink things" for what some call "gems and almonds"... We prefer Angel's "rocks and pink things" instead! LOL! We will always call those plastic things rocks from now on, since they are worth what rocks are to us. The pink things we call "weights" because they are like the weights used for fishing..... You two know how to play this game really well. (It is a combination of skill and luck anyway.) Crystal, you can turn those key chains into pretty ornaments for your Christmas tree! Love this it, love it, LOVE IT!!!!

  • @terrifictrio2537
    @terrifictrio2537 5 років тому

    it was hard work but worth it in the end! way to go Crystal! The desserts looked so pretty and sparkly x

  • @lyndonong
    @lyndonong 5 років тому +2

    The keychain in the plastic is what makes them more difficult to fall and push the pink stopper. If you notice the gem pushers played by Kawaii Arcade Masters, the keychains are not wrapped in plastic and they could win more than 10 keychains plus the bigger prize on the shelf for around $15 only! So yeah! Great video btw!:)

  • @jaimechomik6250
    @jaimechomik6250 5 років тому +1

    My favourite !!!!! I love these !! The other one with the tickets was the best!!!!

  • @Weshareshare
    @Weshareshare 5 років тому +1

    Love your videos! Thank you for visiting Singapore!!

  • @MaskedKasGaming
    @MaskedKasGaming 5 років тому +16

    You guys are amazing and my favorite couple. Love you guys 😙

  • @ReadAloudForKids
    @ReadAloudForKids 5 років тому +1

    Thanks for sharing 👍🏻So cool 😊

  • @bordercollielover9360
    @bordercollielover9360 5 років тому +3

    You both rock! my fave is the mini dessert its so stinking cute!

  • @Ocean-zj2jf
    @Ocean-zj2jf 9 місяців тому

    Yummy 😋!!! Good job Crystal ❤ the keychain is my favourite 💜

  • @TalCat
    @TalCat 5 років тому

    was so hoping to see Crystal play one of these machines! the camera work was fun, too, trying to find the best angle :D

  • @kaelyns7035
    @kaelyns7035 5 років тому +14

    Am I the only one that thought they were real desserts 😶🥴😅

  • @GreenBeast0G
    @GreenBeast0G 5 років тому +6

    they put the keychains in plastics bag to make it harder to win

  • @superhunk1989
    @superhunk1989 5 років тому +5

    Tactically, it's not wise to play a gem pusher game with squeezy, soft prizes (desserts), because they are bouncing off constantly.

  • @mackenziehicks4204
    @mackenziehicks4204 5 років тому +2

    In almost every video crystals at a game pusher it's halarious 🤣 lol. I loooove u guys 😍

  • @ACEancient
    @ACEancient 5 років тому

    Great videos. My son loves your videos.

  • @SandraLThomas64
    @SandraLThomas64 5 років тому +1

    Have y’all found that huge marble push game? I have only seen two out there and one is In Japan Keep your eye open for it

  • @nicbickel4031
    @nicbickel4031 5 років тому

    The most wholesome content on the internet. I'm here for it.

  • @sabrinav9182
    @sabrinav9182 5 років тому

    I love watching these gem pushers! 💞

  • @cairofuller1995
    @cairofuller1995 5 років тому

    Yay for gem pushers!!!! Love the little chocolate thing!

  • @em_pool
    @em_pool 4 роки тому

    Perfect way to keep entertained during lockdown.

  • @ladylotusinc
    @ladylotusinc 5 років тому

    Love these gem pushers! Could watch them all day!
    Tfs guy's!💙💗💙💗

  • @poppyandsid4312
    @poppyandsid4312 5 років тому +1

    Great prizes, guys! I'm watching from England! ❤️

  • @NerdyMely12
    @NerdyMely12 5 років тому

    Awesome video, those are so cute 😁

  • @alyssasg4119
    @alyssasg4119 5 років тому +3

    Love you both❤️❤️ cute crystal😁😁 Come to Singapore again please for yr next holiday

    • @rei8331
      @rei8331 5 років тому

      Well i hope so cause I WANNA SEE THEMMMM i hope i see them if they come to sg

    • @ivykat9009
      @ivykat9009 5 років тому

      Alyssa Hawty I don’t think they’re gonna do a tour next year.

  • @moniquec1310
    @moniquec1310 5 років тому

    I LOVES THESE VIDEOS!!!!!! More!!!! LOL😊😊😊

  • @destinyritchie8814
    @destinyritchie8814 5 років тому +3

    I love this video you guys make me happy when I'm sad so thanks so much for making my life better. Sorry I'm late

  • @jangamer6134
    @jangamer6134 5 років тому +1

    Hey thit you now all of your vidio is
    AWSOME ♥️

  • @ethansissyshouseofgames5914
    @ethansissyshouseofgames5914 5 років тому +1

    Love the toast and sparkly

  • @pika23
    @pika23 5 років тому +2

    I'm so in love with the keychains like that! I put them on my weight watchers charms holder as a gag. Like sinful yummy desserts on a weight loss goal key chain

  • @marnselson8711
    @marnselson8711 5 років тому +3

    You guys r the best I am def yr biggest fan luv u

  • @van_can2
    @van_can2 5 років тому +1

    Cool game and Prizes

  • @pkdonny1018
    @pkdonny1018 5 років тому

    Awesome video today guys.

  • @brock1856
    @brock1856 5 років тому +2

    3rd your both such queens slaying the arcade game SLAY 🙌🏼

  • @mikukawaii9168
    @mikukawaii9168 5 років тому

    Gem pushers is my absolutely favorite game.

  • @cathylam8688
    @cathylam8688 5 років тому

    I like your videos 😊

  • @raquelweber3287
    @raquelweber3287 5 років тому

    Yay you did it! Awesome job Crystal, that game looks really fun and your prizes are super cute :) Great video guys :)

  • @kacistears2887
    @kacistears2887 5 років тому

    I’m curious how much you guys spent on this machine!

  • @youngmuddy2106
    @youngmuddy2106 5 років тому +3

    Heyy plush time Wins i love the videos im watching from San Antonio Texas🌍

  • @chasewheeler5636
    @chasewheeler5636 5 років тому

    Love the channel y’all are amazing keep it up
    Go supersane

  • @queenbee202rose6
    @queenbee202rose6 5 років тому +3

    Congrats crystal on winning that prize . You seemed like you wanted that prize when you were playing the game.

  • @chrismiralles1054
    @chrismiralles1054 5 років тому

    Adorable cute gem pushers they got a lot of cute adorable items in bed pushers plus awesome big prizes to win great video it's cute adorable like krystal

  • @voiceimpressionguy4794
    @voiceimpressionguy4794 5 років тому +1

    Love your vids and we met at Tennessee

  • @edwardmajka3144
    @edwardmajka3144 4 роки тому

    Marathon Watching 6/27/2020... (Mega Marathon Day Of Plush Time Wins!) Ooh Gems 💎!

  • @mariomenendez9407
    @mariomenendez9407 5 років тому +1

    where do you live?

  • @TheRoaring
    @TheRoaring 5 років тому

    Love to see this games 🥰

  • @htd4lifesavagefam547
    @htd4lifesavagefam547 5 років тому

    Yay. Won the cute toast!

  • @leilaorton5754
    @leilaorton5754 5 років тому

    Well done crystal great video guys

  • @randallclay5182
    @randallclay5182 5 років тому

    I love y'all videos so funny

  • @youngjuv2268
    @youngjuv2268 5 років тому +2

    go crystal i got the fait fait fait love the video

  • @raevus8919
    @raevus8919 5 років тому +2

    My favourite prize is the small dessert

    • @benjamin9092
      @benjamin9092 5 років тому +1

      I love your profile pic.☺

    • @raevus8919
      @raevus8919 5 років тому

      benyboy animations Thank you 😊

  • @senoka4622
    @senoka4622 5 років тому +2

    That game when I look at it not worth it. I bet the Game Center yum yum 💸

  • @melaniejaneprocter5529
    @melaniejaneprocter5529 5 років тому

    Hi Angel and Crystal
    I like the teddy bear toast the best.

  • @bethk847
    @bethk847 4 роки тому +1

    I wish Angel would keep his hand out of the picture. It makes it hard to see.

  • @joesphpappa2916
    @joesphpappa2916 5 років тому

    Crystal likes it so much because crystal is a gem

  • @keylasekarz
    @keylasekarz 5 років тому +1

    I love the both of you Wen playing a game🌸🌸🖤🖤🖤💜💜

  • @millie3084
    @millie3084 5 років тому

    We have them in the UK x

  • @dumpsterwitch
    @dumpsterwitch 5 років тому +1

    Lol that was so funny and cute and bad all at once. Kawaii arcade masters could have gotten that and more keychains in less time. Next you guys go to Japan ask them to help you. I have to say the keychain is my favorite at this point. Love you guys.☆♡☆♡

  • @jeffox10001
    @jeffox10001 5 років тому

    That game works best when you drop the stuff when the platform is out.

  • @John_life777
    @John_life777 5 років тому

    Oops i miss watch this videos 😅. Anyway well done crystal 💪💪💪

  • @patriciaturner2388
    @patriciaturner2388 5 років тому

    Love y’all I wish I was as good as yall. I now say you got to have the faith the faith the faith when my kids start to not have it

  • @jibakushoueunhanakokun1499
    @jibakushoueunhanakokun1499 5 років тому +1

    You're so amazing! I'm your biggest fan! Love you guys!

  • @jay3121
    @jay3121 5 років тому +1

    Love your videos y'all are couple goals💑♥️

  • @HammyTechnoid
    @HammyTechnoid 5 років тому

    chant *Win Win Win.... Win Win Win..... Win Win Win!!!*

  • @taekwoncat9803
    @taekwoncat9803 5 років тому

    The dessert is making me hungry!

  • @loganweathers9306
    @loganweathers9306 5 років тому +1

    Come to dallas ‼️‼️

  • @danielcardenas4307
    @danielcardenas4307 5 років тому

    I’m excited for the meet and greet

  • @kayleew68748
    @kayleew68748 5 років тому

    I haven’t been getting notifications for your videos! I also haven’t been seeing you in my recommendations

  • @DokterCapit
    @DokterCapit 5 років тому +2

    Wow.. I always excited to see your video. Hope my channel can be like yours.. 😁😁😁

  • @ivanmillan9970
    @ivanmillan9970 5 років тому

    My favorite is the thick toast

  • @ms.honiqualisha4529
    @ms.honiqualisha4529 5 років тому

    Was this during their trip when they were with Kawaii arcade masters ?

  • @_user_1236
    @_user_1236 5 років тому

    I clicked as fast as I can because I love you 💓😘😘😍😍

  • @mattpaesler3351
    @mattpaesler3351 5 років тому

    Japan wow I never knew they had that

  • @OwlcityloveBooboo
    @OwlcityloveBooboo 5 років тому

    Beautiful and gorgeous job crystal and angel!!!...💯👍🏼😎👏🏻❤️😀🥰😘👌🏼😍😆😁😄😊🍀🤩

  • @jamie-leighlandeg7260
    @jamie-leighlandeg7260 5 років тому


  • @mariadelcarmenvargas3278
    @mariadelcarmenvargas3278 5 років тому

    You gys are so cool😎😆😄

  • @jerriedenham2320
    @jerriedenham2320 5 років тому

    Those pink things are called almonds

  • @AGoodwinTV
    @AGoodwinTV 5 років тому

    I love it when there are food prizes. I've never seen a loaf of bread before though 😁

  • @raaaaaa3007
    @raaaaaa3007 5 років тому +1

    Hey! Love u guys! And where have those mini melts been? Been ages since I’ve seen some.

  • @darlenenicdao5550
    @darlenenicdao5550 5 років тому +2

    First comment! OMG! I love you two!

  • @tanmavis9402
    @tanmavis9402 5 років тому

    I love gem pushers too

  • @stillchillcow1415
    @stillchillcow1415 5 років тому +1

    Why you flipping us off crystal 11:45

    • @lesliemagri2044
      @lesliemagri2044 5 років тому

      Moo moo Is cool she not...

    • @stillchillcow1415
      @stillchillcow1415 5 років тому

      I know the whole point is she accidentally stuck up the middle finger but to be honest I do it on accident every day

  • @Rothima123
    @Rothima123 5 років тому +1

    Drop it at the very back

  • @triambakkonthotte6631
    @triambakkonthotte6631 5 років тому

    Will you come to karnataka, banglore banerghata india

    • @ivykat9009
      @ivykat9009 5 років тому

      Triambak Konthotte they aren’t planning a trip to India for the tour this year.

    • @triambakkonthotte6631
      @triambakkonthotte6631 5 років тому

      @@ivykat9009 how did you know

    • @ivykat9009
      @ivykat9009 5 років тому

      Triambak Konthotte because it’s not on their tour. Link in description.

  • @moredizzl1e499
    @moredizzl1e499 5 років тому

    Gems are my favorite.

  • @teresapatterson1253
    @teresapatterson1253 3 роки тому

    Poor eclair being called a hotdog

  • @lisanoto1222
    @lisanoto1222 5 років тому

    Well thats a first im seeing the keychains still in the plastic bags

  • @cliftonmanley3882
    @cliftonmanley3882 5 років тому

    gotta love the comments about rigged machines, but you still win... lol

  • @purplegaming8497
    @purplegaming8497 5 років тому

    hi cool prizes love your vids hope your trip goes well

  • @TheSpelledMilk
    @TheSpelledMilk 5 років тому

    We need to see some Pac-Man stuff. You really should check out the Namco Pac-Man store while you are there.

  • @trufflesway3801
    @trufflesway3801 5 років тому +1

    I like the rocks

  • @AshleyDuke2323
    @AshleyDuke2323 5 років тому +1

    hiii angel an crystal!