This new Apple's Voice Memo Update is a Game Changer!

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @komplexxor
    @komplexxor День тому +135

    Since I began watching UA-cam, the game has changed over 311 000 times.

  • @DarkDesertMovies
    @DarkDesertMovies День тому +8

    I'm always blown away by your awesome Logic tips, was def not expecting that voice to come out when you started singing, holy cow

    • @SEIDS_
      @SEIDS_  19 годин тому +1

      thank you so much!!

  • @talmorris3740
    @talmorris3740 3 години тому +1

    Fast forward to 1:50, cool info

  • @nannue
    @nannue 17 годин тому +2

    Thank you for such clear, detailed and thorough explanation. I enjoyed this so much.

  • @yuli8897
    @yuli8897 11 годин тому +1

    the quality of the recording from the iphone its pretty insane, same with my macbook pro I have an apple m1 max and the other day I was just recording ideas in logic pro x thru the macbook microphone thinking I would need it to change it later and record it properly in my condenser microphone but no... it sounded really amazing , seids it will be amazing if you do a tutorial on how to record an entire/partial song with your Iphone as a mic to see how it sound everything finish with some little mixing, it would be a game changer for a lot of people I think, and probably the quality in general its going to be just like a song which it's in the top charts, thanks for this.

  • @Dane_Riazer
    @Dane_Riazer 12 годин тому

    Ive been using voice notes for a minute and so these updates are really cool. The crazy part is I didn’t even think to stem split my own music out of my voice which is so awesome!!! Thank you for sharing 🙌🏾

  • @aSimpleChat
    @aSimpleChat День тому +1

    Definitely worth using! I knew about the vocal layers but didn't know you could lay down vocals AND music then use a stem breakout!? What??
    Thank you for this. You also have a pleasant singing voice. Acknowledging you "drank the kool aid" was pretty cool. You're not the only one but at least you're keeping it real!

  • @joefilbrun
    @joefilbrun 4 години тому

    Nice one. I have the iPhone 14, and I think the only feature missing from your demo is multiple layers. Still seems to have transcription and iCloud sync. Drag and drop into Logic and stem splitting. So, still handy, even if not on the latest and greatest model.

  • @BobMenziesMusic
    @BobMenziesMusic День тому

    Thanks for this great tip. I record a ton of ideas on my phone and this transcription feature is just great. Thanks again Seids for this and your other amazing ideas with the new Logic.

  • @liapin
    @liapin 8 годин тому

    Thank you very much! Great video, great voice, amazing new options! Just one question I have - why we have to separate/split iPhone records? I lost, sorry 🥹

  • @richardreid2501
    @richardreid2501 День тому +1

    Which iPhone 16 model? There are 4 models. Does this update work on all 4 of them?

    • @prodbyselase
      @prodbyselase День тому +1

      only on the iPhone 16 Pro models

  • @totigerus
    @totigerus День тому +17

    I feel click-baited.

  • @jseligmann
    @jseligmann 17 годин тому +1

    Works on iPhone 15, too. Thanks!

  • @cryptoparking
    @cryptoparking День тому

    always showing the most amazing tips! your my go to youtube for tips and logic's workflow!

  • @CoconutJustice
    @CoconutJustice 7 годин тому

    This is so cool! GREAT video.

  • @bassManDavis1953
    @bassManDavis1953 2 години тому

    Fantastic Seids, brilliant, I love Apple as well, might have to upgrade........ouch!

  • @MarcoPolux
    @MarcoPolux 23 години тому +4

    oh bummer. I have an iPhone 14 super mega plus but it seems not to have that double voice record option 🥺 I am so antiquated, I hate myself!!

    • @fledgling5616
      @fledgling5616 18 годин тому +1

      Wow you disgust me

    • @kugelfunk
      @kugelfunk 13 годин тому

      @@fledgling5616 Why? He is right. As a human being you are worthless with an iPhonne 14. He should be punished by the UN security council.

  • @soarornor
    @soarornor 13 годин тому

    You didn’t cover all the features. I saw a drums and bass icon in the menu. Does this new update do what Music Memos does? (Before Apple killed it off). Can you add automated bass and drum parts?

  • @gand808
    @gand808 22 години тому

    Thank you. I learned this from my phone yesterday, but you explained it nicely.

  • @raphaelaofficial
    @raphaelaofficial 9 годин тому

    Hey does your ebook cover logic pro for ipad as well?

    • @SEIDS_
      @SEIDS_  6 годин тому

      No! But maybe I will add a chapter in the future : )

  • @ewwitsantonio
    @ewwitsantonio 21 годину тому +2

    starts at 1:50

    • @JohnyRedcrow
      @JohnyRedcrow 17 годин тому

      Read this comment 3 seconds too late

  • @Knowledge-411-x4q
    @Knowledge-411-x4q День тому

    always fresh, always new.......Great Content!

  • @totalfaithproductions
    @totalfaithproductions 20 годин тому

    That was incredible thank you for that information. I’m a producer as well and song writer. What a great way to put down an inspiration immediately and sing harmony! Mind blown!

    • @SEIDS_
      @SEIDS_  19 годин тому +1

      yes I love it!!!

    • @totalfaithproductions
      @totalfaithproductions 18 годин тому

      @@SEIDS_wow I just opened it and it says it transcribes? That is a content creators dream come true! Very helpful information keep it up!! Great Chanel! Thank you!

  • @pmbear
    @pmbear 13 годин тому +1

    Great they should put effects slots for IAA and AU into the app, like every single iOS music creation app out there. This is nice but I’d just as soon use AudioShare or AUM.

  • @borscast
    @borscast 16 годин тому

    at start i was sceptic, but after i said... wow. You're clever, congratulations. Greetings from Hungary 😉

  • @beggingearsstudiokidrikmcc8261
    @beggingearsstudiokidrikmcc8261 9 годин тому

    Super convenient to play your music on your computer and then track your voice on your telephone! Just take your computer with you everywhere you go!

  • @Thekidsisco
    @Thekidsisco День тому +2


  • @acoustistudio
    @acoustistudio 20 годин тому +4

    love your vids, apparently , apple has some work cut out for them, you sang "i wanna soak you up", and apple came back with "i want a so cute"

  • @pat-enz
    @pat-enz 16 годин тому

    this is a very good technique. I shall recommend it to my students:-)

  • @davidbrucemusicvideo
    @davidbrucemusicvideo 2 години тому

    Very cool, but just so you guys know, you don’t have to get the brand new iPhone to have this function. I have the 13 Pro Max, and with the new iOS, I’m able to do the same thing that she’s talking about.
    Very cool that she did this video, because I never knew it could do that.

  • @ShiningHourPop
    @ShiningHourPop 2 години тому

    Very good. I wish Apple would add voice memo to CarPlay so that I can play a mix down directly from the car screen or using Siri.

  • @Samuel-hj9ty
    @Samuel-hj9ty День тому +1

    Does it come to my ipad?

  • @TrueFallacy
    @TrueFallacy 7 годин тому

    Damn - that’s wild 👍

  • @RoneySmithseedoflife
    @RoneySmithseedoflife День тому

    Is there a minimum MacOS version requirement?
    How do you get to the Audio settings to change it to Lossless?
    There is a lot of hardware gear that this technique can replace and eliminate altogether and my izotope Spire is pretty nervous lol 😂😂
    Thanks for sharing this tip Seids!

    • @foljs5858
      @foljs5858 22 години тому

      You need to have an Apple Silicon Mac (M1 and above) for the stem splitting in Logic, and an iPhone 16 Pro or iPhone 16 Pro Max for the multi-layer recordings

    • @billesposito2112
      @billesposito2112 20 годин тому

      The newest version of iPhone . iPhone 16

    • @WarrenPeaceOG
      @WarrenPeaceOG 12 годин тому

      Settings > Apps (at the very bottom) > Voice Memos

  • @MixedByDotRob
    @MixedByDotRob 23 години тому +2

    That's kind of cool. But IMHO all the work Apple put into this new Voice Memo could have been better invested in the return of ARA. 🤔

  • @Targetdrew
    @Targetdrew 19 годин тому

    Very cool trick! Stem splitting is so much fun to do! I haven’t tried it on Logic yet but have for Cubase and Spectralayers. I use Voice Memo’s as well. I like how iPhone 16 works with layers. I have iPhone 14 Pro Max and Cubase Pro. I’m drinking from the not-so-kool aid but it still tastes good 🙈. Koolaid video y0.

    @LXNDRU День тому +3

    Apple is just so easy to use.

  • @BigBudde
    @BigBudde 4 години тому

    You're welcome

  • @JoshFryer
    @JoshFryer 20 годин тому

    I wanted to hate this feature so bad, but alas, you got me. My poor 15 Pro Max, though. She's not ready to be replaced!

  • @collcatillwill
    @collcatillwill 8 годин тому


  • @dalehawkins7187
    @dalehawkins7187 День тому +1

    Very cool!

  • @danieliasbeck
    @danieliasbeck День тому

    I’ve been doing it with my iPhone 14 for some time (this process of recording with voice memo then importing it to logic, using stem splitter to isolate the vocals). I didn’t get why you should have the iPhone 16 to do it. Is it because it has a better mic? Maybe you were talking strictly about the transcription tool?
    Anyway, love your videos and bought the ebook. Very cool! Cheers

  • @tommymandel
    @tommymandel 8 годин тому

    You didn't mention that Apple includes Auto-Tune/Payne Effect in this new update.

  • @bestlifeever1211
    @bestlifeever1211 20 годин тому

    I wonder if you could load a track into it and then layer vocals on top?😊

  • @BobbyLaneProductions
    @BobbyLaneProductions 9 годин тому

    very cool!

  • @ijazzmunki
    @ijazzmunki 7 годин тому

    This also works on my iPhone 12 with the latest IOS

    • @SEIDS_
      @SEIDS_  6 годин тому

      Oh I didn’t know it could!

  • @paulflute
    @paulflute 23 години тому

    I love how you love Apple.. I also loved apple about 30 years ago..
    now i despise them,, i think they totally sold out and most of their current stuff is rubbish and fails at really basic stuff ALL THE TIME::
    I'm desperate to escape.. as soon as i can afford to.. and have figured out how to.. thanks Seids.. your'e a gem as always.. ;8)

    • @jklight3795
      @jklight3795 22 години тому

      Wrong. She loves money from Apple.

  • @ebeyslough
    @ebeyslough 16 годин тому

    wow that's great. thank you

  • @Cfeldersproduction007
    @Cfeldersproduction007 14 годин тому

    I need your book for tips

  • @Nirabulator
    @Nirabulator 14 годин тому

    This works on my M1 iPad Pro too!

  • @henrikpetersson3463
    @henrikpetersson3463 14 годин тому

    You can use the Phone as an audio input and record directly into Logic instead.

  • @TheGRider56
    @TheGRider56 13 годин тому

    Always love your video's! I can tell it blew your mind by the look of your hair. ;) I say this with great affection! :)

  • @roli369
    @roli369 10 годин тому

    This is lit 🔥

  • @terry2315
    @terry2315 День тому

    Back in the old days I used Cakewalk's Sonar (before Bandlab,) like 20 years ago. It had a thing called instrument definition. It had files on hardware synths such as a Kurzweil 2500 in example. You could assign the Kurzweil 2500 to midi channels you wanted it to be on. It then allowed you to choose the patches in the DAW. The patch names would be there. It was great. You could use your DAW as a giant sequencer. Does Logic have anything like that? There are so many software instruments it almost doesn't matter but some people like using instruments that can be played live and the different sounds you can get with hardware synths. I use hardware compressors and pre-amps a lot for recording and mixing as well.

    • @billesposito2112
      @billesposito2112 20 годин тому

      Brother I have a Mini Moog, An Arp a Fender Rhodes a Mellotron Hammond B3 all virtual instruments. And all licensed under its brand. I also have Ravel. It' has the most incredible grand Piano sounds. Cakewalk was my starting out DAW 20 years ago. Now I use one of the best interfaces . I use an Apollo from Universal Audio you get all those instruments with their subscription to UA Spark. Less than 20 bucks a month you get those a ton of iconic hardware emulations of compressors , channel strips, saturation units. The Real Deal, I produce some totally pro stuff with it. But my band , my keyboard player had all vintage boards. Including the ones I named. Only ones he didn't have was the Moog and grand piano. But we have the Yamaha Baby grand piano. And a full B3 with a Leslie cab built at Geoff Professionals. They told us that the amp they used in our Leslie was one of Greg Allmans old amps. They did his work.

  • @perspers2030
    @perspers2030 21 годину тому +1

    very nice voice..keep it up

  • @Stephen-zx4uf
    @Stephen-zx4uf 15 годин тому

    I like your voice. The casual recording posture with surprise levels of expression. I only drink half of the koolaid, so don’t have the latest iPhone, preferring my Samsung for most phone use, but I wanna come back just to relish your sweet sounding cords.

  • @JumpStop1
    @JumpStop1 23 години тому +1

    The phone is more than a few microphones lol

  • @Turtlpwr
    @Turtlpwr 4 години тому

    Crying in 2017 Intel Mac that can’t get the newest update 😢

  • @Giannboy1
    @Giannboy1 День тому

    This is very cool! but what does it have to do with GarageBand?

  • @M0DFATH3R
    @M0DFATH3R 17 годин тому

    Very nice

  • @creepymcpeepers
    @creepymcpeepers День тому +2

    Wish it would transcribe guitar tab of stuff I played freestyle lol

    • @RedButtonTV1
      @RedButtonTV1 День тому

      now that u gave the idea i think just wit for the future update...
      good idea btw... or just phone video record tuner whilst you play...

  • @seandaniel23
    @seandaniel23 День тому

    Time to get a new phone!

  • @vouga-w2q
    @vouga-w2q 23 години тому +4

    except a good mic costs less than an iPhone 16

    • @SEIDS_
      @SEIDS_  19 годин тому +1

      but you can't call someone on it ;) or get directions, the internet, take photos... videos... you get it !

    • @vouga-w2q
      @vouga-w2q 19 годин тому

      @@SEIDS_ fair enough. In any case, you're on fire miss💥

  • @basedecho2731
    @basedecho2731 23 години тому

    A decent mic is cheaper than a new iPhone. This is still cool if you’re on the go and want to get your ideas out.

    • @gianni1646
      @gianni1646 21 годину тому

      Hi! A cheap mic won’t interact with your DAW like the iPhone and Logic Pro did in this video.

    • @henrikpetersson3463
      @henrikpetersson3463 14 годин тому

      You obviously don’t buy an iPhone just to use it as a microphone.

  • @andyfrankland-davies2164
    @andyfrankland-davies2164 8 годин тому


  • @merchannel7762
    @merchannel7762 20 годин тому

    Didn’t kno u can split stems either 🙏

  • @CrisBlyth
    @CrisBlyth 17 годин тому

    and then there’s Garsge band on iphone and iPad

  • @3tree
    @3tree 13 годин тому +1

    Thank you for sharing, this is really helpful. The overdub feature isn't available on iphone 13, which if they've withheld deliberately is super-tedious of apple in my view. No biggie tho, i'll just use loopy pro!

  • @pongmaster123
    @pongmaster123 17 годин тому +1

    ok, now we learning music production from a little kid?

  • @JohnyRedcrow
    @JohnyRedcrow 17 годин тому

    What do you mean you can double vocals in the voice memos!!!!!?

  • @PoetryFilms
    @PoetryFilms День тому

    I like the channel and the often helpful tips, but this one seems a bit rubbish: the Apple iPhone transcription is laughably bad (it barely got a word of what you sang there); also it would be just the same to record into the phone, or any phone, and share the recording to the Mac. And even then, it won't be a patch on a good mic, let's be honest. but I'll be back for your usually much more interesting producer tips :)

    • @komplexxor
      @komplexxor 23 години тому

      @@PoetryFilms Yeah I kinda have a problem with this as well - you spend like 1500 dollars on an iPhone, maybe 2000 dollars on a Mac, and record vocals on the phone and stem that noisy s*it..? On the go it’s okay but why not just use your laptop’s mic? Game-changer… So sick of the hyperboly and click-baiting. 🤢🤢🤢

  • @geebee44
    @geebee44 9 годин тому


  • @JamesLangston-ru2ei
    @JamesLangston-ru2ei 19 годин тому +1

    Thanks girl 👧 /Jamie parks studio 🎙 /wow!!!!!

  • @mattt.5895
    @mattt.5895 День тому

    Video starts at 2:00

  • @Pinko_Band
    @Pinko_Band 20 годин тому +1

    I want a so cute wash???

  • @dustermcclean2517
    @dustermcclean2517 18 годин тому

    Now you can get even lazier and get the perfect recording.

  • @boseyboi
    @boseyboi 21 годину тому

    Hey I got something better for you
    If you do this exact same thing but in notes. It’ll create a visualizer lyrics video like Spotify. Or Apple Music that moves and highlights word by word.
    Same exact concept but in notes voice recording

  • @Say_whaaaaat
    @Say_whaaaaat 22 години тому

    Cool tip! Now I just need autotune lol

  • @robbarooo
    @robbarooo День тому +6

    Everything you need to run your business on your iPhone.. Except her mac and shure mic and etc 😂

    • @fledgling5616
      @fledgling5616 18 годин тому +1

      Now now, don’t be a doodoo head

  • @murdockscott
    @murdockscott 19 годин тому

    It’s a bit shocking how usable the audio from a phones mic is these days. 😀

  • @TeddyLeppard
    @TeddyLeppard День тому


  • @thenotoriouscam1
    @thenotoriouscam1 9 годин тому

    That transcribe only works for certain accents lol. A deep voice and southern accent is hell for Siri 🥲

  • @daw6071
    @daw6071 День тому


  • @3choflow
    @3choflow 20 годин тому

    If I can’t buy a mic, how I will buy a 1000 plus iPhone?

  • @igabo95
    @igabo95 17 годин тому +12

    FYI this voice memo update comes with iOS 18.2 ONLY if you own an iPhone 16 pro or iPhone 16 pro max 🤦🏻‍♂️ Apple will never stop disappointing in such things

    • @Bonifuckus
      @Bonifuckus 12 годин тому

      You sem to forget Apple is running a business.

    • @PhearNoneGearGadgets
      @PhearNoneGearGadgets 9 годин тому

      The memo update works on the iphone 15 pro max for me, however I understand the frustration in general.

    • @MikeHageman
      @MikeHageman 8 годин тому

      @@PhearNoneGearGadgetshow did you do that? I’m running 18.2 on a 15 Pro Max. No multitracking in Voice Memo app. I’m really curious

    • @kevgamble
      @kevgamble 6 годин тому

      Literally no reason this couldn't work on prior models with the same processor. They already do too much planned obsolescence between OS versions, now they're just creating arbitrary cutoffs for things like this.

    • @PhearNoneGearGadgets
      @PhearNoneGearGadgets 6 годин тому

      @@MikeHageman The "plus sign" for multi-tracking within the voice memo is not there on the 15 pro max however the enhance, speed ramp, resume, replace, transcribe, skip silence, features are there. I wonder why they would cripple one feature unless it has to do with the additional mics and placement in the 16 Pro & Pro max compared to the 15? I also was able to stem separate like she does in this video in logic.

  • @TheRealChemlock
    @TheRealChemlock 6 годин тому

    please don't simp for apple.
    there are tons of apps that do these things for free (spleeter, google note, etc) and you don't have to spend the equivalent of a small sedan to let it regulate your data

  • @Martinbeef
    @Martinbeef 10 годин тому

    Typical. I have the iPhone 15 pro max. Maybe they will extend it to my phone , eventually.

  • @deeppc
    @deeppc 19 годин тому

    Nice :))

  • @Joe-w2v3p
    @Joe-w2v3p 49 хвилин тому

    The fact that some one with a voice like that is making tech videos just shows how much the music industry screwed itself! Spend more time signing!

  • @thebrownguy7217
    @thebrownguy7217 14 годин тому

    its like you just advertised iphones mic, yeah the pretty good, rest is either not needed or out of point. Game changer??? and i dont think youll be using that iphone mic audio in the mix, so whats the point? took 7 and half minutes, still cant get the point of this video.

  • @pthouston69
    @pthouston69 14 годин тому +1

    You lost me at game changer

  • @isrealborn3743
    @isrealborn3743 День тому

    🍎🍏🍎🍏🍎🍏🍎APPLE RULES!!!!

  • @soupmoney5738
    @soupmoney5738 21 годину тому


  • @tomcora9417
    @tomcora9417 2 години тому

    WTF?!?!?!?! 2:00 minutes of Apple romancing. I'm out.

  • @Bluemusic66
    @Bluemusic66 17 годин тому +1

    2 minutes to get to the point. Ffs

  • @Dreamerproject
    @Dreamerproject День тому +1

    It is much cheaper to buy a microfone.

    • @Bonifuckus
      @Bonifuckus 12 годин тому

      Can’t make a phone callwith a microphone

  • @goodmusic7459
    @goodmusic7459 4 години тому

    Her business ?

  • @amitanivfx
    @amitanivfx 17 годин тому

    The Sad Cat on her TShirt says everything about this Video.

  • @UBe-hhger
    @UBe-hhger День тому

    What happened to your hair? 🤨

  • @MrSupercracker1
    @MrSupercracker1 5 годин тому

    More accessible to more people. yeah this just floods the airwaves with more trash.