Insane request, Part 2

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @Charlie50003
    @Charlie50003 21 день тому +3299

    "I have zero hope for humanity" got me rolling 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  • @juelitran
    @juelitran 21 день тому +1938

    250 dollars for a sephora gift card is a very generous amount for a 16 year old. 12 is insane and also 10'000 dollars omg

    • @khalicamoore9512
      @khalicamoore9512 21 день тому +19

      Sephora has perfumes that cost more than that. If you are able to gift your child more why not?

    • @wolfroarxx6055
      @wolfroarxx6055 21 день тому +5

      @@khalicamoore9512 because a 12 year old doesnt fukin need a dior perfume thats why. No one likes spoiled kids.

    • @catmerchant8699
      @catmerchant8699 21 день тому

      @@khalicamoore9512why does a 12 year old need perfume that expensive

    • @bumbabees
      @bumbabees 21 день тому +3

      i mean, 250 isnt much money anymore. 10,000 is insane yes, but 250 is barely enough for groceries at this point.

    • @MUE-a
      @MUE-a 20 днів тому +27

      ​@@khalicamoore9512 exactly, if the parents are raising the kid right they wont be a spoiled brat, giving them a lot of money its not the problem, the way their parents aprouch this IS the problem

  • @SabrinaCarpenterSwiftie
    @SabrinaCarpenterSwiftie 21 день тому +1866

    'A got a new pair of pajamas and a cd' being so relatable ❤😂💀
    Edit: omggg 1.7k likes tyyy

    • @madda5133
      @madda5133 20 днів тому +2

      Yeah and I was genuinly happy too! ❤

    • @kayshasandoval4005
      @kayshasandoval4005 20 днів тому

      ❤we do a Christmas Eve box. Drink, Snack, pj's, kids get a book or movie. 🎉simple tradition🎉

    • @EmilyThompson-f1j
      @EmilyThompson-f1j 19 днів тому

      Same 😆

    • @Imaperson-lalala
      @Imaperson-lalala 17 днів тому +1

      bro I'm 14 and I wouldn't even be able to spend 10k my bday list had mostly books on it

    • @angel-san5161
      @angel-san5161 13 днів тому

      I got a pair of sneakers since my parents knew I have only one pair...😢❤

    @ALLISONZLIFEE 21 день тому +680

    “I have zero hope for humanity anymore” same girl same ❤

    • @khalicamoore9512
      @khalicamoore9512 21 день тому

      So you have zero hope in humanity because a rich mother wants to give her daughter a $10,000 present ?

      @ALLISONZLIFEE 21 день тому +4

      Never have I ever seen someone spend so much on a 12 year old ❤️

    • @Lilly-g9f
      @Lilly-g9f 21 день тому +2

      I love your wicked makeup I saw the video of you putting it on

  • @Dove-wings
    @Dove-wings 21 день тому +508

    Not the stare off of utter confusion and the classic ‘do what I want or I’ll throw an adult tantrum’ stare

    • @SabrinaBoyette-fy9vg
      @SabrinaBoyette-fy9vg 21 день тому +3

      Technically she didn't throw a tantrum altho I see both sides. I don't get why it matters what the mother gives her child. But then again if 40 gift cards is the only way to pay for that much then so be it

    • @Common.n.n
      @Common.n.n 19 днів тому +1

      @@SabrinaBoyette-fy9vgshe wouldn’t even find out who it was for and how old her daughter is if the lady had shut the hell up and took the 40 gift cards. $10,000 for a 12 year old is fucking insane. There is no siding with a woman like that.

  • @dreamsscream
    @dreamsscream 21 день тому +212

    If anyone tried this when I worked retail, cops would be called. Specifically if paying with a card. We had a limit as to how much coukd be put on gift cards, not becasue the card had a limit but because corporate was well aware of a theft technique and would not deal with it any longer.

    • @laiatezenas3300
      @laiatezenas3300 21 день тому +9

      Is it because gift cards are used for money laundering, or is there a different reason?

    • @Caroline-sh2pu
      @Caroline-sh2pu 21 день тому

      ​@@laiatezenas3300 They pay for it on a credit card or prepaid card , get the store certificate or card authorized, then stop the charges on the payment method. It's theft

    • @sarina1234ful
      @sarina1234ful 20 днів тому

      ​@@laiatezenas3300yes, they use the gift cards to buy items and sell the items for cash.

  • @welshrose
    @welshrose 21 день тому +175

    Is she adopting ? 🤣🤣🤣 asking for a friend 🤣🤣🤣

  • @girlwhoiskind
    @girlwhoiskind 21 день тому +22


  • @tanyaajesh4055
    @tanyaajesh4055 21 день тому +42

    The eyeshadow is giving wicked vibes ❤

    • @nicoleklarecki-wy2kz
      @nicoleklarecki-wy2kz 21 день тому +3

      It was inspired by wicked I watched the video where she did it

  • @elizabethc.9910
    @elizabethc.9910 21 день тому +13

    Did anyone else scream, "WHAT?!?" When the woman said "12th Birthday"? I agree, No hope for humanity what-so-ever! 🤦‍♀️

  • @tuxedonix2884
    @tuxedonix2884 21 день тому +30

    You need part 3, where she freaks when you try to charge her the money for her cards. She doesn't understand you pay for that gift card.

  • @r3dleader
    @r3dleader 21 день тому +36

    “I have zero hope for humanity” wiser words have NEVER been said 🙏🏽. (( I would’ve act best the crap outta them, so someone’s doing much better than me..))

  • @clvuvfx
    @clvuvfx 21 день тому +32

    When I was twelve I was using lip smackers and kids makeup 😭

    • @iamzurvan
      @iamzurvan 19 днів тому +5

      If I was really lucky I'd be allowed to go to Jewelry Box with $10!

    • @Bbok.lix-
      @Bbok.lix- 22 години тому +1

      I am twelve and when I get like a skirt or smth, I’m over the moon ngl

  • @squidthekidrsatthesquidarm4338
    @squidthekidrsatthesquidarm4338 16 днів тому +2

    Your eyeshadow is always so divine 😭🌟🌟🌟

  • @Elly-z4m
    @Elly-z4m 21 день тому +34

    I didn’t buy anything from Sephora until I was 12 and it was a 15 dollar dry shampoo😂 I rarely shop at Sephora, I prefer the cheap CVS stuff

    • @alyssagross7673
      @alyssagross7673 20 днів тому +1

      CVS is more expensive than Sephora.

      @ALLISONZLIFEE 20 днів тому


    • @Common.n.n
      @Common.n.n 19 днів тому

      @@alyssagross7673yeah, no. It’s not 😭

  • @sabalvasan3796
    @sabalvasan3796 21 день тому +20

    The stare😂 & for a 12 year old! also can’t get over
    The Wicked
    Make up. Ik prob said that a lot but im Obsessed with Wicked! lol

  • @some_metalhead
    @some_metalhead 21 день тому +1

    These are the same people that hit no when asked if they want to round up for charity.

  • @raymondfernando127
    @raymondfernando127 21 день тому +4


  • @Hallie33-lu8br
    @Hallie33-lu8br 20 днів тому +2

    I love ur makeup sm it’s giving wicked💕

  • @DemonDust666-l1q
    @DemonDust666-l1q 21 день тому +8

    When I was 12 I got a goddamn sketchbook, markers and a few Funko pops and I was over the moon! Who the hell is 10,000 at 12 years old!?

  • @beccamcdonald9846
    @beccamcdonald9846 4 дні тому +1

    When I was 12 the most money I got was $100….I went to Claire’s and blew every penny 😂😂😂

  • @Ellibells008
    @Ellibells008 21 день тому +4

    Why are parents getting their LITTLE children Sephora gift cards 😭
    When I was twelve I asked for slime, squishmallows, and lip smackers

  • @luckeycharm73
    @luckeycharm73 21 день тому +2

    This is why kids act the way they do now

  • @alexlefay
    @alexlefay 21 день тому +7

    I would have asked "1 followed by 4 zeros ten thousand?"

  • @Altruist.Alastor1309
    @Altruist.Alastor1309 19 днів тому +5

    For my 12th birthday, I got tacos and a nice hoodie. Now, 12 year olds go to sephoria?!

  • @dieKommentatorin
    @dieKommentatorin 18 днів тому +1

    I'd love to see someone in a make-up store with your stunning make-up looks!

  • @risitascositas1699
    @risitascositas1699 21 день тому +7

    For my 12th birthday I got a new bike (an adult one) & a Simpsons jean shorts set. My Mom baked & decorated a Bart Simpson cake. I'm in my 40s and it's still the birthday I've ever had. 🥰

  • @bao-tuanhoang
    @bao-tuanhoang 21 день тому +1

    the face zooms were everything 😭😭

  • @SoohAllDayAllNight1D
    @SoohAllDayAllNight1D 18 днів тому +2

    I got a new pair of pajamas for my 26th birthday and i was thrilled 😂😂😂 imagine getting 10k at 12

  • @kayleychaney5443
    @kayleychaney5443 21 день тому +2

    “I got a new pair of pajamas and a cd” 😂❤ bro I felt that so hard 😂 for my 12th birthday I got a swap shop CD of songs by Rob Zombie and Weird Al plus a Microsoft gift card with like $15 on it ❤

  • @lillian-stay-forever
    @lillian-stay-forever 17 днів тому +1

    I'm 12 years old and I'm shocked by the amount of makeup people my age wear, I'm already fine with a 20 dollar gift ♥

  • @ErzaScarlet4300
    @ErzaScarlet4300 5 днів тому

    I thought when the woman said , what kind of mother do you think am I, I thought you were going to say delusional😂😂😂

  • @ElAbismoTeObserva
    @ElAbismoTeObserva 15 днів тому +1

    Absolutely in love with the make up ❤❤❤

  • @zyxannslays
    @zyxannslays 11 днів тому


  • @kodicore
    @kodicore 21 день тому

    At Walmart, this would have been considered fraud.

  • @michelefierle1095
    @michelefierle1095 21 день тому +4

    The staring contest moment

  • @Allison-jj1vq
    @Allison-jj1vq 20 днів тому

    10,000 in gift cards would be some sort of laundering.

  • @Alley-w5j
    @Alley-w5j 20 годин тому

    The zoom in on Lexi face had me rolling

  • @elarsha
    @elarsha 21 день тому +2

    I'm twelve myself and seeing parents give into their children is sad to watch I'd be great for $250

  • @LouiseWCUE
    @LouiseWCUE 20 днів тому

    The most I get is 500 dollars and that's everybody's money combined

  • @GlitchyFerret
    @GlitchyFerret 21 день тому

    Bro when I was twelve I didn’t even wear makeup all I cared about is getting out of all the drama I was forced in and getting my mental health in check 😭💀

  • @KaterinaPatsiala-kn8ns
    @KaterinaPatsiala-kn8ns 21 день тому

    The kind of mother I would like to be adopted by, PLEASE 😂

  • @c.lstrife
    @c.lstrife 21 день тому +1

    You might as well buy her a fractional bitcoin.

  • @hanan42008
    @hanan42008 21 день тому

    I just know dark hair would look STUNNING on you

  • @TTammy_77
    @TTammy_77 21 день тому +1

    Don't loop me on with her girl😂

  • @nikolaa1625
    @nikolaa1625 21 день тому +2

    I’m 22 and the only thing at Sephora I can afford is their hand sanitizer

  • @robertawirch1226
    @robertawirch1226 21 день тому

    The makeup's giving wicked 💚🩷

  • @annaelle9004
    @annaelle9004 15 днів тому

    The right response is "can you adopt me"

  • @juliefritz8636
    @juliefritz8636 21 день тому

    This is halarious. So glad someone has some sense. Lol

  • @leaselmary_sims2189
    @leaselmary_sims2189 4 дні тому +1

    Cashier is beeing a judgemental Caren in this one. Not your money, not your kid, not your business.

  • @Sncfanpage4
    @Sncfanpage4 21 день тому +107

    I love the wicked makeup💚🩷
    Edit:I don't wanna be that person but thanks for all the likes (this is the most ive ever gotten)

  • @alexiswagner5388
    @alexiswagner5388 21 день тому +2

    The stare off 😂😂

  • @chloe-q1c
    @chloe-q1c 15 днів тому

    the stare got me rolling

  • @KeenanCastle
    @KeenanCastle 21 день тому

    Might as well get the kid a debit card and put it in her bank

  • @TiroFinale39
    @TiroFinale39 21 день тому

    Okay, but imagine getting a check for your birthday 😭 Like a gift card I can understand because it shows you at least cate enough to know my general interest but a check is so impersonal like you didn't even try

  • @CMH704
    @CMH704 20 днів тому

    I love the pink lipstick you’re wearing

  • @a1r9a9shi99
    @a1r9a9shi99 21 день тому +2

    Yeah…”sorry mum and dad don’t have money to send you to university because you spent it all on Sephora when you were 12!” Is what’s bound to happen and that’s sad. 10,000 dollars or so can be saved for future education, housing or emergencies! I wouldn’t spend it on Sephora!!

  • @AudreyT-k5v
    @AudreyT-k5v 21 день тому

    I don't even WANT to shop at sephora. But i sill love your videos!

  • @LifewithKeira2011
    @LifewithKeira2011 21 день тому

    Haha the face zooms got me lol 😂

  • @Xtina2319
    @Xtina2319 21 день тому

    I JUST started shopping at Sephora and I’m 28. Your daughter will be perfectly fine ma’am lol

  • @CreationsSpooksAndChills
    @CreationsSpooksAndChills 17 днів тому

    you're not the only one, I think the biblical flood sounds pretty good at this point! can we go back to that?

  • @kdallas3966
    @kdallas3966 21 день тому

    That thing probably hits people up for money on gofundme too.

  • @Ilovevintage77
    @Ilovevintage77 19 днів тому

    Will she even know what a check is or what to do with it?😂😂

  • @a423674z
    @a423674z 20 днів тому

    I almost dropped my phone in the garbage disposal when she said yes it is her 12th birthday. She is insane

  • @bikizuzu2
    @bikizuzu2 20 днів тому

    Just give the kid cash 😂

  • @millieselman2792
    @millieselman2792 21 день тому

    Omg shes wearing the glinda/elphaba makeup i luv it😊

  • @rara-vz1nx
    @rara-vz1nx 21 день тому +1

    Actually, I think you overstepped there. Yes, her kid is no doubt a spoiled one, but if they can afford and that’s what she wants then it’s not your business. I know a few rich kids who got very expensive gifts as a child (like very expensive), but they r cool and down to earth. Not your business.

  • @HannahCHANG07NM
    @HannahCHANG07NM 18 днів тому

    it was my birthday a few days ago and I got an anime figure and a rug and i was more than happy. the face zoom was hilarious.

  • @melodyqueen1223
    @melodyqueen1223 18 днів тому

    Loving the wicked eyeshadow

  • @carolsmith8133
    @carolsmith8133 19 днів тому

    Mother is prepared for inflation and tariffs for her 12 year old.

  • @DaysofLostGlory89
    @DaysofLostGlory89 19 днів тому

    "WhAt KiNd oF MoThEr Do YoU ThInK I Am?"
    Clearly someone who thinks their daughter is their best friend. That is YOUR CHILD, MA'AM!!!

  • @BhavanaKajendran
    @BhavanaKajendran 5 днів тому +1

    im 12 and my mum wont let me wear or even buy any makeup except eyeliner/kajol and lip gloss or stuff for lips (exveot lip liner wnd lip plumper obvsss) until im 13 and tbh thats a reasonable age to wear make up at gen alpha kids r js weirdos heck bro i even got called a sephora kid js bc i wanted to go insode sephora bc well y not 🤦‍♀️

  • @GiannaCarreras
    @GiannaCarreras 21 день тому +1

    the zoom in 😭

  • 21 день тому

    I got a unicorn for my 16th birthday🤣🤣
    She called us poor in 3067 languages 😂

  • @Stephinthehouse
    @Stephinthehouse 21 день тому

    Omg love the makeup!!!!!!!!
    Edit: who else saw wicked?

  • @acelahair7188
    @acelahair7188 21 день тому +2

    I LOVE love love your look today 💚🩷

  • @AryanBlitzkrieg-c7v
    @AryanBlitzkrieg-c7v 21 день тому

    Me too! Humanity's on it's way out. Finally

  • @MouseEdits14
    @MouseEdits14 21 день тому

    The eyeshadow is giving Wicked vibes

  • @wolfroarxx6055
    @wolfroarxx6055 21 день тому

    nah I feel guilty when I spend 50 bucks in sephora.... imagine THAT

  • @bereaux94
    @bereaux94 18 днів тому

    Yeah I was still happy with Barbie and bratz dolls 😂😂😂

  • @nicolelafferty5436
    @nicolelafferty5436 21 день тому

    10k for a 12 year old? Damn, when i was 12, I got a 'Happy Birthday' card with $20, and a slice of cake

  • @marshmallow13585
    @marshmallow13585 21 день тому

    You can write me a check for $10,000- 😂😂😂

  • @kyla-slays
    @kyla-slays 21 день тому

    The wicked makeup lov it

  • @shay6072
    @shay6072 18 днів тому

    Also it just straight up sounds like a scammer to me.

  • @cherylrule1554
    @cherylrule1554 20 днів тому

    "Would ya like to adopt an older daughter?"

  • @NaomiVonwachter
    @NaomiVonwachter 21 день тому +1

    hey, do you have any suggestions for bad acne, pimples, and blackheads? my skin will breakout for a lot of products so i can never find a good one, and I'd love to hear advice from a professional!!

  • @stephanien6237
    @stephanien6237 21 день тому

    People this rich just give their kids credit cards.

  • @1drvortex
    @1drvortex 20 днів тому


  • @mythicrose1473
    @mythicrose1473 21 день тому

    I'll take that check!

  • @deestupi
    @deestupi 21 день тому

    Tell her to make it ahead of giving and give her 4 gift cards a month. It's her money

  • @SoF.A.SoGood
    @SoF.A.SoGood 16 днів тому

    I think I got a ‘Dork Diaries’ book and an iTunes card for like $25 for my twelfth birthday 😂😂

  • @marlenathorvald
    @marlenathorvald 19 днів тому

    It does seem weird they only have 250 dollar gift cards...they sell pretty expensive stuff in Sephora you would think they would have at least 500 dollar give cards...but really idk why they don't have endless amount

  • @ChristopherPhoenix-d1k
    @ChristopherPhoenix-d1k 4 дні тому

    The most expensive thing I’ve ever gotten was on my twelfth birthday my best friends mom paid for someone to write “happy birthday name” in the sky. My family got me a burger I think.

  • @v.pohjavuori7328
    @v.pohjavuori7328 21 день тому

    I'm an adult who's very passionate about makeup, and I couldn't even imaging getting 250 dollar gift card from my parents or anyone, 50 dollars (or actually euros in my case) is an absolute max. Pyjama set and cd sound very typical gifts for me 😂

    @SKULL_ONP4WS 7 днів тому

    When I was 12 I was wondering what life was

  • @little_dove
    @little_dove 21 день тому

    The makeup is giving wickeddd

  • @LondonHymbery-c9d
    @LondonHymbery-c9d 4 дні тому

    As a highschooler that did color guard, we do use make up, keep in mind that I am a Freshman (I am pretty young). Still, it isn't an excuse to give a 12 year old 10,000 dollars, and if there was to be a excuse, the mother should manage the money, not the kid

  • @Itz_Myra-l7g
    @Itz_Myra-l7g 21 день тому

    LOLLL omg that mom is spoiling her daughter too much lol when it’s my birthday I usually just get 1-2 presents

  • @MamieBabi
    @MamieBabi 19 днів тому

    it's a limit of 1 per person per day. At least that's what it was a few years back

  • @giniefit723
    @giniefit723 16 днів тому

    Just say the limit is $250 due to security purposes in case of loss or theft.