This New SUPER CIRCULAR Bey Might RUIN BEYBLADE X! | Ghost Circle, Impact Drake & Special Collabs

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @BeybladeGeeks
    @BeybladeGeeks  Місяць тому +42

    Do you think Ghost Circle will ruin the Beyblade X meta? Wizard Rod is already so we really need more Beys like that? Impact Drake better hit as hard as Takara Tomy is advertising it to...we love to see aggressive rubber! We thought the Beyblade X team might chill for a bit since they've been going CRAZYYYY...but they ain't stopping! That collab is WILD!

    • @garciamg1646
      @garciamg1646 Місяць тому +1

      Well wizard rod already ruin beyblade x meta, Ghost Circle is just going to make sure it stays that way. I wish Hasbro Stadium was the one that was used in tournament and not Takara Tony.

      @VICTORFERNANDEZ20247 Місяць тому +2

      Not really is small and compact like rinohorn so It will be fun to see how it stabilizes by continuous strokes

    • @trishaearnest9738
      @trishaearnest9738 Місяць тому


    • @20stardust
      @20stardust Місяць тому +1

      Nah I doubt they’ll make it overpowered. Regardless I want to try and main it. I’m excited to finally see a Ghost bey.

    • @neoevogt8600
      @neoevogt8600 Місяць тому +2

      Ghost Circle looks like new age gemios to me

  • @JaydenHorn1406
    @JaydenHorn1406 Місяць тому +40

    Ghost Circle will have to be really light.

    • @CashCaswell
      @CashCaswell 11 днів тому

      its expected to weigh 26-27 grams😭 they nerfed it so hard i can only see it working on a future 50 height ratchet which they should've released with drake, and a driver like trans point, metal needle, or glide

  • @_Abdulziz506
    @_Abdulziz506 Місяць тому +32

    I saw speculations about Ghost being unbalanced like Basalt Horogium/Twisted Tempo

    • @kytyanimation
      @kytyanimation Місяць тому +4

      Could probably correct that with a 1-60 like with dragoon 1-60 elevate

    • @gockartzz8272
      @gockartzz8272 Місяць тому +2

      @@kytyanimation could! becuse that depends on where they make it unbalanced

  • @Lonesomefate
    @Lonesomefate Місяць тому +20

    My son got me onto you guys and i just want to say thankyou. After my marriage broke down beyblade was a huge thing for me and my son to bond over. Watching your vids together while we battled it out has been very heart warming. Thankyou so much. Legends❤

  • @greensharktwod
    @greensharktwod Місяць тому +10

    it'll be fun to see how rubber on metal contact affects battles

    • @danieleng297
      @danieleng297 Місяць тому +2

      Yeah it's like right spin meteo l-drago

  • @Cloudfencer
    @Cloudfencer Місяць тому +12

    Ghost Circle is just another challenge for my Dran Buster and Shark Edge

    • @Treatyee
      @Treatyee Місяць тому

      exactly. but i bet its beatable.

    • @CashCaswell
      @CashCaswell 11 днів тому

      ​@@Treatyeeit's gonna be more than that, the estimated weight is 26grams, but it's really compact and will work as a very mobile defense type

  • @jhaybz29
    @jhaybz29 Місяць тому +5

    The reason why wizard rod works is not because of the weight but because what weight it has is distributed outward in such a way that the higher the RPM it has the more heavier feeling it is and the more stable it also is, if I'm correct, Ghost Circle is actually much smaller in diameter than wizard rod, If this is true then it could be able to balance it and can potentially be a good defense blade (heavy or not) but the ideal would be at least around 34g

    • @mb2776
      @mb2776 24 дні тому

      thx, said the same thing on their metal bits video. you want as much weight as possible on the outside edges of the beyblade.

  • @tyrannoanimates
    @tyrannoanimates Місяць тому +5

    Impact Drake with 9-60 and rubber accel had some potential as a double rubber combo

  • @Animedallion
    @Animedallion Місяць тому +7

    A mini wizard rod with less burst resistance that reduce being OP

  • @iambryansimpson
    @iambryansimpson Місяць тому +1

    Long shot, but if anyone is in japan going to the event exhibition, could you pick something up for me? Will discuss postage and stuff!

  • @itighnesinha2508
    @itighnesinha2508 Місяць тому +1

    I thought my screen was glitching when I randomly saw the barca logo here

  • @switchbro6622
    @switchbro6622 Місяць тому +1

    At least it doesn’t look as wide as rod

  • @cassowarygodtothebeastyes3359
    @cassowarygodtothebeastyes3359 Місяць тому +7

    It will probably be really light, plus the hooks aren’t all the same so it’s unbalanced so it’s probably fine

  • @shadowblade8717
    @shadowblade8717 Місяць тому +3

    Crome getting eye tattoos was not on my bingo card

  • @isaiahlane9694
    @isaiahlane9694 Місяць тому +2

    Ghost circle is gonna be light weight- same thing as shinobi perfect shape but no weight

  • @GerikDelRosario-yk6qq
    @GerikDelRosario-yk6qq Місяць тому +4

    Ghost circle and impact drake are very cool and strong

  • @katsuya063
    @katsuya063 Місяць тому +3

    For the fc Barcelona stadium I think it would be cooler if they could make another collab but with real Madrid so that the two teams can collide

  • @ThatScythe
    @ThatScythe Місяць тому +2

    Wow, the Barcelona Collab is quite crazy cause now the sky really is the limit with the Collab potential, at least sports wise (but obviously too, on the Hasbro side Marvel, Star Wars, and Transformers is kinda a big deal too). I think I did say this before when we got the Giants collab, but it seems much more realistic and possible now. Imagine a Lakers, Dodgers, Detroit Lions or Chiefs Collab. Possibly even an Olympics and/or Esports collab as well.

  • @miguelcrafter2997
    @miguelcrafter2997 Місяць тому +1

    The thing im most exited about is the Zero Ratched, i have been waiting since the beginning of X for this 😂

  • @JosephJoestarPants
    @JosephJoestarPants Місяць тому +1

    Ghost on 3-85 Elevate, it fades the opoment attacks and floats

  • @Echoes3333
    @Echoes3333 Місяць тому +2

    It won't. It's diameter is too short

  • @Tagswag2327
    @Tagswag2327 Місяць тому +1

    I wonder if it'll be like twisted tempo

  • @Henaiden805
    @Henaiden805 Місяць тому +3

    No comments? I fixed it

  • @ZOOC-iz1fq
    @ZOOC-iz1fq Місяць тому +2

    Can you do a review on the limiter edition collab with FC Barcha X Beyblade one.

  • @micro3090
    @micro3090 Місяць тому +1

    Lets make that ghost circle 25 grams

  • @_Rhatsody
    @_Rhatsody Місяць тому +1

    i dont watch or know anything about soccer so that collab seemed very random and weird to me.

  • @chasec7812
    @chasec7812 5 днів тому

    Supposedly impact drake has dark power so we could see chrome showing the dark power

  • @silvershadowwolf7088
    @silvershadowwolf7088 Місяць тому +4

    If ghost circle ends up like wizard rod and dominates itll probably be put on the penalty list so kind of like a risk reward thing.

  • @c.senchate539
    @c.senchate539 Місяць тому +2

    First one on a beyblade geeks vid 😁😁😁

  • @kyuremthefrozen8539
    @kyuremthefrozen8539 Місяць тому

    Time to call the ghost busters

  • @MarkTheShadow
    @MarkTheShadow Місяць тому

    apparently it's light

  • @sweetstickyrice2206
    @sweetstickyrice2206 Місяць тому +1

    Defense beys ftw

  • @HybridMMAExtreme
    @HybridMMAExtreme 29 днів тому

    Im gonna get ghost circle.

  • @MeowItsGhazt
    @MeowItsGhazt Місяць тому

    Rad bros, I like it of course.

  • @ImNotJacobYT
    @ImNotJacobYT Місяць тому +1

    hello under 1 hr

    • @ThatScythe
      @ThatScythe Місяць тому

      I had to watch Mike Tyson first 🥊

  • @Mii_kan
    @Mii_kan Місяць тому

    I'm scared of 0-80

  • @KiritoandNash2022
    @KiritoandNash2022 Місяць тому +2

    I remembered that I exactly predicted that Takara Tomy will eventually make a 0 type Rachet and this somewhat being unburstable. I say that it will still be unburstable as it is a perfect circle and it has no points like 3-60,4-60,5-60,7-70 or 9-60. Also impact Drake would be really good but the rubber im not sure. HASBRO HAS NOT GAVE US A COBALT DRAKE RELEASE YET AND WE ARE ALL ANGRY! I know eventually they will do it because Hasbro did rare Beyblades before. They can do it again

  • @runnafter69
    @runnafter69 Місяць тому

    The new bayblades are out

  • @kabeybladex
    @kabeybladex Місяць тому

    When I saw the silhouette of Impact Drake, it was indeed a beefed up version of Cobalt Drake.

  • @Lance-e1u
    @Lance-e1u Місяць тому +1

    I think ghost circle would be like 35 grams(blade),if its not, I think it would be as strong as wizard rod, gearball is fine in this combo, but if tt makes it unbalance, it would be bad, if its lighter than 35,it would be as strong as shinobi

  • @deandrepowell698
    @deandrepowell698 Місяць тому

    I think beyade ahould collab with yugioh those bwya would be ao aick especially the xyz and synchromes

  • @amirullfadzli1310
    @amirullfadzli1310 Місяць тому +1

    using Tyson season 1 design. Not the latter seasons V force and above. White shirt, quite slick
    Ginga design, his hoodie makes him looks like his stomach is protruding, some minus drip points.

  • @Jamaica-l1p
    @Jamaica-l1p Місяць тому

    Can I make requests for you please

  • @mrg212
    @mrg212 Місяць тому +1


  • @pelemlangka
    @pelemlangka Місяць тому

    Why Barcelona?
    I hope they make it again for the Liverpool edition.

  • @micahsmith2066
    @micahsmith2066 Місяць тому +2

    "Boy, it's really a shame how one blade was just way too smooth and round and is the most viable option in any deck. Let's make one even more smooth!"
    That said, I don't think the 0 ratchet is going to be a huge issue. Yes, it's got a huge burst resist bonus, but it is still an 80 height ratchet.
    If it was a 0-60, it's just a better 9-60.

  • @Polopham1211
    @Polopham1211 Місяць тому +2

    Hello ❤❤

  • @Giorgikvernadze9092
    @Giorgikvernadze9092 Місяць тому +3

    I swear bro if tt gives ghost circle the shinobi shadow treatment im moving to hasbro💀

  • @LuffyBlazing
    @LuffyBlazing Місяць тому +1

    I love soccer it my fav sports can’t belive fcb ❤ Messi 😊😊

  • @parkergreen2704
    @parkergreen2704 Місяць тому

    On the topic of collaborations, do you guys think Beyblade will collab with Sanrio again to make another Hello Kitty bey in Beyblade X? Or maybe even other Sanrio characters? I'm hoping for a My Melody bey or a Kuromi bey, since both those characters are having anniversaries next year.

    • @ThatScythe
      @ThatScythe Місяць тому

      Don't sound too farfetched and the timing you mention sounds perfect. I imagine they've want(ed) to do these bigger collabs first and the 25th beyblade anniversary

    • @parkergreen2704
      @parkergreen2704 Місяць тому

      @ThatScythe I'm really hoping it happens. 50 years of My Melody and 20 years of Kuromi are kind of a big deal, since they're some of Sanrio's most popular characters, right next to Kitty herself. So it'd be a perfect opportunity for a collab.

  • @jeanestimable4894
    @jeanestimable4894 Місяць тому +1

    Ghost circle 9-60 ball gonna go crazy

  • @nickd6303
    @nickd6303 Місяць тому +1

    Maybe the hidden key to these ccircular designs is to make them spin to the left.

  • @Botmeals
    @Botmeals Місяць тому +1

    its gonna get banned

  • @IKnowAboutSapphireBlaze
    @IKnowAboutSapphireBlaze Місяць тому

    Hope to see you guys at Beyblade Park if you're back in Tokyo! Need me some pink/purple Dran Buster 🩷💜

  • @0w0MarshiMell0
    @0w0MarshiMell0 Місяць тому +1

    0-80 ratchet d0se b00st up the stamina c0mb0 even m0re than 5-80 ratchet…
    Revived bey parts 2-80 & ph0enix feather blade

  • @iateuranium_mystomachismelting
    @iateuranium_mystomachismelting Місяць тому +3

    pls beyblade burst anchor driver on beyblade x stadium

  • @DezavionBush
    @DezavionBush Місяць тому +1


  • @Aruvoidz
    @Aruvoidz Місяць тому +1


  • @deandrepowell698
    @deandrepowell698 Місяць тому

    I think it's going to be like unicorn sting but with metal all the way around so it deflects attacks

  • @Steebve
    @Steebve Місяць тому

    rubber on the blade is better than a rubber performance tip tbh

  • @khananlubis3365
    @khananlubis3365 Місяць тому +3

    First view,first like,first comment

  • @UmiumaarUmaar
    @UmiumaarUmaar Місяць тому +1

    Wizard bursted by getting hit on the blade? Yeah right

  • @isaacphangyunjierosythsch
    @isaacphangyunjierosythsch Місяць тому +1

    green screen kid beybladegeeks before gta6

  • @DezavionBush
    @DezavionBush Місяць тому +2

    I’m a big fan

  • @Leftbeybladex
    @Leftbeybladex Місяць тому

    Can impact drake spin steal bc of the rubber??

  • @davidpomerantz
    @davidpomerantz Місяць тому

    Ghost Circle Vertical Move? 👀

  • @mikepaquette7229
    @mikepaquette7229 Місяць тому

    If it is a little heavy with the 9-60 ratchet and also the o bit.

  • @Ziyoblader
    @Ziyoblader Місяць тому

    Of course it wouldn't have any weaknesses because everyone's blind to its weakness and looks away from it once upon a time there was a balanced system in order to overcome a perfect circle you need an aggressive shape opponent with a good tip for fast movement but you also can't have the perfect circle thats overweight as weight plays a key factor to this balance but TT decides to throw the whole book out the window unfortunately and just plays the power creep game for money profit years after years

  • @Glitchvr24
    @Glitchvr24 Місяць тому +2

    Hiii im first

  • @dypizzy
    @dypizzy Місяць тому

    What if they shock us and make impact drake dual spin

  • @Lunasgoldenworld
    @Lunasgoldenworld Місяць тому +2


  • @Dragon_4046
    @Dragon_4046 Місяць тому

    Hello twisted tempo from the metal era (image of ghost circle)

  • @sewoh100
    @sewoh100 Місяць тому +1

    If GC is 33g-34g, then it will be fine. 0-80 is gona scrape as much as the 7 rachets, which is barely. GB is meh, I think some stamina/defense might be better on 3-85 and I'm hoping 0-80 has similar burst resistance.

  • @SansTheSkeletonGamer
    @SansTheSkeletonGamer Місяць тому


  • @jakeilano6821
    @jakeilano6821 Місяць тому

    3:46 Chrome's eyes

  • @ManuelSan1209
    @ManuelSan1209 Місяць тому

    Real Madrid is better than Barcelona

  • @bunnybaebu1151
    @bunnybaebu1151 Місяць тому

    All BX Releases VS All BX Releases.

  • @MuznaB.N
    @MuznaB.N Місяць тому

    I was waiting for 0-80 ratchet.

  • @digirockmon327
    @digirockmon327 Місяць тому

    Man... I hope Ghost Circle isn't a Wizard Rod 2.0... there has to be SOMETHING that makes it not as good. Weight, balance, something. And the 0 ratchet that me and some irl friends only JOKED about didn't think TT would ever do it.
    But imo, im more excited about Impact Drake. Since the OG Drake was a rare bey for the app and is being discontinued, this has me over the moon.

  • @Yamachaw7e
    @Yamachaw7e Місяць тому

    When i buy ghost circle if its good this will be my deck:
    Wizard rod 960 ball
    Silverwolf 580 free ball
    Ghost circle ??? ???

  • @DaveGabrielTiquio
    @DaveGabrielTiquio Місяць тому

    Twisted tempo 2.0💀

  • @Steebve
    @Steebve Місяць тому

    they might as well bring back twisted tempo but as a x bey 🙄🤣

  • @cau8284
    @cau8284 Місяць тому +2

    Day 9 of asking Beybladegeeks to charge their phone

  • @kylecasyao6157
    @kylecasyao6157 Місяць тому

    lol this gonna be op again

  • @_Nishu.Artz_
    @_Nishu.Artz_ Місяць тому +1

    Dran buster really looks like xcaliber with the fcb colours

  • @josh.lo8572
    @josh.lo8572 Місяць тому

    Im not crazy for football but still id like to have that stadium and beyblades it resemble a soccer field, to tell truth i want all the realese 😖 dang 🥹

  • @Illusionwavepictures
    @Illusionwavepictures Місяць тому +1
