Guys we recently discovered a flaw, Liton Das ka ghar nahi jala rather, former cricket captain Mashrafe Mortaza, who is an MP with Hasina’s Awami League, uska ghar jala hai. But several Hindu temples, households and businesses have been vandalised, and at least two Hindu leaders affiliated with former Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina's Awami League party have been killed in the violence since Monday, when Hasina resigned and fled to Targeting any particular community is always wrong.
Guys we recently discovered a flaw, Liton Das ka ghar nahi jala rather, former cricket captain Mashrafe Mortaza, who is an MP with Hasina’s Awami League, uska ghar jala hai. But several Hindu temples, households and businesses have been vandalised, and at least two Hindu leaders affiliated with former Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina's Awami League party have been killed in the violence since Monday, when Hasina resigned and fled to Targeting any particular community is always wrong.
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All Eyes on Bangladesh