Some unused clips and/or clips from shorts. I'll miss DF enhancement shaman. I'm not sure the elementalist glass cannon gameplay will work out in TWW due to health pools. We will see.
@@zerte1995 Also, I think armor is currently inflated which is hurting all physical damage builds. I would like physical damage to be viable. I was also thinking of doing the same with totemic just for a change of pace.
Some unused clips and/or clips from shorts. I'll miss DF enhancement shaman. I'm not sure the elementalist glass cannon gameplay will work out in TWW due to health pools. We will see.
love this song from Bleach
Stormbringer elementalist enhance will slap in TWW unless it gets shafted by tuning.
The most recent changes to the talent tree do look promising. Should give more flexibility with the build.
SONG - "Chokkaku" by Shiro Sagisu remix by Rayden
you are very good but it's not enh, it's elem melee gameplay xD
LOL - true. I haven't liked the physical damage build in quite a while though I did play it that way in some previous expansions. And, thanks. :)
@@RaggokOozo yeah im looking to play totemic physical build for TWW but in the pré patch, not viable since totem IS not here yet
@@zerte1995 Also, I think armor is currently inflated which is hurting all physical damage builds. I would like physical damage to be viable. I was also thinking of doing the same with totemic just for a change of pace.