Yep the TQIA+ etc thought they could latch onto LGB thinking we’d all unite and they’d be safe and protected from “evil” straight people and it’s not happening, LGB are as peed off with them as much as straight people
At least it was comical until they became so hostile, threatening, and belligerent. These so-called "activists" (they are nothing of the sort, they are merely parasitic Slacktivists at best) are the worst hate-mongering brutes. Their claims of "inclusiveness" and "rights" and "-phobics" are pure bs - it's called gaslighting and victim-blaming, they use those entirely corrupted terms for the sole purpose of gaining narcissistic personal power over others, that is all.
@@yahoohotmail4127 Not discriminatory at all. That person is a man pretending to be a woman. End of story. This weaponized empathy has to stop. It is very destructive to our culture.
The fact that this trans guy acted inappropriately to women demonstrates that women need their safe places. The lady who was made to feel uncomfortable by this guy should raise a complaint.
What’s with these men still controlling women? So what you think you’re a woman, you’re not. End of. Stop trampling on our rights for your own weird desires. I’m sick of hearing these crazy stories.
Lol! You seem to forget about the scouts, boys choirs or mens clubs etc. Females had their spaces and males had their spaces yet men were not allowed to have their spaces as it os misogynistic. And funny how you do not state a small minority of men under a specific label are doing this. You make as though it is all men.
How retro of you 🤣 so that means we can have mens clubs, and Womens again, but no woul;d scream the leftards, we spent years getting rid of all of that, and finally we have reached the level on insanity wher we can watch it all burn down, its time for the popcorn.
@@LucyOLastic meh. If I want to congregate with men, and only men and talk the crap men talk amongst themselves who are you to stop me? What gave you the right to decide who I can associate with? This is all a consequence of not letting people associate as they choose. Those who wanted this are now suddenly realizing they don't like those inevitable consequences.
Lesbian's do NOT want what men or trans-women have in their pants. That's kind of the point. Acting like that is a surprise or unfair is like complaining that your cat gave birth to kittens instead of puppies.
We were forced down this sick rabbit hole the very moment we allowed the very definition of Marriage to be destroyed by the rainbow mafia. It has been a warp speed decent into depravity ever since.
There is no transphobia, phobia means fear, nobody is afraid, many are tired and fed up with the constant erosion of women's rights by narcissistic, selfish men with fetishes.
There are plenty and i mean plenty of selfish women with fetishes, at a guess id say there are more women going around thinking they are men then there are men going around thinking they are women. Women are easier to trick, more gullible, its in their DNA...
@stoater1551 Exactly - so it's not phobia, because it's not irrational for women to fear delluded, narcissistic men who don't respect their boundaries and are demanding the right to indecently expose themselves to women and girls in spaces that were never intended for men of any kind. The extreme Left has irrationally demanded the sudden abandonment of sex-based segregation in favour of segregation based on 'gender identity', a term with no basis in science, that was made up by John Money, a creep who sexually abused children. Those who remain on the Left and support this ideological nonsense clearly have an irrational fear of reality and truth. Thus, the most rational thing the rest of us can do is object to their ideas and push back against their policies, because they're leading us to very dark places.
@@VioletbunnyfishBut none of them apply to the people who object to having the nonsense that is gender identity ideology imposed on them. It's not remotely logical to conclude that a person must be being hateful or fearful when they say that they don't perceive anyone male to be a woman, or anyone female to be a man. Most of them have the attitude of 'he can where what he likes, for all I care, if it makes him happy, good luck to him, but no costume or surgery will ever make him a woman, because to be one of those, you have to be born female, which men are not - no hate, just logical facts.' They're also not being hateful or fearful when they say, 'Gender identity? Yeah, I don't buy that as a concept, given who made it up and the fact that it's not grounded in science.' Gender identity ideologues have reached a conclusion (women are nothing more than feelings, 'social constructions'), and are clumsily and crudely trying to find evidence to support it. That's not how science works - they're so biased that they're ridiculous.
These morons even call some men TERFs 🤣 Men cannot be "radical feminists", that's one of the points of radical feminism. On the other hand, liberal feminism accepts male feminists. That being said, no one should be a male feminist because it's cringy as F and even most women are not impressed by that.
Yes. THIS IS WHAT THEY SAID THEY WANTED. Minorities must have extra rights, the smaller the minority, the greater the rights. They couldn't have imagined a minority that would behave in a way they didn't like@guitarszen
the continuing breakdown of the two primary genders, male and female, regardless of gay or staight in either gender group. While of course, transitioning men or woamn should be free to live their own lives, but this clearly an individual who wishes to continue the globalist agenda, whther knowingly or unknowingly.
@@BlueNorth313exactly. Women have the right to gather, or why did the suffragette's die. Likewise, as the guest stated, gay men also have the right to gather, and "a bunch of women with mastectomy and testosterone" are hardly going to be welcome. As she said, this is sad and pathetic
Yesterday I was talking to a Lesbian friend about the Transgender issue. (I am a white male). She and her Lesbian friends are absolutely against Trans "women" being in their space and changing with them in changing rooms. "They are not women" she said.
Well there ya go then - the lesbian friends of a friend of @couscous4096 said 'they are not women'. Incontrovertible scientific evidence representing 99% of the population. Case settled.
I'M a straight 59 yr old Native American woman who's been following this issue closely for a year. Just wanted to say Stay Strong Sisters! And N'yawęh, thank you for speaking the truth and LEADING the fight to keep women's spaces safe for women. JoJo
The very fact that this autogynephilic predator wishes to be where HE is not everything we need to know. Only a predator can tolerate that...and it's a buzz for a predator. What's next ....forcing women to marry autogynephiles ...forcing women to have babies with them ? It's gone from individuals embracing their identity to forcing others to embrace their identity. That's rape, isn't it ?
they almost always strike in public restrooms, bc one of the things that identifies a real trans woman from an autogynephilic person, is they are turned on by women's bodily fluids: urine, breastmilk, period blood.. This is why they are always turned on to be in a womans restroom. They are NOT trans. They are acting out a kink in public under the guise of lgbtq. Lesbians have warned us this would happen, but ofcourse no one listened.
@@shibboleth111 true, but the word ‘rape’ has a definition, and this is not it. It’s is what I would call unwelcome domineering behaviour. I think one of the biggest problem is modern society, and in particular the left, is the misuse of words that have serious meanings and attempts to dramatise other things by using them. Very common with ‘rape’ and ‘racism’ at the moment. Just for the record I fully support these ladies right to hold a lesbian dating event and to exclude trans women from this.
@@shibboleth111the legal definition of rape is for a man to knowingly insert his penis inside a vagina, anus, or mouth of an individual without consent.
I'm Jenny from the video. I was beyond nervous, never in my wildest dreams did I think I’d be able to do something like that. I might have had more than a few "um"s, "er"s, and thrown in "so yeah" about a 100 times, but this opportunity was too important to let slip by. Your kind comments are really appreciated. Our mission is a simple one: to unite women through friendship and love, contrary to the claims of those who are trying to destroy our events. Let me be clear: we will emerge victorious. Remember those words.
Good luck with organising future dating events; appearing on TV (especially after being targeted by bigots in the name of 'tolerance') takes tremendous courage.
Good for you Jennie. With you 100%. It's really great to see young women who are no longer (or never did) pander to these men, just because being part of the 'LGBTQ community' was foisted on you by Stonewall and the Beaumont Society.
@True.Honesty100 And the fact is that science has consistently shown that sex and gender exist in a spectrum, and won’t necessarily match what’s assigned at birth.
I love how she is calling the guy ‘he’ and not pandering to delusion and using incorrect language… “Transphobic” is becoming a badge of honour, more and more.
Being a lesbian is extremely exclusive and quite rightly so. Unless you’re a biological woman who is attracted to other biological women, then you’re not welcome! It’s really not a difficult concept to grasp.
It is against the law to discriminate against anyone because of: sex, sexual orientation or gender reassignment. These are ‘protected characteristics’. Under UK law people are protected from discrimination as a member or guest of a private club or association. What this lesbian group is doing is illegal.
@@head_overheelsukif it's really against the law, why is he insane? Or is he simply wrong and it's not against the law? Or is he correct about the law but you disapprove of the law?
It's not all men ,, it's transvestites and drag queens , believe me I'm on women's side , I find it a disgrace to think I could put a dress on and go into a woman's toilet, I would never dream of doing that , to me that would be immediately creepy and I should be arrested , so I dont understand this narrative where transvestites , (I refuse to call them trans women) can do what they like . It's becoming a huge problem in society , we all must fight it together
@@onesong2001I believe they are mostly Antifa , they have zero interest in the actual issues , but because police allow them to protest loudly , and often violently, they love all this chance to upset people's lives
I’ve said this same thing before. It’s like crying wolf at this point. There is real transphobia and bigotry out there, but these extremists are so quick to label and dismiss anyone with a dissenting opinion as such that the words mean nothing anymore.
We need to turn this around. Boycott any venue that cancels events like this due to wokeness and/or virtual signalling. It will only stop when those venue are going bankrupt due to their stupidity.
Business owners who trumpet forced inclusivity using trans as their benchmark obviously believe the majority of their clients (who are hetero happy with their gender) are lefties for whom virtue-signaling trumps facts - even biology! and reason. Are they correct? Bud Light owners guessed wrong.
Until people can be strong enough to call out this utter nonsense , these activists will keep doing it , the more we tell them to eff off, the less they have over people. If a man wants to dress as a woman, that's up to him, no one is telling them they can't do it , so that's that , anymore over that is just activists causing trouble. The world has gone mad , venues need to be stronger. I'm straight , but people can do what they like , I have no problem with any of it , im sure gay men wouldn't expect to have a relationship with me , in the same way I wouldn't expect to date a lesbian , so why would a man dressed as a woman expect to identify as a lesbian , it doesnt work. Seems to me the majority of straight , gay men and lesbians and bi people are all tolerant and want a happy life , but there is a tiny percentage of people who just want to spoil everything, I find it's not even men who have become women who have had the full change, they dont seem to be the ones causing the issues, its Men dressed as women, or transvestites let's get it right ARE NOT WOMEN, and to identify as lesbisn is just creepy , until we come together and show they can't boss us around and we support people who have been called bigots by these troublemakers the more they can't get their own way. I have my own theory, in that it seems its mostly gay men who are drag queens and don't seem to understand the difference between them and women , or even more sinister most of the activists are from Antifa , they will turn up to a protest in a phone booth if they think they can cause trouble, they have zero interest in any of the issues , but they can have a day out attacking men and lesbisns with umbrellas, because they know the police will let them, its time to protest back
Nothing insane about it. All the work of rights campaigners that achieved so much over the decades is being undone by woke divisionism. The moral majority are already inclusive of everyone- we are naturally communal creatures. Woke people are simply the only hate group going and we must all stand against them. If anything good comes of it, it is that we are all realising how much we share in common with the moral values of straight, gay, lesbian, atheists, christians, different races and so on. It is the vocal minorities who cause divisn and spread hate for everything they pretend to be excluded from or a victim of.
Why does everyone have to feel included in everything. I'm a straight woman and am not offended that I'm not invited too this. Unbelievable. The trans community are shuving themselves into everyone's spaces.. And then wondering why they are not invited.. All the time. It's so sad. We need to get back to a place where it's ok to say your not welcome..and we are not sorry for that. Life is not about always getting your way
Reminds me of that episode of Sex and the City. Where Charlotte befriends two super trendy lesbians and they go to a lesbian bar. She is having the time of her life, respectfully declining advances, and dancing without worrying about men groping her. At some point her friends ask her to join them for a weekend in the Hamptons with a group of lesbians. Ofcourse she wants to go. Until one woman walks up to her and asks: 'we don't want to pry but are you a lesbian? Or bi?' Charlotte says no and says it doesn't matter, she is feeling such a strong sisterhood bond and blah blah. The woman interrupts her:"oh well that is really good! But honey; if you don't eat 🐱, you're not a lesbian" Charlotte got the hint.😂
@@msimons7440I think they are separate issues, but its women invading and intruding in mens spaces that created this intire problem in the first place.
@@msimons7440 I picked up on that too. If it's a conversation purely about the concerns of women and their spaces, you can bet someone will include men in the conversation too. Every. Time. It's predictable, boring and completely unrelated. It diminishes, derails and silences us in conversation. TIW in men's spaces not the same as men in women's spaces It's not the same threat of sexual violence or threat to our safety in general.
I don't understand why they just don't create a trans group for everything so they stop complaining about not being included. People have a right to be with their own people without being encroached upon.
Because men reject them and women protect them, wouldn’t you choose the most vulnerable population, they’re stronger than women…it makes sense, think about it?
Idk, I think that trans women and trans men is totaly fair and descriptive term to describe the said groups. Them trying to be 'women' and 'men' is ridiculous. These attempts to hijack the language is getting absurd.
When they say they want inclusivity, what they actually mean is they want power. They want the exclusivity to decide where inclusivity starts and stops.
Yep. Conveniently including the Q and T for the numbers. But when not needed, Q and T got thrown under the bus. Nice to see them reveal their true nature.
The NERVE of these creeps - trying to redefine something that cannot be redefined (lesbianism), and then kicking up a fuss when women insist on REALITY.
The fact a biological man is claiming to be a lesbian and actually got a lesbian speed dating event cancelled is ridiculous. 2023 where anyone can be anything regardless of how ridiculous it may be.
So, if we take this to its natural conclusion. If I as a heterosexual man, went to a date night, I might be paired with a woman, a lesbian, a gay man, another heterosexual man, or presumably someone identifying as a cat?
The young woman is absolutely correct ❤ A man is a man no matter how he dresses or acts. I feel so bad for us women that we can’t even live our life as real women/ without these fake men trying to take over. We cannot have anything personal anymore to ourselves. 😢
I’m a gay guy. After a work out at the gym, I went to the shower and there was what looked to me like a naked biological woman. (I haven’t seen many of those, but pretty sure.) I thought at first I had gotten naked in the women’s locker room, but no I was in the right place. This person saw me hesitate and said, “It’s OK Dude, I’m trans.” It’s a strange world.
All we hear in the media is about transmen invading spaces normally reserved for women. I've asked here on UA-cam about it and from the responses I've gotten it appears that there are more men who want to be women than women who want to be men and I also have been told that women who are transmen continue using women spaces because they do not feel comfortable in men spaces, especially if those men are all straight.
I've heard of a trans activist over in America who got a men's sauna shut down because they wouldn't let her in. It certainly is a strange world in the west at the moment.
That's because she wasn't allowed to shower with the ladies. A colleague of mine is a transwoman and she would regularly go to the gym. I wonder now if she just went home sweaty to shower. I mean...she can't shower with the ladies. And I'm sure she doesn't want to shower with men or get undressed in front of them. I can't imagine a transwoman feeling comfortable in a men's locker room. I have no reason to think you are lying. I have no reason to think you are telling the truth.😅
This strange new world where everyone has to be included in everything. I'm quite happy for women-only groups, private clubs, religious organisations to exist that won't accept me as participant. I do the things I want, they can do what they want.
Since 2007, girls have been allowed to join UK Scout groups, which traditionally were only for boys. But the Guides still don't allow boys to join unless they identify as female - and the same applies to leaders. The two possible ways to tackle this unfair double-standard are: A) Scouts to should only allow girls to join if they identify as boys, or B) Girls should not be allowed to join the Scouts. I take it from your comment that you would agree with B?
The fact that dude had the balls (pun intended) to ask her to attend an event strictly for lesbians is insane! He claims to be one of us but acts like a disgusting man
How can you be championing inclusion by excluding lesbians?This manager should be hauled up in front of Stonegate, who should rename themselves Stonewall. I sometimes feel that this issue is just one long Monty Python sketch……
The rot set in with gay "marriage". Some of us said at the time it would mess up clearly defined notions of gender. We were sneered at at the time, but I defy anyone to say we weren't proved right. In just 10 years.
They want to feel power in one-upping women and gaining control over women’s spaces. I always thought it was commonly agreed upon that it’s extra weak to take from women and children… 👀
So this is 2023. A man decides he is a woman, and dresses up as a woman, but then decides we fancies women instead of men (as a "woman"), attends a lesbian speed dating event, starts touching up females in the toilets, gets banned from the event, then the pub decided it needs the event to be more inclusive. Right.
Yes we definitely need to be inclusive enough to the point we tolerate creeps like him. Hell, people today are even normalizing ped0s... They're apparently "minor attracted people", which is a less offensive term 😀 Imagine offending someone like that....
If it was just some random guy in the female toilets or even another woman, that'd qualify for arrest. But because of this whole t mess, it's ok? So would rhe landlord accept his wife or daughter or sister (you get the point) to be inappropriately touched by this same individual? I somehow think his virtue signaling would end there.
True women have the absolute right to meet other women and feel they are safe, and this trans man has destroyed this perfectly well organised group. Why do trans men now seem to have more rights than gay women who want to meet other gay women? The fight for this right for gay women was hard fought for many years, and it's being destroyed in seconds. 😢 shocking and disturbing turn of events
Is the natural woke mind , because a lesbian is a cis person so she only is gay , now trans and gay is a more appealing fight , for them is like o suffer more , and that change every day , sooner or later they come with other battle
Trans women, not trans men. We hardly ever hear about trans men. The same way gay men occupy all the space and leave little room for lesbians. It’s the usual males > females.
As a heterosexual woman ( I don’t wish to call myself a cis woman) I find it really extremely sad that the hard fought battles of gay men and women to have an open life and a place in wider society is being shut down by another currently not clearly identifiable group…ie transgender people some of whom want to infiltrate same sex groups on the basis of gender ( not biological) identity alone which is upsetting and in some cases may pose an actual safety risk to the same sex groups. As I am not a lesbian woman I can’t obviously say or even begin to really know what a lesbian woman is looking for in a potential date or partner, but I would hazard a guess that a large part of it comes down to physiology and that most lesbian women are not looking for a date or partner with male genitalia. That right to choose ought to be respected.
Businesses need to tell these trans activists where to go. Go woke go broke. Fingers crossed this happens to this specific venue. Hope she finds another venue.
Aren’t you going woke by making out women are victims… so when blks scream racism about everything it’s woke. When lgbt scream homophobia that’s woke but women scream sexism that’s not woke??
A great example of a situation where we have given an inch and they want to take the mile. Ironically, these trans narcissists are the type of people who complain about being bullies while acting like bullies. If this isn’t an example of a misogynistic predator trying to infiltrate women’s spaces, I don’t know what is. HOLD THE LINE!
I totally agree. Gay and heterosexual people always got on .the attack on wemon is disgusting at the moment. The grooming of children through the education system is wrong. The gay community is also being attacked.
I'm heterosexual. Gay community. Get on together. We respect each other. I want a real wemon, a gay man wants a gay man or gay wemon want a gay woman. A rocking horse is not a real horse
we shouldn't stand up for the lesbians because they hate heterosexual men. full of hate. the most hateful people i've ever seen. especially if you are a good looking hetero male, they absolutely despise you. they aren't just lesbian, they are anti male and miserable, hateful people. there is no point being nice or polite with them. its pointless. no....let them to suffer.
That's what got us into this problem in the first place. You got your gay "rights" now YOU have to live with them. Bet u wish u campaigned for responsibility instead of rights now aye
As a normal man not given to over compensating, I would pay good money to just watch the ish show and see how far you would be willing to go to simp for a bunch of women who couldn't care less about you.
@@timorthelame1 I can appreciate that if you have no connection to the issue but nonetheless for some weird reason feel motivated to make comments, which frankly gives the appearance of compensating for something, then you could take that view for yourself. My daughter is a lesbian as is her long term partner and many friends who are also friends of mine. Not only do they care about me, I care about them. So, that's my motivation for saying what I said. What's yours?
I'm a straight woman and I am in solidarity with you ladies. As a woman who has experienced unwanted male attention and bad behaviour it's very important to remember that violence and sexism towards women and females is still a present and a threat.
It should be all about harmony and exceptence. Not about dominating peoples safe places. I feel this is more about making women uncomfortable where they should feel safe.
Solidarity with the ladies from China - - - I don't understand why Westerners are so twisted up about other people's sex lives. - - - Women who only want to have sex with other women should be left alone!
The fact that this Lady has to explain/ defending on air that she is not trans phobic …….. Don’t do that plz . You have every right to be upset about this No need to explain yourself or assure the public you are not being phobic.
Yes, it's quite annoying that people feel the need to point out they are not "transphobic" given that there is no such thing. The trans activists couldn't care less that your apologize. They want to ruin you either way. Stop, just stop apologizing to them!
There is nothing more misogynistic than a man in a dress bullying women into being intimate with him or and if they don’t, destroying their events, taking away their spaces, harming them physically or destroying their lives!! This is the worst form of misogyny!!! Good grief
I suppose it depends if he still has the sausage or not, if the sausage and meatballs have been removed and he is taking lots of estrogen and clearly wants to become female, I don't think that person is a threat or bully.
@@jasonphillips5816 That's false. You are using the rhetoric of radical feminists, which is, that the "sausage" is somehow needed for committing a r*pe and therefore only men are r*pists. That's not true at all. Women can be r*ped by fingers, fist, bottle, cucumber, dildo, and many more things, which means, women can do it too, and some really do. The highest rates of domestic ab*se happen in lesbian relationships.
Very aptly and concisely stated, @nina. How unfortunate, however, for the other whackadoodle replies you received here. Ignorance and deluded emotional thinking abounds, and clearly magnifies itself on SM.
@@barbarakauppi9915 It's a perfectly valid point, how is a man (therefore not a biological woman) who has had a full sex change and taking estrogen a physical or even sexual threat to a biological woman? Unfortunately there are too many pseudo intellectuals on here using the biggest words they can find and putting full stops in the middle of a line.
My first thought is how creepy it is to try to inappropriately touch a stranger in a restroom whether you be male or female. This person clearly had a determined agenda to shut down this gathering. The sad part is it casts a dark shadow over the entire trans community.
Yes, just like that male convicted rapist who tried to get sent to a women's prison in Scotland, I don't believe for a second that people acting like this have a genuine case of gender dysphoria. This person was either looking for an excuse to shut down the gathering because he's an ideologue, or is quite simply a predator gaming the system to get access to potential prey, and is now trying to put heads on spikes as a warning to other groups not to dare try and stop him.
The whole so-called 'trans community' casts a dark shadow over itself as I suspect genuine, fully emasculated and hormonally altered transsexual women want nothing to do with the community of faux 'trans' people, just as so many ordinary gays and lesbians are distancing themselves from the LGBTQAI+ 'community'
@@msimons7440until they became infiltrated with autogynephiles. Last time I went to a lesbian bar I was beat up in the toilets for not agreeing to go home with a male in a wig and skirt who was handsy and clearly doesn't know what a HOMOSEXUAL is.
As a straight man I fully support women finding love with whoever they chose. Love is a beautiful thing and it is sad that the trans community doesn't support other people finding love without inserting themselves into everyone else lives. Having a separate event was a logical response and would likely be more successful for both groups. It really is becoming clown world where logic no longer exists.
Regardless of what @defendliberty1289 says, most men are on the side of most women. After all, we have grandmothers, mothers, aunts, sisters, nieces and daughters who we also wish to protect from perverts.
@@thomasm1964 Your info is a bit outdated. Most men - especially the younger generations - do not see this as a issue of "protection of women" since they know that women are now empowered and need men as much as "a fish needs a bicycle" ( famous feminist adage)
@@defendliberty1289 01. I don't believe you. Outside the metropolis, attitudes are more small-c conservative than you think; this hatred towards women is a metropolitan middle class phenomenon. 03. Those men who think this way should be thoroughly ashamed of the corrupt attitudes they hold - and I include you amongst them.
@@thomasm1964 Since you do not seem to get irony, I will spell it for you literally. It is conservative men (with the small c) that are abandoning women UNTIL those women reject the root of the insanity: feminism. Those men do not call you "conservative", they call you a "white knight", a pejorative term meaning a man that has not realized that the world has changed in the last decades and that is the men that are the victims of this change and women do not give a dime about it.
Jennie, find a PRIVATE venue. There will be many such venues that would welcome you. OR maybe make it a private members club where a number of (maybe just two) existing members have to approve new members "for security".
Activism in this case is on behalf of men with a fetish/mental health issues. Vote with your feet to indicate how you feel about this publican's political views
These two women who are bleating here are the same people who a very few years ago, were calling people like me every name under the sun for saying marriage was a man and a woman. Some of us predicted exactly this kind of insanity would happen if they got their way and did away with what everyone had understood since before the Bronze Age. And now they want me to feel bad that they are getting the same treatment? The same abuse? Having the same nonsense-based emotional arguments thrown at them? I don't feel bad for them. I think this is richly karmic.
Given that we are talking about sex, not gender then I fail to see what a trans person is doing their except sexually harrassing women who have made it clear they have no interest in people of his sex. All people are entitled to fairly and equally but when you are somewhere that is specifically for people of a given sex then a trans person has no place there.
Thanks to the dishonest wordsmiths on the left and their rainbow mafia, the actual, true, biological meanings of sex and gender have become totally meaningless especially when some mentally deranged person can on any given day decide they are a woman, a man, bi, asexual, a golf ball, or a tree. To the Rainbow Mafia: "Stop DEMANDING we accept of you what you refuse to accept of yourself."
@@nakedenbynot bizarre in the slightest. This whole Conversation is centered on guarding same sex attraction between females This dudes genitalia doesn’t even come into the equation 😂
they can't debate, you roll over for their madness , or they scream like banshees and make themselves look like deranged freaks, so they tend not to take on these public debates
To all girls and ladies, i.e. human beings born as females: Please don't ever hesitate to ask us straight men for help if your bathrooms, changing rooms or all your other safespaces are invaded by male transvestites. We will be more than happy to assist you. We got your back !
@TooCoolforCardiI've heard many men say "feminists got what they wanted. This is the consequences". Men are not inclined to defend women anymore in a hostile culture of disparaging men and false sexual assault accusations. It does effect men....their wives and daughters.
I used to joke back in the 80's, when humour was still acceptable, that I was a lesbian trapped in a man's body when any gay men in the club I was DJ'ing at would ask if I was 'interested'. This whole trans thing has ruined that joke for real and makes you think these people are really wrong in the head.
The pub manager should be ashamed of themselves for siding with someone who is inappropriately touching another person who does not want their advances.
The worlds not perfect but growning up I thought we were all about respecting womens autonomy... So how did the activists manage to convince people that sometimes you 'can' pressure women into unwanted romantic/sexual relationships? The whole 'take the d bigot' has practically become a meme.
Who said it was unwanted? And are you trying to say that a trans woman is not a woman? That's a thought crime and the old bill will be banging on your door!
@@brettyates7054 I know, its just so funny, I have pulled up a deck chair, opened the popcorn, and am having a wanderful day basking in the loony left eatiung itself! 😂🤣
@@jamesmurphy7442 well I wouldn't spectate too much; theyre trying to eliminate sexual preference, hetero or homo. They want the lesbians to take the d today, but don't think they don't want you to take it too.
What goes around comes around. I remember when a Lesbian cricket club refused a straight female whose own team had disbanded. She took it to court and lost because she belonged to the majority of the population. Which was heterosexual. I admit this was in Melbourne Australia but as I said what goes around comes around
@@franciscocabanasgac68Genuine Trans people do not have a choice, they were born in the wrong body, it's dysmorphia. Unfortunately a lot of creeps, frauds and degenerates are abusing the situation for their benefit. I agree that some liars just wake up and decide to be the opposite sex, its ridiculous.
@@franciscocabanasgac68it seems the media started to add the TQIA+ onto the LGB as if they think everyone in that group are all the same, but LGB don’t want anything to do with those other letters
There is a law suit here. They must exercise the law in this case. They have been discriminated against on their gender and sexuality. It's a huge hate crime. Press charges!!!
When women, especially feminist women agree that men should be able to have their own space free of women then I'll support women's right to have spaces free of men. Women destroyed mens clubs and male only spaces, now its karma for them, with trannys destroying women only spaces.
They need to be able to be in these spaces or else their fantasy isn't real. And then, if the fantasy isn't real, they will self-delete, so of course we should be coerced by the blatant emotional manipulation! Good people would let them be... Only evil people would not affirm someone who threatens to kill themselves if they don't get their way...
I agree, and straight women should have their own spaces free of lesbian and bisexual women so that they can be safe...oh wait I'm being informed that's a hate crime and they're reeing just as hard about this.
So you can't have group meetings with participation based on any criteria at all? What's the point of organizing groups then if all groups theoretically include everyone? This is beyond absurdity.
At this point predatory behaviour from trans identifying men is expected. Hopefully someone is gathering data on the pattern of criminality. I hope the pub’s business suffers.
I think it has to be predatory behaviour, this guy is just looking for victims, I also hope this pubs business suffers. Trans Man lesbian, how clownish is this going to get!
@@tomnicholson2115 I am certain that there are many more self-identifying twists and turns brewing in minds of questionable sanity. It's getting to look like some sick game of Top Trumps.
It's ok to be "transphobic." It's pro-REALITY, not trans-phobic or anti-trans. The phobia part here is, frankly, in the paralyzing fear of being branded as transphobic.
What this comes down to is an issue of consent. If you threaten, harass, and vilify females for not wanting to engage in sexual activity with males you’re making an argument that it is morally justified to overrule consent if the male initiating sex identifies as female. Forcing people to engage in sexual activity against their will…. I’m sure there’s a word for that…. 🤔
@@sounduser Nearly all sexual predators are male and that crosses all sexual preferences. If the being straight goes hand in hand with being a rapist then why is the number of straight females who rape infinitesimal to the number of gay men who rape? What an asinine comment from a truly uneducated and prejudice mind.
I’m a heterosexual male and think this is such an invasive action against women, regardless of their sexuality. I would have defended their right to hold their event in a safe and private manner. Why are we allowing such an encroachment of women’s rights. It’s about time we started to defend women, regardless of their sexual orientation and preferences.
I wonder if as a biological male he could be sued or even criminal charged for sexual harassment? Since the woman by definition are lesbian he obviously should be aware that they wouldn’t be interested in him sexual because of his masculine body. If I was them I would seek legal advice and also talk to the local police regarding harassment by the venue they shouldn’t have to justify to them who belongs to their group.
@jamesw2414 The point though it isn’t what someone identifies as being but rather the “sexual preference” of the ladies, who by definition aren’t attracted to male bodies. I for example am heterosexual so I have no interest in having a sexual relationship with someone who has the same genitalia as myself and never would do. So surely if someone knows that and wouldn’t leave me alone wouldn’t you say that is “Sexual Harassment”?
@@shingitai5882well you'd think so, but apparently we are supposed to be attracted to a person's "gender", not their physical body. To express a physical preference is to be a "genital fetishist" or "sexual racist" according to some trans activists. Weird world we live in now.
@shingitai5882 - @jamesw2414 - I am not 100 percent sure about the following, but please correct me if I am wrong. If a man or a woman were to Indecently Assault or Sexual Harass a member of the same or opposite sex, the law would still apply equally to both the man and the woman. Irrespective of how the individual may choose to identify.
Until these enforced diversity and inclusion laws are either sorted out or deleted, technically nobody can have a group or club etc that excludes ANYONE.
And yet a black theatre group in London felt there was no issue with having a black only night for a particular play. Imagine if that was a white only night. There is no common sense in DEI.
The dude that showed up and wrecked this whole thing was just a perv trying to intimidate, and apparently, assault women. This bs has to stop. They are wolves among sheep and everyone is protecting them.
I have a question to the manager. If he can't have an event "which excludes anybody", does that mean that, by his logic, I a heterosexual man can join a lesbian event? That is utter insane. Lesbian event is exclusionary by design. Mad world we live in.
Oh, you're allowed women only ones, you just aren't allowed men only ones! That wasn't a problem for the Feminists, it was a victory and two straight fingers and a laugh in the faces of all those powerless men! They just didn't count for it later becoming somewhat vague as to what a "women" is! Oh, the beautiful irony! Oh, the glorious karma!
What happened to freedom of association. It used to be legal to form private clubs with a select membership? For example if these women held their meetings in one of their homes surely they could decide who was admitted?
I'm a lesbian trapped in a male body used to be a gag, but no longer in this clown world.
How about "I was a man trapped in a woman's body....but then I was born". It sort of loses its humor if you're trapped in a "birthing person's body"
@laineandrews9291 are you serious?
You are asking if a joke is serious?@@ethalminiellis3032
@@ethalminiellis3032 "birthing person's body"? you mean a female.
*It was a catastrophic mistake to combine sexual orientation AND gender into the same group.*
Lesbians dont wanna fuck a guy, and I totally understand how they feel
But it's hilarious to see this backfire.
Bingo! 🌈
It is but the house of men larping as women is falling down….. bit by bit. 😂😂
Yep the TQIA+ etc thought they could latch onto LGB thinking we’d all unite and they’d be safe and protected from “evil” straight people and it’s not happening, LGB are as peed off with them as much as straight people
A man calling himself a lesbian is just comical
At least it was comical until they became so hostile, threatening, and belligerent.
These so-called "activists" (they are nothing of the sort, they are merely parasitic Slacktivists at best) are the worst hate-mongering brutes. Their claims of "inclusiveness" and "rights" and "-phobics" are pure bs - it's called gaslighting and victim-blaming, they use those entirely corrupted terms for the sole purpose of gaining narcissistic personal power over others, that is all.
All bets are off in today's world.
it's been a long running joke that men say they are lesbians because they are attracted to women
@@jameshogan6142no just the west the rest of us are normal.
Woke West. @@AA-xs8mv
Madness how just one bloke can shut the whole thing down.
Trans ideology makes for a great club to bludgeon "bigots" with. I hate it with every fiber of my being! 😊
It’s discriminatory, so, it’s not madness at all.
Great comment, although surely the use of the word 'bloke' may be offensive to 2 or 3 people in the careful. 😮
@@yahoohotmail4127 Not discriminatory at all. That person is a man pretending to be a woman. End of story. This weaponized empathy has to stop. It is very destructive to our culture.
The fact that this trans guy acted inappropriately to women demonstrates that women need their safe places. The lady who was made to feel uncomfortable by this guy should raise a complaint.
Except she would probably get charged with being transphobic and put in the wrong.
Yes. By definition, 'nice' males do not do this.
Straight white men are the only ones who need safe spaces.. we are attacked by every group including white women
@@pmc2999actually no. If they got a safe space people would find a way to blame straight white men
What’s with these men still controlling women? So what you think you’re a woman, you’re not. End of. Stop trampling on our rights for your own weird desires. I’m sick of hearing these crazy stories.
Lol! You seem to forget about the scouts, boys choirs or mens clubs etc. Females had their spaces and males had their spaces yet men were not allowed to have their spaces as it os misogynistic.
And funny how you do not state a small minority of men under a specific label are doing this. You make as though it is all men.
Ask Lia Thomas?
Me too, it’s so tragic and infuriating 😢
Stop voting for any and all left wing politicians. This will resolve the issue are restore sanity.
Men deserve their own exclusive clubs, associations, etc, and so do women. The ‘undecided’, can make their own.
A most sensible approach
How retro of you 🤣 so that means we can have mens clubs, and Womens again, but no woul;d scream the leftards, we spent years getting rid of all of that, and finally we have reached the level on insanity wher we can watch it all burn down, its time for the popcorn.
@@FarObserver I mean "NOW" sure, but when it was men's spaces being invaded..............crickets. laughs/cries in Ouroboros
Are you sure you are of this world? We all are supposed to mix and live together. Not live separate lives on different islands.
@@LucyOLastic meh. If I want to congregate with men, and only men and talk the crap men talk amongst themselves who are you to stop me? What gave you the right to decide who I can associate with?
This is all a consequence of not letting people associate as they choose. Those who wanted this are now suddenly realizing they don't like those inevitable consequences.
Lesbian's do NOT want what men or trans-women have in their pants. That's kind of the point. Acting like that is a surprise or unfair is like complaining that your cat gave birth to kittens instead of puppies.
get a life
You should
Omg! I'm getting sick of this bs . I'm with LGB Alliance
We were forced down this sick rabbit hole the very moment we allowed the very definition of Marriage to be destroyed by the rainbow mafia. It has been a warp speed decent into depravity ever since.
It's time to drop the T!
There is no transphobia, phobia means fear, nobody is afraid, many are tired and fed up with the constant erosion of women's rights by narcissistic, selfish men with fetishes.
A phobia is not just a fear,
it is an IRRATIONAL fear and that is important.
There are plenty and i mean plenty of selfish women with fetishes, at a guess id say there are more women going around thinking they are men then there are men going around thinking they are women. Women are easier to trick, more gullible, its in their DNA...
@@Violetbunnyfish woman only has one meaning - adult human female, no place for men, however they choose to live or see themselves
@stoater1551 Exactly - so it's not phobia, because it's not irrational for women to fear delluded, narcissistic men who don't respect their boundaries and are demanding the right to indecently expose themselves to women and girls in spaces that were never intended for men of any kind.
The extreme Left has irrationally demanded the sudden abandonment of sex-based segregation in favour of segregation based on 'gender identity', a term with no basis in science, that was made up by John Money, a creep who sexually abused children.
Those who remain on the Left and support this ideological nonsense clearly have an irrational fear of reality and truth. Thus, the most rational thing the rest of us can do is object to their ideas and push back against their policies, because they're leading us to very dark places.
@@VioletbunnyfishBut none of them apply to the people who object to having the nonsense that is gender identity ideology imposed on them.
It's not remotely logical to conclude that a person must be being hateful or fearful when they say that they don't perceive anyone male to be a woman, or anyone female to be a man. Most of them have the attitude of 'he can where what he likes, for all I care, if it makes him happy, good luck to him, but no costume or surgery will ever make him a woman, because to be one of those, you have to be born female, which men are not - no hate, just logical facts.'
They're also not being hateful or fearful when they say, 'Gender identity? Yeah, I don't buy that as a concept, given who made it up and the fact that it's not grounded in
Gender identity ideologues have reached a conclusion (women are nothing more than feelings, 'social constructions'), and are clumsily and crudely trying to find evidence to support it. That's not how science works - they're so biased that they're ridiculous.
It’s insane we’ve gotten this far. “If you don’t agree with my every opinion or play along with my every whim and delusion, you’re a bigot” ugh 😑
These morons even call some men TERFs 🤣
Men cannot be "radical feminists", that's one of the points of radical feminism. On the other hand, liberal feminism accepts male feminists. That being said, no one should be a male feminist because it's cringy as F and even most women are not impressed by that.
It's exactly Marxism
Yes. THIS IS WHAT THEY SAID THEY WANTED. Minorities must have extra rights, the smaller the minority, the greater the rights. They couldn't have imagined a minority that would behave in a way they didn't like@guitarszen
yea well it's you women who go along with it, most men don't.
The Satanic club is self-destructive, lolll
Praise be to Allah
Imagine wanting to have actual lesbians at a lesbian event. The gall.
Lesbians being criminalised for their sexual preference is were this is going. How inclusive.
the continuing breakdown of the two primary genders, male and female, regardless of gay or staight in either gender group. While of course, transitioning men or woamn should be free to live their own lives, but this clearly an individual who wishes to continue the globalist agenda, whther knowingly or unknowingly.
Who do you think brought this on? It’s a monster they themselves created. I for one am happy to see them eat each other- let them.
@@bluelit4830 Wtf are you talking about? Plenty of lesbians (and straight women) have been actively fighting against this since the very beginning.
@@bluelit4830 that's right blame women for what men do.....everything is our fault/s
@@BlueNorth313exactly. Women have the right to gather, or why did the suffragette's die. Likewise, as the guest stated, gay men also have the right to gather, and "a bunch of women with mastectomy and testosterone" are hardly going to be welcome. As she said, this is sad and pathetic
Yesterday I was talking to a Lesbian friend about the Transgender issue. (I am a white male). She and her Lesbian friends are absolutely against Trans "women" being in their space and changing with them in changing rooms. "They are not women" she said.
But you have just committed a hate crime, saying that a Trans woman is not a woman! Go and hand yourself into the nearest police station!
@@jamesmurphy7442 I lament the day when feelings became more important than facts.
Well there ya go then - the lesbian friends of a friend of @couscous4096 said 'they are not women'. Incontrovertible scientific evidence representing 99% of the population. Case settled.
Name this venue, then we as the paying public can choose with our feet whether to boycott or not.
The college arms it's states it at 3:50
@@stephenfisher7114 LETS ALL GIVE THE PLACE BAD REVIEWS ON LINE, Go Woke Go Broke
yes we have name but what town , city@@CariadCymru666
spot on
I'M a straight 59 yr old Native American woman who's been following this issue closely for a year. Just wanted to say Stay Strong Sisters! And N'yawęh, thank you for speaking the truth and LEADING the fight to keep women's spaces safe for women.
I was a male trapped in a woman’s body until my mother gave birth to me!
You made me spit my tea out!😂
I've heard this has been said quite a few times , recycled joke but a good one
This joke was old when the pyramids of Egypt were new.
The very fact that this autogynephilic predator wishes to be where HE is not everything we need to know. Only a predator can tolerate that...and it's a buzz for a predator.
What's next ....forcing women to marry autogynephiles ...forcing women to have babies with them ?
It's gone from individuals embracing their identity to forcing others to embrace their identity. That's rape, isn't it ?
No, it’s not rape. It is however ridiculous.
@@pomegranatepip2482 it's forcing yourself on others.
they almost always strike in public restrooms, bc one of the things that identifies a real trans woman from an autogynephilic person, is they are turned on by women's bodily fluids: urine, breastmilk, period blood.. This is why they are always turned on to be in a womans restroom. They are NOT trans. They are acting out a kink in public under the guise of lgbtq. Lesbians have warned us this would happen, but ofcourse no one listened.
@@shibboleth111 true, but the word ‘rape’ has a definition, and this is not it. It’s is what I would call unwelcome domineering behaviour. I think one of the biggest problem is modern society, and in particular the left, is the misuse of words that have serious meanings and attempts to dramatise other things by using them. Very common with ‘rape’ and ‘racism’ at the moment. Just for the record I fully support these ladies right to hold a lesbian dating event and to exclude trans women from this.
@@shibboleth111the legal definition of rape is for a man to knowingly insert his penis inside a vagina, anus, or mouth of an individual without consent.
I'm Jenny from the video. I was beyond nervous, never in my wildest dreams did I think I’d be able to do something like that. I might have had more than a few "um"s, "er"s, and thrown in "so yeah" about a 100 times, but this opportunity was too important to let slip by. Your kind comments are really appreciated.
Our mission is a simple one: to unite women through friendship and love, contrary to the claims of those who are trying to destroy our events.
Let me be clear: we will emerge victorious. Remember those words.
Good luck with organising future dating events; appearing on TV (especially after being targeted by bigots in the name of 'tolerance') takes tremendous courage.
Be safe Jenny , I hope you and your friends find a safe place to gather in peace . ❤
Good for you Jennie. With you 100%. It's really great to see young women who are no longer (or never did) pander to these men, just because being part of the 'LGBTQ community' was foisted on you by Stonewall and the Beaumont Society.
You did awesome!
I’m a heterosexual woman and I stand with you 100%.
So you have a biological man who identifies as a trans women who is attracted to biological women. Isn’t this being straight with extra steps???
Straight but with a fetish
Yeah and one of these extra steps is having a fetish for lesbians
@True.Honesty100 And the fact is that science has consistently shown that sex and gender exist in a spectrum, and won’t necessarily match what’s assigned at birth.
I love how she is calling the guy ‘he’ and not pandering to delusion and using incorrect language…
“Transphobic” is becoming a badge of honour, more and more.
I also like how they use the same "we want to be safe" argument against the woke. Of course in this case it's a legitimate concern.
@@dry5555Sadly all women are on the endangered species list. The gains women had made in the last century have been obliterated in just a few years.
Greeks WANT their suffixes back!
I wear transphobic badge with pride
More like Trans-Insanity.
Being a lesbian is extremely exclusive and quite rightly so. Unless you’re a biological woman who is attracted to other biological women, then you’re not welcome! It’s really not a difficult concept to grasp.
It is against the law to discriminate against anyone because of: sex, sexual orientation or gender reassignment. These are ‘protected characteristics’. Under UK law people are protected from discrimination as a member or guest of a private club or association. What this lesbian group is doing is illegal.
@@bobblehat6603 😂😂😂 your insane
Gee now some men are using this as an opportunity to be predators .
@@The_huntress111right on!
@@head_overheelsukif it's really against the law, why is he insane? Or is he simply wrong and it's not against the law? Or is he correct about the law but you disapprove of the law?
Horrible horrible men looking to stir things up, make this stop!
they're being paid to do this.
LOTS of women back this up as well. Mainly Labour voting funny haired mobs
It's not all men ,, it's transvestites and drag queens , believe me I'm on women's side , I find it a disgrace to think I could put a dress on and go into a woman's toilet, I would never dream of doing that , to me that would be immediately creepy and I should be arrested , so I dont understand this narrative where transvestites , (I refuse to call them trans women) can do what they like .
It's becoming a huge problem in society , we all must fight it together
@@onesong2001I believe they are mostly Antifa , they have zero interest in the actual issues , but because police allow them to protest loudly , and often violently, they love all this chance to upset people's lives
10 years ago it was lesbians pushing for this🤣🤣🤣
What's comical is that 99.99% of the world has been called bigoted by these delusional people. The word has absolutely no meaning anymore.
I’ve said this same thing before. It’s like crying wolf at this point. There is real transphobia and bigotry out there, but these extremists are so quick to label and dismiss anyone with a dissenting opinion as such that the words mean nothing anymore.
We need to turn this around. Boycott any venue that cancels events like this due to wokeness and/or virtual signalling. It will only stop when those venue are going bankrupt due to their stupidity.
Business owners who trumpet forced inclusivity using trans as their benchmark obviously believe the majority of their clients (who are hetero happy with their gender) are lefties for whom virtue-signaling trumps facts - even biology! and reason. Are they correct? Bud Light owners guessed wrong.
Until people can be strong enough to call out this utter nonsense , these activists will keep doing it , the more we tell them to eff off, the less they have over people.
If a man wants to dress as a woman, that's up to him, no one is telling them they can't do it , so that's that , anymore over that is just activists causing trouble.
The world has gone mad , venues need to be stronger.
I'm straight , but people can do what they like , I have no problem with any of it , im sure gay men wouldn't expect to have a relationship with me , in the same way I wouldn't expect to date a lesbian , so why would a man dressed as a woman expect to identify as a lesbian , it doesnt work.
Seems to me the majority of straight , gay men and lesbians and bi people are all tolerant and want a happy life , but there is a tiny percentage of people who just want to spoil everything, I find it's not even men who have become women who have had the full change, they dont seem to be the ones causing the issues, its Men dressed as women, or transvestites let's get it right ARE NOT WOMEN, and to identify as lesbisn is just creepy , until we come together and show they can't boss us around and we support people who have been called bigots by these troublemakers the more they can't get their own way.
I have my own theory, in that it seems its mostly gay men who are drag queens and don't seem to understand the difference between them and women , or even more sinister most of the activists are from Antifa , they will turn up to a protest in a phone booth if they think they can cause trouble, they have zero interest in any of the issues , but they can have a day out attacking men and lesbisns with umbrellas, because they know the police will let them, its time to protest back
@@steve10 Well said
@@steve10 Unfortunately, common sense has left the building. I am hoping this too shall pass.
It's not just venues, it's also banks and most corporations chasing ESG score...
Me as a straight man is standing with gay women against ridiculous rules. It's a strange world.
I'm with you, mate! What is really strange is that women are actively supporting this insane agenda.
Because you’re not mental! We have to, as sane people take a stand against this insanity.
Nothing insane about it. All the work of rights campaigners that achieved so much over the decades is being undone by woke divisionism. The moral majority are already inclusive of everyone- we are naturally communal creatures. Woke people are simply the only hate group going and we must all stand against them. If anything good comes of it, it is that we are all realising how much we share in common with the moral values of straight, gay, lesbian, atheists, christians, different races and so on. It is the vocal minorities who cause divisn and spread hate for everything they pretend to be excluded from or a victim of.
But not to support straight women who do not find trans women any kind of threat at all. I've heard it all.
Why does everyone have to feel included in everything. I'm a straight woman and am not offended that I'm not invited too this. Unbelievable. The trans community are shuving themselves into everyone's spaces.. And then wondering why they are not invited.. All the time. It's so sad. We need to get back to a place where it's ok to say your not welcome..and we are not sorry for that. Life is not about always getting your way
Exactly this 💯
Reminds me of that episode of Sex and the City. Where Charlotte befriends two super trendy lesbians and they go to a lesbian bar. She is having the time of her life, respectfully declining advances, and dancing without worrying about men groping her. At some point her friends ask her to join them for a weekend in the Hamptons with a group of lesbians. Ofcourse she wants to go. Until one woman walks up to her and asks: 'we don't want to pry but are you a lesbian? Or bi?' Charlotte says no and says it doesn't matter, she is feeling such a strong sisterhood bond and blah blah.
The woman interrupts her:"oh well that is really good! But honey; if you don't eat 🐱, you're not a lesbian"
Charlotte got the hint.😂
@@msimons7440I think they are separate issues, but its women invading and intruding in mens spaces that created this intire problem in the first place.
@@msimons7440 I picked up on that too. If it's a conversation purely about the concerns of women and their spaces, you can bet someone will include men in the conversation too. Every. Time. It's predictable, boring and completely unrelated. It diminishes, derails and silences us in conversation. TIW in men's spaces not the same as men in women's spaces It's not the same threat of sexual violence or threat to our safety in general.
So true. This trend will die out naturally as the world eventually catches up and refuses it.
I don't understand why they just don't create a trans group for everything so they stop complaining about not being included. People have a right to be with their own people without being encroached upon.
Because men reject them and women protect them, wouldn’t you choose the most vulnerable population, they’re stronger than women…it makes sense, think about it?
Let’s stop using the prefix “trans” and replace it with the prefix “fake”. It’s a far more accurate word to use. E.g., Man identifies as a fake woman.
"E.g., Man identifies as a fake woman."
Well, he might self-identify as an actual woman, so that term might be misleading.
This is so stupid To even have these conversations!!!!!!!!
To be fair the person doesn't identify as a "fake" women. They just happened to not really be what they tell themselves and others.
they are all simply sick deviants...
Idk, I think that trans women and trans men is totaly fair and descriptive term to describe the said groups. Them trying to be 'women' and 'men' is ridiculous. These attempts to hijack the language is getting absurd.
All this nonsense needs to be eradicated Now! Haven't we all had enough of this schite?
Exactly. we have had enough of ALL of this shit.
"Haven't we all had enough of this schite?"
Of LGBT etc.? Yes, more than enough!
"Haven't we all had enough of this schite?"
Of LGBT etc.? Yes, more than enough!
When they say they want inclusivity, what they actually mean is they want power. They want the exclusivity to decide where inclusivity starts and stops.
Now can we stop trying to convince Hetero men to date Trans-women I mean, lesbians dont have to
Yep. Conveniently including the Q and T for the numbers. But when not needed, Q and T got thrown under the bus. Nice to see them reveal their true nature.
Once you open the all inclusive Pandora Box, you will never be able to close it.
The NERVE of these creeps - trying to redefine something that cannot be redefined (lesbianism), and then kicking up a fuss when women insist on REALITY.
I guess in the rainbow progressive world you very well CAN redefine lesbianism in order to be "inclusive" :)
Nerve? It's called LGBTQ+ for a reason...
@FreeThinker137 You mean 'proREgressive', because that movement sets us back centuries.
@@lavienestpasunlongfleuvetr2559how it is sent back centuries because of progressives?
I’m a heterosexual female and I stand with you ladies on this xx
What does "xx" mean?
@@dariusdaguerre3535 it means “kisses”
Same here. Let lesbians have their own space for dating purposes.
@@dariusdaguerre3535 could be a play on typical female chromosomes. xx
Thank you
Jenny is clearly not anti trans. She's anti predator and I support her 100%
The incident in the restroom is very male predator behavior.
Thank you for your words x
@@theother1406 That was my thought.
She certainty now knows how children adopted by gay couples feel.
Nobody is anti trans as trans is not even a thing.
You can’t be “in” a body, because you are a body.
There is no part of you that isn’t your body.
The fact a biological man is claiming to be a lesbian and actually got a lesbian speed dating event cancelled is ridiculous.
2023 where anyone can be anything regardless of how ridiculous it may be.
2023 when the ridiculous is taken seriously.
Of course anyone can't be anything. Nobody thinks that
It wasn’t him, likely it was the raving trann activist cabal
And these trans “women” claim to be the victims of the patriarchy 😂😂😂😂😂 so ironic isn’t it
Many people are developing a hatred for these people that didn't exist before. It wont end well, I fear.
Because the TRUE agenda of the rainbow mafia is now very clear even to the most brain dead leftist.
It’s their own doing. Soo…
Well, there is hope, star trek is based in the future, notice that Spock doesn't meet any TQ+'s
The backlash will not be pretty!
😂😂😂😂😂 people are terrified to say anything about anything anymore we are taking our own freedom of speech away .most people are clowns
So, if we take this to its natural conclusion. If I as a heterosexual man, went to a date night, I might be paired with a woman, a lesbian, a gay man, another heterosexual man, or presumably someone identifying as a cat?
Yes, that’s right.
And you’ll like it! *shakes fist self-righteously*
You could even be paired with Piers Morgan, the two spirit penguin! 🐧
I like your thinking. Cut to the chase shall we?
The young woman is absolutely correct ❤ A man is a man no matter how he dresses or acts. I feel so bad for us women that we can’t even live our life as real women/ without these fake men trying to take over. We cannot have anything personal anymore to ourselves. 😢
Thanks you :) x
I’m a gay guy. After a work out at the gym, I went to the shower and there was what looked to me like a naked biological woman. (I haven’t seen many of those, but pretty sure.) I thought at first I had gotten naked in the women’s locker room, but no I was in the right place. This person saw me hesitate and said, “It’s OK Dude, I’m trans.” It’s a strange world.
All we hear in the media is about transmen invading spaces normally reserved for women. I've asked here on UA-cam about it and from the responses I've gotten it appears that there are more men who want to be women than women who want to be men and I also have been told that women who are transmen continue using women spaces because they do not feel comfortable in men spaces, especially if those men are all straight.
I've heard of a trans activist over in America who got a men's sauna shut down because they wouldn't let her in. It certainly is a strange world in the west at the moment.
does your gym officially allow such locker room behavior by patrons?
i think those trans men are cowards and hypocrites@@marianac715
That's because she wasn't allowed to shower with the ladies. A colleague of mine is a transwoman and she would regularly go to the gym. I wonder now if she just went home sweaty to shower. I mean...she can't shower with the ladies. And I'm sure she doesn't want to shower with men or get undressed in front of them. I can't imagine a transwoman feeling comfortable in a men's locker room. I have no reason to think you are lying. I have no reason to think you are telling the truth.😅
If the PUB doesn't want their business any more, then they just need to find another venue. Good for this woman to bar the man from joining.
This strange new world where everyone has to be included in everything. I'm quite happy for women-only groups, private clubs, religious organisations to exist that won't accept me as participant. I do the things I want, they can do what they want.
Since 2007, girls have been allowed to join UK Scout groups, which traditionally were only for boys. But the Guides still don't allow boys to join unless they identify as female - and the same applies to leaders. The two possible ways to tackle this unfair double-standard are:
A) Scouts to should only allow girls to join if they identify as boys, or
B) Girls should not be allowed to join the Scouts.
I take it from your comment that you would agree with B?
You forgot men-only clubs.
@@defendliberty1289I'm fine with men only groups, cheap dinners should be part of that package.
why is that so hard.
@@kellysouter4381 Men-only clubs is where the fate of the world will be decided - just like in the old good times. No cheap food there.
The fact that dude had the balls (pun intended) to ask her to attend an event strictly for lesbians is insane! He claims to be one of us but acts like a disgusting man
I agree. Being a lesbian is the most manly thing you can do!
How can you be championing inclusion by excluding lesbians?This manager should be hauled up in front of Stonegate, who should rename themselves Stonewall. I sometimes feel that this issue is just one long Monty Python sketch……
The rot set in with gay "marriage". Some of us said at the time it would mess up clearly defined notions of gender.
We were sneered at at the time, but I defy anyone to say we weren't proved right. In just 10 years.
Don’t exclude Loretta from the lesbian event
This is a result of the Left eating itself.
You reckon Cleese could have come up with stuff this crazy ?, I know he’s good but,,……
@charleswhite758 I don't like spam !
Im a lesbian and i have given up on dating apps. Every 3rd person is a man in a dress...its very uncomfortable.
You've given up when they finally became so inclusive? You must be a bigot then😂
Facebook lesbian community, vet any person you date, if they’re suspicious, say you forgot something from your car and leave…Safety first.
Strange how a group attaching it's self to gay rights, is doing all it can to destroy it.
Gay rights women's rights + kids.... wth is going on?!
Delicious isn't it?
I can't stop laughing.
They were ok with them until they started to attack them.
Well said!!!!! 😃
They want to feel power in one-upping women and gaining control over women’s spaces. I always thought it was commonly agreed upon that it’s extra weak to take from women and children… 👀
So this is 2023. A man decides he is a woman, and dresses up as a woman, but then decides we fancies women instead of men (as a "woman"), attends a lesbian speed dating event, starts touching up females in the toilets, gets banned from the event, then the pub decided it needs the event to be more inclusive. Right.
Yes we definitely need to be inclusive enough to the point we tolerate creeps like him. Hell, people today are even normalizing ped0s... They're apparently "minor attracted people", which is a less offensive term 😀
Imagine offending someone like that....
If it was just some random guy in the female toilets or even another woman, that'd qualify for arrest. But because of this whole t mess, it's ok? So would rhe landlord accept his wife or daughter or sister (you get the point) to be inappropriately touched by this same individual? I somehow think his virtue signaling would end there.
Blokes in frocks.
Grown men playing dress up.
Stupidity on steroids, or... Just another predator looking for victims!
True women have the absolute right to meet other women and feel they are safe, and this trans man has destroyed this perfectly well organised group.
Why do trans men now seem to have more rights than gay women who want to meet other gay women?
The fight for this right for gay women was hard fought for many years, and it's being destroyed in seconds.
😢 shocking and disturbing turn of events
Is the natural woke mind , because a lesbian is a cis person so she only is gay , now trans and gay is a more appealing fight , for them is like o suffer more , and that change every day , sooner or later they come with other battle
Trans women, not trans men. We hardly ever hear about trans men. The same way gay men occupy all the space and leave little room for lesbians. It’s the usual males > females.
The only thing trans about this man is that he's a transvestite.
As a heterosexual woman ( I don’t wish to call myself a cis woman) I find it really extremely sad that the hard fought battles of gay men and women to have an open life and a place in wider society is being shut down by another currently not clearly identifiable group…ie transgender people some of whom want to infiltrate same sex groups on the basis of gender ( not biological) identity alone which is upsetting and in some cases may pose an actual safety risk to the same sex groups.
As I am not a lesbian woman I can’t obviously say or even begin to really know what a lesbian woman is looking for in a potential date or partner, but I would hazard a guess that a large part of it comes down to physiology and that most lesbian women are not looking for a date or partner with male genitalia.
That right to choose ought to be respected.
Trans woman
I respect the LGB community.
Yes, just the first three letters. The next letter is just delusional.
Amen! The first three are sexual attraction. The alphabet soup is not sexual attraction.
As a part of the lgb, thank you! I respect you.
Businesses need to tell these trans activists where to go. Go woke go broke. Fingers crossed this happens to this specific venue. Hope she finds another venue.
That profile pic is genius.
Aren’t you going woke by making out women are victims… so when blks scream racism about everything it’s woke. When lgbt scream homophobia that’s woke but women scream sexism that’s not woke??
I had to take a second look wtf
@@Fearless_Beggar I can't take credit. I didn't create it.
A great example of a situation where we have given an inch and they want to take the mile.
Ironically, these trans narcissists are the type of people who complain about being bullies while acting like bullies.
If this isn’t an example of a misogynistic predator trying to infiltrate women’s spaces, I don’t know what is.
Because trans is top of the alphabet brigade 😂😂😂 it was perfectly ok when it was womans sports or ladies toilets but now it’s lesbians ohhhhhh no .
Perfectly put, ❤.
Lesbians Gay men and heterosexual people should stand together on this issue as it affects us all. It's time to stand up for what we believe in.
I totally agree. Gay and heterosexual people always got on .the attack on wemon is disgusting at the moment. The grooming of children through the education system is wrong. The gay community is also being attacked.
I'm heterosexual. Gay community. Get on together. We respect each other. I want a real wemon, a gay man wants a gay man or gay wemon want a gay woman. A rocking horse is not a real horse
we shouldn't stand up for the lesbians because they hate heterosexual men. full of hate. the most hateful people i've ever seen. especially if you are a good looking hetero male, they absolutely despise you. they aren't just lesbian, they are anti male and miserable, hateful people. there is no point being nice or polite with them. its pointless. no....let them to suffer.
That's what got us into this problem in the first place. You got your gay "rights" now YOU have to live with them. Bet u wish u campaigned for responsibility instead of rights now aye
I give ‘Zero’ Support to Trans..You did this! The tides are turning and Women are Not backing down…This is the last straw that broke the camels back!
As a straight man I would happily assist these women at any events they hold to ensure they are not harassed and intimidated by other deranged men.
As a normal man not given to over compensating, I would pay good money to just watch the ish show and see how far you would be willing to go to simp for a bunch of women who couldn't care less about you.
@@timorthelame1 I can appreciate that if you have no connection to the issue but nonetheless for some weird reason feel motivated to make comments, which frankly gives the appearance of compensating for something, then you could take that view for yourself.
My daughter is a lesbian as is her long term partner and many friends who are also friends of mine.
Not only do they care about me, I care about them.
So, that's my motivation for saying what I said. What's yours?
You'd be surprised to learn, most lesbians wouldn't want you there. Lots of lesbians don't like straight men.
@@lanochevolar2401Fantastic response 👏
@@timorthelame1 Just because a woman is a lesbian does not mean they will stop caring for men, they have a father, maybe brothers and male friends.
I'm a straight woman and I am in solidarity with you ladies. As a woman who has experienced unwanted male attention and bad behaviour it's very important to remember that violence and sexism towards women and females is still a present and a threat.
Sounds like you're overreacting.
@beaterbikechannel2538 lol sure, keep up the hysteria
It should be all about harmony and exceptence. Not about dominating peoples safe places.
I feel this is more about making women uncomfortable where they should feel safe.
Solidarity with the ladies from China - - - I don't understand why Westerners are so twisted up about other people's sex lives. - - - Women who only want to have sex with other women should be left alone!
Unwanted male attention meaning "Men I didn't find attractive gave me attention."
The fact that this Lady has to explain/ defending on air that she is not trans phobic …….. Don’t do that plz . You have every right to be upset about this No need to explain yourself or assure the public you are not being phobic.
I'm phobic and I hate them
we'd only have phobia of them if we had a strong/irrational fear of them. but words have no meaning anymore
The olly thing you can say, is wellcome to the world. You wanted it, now you have it. Happy days
Yes, it's quite annoying that people feel the need to point out they are not "transphobic" given that there is no such thing. The trans activists couldn't care less that your apologize. They want to ruin you either way. Stop, just stop apologizing to them!
Who exactly is the "You" in "You wanted it, now you have it."??
What do you know?? Turns out misogyny doesnt disapear after transitioning.
There is nothing more misogynistic than a man in a dress bullying women into being intimate with him or and if they don’t, destroying their events, taking away their spaces, harming them physically or destroying their lives!!
This is the worst form of misogyny!!!
Good grief
We need to thank feminists for supporting the patriarchy! Hell yeah! 💪🤣
I suppose it depends if he still has the sausage or not, if the sausage and meatballs have been removed and he is taking lots of estrogen and clearly wants to become female, I don't think that person is a threat or bully.
@@jasonphillips5816 That's false. You are using the rhetoric of radical feminists, which is, that the "sausage" is somehow needed for committing a r*pe and therefore only men are r*pists. That's not true at all.
Women can be r*ped by fingers, fist, bottle, cucumber, dildo, and many more things, which means, women can do it too, and some really do. The highest rates of domestic ab*se happen in lesbian relationships.
Very aptly and concisely stated, @nina.
How unfortunate, however, for the other whackadoodle replies you received here. Ignorance and deluded emotional thinking abounds, and clearly magnifies itself on SM.
@@barbarakauppi9915 It's a perfectly valid point, how is a man (therefore not a biological woman) who has had a full sex change and taking estrogen a physical or even sexual threat to a biological woman?
Unfortunately there are too many pseudo intellectuals on here using the biggest words they can find and putting full stops in the middle of a line.
Well everyone knows how the owner of this pub feels now! Im glad ppl speak out.💯
My first thought is how creepy it is to try to inappropriately touch a stranger in a restroom whether you be male or female. This person clearly had a determined agenda to shut down this gathering. The sad part is it casts a dark shadow over the entire trans community.
Yes, just like that male convicted rapist who tried to get sent to a women's prison in Scotland, I don't believe for a second that people acting like this have a genuine case of gender dysphoria.
This person was either looking for an excuse to shut down the gathering because he's an ideologue, or is quite simply a predator gaming the system to get access to potential prey, and is now trying to put heads on spikes as a warning to other groups not to dare try and stop him.
The whole so-called 'trans community' casts a dark shadow over itself as I suspect genuine, fully emasculated and hormonally altered transsexual women want nothing to do with the community of faux 'trans' people, just as so many ordinary gays and lesbians are distancing themselves from the LGBTQAI+ 'community'
@@msimons7440until they became infiltrated with autogynephiles. Last time I went to a lesbian bar I was beat up in the toilets for not agreeing to go home with a male in a wig and skirt who was handsy and clearly doesn't know what a HOMOSEXUAL is.
@@macho.nacho.01what???? 😮😮😮 wow, wasn’t there anyone to help you?
Sounds like a predator to me, wolf in sheeps clothing.
As a straight man I fully support women finding love with whoever they chose. Love is a beautiful thing and it is sad that the trans community doesn't support other people finding love without inserting themselves into everyone else lives. Having a separate event was a logical response and would likely be more successful for both groups. It really is becoming clown world where logic no longer exists.
As a woman who's part of the LGB, thank you! I respect you a lot.
Women under threat normal. Support this women's group.
When men complained about identity politics you were deaf. You are on your own now.
Regardless of what @defendliberty1289 says, most men are on the side of most women. After all, we have grandmothers, mothers, aunts, sisters, nieces and daughters who we also wish to protect from perverts.
@@thomasm1964 Your info is a bit outdated. Most men - especially the younger generations - do not see this as a issue of "protection of women" since they know that women are now empowered and need men as much as "a fish needs a bicycle" ( famous feminist adage)
@@defendliberty1289 01. I don't believe you. Outside the metropolis, attitudes are more small-c conservative than you think; this hatred towards women is a metropolitan middle class phenomenon.
03. Those men who think this way should be thoroughly ashamed of the corrupt attitudes they hold - and I include you amongst them.
@@thomasm1964 Since you do not seem to get irony, I will spell it for you literally. It is conservative men (with the small c) that are abandoning women UNTIL those women reject the root of the insanity: feminism. Those men do not call you "conservative", they call you a "white knight", a pejorative term meaning a man that has not realized that the world has changed in the last decades and that is the men that are the victims of this change and women do not give a dime about it.
Jennie, find a PRIVATE venue.
There will be many such venues that would welcome you.
OR maybe make it a private members club where a number of (maybe just two) existing members have to approve new members "for security".
Activism in this case is on behalf of men with a fetish/mental health issues. Vote with your feet to indicate how you feel about this publican's political views
These two women who are bleating here are the same people who a very few years ago, were calling people like me every name under the sun for saying marriage was a man and a woman. Some of us predicted exactly this kind of insanity would happen if they got their way and did away with what everyone had understood since before the Bronze Age. And now they want me to feel bad that they are getting the same treatment? The same abuse? Having the same nonsense-based emotional arguments thrown at them?
I don't feel bad for them. I think this is richly karmic.
Don't be an arsehole. Lesbians don't like penises, it's not about you.
I agree mate, I am enjoying the clown show 🤡
@@iantrue2123well, you enjoy, but, I'm pretty sure 13 year old girls with 6 ft burley males in dresses in the next cubicle aren't laughing.
@@lynnebarnes3840not when people are self harming then playing the victim
Why do so many trans have beef with the lesbians especially?
Because lesbians are actual women.
They are also demanding heterosexual men to date them
they hate us cuz they cant be us
Because they’re women.
Given that we are talking about sex, not gender then I fail to see what a trans person is doing their except sexually harrassing women who have made it clear they have no interest in people of his sex. All people are entitled to fairly and equally but when you are somewhere that is specifically for people of a given sex then a trans person has no place there.
Absolutely. That evil bastard sexually assaulted a woman! WHY wasn't he arrested?
Bizarre how you managed to re-interpret it that way when we were talking about gender not sex.
Thanks to the dishonest wordsmiths on the left and their rainbow mafia, the actual, true, biological meanings of sex and gender have become totally meaningless especially when some mentally deranged person can on any given day decide they are a woman, a man, bi, asexual, a golf ball, or a tree. To the Rainbow Mafia: "Stop DEMANDING we accept of you what you refuse to accept of yourself."
@@nakedenbynot bizarre in the slightest.
This whole
Conversation is centered on guarding same sex attraction between females
This dudes genitalia doesn’t even come into the equation 😂
@@nakedenby How is this conversation about ‘gender’? A lesbian is a same-sex attracted woman
This discussion really needed a trans activist to highlight the utter insanity of their views.
they can't debate, you roll over for their madness , or they scream like banshees and make themselves look like deranged freaks, so they tend not to take on these public debates
There's a word for the "utter insanity"... autogynephilia.
We’ve heard enough from them tyvm 😂😂 it always ends up all about them and no one else gets to speak. So I’m glad they weren’t.
To all girls and ladies, i.e. human beings born as females: Please don't ever hesitate to ask us straight men for help if your bathrooms, changing rooms or all your other safespaces are invaded by male transvestites. We will be more than happy to assist you. We got your back !
Sadly, you are a dying breed. The days of chivalry are long gone. :(
Thank goodness for men like you. Thank you.
@TooCoolforCardiI've heard many men say "feminists got what they wanted. This is the consequences". Men are not inclined to defend women anymore in a hostile culture of disparaging men and false sexual assault accusations. It does effect men....their wives and daughters.
We can identify as “ tooth fairies “ make a withdrawal !
I used to joke back in the 80's, when humour was still acceptable, that I was a lesbian trapped in a man's body when any gay men in the club I was DJ'ing at would ask if I was 'interested'. This whole trans thing has ruined that joke for real and makes you think these people are really wrong in the head.
The pub manager should be ashamed of themselves for siding with someone who is inappropriately touching another person who does not want their advances.
The worlds not perfect but growning up I thought we were all about respecting womens autonomy... So how did the activists manage to convince people that sometimes you 'can' pressure women into unwanted romantic/sexual relationships?
The whole 'take the d bigot' has practically become a meme.
Who said it was unwanted? And are you trying to say that a trans woman is not a woman? That's a thought crime and the old bill will be banging on your door!
@@jamesmurphy7442 makes you wonder how they were managing to filter the women out from the women
@sudenims5235 Thats the part that has me baffled. I think its the agreeable nature of most women that allows them to be intimidated into compliance.
@@brettyates7054 I know, its just so funny, I have pulled up a deck chair, opened the popcorn, and am having a wanderful day basking in the loony left eatiung itself! 😂🤣
@@jamesmurphy7442 well I wouldn't spectate too much; theyre trying to eliminate sexual preference, hetero or homo. They want the lesbians to take the d today, but don't think they don't want you to take it too.
Did you name the pub? Allow people to boycott it. The owner will get a very clear business outcome
What goes around comes around. I remember when a Lesbian cricket club refused a straight female whose own team had disbanded. She took it to court and lost because she belonged to the majority of the population. Which was heterosexual. I admit this was in Melbourne Australia but as I said what goes around comes around
Another day, another example of "stop the world I wanna get off!"
I'm a gay man and totally a HUGE transphob and proud of it .Down with qtai+ NOW
It’s nice to see the lgb community taking back their position.
A homosexual person doesnt decide to be that. A trans person does. They are totally different groups. Who decided they have to be together?
@@franciscocabanasgac68Genuine Trans people do not have a choice, they were born in the wrong body, it's dysmorphia. Unfortunately a lot of creeps, frauds and degenerates are abusing the situation for their benefit. I agree that some liars just wake up and decide to be the opposite sex, its ridiculous.
The LGB community screwed up when they allowed the Ts in. Now pedophiles are rebranding as "minor attracted persons", and trying to get in.😅
Bs are greedy.
@@franciscocabanasgac68it seems the media started to add the TQIA+ onto the LGB as if they think everyone in that group are all the same, but LGB don’t want anything to do with those other letters
Years and years fighting for women's right down the tube. Where have the feminist groups gone? 5:39 Why aren't they raising hell?
There is a law suit here. They must exercise the law in this case.
They have been discriminated against on their gender and sexuality. It's a huge hate crime.
Press charges!!!
Also as the transwoman sexually harassed someone the toilets, they should be sued individually, too.
Inclusivity at its heart (translation in 2023) = acceptance of predatory male behaviour towards females.
Patriarchy FTW! 💪😂 Thanks woke feminists for supporting it!
As a straight guy, I stand with these women, and they SHOULD have they're own space free of men.
The only hate comes from trans-people
When women, especially feminist women agree that men should be able to have their own space free of women then I'll support women's right to have spaces free of men. Women destroyed mens clubs and male only spaces, now its karma for them, with trannys destroying women only spaces.
Or rather perverted heterosexual men pretending to be women.
They need to be able to be in these spaces or else their fantasy isn't real. And then, if the fantasy isn't real, they will self-delete, so of course we should be coerced by the blatant emotional manipulation! Good people would let them be... Only evil people would not affirm someone who threatens to kill themselves if they don't get their way...
I agree, and straight women should have their own spaces free of lesbian and bisexual women so that they can be safe...oh wait I'm being informed that's a hate crime and they're reeing just as hard about this.
Nah, let them wallow in their own demise. It's these women that cried "love, acceptance, inclusive to ALL", so ALL is what they get.
So you can't have group meetings with participation based on any criteria at all? What's the point of organizing groups then if all groups theoretically include everyone? This is beyond absurdity.
At this point predatory behaviour from trans identifying men is expected. Hopefully someone is gathering data on the pattern of criminality. I hope the pub’s business suffers.
I think it has to be predatory behaviour, this guy is just looking for victims, I also hope this pubs business suffers. Trans Man lesbian, how clownish is this going to get!
@@tomnicholson2115 I am certain that there are many more self-identifying twists and turns brewing in minds of questionable sanity. It's getting to look like some sick game of Top Trumps.
I don't think he is trans, hetero men using trans to be predator
What part of we don't want your penis is so hard to understand.
Not even a female penis?
Autogynephiliacs pretend to be lezzers. Give us a break!
You mean lesbos.
It's ok to be "transphobic." It's pro-REALITY, not trans-phobic or anti-trans. The phobia part here is, frankly, in the paralyzing fear of being branded as transphobic.
What this comes down to is an issue of consent.
If you threaten, harass, and vilify females for not wanting to engage in sexual activity with males you’re making an argument that it is morally justified to overrule consent if the male initiating sex identifies as female.
Forcing people to engage in sexual activity against their will…. I’m sure there’s a word for that…. 🤔
@@sounduser Nearly all sexual predators are male and that crosses all sexual preferences. If the being straight goes hand in hand with being a rapist then why is the number of straight females who rape infinitesimal to the number of gay men who rape?
What an asinine comment from a truly uneducated and prejudice mind.
I’m a heterosexual male and think this is such an invasive action against women, regardless of their sexuality. I would have defended their right to hold their event in a safe and private manner.
Why are we allowing such an encroachment of women’s rights. It’s about time we started to defend women, regardless of their sexual orientation and preferences.
Pretty funny how lesbians are in the LGBTQBLT-sandwich club and theyre having to address that the Agenda is bullshit HAHAHAHA!
Thank you so much!! As a woman who's a part of the LGB, I appreciate it!
lol who the hell is pushing this transvestite policy's, follow that trial
It's the Wakowski brothers... errr... sisters... err... it's the Jay Eee Double Yous
This is where this madness is going, even lgb are accused of being transphobic.
I wonder if as a biological male he could be sued or even criminal charged for sexual harassment? Since the woman by definition are lesbian he obviously should be aware that they wouldn’t be interested in him sexual because of his masculine body. If I was them I would seek legal advice and also talk to the local police regarding harassment by the venue they shouldn’t have to justify to them who belongs to their group.
@jamesw2414 The point though it isn’t what someone identifies as being but rather the “sexual preference” of the ladies, who by definition aren’t attracted to male bodies. I for example am heterosexual so I have no interest in having a sexual relationship with someone who has the same genitalia as myself and never would do. So surely if someone knows that and wouldn’t leave me alone wouldn’t you say that is “Sexual Harassment”?
@@Bungle-UK which is itself a legal fiction, since gender is the linguistic term used to refer to ones sex.
@@shingitai5882well you'd think so, but apparently we are supposed to be attracted to a person's "gender", not their physical body. To express a physical preference is to be a "genital fetishist" or "sexual racist" according to some trans activists. Weird world we live in now.
The police would `brown their underwear` over this one because both groups are protected and `hands off`.
@shingitai5882 - @jamesw2414 - I am not 100 percent sure about the following, but please correct me if I am wrong. If a man or a woman were to Indecently Assault or Sexual Harass a member of the same or opposite sex, the law would still apply equally to both the man and the woman. Irrespective of how the individual may choose to identify.
Just find out who is sponsoring the activists they need money to do all this shit !
Until these enforced diversity and inclusion laws are either sorted out or deleted, technically nobody can have a group or club etc that excludes ANYONE.
Exactly - what about a group for Lymphoma patients? Exclusionary against Leukaemia patients! 😅
Nor toilets which can exclude anyone...
Unless your white🤷
As anything other than XX or XY is pure insanity, don't expect anything but insane behavior.
And yet a black theatre group in London felt there was no issue with having a black only night for a particular play. Imagine if that was a white only night.
There is no common sense in DEI.
The dude that showed up and wrecked this whole thing was just a perv trying to intimidate, and apparently, assault women. This bs has to stop. They are wolves among sheep and everyone is protecting them.
That’s the bottom line, as women, we just want to feel safe! Why are we under attack for that!!!
Because feminism. Sold you out.
Because misogyny never went away.
@@iggle6448 It was held in place by its sibling, misandry.... alive and kicking.
I have a question to the manager. If he can't have an event "which excludes anybody", does that mean that, by his logic, I a heterosexual man can join a lesbian event? That is utter insane. Lesbian event is exclusionary by design. Mad world we live in.
This WAS a heterosexual man, though. A male, who fancies women. That's a heterosexual man!! Except in Clown World, he's not a man...
We need to go back to allowing men's and women's-only organisations.
Example of being careful what you wish for.
Oh, you're allowed women only ones, you just aren't allowed men only ones! That wasn't a problem for the Feminists, it was a victory and two straight fingers and a laugh in the faces of all those powerless men! They just didn't count for it later becoming somewhat vague as to what a "women" is! Oh, the beautiful irony! Oh, the glorious karma!
What happened to freedom of association. It used to be legal to form private clubs with a select membership? For example if these women held their meetings in one of their homes surely they could decide who was admitted?
@@Mr_G_in_Alba THANK YOU!!!!! so glad there are people out there realising this. This is the LITERAL definition of the phrase
Yes, why not go back to medieval times, it would be such fun.
This is about demonstrating your power over other groups.It's about control of thought and actions.