Serbs in croatia would rather fight serbia than croatia, nor would they want be part of serbia thats almost a mafia state, proven with 15000 people woting for srrbian option and 40 something for croatian political parties, when it get to rs, wouldnt be the first time banjaluka korpus gets clapped, in 90s 4 times in less then a year, not the fighting type for sure
@@lavordavor7738 na cemu si ti bato ahahhahahahaha Rat ste gubili zestoko i niste mogli nista dok vam 94.nije nato dosao u pomoc... Vukovar i osjek niste oslobodili, niti ste smeli vojni da primirisete vukovaru i osjeku, vec su vam poklonjeni/predati mirnim putem 96te. Svakako, ne ponovilo se, al oluja u suprotnom smeru moze da poduva, a onda purgeri duvaju jos nesto 😘😂
@@djordjetodorovic4176 osijek? A kad je osijek bio okupiran? Niste smijeli prec most, banjalučki korpus porazi, 1. Bljesak, 2. Oluja na banovini rezultira povlačenjem u bosansku krajinu, 3. Oluja kod Knina rezultira povlačenjem u bosni. Krajnnu, 4. Operacija maestral i južni potez zaustavljena 20km od banjaluke na zahtjev amera, vi od 92ge nemate pobjeda za prste jedne ruke, jer niste imali ekstremnu nadmoć jugoslavenske armije, mi smo kupili od do 92 a od 93 dobivamo, rs dns nema oružje nit mu je pomoć dovoljno blizu, no neće hrvati napadat rs dok god nisu napadnuti što bi za srbe bosne bilo samoubojstvo tako da je ovo teško moguć scenarij, nemoj zaboravit da ste okruženi nato članicama i protektoratima i da je zbog vas na balkanu najveća vojna baza na kosovu
Serbia is main military power in balkans... Maybe in top5 in whole europe... Especially with dangerous, very modern equiped special forces... In 1999 in that time weak serbian army was in war with nato, albania, and kosovo paramilitary forces, defending borders from 4 sides, and for three months didnt loose at the end...yes, kosovo was taken but at the table, not with army...
"Serbia is main military power in balkans... Maybe in top5 in whole europe... Especially with dangerous, very modern equiped special forces... " Serbia top 5 in Europe. What nonsense you are writing. UK, France, Italy, Ukraine, Germany, Greece, Poland, Romania, Sweden, Holland, Switzerland, Finland, Denmark... You know nothing. "In 1999 in that time weak serbian army was in war with nato, albania, and kosovo paramilitary forces, defending borders from 4 sides, and for three months didnt loose at the end...yes, kosovo was taken but at the table, not with army..." You tried to be smart but you failed. Japan also defended its islands from all sides. The Americans did not land on any of the larger islands. Even the USA did not enter the territory of Japan with an army in the Second World War, and they still won. All wars end at the table. Japan signed the capitulation as did Serbia in Kumanovo (Serbia agreed to withdraw the army, police, courts... from Kosovo). Serbia has accepted that the UN commission will decide on the status of Kosovo. You know nothing. In October 1998 (Holbrook-Milosevic agreement), Serbia agreed that NATO would monitor peace in Kosovo from the air. That agreement was turned into UN resolution 1203 just a week later. NATO was given a mandate to oversee peace in Kosovo. Serbia lost the war and you continue to dream.
@@siroliver9889Albania didnt participate in that war ,just one battle when Serbs enter in our borders in Kukes.And Albania win that battle .We sent many guns to our brothers .Leave the past and ideology there is enough space for all to leave in peace.
@@Sushi_Baka333God is not a serb and we are not war criminals bro croats hawe put us in camps and bosnians and albanians killed peapole and kids we only atacked military
@@Bosna1111 haha sandak je bosna kosovo je samostalna zemlja vojvodina je madarska budalo jedna jaca je bosna od vas niste nas mogli pobijedit kad ste nam krali oruije e onda kad smo krenili na vvas onda prekidaj bosno hajmo mir
Srbija i Rusija su jaci od NATO ne od Balkana!! Srbija,Rusija,Belorusuja,Grcka,Rumunija,Crna Gora,Makedonija,Republika Srpska,Makedonija,Madjarska,Slovacka...Svi smo protiv Amerike i NATO zlikovaca!! P.S To sto su neke od navedenih drzva formlno u NATO ne znaci da je narod tih drzava za NATO!!
Nije dosta, mislite bile 90te resili ste svoje pitanje sada dosta nije druze sa 90im je otvorena pandorina kutija kojoj nece biti kraja dok neke od drzav ne nesranu... Do kraba
@@Inuvictus Legendo da li si ti normalan🤣🤣 Majke mi ja ne znam ko vas laze u OSBiH nemaju salatu uz hranu. Koriste puske i opremu Americku iz 70ih🤣 Nemaju nadoknade za strazu obuka 3 meseca. 70% tehnike nije operativno to je prenosila vasa televizija All Jazzera i generali potvrdili. Kasarne nisu nikada renovirane🤣 Nema goriva dovoljno. Ja znam da vas vasi lazu i da vas hrane propagandom ali da ste toliko glupi to je strasno majke mi🤣 Imam rodjaka pripadnika OSBiH i sve je i on potvrdio u Gorazdu je stacioniran. Budzet cele BiH je 13 milijardi a za odbranu 5.5 znaci 40% na vojsku a sve druge drzave 1% do 2% retko koja 3% Vi ste najgluplji narod ubedljivo. Budzet OSBiH je 190 miliona€ najmanji procenat BDP-a izdvajate u Evropi🤣🤣
@@vladastojkovic1071 They combined three countries against Serbia and Serbia is again more than all 3, so it should be put at least like this: Croatia, Spanish, Poland, England, let's try it??
@@milosmilivojevic5543Ma ja, nemate veci vojni budzet od Bosne, ovaj od 200 Milona Dolara na ovom videu je laz, u BiHa je vojni budzet ove godine 5,8 Milijardi dolara
In case of Serbia in the last 15 years Serbia has either sold or melted 700 tanks, reason, lack of funds for modernisation and maintenance, technically yhat number should be higher and the way they were sold is very questionable, not to mention other types of equipment and reducing the number of active peroneal, Second for all these countries these numbers in peace time have 0 meaning, since they all have the capacity to ramp up production, especialy cosidering drones since they are the modern warfare tool, and all of them would get foreign support regarding armaments, in high sight if a war were to brake out, it would come down to strategy and troop morale and comitment, peace time numbers literally mean nothing.
hrvati su uvijek bili sa bosancima i šiptarima proyiv srba, a i sada su u zajedničkoj antisrpskoj koaliciji. sa bosanskim muslimanima (hrvatskim cvijećem) hrvati su napravili zajedničku antisrpsku federaciju, a šiptari su im braća, kako je izjavila bivša hrvatska predsjednica
Where did you get the idea that Serbia participated in wars at a time when Serbia was not an independent country? Serbia was not a warring party neither in Slovenia nor in Croatia nor in Bosnia and Herzegovina. It wouldn't be a bad idea to at least look at the raw facts sometimes. By the way, in 1992 only my garrison on Topchider had hundreds of mortars of various calibers. Are you counting only high caliber mortars?
my grandfather is 76 years old, he looks like he's 50, imagine what people aged 44 or 50 look like, like guys aged 27 to 30, Serbian genetics are very good, healthy and strong, like other Balkan nations. Serbs carry the genetics of an ancient people, very friendly but tough opponents, especially when they defend themselves or try to take back their territory, morale is strong, the wish for death is strong, we fight with faith in God, for God, we die first in the church for the liturgy and then in battle.
@@munzekonza2263 You missed the topic. Every people has the genes of some ancient people. There are haplogroups that are 25-30,000 years old. Nations do not exist nearly as long as they appeared in the 19th century. According to Russian church books, Serbs are a Slavic people who settled in the Balkans. Although Serbs are supposed to be genetically closest to Slavs, today's Serbs are three times closer to Turks than to Russians.
@@siroliver9889 Доминантни гени код Срба су исти они као и код већине осталих Словена, а одмах иза њих су гени староседелаца са Балкана (Романа, Грка, Илира, Трибала, Меза, Трачана, Дачана и тако даље...). Руси су асимиловали велики део Угро-Финаца, Турко-Татара, Немаца и многих других народа. Готово сви народи Европе су генетска мешавина.
@@siroliver9889 Wow you missed it badly... Arround 50% of Serbs, arround 50% of Croats, arround 50% of Bosniaks and so on have domestic Balkan Dinaric haplogroup i2 - not r1a which is the most common in Russians and other eastern and western Slavs. That haplogroup (r1a) in Serbs is arround 20%. That haplogroup is mostly on second or third place in these Balkan nations. So that statement is not true. Another statement about Turks is even bigger lie and actualy completely ilogical. So called "Turkic genes" (which is oxymoron since in Turk population none of the haplogroups prevail dominantly - its population is mix of everything) among Serbs is less then 5%. Why actualy doesnt make sense that there is a big amount of "Turkic genes" among Serbs (or any other Balkan nation)? Because actual Turks didnt really controled, moved and lived through out Balkan peninsula. It was local islamized population that carried out control and exercised rule on peninsula. So even if some AGA or BEG, or JANIČAR rape any women and makes her a child and if she doesnt kill herself because of that (or her family doesnt kill her) and she actualy get birth to that child (and doesnt kill it herself) that child still doesnt bares "Turkic genes" because neither AGA, nor BEG and certainly not JANIČAR was actual Turks at first place. So actualy you are the one who swalowed propaganda and missed it sooo badly with conclusion...
@@siroliver9889 that is so not true its funny, maybe you tought of bosnian people because they were once slavs and then ottomans turn them and mixed with them for centuries. Turks never mixed with us because we were unstable region for them and they know well what would happen. So take your imaginary bullshit and shove it in your ass. 🤡
D-80 is a Serbian designation for CH-92. If it comes to the Pegaz, they have ordered 12 but until now only 3 have been built. Serbia has 14 MiG-29s, three of which are in the training variant, which was not brought up to the SM standard. Serbia 50 combat aircraft: 11x MiG-29SM; 3x MiG-29UB; 17x J/NJ-22; 19x Soko G-4M Source: The Military Balance 2024, World Air Forces 2024,
Zašto opet pravite svađu između ovih zemalja? Svi mi smo komšije, i nama je dosta što se mi i sami svađamo jedni s drugima, i ne treba nam još i jutjub za to. A treba i uzeti u obzir da Srba ima i u Hrvatskoj, najviše u BiH, Bošnjaka ima i u Srbiji, Albanaca takođe, itd 🇷🇸🇧🇦🇭🇷🇦🇱
Da se rišiti ovih potpaljivaca ispranih mozgova sa sve tri strane koji nisu bili ni u planudevedestih lakse bi se disalo, isto tako da se maknu ovi kreteni koji vode sve te tri drzave procvali bi. Ali sto ces mi smo glupi balkanci koji se natezu stoljecima ciji je veci. A ove mulce koji trolaju i zagovaraju rat bi posla na prvu crtu da malo okuse kako je to kad ti granate i metci fijucu oko glave ka meni devedestih.
Not ordet mate In Serbia for years are Pantsir, Hg17 arived not 8 number is 32, olso U missed rocket sistems from Serbia, and helicopters SuperPuma and over 30 in Zandarmerija force, olso in Rep Srpska in BIH is on Serbia side, airplanes, helicopters, tanks, kortals, artilery... Olso in 2025 probably Serbia recive 28 Mirange 2000-5 ain Serbia Greece weapons deal, Rafal come 2027, and many many more to 2027
@@nikolavracevic-wi7ibVatikan nam je nosač aviona poklonio! 😂 Previše Vučića konzumiraš, a to ti je onaj koji se nije dočekao HV u Glini.. 😂😂 Samo je Ruska federacija naoružavala HV, zapamti to...i nešto malo Argentina. I to vam je bilo previše.
@@Bosna1111 U operacijama Ljeto 95, Bljesak, Oluja, Maestral i Južni Potez HV je uništio ili razbio sve srpske vojske zapadno od rijeke Drine i ne smijete nos preko gurnuti te rijeke. Šečer na kraju je kapitulaciju srpskih snaga u istočnoj Slavoniji i Hrvatskom Podunavlju, tzv Erdutski sporazum... Time je rat u RH završio. Ako te to podsjeća na kasniju srpsku kapitulaciju i gubitak Kosova, odnosno Kumanovski sporazum, u pravu si. To ti je baš to. Kapitulaciju. To je činjenično stanje i jedini rezultat rata koji ste započeli. Sad možeš plakati do kraja života jer ste sve ratove 90-tih izgubili i drogirati se sa Vučićem i njegovim lažima...
What is your plan, or point to make this video. How you compare Two NATO countries with Bosnian muslim forces, against lonely, independent country. On one side, you have NATO alliance, against small country with 7 million people. On one side you have 1.4 billion people, against 7 million of freedom love, normal and proud people. The people who gives to the world one Nikola Tesla, or in now days, Novak Djokovich GOAT. Only independent country on northern hemisphere. Small, but with proud people. Sorry, but that is ludacris.
What's your idea for the next comparison?
the netherlands vs belgium
Serbia vs Bulgaria
Germany vs Spain?
Bulgaria vs slovakia
Czechia vs Slovakia
150k Serbs in Croatia....
1 million Serbs in Bosnia and Herzegovina
30% of Bosnia's population is serbian
Serbs in croatia would rather fight serbia than croatia, nor would they want be part of serbia thats almost a mafia state, proven with 15000 people woting for srrbian option and 40 something for croatian political parties, when it get to rs, wouldnt be the first time banjaluka korpus gets clapped, in 90s 4 times in less then a year, not the fighting type for sure
@@lavordavor7738 na cemu si ti bato ahahhahahahaha
Rat ste gubili zestoko i niste mogli nista dok vam 94.nije nato dosao u pomoc... Vukovar i osjek niste oslobodili, niti ste smeli vojni da primirisete vukovaru i osjeku, vec su vam poklonjeni/predati mirnim putem 96te.
Svakako, ne ponovilo se, al oluja u suprotnom smeru moze da poduva, a onda purgeri duvaju jos nesto 😘😂
@@lavordavor7738 you should change your drug dealer urgent...
@@djordjetodorovic4176 osijek? A kad je osijek bio okupiran? Niste smijeli prec most, banjalučki korpus porazi, 1. Bljesak, 2. Oluja na banovini rezultira povlačenjem u bosansku krajinu, 3. Oluja kod Knina rezultira povlačenjem u bosni. Krajnnu, 4. Operacija maestral i južni potez zaustavljena 20km od banjaluke na zahtjev amera, vi od 92ge nemate pobjeda za prste jedne ruke, jer niste imali ekstremnu nadmoć jugoslavenske armije, mi smo kupili od do 92 a od 93 dobivamo, rs dns nema oružje nit mu je pomoć dovoljno blizu, no neće hrvati napadat rs dok god nisu napadnuti što bi za srbe bosne bilo samoubojstvo tako da je ovo teško moguć scenarij, nemoj zaboravit da ste okruženi nato članicama i protektoratima i da je zbog vas na balkanu najveća vojna baza na kosovu
Team Serbia 🇷🇴🤝🇷🇸
Nice car
Team NATO 🇺🇸 😂
Serbia is main military power in balkans... Maybe in top5 in whole europe... Especially with dangerous, very modern equiped special forces... In 1999 in that time weak serbian army was in war with nato, albania, and kosovo paramilitary forces, defending borders from 4 sides, and for three months didnt loose at the end...yes, kosovo was taken but at the table, not with army...
"Serbia is main military power in balkans... Maybe in top5 in whole europe... Especially with dangerous, very modern equiped special forces... "
Serbia top 5 in Europe. What nonsense you are writing. UK, France, Italy, Ukraine, Germany, Greece, Poland, Romania, Sweden, Holland, Switzerland, Finland, Denmark... You know nothing.
"In 1999 in that time weak serbian army was in war with nato, albania, and kosovo paramilitary forces, defending borders from 4 sides, and for three months didnt loose at the end...yes, kosovo was taken but at the table, not with army..."
You tried to be smart but you failed.
Japan also defended its islands from all sides. The Americans did not land on any of the larger islands. Even the USA did not enter the territory of Japan with an army in the Second World War, and they still won. All wars end at the table. Japan signed the capitulation as did Serbia in Kumanovo (Serbia agreed to withdraw the army, police, courts... from Kosovo). Serbia has accepted that the UN commission will decide on the status of Kosovo. You know nothing. In October 1998 (Holbrook-Milosevic agreement), Serbia agreed that NATO would monitor peace in Kosovo from the air. That agreement was turned into UN resolution 1203 just a week later. NATO was given a mandate to oversee peace in Kosovo. Serbia lost the war and you continue to dream.
@@siroliver9889Albania didnt participate in that war ,just one battle when Serbs enter in our borders in Kukes.And Albania win that battle .We sent many guns to our brothers .Leave the past and ideology there is enough space for all to leave in peace.
Serbia took whole army equipment from Yugoslavia and still lost the war, but hey they win in comments at least
@@gjergjdedja356hahhahhajajja😂😂 "Albania won that battle"
Respect for Serbia !
Yeah! Respect for war criminals! God is a Serb!
@@Sushi_Baka333God is not a serb and we are not war criminals bro croats hawe put us in camps and bosnians and albanians killed peapole and kids we only atacked military
Serbia and Greece VS Turkey😀
We alredy saw that before ... Ottoman empire was defeated and destroyed
@@Χρήστος-Ελλάδα živ nam bio grčki brate pravoslavni
Not even a fan of Turkey,but no chance at all.Turkey could solo Russia and doesn't even blink to the whole balkans together
We would gladly stand by our Greek Brothers!
Romanian here full support to my orthodox brothers Serbia 🇷🇴 ❤ 🇷🇸
🦅Greetings from Serbia ❤💙🤍🦅
@@vetondema9985 😎😎😎
@@Valex1612h Kid use the emotikon😎
Part of Bosnia is Serbian. Which means this calculation fit not into the reality. Otherwise we will see a war like this very soon. Unfortunately.
Whole Bosnia is Serbian.
Don't make jokes like that.
@@bgdabg6769 yes of course. like whole balkan is serbian. imagine a balkan without serbitches like we had till 6th century haha fucking bitch
Bosna ne pripada ni jedan dio srbiji 😂
@@senex3686ne pripada Srbiji, nego srbima
@@Bosna1111 haha sandak je bosna kosovo je samostalna zemlja vojvodina je madarska budalo jedna jaca je bosna od vas
niste nas mogli pobijedit kad ste nam krali oruije e onda kad smo krenili na vvas onda prekidaj bosno hajmo mir
Macedonia will always fully support our brothers Serbs 🇲🇰❤️🇷🇸
Serbia And Russia vs Balkan
Srbija i Rusija su jaci od NATO ne od Balkana!! Srbija,Rusija,Belorusuja,Grcka,Rumunija,Crna Gora,Makedonija,Republika Srpska,Makedonija,Madjarska,Slovacka...Svi smo protiv Amerike i NATO zlikovaca!! P.S To sto su neke od navedenih drzva formlno u NATO ne znaci da je narod tih drzava za NATO!!
@@DarioVukic-if2iv ne bi stigli da pišaju to bi munjevito ravnjanje bilo za sat vremena😄
Srbija i rusia vs balkan a vi isto balkan…. Omg daj zacepi😂
Црна Гора уз Србију
Serbia, Greece, Romania vs Albania, Bosnia, and Croatia.
Serbia strong wins 🇷🇸🇷🇸🇷🇸
Bro if this is true, serbia can litterly destroy all 3 countries at once 😅
Yes it's true.
Nah they would fail again if they tried
@@GoldenAspect try brother try😄
@@GoldenAspect with 0 NATO help... victory for sure.
@@GoldenAspectwe never tried that. What are you yapping
I think Serbia have more Power than albania bosnia and croatia.
Well, you think wrong…
Serbia come with Macedonia😉
San Marino vs Vatikan
Crash of Titans
Vatican has holy magic and san Marino has the long range pasta throws. Ngl that's a close one
Macedonia is with Serbia
Montenegro too
Macedonia future is more bright if they start working with Serbia.
You mean 40 procent of fyrom
Macedonia is Bulgaria.
Dosta rata, tko razumije taj zna
Komšija ovde je naglašeno ko koliko ima potencijala u slucaju sukoba.Niko nije ponizen niti se poziva na rat.
Nije dosta, mislite bile 90te resili ste svoje pitanje sada dosta nije druze sa 90im je otvorena pandorina kutija kojoj nece biti kraja dok neke od drzav ne nesranu... Do kraba
As a Serb myself i am suprisely fckn happy, time to hit the gym haha
Serbian army is best❤️🇷🇸☦️🙏🏻❤️
Team Serbia! 💪
Romania 🇷🇴 vs Serbia 🇷🇸 👌
@@Degames001 You Have a video
sci-fi , will never happen . And give me vack my tv.
Never ever did we fight with our best neighbours, friends and brothers 🇷🇸🇷🇴🇷🇸🇷🇴
Ima Video već
Lralju ni jedna od te 3 drzave nemaju rezerve zlata imala je Bosna pa prodala. A za vojni budzet Srbija je premasila 2 milijarde sa dodacima.
Sta god kazes, u Srbiji je vojni budžet 1,5 Milijardi Dolara a u BiHa je 5,8 Milijardi Dolara idi pogledaj
U Bosni 5,8 milijardi vojni budžet , pa ti nisi normalan😂
@@Inuvictus Legendo da li si ti normalan🤣🤣 Majke mi ja ne znam ko vas laze u OSBiH nemaju salatu uz hranu. Koriste puske i opremu Americku iz 70ih🤣 Nemaju nadoknade za strazu obuka 3 meseca. 70% tehnike nije operativno to je prenosila vasa televizija All Jazzera i generali potvrdili. Kasarne nisu nikada renovirane🤣 Nema goriva dovoljno. Ja znam da vas vasi lazu i da vas hrane propagandom ali da ste toliko glupi to je strasno majke mi🤣 Imam rodjaka pripadnika OSBiH i sve je i on potvrdio u Gorazdu je stacioniran. Budzet cele BiH je 13 milijardi a za odbranu 5.5 znaci 40% na vojsku a sve druge drzave 1% do 2% retko koja 3% Vi ste najgluplji narod ubedljivo. Budzet OSBiH je 190 miliona€ najmanji procenat BDP-a izdvajate u Evropi🤣🤣
@@sasagvozdenovic7892 Jes ne znam ni ja kako
Ajd ne lupaj gluposti reci boze pomozi i pokri se usima
Croatia + albania + bosnia vs serbia + Republika Srpska= serbia win
Im for Peace Love all of these Countries from Germany 🇩🇪🤝🇷🇸🇦🇱🇧🇦🇭🇷
Genocidni svabo je za mir, mrs
Leave us alone germany... you always wanted the balkans but never got it... well now you have BUT NOT ALL OF IT!
@@makimaxx2311 where u from little boy
Neznam sto se hejtaju ovdje tolko budale, Ako imas do kao pfp neznaci da si nacista 💀 smirite se ljudi. Uglavnom slazem se 🇧🇦♥️🇩🇪
@@AXCStudios lijepo je da nasi još lizu dupe okupatoru, bravo jarane
Bro, in Bosnia is Republika Srpska with 1,5 milion Serbs
1 milion serbs 2 milion muslim in bosnia and 500k croats
@@Diudusus 500k croats ahahahahahaa
Those are statics from 2013, there is 700k Serbs in Bosnia and 250k Croats
@@Diudusus500.000+ muslim
3.6 muslims in Bosnia last list from 2013 in Serbia 800.000 muslims list from 2015 Kosovo 1.7 milion, Montenegro 260.000.
NATO vs Serbia 🇪🇺🇺🇲🇷🇸
Rly 32vs1
@@Ghostface21-xi5ff its 3v1 here so its funy
@@vladastojkovic1071 They combined three countries against Serbia and Serbia is again more than all 3, so it should be put at least like this: Croatia, Spanish, Poland, England, let's try it??
Its happened once
@@Ghostface21-xi5ffLets put China Russia Iran and India against Uk lets try that.
Serbia is better💪
Serbia ftw
when it comes vs serbia,every albanian is in military
Yes thet's real in albania are 2.8M people and 1.3-1.4M are womans so the mans are 1.4-1.5M it will be 1.5M people in military❤🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱
Serbia and Croatia must never go to war again. We are Christians and the only true way and life is Jesus Christ.
Чим нам врате Крајину можемо да причамо како да им мало опростимо за све злочине што направише
Romania vs Poland after all bought equipment arrives
Ovakvi videi su sranje. Promovisu naticanje. Treba biti mira, ljubavi i sloge. Imamo mi vecih neprijatelja od nas samih Slovena na Balkanu.
Tako je sve dok se Sloveni ne sloze mogu da rade sta hoce
Siptari nisu Sloveni tkd da za njih me boli kurac
5:37 on the left side its Republic of Srpska aircraft.
Hi can you do Romania+Moldova vs Hungury
Nato vs serbia or russia
Next videos
Somalia vs Somaliland
West Sahra Vs Somaliland
West Sahra VS Morocco
North Cyprus Vs South Cyprus Please😊
BTW Serbia have a Republic of Serbia in BiH
You shoulda included Bulgaria, too. All NATO militaries surrounding srvia.
Team, Croatia, Bosnia, and Albania from USA
Yeah sold souls
Are you anti Team Serbia because Nikola Jokic or Indianapolis 2002?
can you even find them on a map ?
Half of bosnia is serbs
Federacija je jača od RS
A u čemu? Kao što si video da su zemlje centralnog Balkana zajedno slabije od Srbije, šta ti očekuješ. Bude li problema sa RS, ima da vas nema.
@@milosmilivojevic5543Ma ja, nemate veci vojni budzet od Bosne, ovaj od 200 Milona Dolara na ovom videu je laz, u BiHa je vojni budzet ove godine 5,8 Milijardi dolara
@@milosmilivojevic5543 dabogda ti djecu rak pojeo
@@Inuvictus😂😂😂😂kako da ne
US pups vs Serbia 😂
Btw 49% of Bosnia belongs to Serbs get your info straight
Support Serbia from Republic of Srbska.
Bravo Srbijo bravo Vucicu❤❤
In case of Serbia in the last 15 years Serbia has either sold or melted 700 tanks, reason, lack of funds for modernisation and maintenance, technically yhat number should be higher and the way they were sold is very questionable, not to mention other types of equipment and reducing the number of active peroneal,
Second for all these countries these numbers in peace time have 0 meaning, since they all have the capacity to ramp up production, especialy cosidering drones since they are the modern warfare tool, and all of them would get foreign support regarding armaments, in high sight if a war were to brake out, it would come down to strategy and troop morale and comitment, peace time numbers literally mean nothing.
Only Bosnia may Bosnia❤❤❤❤❤
Learn English 😂😂
Bosnia and serbia are friends
Poređenje je glupo, Hrvati sa Bosancima i Šiptarima? Nigdje veze😂
Па зар није брат уз брата,Албанац уз Хрвата? 😂😂😂
@@miliboy1828 isto kao i Srbin uz Hrvata
hrvati su uvijek bili sa bosancima i šiptarima proyiv srba, a i sada su u zajedničkoj antisrpskoj koaliciji. sa bosanskim muslimanima (hrvatskim cvijećem) hrvati su napravili zajedničku antisrpsku federaciju, a šiptari su im braća, kako je izjavila bivša hrvatska predsjednica
Where did you get the idea that Serbia participated in wars at a time when Serbia was not an independent country?
Serbia was not a warring party neither in Slovenia nor in Croatia nor in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
It wouldn't be a bad idea to at least look at the raw facts sometimes. By the way, in 1992 only my garrison on Topchider had hundreds of mortars of various calibers. Are you counting only high caliber mortars?
Team ABC 🇦🇱🤝🇧🇦🤝🇭🇷 🥊🇷🇸❌❌❌
Ahahahahahaha 😂😂😂 🇷🇸🇷🇸🇷🇸
Ћути бре , немамо подморнице !
40% Bosne i Hercegovina je Srpsko❤
Tako da i mi Iz Republike Srpske volimo Srbiju kao nasu zemlju🇷🇸
Serbia now has 800 tanks
Albania is nato😂😂
Italy vs Romania plsss
Team peace🙏
Sedbia win
Tactical Comment INFOMMING :3
Serbia without Rusia 😂😂
26times Serbia won and all three countries won only 17
NATO heljp NATO heljp 😅😅. Tik tak- tik tak 🇷🇸🇷🇺🇷🇸🇷🇺
Bosnia got help from NATO only in 1995, before that NATO put an embargo on Bosnia's weapons
Indonesia🇮🇩 vs 🇯🇵 japan
Texas vs Washington.
Tactical comment
@croatia @albania @kosovo frends 💪
Russia vs America
Hi, it's already on the channel:
USA vs Russia
😂😂😂😂😂😂eto vam koliko je Srpska vojska jaka i moze jos neko da se udruzi sa vama opet nista ne bih mogli da uradite😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
its wrong tho. The average age in Serbia is 44.5. Fucking scary if you consider that only every 10th Serb actually belongs in the youth category.
my grandfather is 76 years old, he looks like he's 50, imagine what people aged 44 or 50 look like, like guys aged 27 to 30, Serbian genetics are very good, healthy and strong, like other Balkan nations. Serbs carry the genetics of an ancient people, very friendly but tough opponents, especially when they defend themselves or try to take back their territory, morale is strong, the wish for death is strong, we fight with faith in God, for God, we die first in the church for the liturgy and then in battle.
@@munzekonza2263 You missed the topic. Every people has the genes of some ancient people. There are haplogroups that are 25-30,000 years old. Nations do not exist nearly as long as they appeared in the 19th century. According to Russian church books, Serbs are a Slavic people who settled in the Balkans. Although Serbs are supposed to be genetically closest to Slavs, today's Serbs are three times closer to Turks than to Russians.
@@siroliver9889 Доминантни гени код Срба су исти они као и код већине осталих Словена, а одмах иза њих су гени староседелаца са Балкана (Романа, Грка, Илира, Трибала, Меза, Трачана, Дачана и тако даље...). Руси су асимиловали велики део Угро-Финаца, Турко-Татара, Немаца и многих других народа. Готово сви народи Европе су генетска мешавина.
@@siroliver9889 Wow you missed it badly... Arround 50% of Serbs, arround 50% of Croats, arround 50% of Bosniaks and so on have domestic Balkan Dinaric haplogroup i2 - not r1a which is the most common in Russians and other eastern and western Slavs. That haplogroup (r1a) in Serbs is arround 20%. That haplogroup is mostly on second or third place in these Balkan nations. So that statement is not true. Another statement about Turks is even bigger lie and actualy completely ilogical. So called "Turkic genes" (which is oxymoron since in Turk population none of the haplogroups prevail dominantly - its population is mix of everything) among Serbs is less then 5%. Why actualy doesnt make sense that there is a big amount of "Turkic genes" among Serbs (or any other Balkan nation)? Because actual Turks didnt really controled, moved and lived through out Balkan peninsula. It was local islamized population that carried out control and exercised rule on peninsula. So even if some AGA or BEG, or JANIČAR rape any women and makes her a child and if she doesnt kill herself because of that (or her family doesnt kill her) and she actualy get birth to that child (and doesnt kill it herself) that child still doesnt bares "Turkic genes" because neither AGA, nor BEG and certainly not JANIČAR was actual Turks at first place. So actualy you are the one who swalowed propaganda and missed it sooo badly with conclusion...
@@siroliver9889 that is so not true its funny, maybe you tought of bosnian people because they were once slavs and then ottomans turn them and mixed with them for centuries. Turks never mixed with us because we were unstable region for them and they know well what would happen. So take your imaginary bullshit and shove it in your ass. 🤡
Tactical comment
Serbia: Mig 29SM x 14... UAVs Ch95x3 and Ch92x6 not D-80 and Pegaz 12+
D-80 is a Serbian designation for CH-92. If it comes to the Pegaz, they have ordered 12 but until now only 3 have been built.
Serbia has 14 MiG-29s, three of which are in the training variant, which was not brought up to the SM standard. Serbia 50 combat aircraft:
11x MiG-29SM; 3x MiG-29UB; 17x J/NJ-22; 19x Soko G-4M
Source: The Military Balance 2024, World Air Forces 2024,
@@MILITARY-TUBEmany peoples dont know that we own 10mig 23mld here in Serbia, there was Sadam Husein planes but they was never returned.
Па, у чопору су најјачи🤣🤣🤣
Zašto opet pravite svađu između ovih zemalja? Svi mi smo komšije, i nama je dosta što se mi i sami svađamo jedni s drugima, i ne treba nam još i jutjub za to. A treba i uzeti u obzir da Srba ima i u Hrvatskoj, najviše u BiH, Bošnjaka ima i u Srbiji, Albanaca takođe, itd 🇷🇸🇧🇦🇭🇷🇦🇱
Ειρήνη ☮️ στα Βαλκάνια όχι πόλεμος δεν είναι λύση.
Cool movie
Vala dosta je rata na Balkanu, mani te nas vise …
Da se rišiti ovih potpaljivaca ispranih mozgova sa sve tri strane koji nisu bili ni u planudevedestih lakse bi se disalo, isto tako da se maknu ovi kreteni koji vode sve te tri drzave procvali bi. Ali sto ces mi smo glupi balkanci koji se natezu stoljecima ciji je veci. A ove mulce koji trolaju i zagovaraju rat bi posla na prvu crtu da malo okuse kako je to kad ti granate i metci fijucu oko glave ka meni devedestih.
Not ordet mate
In Serbia for years are Pantsir, Hg17 arived not 8 number is 32, olso U missed rocket sistems from Serbia, and helicopters SuperPuma and over 30 in Zandarmerija force, olso in Rep Srpska in BIH is on Serbia side, airplanes, helicopters, tanks, kortals, artilery...
Olso in 2025 probably Serbia recive 28 Mirange 2000-5 ain Serbia Greece weapons deal, Rafal come 2027, and many many more to 2027
I think I will have a date with Angelina Jolie on February 14, 2029, only she doesn't know it yet. It's the same with the weapons you list.
Republika Srpska 🇷🇸🇷🇸🇷🇸🇷🇸🇷🇸🇷🇸
Kosovo i Metohija 🇷🇸🇷🇸🇷🇸🇷🇸🇷🇸🇷🇸
Sa vojnim budzetom od 1,5 Milijardi necete nidje, idi pretrazi Defense Budget ranked 2024 i vidjet ces
Dont forget republika Srpska would helped serbia
Yesss Serbia win, Serbia is 10 milion population and 90.000km/2 with Kosovo
Gold reserves serbia are now 41 tons
Croatia dont need any help
In the war of the 90s, neither the Vatican or Germany or America helped you?? 😅😅
@@nikolavracevic-wi7ibVatikan nam je nosač aviona poklonio! 😂
Previše Vučića konzumiraš, a to ti je onaj koji se nije dočekao HV u Glini.. 😂😂
Samo je Ruska federacija naoružavala HV, zapamti to...i nešto malo Argentina.
I to vam je bilo previše.
@@nikolavracevic-wi7ibu zabludi si velikoj, zato gubite sve ratove
Hahahahaha pa čitavo vase postojanje lizete muda okupatoru da vam nema usranog zapada ne bi ste smjeli pisnuti
@@Bosna1111 U operacijama Ljeto 95, Bljesak, Oluja, Maestral i Južni Potez HV je uništio ili razbio sve srpske vojske zapadno od rijeke Drine i ne smijete nos preko gurnuti te rijeke.
Šečer na kraju je kapitulaciju srpskih snaga u istočnoj Slavoniji i Hrvatskom Podunavlju, tzv Erdutski sporazum... Time je rat u RH završio.
Ako te to podsjeća na kasniju srpsku kapitulaciju i gubitak Kosova, odnosno Kumanovski sporazum, u pravu si. To ti je baš to. Kapitulaciju.
To je činjenično stanje i jedini rezultat rata koji ste započeli.
Sad možeš plakati do kraja života jer ste sve ratove 90-tih izgubili i drogirati se sa Vučićem i njegovim lažima...
And Servia is surrounded by NATO countries
What is your plan, or point to make this video. How you compare Two NATO countries with Bosnian muslim forces, against lonely, independent country. On one side, you have NATO alliance, against small country with 7 million people. On one side you have 1.4 billion people, against 7 million of freedom love, normal and proud people. The people who gives to the world one Nikola Tesla, or in now days, Novak Djokovich GOAT. Only independent country on northern hemisphere. Small, but with proud people. Sorry, but that is ludacris.
Kosovo is Serbia.Albania hasn't got nothing to do with Croatia,Serbia and Bosnia.
Kosovo je Srbijs❤🇷🇸💪
Macedonia is Bulgaria.
You forget that half of the Bosnian army consists of Serbs, and they will certainly not fight against themselves❗
There is only 700k Serbs in Bosnia this year, and the military was split in 2023