• @victoriadriscoll3931
    @victoriadriscoll3931 9 місяців тому +5

    Beautiful teachings by Fr Timothy Radcliffe for all Delegates of the Synod. Amen 🙏🙏🙏

  • @G-MIP
    @G-MIP 8 місяців тому +3

    Beautiful, Rich & timely talk.

  • @tomgreene1843
    @tomgreene1843 5 місяців тому +1

    Great fellow who does not diminish God's Revelation to just a moral code .

  • @Paolo3780
    @Paolo3780 9 місяців тому +6

    Beautiful presentation . Thank you Fr Timothy

  • @lizaabad8674
    @lizaabad8674 Місяць тому


  • @judefernandes1629
    @judefernandes1629 9 місяців тому +5

    God bless you father for your deep teaching -- I listened, although I rarely listen to such long teachings. Father, you have 'authority' and mastery ...

  • @wendyfield7708
    @wendyfield7708 9 місяців тому +6

    An uplifting talk, giving much clarity on the Synod.

  • @earlduque6149
    @earlduque6149 9 місяців тому +1

    we will know if the synod is God-Decreed by its fruits. let us pray, fast and wait for God's next move.

  • @gilcostello3316
    @gilcostello3316 7 місяців тому

    Prayer. Yes. That IS the answer. The ONLY answer. Which begs a question: How do we pray all the time? That would be the ONLY ground of absolute stability, even when suffering 24/7 from a deep darkness throughout one’s adult life, what most would crumble into a severely disabling depression from. But a woman did suffer that deep darkness 24/7 who prayed all the time in HOW SHE LIVED HER LIFE, not found solely in uttering words of prayer (what St. Teresa of Lisieux first instructed us on-The Little Way, Prayer in Motion, Living the Prayer): St. Mother Teresa of Calcutta. And then there is the film by Liliana Cavani, Francesco, where she refused to polish St. Francis into an acceptable presence for our pious eyes, but instead reveals step by step how a human being enters into praying all the time, Living a Prayer, a piecemeal process that one should never bother oneself with how long it will take before one arrives where Teresa and Francis arrived at. The only focus required is in doing the Father’s will in every moment in opposition to our own pious, willful ways that help us best in regarding ourselves with high self-esteem, Satan’s Way, where our Lord and our Father’s will both disappear.
    And Pope Francis understands this better than any Pope during my 76 years, how necessary it is to restore Jesus’ version of what the Church’s Christian Brotherhood actually is, how Jesus intended it, and what was dismantled many hundreds of years ago by the clerical class in its decision to sever the entire Laity from the Church’s discernment process, which called for Laity to be severed from the Christian Brotherhood itself, made evident in saintly Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger’s concise 1961, 92 page book, The Meaning of Christian Brotherhood, where he makes clear the entire clerical class CHOSE to severe itself from the Laity by declaring the Church’s Eucharistic Christian Brotherhood null and void for Laity, that the Brotherhood would from now on consist only of clerics, Laity denied any part in the Church’s discernment process, where the sinister clerical class as we know it today was first formed (its sinister essence made clear in how this Brotherhood protected its own, those priests in service to Baal, over the protection of the lives of the innocent ones and their parents and extended family members, an evil indifference having its origin in the clerical class declaring Laity invisible).
    This radical exclusion of Laity from the Church’s Christian Brotherhood immediately killed off the Church’s Royal Priesthood, a priesthood focused on preparing every Christan to Go Out as Jesus insisted, a priesthood made up of the trinitarian preparatory process of Assembly Life, Mystagogy & Spiritual Direction, all cancelled with the death of the Royal Priesthood-for so long now, even clerics have no clue as to its history. But the sinister sickness of the “clerical camaraderie” that holds the clerical class togetjher like spiritual super-glue, sustaining their severedness from Laity, made evident in how EVERY cleric participated in protecting and advancing their brothers who were obviously committed to serving Baal. Yes, those men were more precious to every member of the clerical class than the little children sacrificed on Baal’s Altar.
    THAT’S the sinister sickness of this clerical comarderie that fully suppressd the missions of Laity for hundreds of years, preventing them from arriving in sainthood by fulfilling the missions assigned to them. But our Pastors kept convvimciomg us Laity to bury our talents in our back yards and wait on our Lord’s return. THAT IS THE TRAGEDY caused by the Cancellation of Lay Missons, what only Pope Francis is addressing. We must be stalwart in not only praying words for our Holy Father, but also LIVING A PRAYER for him by olenly supporting his mission, the most vital mission today and for the rest of this millenium.
    Pope Francis is our Prophetic Pope for this new millennium. Better start paying attention if you love the Church and her Mission. He is in his own way with his Synod on Synodality fighting a lonely battle to rid the Church of the infestation of a sinister clerical camaraderie that insists on keeping Laity locked out. Think about it: if Laity had been allowed to participate in the discernment process at every Parish regarding priests sexually molesting Laity’s children, no way would those Laity have approved the clerical desire to protect those men as a priority over protecting the innocent ones by transferring their brothers, doing whatever it took to protect them and their assigned missions from Baal.

  • @jakesullano1594
    @jakesullano1594 9 місяців тому


  • @fatimaantao465
    @fatimaantao465 9 місяців тому +2

  • @KaufmanNews
    @KaufmanNews 8 місяців тому

    Why did Teresa feel alienated from God after joining?

  • @charleshampton3052
    @charleshampton3052 9 місяців тому +3

    Fr Timothy is a friar not a monk, and there isn’t anything tame about this talk. Did you listen to it John ?

  • @mariepaukowits1709
    @mariepaukowits1709 8 місяців тому +3

    Praying for this priest conversion. So sad what is happening to our church with these modernist. Lord come and save your one Holy Catholic Church.

    • @G-MIP
      @G-MIP 8 місяців тому +1

      You are the modernist. Matthew 7:3

    • @mariepaukowits1709
      @mariepaukowits1709 8 місяців тому

      @@G-MIP oh ok thanks.I didn’t think I was one. Thanks

  • @paullangin4499
    @paullangin4499 7 місяців тому

    A PHD in drivel.

  • @earlduque6149
    @earlduque6149 9 місяців тому

    bergoglio et al are ambiguous and those who support them. TRUE BEAUTY IS TRUTH AND CHARITY.

    • @G-MIP
      @G-MIP 8 місяців тому +1

      Canon 1404.
      Canon 1373.