The content and editing of the videos lately is on another level! You two are absolutely killing it and I just want to make sure you know how much I appreciate your videos!
You inspired me to start working out 5 days a week this year and I’ve never felt better! Stronger, healthier, more confident, less stressed, and generally inspired to treat my body with love and care. Keep it up! 💪🏼 💗 ✨
I dont even travel but this vid def gave me a lot of perspective about being healthy. Hot girl series is like talking to a coach gently pushing me but not making me feel bad for not being perfect. I am really grateful!
I’m LOVING all of this fitness content!! You’re so realistic about it and are truly truly inspiring to stay active and eat healthy for all the right reasons. Thank you!!!! ❤️❤️
Allana I love to see you spreeding positivity ! 🌟 saying sometimes you need to get through the day made me smile … so true … Lots of love from a 43 year old mum of 2 💞 Dan did again an amazing job 🎥
One of my favorite things about your fitness journey (and I’ve been here from the beginning) is how aware you are that this is your reality and this way we can take it as inspiration. I feel motivated after watching you, not like “I’m not doing enough”. You know?! So greateful to have continent people like you out there
I bought a separate frother to keep in my travel bag. Game changer! Especially when making my AG one drink because that needs to be blended as best as possible! Love the motivation!
Consistency is key !! Thanks for the inspiration Alana ! Fun fact I use to be a flight attendant on a private jet , spent more times in hotels than at home, and I had my routine down when I was traveling always had gyms . It was harder for me to stay consistent when I was home . And yes , absolutely as an expert of jet lag there is nothing and I say NOTHING better than squeezing a work out that same day . Even for just 20 min
Completely loving the content lately and the evolution of your editing style. Especially loving your positivity, thank you for all the work you two are putting into these videos. Have a fabulous everyday may 😊
This is so inspiring watching you make an effort for yourself, your body and being so hard core about it especially since a few years now as far as I can remember you've come a long way since you results about what foods are on what ranks on your allergy list maybe 2-3 years back. Allana how did you actually made it happen and became so focused on your health and being serious about it. I've been saying to myself I want to be on track but I never actually did anything about me therefore seeing you make healthy choices really inspire me that it can happen
You’re hot girl series has really helped me develop my own routine that works for me. I like that you talk about the “concepts” of finding a routine and aren’t pushing a “you have to do it this exact way or you’re doing it wrong” vibe. You inspired me to sell my peloton because I HATED it and wouldn’t do it. Instead I’m focusing on walking, meal prepping, and now that I’ve got a good walking routine I’ve brought in Pilates and home weight workouts. My Apple Watch informed me yesterday that I have increased my daily average of 22 exercise minutes a day to 59 minutes a day consistently over the past 5 weeks. That is HUGE because now instead of doing like a 30 to 45 minute workout two or 3 times a week, and not much on the other days (which is why my daily average was so low) I am now consistently working out/moving my body almost an hour every day. I feel so much better.
Thanks, Lan, you truly are inspiring. For a few years, I was taking all of my supplements n' things, but not consistently. For the past several months, I have been on top of my game, and I feel amazing for it. You're absolutely right. Consistency is key with healthy supplements and workouts. Love ya's loads xoxo 😘 🤗
So helpful for people who travel a job with their job!!! I especially find the food component difficult when im in hotels. Thats why i ALWAYS ask for an AirBnB option when i travel for work, so i have more control over food.
I love this energy! My new job requires some travel, so going to do my best to keep on top of my habits while away from all my creature comforts that make maintaining my routine easier to maintain, thank you for sharing this! 💕
Kudos to you guys, working out and finding that routine while traveling is so hard for me! Great tips here and love the overall focus on balance at the end. ❤ Also I know you have the intention to start stretching more, hope you’re stretching before and after your workouts girl! Sometimes the post workout stretch/cooldown has me sweating just as much as the workout. 🥵
Loving the daily content and workout motivation! I've been doing a bit of research on creatine and some studies have found that caffeine reduces the benefits of creatine; so I've been making sure to not mix it with my pre-workout or coffee (just a tip).
Leaving for the Mediterranean in 40 days! While I will quite literally be walking my feet off on some days, there will be some more chill days too. Also, it’s a cruise so while I believe in being moderate in eating in general, I will eat all the cruise food everyday! And Starbucks because we got the package for Starbucks unlimited! (We don’t drink alcohol, but will need all the caffeine to survive the busiest days and late nights!) Thank you for continuing to be an inspiration! ❤❤❤❤
So many good tips, thank you for sharing! I’m having a late start to my hot girl summer. My sleep schedule is so bad. I go to bed early and at the same time every night,my upstairs neighbour isn’t. He’s the loudest person I ever meet. He even walks loud😩…but I’m trying my best to do what I can. 💕
before everyday May ends and you go on well deserved vacation!! quick q. the treadmill and desk in your IG stories, have you linked or said what brand or where you got those ? ❤❤❤
I can't remember if you've done one but a full breakdown of your health cube, what you like and what you use for supplements and companies (what you use obvs bc we aint doctors here hehe) would be super helpful! I've got a sensitive system like yourself :)
You are my fit girl inspo ❤ I can totally relate to everything you said about making the right decisions where you can. Can’t wait for more hot girl summer content
love this! I actually stay more consistent w my work outs when I'm traveling then at home. But it's my meals that im not good at🤦♀I explore new places by eating everything haha
Amen gal food is the best part of travel 😂 just making sure that the vitamins + protein are on lock and you’re good to go!! When we were in Italy the food was 100% pasta and pizza so we just guzzled our protein shakes along the way and ate vegetables when we got home 😅
Hello from beautiful Sydney. I’m such a fan. Your energy is soo lovely. I love watching you. You are so inspiring and amazing with your fitness. Thank you ! ❤
Have you ever considered an air bnb so you have your own kitchen. And can cook or meal prep? Or apartments with kitchens? Then casual pass to a gym etc. Or apartments that have gyms. You get the drift.
Love your videos and thank God it‘s May again! 💕 What do you recommend when there isn‘t the infrastructure around like gyms etc… For work I have to travel to rural France every couple weeks and there is literally ZERO gyms or classes as well as a huge language barrier… I feel those work trips are disrupting my routine so hard and it‘s so frustrating.
Yes I would travel with my bands! It’s amazing what you can accomplish for upper & lower body! That and some good body weight movements - there’s sooo many good videos on UA-cam for any amount of time even if you can squeeze in a quick 20 mins 🎉🎉
I don’t usually post comments, but I wanted to let you know that you are an inspiration currently, to try to be myself and embrace the whole hot girl mindset, including tennis. I envy your relationship and the fact that you work and train together, I had recently lost mine and I am trying to heal and be better for the future. I have started playing tennis against a wall and I was wondering if you have any thoughts or recommendations about tennis gear, such as shoes or maybe uv protective clothes?
This is probably a silly question but how to you keep track of footage from the same trip but are for different videos topics ? Do you switch kit memory cards or do you just do it while editing ?
Question…because you don’t like the taste of AG1, any reason you don’t just mix it with your pre workout and creatine cocktail? I ask because my morning cocktail is AG1, Electrolytes, Fiber & the D3 + K2 drops. Have always wondered if there is any reason I shouldn’t mix them all. 🤷🏼♀️
I just NEED to get this motivation for traveling especially. So easy to get off track and I’m insane in my brain and go off track once and then I’m like “well now I can’t workout for a week until it’s the perfect time to start back” absolutely makes zero sense lol
don't get me wrong, but when i first saw your videos i thought you were just another extremely pretty girl, but after watching a few i see that you are actually really strong and physically dedicated. it's inspiring
Really admire your dedication to the meal plan. It's just the amount of shrimp you eat that makes me really bad for the environment 😔. Especially with all the travel you have to do for work (which I totally get is part of it). I love shrimp and salmon, but limit myself to having them only once a month to try and add my share of responsibility for our planet (in addition to other things I try to avoid or do proactively).
@@allanaramaa haha I can relate to that 😂 I usually mix a lot of plant-based proteins (lentils, chickpeas/hummus, broccoli, seeds) and also add animal-based proteins if I am sure that they were sourced as sustainable as possible - meat and eggs from local farms, cottage cheese/sour cream/greek-style yoghurt from my region (I live in Austria). I do try to keep the meat to a minimum though, even though I really like it 🫠
I only really started watching all your uploads last year and oh man I so missed out all those years that I haven‘t been watching you! I love your energy and your sight on health and fitness. You motivate me a lot. 🩵 (hi from switzerland 🫢🇨🇭)
Your videos this last year have left me convinced I need more shrimp in my life haha. Honestly, I never reached for it as a protein option until I saw it in nearly all of your vids 😂 So delish.
I only get my steps in when I travel 😂 here in DTLA I do little to no walking since I’m surrounded by homeless encampments (I’ve gotten yelled at, chased by, had phone stolen by folks 😢)
I've always wanted to try one of those dance workout classes. Lol, I used to love to go out and dance the night away, and back then, my body was tight and right. I mean, i may have been drunk, but boy, it was so fun. 😂 You have a great body #goals #HGS #Everydaymay 🫶
After I had back surgery I had to get physical therapy and we focused on my core. My physical therapist said do your planks, they're like the vegetables of exercises. So do your planks!
The content and editing of the videos lately is on another level! You two are absolutely killing it and I just want to make sure you know how much I appreciate your videos!
Thank you so much 😭✨ we’ve been trying a few different styles and I’m glad you’ve noticed hehehe 🥹💗💗
💯 agree we see you
You inspired me to start working out 5 days a week this year and I’ve never felt better! Stronger, healthier, more confident, less stressed, and generally inspired to treat my body with love and care. Keep it up! 💪🏼 💗 ✨
So so proud of you 😭💪🏻💪🏻✨✨
I dont even travel but this vid def gave me a lot of perspective about being healthy. Hot girl series is like talking to a coach gently pushing me but not making me feel bad for not being perfect. I am really grateful!
I’m LOVING all of this fitness content!! You’re so realistic about it and are truly truly inspiring to stay active and eat healthy for all the right reasons. Thank you!!!! ❤️❤️
Ok Dan. That intro rocks. Loved it. Love EDM. Thanks for the great tips. ❤❤
Hehe he says thank you 🥹🫶🏻✨
@@allanaramaa ❤️
Allana I love to see you spreeding positivity ! 🌟 saying sometimes you need to get through the day made me smile … so true … Lots of love from a 43 year old mum of 2 💞 Dan did again an amazing job 🎥
Thank you so much 🥹🥹💗💗
Tooootally out of topic but… your mascara at the last shoots, with the bun… ITS BEAUTIFUL!! I need her!
One of my favorite things about your fitness journey (and I’ve been here from the beginning) is how aware you are that this is your reality and this way we can take it as inspiration. I feel motivated after watching you, not like “I’m not doing enough”. You know?! So greateful to have continent people like you out there
I bought a separate frother to keep in my travel bag. Game changer! Especially when making my AG one drink because that needs to be blended as best as possible! Love the motivation!
Yesss!! Sometimes it’s so much easier than bringing your own shaker 😅🎉
Consistency is key !! Thanks for the inspiration Alana !
Fun fact I use to be a flight attendant on a private jet , spent more times in hotels than at home, and I had my routine down when I was traveling always had gyms . It was harder for me to stay consistent when I was home .
And yes , absolutely as an expert of jet lag there is nothing and I say NOTHING better than squeezing a work out that same day . Even for just 20 min
PJ flight attendant?! 👀 oh girl I bet you have STORIES to tell 😆💗
@@allanaramaa you guessing right ! But mainly to myself , because the NDA they make you sign 🔒🔒🏴☠️😬
Completely loving the content lately and the evolution of your editing style. Especially loving your positivity, thank you for all the work you two are putting into these videos. Have a fabulous everyday may 😊
I get such a nostalgia vibe of your old Toronto apartment and cooking vids with that kitchen backdrop.
Me too 🥲🥲 every time we’re in Toronto I feel so sad walking around haha we left too soon
I joined the fam right when the background was that apartment, so ditto
This is so inspiring watching you make an effort for yourself, your body and being so hard core about it especially since a few years now as far as I can remember you've come a long way since you results about what foods are on what ranks on your allergy list maybe 2-3 years back.
Allana how did you actually made it happen and became so focused on your health and being serious about it. I've been saying to myself I want to be on track but I never actually did anything about me therefore seeing you make healthy choices really inspire me that it can happen
You are an inspiration! Not only the HGW and HGS series, but in general your attitude towards life! ❤
You’re hot girl series has really helped me develop my own routine that works for me. I like that you talk about the “concepts” of finding a routine and aren’t pushing a “you have to do it this exact way or you’re doing it wrong” vibe. You inspired me to sell my peloton because I HATED it and wouldn’t do it. Instead I’m focusing on walking, meal prepping, and now that I’ve got a good walking routine I’ve brought in Pilates and home weight workouts. My Apple Watch informed me yesterday that I have increased my daily average of 22 exercise minutes a day to 59 minutes a day consistently over the past 5 weeks. That is HUGE because now instead of doing like a 30 to 45 minute workout two or 3 times a week, and not much on the other days (which is why my daily average was so low) I am now consistently working out/moving my body almost an hour every day. I feel so much better.
Thanks, Lan, you truly are inspiring. For a few years, I was taking all of my supplements n' things, but not consistently. For the past several months, I have been on top of my game, and I feel amazing for it. You're absolutely right. Consistency is key with healthy supplements and workouts. Love ya's loads xoxo 😘 🤗
Love this so much!!! Can you link your watch band you use when wearing on your leg? I love this idea!!
These vids are my fav!! Excited to see all the healthy and fit #HGS content that's to come xx
They have the black brush coffee at Costco in Victoria bc! I love the dark roast personally
So I loved the partial makeup look actually - you looked really fresh with just the mascara on!
I love you. You are the ultimate wholesome, healthy practice, good vibes.
YESSSSS 👏🏼👏🏼 as someone who travels for work THIS. IS. THE. CONTENT. I. WANT.
You are amazing. I have watched you travel for years now and stay on your workout routine. I don’t know how you do it but you are inspiring
Fantastic tips for traveling 😊. Your face was glowing after the S&T class! Very true about your travel schedule needing your consistent health tips.
So helpful for people who travel a job with their job!!! I especially find the food component difficult when im in hotels. Thats why i ALWAYS ask for an AirBnB option when i travel for work, so i have more control over food.
Such a great way to start my days, watching your videos. You help me stay focused on my goals and motivated! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
You got it girl!! I hope you have a beautiful day 🥹✨💗
You are such fitness inspiration! Please continue!!!
I LOVE every day May ❤ your videos are so helpful and inspiring
I love this energy! My new job requires some travel, so going to do my best to keep on top of my habits while away from all my creature comforts that make maintaining my routine easier to maintain, thank you for sharing this! 💕
Loving the HGS theme of Everyday May! The content we needed ❤
Kudos to you guys, working out and finding that routine while traveling is so hard for me! Great tips here and love the overall focus on balance at the end. ❤
Also I know you have the intention to start stretching more, hope you’re stretching before and after your workouts girl! Sometimes the post workout stretch/cooldown has me sweating just as much as the workout. 🥵
Loving the daily content and workout motivation! I've been doing a bit of research on creatine and some studies have found that caffeine reduces the benefits of creatine; so I've been making sure to not mix it with my pre-workout or coffee (just a tip).
Oh good to know 👀👀⚡️
So loving all the everyday may videos. Loving the variety . X
Leaving for the Mediterranean in 40 days! While I will quite literally be walking my feet off on some days, there will be some more chill days too. Also, it’s a cruise so while I believe in being moderate in eating in general, I will eat all the cruise food everyday! And Starbucks because we got the package for Starbucks unlimited! (We don’t drink alcohol, but will need all the caffeine to survive the busiest days and late nights!)
Thank you for continuing to be an inspiration! ❤❤❤❤
Love seeing these vlogs. Your life just seems so interesting…❤
was influenced to not skip my workout this morning, so THANK U 🙏 love all the seasonal HG encouragement 💝
YESSS go girl 🥹💪🏻💪🏻✨✨
So many good tips, thank you for sharing! I’m having a late start to my hot girl summer. My sleep schedule is so bad. I go to bed early and at the same time every night,my upstairs neighbour isn’t. He’s the loudest person I ever meet. He even walks loud😩…but I’m trying my best to do what I can. 💕
Omg no 😢😢 do you have noise cancelling headphones?? Can we write him a strongly worded letter?? 😤
Omg loving this video ❤❤❤❤❤❤ you’re such a great motivator!!!!! Omggg do you have your Apple wrist band link somewhere !? ❤
K girl you cranking these videos out FR!!
Loving the content.
before everyday May ends and you go on well deserved vacation!! quick q. the treadmill and desk in your IG stories, have you linked or said what brand or where you got those ? ❤❤❤
There’s a mocha flavour in the protein coffee! I picked it up this week at Costco (in Toronto)
I’m loving this vlog-style fitness content. Please keep it up! Would love to see a “stretch with me” video so we can follow along.
I can't remember if you've done one but a full breakdown of your health cube, what you like and what you use for supplements and companies (what you use obvs bc we aint doctors here hehe) would be super helpful! I've got a sensitive system like yourself :)
Love sweat and tonic - I also tried them when I went to Toronto for work!
sorry if this was asked before, does the Oura ring not track the steps accurately? (& that's why you put the Apple watch on the ankle?)
The watch on the ankle is so genius! I’m so going to use that when I want to wear my dressy watch.
You’ll never go back 😅
You are my fit girl inspo ❤ I can totally relate to everything you said about making the right decisions where you can. Can’t wait for more hot girl summer content
What’s the difference between the Apple Watch and oura ring in terms of tracking steps? ❤ EDM so much!
Loving everyday May so far!!!❤❤
Just me, a chronically ill babe. Crying at your 10k steps. I couldn’t dream of that.
…but I am so happy you’re doing it! 💕
love this! I actually stay more consistent w my work outs when I'm traveling then at home. But it's my meals that im not good at🤦♀I explore new places by eating everything haha
Amen gal food is the best part of travel 😂 just making sure that the vitamins + protein are on lock and you’re good to go!! When we were in Italy the food was 100% pasta and pizza so we just guzzled our protein shakes along the way and ate vegetables when we got home 😅
Hello from beautiful Sydney. I’m such a fan. Your energy is soo lovely. I love watching you. You are so inspiring and amazing with your fitness. Thank you ! ❤
Have you ever considered an air bnb so you have your own kitchen. And can cook or meal prep? Or apartments with kitchens? Then casual pass to a gym etc. Or apartments that have gyms. You get the drift.
Your commitment is admirable. Farm Boy is 👍
Yes, sometimes I feel like I need a couple of days to recover from a vacation 😜
What is your white see through workout top?? So cute
Love your videos! Where did u get your olive coat you wear over your sweatshirt?
Can edm never end!!! ❤️
@allana - Do you check your powders or can you bring it in your carryon?
Love seeing you every day!! Truly inspo!! You look great Allana!
Sames..can EDM never end!x
You look particularly pretty on this vlog! Glowing 🥰
I love how as time has gone on, we see more of your hubby. Just the sweet moments- it shows how newly wed and how normal y’all are 😂
Finally got some time to catch up on the vids Of the weekend 🥰
Love your videos and thank God it‘s May again! 💕
What do you recommend when there isn‘t the infrastructure around like gyms etc…
For work I have to travel to rural France every couple weeks and there is literally ZERO gyms or classes as well as a huge language barrier… I feel those work trips are disrupting my routine so hard and it‘s so frustrating.
Lunges, squats, push ups , sit-ups and packing a stretchy band is so easy
Yes I would travel with my bands! It’s amazing what you can accomplish for upper & lower body! That and some good body weight movements - there’s sooo many good videos on UA-cam for any amount of time even if you can squeeze in a quick 20 mins 🎉🎉
Also I did a spin class in France once and it was HILARIOUS 😂 I had no idea what they were saying but went for the vibes and the sweat anyway 🎉
Haha attended Rogue fitness circuit classes in Kinsale Ireland and they were the friendliest ,funniest group to wirk out with!
At home I’m hooked on Rumble boxing. Alana what did you think of Rumble? I’m loving it
Im moving to Toronto in August - love the Toronto vlogs !! taking notes of the hot spots :)
OMGGGG you’re going to love it 😭💗 there’s so many fabulous areas to explore!!
This intro!! So fun! Such a good vibes
Loving Everyday May so far.
I don’t usually post comments, but I wanted to let you know that you are an inspiration currently, to try to be myself and embrace the whole hot girl mindset, including tennis. I envy your relationship and the fact that you work and train together, I had recently lost mine and I am trying to heal and be better for the future. I have started playing tennis against a wall and I was wondering if you have any thoughts or recommendations about tennis gear, such as shoes or maybe uv protective clothes?
YOUR ARMS 🥰👀 you are such a motivation to me
Im loving the fitness motivation. I want to get into fitness but I am struggling with consistency
It’s the hardest part for sure 😅 you’ve got this! 🎉🎉
I loved the into on the vid! Also, Great tips!
This is probably a silly question but how to you keep track of footage from the same trip but are for different videos topics ? Do you switch kit memory cards or do you just do it while editing ?
Question…because you don’t like the taste of AG1, any reason you don’t just mix it with your pre workout and creatine cocktail? I ask because my morning cocktail is AG1, Electrolytes, Fiber & the D3 + K2 drops. Have always wondered if there is any reason I shouldn’t mix them all. 🤷🏼♀️
Love the motivational healthy lifestyle content!
How do you keep your shrimp from tasting fishy when you rewarm it??
Love this video, just do your best everyone 🌟🌟🌟
I just NEED to get this motivation for traveling especially. So easy to get off track and I’m insane in my brain and go off track once and then I’m like “well now I can’t workout for a week until it’s the perfect time to start back” absolutely makes zero sense lol
Thank you so so much for this conent Allana ❤
I thought I recognized Farm Boy! I am obsessed with their Cobb salad and generally I prefer their ready meals compared to other grocery stores
Oooo yes the Cobb looked fire 🎉
don't get me wrong, but when i first saw your videos i thought you were just another extremely pretty girl, but after watching a few i see that you are actually really strong and physically dedicated. it's inspiring
LOVING everyday may❤️❤️❤️
You are so fit and healthy! I love it
How many different meals do you eat in a week? It Lllooks like you always eat the shrimp meal 😅
I love shrimp 😂
You motivate me - thank you! Constantly admiring the muscle tone on your arms 😍
Wow look at that biceps girl !!💪🏼💪🏼 you really motivate me to keep going on that hot girl spring/summer!!
Doesn’t the oura ring already tracks your step?
Really admire your dedication to the meal plan. It's just the amount of shrimp you eat that makes me really bad for the environment 😔. Especially with all the travel you have to do for work (which I totally get is part of it).
I love shrimp and salmon, but limit myself to having them only once a month to try and add my share of responsibility for our planet (in addition to other things I try to avoid or do proactively).
What are your go-to proteins? I can’t have soy and beans shoot my butt into outer space lmao
@@allanaramaa haha I can relate to that 😂
I usually mix a lot of plant-based proteins (lentils, chickpeas/hummus, broccoli, seeds) and also add animal-based proteins if I am sure that they were sourced as sustainable as possible - meat and eggs from local farms, cottage cheese/sour cream/greek-style yoghurt from my region (I live in Austria). I do try to keep the meat to a minimum though, even though I really like it 🫠
Just something so much more fun about being this early ✨✨✨✨
I also get a face rash when I eat too much sugar and I don’t know why!
Watching while getting some movement in on my exercise bike 😎
I only really started watching all your uploads last year and oh man I so missed out all those years that I haven‘t been watching you! I love your energy and your sight on health and fitness. You motivate me a lot. 🩵 (hi from switzerland 🫢🇨🇭)
Your videos this last year have left me convinced I need more shrimp in my life haha. Honestly, I never reached for it as a protein option until I saw it in nearly all of your vids 😂 So delish.
It’s so easy to make and so juicy 😂🎉
I only get my steps in when I travel 😂 here in DTLA I do little to no walking since I’m surrounded by homeless encampments (I’ve gotten yelled at, chased by, had phone stolen by folks 😢)
I totally recognized sweat and tonic from your Instagram post!
I've always wanted to try one of those dance workout classes. Lol, I used to love to go out and dance the night away, and back then, my body was tight and right. I mean, i may have been drunk, but boy, it was so fun. 😂 You have a great body #goals #HGS #Everydaymay 🫶
I really need to get back to doing 10 k steps apart from gym….thanks Allana❤️
You got it girl!! 🎉🎉
After I had back surgery I had to get physical therapy and we focused on my core. My physical therapist said do your planks, they're like the vegetables of exercises. So do your planks!
the hot girl life is the lifeeeeeee ✨✨✨
chefs kiss outro
Constant motivation 🔥🙌🏼