Big Win!! | I love getting lucky!

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @eerisedtofame5953
    @eerisedtofame5953 Рік тому +7

    CONGRATULATIONS Ondrei, Great win. I've been wanting to see what ticket numbers are good on the Emeralds🎉 that 9X was cool!

  • @spineo8483
    @spineo8483 Рік тому +3

    AWESOME win!!! Great start to the weekend

  • @steppy-d
    @steppy-d Рік тому +1

    The emerald was right on time... Great session!! 👍

  • @sandrathomas4485
    @sandrathomas4485 Рік тому +1

    That new ticket has been hitting great wins. Awesome session.

  • @a_lemonator8642
    @a_lemonator8642 Рік тому +5

    Hey Ondrei, just wanted to thank you again for going out of your way to get me a birthday ticket last week. Your channel is great and i appreciate who you are a a person as well. 😊 good luck with every session going forward.

    • @americanlivesmatter-BmanWild
      @americanlivesmatter-BmanWild Місяць тому

      Yeah "Thanks for the freebie bromeo" way it goes to man ~ notice all the work is done alone ~ (keep THAT in mind) when/if you hit the jackpot dont even upload it dont even tell anyone *that doesnt mean you are greedy, that proves you are right* because im telling you man heart to heart 12 blood relatives pass away , i flew 4 planes and was a paul barrier for my aunt , 2013 but my mom passes away not even a kind word from anyone left nothingbut hateful crap (they are nothing but vultures man REMEMBER THAT you keep your biggest win to yourself man) people could donate to you a fraction but will they ? They are only positive as "thank you for gimme" thats them on thier best day . Sitting on thier ass half mass at every job you see them at getting paid more than you just to dictate it meritlessly .. I had faith in people but man ol man to know the truth when my mom passes away telling you man "dont waste your time on them the only happiness you are feeling is your only energy you had before you started" that Eve will leave you hanging on the worst of days that you yourself have already made leaps and bounds for *itll be easy to say "i dont know what you are talkung about man , ill be the bigger guy and give them a chance & (you know this ) Noah gave them every reason but did they help fk no , Jesus gave himself but did they stop human sacrifice? No they are hooked on the idea....just believe in yourself *saying to yourself "ahh fk it its small investment"

  • @frankssandrie3051
    @frankssandrie3051 Рік тому

    Emarold mine..great watching❤

  • @timetoscratch
    @timetoscratch Рік тому +1

    I loved the $10 Diamond Mine 20X so I’m super stoked for this Emerald Mine 9X ‼️ thanks for showing these and enjoy the rest of your weekend 😎👊🏻👋🏻 congratulations on your session!

  • @4tank4
    @4tank4 Рік тому

    Great session with profit good luck your next one 🍀🍀🍀🍀

  • @AnnDavis-mk7lz
    @AnnDavis-mk7lz Рік тому

    Little bit more relaxing when you know you've broken even.
    Then to have a profitable session, awesome.

  • @VinE-o4p
    @VinE-o4p 11 місяців тому +1

    Up here in PA, I won 1,000 off a THREE DOLLAR Christmas scratcher. Now I'm hooked and enjoy educating myself on chance, risk, and probability. So far, I keep winning what I lose! I don't get it.
    A big part of my lotto purchases is innate intuition.

  • @suzannessweetkitchen6266
    @suzannessweetkitchen6266 Рік тому

    I like that you put the running total at the bottom. :) Congrats on the win!

  • @siennareese
    @siennareese Рік тому

    That West Virginia scratcher coin bringing some profit in FL! Nice session! Enjoy the rest of your weekend Ondrei!

  • @toddtrierweiler958
    @toddtrierweiler958 Рік тому +1

    I'm thinking about starting a channel for tickets and the way my luck 🤞🍀 has been going you actually gave me the name for it the dud part of the pack 😂but congratulations to you 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉

  • @blueowl88
    @blueowl88 11 місяців тому

    I'm sure someone has said this before but you sound exactly like Bob Odenkirk and I am here for it!!!❤

  • @NESscratcher
    @NESscratcher Рік тому +1

    WooHoo! 💙💰

  • @hachiback6018
    @hachiback6018 Рік тому

    I like these mix ticket sessions and congrats on the win

  • @susanmorris7121
    @susanmorris7121 Рік тому

    Congrats!!! on that nice hit.

  • @Flamingogambler
    @Flamingogambler Рік тому

    Congrats!!! I’m doing a full book of the emeralds next week! I can’t wait! Happy Sunday! 😊

  • @fayesluck5937
    @fayesluck5937 Рік тому

    My biggest win on a one dollar ticket was $200 on the new triple match. Glad to see a win on the emerald mine I’ve played a bunch and they have been awful nothing but losers 2024 not much better! Always enjoy watching you. Because of you I started my own channel

  • @peggyquinones4411
    @peggyquinones4411 Рік тому

    Good morning nice session

  • @_stephanie-A
    @_stephanie-A Рік тому

    wow nice win 💰💰💰💰

  • @spursjohn
    @spursjohn Рік тому

    Congratulations ❤

  • @burutondoragon4444
    @burutondoragon4444 Рік тому

    Congrats 🎉💰💯

  • @TheRealCaptainScratch
    @TheRealCaptainScratch Рік тому

    Nice win. 9x is such a weird multiplier.

  • @cynthiachabre9899
    @cynthiachabre9899 Рік тому

    Hi I am new here congratulations on the winning tickets!!🙂

  • @davidrussell6816
    @davidrussell6816 Рік тому

    Good evening GRODS! Great session!

  • @brelade
    @brelade Рік тому +1

    How do the birthday tickets work? Mine is April and was curious if we needed to be a member.

    • @GetRichorDieScratching
      @GetRichorDieScratching  Рік тому

      Hey! You don’t have to be a member. Just email inside the month of your birthday.

  • @JackpotWin.902
    @JackpotWin.902 11 місяців тому +1

    Congratuleson 🎉💸🍀👌🏻🏆🪙😎

  • @BignorbScratches
    @BignorbScratches Рік тому

    Way to go! Congratulations

  • @henryhahn9741
    @henryhahn9741 Рік тому +2

    I was curious how tf they were gonna use the 9x

  • @outlawjjsmith
    @outlawjjsmith Рік тому

    CONGRATULATIONS Andre, Now hit a Claimer

  • @tammybuck3293
    @tammybuck3293 Рік тому

    Nice win 🎉❤!

  • @scratchnpuff
    @scratchnpuff Рік тому +1

    Nice sesh GRODS!!💙✌️

  • @lisadianewilson1945
    @lisadianewilson1945 Рік тому +1

    Hey friend, you missed a diamond on the 4th play- left side.

  • @Lebofilms
    @Lebofilms Рік тому

    Haven't really played this new game yet. Hope I get a hit like yours when I do :)

  • @MissScratcher
    @MissScratcher Рік тому

    Congrats on your wins GRODS

  • @katiO97uWu
    @katiO97uWu Рік тому

    Gl and stay safe 🎉😊

  • @SasquatchPoetMikeDockins22
    @SasquatchPoetMikeDockins22 Рік тому

    Ooh, that $100 win was a cool. I love it when there's a wide variety of WAYS to win on a ticket. That happened to me about a year ago (FL) on the 300x ticket. It was a $1,000 claimer but I hit two of the bonus spots, and then a bunch of multipliers to boot. :) Also, are you going to be live today (Saturday)? MD

  • @ruthdriscoll8596
    @ruthdriscoll8596 Рік тому +1

    Why do you call the number 4 BABY DOLL? Just curious 🤔?

  • @ral2409
    @ral2409 Рік тому

    Great to see a profit, congrats!

  • @richardenglert2646
    @richardenglert2646 Рік тому

    nice session, thanks

  • @galenturner1266
    @galenturner1266 Рік тому

    Nice win 😊😊

  • @sunsetman321
    @sunsetman321 Рік тому

    Nice Hundo!!

  • @katherynVanHoozier
    @katherynVanHoozier Рік тому

    Got my coin in yesterday and I am so happy with it😍 you’re the best GRODS

  • @audunharam2202
    @audunharam2202 Рік тому

    I love when you show the money at the screen

  • @AuthorRMRose
    @AuthorRMRose Рік тому

    Cool win!

  • @stimus44
    @stimus44 Рік тому

    TY for changing up!! love low boys too!!!

  • @rhondacraft3379
    @rhondacraft3379 Рік тому

    Nice hundo!!

  • @iyashiaki
    @iyashiaki Рік тому

    We got a $3 crossword scratcher out here that has an odds of 1:3. its the best odds on a cheap ticket ive seen, so I play it a lot.

  • @leemcclements8889
    @leemcclements8889 Рік тому +2

    I just got back from Clearwater after buying 5 of the Emerald 9x's . Only won 5 bucks and had to bring it home because I forgot I had it in my wallet! Can you claim an out of state ticket? Or...I can send it to you if you want. It's only $5 but I know we won't be back before a years time. It's yours if you want I!

  • @Joe-ep9lk
    @Joe-ep9lk Рік тому

    Good Luck :):)

  • @theloudhouse1461
    @theloudhouse1461 Рік тому

    im glad you put how much you won ots

  • @arnoudmuilwijk7722
    @arnoudmuilwijk7722 Рік тому

    I expect a full book with Ms.D🎉

  • @robertmoss8478
    @robertmoss8478 Рік тому

    Love the hundo!!!!!

  • @carlosgamez9521
    @carlosgamez9521 Рік тому

    Extra sauce baby 🎉

  • @stacydangelo
    @stacydangelo 6 місяців тому


  • @marilynmitchell4132
    @marilynmitchell4132 Рік тому

    Nice win

  • @johnjamison6082
    @johnjamison6082 Рік тому

    Way to go !

  • @CherylDaPearlHawkins
    @CherylDaPearlHawkins Рік тому +1

    Hey GROD SQUAD, imm baackk😂💲💰🌲. Happy Holidays to everyone 🤶🏾🎁

  • @BobbyTB425
    @BobbyTB425 Рік тому

    Hello from St. Pete

  • @gretasrq7682
    @gretasrq7682 Рік тому

    Profit! ✌🏼 ❤

  • @michellemau
    @michellemau Рік тому

    Hi GRODS 👍🏻✌🏻✨️

  • @johnjamison6082
    @johnjamison6082 Рік тому

    Go for the big win!

  • @josephsegarra4770
    @josephsegarra4770 Рік тому

    nice profit session

  • @dsparks149
    @dsparks149 Рік тому

    Nice ❤❤❤

  • @scratchmassters
    @scratchmassters Рік тому +1

    Boom! Nice hit GRODS!! Have an awesome Sunday👍👍

  • @AmberK663
    @AmberK663 Рік тому

    Can you do a book of the $2 2024 tickets please

  • @patriciagregorowicz8141
    @patriciagregorowicz8141 Рік тому


  • @Nbicica
    @Nbicica Рік тому +1

    The most I’ve ever won was actually on a $1 ticket. My friend gave me some tickets for my birthday and I got the top prize of $2,000.

  • @cristinweekley2547
    @cristinweekley2547 Рік тому

    Play a full pack on the emeralds!!👍🤩

  • @corncount
    @corncount Рік тому

    Nice !!!

  • @paulleescratcher
    @paulleescratcher Рік тому

    That was a awesome proift if you want to go and vote on my poll doing a 5 dollar book on Christmas Eve

  • @pattiharrison9667
    @pattiharrison9667 Рік тому

    Love the winner !!!

  • @adrianamartinese7965
    @adrianamartinese7965 Рік тому

    Lucky today!!!🎉🎉

  • @toddtrierweiler958
    @toddtrierweiler958 Рік тому

    I spent over $200 on the newest tickets and only got $2 back I will stick with the older tickets

  • @TeriKnippen
    @TeriKnippen Рік тому

    Great profit sesh & video GRODS! The camera just loves the emerald ticket. 🍀💚 I enjoyed the show, see you next time.
    Ps, lol, random b-day is 07-07🥳🎉 I don't expect anything or for you to remember that tiny detail. Just a shout-out on that day would be nice. I'll e📧
    you when we get closer
    Congrats, on the 💯 💶 hundo! Pew, pew, pew! Hype it up!💥💥💥🚀✌🏼☮️💜

  • @jhonatanmendez4553
    @jhonatanmendez4553 Рік тому +1

    How can I get one of your coins

    • @GetRichorDieScratching
      @GetRichorDieScratching  Рік тому

      Thanks for asking about my coin!
      You can order here:
      $20 includes shipping.
      Best, Ondrei

  • @stephanieames7216
    @stephanieames7216 11 місяців тому

    Hello andre

  • @girlinthe_garden
    @girlinthe_garden Рік тому

    I bought twenty $2 tickets and only won $2 back once. Lol it was rough

  • @ladymartinique8951
    @ladymartinique8951 3 місяці тому

    Was in Orlando and I buy over 200$ in tickets 5$ 3$ and win only 23$ my goodness

  • @robertgregory1912
    @robertgregory1912 Рік тому +1

    UA-cam pays for all those tickets.But I've been watching for months and the most money won a single ticket was $500. big deal

    • @GetRichorDieScratching
      @GetRichorDieScratching  Рік тому +1

      Unfortunately the odds are bad. I’m hoping to find that life changing prize of $1M

  • @CherylDaPearlHawkins
    @CherylDaPearlHawkins Рік тому


  • @rebeccajeananderson7610
    @rebeccajeananderson7610 Рік тому +1

    Yeah but everyone I go to email u it says address not found

  • @roshondajohnson2045
    @roshondajohnson2045 Рік тому

    😂 definitely messed up the math 🤓

  • @toddtrierweiler958
    @toddtrierweiler958 Рік тому +1

    The odds for $100 is 1 in 94384

  • @msdeethehoneybeewilson4681
    @msdeethehoneybeewilson4681 Рік тому

    Haven't done good on the Emerald.

  • @seattlewa.
    @seattlewa. 4 місяці тому

    scratch never make u rich and famous lottery yes

  • @bsbillionscratch
    @bsbillionscratch Рік тому +1


  • @toddtrierweiler958
    @toddtrierweiler958 Рік тому

    My biggest win on any ticket was back in 2018 on the $2 2018 ticket it is my only claimer ever for$1,000

  • @DP-jt5kz
    @DP-jt5kz Рік тому


  • @chuckmcbee6965
    @chuckmcbee6965 Рік тому

    The one ticket was $500 because it had 18 times

  • @msdeethehoneybeewilson4681
    @msdeethehoneybeewilson4681 Рік тому +1

    I won a hundo on that new crossword.

  • @Noonelikesme01
    @Noonelikesme01 Рік тому +8

    I stopped playing because it’s so disgraceful that You only win what You pay for the ticket many times. If You are risking between 20 & 50, At least give out more than they paid. It’s embarrassing

    • @andyj2607
      @andyj2607 Рік тому +2

      for me personally i still play, but have come to terms that all the higher paying tickets are no where in my town..i got a 9x and 3 other matches and they were 2.00 about fl is ridiculous.

    • @Noonelikesme01
      @Noonelikesme01 Рік тому

      @@andyj2607 Same in Ny. I got tight when I played a $ 30 ticket and won $ 30

  • @rebeccajeananderson7610
    @rebeccajeananderson7610 Рік тому +1

    I don't know ur email address but my birthday is the 31st of this month

  • @47tooter
    @47tooter 11 місяців тому

    I hit 5 -1,000 tickets, I hit 23 -500 tickets, I hit 2 - 400 tickets, I - hit 2 -300 tickets and 8 - 200 tickets,
    I hit 30 100$ tickets, I hit 55 -50$ tickets and I hit hundreds of 5$ thru 50$. AND ...
    I hit 1 - 30,000$. ticket. All in around a ten year period. playing 300$ a week

  • @angeloignacio3758
    @angeloignacio3758 11 місяців тому

    I've got a $500 winner on $1 ticket One time and I play a lot lol.

  • @TheElevatorNinja
    @TheElevatorNinja 7 місяців тому +1

    You have 123 dollars back

  • @tammyjane.
    @tammyjane. Рік тому

    Hi y'all

  • @Angie19943
    @Angie19943 Рік тому

    Ticket 35 come through

  • @toddtrierweiler958
    @toddtrierweiler958 Рік тому

    I would get more winners picking my 👃