00:00 Introduction to variables. 01:12 Steps 02:00 Getting all the input dataset into the GIS. like in 02:30 DEM map uploading. 03:19 Working on LandUse file 03:30 Standardizing attributes of LandUse by creating a column called "LandVal". First theory showing on word. 05:07 Done in GIS. 07:50 Rasterize 09:25 Soil data rasterize. 11:45 Slope 12:00 clip area of interest. 13:20 Calculating slope from DEM. 15:00 reclassify slope raster using reclassify value. 20:00 alternative soil reclassify using r.reclass. 21:00 raster calculator to combine all raster using their weightage on final product. 23:20 suitability raster
Great help. thank you a lot. Do you have any idea from where we can get the soil type and land use of any place in the world? Is there any source or sth?
You can visit websites like ISIMOD. Also SWATCUP website has soil and landuse map....But for more accurate landuse map, you must visit geotechnical/survey department of your country as they will provide raster and vector files of landuse( may be even updated in every few years)
help i can't finish the landuse part, when I try to rasterize it, it says "ERROR 1: Attempt to create 0x0 dataset is illegal,sizes must be larger than zero. "
Thank you very much, I want to ask something. For my suitability analysis, I have distance to road criteria (road data is line) and distance to transportation stations (trans. stations are point) criteria. What strategy should I follow in this situation? Which modules should I use?
Similar approach can be followed. If distance from road is 2 km and from station is 3 km then take buffer of road of 2 km and that of station as 3 km. The buffer for point will be circle while for line, buffer will be oval/rounded rectangular type up to 2 km distance from the line/road.
10, 8 , 6, 1 represents the importance factor. Suppose slope from 0 to 3 are most important for your work, you will replace all the value from 0 to 3 to 10 and so on. This value (i.e. 10, 8, 6, etc.) will be further used in calculation and most important will be given maximum number and vice-versa.
00:00 Introduction to variables.
01:12 Steps
02:00 Getting all the input dataset into the GIS. like in 02:30 DEM map uploading.
03:19 Working on LandUse file
03:30 Standardizing attributes of LandUse by creating a column called "LandVal". First theory showing on word. 05:07 Done in GIS.
07:50 Rasterize
09:25 Soil data rasterize.
11:45 Slope
12:00 clip area of interest.
13:20 Calculating slope from DEM.
15:00 reclassify slope raster using reclassify value.
20:00 alternative soil reclassify using r.reclass.
21:00 raster calculator to combine all raster using their weightage on final product.
23:20 suitability raster
Great help. thank you a lot. Do you have any idea from where we can get the soil type and land use of any place in the world? Is there any source or sth?
You can visit websites like ISIMOD. Also SWATCUP website has soil and landuse map....But for more accurate landuse map, you must visit geotechnical/survey department of your country as they will provide raster and vector files of landuse( may be even updated in every few years)
help i can't finish the landuse part, when I try to rasterize it, it says "ERROR 1: Attempt to create 0x0 dataset is illegal,sizes must be larger than zero. "
Very informative but I have a question is this also referred to TOPSIS method?
Thank you very much, I want to ask something. For my suitability analysis, I have distance to road criteria (road data is line) and distance to transportation stations (trans. stations are point) criteria. What strategy should I follow in this situation? Which modules should I use?
Similar approach can be followed. If distance from road is 2 km and from station is 3 km then take buffer of road of 2 km and that of station as 3 km. The buffer for point will be circle while for line, buffer will be oval/rounded rectangular type up to 2 km distance from the line/road.
Excellent video
Thank you
Very explanatory video, congratulations! I suggest a song in the background, because, very silent. :)
Thank you. Will consider adding music next time.
What do the data in replace with (10, 8, 6 and 1) mean ???
10, 8 , 6, 1 represents the importance factor. Suppose slope from 0 to 3 are most important for your work, you will replace all the value from 0 to 3 to 10 and so on. This value (i.e. 10, 8, 6, etc.) will be further used in calculation and most important will be given maximum number and vice-versa.
@@JustLearnCivil I understood perfectly now. Thank you for your feedback. From here in Brazil I send a big thank you
Thank you
Can you please share the word doc you used for this video so we can follow along?
You can view steps in the blog here and download data as well-
Is this weighted overlay or weighted sum overlay?
Were can i found the data you used?
You can Download data here justlearncivil.blogspot.com/2019/05/multiple-criteria-decision-making-in-gis.html?m=1
that was very nice but it would have been even better if you included your voice in it
please, can I get a word file for this video
Thank you sir!. But can you explain how can we extract such small area and can you just mention from which website you have downloaded that map
You can download DEM from USGS earthexplorer site of your location.
Sir can u please share from where did you download the data ?
You can download data from blog:
please add also about lithology,lineaments and suitability map of all in one
Can we do it for suitable site for canal construction
Thank you very much
Thanks ,