Why are there so many SHOE stores in GERMANY?!

  • Опубліковано 26 вер 2024


  • @detales91
    @detales91 2 роки тому +46

    We also walk literally everywhere - xD

  • @klausherzog2605
    @klausherzog2605 2 роки тому +58

    Du hast Deutschland im August, während der Zeit des Sommerschlussverkaufs (SSV) besucht. Das ist traditionell die Zeit in der die Geschäfte den Rest ihrer Sommerkollektionen verkaufen um für die neuen Herbst- und Winterkollektionen Platz zu schaffen.
    Das ganze hat auch einen historischen Hintergrund: Bis vor etwa 20 Jahren galt in Deutschland das Rabattgesetz. Damals durfte ein Händler nur während des Sommer- und Winterschlussverkaufs und zu speziellen Firmenjubiläen einen Rabatt von über 3% geben. Er durfte zwar jederzeit die Preise senken, durfte aber nicht damit werben, dass ein Produkt jetzt günstiger sei. Nachdem das Rabattgesetz aufgehoben wurde, haben die Geschäfte die Tradition der Winter- und Sommerschlussverkäufe einfach weitergeführt.
    Für den Verbraucher war das Rabattgesetz prinzipiell nicht schlecht, da es in den Geschäften praktisch keine Fantasiepreise gab. Heute werden viele Waren für eine kurze Zeit zu Fantasiepreisen angeboten, nur um danach mit einem Rabatt von 40-60% zu werben.

  • @Schwuuuuup
    @Schwuuuuup 2 роки тому +37

    When I was in school in the 90s in Bremen, Germany, my Economy teacher tought us, that we have many shoe stores in the city center because they make the most money per square meter compared to other types of stores, so they are able to outbid others in rent. No clue if this was true or if is true today. But I think that shoe stores have a little less pressure from online shops because you want to try the shoes before buying.

    • @huawafabe
      @huawafabe 2 роки тому +3

      That's a really good point. I never ordered shoes online!

  • @tommay6590
    @tommay6590 2 роки тому +20

    Just a guess, but Passau - which is not very big when measured by population - serves as a commercial centre for the surrounding towns and communities since the next larger city, e.g. Regensburg or Munich are far away. So since it doesn’t make any sense to have a single shoe shop in each village, they are concentrated in middle cities like Passau.

  • @annalottchen9
    @annalottchen9 2 роки тому +26

    From a German teen/ young adult perspective I can say that I hate shoe shopping here haha. There are so many shoe shops but even before you go there you can kind of assume that you won't find any that you like and that you'll have to go to at least 3 different ones to find some pair you like. I feel like most shoe stores are tailored to older people and have a big assortment of ugly old people shoes😅 so I basically always just end up ordering my shoes online 🤷‍♀️

    • @snoopyjulzz
      @snoopyjulzz 2 роки тому

      Same, I mostly find ones I like at Deichmann but the rest is just dedicated to the older generation

  • @kaess307
    @kaess307 2 роки тому +6

    Shoes are so-called Schnelldreher (fast movers), which means that they are only in store for a short time and you only need small stocks, which also depend on the size of the store. With the high rental costs in the city centers, "shoes" is a lucrative business. Therefore there are a lot of shoe shops, as well as phone shops, where it looks similar in terms of cost.

  • @j.a6731
    @j.a6731 2 роки тому +16

    You asked what kind of people buy at that kind of smaller stores with ugly shoes, its mostly old people 😂

  • @wncjan
    @wncjan 2 роки тому +8

    Some people buy shoes for their feet, not for their eyes. Comfort is more important than looks. 😁

    • @folkehoffmann1198
      @folkehoffmann1198 2 роки тому +2

      Not only comfort but also how long they'll last me. I have pretty wide feet and it took me forever to find shoes that will last me longer than half a year.

  • @Wintermaus
    @Wintermaus 2 роки тому +11

    Because we walk a lot here in Germany, we actually wear our shoes out very fast, we walk A LOT, as opposed to the U.S. where people drive everywhere, or vegetate on the sofa, gross obesity in the U.S is no secret.
    And yeah.... some shoes may seem or "look" ugly, that's because they're made for many kilometers of walking.

    • @aphextwin5712
      @aphextwin5712 2 роки тому

      I might be an extreme case, and this refers to running and hiking shoes, but I wear down one or two pairs of shoes every year to the point that there is a hole in the sole.

    • @dontcareimacat7821
      @dontcareimacat7821 2 роки тому

      Don’t hold back,tell us how you really feel!

  • @Bernhard-ik4hv
    @Bernhard-ik4hv 2 роки тому +5

    What I always wonder is if women in the US really wear high heels so often as we see it in shows, sitcoms, movies etc. Because in Germany I feel like women only wear them to parties or in clubs.

    • @amyvinson9353
      @amyvinson9353 2 роки тому +5

      Not often. Usually in the US it's at clubs, or formal events such as weddings, but also occasionally people will wear them to work in an office, but it's personal preference. The majority just wear flats.

  • @lovelyisabelle2028
    @lovelyisabelle2028 2 роки тому +2

    Well when you walk everywhere you need new shoes every year/season ;). And of course there are a lot of shoe stores in the cities, cause they have almost none in the little towns around it so people drive into the city to buy shoes ;)

  • @Liebhabern
    @Liebhabern 2 роки тому +4

    Findest du, das es zu viele Geschäfte davon gibt? Mich stören die Spielhallen an jeder Ecke viel mehr. Die sind mir echt ein Dorn im Auge.
    Eine große Auswahl ist doch in Ordnung, für jede/n ist bestimmt was dabei und man kann die Schuhe vor Ort anprobieren ob sie auch passen.

  • @michielvoetberg4634
    @michielvoetberg4634 2 роки тому +13

    Brands produce lots of 'fast fashion' shoes which go 'out of fashion' quick.
    That way they sell more, make more money.
    Leftovers are sold cheap to smaller retailers, hence the sales.
    There are more small businesses who try to profit from the 'fast fashion'.
    Fast fashion is horribly inefficient and produces a lot of waste. Did you spot any shoe repair shops? Probably not.
    I don't think it is just a German problem, but global. You just see more smaller retailers instead of only big-box stores in the US

    • @jakobschulze7440
      @jakobschulze7440 2 роки тому +1

      Absolutly agree...it might seem that Germany/Germans are more environmentally conscious and it may be true in one way or another, but your absolutely right with your point of fast fashion.
      Fast fashion is a harmfull trend that we are still to overcome.

    • @michielvoetberg4634
      @michielvoetberg4634 2 роки тому +2

      @@jakobschulze7440 And to overcome we shouldn't just focus on consumer behaviour, as a society we should prevent large corporations from abusing the market

    • @jakobschulze7440
      @jakobschulze7440 2 роки тому +1

      @@michielvoetberg4634 Yeah, laws are really important and crucial part of the solution, but with fast fashion I think, in comparison with other climate issues, we face more a sort of "trend".
      And so solving this problem and looking on it as a trend or a "movement" if you will, changing consumer behaviour will be a big part of the solution.

    • @strawberryfields81
      @strawberryfields81 2 роки тому

      That’s so awful. I’m a woman but I don’t like buying shoes. I have three kids though and I have to buy them new shoes every year and every season. But I prefer smaller shops than D****mann. I just don’t feel good in shoe shops, don’t like the smell and the fact you have to bend down and crawl on the floor lol. Fast fashion is a big issue and newspapers should make ppl aware of this problem.

  • @martinstubs6203
    @martinstubs6203 2 роки тому +1

    Deichmann is a large thrift shoe store chain, international but based in Germany, well known for their cheap shoes.

  • @dontcareimacat7821
    @dontcareimacat7821 2 роки тому +1

    Have you ever been to Kohl’s here in the states? Don’t think I ever walked into their store without everything being 50% off or buy one get 2 free!😅

  • @benbru
    @benbru 2 роки тому +2

    Gute Frage, hab ich noch nie drüber nachgedacht 🤣

  • @Saki_Yukawa
    @Saki_Yukawa 2 роки тому +1

    in my town there are 5 shoe stores and its ABSOLUTELY NOT ENOUGH. i need more. i need to try on 100 shoes and i hate having to walk between shoe stores for a long time. i like to go from one to the other within minutes

  • @brianoconner7645
    @brianoconner7645 2 роки тому +1

    Price differences between US and (German) European shoe brands are due to (import) taxes+freight costs. And of course they sell higher because they are „foreign“ (potentially more appealing). Have a look at jeans like Levi’s - insane differences.

  • @jurgenwilhelm5412
    @jurgenwilhelm5412 2 роки тому +7

    Hmh. Are there really so many "more" shoe stores in comparison to clothes stores? If I look into the shop infrastructure of my city (quite comparable to Passau), I don't think, there is much difference between clothes and shoes. Everybody needs shoes like they need trousers or shirts. And if you have around 20 clothes stores in town then it would be from my perspective somehow normal to have 10 shoe stores in the same city center. The question would be: Why do you have so few shoe stores in the US? :)
    The other thing of course is: why does every shop have the same shoes? This is of course quite a pity, but I think, there are not many bigger manufacturer of shoes in the market. It's the same with clothes: A lot of shops sell Esprit or other bigger fashion brands in the cheaper segment. The only diffenrence may be, which part of the offerings of these brands the shops are selling. Same for shoes. If you sell Nike you get Nike. If you sell Paul Green you get Paul Green. No bigger shop can ignore these brands.

  • @PalmyraSchwarz
    @PalmyraSchwarz 2 роки тому +2

    In addition to a few chains such as Reno or Deichmann, some local retailers in Passau have apparently been able to stay afloat. In contrast to the USA with huge chains, local retailers with a total of three or four branches in one city dominated the shoe business for many years. You say there are many, I have to say unfortunately these local retailers are disappearing from the city centers, leaving behind a desert of choice. Only junk brands survive or adapted to the zeitgeist, any sneaker brands. Horrible.

  • @teotik8071
    @teotik8071 2 роки тому +2

    Having proper shoes and glasses (if your wear them) is a necessity. You could wear fancy brandnew clothes but if your shoes do not match that, you are doomed. That's were most people look at first.

  • @snoopyjulzz
    @snoopyjulzz 2 роки тому

    Even though we have a lot of shoe stores, most teenagers (or people in general) just have one or two pairs! Also Deichmann is very popular (maybe the most popular) and Snipes (for expensive/posh shoes from known brands like Nike for example)

  • @jbsmarklinmodellbahn1728
    @jbsmarklinmodellbahn1728 2 роки тому

    Very good question. I´ve no idea🤔

  • @robertzander9723
    @robertzander9723 2 роки тому +2

    Hallo Montana,
    In Deutschland läuft man einfach gerne, ob es das Wandern durch die Natur ist, der Spaziergang bei schönem Wetter oder der Schaufensterbummel am Sonntag ist. Die Menschen in Deutschland machen gerne mal Dinge einfach zu Fuß, man braucht hier nicht für alles ein Auto. Dann ist u.a. Passau auch eine Stadt in der man Urlaub macht und dann Zeit hat sich Schuhe zu kaufen. Es gibt dann auch Schuhgeschäfte für verschiedene Preiskategorien.
    Und Schuhmacher ist eines der traditionellen Handwerke in Deutschland, ähnlich wie Schneider, Bäcker, Metzger oder Bierbrauer.
    Das macht schon Sinn.
    Die Amerikaner in den USA haben dafür wohl nicht so viel übrig, den echtes Handwerk benötigt auch etwas Zeit und die nehmen sich Amerikaner doch eher selten.
    Birkenstock müssen importiert werden, daher sind sie teuerer.

    • @tasminoben686
      @tasminoben686 2 роки тому +1

      Ja, der berühmte Verdauungsspaziergang

  • @butenbremer1965
    @butenbremer1965 2 роки тому +1

    In Deutschland gibt es viele Schuhgeschäfte? Das war mir bislang gar nicht aufgefallen.... aber jetzt, wo Du es sagst: in meinem 30.000 Seelen-Ort kenne ich mindestens fünf! Tankstellen haben wir hingegen nur drei......... interessant!

    • @silkwesir1444
      @silkwesir1444 2 роки тому +1

      Ich wollte sagen, bei uns haben wir mit 300.000 Einwohnern nur 3-5 Schuhgeschäfte ... aber dann hab ich erstmal Google befragt, und es scheint über 20 zu geben. Irgendwie nehm ich die wohl nicht wahr ;)

    • @butenbremer1965
      @butenbremer1965 2 роки тому

      @@silkwesir1444 HaHaHa, krass :-)

  • @Lormenkal64
    @Lormenkal64 2 роки тому +1

    Well I am happy if my shoes last 3 years doesnt seem too long of a time to me, also a lot of the sale stuff will be out of season shoes, because in winter nobody buys light shoes or sandals and in summer nobody buys winter boots. I guess shoe taste is more towards comfort for a lot of people here and not that much about having a particular brand unless you are really into that stuff (sneakerheads)

  • @expatexpat6531
    @expatexpat6531 2 роки тому +2

    The number of shoe shops is surpassed only by the number of hairdressing salons and chemist's shops. I'm not sure what this tells us about the culture.

  • @tobidore4778
    @tobidore4778 2 роки тому

    A few secrets about shoes -nice idea!

  • @adventureawaits3646
    @adventureawaits3646 2 роки тому

    it is funny, I never realized how many shoe stores are in my home town until I moved to the US and Germany is a vacation destination. I have no explanation, LOL.
    And most of those "sales" are fake sales, just like here at Macy's etc, there's always some sale, and be it the "it's sunny today" sale or the "mid week" sale or what ever, a lot of marketing nonsense and most things on 'sale' were never on sale for the supposed full price.
    When I moved to the US it was always 'bring back some Levi's and some bags of Doritos' when I flew back. Levi's have gone up in price here though and somewhat down in Germany, probably because they aren't made in the US at all anymore, but in Poland etc. Clothing markets and marketing are pretty crazy.

  • @anna-mariadickmann7032
    @anna-mariadickmann7032 2 роки тому +2

    I was just looking for shoes on Zalando 😅

  • @justacatwhocantype
    @justacatwhocantype 2 роки тому

    I can tell you what's up with the countless shoe stores. Many of them, like Deichmann for instance, sell low to lower middle quality asian made products that will only last a few weeks or months if worn daily. Unfortunetaly the typical German who likes to buy good quality and wear it for as long as possible is a thing of the past. People here are becoming more and more like they are in North America, buying cheap fast fashion and getting rid of it equally quickly, either because they want to move on to the next thing or because what they purchased simply does not last very lost. I lived in North America for quite a while, and upon my return to Germany I was shocked to see how many cheapo stores had opened up everywhere. It's in part because people have gotten poorer, but also because consumer habits in general have changed for the worse, not only when it comes to shoes and fashion. But yes, we also do have good shoe stores, stores that carry specific brands or tend to a specific consumer group like women, children, athletes, and so on and on. I would highly recommend either shopping there or in one of the many good thrift stores that you can fine here in any city. Ironically, the used shoes from those thrift stores will usually last you many times longer than the new shoes from stores like Deichmann.

  • @janpracht6662
    @janpracht6662 2 роки тому +3

    Deichmann offers shoe-brands like Adidas, Puma, FILA or Nike a bit cheaper, these shoes come as a rest from elder collections or are not the newest fashion any more (but who cares?). Deichmann is fairly inexpensive, but do not expect too much quality! Often their shoes are imports from Asia (Cambodia, Vietnam, etc)...

    • @imrehundertwasser7094
      @imrehundertwasser7094 2 роки тому

      It depends. They have some brands that are quite good, but those are not the super-cheap ones. Still, 60 € for a pair of good leather shoes is still cheaper than what you would pay in many other shoe stores.

    • @janpracht6662
      @janpracht6662 2 роки тому

      @@imrehundertwasser7094 When you go to Spain, you get handmade leather-shoes directly from the cobbler in Córdoba for about 70 Euro (handmade boots for about 100 Euro). In Germany you would pay hundreds of Euro for handmade shoes...

    • @imrehundertwasser7094
      @imrehundertwasser7094 2 роки тому

      @@janpracht6662 Unfortunately going to Spain for shoes would cost me much more than the shoes themselves. So that's not really an option for me.

    • @janpracht6662
      @janpracht6662 2 роки тому

      @@imrehundertwasser7094 Of course you connect buying shoes with your holiday. Only because of the shoes I neither would fly to Spain... 😉

  • @M4tti87
    @M4tti87 2 роки тому

    Hahaha :D My Family and a friends famiyl went from Hannover to New York for a week with no luggage :D We were just buying a case there and buying clothes that are way more expensive here than in the US :D I think i bought 5 pairs of Levis and two pair of chucks and an lot of skate brand shirts and carhart work shirts :D I was 16 back then :D PS: The sales are due to seasons and there is always a season over.

  • @J0nas.
    @J0nas. 2 роки тому

    2:51 definitely not with me, I want a lot of choices, so i can wear the perfect outfit for the day (but i have many clothes in general not only shoes)

  • @gluteusmaximus1657
    @gluteusmaximus1657 2 роки тому

    That's interessting. May i ask a counter-question? Why are there so many gunstores in the US? Could it be the answer is the same for both questions : demand and supply ?

  • @J0nas.
    @J0nas. 2 роки тому

    Dr. Martens are originally from germany but since a long(er) time british, not american

  • @happymamas-girlvlog9177
    @happymamas-girlvlog9177 2 роки тому

    how much the range prize of a winter boots and shoes in Germany...

  • @wtsalive8210
    @wtsalive8210 2 роки тому

    Reno and Deichmann are shoe chains over whole Germany, which sell low prices shoes…mostly.
    If you take a closer look at the ware you could see, that the most shoes are made for women. And if I am right women loves to have shoes, even they never wear them! And how more expensive shoes are so better to have them…or so.
    Myself aren’t a great shoes lover. I have 3 pairs only and that fits! That is the reason I didn’t remark how many shoe shops exist in my hometown.

    • @silkwesir1444
      @silkwesir1444 2 роки тому

      Reno is the one with actually low prices, while Deichmann says in their commercials they have low prices while they pretty much have normal prices.

  • @andywhiteman7886
    @andywhiteman7886 2 роки тому

    I rarely wear shoes. The shoe shores would go out of business if they depended on people like me!

  • @vbvideo1669
    @vbvideo1669 2 роки тому

    Nice video! :)

  • @ContinuumGaming
    @ContinuumGaming 2 роки тому

    I often wonder about the same thing... there are THAT many shoe stores and hair cutters all around. Hair cutters are at least much more frequently visited (still... I think there are sooo many that I do not think that people can get that different cuts from them that it would make any sense ;)).
    I think shoe stores are just living off girls and women (pretty big hobby to shop shoes for some... like with hand bags... I do not get that neighter but hey, whatever makes you happy, right?).
    It would explain why most stores like that (including fashion in general) do put womens clothes in front and have a lot bigger departments for them than for the men... I often feel like a secondary level shopper if I walk through an H&M or sOliver or something like that and the whole front is ALL for girls and the men's department is in the corner right next to the toiletts somewhere and you can buy "3 jeans and 4 shirts" while the whole other store is dedicated to woman with 40 different things of everything ;).
    Or maybe they just have very low rents and really sell a lot of shoes... who knows.
    Sales and stuff like that: I would say that is totally marketing bs. Those are just regular prices and they just want to catch people to think "uh, only 150 Euros for those? That is much less than the 170 Euros I would pay..." but in the end it only would be 159 Euros anyway... and the big sale prices are really just psychological.

  • @beyonderprime5020
    @beyonderprime5020 2 роки тому

    Mhhhhh..........and where is the "problem"?? better a few too many shoe stores than too few

  • @thevincentonpost
    @thevincentonpost 2 роки тому

    Are Yeezys cheaper in Germany? A friend of mine is selling yeezy claiming they're a bit cheaper because they came from Germany.

  • @jochenbremer9723
    @jochenbremer9723 2 роки тому

    Die Deutschen Innenstädte sind Fußgänger und Fahrad freundlicher als amerikanische Innstädte .Der Deutsche treibt mehr Sport , wandert und spaziert mehr Er hat mehr Vereine und mehr Urlaubs - Feiertage , somit bewegt und reist er mehr ins Ausland. Dadurch brauch er auch mehr Schuhe , die er auch dann benutzt.

  • @zanderalex2463
    @zanderalex2463 2 роки тому +1

    Zum Glück gibt es die Läden noch. Wir haben in Europa traditionelle Innenstadtgeschäfte, die von Familie zu Familie weitergegeben wurden. Meist tragen die Läden noch den Familiennamen.Nicht nur Schuhgeschäfte. Ich bin traurig um jedes einzelne Geschäft, das von den großen Stores geschluckt wird, so wie die Plattenläden von Saturn, Mediamarkt und dem Internet. Da man Schuhe auch anprobieren muss (im Gegensatz zu einer Waschmaschine oder einer CD), gibt es die Läden noch. Frage an dich - sind die amerikanischen kleinen Geschäfte bereits zerstört oder gab es immer nur die Großen?

  • @m.j.222
    @m.j.222 2 роки тому

    Du hast Dich gefragt, wie Deutsche Schuhe aussuchen. Ich habe die Erfahrung gemacht, dass es völlig egal ist, ob man billige oder teure Schuhe kauft, oder Markenschuhe oder Ramschware. Diese halten ca. 1/2- 1 Jahr und dann sind sie undicht. Deswegen hole ich grundsätzlich immer die billigsten. Da Schuhe auch noch alle gleich aussehen bekomme ich dadurch 1 Paar Schuhe für 1/2 - 1 Jahr für ca. 20 EUR.

  • @almondxnightd9437
    @almondxnightd9437 2 роки тому +2

    Dann muss man mal nach Griechenland, zumindest da, wo ich war. Da waren mehr Schuhläden, als normale Läden.
    Mehrere Nebeneinander, dann noch welche gegenüber und immer so weiter xD

    • @anna-mariadickmann7032
      @anna-mariadickmann7032 2 роки тому +1

      Wo genau warst du denn? Ich bin immer aufm Festland in Piria. Das ist mir noch nie aufgefallen 🤔 beim nächsten Mal muss ich mal drauf achten😅

    • @almondxnightd9437
      @almondxnightd9437 2 роки тому +1

      @@anna-mariadickmann7032 Also ich weiß jetzt nicht, ob es auf dem Festland eben anders ist, aber ich war auf Kreta und dort in mehreren Städten von der Insel. Und bei jeder wo ich war, war es so.

    • @anna-mariadickmann7032
      @anna-mariadickmann7032 2 роки тому +1

      @@almondxnightd9437 vielleicht hat das was mit dem deutschen Tourismus zu tun🤔😅

    • @fightclub7577
      @fightclub7577 2 роки тому

      @@anna-mariadickmann7032 In Griechenland gibt es generell viele kleinere Klamotten und Schuhe Läden nebeneinander. Es gibts richtige Straßen nur mit so Läden.

  • @justcallmejohn2833
    @justcallmejohn2833 2 роки тому

    Her story was she only wore them three times! I wonder how many items sold online are stolen.

  • @TeoOktoberfest
    @TeoOktoberfest 2 роки тому +1

    Hi... Happy Halloween 🎃 🎃 🕸 ☠ 🔥

    • @lotharschepers2240
      @lotharschepers2240 2 роки тому +1

      Uh that's so American.
      1. You have to spell it the right way: Hallo Wien
      2. As no honest folks did like the way folks from Wien act, no one like to greet them. So you could say instead of Hallo Wien, Fuck of Gratz.

  • @SofieLKF
    @SofieLKF 2 роки тому

    I'm 23 and I haven't been into a shoe store in years. I agree they're ugly, that's why I order online. I think though that snipes for example has good shoes

    • @fightclub7577
      @fightclub7577 2 роки тому

      Lately at Snipes almost all of their entire walls are full with their ugly Karl Kano brand. The rest are some ugly shoes as well.

  • @mariposadelamusica1283
    @mariposadelamusica1283 2 роки тому

    Deichmann is everywhere and their shoes are quite cheap and bad quality, you have to buy a new pair every season🤣

  • @pondware
    @pondware 2 роки тому

    Shoes are for collecting like stamps.

  • @nomirrors3552
    @nomirrors3552 2 роки тому

    Would you consider ecco shoes to be a brand that is cheap in Germany?

  • @ChrisTian-rm7zm
    @ChrisTian-rm7zm 2 роки тому +9

    Talking about ugly shoes: I think Birkenstock's are the ugliest shoes ever. 😃

    • @martin1042
      @martin1042 2 роки тому +1

      For me that title goes to Crocs.

  • @Chris75c
    @Chris75c 2 роки тому +1

    You’re right. Most of them are ugly. I feel like the costumer base is 50+. More and more young people are just buying their shoes online.

  • @rashomon351
    @rashomon351 2 роки тому

    I own three pairs of shoes: one for eversday use, one to work in the garden, ans one for funerals (yeah, I'm that old) (and btw: no, I don't own house shoes ;)
    i absolutely have no clue, why there are so many shoe shops in germany. Total overkill. But my wife alway moans, she couldn't find the right ones.
    Why are they always on sale ? To be honest, I alyways thought that to be an US concept: lure the customers in with (false) claims of better deals!
    So, yeah, you're right. Much to many shoe shops in germany. But, on the other hand, I wouldn't have carried more than the shoes I already wore, to a trip to Berlin ;)

  • @XQXmaxXQX
    @XQXmaxXQX 2 роки тому

    I only know young people buying their shoes online. The shoe stores you mentioned only sell rubbish and attract the elderly, in my eyes.

  • @manishrajurkar8161
    @manishrajurkar8161 2 роки тому

    same statement repeated multiple times hence I lost track on the topic and closed video in middle

  • @Rainerjgs
    @Rainerjgs 2 роки тому +1

    Die Frage kann man auch umkehren:
    Warum gibt es in den USA so wenig Schuhgeschäfte?

    • @fischersfritz468
      @fischersfritz468 2 роки тому

      @factsplease das macht seine Frage aber nicht schlechter

  • @renesomebody
    @renesomebody 2 роки тому

    Especially German women usually buy a lot of shoes.
    More often than in the US :)
    And I guess u been here in "back to school.sale",lol.
    Shoe stores are different by brand. Not all but some.
    Germans care a lot about the brand they wear & show.
    Like Deichmann & Reno are kinda cheap and rather a no-go-to 😏

  • @anonymusum
    @anonymusum 2 роки тому +1

    Ask that question to German women.

  • @wustenfuchs7963
    @wustenfuchs7963 2 роки тому +2

    Merkwürdige Frage. Das ist ja genauso, als würde ich fragen: Warum gibt es so viele Fast Food Restaurants in den USA ?

  • @dxler2921
    @dxler2921 2 роки тому

    The reason why are so many shoe stores in Germany is very simple: girls and women love it to buy shoes! ;-) Not every girl or women. But the most have 50+ pairs of shoes at home! ;-)
    Der Grund, warum es in Deutschland so viele Schuhgeschäfte gibt, ist ganz einfach: Mädchen und Frauen lieben es, Schuhe zu kaufen! ;-) Nicht jedes Mädchen oder jede Frau. Aber die meisten haben über 50 Paar Schuhe zu Hause! ;-)

  • @sapkra
    @sapkra 2 роки тому

    And I can't even buy shoes in these stores because they don't offer my size...that's why I hate them.

  • @Furdnik
    @Furdnik 2 роки тому

    Ich kann es mir auch nicht erklären, warum es so viele Schuhläden hier gibt. Ich persönlich kaufe maximal 1x im Jahr neue Schuhe.

  • @c0d3_m0nk3y
    @c0d3_m0nk3y 2 роки тому

    Next video: Why are there so many pharmacies in Germany? ;)

    • @Nikioko
      @Nikioko 2 роки тому

      The number is constantly declining...

  • @Rei_Ner
    @Rei_Ner 2 роки тому

    The answer is.....:
    A lot of women are living in Germany!
    (s, cnr ;-))) )

  • @peter_meyer
    @peter_meyer 2 роки тому

    Why are there so many shoe stores?

  • @elephantcastle5110
    @elephantcastle5110 2 роки тому +4

    LMFAO. I think those stores are just fronts for organized crime 😂

  • @jaygorakht5135
    @jaygorakht5135 2 роки тому


  • @erdbeereintopf
    @erdbeereintopf 2 роки тому

    Also ein bis zwei paar sneaker oder Basketballstiefel sollte man(n) sich schon im Monat gönnen.Nike ,reebock,ewin,cons usw

  • @1944Helmut
    @1944Helmut 2 роки тому

    now you need to make a video about , how much more people in Germany walk daily verses USA
    they go for comfort verses style , that's why I agree with you they ugly , but you need to acknowledge that in the US they went crazy with sneakers ,

  • @ariane4897
    @ariane4897 2 роки тому

    woah...these Converse sneakers..89.90€ for shoes made from canvas???? and Dr Martens hurt your feet sooo so badly :(
    question: aren't AirForce One from Nike?? you mentioned Nike, Converse, AirForceOne...
    and is it really pronounced "neiki" (Nike) ..then do you say "beiki" for "bike"?

    • @michaelgrabner8977
      @michaelgrabner8977 2 роки тому

      Bike is an "english" term but "Nike" isn´t...the branche "Nike" is named after the personal name of the ancient greek godess of victory and therefore that name "Nike" exist way longer than the english language itself..and in general " foreign personal names" are pronounced different anyway.
      And your name "Ariane" is also an ancient greek name by the way but it is the italian form of the the greek form "Ariadne"...it was the name of King Minos´ daughter...A whole bronce age period of 2400 years is named after Minos = "Minoean civilization" from 3500BC - 1100BC and he and his daughter and her lover "Theseus" is also part of ancient greek mythology as like "Nike" as well...

  • @schnuuuu
    @schnuuuu 2 роки тому

    It's a religous thing (Jesus had shoes).

  • @nomaam9077
    @nomaam9077 2 роки тому +1

    3:40 - Die deutschen Schuhgeschäfte leben davon das sie die hässlichen Schuhe die in die USA schicken. 😅

  • @benjammin9833
    @benjammin9833 2 роки тому

    Germans walk more often.

  • @horstlohner1910
    @horstlohner1910 2 роки тому

    Schuhe einkaufen mit einer Frau ist eine Strafe.Das kann Stunden dauern.Anprobieren,nein passt nicht,nächstes Paar,gefällt nicht ganz.Das da!Ja aber.....Anderes Geschäft,das ganze von vorne.Ich brauche zu meinem blauen Kleid die passenden Schuhe!Vielleicht auch welche zu dem mit dem breiten Gürtel?Zum Kleid aus Samt,da habe ich nur 3 Paar!Sandalen für das Strandkleid!Die brauche ich ganz dringend!Es stehen in drei Schränken ca 50 Paar Schuhe.....Ich habe 3 für den Sommer,zwei Sandalen, 2 für den Sport,zwei für den Winter und 2 paar Stiefel.Dazu 2 Paar Hausschuhe.Das sind für einen Mann sehr sehr viele Schuhe!Daher gebe ich der Frau 100.- gehe in eine gemütliches Kaffehaus und lese Magazine/ Zeitschriften.Wen sie mit ihrer "Beute" nicht nach einer Stunde zurück ist,fahre ich mit dem Bus nach Hause.

  • @eisikater1584
    @eisikater1584 2 роки тому

    Montana, I'm a man. I have a girlfriend. Girls like shoes. Shoes cost money. I'm in love with that grrrrrrl. I'll buy them shoes.

  • @imrehundertwasser7094
    @imrehundertwasser7094 2 роки тому +1

    There are so many shoe stores because people, especially women, buy too many shoes and don't wear them long enough. It's a good example of how "fashion" fosters waste and, BTW, also produces a LOT of CO2 (for all you climate-conscious people). Basically the same can be said for all those clothes stores.

  • @wellenstrom
    @wellenstrom 2 роки тому +1

    Money laundering facilities

  • @donr.wetter186
    @donr.wetter186 2 роки тому

    Dr. Martens are British tho

  • @jesperpollock9620
    @jesperpollock9620 2 роки тому

    Montana, you should check out a uk comedy show called "the outlaws". You have a strong resemblance with Rani/Rhianne Barreto.
    Oh and i like your videos. Just remember, bavaria is very different to a lot of other parts of germany.
    Its like you are in the german
    equivalent of a midsized town in texas. I know that you are aware of that, but sometimes you seem to underestimate the cultural differences.

  • @sorenschiffer2792
    @sorenschiffer2792 2 роки тому

    It’s just that in Germany every shoe store has other kind of shoes. And a lot of shoe stores you showed are the „cheap“ shoes. But if you want to find a real sneaker store it’s pretty hard

  • @BlackAcePlays
    @BlackAcePlays 2 роки тому

    I haven't seen a shoestore from the inside since my childhood. Currently I have 2 pairs of boots that I wear since ~18 years now. I only had to replace the soles two or three times, the rest is almost in mint condition. =)

  • @stefanjung4454
    @stefanjung4454 2 роки тому +1

    Ich dachte immer Schuhe sind Frauen wichtig. Manche Frauen haben so viele Schuhe daß sie nicht mehr wissen was sie für Schuhe anziehen sollen. Deswegen gibt es auch so viele Geschäfte. In der Zeit wo ich Lastzug gefahren bin, habe ich auch Schuhe für Deichmann transportiert. Alleine die Menge der Schuhe wo ich dann geladenen hatte, konnte ich mir kaum vorstellen daß die das alles verkauft bekommen. Doch ein Logistiker von Deichmann sagte, die Ladung von mir ist nur ein paar Stunden im Lager. Dann sind sie schon in die Geschäfte unterwegs. Und ich war aber nicht der Einzige der Schuhe angeliefert hat! Kingt völlig verrückt, ist aber tatsächlich so. Die Schuhe sind recht schnell aus dem Auslieferungslager verschwunden. In einer Saison bin ich dort mehrmals gewesen, und habe den ganzen Lastzug dort ausheladen!