Furious Magnificent Seven star never forgave Steve McQueen

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @gerardmackay8909
    @gerardmackay8909 13 днів тому +4

    There’s a really revelatory story about McQueen from one of his leading ladies (I think it was Natalie Wood on ‘Love with the Proper Stranger). McQueen’s character had to get upset and lose his temper and angrily pull the girl to one side. After a few takes Wood started wincing because his pulling was quite fierce and he was incidentally actually hurting her. McQueen said to the the director ‘I’m not happy with this scene’ (Wood was touched that he was considerate of her discomfort) but he went on to say ‘When I pull her towards me she blocks my face completely and the camera is all hers’. Wood was aghast but it was sadly just another day at the ‘narcissist’s office’ for McQueen.

  • @ford289cid7
    @ford289cid7 13 днів тому +4

    James Garner and Steve McQueen were two of my favorite actors. Sad to see that they couldn't stand each other. It's unusual to see Garner say something like that, I don't recall him running too many people down.

    • @edprince9079
      @edprince9079 13 днів тому

      Garner was mad because Mcqueen was a republican. Not a suckass dem like garner

  • @davidgibbs7232
    @davidgibbs7232 День тому

    Well he may not have been an "actor" but a "movie star" as Names Garner said but in the 60s and 70s he was the biggest one of them all.

  • @thomaschacko6320
    @thomaschacko6320 13 днів тому +3

    Robert Vaughn also found McQueen annoying. He recalled how McQueen woke up him up early one morning; complaining that Brynner had the best guns (pearl-handled) and the biggest horse. Vaughn reminded him that he wasn’t in charge of those things. (Turns out that Vaughn had the biggest horse!) Despite this, Vaughn remained good friends with McQueen, even co-starring in “Bullitt.”

  • @keithnaylor1981
    @keithnaylor1981 12 днів тому +2

    It’s amazing how many accusations surface when the alleged victim is no longer here!

  • @richwood1522
    @richwood1522 14 днів тому +2

    Bronson and McQueen were close, he was with him at this death bed and made the call to Yul Brynner.

  • @oregongaper
    @oregongaper 13 днів тому +5

    James Cogburn? Really? Attention to detail is key.

  • @Truthtalker365
    @Truthtalker365 13 днів тому +1

    Always liked watching Steve McQueen, and thought that he was a more interesting actor than Brenner.

  • @dav7444
    @dav7444 3 дні тому

    Looks like most people did not like McQueen

  • @angloaust1575
    @angloaust1575 13 днів тому +1

    Bound to be friction.in acting
    Cast together with the script
    Not allowed to.improvise or
    Ad lib because of directors
    Iron hand!

  • @johncarroll772
    @johncarroll772 14 днів тому

    Steve Mc Queen student of Bruce Lee

  • @johncopeland3826
    @johncopeland3826 5 днів тому

    Its all ego's ... insecurities...imagination and paranoia from people not ready for the adult world .... insecurities aplenty . Still another $10 million dollar payday is on its way to cushion the blows for the poor lambs

  • @joe-hp4nk
    @joe-hp4nk 11 днів тому +1
