Hyukjae is really charismatic. I can’t take my eyes off him, he puts his feelings into every movement. That’s why it was so smooth and fit every single beat of the song 😊
Wow en verdad Hyuk lo hace ver tan fácil. Baila tan relajadamente que pienso en que es una coreografía fácil pero después veo a los demás miembros y me doy cuenta de que no es así. Su naturalidad al bailar es simplemente...wow. Lo amo ❤❤
Según yo tengo entendido el aún tiene problemas en su pierna por lo que se le dificulta bailar, por eso el no sale en la coreografias, no se si salga en los conciertos, pero en las coreos no participa. Pero si esta haciendo las promociones como ya vimos en knowing brothers y pues al parecer en idol room
Sii me encantaría !! Aunque sea a un costado!! Pero leí que no participaría en conciertos por su salud, sólo en las promociones del nuevo album!!! Me encantaría volverlo a ver en el escenario, lo amo !!
I didn't know "the mask" could dance so well... Whenever I think of Kpop dancer- EunHyuk comes to mind. Oh wait, that is HyukJae. You thought you could fool us? LOL (to anyone who didn't get it, I was just joking about "the mask" man. Obviously, I know HyukJae :P My UB. )
Queeeeeeee coreografía,andan táaaan sexis que no se puede con ellos,ahora sí está aquí el Auténtico y mejor Grupo de Kpop SUJU🇲🇽💙🇰🇷Los esperamos en México❤🎶Leeteuk te vez🔥🔥
은혁ㅋㅋㅋㅋ미용실에서 자기만 보이게 해달라고 했다더니ㅋㅋㅋㅋ왠 테니스공 밖에 안보이넼ㅋㅋㅋ
이혁재 머리 근데 야광이냐고 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 춤선도 미쳤는데 저 테니스 공색도 잘어울리네 ㅋㅋㅋ
야광이에요 ㅠㅠㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ슈퍼클랩 뮤비찍을때도 너무 튀어서 놀랐데요ㅠㅠㅠㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
으아아어앙아이아아ㅏ아아아ㅏ아 혁재오빠 ㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜ
세상에서 제일 춤 잘추는 테니스공
아띵아 빨간 슈트 테니스 혁재는 사랑입니다..
아 노래랑 안무 진짜 넘 조아여ㅜㅜㅜㅜ 콘서트 가보고싶다😭😭
Infinity. Suite 1,500. Kim emmadoeaw
하..... 뇨꾸야 사랑해 진짜..... 미쳐따..... 너무 섹시해.... 팔퍼쇼 후유증땜에 미쳐버리게써..
역시 뇨꾸.... 후반부에 간간이 특별출연하는 교과서 댄싱규도 킬포
진짜 하이라이트 부분 어렵다고 혁재만 배우고 다른안무로 바꿔서 다같ㅇ 배웠구나유ㅠㅠㅠㅠ ㅋㅋㄲㅋㄱㅋㄱㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 귀요미드류ㅠㅠ
아 이은혁 춤선봐...
춤 추기 귀찮은데 시켜서 추는듯 겁나 잘 추는 춤선 너무 좋다 ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
혁재야 진짜 너밖에 안보여ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
이렇게 멋지고 섹시한 노랜데
그 와중에 려욱님만 치마저고리마냥 자켓 땡강한 거 너무 귀여운거 아닌가..ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
춤선 예쁘다란 말 하는 것도 입 아프다 입 아파
춤이 이혁재고 이혁재가 춤이다
진짜 춤선ㅜㅠ각져있으면서도 부드러운 춤선 사랑해
I am that girl in the white temple hoodie holding LeeHyukjae banner... Gosh her expression is so cute
원래 안무가 더 간지나는데..ㅜㅠㅠㅜ😭😭
Hyukjae is really charismatic. I can’t take my eyes off him, he puts his feelings into every movement. That’s why it was so smooth and fit every single beat of the song 😊
Love the choreo for this! Hope they perform it on music shows along with "Super Clap".
와...춤선 개오진다 ㄹㅇ...
주머니에 손 넣고 골반돌리기 최고야..사랑해요..
자기만 보이게 해달라고 했다던데..진짜 이번에 은혁님만 보여요..❤️
I wish, I could have stamina like Eunhyuk
I'm young but my stamina are pretty low...
Haha, same.
I have very terrible stamina too.
I think a solution for that is to keep dancing/exercising or any type of exercise, I have Asthma but I overcome it by keep exercising and dancing
Seriously, when Hyuk dance he is so hot 🔥 Now he is the sexiest tennis ball ever!
I Think I am in love with him even more now 😍
세상 사람들 우리 혁재 좀 봐요!!!!개섹시해~춤선은 뭐 말할것도 없고~!!!!
그냥 존재 자체가 섹시큐티으른섹시에요~♡저 오빠들 덕질한지 13년차~절대 벗어날 수 없어요~흐엉~~
Eunhyuk’s hair is lighter than the light stick lol
ㅜㅠㅠㅠㅠ진짜 이혀째ㅜㅠㅠㅠ 춤선 미쳐
eunhyuk ❤
하 노래 넘모 좋다......
와 진짜 안어지럽게 잘찍으셨네요 수고하셨어요 감사합니당❣❣💕
감사해요ㅜㅜ 이렇게 찍어주셔서ㅜ 8 못가서 엄청 우울했는데ㅜ
Eunhyuk is just so incredibly beautiful 😍💕
I really like his new hairstyle 😊👍
Thank you ever so incredibly much for sharing this 🤗👏👏👏👏💕
Wow en verdad Hyuk lo hace ver tan fácil. Baila tan relajadamente que pienso en que es una coreografía fácil pero después veo a los demás miembros y me doy cuenta de que no es así. Su naturalidad al bailar es simplemente...wow. Lo amo ❤❤
😍😍😍Eunhyuk my favorite dancer
역시 메댄 호 호 이혁재 최고야
Miss tennis ball
He's dancing with his whole body 😍
미치겠다 진짜...
Yesung is my bias but Hyuk-jae is my wrecker so I am so
Ryeowook is too cuteeeee
이와중에 야광테니스공 머리 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Salfok. Dong hae lee teuk the only one without black inner shirt.
Omo hyukjae is so handsome and sexy
I really like eunhyuk part♥️🥺
Tóc EunHyuk phát sáng luôn
Eunhyuk and his on-point moves ❤️
The handkerchief dance make me think of Swing again...quite same...
Yup..swing and trap..
Love love love it!!!💙💙💙💙 Pink-haired kyu is so KYUttttttt😘😍
El heechul puede estar ahí solo parado y cantando y seriamos super felices la verdad😍❤
Porque no esta heechul :'(?
Según yo tengo entendido el aún tiene problemas en su pierna por lo que se le dificulta bailar, por eso el no sale en la coreografias, no se si salga en los conciertos, pero en las coreos no participa. Pero si esta haciendo las promociones como ya vimos en knowing brothers y pues al parecer en idol room
@@lesliebarzola7085 pero si ASE aunque sea alguna aparición?
@@kirakaburireyez7183 de eso si no tengo idea, he visto algunos videos del SS8 pero todos son del baile por lo que en el video no aparece Heechul.
Sii me encantaría !! Aunque sea a un costado!! Pero leí que no participaría en conciertos por su salud, sólo en las promociones del nuevo album!!!
Me encantaría volverlo a ver en el escenario, lo amo !!
we need a dance performance mv of this. i love the choreo!
SuJu... yes!
I think I.... yes!!
Eunhyuk focus.... HELL YES!
이혁재 사랑해ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
ryeowook!! what a king ... so beautiful omo
Red suit green hair.. what more can I ask..😍
Kings 👍💪👏🔥👑♥️ super junior
Yass! The full choreo! Love this song so much. Ty for sharing! :-)
Lee Hyukjae's smooth dance moves is my kind of kink! Suju fighting!
damn! the sexiest anchovy everrrr! eunhyuk looks so damn hot whenever hes dancing
They are totally not getting old, they still the same, they are unique!
Our glow in the dark tennis ball 😁 🎾
Leeteuk 😍🔥
Thanks for uploading this video.. in KB, shindong said they wont perform I think I in TV cause the choreo is hard 😂
im here for hyukjae but damn those backup dancers are cute ;)
Goddamn he dressed up as a highlighter for this year's halloween
I am so excites for super show 8, I hope they held it here in the Philippines.... Saranghae Super Junior
So stunning 😍😍
Eunhyuk is so hot when he dances ghaaaad
Yo solo pase a verlo a el eunkyum :-* baila divino
I didn't know "the mask" could dance so well... Whenever I think of Kpop dancer- EunHyuk comes to mind. Oh wait, that is HyukJae. You thought you could fool us? LOL (to anyone who didn't get it, I was just joking about "the mask" man. Obviously, I know HyukJae :P My UB. )
난 왜 고시생인가...우리오빠들 다모여도 못가네 ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ다들 빨간색 찰떡아니냐고 겁나 멋있어
Queeeeeeee coreografía,andan táaaan sexis que no se puede con ellos,ahora sí está aquí el Auténtico y mejor Grupo de Kpop SUJU🇲🇽💙🇰🇷Los esperamos en México❤🎶Leeteuk te vez🔥🔥
Me encanta como bailan 😘 se ven geniales de rojo 😈😈
Please come to malaysia
So good
Eunhyukiiiieeeee hermoso :'3
thank you for the fancam
0:29 how you wish Kyuhyun would slide into your DMs
hyuk oppa so hot
Gracias x compartir tu vídeo 😉😊
SJ: ~We can dance~
Viewer: you can dance but no dancing choreo in MV.
SJ: come to super show 8. We will show you that ~we can dance~...
Thank you ❤
Sexiest tennis ball in the universe !
Thank you...
Thankyouuuuu 💙💙💙
this dance is everything!
Lucky you 💖😭
That hair though
hyukjae really went for my neck huh
Love this coreography. Yesung look so sexy dancing, too.