30 years after the collapse of the USSR - Spring of hope or winter of despair? | DW Documentary

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @kzteligo
    @kzteligo 2 роки тому +244

    Greetings from Kazakhstan, no regrets of collapse of Soviet Union as well

    • @kzteligo
      @kzteligo 2 роки тому +39

      @@marksmith6972 when you say "look towards Russia", you mean accept total corruption? Do you also mean accepting total devastation of the industries? Moreover, do you mean accept tortures in all prisons? Do you mean accept the fact that the current president can afford palace for about a billion dollars? What do you exactly mean?🤔 There are many more other aspects of Russia I can list to you

    • @dai19721
      @dai19721 2 роки тому +12

      @@marksmith6972 says man on utube.

    • @Venominpain
      @Venominpain 2 роки тому +6

      Yea we saw that a couple of weeks ago. Pay your bills now

    • @kzteligo
      @kzteligo 2 роки тому +10

      @Arif there's no socialism at all in China, for example there's no govt sponsored pensions for elder people and no free pre-schools for kids like it was in Soviet union.

    • @colt45caliber
      @colt45caliber 2 роки тому +6

      That's because you don't understand capitalism. Most people will have a worse quality of lis the of life undercapitalism

  • @Seapears
    @Seapears 2 роки тому +55

    Didn't the last man the miner say that miner where treated very well in the USSR. It didn't seem like he said anything good or bad about the Europe, rather he only really said that life had gotten worse in Ukraine after the collapse, and that miners where treated very well in the USSR.

    • @макслюлюкин
      @макслюлюкин 2 роки тому +1

      Miners, like combine harvesters, received very good salaries in the USSR, 2-2.5 more than a worker at a factory, only oil workers in the north received more of them.

    • @vancenheimerzegreatofupton8973
      @vancenheimerzegreatofupton8973 2 роки тому +12

      I feel like this documentary gives the incorrect impression that everyone in Russia has a negative opinion of the USSR. It would have been more informative to bring on at least one person who misses it to offer a different perspective.

    • @notme943
      @notme943 2 роки тому +6

      @@vancenheimerzegreatofupton8973 i think it would make more sense to interview both young and those 50+ who actually lived in soviet era.

    • @scarybird977
      @scarybird977 2 роки тому +6

      @@notme943 If you ask any old person anywhere nearly all of them would say that the past was better because they were young lol

    • @diydunder3377
      @diydunder3377 2 роки тому

      That is not an argument for Socialism, in fact what you are espousing is the essence of looking for causation in purely correlative events. Your ignorance is astounding.

  • @Powermodeon56
    @Powermodeon56 2 роки тому +74

    Greetings from Poland, happy since the end of communism 🇵🇱

    • @yourdaddy925
      @yourdaddy925 2 роки тому +6

      How old are you ?

    • @Powermodeon56
      @Powermodeon56 2 роки тому +22

      @@yourdaddy925 Enough to know how people in Poland view the communist times :)))

    • @JPMNRB
      @JPMNRB 2 роки тому +12

      A Cuban here, in my 30s glad the communist USSR collapsed, showing us how much of a failure that system was.

    • @mariahewitt9787
      @mariahewitt9787 2 роки тому +5

      Greetings from a Hungarian, who now lives in Australia.

    • @Doc.O.K.
      @Doc.O.K. 2 роки тому +4

      @@Powermodeon56 well said

  • @JosephKulik2016
    @JosephKulik2016 2 роки тому +39

    When I was in the 7th Grade in 1961, my Social Studies teacher asked us a rhetorical question: "If you offer a hungry man the choice between democracy and a loaf of bread,
    which one will he choose ???"
    He asked it as a rhetorical question because he assumed that even 11 year old children were smart enough to know the answer. Yet, now 60 years later, most adults in the Western World STILL don't seem to understand that not everyone in the World has the same definition of "freedom" that they do. It's difficult for Westerners to believe that many peoples of the World would reject American style "freedom" if they fully understood what it meant.

    • @Arborist5851
      @Arborist5851 2 роки тому +7

      a rich man can't imagine poverty

    • @Pidalin
      @Pidalin 2 роки тому +5

      But there is no only poornes or loaf of bread to choose. Most of that "it was better during communism" people are people with bad memory or they are unqualified and uneducated and can't find normal work today, it's not fault of system. People like to compare prices to bottles of beers or something here in Czechia, but that's nonsense, alcohol is more expensive now, that's just natural development of society. But today, I can go on vacation twice in year or buy nice TV from one salary, people in communism had to saving money months to buy stupid washing machine and even when they had money for that, they had problem to get it becuase it was sold out. How can anyone say it was better in communism? It doesn't make sense to me. They play old reports from communism time in our TV and even in those old reports, they didn't even hide it how bad it was, no toilet paper, no washing machines, not enough bread in shops and economical problems, they were openely speaking about that already before 1989 in TV news! So how can it be today propaganda as those commie lovers tend to say?

    • @bullpup1337
      @bullpup1337 2 роки тому +1

      America has no trademark on freedom. Being free transcends borders. Most countries earned freedom through revolution. It can be stolen by dictators. Russia is a dictatorship now.

    • @thelastofthehitachi972
      @thelastofthehitachi972 2 роки тому

      and in the end there was no more bread -> bye bye USSR

    • @JDVmusicSound
      @JDVmusicSound 2 роки тому

      @@Pidalin excellent questions

  • @spicyroads
    @spicyroads 2 роки тому +18

    Hard to understand some people want a dictator

    • @wizard7314
      @wizard7314 2 роки тому +8

      @@marksmith6972 dictator states are unstable. It takes only one psychopath to have massive destruction. That's the whole reason that dictatorship is worse than democracy. A benevolent dictator is better than a democracy usually, but you can't maintain a system like that in the long term. The psychopaths rise to the top.

    • @bestquotes2765
      @bestquotes2765 2 роки тому +1

      You are already dictated by the US

    • @nikushachanturia
      @nikushachanturia 2 роки тому +1

      Nobody wants dictators my guy, they want free healthcare, free education, no poverty, plenty of jobs and security - we have had four wars in my country since 1991 and the population living in poverty is approximately 43% according to the World Bank even to this day after 30 years

    • @spicyroads
      @spicyroads 2 роки тому +1

      @@nikushachanturia free stuff is really fun !

    • @kshen7485
      @kshen7485 2 роки тому

      @@marksmith6972 Nothing to do with western democracy. Actually USA is nowadays EU’s enemy, instead of Russia. USA just uses Russia to consume and weaken both countries. EU dollar system and its economy have been threatening American hegemony.

  • @Venominpain
    @Venominpain 2 роки тому +13

    Spring of despair

  • @vincentvoillot6365
    @vincentvoillot6365 2 роки тому +42

    I was a ten years old french boy when i went to Poland just after the fall of the URSS, peoples were barely surviving, i will never forget the poverty and suffering i saw.
    Today Poland is a modern country, stores have theirs shelfs full of affordables products.
    And not just food, 30 years ago a simple toy like barbie doll ou a simple lego set cost as much as month of earning for a polish worker.
    Back then, kids of my age were playing with trash in the street instead, so when i hear the young generation glorifying that era, it make me sick to my stomach.

    • @leoprg5330
      @leoprg5330 2 роки тому +10

      It's not just about material stuff, the difference is mostly in freedom of speech, ability to study, travel abroad, choose a job, vote who you like..

    • @vincentvoillot6365
      @vincentvoillot6365 2 роки тому +9

      @@leoprg5330 You are exactly right, that's my ( implicit ) definition of a modern country. But when i see that they try to put back woman right on their body to the dark age, it make sad.
      As the saying go : you don't know what you had until you lose it.

      @FATHOLLYWOODB123 2 роки тому +22

      What you saw was the economic crisis caused by the dissolution of the USSR, go back in time 10 years and you would see stability, safety, no homeless, no starving people. Of course Poland was not the USSR, but you just happened to see it at the worst time.

    • @leoprg5330
      @leoprg5330 2 роки тому +1

      @@vincentvoillot6365 Poland is very christian and conservative in many ways, they have their history and past..but it is a proud nation with their own opinions and not just copying the western liberal path.. I am not judging that

    • @vincentvoillot6365
      @vincentvoillot6365 2 роки тому +4

      I know and saw that they are proud and kind peoples.
      I was a christian but there are rights and freedoms on witch religions have no say.
      (specialy one who view women as created from man to be submissive to them and put as possessions in the ten commandements next to houses and donkeys)
      And worse, it's a fact when you ban abortions, the demand don't go away and the offer move underground with less than safe condition. It can be even worse, you can also forbid contraception to add to the problem.
      Like drogue, alcool and prostitution, thoses "needs" exist since the dawn of time and will never disappear. Banning is stupid, you need to regulate.

  • @SuperTonyony
    @SuperTonyony 2 роки тому +27

    Workers should own and control the means of production.

    • @Gnashercide
      @Gnashercide 2 роки тому +1

      Nope . We aren't equals...

    • @chi_chai
      @chi_chai 2 роки тому +1

      And my pee should land in the toilet!!!

    • @Pidalin
      @Pidalin 2 роки тому +1

      As a worker (CNC operator/programmer), I don't agree, most of (especially people on low qualified places) would just increased their salaries and created 4 days/4hours work week and company would go bankrupt after first month. Have some power to say your opinion is nice, but most of people are just not qualified enough to decide about what should company do. We sometimes make things which are ridiculously ugly or non-practical, but if stupid customers without taste want it, then we just can't stop doing it.

    • @duruarute5445
      @duruarute5445 2 роки тому


    • @molotov7000
      @molotov7000 2 роки тому

      And you really don't know how the economy works

  • @balkannightmare
    @balkannightmare 2 роки тому +23

    I feel sorry for Igor. For such a young man to accept his slave condition so easily, it is truly saddening.

    • @zoki5388
      @zoki5388 2 роки тому +2

      We are slaves, some more some less

    • @freppie_
      @freppie_ 2 роки тому +2

      your also a slave, only treated better

    • @diydunder3377
      @diydunder3377 2 роки тому

      I feel sorry for sheep like you, who don't have the sense to end themselves and preach their madness across the world.

    • @krowaswieta7944
      @krowaswieta7944 2 роки тому +2

      Well, mate, you have to take into consideration, that 1k euro in Russia is a lot more than in USA or most of Europe. I would bet that average rent in Novosybirsk (sorry if i spelled it wrong) is between 100 and 200 euro,
      According to google data, for 1k euro in Russia (not in Moscow or Petersburg) is equivalent of over 2k compared to Europe. Ofc average standard of living is still a lot worse in Russia (and average sallary is like 400-500 euro; but again, money there have different value).
      Or another example. Here, in Poland, you live better for 1,5k euro than in London having 3k pounds a month. Sad but true.

  • @merrybolton2135
    @merrybolton2135 2 роки тому +14

    We in the west look at city's in the USSR and think ,what awful buildings . What they don't know is how the USSR was destroyed the war and to house people was more important then looking good

    • @mattmiller2842
      @mattmiller2842 2 роки тому +3

      I mean yeah, but like at the same time the USSR sided with the Nazis. The country being destroyed was their redemption.

    • @kurhardtweilvorker9647
      @kurhardtweilvorker9647 2 роки тому

      @@mattmiller2842 I don't think you get this right

  • @207522
    @207522 2 роки тому +65

    I can't believe there are actually people out there naive enough to believe that you shouldn't question politics. That guy would love life in North Korea.

    • @stc2828
      @stc2828 2 роки тому +18

      I talked to a Canadian, he said he like the Chinese government more than the American's.
      Me: Interesting
      He added, he meant he prefer China when Mao was in power, the modern Chinese government is corrupted.
      Me: Oh... Dear...

    • @james4ddy
      @james4ddy 2 роки тому +7

      Ahh North korea ther hermit state were the west can litteraly sat anything about it and reactionary Europeans believe it. Europe is a massive imperialist block

    • @Pidalin
      @Pidalin 2 роки тому +2

      @@stc2828 I can't imagine that as a Czech, here in my country, you can throw egg to president and nothing bad happens to you, you just pay some penalty or spend night at police station, that's all. I can't imagine live in country where you can't even openly ask something. And still, some people want communism back here.

    • @SolomonSunder
      @SolomonSunder 2 роки тому +1

      @@Pidalin I believe it comes from a place where some people who missed the boat can not even dream of getting out of that pit anymore. It is either communism or nationalism for such people. The recent house price increases would play a large role in that. Here in Austria, it is the foreigners who are at fault for less houses being available. Nobody checks that there are more houses being built but none of them are affordable are bought in by Austrian investors themselves. People who do realize the fact, end up wanting communism like in Graz where for the first time in a long time, the communists won. The Greens do not help since they are partly responsible for the issue. Older generations got cheap land where one had to build within 5 years. Such lands are not approved by the Greens anymore. The conservatives get some votes. But when people get fed up, the only alternative for people who can not fall further is communism. The idea is that at least it makes everyone equally poor.

    • @Pidalin
      @Pidalin 2 роки тому

      @@SolomonSunder Yes, price of housing is problem, but compared to salaries, it's still not so bad as before. I don't know how in Austria. But in today Czehia you can buy nice family house for like 5 milion CZK (not in Prague ofcourse) and median salary is 33000 CZK (before tax), 20 years ago, you could have such house for maybe 2-3 milion, but salary was like 8000. So it's actually cheaper now. Same with other products, people see only price of butter, but how much butter you need? One for month? Price of bread is same as 20 years ago and things like coca-cola are even cheaper now, when I compare it to salary, I can say that today coca-cola and similar products are 4 times cheaper than 20 years ago. Also own house of flat is european anomaly here, most of europeans don't own house or flat, only Czechs and few other nations think it should be standard. When you look on rents, it's expensive now, but again, compared to salaries, it's cheaper than before. We paid 12000 CZK monthly for 3 room+kitchen apartment far from center in Prague in 2002, similar apartment is for like 17 or 18 000 CZK now, but salary is 2-3 times higher. People only cry, but they don't remember how bad it was only 20 years ago, we had disconected electricity and gas for some time because we didn't pay it, that's total sci-fi today, I don't know any single person with such problem today, it's just clearly better now.

  • @arbaz79
    @arbaz79 2 роки тому +9

    Great doc 👌. I wish it was longer.

  • @giorgigoginashvili6485
    @giorgigoginashvili6485 2 роки тому +24

    I am also citizen of Georgia, we are following the roots of the Europe, but it is too hard when the 25% of your country are occupied by the invasion and they have there troops on this land where are still living of your people.

    • @xrc5540
      @xrc5540 2 роки тому +4

      Georgia you are part of the ancient Silk Road, this linked you to Central Asia and East Asia. Find your roots! Tocharians Sogdians Begs Turcs Gokturks Tang Dynasty Chinese Mongols and Tibetans have crossed the mountains and touched Georgia. When the world was borderless and only spheres of interests mattered.

    • @anticommiescum3155
      @anticommiescum3155 2 роки тому

      @@xrc5540 if your roots are trying to kill you find other branches to grow on

    • @thanksmaybe4103
      @thanksmaybe4103 2 роки тому +3

      Well what did you learn? Don’t try to join nato maybe?

    • @kostam.1113
      @kostam.1113 2 роки тому +1

      Georgia is not European country
      As for its NATO and EU future until you solve territorial issues with Russia you will never join either club

    • @thanksmaybe4103
      @thanksmaybe4103 2 роки тому

      @@kostam.1113 not like Russia invaded in 2008 lol

  • @suakhm1681
    @suakhm1681 2 роки тому +24

    So many people are living with only one dream - the renovation of USSR, that vidio is not reliable. As for me i am not one of them, but life in former soviet republics is not a paradise - that i why they want to return into the past where they felt themselves more secure .

  • @bogdandrugov2127
    @bogdandrugov2127 2 роки тому +19

    Well sample size is kinda small, but I guess it`s limited by video`s length. Nonetheless, great job!

  • @brennencox516
    @brennencox516 2 роки тому +32

    "as long as you don't question politics"
    You know an idea is good when it has to be censored /sarcasm

    • @ElenaKomleva
      @ElenaKomleva 2 роки тому +14

      In the west you also can't question the mainstream liberal politics,didn't you notice?! Try publically questioning any of their agendas (LGBT, immigration, feminism, refugees, lockdowns) and see what happens!

    • @brennencox516
      @brennencox516 2 роки тому +8

      @@ElenaKomleva "In the west you also can't question the mainstream liberal politics,didn't you notice?"
      The key difference you've missed it that in the USSR it was the full force of the government behind enforcing ideas, while in the US it's certain groups.
      " Try publically questioning any of their agendas (LGBT, immigration, feminism, refugees, lockdowns)"
      Do you support unequal treatment of humans? (LGBT&feminism)
      Do you support isolationism (immigration)?
      Do you not see how helping others can help your country (refugees)?
      also, most importantly, you can question all those in the west. You may get a lot of flak for doing so, but you can do it and not be sent to a gulag for the rest of your life.

    • @ruvinipathirana8429
      @ruvinipathirana8429 2 роки тому +4

      @@ElenaKomleva I don't know you would watch a video from a channel that is owned by a social democratic govt. which you conservatives hate so much.

    • @DeezN1892
      @DeezN1892 2 роки тому

      @@ElenaKomleva You would get backlash on social media. Boo hoo. That's definitely the exact same as what happened in the USSR! This definitely isn't more reactionary right wing fear mongering because you miss verbally abusing minorities!

    • @DigitFalconer
      @DigitFalconer 2 роки тому

      Exactly, since I heard this I wonder weather this person is having conscious of Medieval serf or he is afraid someone heard him talking against his government. I Hope is the later.

  • @pamelas1002
    @pamelas1002 2 роки тому +69

    Great doc! I wished it was longer. I didn't want it to end, I wanted to see more! Well done DW.

    • @xrc5540
      @xrc5540 2 роки тому +13

      You will get a like and heart ❤ from DW if you simply praise them. Wait for it.

    • @pamelas1002
      @pamelas1002 2 роки тому

      @@xrc5540 😂

    • @DWDocumentary
      @DWDocumentary  2 роки тому +14

      Hi Pamela, thanks for watching and taking the time to comment. We invite you to continue discovering the world around you through our lens. Greetings!

    • @yohaneschristianp
      @yohaneschristianp 2 роки тому +2

      @@xrc5540 it works! Good job dw!

    • @james4ddy
      @james4ddy 2 роки тому +4

      Ha ha european properganda. Russia never recovered economically after the collapse of the Soviet Union. The collapse of the Soviet Union was a tragedy fir the world in particular the 3rd world. The communist 0arty is still the 2nd biggest party in Russia although a shadow of its former self

  • @abdulqadir-ye9bk
    @abdulqadir-ye9bk 2 роки тому +10

    should have interviewed few older people.

  • @marryfashion6881
    @marryfashion6881 2 роки тому +8

    Amazing video. Thank you for sharing.

  • @Camilla_Kudrin
    @Camilla_Kudrin 2 роки тому +20

    0:54 😍 Novosibirsk ❤ My hometown. I left it to Seoul, South Korea many years ago, and then, I went to Dublin, Ireland. I still understand Russian, but I almost always speak English and think in English.
    My opinion. People in that big Russian city are pretty modern. Most of the population are civilized, so crime rates are much lower than in other Russian regions. Not so many people love USSR. Even less people love ultraconservative Russian Orthodox traditions. Younger locals make jokes about very religious and very traditional people. And youger generations love freedom.

    • @ElenaKomleva
      @ElenaKomleva 2 роки тому +4

      Нуну во взрослом возрасте уехали и русский почти забыли..скажите ещё ирландцем стали.. это кстати очень по пост-советски, выдавать себя за "ну совсем уже почти всего такого западного".. ну и поливать грязью свою историю, СССР, в надежде что это совсем в доску своим на западе сделает..

    • @Camilla_Kudrin
      @Camilla_Kudrin 2 роки тому +5

      @@ElenaKomleva I didn't forget Russian. I just don't need it in my daily life. First years outside Russia I've noticed that it was difficult to switch from one language to another, so, I started to try to think in English and stopped listening to Russian music. It worked. I've also learned Korean, but my Korean is only about B1 (intermediate).
      I don't hate all Russians. I wrote that I still understand Russian speakers very good, if they don't use modern slang words (vocabulary of young Russian people in 2021 is a bit different from vocabulary of Russians in 2001). Sometimes I even support the Russian government in conflicts with Europe about energy issues. I just want Russia to more progressive like it's going in big Russian cities now, and I want most of Russian people to stop being homophobic and transphobic. That's all.

    • @ElenaKomleva
      @ElenaKomleva 2 роки тому

      @@Camilla_Kudrin Странно, я приехала на Запад на пмж в 15 лет, ходила в обычную школу, всё только на английском с 15ти лет (знала английский с 5ти,мои родители учились в США, работали в западных компаниях) и при этом я по сей день прекрасно понимаю и слэнг и всё остальное.. и все даже те, кто в 12 и 13 приехал сюда прекрасно понимают любой русский, а вы как я понимаю во взрослом возрасте приехали, но говорите что не понимаете сленг и т.д. Просто трудно в это поверить как-то... С одного языка на другой трудно переключаться, но сами они не забываются....

    • @ramonantoniodejuanbennett6239
      @ramonantoniodejuanbennett6239 2 роки тому +1

      Is Novosibirsk near Chelyabinsk? Both are near the Urals right?

    • @Camilla_Kudrin
      @Camilla_Kudrin 2 роки тому +1

      @@ramonantoniodejuanbennett6239 No, they are far from each other. Chelyabinsk is situated in South Ural, and Novosibirsk is located in Southwest Siberia.

  • @memeguyTM
    @memeguyTM 2 роки тому +13

    DW makes the best documentaries 👌

    • @DWDocumentary
      @DWDocumentary  2 роки тому +1

      Thanks for the positive feedback. We appreciate it.

  • @dmytrodelen
    @dmytrodelen 2 роки тому +99

    So sad DW has been targeted by bots on every single video, there's no way now to see what real people really think.
    Greetings from Ukraine, no regrets about the dissolution of the Soviet Union here.

    • @mat_j
      @mat_j 2 роки тому +17

      what about neonazis in Ukraine like Azov Batalion. I'm from Poland and I support Russia

    • @vodkaboy
      @vodkaboy 2 роки тому +12

      seeing images of the 90s always remembers me how far ex-USSR satellites went from. the road ahead is still long, but the progress is here, Poland is a great example of this. democracy, peace and prosperity are worth fighting for.

    • @mat_j
      @mat_j 2 роки тому +6

      @@vodkaboy you have a simplistic views of history and economy. Don't believe everything you see in the media

    • @Jimmy4video
      @Jimmy4video 2 роки тому +9

      @@mat_j Don't worry, if Russia has it's way you won't have to support Russia, you will be Russian again 😂

    • @mat_j
      @mat_j 2 роки тому +14

      @@Jimmy4video you are delusional. Stop watching western media. You clearly can't take it

  • @JosephKulik2016
    @JosephKulik2016 2 роки тому +30

    The USSR was not against religion per se. When Lenin said: "Religion is the Opiate of the Masses" he was referring to Organized religion, and if you read about the power of the Catholic Pope in Rome through history you'll see what I mean. Although there is a rejuvenation of Christianity in Russia, It's the type that I don't think would bother Lenin much because, through Communism, the Russian People have found the ideal of "the separation of Church and State" in their own unique way. You can be certain that Putin will never have a Rasputin whispering in his ear.

    • @СтоянКостов-э6ч
      @СтоянКостов-э6ч 2 роки тому +1

      I think that it was an overtaking of the role of the Church by the Communist party ideology. And in the past, it was an issue to practice religion, there were officers surveilling and questioning if people go to church.

    • @someguy4512
      @someguy4512 2 роки тому +2

      "The USSR was not against religion per se."
      countless Soviet propoganda posters against religion will tell you other wise.

    • @Roger-go6jc
      @Roger-go6jc 2 роки тому +2

      "per se". Two words so often used to shadow the truth, to make unclear the clear, to dismiss the necessary. The USSR killed the church.
      Look at the rise of China. There is no place for Buddhism or Christianity or Islam(Uyghur). Unless of course it is the recipe version of Buddhism contrived by the CCP.
      It equates to free thought and a higher entity than the state, which needs to be squashed "per se."

    • @molotov7000
      @molotov7000 2 роки тому

      Okay Commie sympathizer

    • @AndrD1406
      @AndrD1406 2 роки тому +1

      Why would stalin shoot thousands of priests then?

  • @expendable1439
    @expendable1439 2 роки тому +26

    I still think Soviet Union could have been reformed but only if it had a more competent leader. Gorbachev was so hell bent on undermining the communist party power that he failed to realize it’s what kept the country together. Both of his policies were a disaster and they only brought dissent and encouraged secessionist characters to come out and spread it throughout the country. He went on a charm offensive to impress the West and even refused to crackdown on separatists in the Baltic republics. In the end despite his best efforts to please everyone he became a president without a country. Compare this with the actions taken by China which prioritized economic reform over political ones. It was as Putin said “ the greatest geopolitical disaster of the twentieth century “

    • @deinkamerad6019
      @deinkamerad6019 2 роки тому +1

      Maybe that's because he wanted to destroy it????

    • @45641560456405640563
      @45641560456405640563 2 роки тому +1

      Very funny post. Thank you.

    • @Q_QQ_Q
      @Q_QQ_Q 2 роки тому

      problem is soviets was based entirely on different system while china is based on different .

    • @tanushkaagarwal1704
      @tanushkaagarwal1704 2 роки тому

      @@Q_QQ_Q Its not about the system, but more about the decisions by leaders.

    • @Q_QQ_Q
      @Q_QQ_Q 2 роки тому

      @@tanushkaagarwal1704 system .

  • @ElenaKomleva
    @ElenaKomleva 2 роки тому +8

    What do they mean when they say "the future is Europe"? More and more countries are debating leaving the EU, conservative parties are gaining popularity, so what kind of future Europe are they trying to get their countries to, exactly?

    • @ruvinipathirana8429
      @ruvinipathirana8429 2 роки тому +1

      Leaving EU has less popularity. You may have mistaken the word EU for words such as Brexit.

  • @CardShark808
    @CardShark808 2 роки тому +16

    Igor hates change, but Igor is a wedding DJ....

  • @angelmujahid2233
    @angelmujahid2233 2 роки тому +11

    It seems like democracy is dying everywhere. Not liking democracy doesn’t seem like a good idea.

    • @molotov7000
      @molotov7000 2 роки тому

      Socrates was against Democracy.
      Republic or Constitutional Monarchy is the best (it seems like that till now). It will provide stability to the country and her people. But national security is an important issue nowadays

    • @notme943
      @notme943 2 роки тому

      @@marksmith6972 thats fine too. Let the people decide if its something worth fighting for. If you live in a democracy and dont appreciate it, noone stops you from ignoring politics or move abroad. If you dont, then good for you.

    • @leaveme3559
      @leaveme3559 2 роки тому

      @@marksmith6972 alternative is a form of gov where there voices will never be heard

  • @mihaillenivov485
    @mihaillenivov485 2 роки тому +25

    I watch DW almost every day. NHK (Japan) and DW are the best for me. Some DW Documentary videos - are real masterpieces, but this one - a real nonsense. These young men are very far from USSR in time and so is there knowledge of soviet reality. Spring of hope? How could it be? But hope always is. Despair - not for young men. If somebody wants any answer - he should look for it, should do some work.

    • @mcgil8891
      @mcgil8891 2 роки тому +3

      Same! NHK is also a great channel

  • @vitaliikoval5837
    @vitaliikoval5837 2 роки тому +33

    You really knew who to take to represent the Ukrainian moods.. the guy from depressed east of the country
    You should have interviewed somebody from Kyiv or Lviv. The real desire for Europe and its values would be more clarified!

    • @averegeyoutuber9133
      @averegeyoutuber9133 2 роки тому

      @@marksmith6972 Russian bot spotted.

    • @merit7344
      @merit7344 2 роки тому +12

      @@marksmith6972 The ex-ussr states that joined EU/NATO (e.g. Baltics) are more developed in all aspects than ones who went the CSTO way

    • @movingshapes
      @movingshapes 2 роки тому +2

      Mark Smith And you think PoisonPutin is so altruistic and have benevolence as his compass 😂 Maybe you like to lick boots or wish serfdom was back. But not all people prefer to be slaves of dictators.

    • @suportbghelp4938
      @suportbghelp4938 2 роки тому +4

      @@merit7344 When EU/NATO was in his Prime, but now i dont know what Ukraine expect from join in falling apart unity.Even they will not be accepted next 10-15 years.All this is some big pathetic Lie.

    • @TheMrNalsur
      @TheMrNalsur 2 роки тому

      @@marksmith6972 Each country has its own interests in mind. It is that sometimes, these interests can converge, and in other times, they conflict.
      Look at the approach the US and the USSR followed to ensure their influences in Europe.
      The US invested heavily in Europe to guarantee it has a market there to sell their goods and that they do not fall for the USSR ideology.
      The USSR occupied their satellites states militarily, and crushed any protests with tanks. (Yet again proven in Kazakhstan just 2 weeks ago)
      The NATO countries are free to join and leave the alliance. The Russian state will occupy parts of your country primitively, lest you think of leaving its orbit.

  • @omega4chimp
    @omega4chimp 2 роки тому +6

    Im Polish I hope for peace.

    • @MiSt3300
      @MiSt3300 2 роки тому

      I am Polish too, from Kraków

    • @omega4chimp
      @omega4chimp 2 роки тому

      @@MiSt3300 I'm born Canada my father is from Warsaw and mother from szchien.

  • @Biratanupam
    @Biratanupam 2 роки тому +2

    Love from Nepal ! Good documentary...

  • @tuoxie1235
    @tuoxie1235 10 місяців тому

    What's the soviet music at the beginning? Thanks.

  • @darkwandaim
    @darkwandaim 2 роки тому +2

    I've got unfortunately the answer: Winter of despair.

  • @dimi_sf
    @dimi_sf 2 роки тому +2

    0:18 - young adults in 3 independent counties, 30 years later - still dressed like Soviet gopniks
    Not much progress there...

  • @elvisngenoh7855
    @elvisngenoh7855 2 роки тому +1

    good Job to DW for an alternate view

  • @curiosityz8552
    @curiosityz8552 2 роки тому +16

    Soviet forever!! 🚩❤️

    • @ElenaKomleva
      @ElenaKomleva 2 роки тому +1


    • @wokeaf1337
      @wokeaf1337 2 роки тому

      @@ElenaKomleva What are u doing here Elena? u are not supposed to have a political opinion! Вернись на кухню, сделай мне бутерброд :D

  • @joqqeman
    @joqqeman 2 роки тому +15

    Great opportunities as long as you are a loyal subservient subject of the tsar...

  • @sudhendugupte7562
    @sudhendugupte7562 2 роки тому +1


  • @BarriosGroupie
    @BarriosGroupie 2 роки тому +15

    To me as a Brit, the collapse of the USSR is analogous to the disintegration of the British empire, demonstrating that new political structures will always replace the old from the younger generation coming in. But on a positive note, the former USSR and East-European states are seen in a far more positive, progressive light today compared to the dark 1980s.

    • @yellowgreen5229
      @yellowgreen5229 2 роки тому +14

      Are you crazy, the fall of the USSR is a disaster and workers in Western Europe haven't had ANY INCREASE in real wages.

    • @duruarute5445
      @duruarute5445 2 роки тому +5

      @@yellowgreen5229 Cry harder tankie, the ussr is gone and dead

    • @BarriosGroupie
      @BarriosGroupie 2 роки тому

      @@yellowgreen5229 Where Russia is today compared to 30 years ago is remarkable IMO as a consequence of Yeltzin and Co opening up Russia to capitalism and the initial plundering of Russian natural resources by its oligarchs. I agree that the first 10 years were a 'disaster' but it did the trick in achieving in 30 years what would have taken a century if the conservative old guard had got their Russian version of the current Chinese communist party.

    • @yellowgreen5229
      @yellowgreen5229 2 роки тому +7

      @@duruarute5445 you would cry too if you were smart enough to know what you lost.

    • @yellowgreen5229
      @yellowgreen5229 2 роки тому +3

      @@BarriosGroupie Russia is NOWHERE, the USSR rivaled the USA and China's growth, now it is nothing but backwards as Brazil but with nukes.

  • @kimjong-unsupremeleader6262
    @kimjong-unsupremeleader6262 2 роки тому +2

    Those good old days❤

  • @Name28368
    @Name28368 2 роки тому +17

    Thank you for video. Please, do not delete my comment, I am not Russian, it is just a nickname. And yes, it is just my opinion.
    However, it looked to me very biased. Russian side was shown as a dumb or something like that.
    Georgian side was shown like homo-oriented or I do not know what was that.
    Ukrainian side at least was shown as a regular man`s life with its own difficulties and happiness.
    So the question is What was this video about? What it is for? Topic looks tremendous, but content…
    P.S. I very much like this channel`s documentaries. But in this case, God knows what was it about and what it tried to promote???

    • @windsong3wong828
      @windsong3wong828 2 роки тому +4

      You are right.
      DW video panders to the west.
      It’s views are biased in favour of the west.
      The makers are Germans ……they will look for interviewees that favours their narratives,
      The stories will come out consistent with their views.

    • @TheLocalChurchExperience
      @TheLocalChurchExperience 2 роки тому +1

      Soviet Union still failed. Why are you pretending like there is a conspiracy

    • @mirmirzehan6399
      @mirmirzehan6399 2 роки тому +1


    • @windsong3wong828
      @windsong3wong828 2 роки тому +1

      Communism is destined to fail.
      Same pay whether you work hard or is lazy ….what a stupid concept.
      China SUCEEDED because Deng banished communism in favour of capitalism in the economy.
      The common prosperity is still a good idea as you can’t lift the ENTIRE NATION if only the rich suceed.

    • @bullpup1337
      @bullpup1337 2 роки тому

      The video does not try to promote, just to show different views. That might be why you are confused - its up to you to form an opinion, it will not handed down to you by DW.

  • @2moonsMaster
    @2moonsMaster 2 роки тому +5

    My mother and father lived most of their lifes in Communist Romania, in the 70 and 80 they had to guess in which store some poor quality salami or low quality eggs are brought, even for those things they had to wait in line hours.
    2 hours of electricity and heat per night, yea communism was "great".
    They told me so many bad stories from communism it would take days to write them all

    • @gyzq
      @gyzq 2 роки тому +2

      Communism in form of USSR failed, not because communism is wrong, but because of the poor implementation. At the end of day, we need to ask ourselves why we still believed in capitalisms when it failed hundreds of times in history? And yet we completely lost faith in communism just because it failed a couple of times.

    • @ThatsABean
      @ThatsABean 2 роки тому +1

      this is what happens when you trade with Western powers and organizations like the IMF without strong leadership like China or Yugoslavia under Tito.
      The same entities you worship was the reason your countries' standard or living dropped. This would've happened under a capitalist government also which can be seen all over the places like the Carribean.

  • @dohc1067
    @dohc1067 2 роки тому +6

    Over five years ago, my wife and I had the opportunity to visit Budapest. It was brief, but nice. At that time, a very clean, modern, and friendly city. We arrived by train and at that time, there was another subway line being added. The food and restaurants were good. There were alot of American tourists visiting at the time. I hope the country 🙏 has been doing well since the transition from communism.

    • @theSupercasa
      @theSupercasa 2 роки тому +4

      To be fair, we are way closer (both geographically and opportunity-wise) to a Western standard of living than, let's say, Novosibirsk, Georgia or even Kiev.

    • @jamesmedina2062
      @jamesmedina2062 2 роки тому

      @@theSupercasa Money can be wasted and taxes reduced to the wealthy to the point that only the government officials continue getting paid. That is the plight of the US, which has been taken over by the oligarch class. Historically too for 20 years most extra money has gone to military and there are few legitimate laws to benefit safety of the public and ecology. I think "western style" democracies can flourish if the decision-makers are beholden to the public and not only the few wealthy. Also better if the country is not too incredibly large but not too small either. I hope to one day visit Europe.

  • @giopa110888
    @giopa110888 2 роки тому +4

    7:22 that's factually wrong. the cameraman died from a heroin overdose, not from injuries. check your info channels, please.

  • @OP-01
    @OP-01 2 роки тому +3

    Winter of despair and tragedy

  • @gobshite
    @gobshite 2 роки тому

    Can't see this catching on 😅

  • @StefanNemec
    @StefanNemec 2 роки тому +5

    "Religion is an insult to human dignity. With or without it would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things that takes religion."

  • @CerriGabriel
    @CerriGabriel 2 роки тому +5

    a conservative dj against democracy... that is odd

  • @Miodrag.Vukomanovic
    @Miodrag.Vukomanovic 2 роки тому +11

    Slavs need leaders like Josip Broz Tito.

  • @brucevilla7490
    @brucevilla7490 2 роки тому +11

    Bring back the USSR!!!

  • @tomt8709
    @tomt8709 2 роки тому +1

    Don't even show the production date. Another old story sold as new?

  • @Absolute_Configuration
    @Absolute_Configuration 2 роки тому +4

    Winter of despair.
    From Russia.

  • @ken.nethandthepinch7090
    @ken.nethandthepinch7090 2 роки тому

    A well balanced discussion with three men

  • @atolliver91
    @atolliver91 2 роки тому +15

    I don’t think European way is the way….

  • @bg24955
    @bg24955 2 роки тому +3

    Imperial Russia (Gendarme of Europe), Soviet Union ( superpower), now Ctrl+Z (undo).

  • @Nichesebe-77
    @Nichesebe-77 2 роки тому +10

    Collapse of USSR is the best thing that happened to the world in 21st century. Best thing that happened to me and my family.

    • @Lucas_07-PL
      @Lucas_07-PL 2 роки тому +1

      @大头小岳岳 XD , least delusional Chinese.

    • @marechaltukhachevsky2909
      @marechaltukhachevsky2909 2 роки тому +2

      Best thing that happend to colonialist plunderers and war criminals of western europe and USA*

    • @45641560456405640563
      @45641560456405640563 2 роки тому

      Yeah, it was pretty cool.

  • @chanakyachoudhury9518
    @chanakyachoudhury9518 2 роки тому +11

    The old people whoever has seen d USSR model support it as there was job for all,health for all.But d young one doesn't know about it all. The world politics would have been much different it ussr still exists. The capitalist model of Europe has failed.
    " Communism has failed Once,but Capitalism has failed million times"

    • @RealCherry8085
      @RealCherry8085 2 роки тому +1

      Both capitalism and communism are useless, Every country should have its own economic ideolody which is made after analysing the economic, social, political and historic Aspects of that country.

    • @RealCherry8085
      @RealCherry8085 2 роки тому +2

      USSR was autocratic that's why it fail. And remember the fight b/w Democracy and Autocracy is biggest than rivalry b/w capitalism and communism.

  • @glebperch7585
    @glebperch7585 2 роки тому +11

    I am from Ukraine. Most people prefer the old system. Socialism is better than capitalism

    • @patternrecon5271
      @patternrecon5271 2 роки тому

      Great russian famine, Holodomor, Lazar Kaganovich, Genrikh Yagoda, Aron Solts, Yakov Rappoport, Lazar Kogan, Matvei Berman, Naftaly Frenkel.

  • @45auto82
    @45auto82 2 роки тому +21

    I feel bad for the people of former soviet controlled areas. They are caught in an in between state of having the potential for freedom…but many don’t or can’t understand how. It’s so new to them and they have no one to guide them. As an American, this reminds me of the dark days of our Depression in the 1920’s and ‘30’s. I don’t want my Son to go fight in Ukraine, but I do hope they maintain their freedom and independence. Prayer changes things so we will continue our petitions to The Lord for His divine intervention.

    • @WithoutRemorse12
      @WithoutRemorse12 2 роки тому +16

      America is not even in the Top 20 countries Index that measures freedom.

    • @mat_j
      @mat_j 2 роки тому

      pray for all innocent victims of American bombs

    • @rogeronslow1498
      @rogeronslow1498 2 роки тому +2

      You keep worshipping your imaginary God in the sky.

    • @dulcettones5536
      @dulcettones5536 2 роки тому

      @@marksmith6972 There aren't millions of Australians standing against public health measures. The vast majority support what is happening - a science-based approach to keeping people safe.
      I see you say trust in god. How's that going for all those right-wing pundits in USA. What about those in red states that listen to them.
      Stupid, ignorant people willing to die just so they can own the libs. If that's your idea of a functioning society, have at it. We'll only need to wait for the next pandemic and the Right will have killed off their base with lies and misunderstandings.
      Viruses don't care if you shout muh freedoms at them. They'll tread on you regardless.

    • @gg.youlubeatube6249
      @gg.youlubeatube6249 2 роки тому +1

      LOL you are a nice example how efficient is western propaganda. You belive that someone else is in worse situation. True is, it is oposite, but shhsss. Hold the line with other sheeps.

  • @Роман-т4р9ф
    @Роман-т4р9ф 2 роки тому +3

    USSR isn't past, it's future!

  • @karfomachet7265
    @karfomachet7265 2 роки тому +2

    igor dancing looks like a polynesian war dance

  • @iandaniel1748
    @iandaniel1748 2 роки тому

    Can we can we find middle or option crisis like instead joining european currency to able to buy what day can + add straighten the European currency

    @JJONNYREPP 2 роки тому +4

    30 years after the collapse of the USSR - Spring of hope or winter of despair? | DW Documentary 1819pm 17.1.22 and at least conflicts between states can be contrived to bring about the time warp you speak of.. the good old days... when it was difficult to think differently.

  • @buckwylde7965
    @buckwylde7965 2 роки тому +7

    Putin's kleptocracy or Europe's liberal democracies, easy choice.

  • @BeezyNgeezY-ul1nu
    @BeezyNgeezY-ul1nu 2 роки тому +3

    800 euros a month for coal mining 1000 a month for wedding DJ. Frigging lame

    • @TheDjexcessive
      @TheDjexcessive 2 роки тому

      playing off Winamp 😂

    • @Kiyoone
      @Kiyoone 2 роки тому

      thats easy money... capitalists pigs...*sips vodka

    • @BeezyNgeezY-ul1nu
      @BeezyNgeezY-ul1nu 2 роки тому

      @@Kiyoone nah the capitalist pigs are the ones paying coal miners (who are literally putting their bodies on the line) less than a wedding dj. Idk if you're being a troll or not

  • @Lucas_07-PL
    @Lucas_07-PL 2 роки тому +6

    Definetly spring of hope , no sane person misses this evil empeire.

    • @glebperch7585
      @glebperch7585 2 роки тому +6

      So most Eastern Europeans are insane? Most Eastern Europeans, accoring to polls, miss the USSR and socialism

    • @Lucas_07-PL
      @Lucas_07-PL 2 роки тому

      @@glebperch7585 What polls ?

    • @glebperch7585
      @glebperch7585 2 роки тому +3

      @@Lucas_07-PL Look up Soviet nostalgia or socialist nostalgia Eastern Europe polls

    • @Lucas_07-PL
      @Lucas_07-PL 2 роки тому

      @@glebperch7585 I did . And ? Lmao , I am from Eastern Europe and we now the truth . You can fool some edgy murican teens but not us.

    • @mogun34
      @mogun34 2 роки тому +2

      @@glebperch7585 libosh (a Turkish socialist insult toward liberals) cannot understand bro... I even wrote an academic paper about it and yes you are right!

  • @paperandmedals8316
    @paperandmedals8316 2 роки тому +4

    Ouch; that map showing the Crimea and Donbass. Why was Donbass shown separate from Ukraine? DW not wanting to upset Russia!

    • @paperandmedals8316
      @paperandmedals8316 2 роки тому +3

      @@marksmith6972 by the government that controlled all of the USSR crimea was annexed to Ukraine and made Ukrainian. It’s like your parents giving assets to someone else and you show up near 60 years later and want it back. If the Black Sea fleet wasn’t there Putin could not car less about it.

    • @daru3015
      @daru3015 2 роки тому +2

      @@paperandmedals8316 it was never made Ukrainian, it remained majority Russian even after annexation into Ukraine

    • @paperandmedals8316
      @paperandmedals8316 2 роки тому

      @@daru3015 in 1954 the Presidium literally transferred the land from Russia to Ukraine. Spin it whatever way makes you feel better. Ukraine has been a punishing bag for Russia ever since the Czars were removed from power. Putin carries tradition over from Stalin. The Donbas? I get Russia wants control of the land their navy is on, but Donbas? I’ve been there. There’s nothing there other than a grounds for Russia to resist Ukraine’s welcoming into NATO. If anything, Putin shows Ukraine needs NATO. Petty tyrant.

    • @paperandmedals8316
      @paperandmedals8316 2 роки тому +2

      @@marksmith6972 well if Russia and Belarus would not be a constant threat to their European neighbors I’m sure the rest of the world would embrace both countries with welcomed arms. Funny how you don’t mention the oppression imposed upon Donbas.

    • @paperandmedals8316
      @paperandmedals8316 2 роки тому

      @@marksmith6972 not a threat to Italy or France yet they’d be more than happy if Russia fell off the face of the earth? Why is that? Because Russia is a constant threat to the peaceful existence of Europe.

  • @psikeyhackr6914
    @psikeyhackr6914 2 роки тому +2

    It is curious that neither capitalists nor socialists nor communists advocate mandatory accounting in the schools. Leaders of ideologies want the majority of people to be pawns.
    Adam Smith wrote about education in the Wealth of Nations. He wrote, "read, write and ACCOUNT" five times in WoN. Double entry accounting is 700 years old. It could have been mandatory in all high schools since Sputnik.

    • @notme943
      @notme943 2 роки тому

      People just need to vote for it. Maybe they dont share your opinion, have you considered that?

    • @psikeyhackr6914
      @psikeyhackr6914 2 роки тому

      What I have noticed is that no one in my entire life ever suggested it. I don't even know if my high school had accounting courses when I was there and I took 4 years of math with straight A's.
      So tell us your experience. Do people vote for or against what they never hear of?

    • @notme943
      @notme943 2 роки тому

      @@psikeyhackr6914 they dont, then you just need start to ask people. Its not too late.

    • @psikeyhackr6914
      @psikeyhackr6914 2 роки тому

      So why do you seem to be complaining about my doing that? I was in the draft lottery for Vietnam over this capitalist/communist crap. I have listened to this drivel for decades. We could have had mandatory accounting in the schools since Sputnik but neither side has suggested something that simple. I have talked to a "socialist" who objected to the idea. "The math would make Capitalism seem logical to the students."

    • @jamesmedina2062
      @jamesmedina2062 2 роки тому

      I had accounting in high school. It has not changed my life.

  • @adrienpolo2255
    @adrienpolo2255 2 роки тому +1

    Can get a like DW 👍

  • @mariosefardi-casella2730
    @mariosefardi-casella2730 2 роки тому +5

    I have lived both in
    Moldova and Ukraine after 1991, no matter what Soviet Union was the sh*thole of a country for its regular inhabitants

  • @a4audiophile92
    @a4audiophile92 2 роки тому +3

    According to the western media the most important thing a country wants is LGBT and abortion rights....

  • @Johannes_Brahms65
    @Johannes_Brahms65 2 роки тому +3

    This clip looks like propaganda. We don't need propaganda for a free Europe. Somebody made a litlle mistake there in the final cut. But that seems unavoidable these days...

  • @sonnytsai5088
    @sonnytsai5088 2 роки тому +5

    Generation to generation 😉make sure life getting better and better …

    • @YourMom-cu8yt
      @YourMom-cu8yt 2 роки тому

      @@marksmith6972 it’s the anti-democratic propagandized horde that is threatening those democracies. Most democracies are thinly veiled autocratic states to begin with, but it’s not democracy that’s the problem, it’s the conservative ideology that has been undermining it for hundreds of years now.

  • @justinagrossmann3578
    @justinagrossmann3578 2 роки тому +3

    Sorry, but we are way passed the time when Western values "freedom of expression and democracy" were taken seriously, and not just sounding ironic. :P

  • @nikushachanturia
    @nikushachanturia 2 роки тому +7

    *Cameraman did not die from injuries, he died from a drug overdose several days later

  • @nanucit
    @nanucit 2 роки тому +2

    I saw the video now I come to the comments for the "experts" opinions 🤓

  • @frankmanthey7725
    @frankmanthey7725 2 роки тому +1

    How could Ukraine say goodbye to the soviet Era in 2014?

    • @adamdas5495
      @adamdas5495 2 роки тому +1

      Applying for eu membership or nato membership i suppose?

  • @max-cs9ko
    @max-cs9ko 2 роки тому +40

    Most Russian still appreciate socialism, I personally think it's going to return with 15-20 years

    • @akjdhajkdjhaghjkadh9804
      @akjdhajkdjhaghjkadh9804 2 роки тому +10

      we hope

    • @CyanTeamProductions
      @CyanTeamProductions 2 роки тому +3

      For our species sake I hope you are right and I hope it is better than before

    • @matthewkopp2391
      @matthewkopp2391 2 роки тому +2

      It can still happen without a centralized politburo. The transition from communism to oligarchy was forced by Americans. It could have transitioned as worker cooperative businesses.

    • @movingshapes
      @movingshapes 2 роки тому +3

      Yes, you can thank capitalism and specially the Americans, for the internet you are using. And personal computers. And mobile computers. And so many other luxuries of modern civilization. USA! Land of the Free!! Winners of the Cold War!!

    • @damjanm3585
      @damjanm3585 2 роки тому +1

      The time when everyone was happy having nothing and waiting in a queue for food because of stupid communists!

  • @shriaware9537
    @shriaware9537 2 роки тому +10

    I want rebuild USSR again......it was a great country...... every coin's have two sides.

    • @duruarute5445
      @duruarute5445 2 роки тому

      Carefull there you might choke if you swallow so much boot

    • @shriaware9537
      @shriaware9537 2 роки тому

      @@Alexander-ev4kv yeah, it's true

    • @NeonNion
      @NeonNion 2 роки тому

      Not the same way

  • @krask5331
    @krask5331 2 роки тому

    thx for the vid; really sad; great ending :)

  • @timulm1221
    @timulm1221 2 роки тому

    The best thing to happen in the 20th century

  • @rorymcloughlin2023
    @rorymcloughlin2023 2 роки тому +11

    So the choice is living as a serf with moderate comfort or free and poor, as an Irish man I sympathise, poor won’t last too long, freedom however will last forever. I do believe the western powers will invest in these countries eventually, hang in there, Europe needs more allies now more than ever.

    • @ciarandevaney385
      @ciarandevaney385 2 роки тому +1

      Rory Mcloughlin wake up. The Russian Oligarchs run The EU,

    • @rorymcloughlin2023
      @rorymcloughlin2023 2 роки тому

      @@ciarandevaney385 I do hope they are better at capitalisation (and punctuation), comrade.

    • @45641560456405640563
      @45641560456405640563 2 роки тому

      @@ciarandevaney385 Grow up.

  • @Oyzatt
    @Oyzatt 2 роки тому +14

    Wishing one day you could join the European Union sounds like a great idea, until you finally join one day and realize is not what you wanted

  • @jacobzaranyika9334
    @jacobzaranyika9334 2 роки тому

    You tell me.
    I just want my rights and life respected.
    Even our off spring are still unsafe. They tortured mine!

  • @lorelailaval7676
    @lorelailaval7676 2 роки тому +8

    Amazing country, unique culture, no need to be part of Europe, just need to be free to oneself.

  • @soyad9840
    @soyad9840 2 роки тому +2

    georgiand and russian was very cringe. i liked hard working ukranian man.

  • @andrerothweiler9191
    @andrerothweiler9191 2 роки тому +1

    Country that lives in past has no future

  • @dlewis8405
    @dlewis8405 2 роки тому +16

    No surprise that only the Russian mourns the downfall of the USSR. Russia was at the top of the heap and the other republics were subservient

    • @darkmatter5424
      @darkmatter5424 2 роки тому +5

      Did you watch it really? No way did he "mourn" the downfall. 😅

    • @പരുന്ത്
      @പരുന്ത് 2 роки тому +3

      I don't understand what you are saying that dude said he does not feel sad about the collapse of of Soviet union do you see the video even.

    • @Snowman13230
      @Snowman13230 2 роки тому +2

      It was vice versa: all republics lived at the expense of Russia, the communists did their best to develop all of them creating various industries from scratch. For instance, the consumption rate in Georgia was 4 times higher than in Russia while it produced much less than Russia.
      And within Russia, the proper 'Russian' regions were least supplied compared to national autonomies like Tataria (now Tatarstan). There was no meat or sausage in big Russian cities like Kaluga or Tula, and their residents had to travel to Moscow to buy some basic foods. While the Baltic republics, Georgia, Azerbaijan etc. had no such problems, they thrived compared to Russia.
      And now millions of people from many ex-Soviet republics are migrant workers in Russia, their economies collapsed after the fall of the USSR.

    • @dlewis8405
      @dlewis8405 2 роки тому

      @@Snowman13230 I would concede that some places did well because they were prioritized but clearly the USSR was never a voluntary union. When the republics had the opportunity they declared independence.

    • @Snowman13230
      @Snowman13230 2 роки тому

      @@dlewis8405 It's both yes and no. To begin with, those quasi-sovereign states were the invention of the communists, they all used to be within the Russian Empire and most of them had never existed before as independent states. Ukraine, for instance, is Russia's heartland. Granting them the right to secede was of course a time bomb. Despite this, the March 1991 referendum showed that most republics were in favour of remaining in the USSR. The republics of Central Asia did not secede until the very last moment. The incompetence and inaction of Gorbachov and sadly the power struggle between him and Russia's president Yeltsin boosted separatist trends. And of course there were the toxic territories of the Baltic republics and Western Ukraine which shouldn't have been within the USSR in the first place.

  • @johnsrous1616
    @johnsrous1616 2 роки тому

    You're not likely to see much to be overwhelmingly in support of the more modern-day Russia as opposed to the USSR years.

  • @korgmangeek
    @korgmangeek 2 роки тому +6

    So, you ask young people that *didn't* experienced socialism, about socialism. That's a big time fail.
    Old people say: In soviet era we had money but not stuff to buy. Now there is stuff to buy, but no money.
    On next documentary, lets ask youngsters about medieval times.

    • @sg-or6wb
      @sg-or6wb 2 роки тому +3

      My grandfather had a money but he couldn’t buy a second car because of government would ask him where this money from....people could have a some illegal money but couldn’t spend...😩

  • @petruSarac
    @petruSarac 2 роки тому +1

    Christianity has the holly patriarch, communism has its own earthly patriarch. Seems there is a need for father figure in that society. Old habits die hard, but they do die with the people.

  • @mogun34
    @mogun34 2 роки тому +30

    If the USSR existed today, I would definitely love to live there!

    • @2moonsMaster
      @2moonsMaster 2 роки тому +7

      Bc you are from a poor country like Turkey

    • @stc2828
      @stc2828 2 роки тому +3

      @@2moonsMaster Duh, Russians are probably poorer than Turkey these days.

    • @mogun34
      @mogun34 2 роки тому +2

      @@2moonsMaster hmm look at the European, are you aware of the EU values ? For example one of them is human dignity? Or the official motto of the EU, which is United in diversity? Now I see how effective values they are, you are much poorer than us in terms of characteristics. And finally, I am living in Italy and my family is wealthy.

    • @2moonsMaster
      @2moonsMaster 2 роки тому +4

      @@mogun34 Then why do you praise such atrrocity as Soviet Union, people were killed from speaking out and for demanding basic necessities, its easy to be nostalgic about Soviet Union from your nice warm house in Italy, right?

    • @duruarute5445
      @duruarute5445 2 роки тому +3

      ​@@mogun34 that makes your existence even more laughable

  • @TomS-ce8hi
    @TomS-ce8hi 2 роки тому

    07:04 "They want a free modern and western lifestyle"
    *shows people stuck in traffic*

  • @evolvedape3341
    @evolvedape3341 2 роки тому

    My people!

  • @erikolson5299
    @erikolson5299 2 роки тому

    Key quote "and doesn't question politics." That is EXACTLY why the West will always be better; checks and balances.

  • @sagartomar3461
    @sagartomar3461 Рік тому +2

    Socialist ideology was the best ideology it's just dictators ruined it . Socialist ideology is best for common people. My country India was a good socialist democracy until it becomes capitalist and everything is ruined bcz now days politicians show fals hope to become super power with capitalism which is why gap between poor and rich are increasing day by day .

  • @theaceofknaves3285
    @theaceofknaves3285 2 роки тому +25

    Omg, WESTERN WESTERN values!!! You just need to walk on western European streets to know what values they are having and what values they seek in for the future in those cities, especially during these covid times. Sooner or later they will again be fighting street battles as during Weimer republic and drag the world into another chaos. That's inevitable however you don't want to acknoledge it. Besides, the freedom of expression or religion as you claim to be WESTERN, isn't exclusively started in Europe and is just a temporary phase in Europe that will be threatened by their own populations in search of authotarian rules!

    • @ElenaKomleva
      @ElenaKomleva 2 роки тому +3

      Nice to see one sane comment here!

    • @patternrecon5271
      @patternrecon5271 2 роки тому

      Wikipedia: Finland: Sexual violence: Perpetrators: wow
      BBC Sweden 58% foreinger
      Taharrush gamea
      New years eve Colonge Germany
      Rotherham scandal
      Manchester scandal
      Rochdale scandal
      Newcastle scandal
      Oxford scandal
      Bradford scandal
      Telford scandal
      Aylesbury scandal
      Huddersfield scandal
      Zabihullah Mohmand Montana
      Fort McCoy Afghans
      Somali sweden 9 years old
      Skaf gang australia
      Oulu scandal.
      Tapanila somali.
      Glasgow grooming gang.
      Kriss Donald.
      Lara Logan Egypt.
      Morocco beheading.
      Greece Ahmed Waqas.

  • @cyberfrank-bx2nv
    @cyberfrank-bx2nv 2 роки тому +5

    no current regime makes people happy, unless they re on top...
    abolishing currencies and meritocracy looks better,
    but unless we live it, we cannot see the flaws yet.

  • @ballistmorina4915
    @ballistmorina4915 2 роки тому +14

    00:52 DW presenting Igor used the map of the Russian federation which included Crimea as its territory, it was disgusting!

    • @daru3015
      @daru3015 2 роки тому +15


    • @yohaneschristianp
      @yohaneschristianp 2 роки тому +3

      It wasn't and isn't Ukrainian territory. Even if it's, it's just temporary for Ukraine.

    • @tonisb8859
      @tonisb8859 2 роки тому +10

      Accept the reallity crimea belong to russia ! You small crying girl.

    • @akkatonezapkin536
      @akkatonezapkin536 2 роки тому

      @@marksmith6972 How long do you expect to be at large before the regime will arrest you on some trumped-up charge in order to have you at hand for a potential spy swap in future? Just wonder.

    • @kostam.1113
      @kostam.1113 2 роки тому

      Crimea is Ukraine while Kosovo is independent
      Bullshit western logic
      Both territories are occupied in violation of international law
      And with foreign powers backing separatist movements

  • @mallari1224
    @mallari1224 2 роки тому +2

    Imean democracy is not perfect but its not as demanding as communism in which in my opinion if only at the author mixed in morsl valeus like ok do everything u can to overcome obstacles but though shalt not kill anyone no excuses the end . Such a short phrase would have huge difference .