First Time Hearing Deutschland Rammstein (ON ANOTHER LEVEL!) | Dereck Reacts

  • Опубліковано 18 жов 2024


  • @Reani71
    @Reani71 2 роки тому +92

    As a German I cannot put into words how much I love this song. And that is not only because of the music and the video but especially because of the lyrics. Nobody ever put it better into words how most Germans feel about being German and living in this country, this love/hate relationship that is so unlike to any other country in this world.
    So please look up the translation, even better would be an analysis video because there's also so much symbolism in the video as well.

    • @tekimod2059
      @tekimod2059 2 роки тому +17

      As a Russian, this time I think that "love/hate relationship" goes to my coyntry)

    • @Dalmen
      @Dalmen 2 роки тому +7

      ​@@tekimod2059 I think the "love/hate" medal will go sooner or later to every country in the world. Stay strong against the political tyrants.

    • @motorlife7037
      @motorlife7037 2 роки тому +5

      All three of you is deserving a medal. I love Germany, I'm polish. My grandmother did not

    • @michaellukassen5716
      @michaellukassen5716 2 роки тому

      Lies meinen Kommentar bei dem Vorherigen .Der würde hier auch passen.

    • @leannewilson7184
      @leannewilson7184 2 роки тому

      American woman here… I did with Google translate and this sounds like … as you may say “Gott, das klingt nach einer schlechten Beziehung.”

  • @Cadinho93
    @Cadinho93 2 роки тому +55

    To give a little context: The video shows several events in German history like the defeat of the Romans by uniting several Germanic tribes, The Hindenburg disaster, the "roaring" 1920s, RAF and of course World War II to name a few. The colored lady in every scene is Germania a personification of Germany, hence she wears red and gold to go with the German flag: black, red, gold. Also, a Important part is where the monks are eating Germania. It's suppose to symbolize how the church absolutely canabilized Germany during the middle ages. They enriched themselves while the German population starved and suffered. Not to mention the red laser that ties it all together. The texts describes the struggle of the band with the troubling past and the successes of Germany over the years. "Germany... my heart in flames, want to love and damn you". Very deep meaning. You have to know German history to catch all references.

  • @pascalmarfaing4945
    @pascalmarfaing4945 2 роки тому +32

    Rammstein is an amazing band. Their music is truly strong. The german band is very popular everywhere in the world. I pourchased all their CDs. Je les passe quand je lave ma vaisselle. Ils me donnent de l'énergie !

  • @megatwingo
    @megatwingo 2 роки тому +18

    Hi, I'm from Germany.
    Rammstein is playing a classic "Industrial Metal" style. A 50-50 mix of synthesizers and hard metal guitars.
    A big part of the German history in one video. The black woman as Germania. Germania is the personification of the German nation. It isn't and wasn't a goddess or Joan of Arc.
    The glass coffin: It is Little Snow White from the Grimm-fairytales....and from their own video "Sonne". Only with black skin and in space.
    The piano song at the end is the song "Sonne", too.
    The words "Germania Magna" at the beginning are a Roman name for the area of Germany, that wasn't conquered by the Roman Empire at that time.
    Germania Superior and Germania Inferior were the Roman conquered areas (Roman provinces) of Germany.
    The line in this song "So jung und doch so alt" (So young and yet so old) means:
    Germany as a unified state is very young. A unified German nation is only existing from 1871 onwards. Before that year of unification Germany was made of countless, little mini-states and the people identified first and foremost as Prussians, Hessians, Saxons etc, etc, etc. and only in a second line of thought they had a lose sense of being somehow Germans, too, as a kind of unifying second identity.
    So the area & the landscape where the Germans are living and the Germans themselves as a people...are thousands of years old. But only recently, in 1871, there was a unified Germany as one single state.
    So Germany as a unified state is very young...and at the same time it is thousands of years old.
    The battle of the Teutoburg forest against the Romans (and Rammstein as Roman soldiers and Germans alike).
    That battle is of ABSOLUTE importance for the German history.
    The hanged bodies in the trees were the beaten Roman soldiers, who were gruesome sacrificed to the Germanic gods...and were partly nailed to the trees.
    The Varus-(Teutoburg)-Battle was already in 9 AD. In 16 AD were the vengeance campaigns of commanding field general Germanicus under Emperor Tiberius Augustus. Therefore we see here the arrival of the Roman troops of Germanicus and they are watching their dead comrades hanging in the trees or getting their heads chopped off (for nailing them to the trees).
    In reality the Romans under Germanicus found only the bones of the Varus army in the various ways they were slaughtered, sacrificed and displayed at the trees. Slaves were liberated even decades after the battle.
    After the scenes with the Romans we saw the Hindenburg Zeppelin disaster (the burning Zeppelin in the background).
    The moustaches and clothing from the fight scene are from WWI and post WWI years. From the working class people in WWI and the roaring 20's. In the WWII years later on this kind of big bushy moustache was already out of fashion.
    The falling banknotes in the prison are not about corruption. That scene is about the hyper-inflation of the 1920's, that took away the savings of the Germans and left them in deep poverty and desperation.
    One had to pay a loaf of bread with a handcart full of nearly worthless banknotes back then and it hit the German people deep down inside and in their souls. Especially the poor ones and the simple workers.
    The V2 rocket (first manmade object in space) as technical triumph of the German spirit...and at the same time the killing of the concentration camp prisoners in the bunker factories below the mountains during the production of that rocket.
    This scene in the video could be a representation of a very specific concentration camp. It was "Mittelbau-Dora" below the Kohnstein mountain.
    A mixture between a big, huge bunker factory for V1 and V2 rockets and a concentration camp.
    The concentration camp inmates had several different markings for different kinds of convicts and their "crimes" sown to their chests, like it was in reality, too. A pink triangle for homosexuals, the star of David for Jews and two of them were marked with the double-triangles for Jehovas Whitnesses.
    The book burnings of the Nazis and the burning of the witches of the church. In the same scene with the book burning there is EVEN MORE going on. The cooperation of the church with the Nazis, when the priest with the cross embraces the Nazi SA-man.
    The scene with the sign with the Hammer and a pair of compasses in a circle of wheat is the sign of the GDR (DDR). The socialst German state in the east that existed before the German reunification.
    Therefore it was Karl Marx in the background in the scene with the tank (not the scene at the concentration camp).
    The scene with Rammstein wielding guns (the pumpgun) and taking Germania hostage was about leftwing terrorism of the 1970's. The terrorists were called the RAF (Rote Armee Fraktion).
    My interpretation of the red scanner-like beams: There are two different kinds of beams. The massive straight red light beam that goes up into the heavens AND there were those smaller, thinner "scanner" beams.
    Aliens (or humans from the future) are scanning the whole German history. Like some real scientists are scanning and excarvating ancient Mexican or Egyptian statues, for example.
    The massive red light beam is the red ribbon of time that ties together all the historical events.
    PS: As for the dogs: Germans are fanatical dog lovers. We are a dog-owner nation. The dog is a firm part of Germany.
    PPS: They didn't eat the body of the woman and her inner organs, even if it really looked that way. They were eating the national dish of Germany, that was put on the body of the black woman: Sauerkraut, Kassler & sausages.
    In my opinion it symbolizes the church eating itself fat on the goods and values and food of Germany during the simple people (farmers, simple workers etc) lived a long time in a kind of hell of poverty and serfdom (the red fetish area below the table with Germania on it).
    But that eating scene could indeed have a double meaning. It could represent the 30 years war, that was fought for religious reasons and depopulated large areas of Germany. It forced the people to commit canibalism because nobody was there anymore to produce food. Except the fat, wealthy people of the church, of course. They were still able to eat enough. Only the simple people at the bottom (farmers etc) died from hunger and had to fight and die in that war.
    The 30 years war was the biggest catastrophe in Germany until WWI happened.
    PPPS: The short scene with the dogs and their gas masks = WWI, where in reality animals (messenger dogs & horses) AND soldiers were wearing gas masks, too.
    PPPPS: The puppies at the end are Leonberger dogs. The Leonbergers nearly went extinct during WWI and WWII.
    PPPPPS: The black woman in the prison was dressed in a Prussian uniform with a Prussian helmet.
    Till sings the famous, often misinterpreted, line of the "Deutschlandlied" (Song of the Germans), that is not forbidden in Germany but simply isn't sung anymore in our modern national anthem.
    Till sings in his version the line "Deutschland über allen" (Germany above everybody) What is a BIG change to the real line in the orginal Deutschlandlied-song. In the original Deutschlandlied song it is written as "Deutschland über alles" (Germany above everything).
    The real, whole line of that old Deutschlandlied goes "Deutschland, Deutschland über alles. Über alles in der Welt" (Germany, Germany above everything. Above everything in the world).
    This line is often misinterpreted by many people as chauvinism and as a looking down upon all other countries on this planet. But that is wrong and not many people know about that in Germany and elsewhere.
    The writer of that famous line didn't meant it in a chauvinistic way.
    When that song was written, Germany was divided into umphteenth mini-states, what made Germany relative powerless and defenseless. Therefore the task of German unification was the goal above any other goal for all Germans (at least the writer of the song meant it that way).
    So the main goal for all Germans had to be the united Germany. The goal of "(united) Germany above everything else".
    That was, how that line was meant by the writer of the song.
    The line isn't forbidden, like many people wrongly think. It's simply not sung anymore and not part of the official anthem of modern Germany anymore.
    This has NOT its reason in the seemingly chauvinist meaning of "Deutschland über alles", like many people wrongly think. This whole stanza of the Deutschlandlied isn't sung anymore, because in other parts of the stanza are borders and landscapes mentioned, that aren't German borders and landscapes anymore.
    We want to live in peace with the people and countries, who are now living in those former German lands and therefore we don't sing about those old borders and landscapes anymore.
    It has nothing to do with the "Deutschland über alles" line in that stanza, like many people wrongly are thinking.
    The scenes I'm now talking about are pretty dark and low light. The WWII submarine in the submarine bunker during the astronauts are walking by with the glass coffin.
    I think, the choice of the black woman as main actress was made, because:
    a) it makes any accusations of racism and fascism against Rammstein useless
    b) she represents one colour of the German flag and she is wearing the rest of the colours of our German flag as makeup and jewellery and clothes on her body: Black, Red and Gold
    c) it provokes many people EVEN MORE 😄

    • @megatwingo
      @megatwingo 2 роки тому +3

      PS: UA-cam didn't allow me to integrate this information into the bigger text (above) for unknown reasons, therefore I'm posting it here:
      The troops, who smashed the Jewish shops during the Kristallnacht (not shown in the video) were SA (Sturmabteilung) in brown uniform and not the later SS (Schutzstaffel) in the black uniform. The SA did all the dirty work at the beginning of the Nazi rise to power...until the "Night of the long knives", an inner-Nazi power struggle, happened. The head of the SA (Ernst Röhm) was killed and from then on the SA was turned more and more into the SS under Himmler.
      The book burnings were part of the early Nazi years, too, and were done by the SA, too. One can see the SA burning the books and Till is watching it in a brown SA uniform.
      Both, Kristallnacht and book burnings were different things and happened at different times. The book burnings happened over a longer timespan at different locations at different times during the Kristallnacht was one big "event" that happened at one single day.
      Kristallnacht means "Crystal Night" and was called that way, because the smashed shop windows of the Jewish shops looked like thousands of crystals on the ground. But in the Rammstein video I've only seen the book burnings.
      The two beer drinking soldiers to the left side of the table, where Germania is lying on and where the priests are eating Sauerkraut & Sausages from her body, are not French soldiers and they aren't representing the French revolution. Those two beer drinking soldiers are Prussian soldiers and they are emphasizing the importance of Prussia for the German history.
      As far as I could see: They were from the era of Friedrich der Große (The Old Fritz), who was of extraordinary importance for German history. Amongst many other achievements he was the one, who brought the potato to Prussia and Germany. That saved many Germans from hunger and the potato became one of the most beloved foods in Germany on that way.

    • @mireillelefevre6092
      @mireillelefevre6092 2 роки тому +2

      Hallo Mega, Du hast "mega" viel Arbeit in Deinen Kommentaren hereingesteckt!! Hut ab und vielen,vielen Dank dafür:es gab einiges, daß ich nicht wußte👍👍👍

    • @megatwingo
      @megatwingo 2 роки тому +1

      @@mireillelefevre6092 Danke für das nette Feedback. Schön, daß mein Posting hilfreich war. :-)

  • @matshovelkicker6716
    @matshovelkicker6716 2 роки тому +23

    The piano part from "Sonne", at the end, is absolutely gorgeous

  • @jvbjvb289
    @jvbjvb289 2 роки тому +15

    I saw them in concert last week in the city of Lyon, France and it was a very great show!

  • @matthewrandom4523
    @matthewrandom4523 2 роки тому +3

    Finally you got it - THE Rammstein video!

  • @pmlo56
    @pmlo56 2 роки тому +16

    I have so much to say after watching your reaction since I love Rammstein :D
    1- Their distinctive sound is called industrial metal, a subgenre of metal (quoting Wikipedia : it's the fusion of heavy metal and industrial music, typically employing repeating metal guitar riffs, sampling, synthesizer or sequencer lines, and distorted vocals)
    2 - I agree with you, Till Lindemann's baryton voice is incredible, it hooks you almost instantly!
    3 - The video of the song got, imo, backlashed for unfair reasons. The context of the song is to show Germany's history so depicting the Holocaust was never meant for shock value. And I love the fact that they chose purposely a black woman to represent Germania (Germany's allegory) to stick it to the far-rights :)
    4 - I encourage you to read actually the translation of this song, it's all about their love/hate relationship with their country and you appreciate the song even more after that.

    • @justTyping
      @justTyping 2 роки тому +1

      I think the most backlash came via the pre release teaser, where just a short scene of the concentration camp was shown.

    • @jbird4478
      @jbird4478 2 роки тому

      1- Rammstein doesn't use distorted vocals though.
      3 - The backlash was not because of the scene itself, but because they used that scene - and that scene only, without sound even - in a promotion video. Critics said they were using the holocaust for marketing, which even as a Rammstein fan I have to agree with. That was a bad decision.

  • @pipounawinnieangeluna
    @pipounawinnieangeluna 2 роки тому +9

    My favourite band !!!! Thank you so much. The perfect match between music and video. Love them so much ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️. Love from France 🇫🇷

  • @Thunder_1977
    @Thunder_1977 2 роки тому +11

    Essentially, it is 2000 years of german history cut down to a music video, one of the most complex and cinematic videos ever made! You got to have a deep knowlege about german history to get all the symbols and hints in it. The lyrics are about the bands ambivalent relationship to their country, a love/hate realtionship so to speak, A feeling many germans have.

    • @michaellukassen5716
      @michaellukassen5716 2 роки тому

      Anerzogene Hassliebe trifft es besser

    • @michaellukassen5716
      @michaellukassen5716 2 роки тому

      Ein Verbrechen ! In keinem Land auf diesem Planeten jemals geschehen. Schuldeinimpfung schon bei den jüngsten Kindern durch eine gezüchtete ( 68ziger Marsch durch die Institutionen) Generation . Und nun? Der schleichende Sozialismus hat sich bis in den kleinsten Verästelungen des Staates eingeschlichen und zersetzt die Gesellschaft. Heut Nacht ein Video gefunden was den Nagel auf den Kopf trifft . Von letsfets " Worte der Freiheit"
      Obacht ! Könnt auch ein Honeypottlied von Faeser sein.

  • @performancegold8562
    @performancegold8562 2 роки тому +5

    Why do Americans don't care about pronunciation in foreign languages??

  • @duncanmccann2715
    @duncanmccann2715 2 роки тому +4

    The puppies are Leonbergers - a huge fluffy breed that originates in Germany.

  • @alanfoster6589
    @alanfoster6589 2 роки тому +7

    I'd start any class in German history with this.

    • @Batmaniaque
      @Batmaniaque 2 роки тому +1

      Or for a test: "name all the events described in the clip" x)

  • @Royaltydarkness
    @Royaltydarkness 2 роки тому +6

    One of the best song of rammstein

  • @lebusraconte3040
    @lebusraconte3040 2 роки тому +2

    Grandiose ! Never heard this before, HUGE !

  • @minonfabrice6767
    @minonfabrice6767 2 роки тому +7

    Must see their live shows For exemple Du Hast in Paris, or Feuer Frei song from XXX with Vin Diesel

  • @tosa2522
    @tosa2522 2 роки тому +3

    The piano music during the credits is Rammstein's song Sonne.

  • @vanessapauwels8432
    @vanessapauwels8432 2 роки тому +1

    Hey, Dereck. What a surprise on your channel!!! 👀
    I just came back from holidays. And I saw Rammstein in concert in Lyon 🇨🇵🤗😲🔥 They will be on the American Tour around August 20, 2022. (I think they are very popular in Mexico).
    Their shows can drive you crazy and make you very hot (atmosphere, energy, pyrotechnic arts...)😁👍🌋🎉😵‍💫

  • @askesismusic
    @askesismusic 2 роки тому +4

    Go down the rabbit hole

    • @stephanewantiez164
      @stephanewantiez164 2 роки тому +2

      I've sent him several songs (including this one) on patreon ;)

  • @erootaku5257
    @erootaku5257 2 роки тому +6

    Try "Zeit" of Rammstein 😁

  • @scredman1er
    @scredman1er 2 роки тому +3

    I live between France (I am), Germany and Luxembourg. people I know are neither shocked nor outraged by this scene! it is the history of germany and europe. this group assumes it and does not refuse to deny its history as dark as it is. Germany has suffered a lot during these centuries but it is always raised even greater!
    rammstein deserves the utmost respect for this music video, which is more than a music video, it's a masterpiece that should be studied in school! I am linked to Germany through the history of my region (Lorraine) and therefore this clip touches me in particular!

  • @janosfernandez945
    @janosfernandez945 2 роки тому +1

    WOW! Rammstein Bruder ! You are GOOD !

  • @janosfernandez945
    @janosfernandez945 2 роки тому +1

    As you obviously gathered the lyrics and video are full of sense. Maybe more evident to Europeans, I don't know. The piano part is from "Engel" , an earlier song

  • @Fed47
    @Fed47 2 роки тому +4

    Till Lindemann le seul chanteur métal avec une voix agréable

    • @askesismusic
      @askesismusic 2 роки тому +4

      Tu dois pas avoir écouté beaucoup de métal :)
      Y en a pour tous les goûts dans ce genre

  • @boqndimitrov8693
    @boqndimitrov8693 2 роки тому +2


  • @BBE2022
    @BBE2022 2 роки тому

    I do agree, it's hard for a non-German to understand the video on first watch. There are so many events from German history, most people from abroard are not familiar with. But I loved how the music caught you and you were "in" from sec one! :)

  • @Mayfinity
    @Mayfinity 2 роки тому

    You need so many Songs from them to hear! "SONNE", "ANGST", "MUTTER", "PUPPE", "DICKE TITTEN".. PLS REACT IT!🥰❤

  • @Sean-qp8yv
    @Sean-qp8yv 2 роки тому +2

    You need to watch more of Rammstein! Absolutely brilliant band! Check out Puppe by them, you'll be blown away.

  • @luiscaldeira4758
    @luiscaldeira4758 2 роки тому +2

    This is the real German story.Why its só dark....

    • @Telmaandl6
      @Telmaandl6 Рік тому


  • @stephanewantiez164
    @stephanewantiez164 2 роки тому +2

    So yes, with Rammstein, every sentence in the lyrics, and every shot in the video has a deep meaning, they're doing nothing randomly. That's really a masterpiece!

  • @gorsed3060
    @gorsed3060 2 роки тому +2

    Mhhhhh unfortunately you did not paid attention to the lyrics and the history in it. Its more. You didn't understand the point what's about. Yes take you time for the details

  • @brettbuffalo2171
    @brettbuffalo2171 2 роки тому +1

    That this only has 480 likes is a travesty.

    • @believeitornot2650
      @believeitornot2650 2 роки тому +1

      It has changed now. Not enough.....

    • @brettbuffalo2171
      @brettbuffalo2171 2 роки тому +1

      @@believeitornot2650 Maybe I shouldn't nominate a Diary of Dreams song after all 😅

    • @believeitornot2650
      @believeitornot2650 2 роки тому +1

      @@brettbuffalo2171 I checked ; when we look at the ratio between number of views and number of likes, apparently it's consistent with what happens for most songs. Seems like the vast majority of people come here, listen and forget to tip the boss🙄 So nothing to worry about. For me it's nothing strange. We do this all the time here in France when leaving a bar. We forget to tip🤕

  • @annaricci4686
    @annaricci4686 2 роки тому +1

    Masterpiece 🤘 Rammstein are the best band ever 🔥🔥❤❤❤

  • @Thu17nder
    @Thu17nder 2 роки тому +1

    Rammstein is very best band of the world 🤟🔥🤟🔥🤟

  • @dieteroffermann3880
    @dieteroffermann3880 2 роки тому +2

    It´s a German Sheperd Dog

  • @bigtiger1964
    @bigtiger1964 2 роки тому +1

    Please react to Rammstein’s “Du hast” live in Paris:
    In the beginning “Du hast” (You have) sounds like “Du hasst” (You hate), but in the end it is clear that the sentence is “Du hast mich gefragt” (You have asked me).

  • @jonnajois
    @jonnajois 2 роки тому +1

    Ps. Stein in Rammstein is pronounced like in shine, but with a T of coarse 😉

  • @vivianemarc3296
    @vivianemarc3296 2 роки тому +1


  • @clementlavielle
    @clementlavielle 2 роки тому

    For me, their 5 best songs are Angst, Zeig Dich, Adios, Sehnsucht and Hallelujah.

  • @corinnec4057
    @corinnec4057 2 роки тому +5

    merci d'écouter Rammstein . Je suis contente que tu aimes ! je ne les ai découvert qu'en 2019 et je les aime ; ils sont passés à LYON (FRANCE) et ils ont eu 100000 spectateurs en 2 soirée ! tu peux les regarder en live : "du hast" live in paris ; "ich tu dir weh" live at madisson square garden / BISES .

  • @surfer4378
    @surfer4378 2 роки тому +1

    to understand this video you must be have backround of germanys history,

    • @Telmaandl6
      @Telmaandl6 Рік тому

      Европы, вообще всей...

  • @mightyquest-lesdefaitesdej5298
    @mightyquest-lesdefaitesdej5298 2 роки тому +1

    You need absolutly listen this hard rock music : " Ultra Vomit - KAMMTHAAR " :)

  • @chucku00
    @chucku00 2 роки тому

    _This comment section is now under German control._
    Rammstein's last video is also full of symbolisms...

  • @DasGehtSoNicht-x
    @DasGehtSoNicht-x 4 місяці тому

    The beautiful black lady represents "Germania" and the red lights are the "red thread" that has run through history for around 2000 years.
    The first thing we see is the battle in the Teuteburg Forest.
    Essential for the creation of Germany.
    Then we see the men fighting and that represents the 1920s.
    The scene with the burning background and the crashing is the "Hindenburg"
    After this is the DDR.
    Then the scene with the woman on the table is shown, which probably represents the time of the 30 Years' War when there was hardly any food and cannibalism increased.
    The money rain scene is not entirely clear but it could represent inflation.
    In Berlin on November 19, 1923, a kilogram of rye bread cost 233 billion marks and a kilogram of beef cost 4.8 trillion marks.
    Afterwards we see V2 rockets and the Holocaust. The patches are also important here.
    They stand for Jews, homosexuals and also the "Jehovah's Witnesses"
    The scene with the guns and where Till is dressed as a woman is the RAF.
    (The Red Army Faction was a left-wing extremist terrorist organization in the Federal Republic of Germany.)
    Then witches and books are burned.
    The dogs are “Leonbergers”.
    They almost died out during the Second World War and also represent the German soul.
    No matter how oppressed they are and how bad they may be, they always stand with a strong backbone.
    Finally we come back to the beautiful woman.
    She is black, always seen with golden armor, jewelry and the red light.
    Black red Gold
    She represents Germany.
    I hope you can read and understand everything well :)

  • @Zerosko
    @Zerosko 2 роки тому +1

    Je n'écoute pas trop de Rammstein mais "Deutschland" est cool, elle déchire et le clip est sympa👍

    • @stephanewantiez164
      @stephanewantiez164 2 роки тому +1

      Tu devrais vraiment écouter leurs deux derniers albums, ils sont fantastiques ! Je ne suis pas un fan de métal et je ne connaissais pas trop Rammstein avant ça, mais ces disques sont de pures merveilles ! Et les clips les accompagnant sont tous aussi bons ! Regarde par exemple "Radio", "Angst", "Dicke Titen", "Zeit" ou "Zick Zack", pour les titres les plus récents.

    • @vincentvincenzowehrung5830
      @vincentvincenzowehrung5830 2 роки тому +1

      @@stephanewantiez164 Le clip et les paroles de Zeit sont génial ,

  • @jurgenkreitz4059
    @jurgenkreitz4059 2 роки тому +1

    Hey, your are great. I come fromt Germany, please react the songs "Zeit" and "Angst" from Rammstein and read the epic lyrics. Bye Bye smile

  • @grafbig
    @grafbig 2 роки тому +2

    Rammstein - Zeit is another very very good song. But pls activate english lyrics

    • @Telmaandl6
      @Telmaandl6 Рік тому

      Yes, yes, yes 👍👍👍

  • @rosamini4351
    @rosamini4351 2 роки тому +1

    Las guitarras,magnificas👏👏👏👩‍⚕️😷💟🇪🇦

  • @perleperle5441
    @perleperle5441 2 роки тому +1


  • @Yllia
    @Yllia Місяць тому

    other song from rammstein are really good like Feuer Frei! and Ich will but I really like diamant

  • @necromontys.
    @necromontys. 2 роки тому

    only Rammstein always ❤️❤️❤️

  • @michaellukassen5716
    @michaellukassen5716 2 роки тому +1

    Rammstein aussprechen üben wir aber noch.

  • @Batmaniaque
    @Batmaniaque 2 роки тому

    Try Engel and Seemann(as I am a fan, I would say, try all of their songs... x)... ), you won't waste your time!

  • @Telmaandl6
    @Telmaandl6 Рік тому

    Да, ты прав. Темно.

  • @Nanda-1305
    @Nanda-1305 2 роки тому +2


  • @grahamweit5508
    @grahamweit5508 2 роки тому +1

    hi just joined this channel, Glad to see the younger generation enjoying German Pop. Here is one from their past you should check out.
    Rammstein - Ich Tu Dir Weh (Official Video)

  • @janem3892
    @janem3892 2 роки тому

    If you love that kind of music, you should listen '' explode '' from deathstar. Love your videos. 👍👍👍

  • @nyoodmono4681
    @nyoodmono4681 Місяць тому

    Germania gave birth to obedient dogs. The end

  • @samueldevulder
    @samueldevulder 2 роки тому

    Not exactly Sandra nor ModernTalking, but still Deutsche Qualität...

  • @cyrilvilpoix9069
    @cyrilvilpoix9069 2 роки тому +1

    Salut Dereck, je vous conseille la chanson seemann de Rammstein : et surtout la reprise exceptionnelle de Nina Hagen :
    Hi Dereck, I recommend Rammstein's seemann song: and especially Nina Hagen's exceptional cover:

  • @timheller8475
    @timheller8475 2 роки тому

    It's known as Industrial Metal

  • @sulliken77
    @sulliken77 2 роки тому

    Neue Deutche Härte - New German Hardness
    Or "TanzMetall" - Dance Metal
    As I read somewhere.. "When I listen to Rammstein, I don't know if I'm supposed to headbang og dance."
    Sums it up pretty good. I prefer headbanging, though.

    • @Telmaandl6
      @Telmaandl6 Рік тому

      Раммштайн это и есть удар по башке.

  • @alaind3184
    @alaind3184 2 роки тому

    Epic song and reaction. Please try Seemann cover by Nina Hagen.

  • @christianange7816
    @christianange7816 2 роки тому

    Ringarde , ça fait quatres ans quelle est sortie cette musique !!! , Les petits américains la découvrent a peine, les pauvres...

  • @orianamedhestchanel3894
    @orianamedhestchanel3894 Рік тому

    its too hard to make english subs in settings of video?

  • @gnarlin4964
    @gnarlin4964 2 роки тому +1

    FFS, it's not Ram-steam.

  • @TheErsu
    @TheErsu 2 роки тому

    Please react to Heart of Sword by TM Revolution.

  • @vincentlehebel4399
    @vincentlehebel4399 2 роки тому +1

    Rammstein c'est la bible..

  • @silvertongue3003
    @silvertongue3003 2 роки тому

    You pronounce their name Ram-stine

  • @dreasbn
    @dreasbn 2 роки тому

    As a German i cannot put into words how irrelevant this song is in Germany. Rammstein do have fans and success in GErmany, but it's not nearly as much as abroad. Many Germans can not relate to their sound at all. So by no means they're dominating the charts over here...

  • @Telmaandl6
    @Telmaandl6 Рік тому

    Да уж, это вам не Сандра ...

  • @mattmatt9505
    @mattmatt9505 2 роки тому

    Il faut que tu écoutes julien clerc - femme je vous aime

    • @samueldevulder
      @samueldevulder 2 роки тому

      Oui clairement Till fait immédiatement penser à Julien .....
      (2nd degré)

  • @biohazardhellfest4140
    @biohazardhellfest4140 2 роки тому

    Dake fake and Fake
    Stop misrake