If target is moving away and you launch after them your range is vastly less. 50 knots speed and 20 nm range equals 24 min run time. If they are moving away lets say 20 knots and you pursuing at 50, speed difference is 30 knots. 24 minutes at 30 knots is range 12 miles only. You should have started with harpoons. Also go off emcom as soon as detected.
If target is moving away and you launch after them your range is vastly less. 50 knots speed and 20 nm range equals 24 min run time. If they are moving away lets say 20 knots and you pursuing at 50, speed difference is 30 knots. 24 minutes at 30 knots is range 12 miles only. You should have started with harpoons. Also go off emcom as soon as detected.
All good advice.