Leprechaun 4 In Space Trailer



  • @javaguy418
    @javaguy418 9 років тому +37

    Step aside, Citizen Kane, cinematic masterpiece comin' through.

  • @EIN771
    @EIN771 14 років тому +5

    i had no idea that these sort of films got made! jesus i laughed when the narrator says "Leprechaun 4: In Space" its just so absurd

  • @Takeshi357
    @Takeshi357 12 років тому +7

    It's like
    Some kind of feature-length live action Sega CD cutscene

  • @TheJordanWS
    @TheJordanWS 7 років тому +10

    I love that this exists

  • @BaronUnderbite
    @BaronUnderbite 15 років тому +3

    I love these kind of movies

  • @heathawesome
    @heathawesome 13 років тому +1

    i have to say its the best movie about a leprechaun in space ive seen yet

  • @Koga34
    @Koga34 10 років тому +16

    dude is that christian bale lol

  • @mdubi687
    @mdubi687 13 років тому +2

    the computer animations are AWESOME!!!! imagine how much time it took for them to make these kick-ass graphics!!!!!

  • @pereiramariana35
    @pereiramariana35 9 років тому +37

    nothing screams bad movie like a forth sequel set in space

    • @residentfantasy5157
      @residentfantasy5157 3 роки тому +1

      this barbeque's only just begun!!! ;)

    • @leew1598
      @leew1598 2 роки тому +1

      In the late 90s it was all about space. Muppets, in Space, Starship troopers, Jason X, Space Jam, the Phantom Meance, a ton of Star Trek films...

    @SSTTEEAALLTTHH 11 років тому +3

    It's actually pretty enjoyable I find. At some moments it has a genuine survival horror vibe to it (if you forget the fact there's a leprechaun in it).

  • @IMAmoose24
    @IMAmoose24 16 років тому +2

    You gotta love... THE LEPRECHAUN!

  • @EroticVultures
    @EroticVultures 10 років тому +3

    If I was an actor, I wouldn't be able to say no.

  • @BoydSchidt1
    @BoydSchidt1 16 років тому +1

    I liked this movie. Its nice.

  • @looncan7484
    @looncan7484 9 років тому +12

    in space sequels where celebrity actors go to die...

    • @MusicMyOnlyLove15
      @MusicMyOnlyLove15 9 років тому


    • @looncan7484
      @looncan7484 9 років тому +3

      MusicMyOnlyLove15 Christian Bale? Warwick Davis? Guy Siner?

    • @DEP717
      @DEP717 7 років тому +1

      I bet Warwick Davis had a LOT of fun making these, though :) This a fun movie if you are a SF buff, lots of riffs on the genre.

  • @michaelmadden66
    @michaelmadden66 9 років тому +2

    I think this just be my favorite film ever, have to watch this lol

  • @fpoon36
    @fpoon36 11 років тому +2

    Who in their right mind, struggling hopeful actor or not wold agree to do this movie?

  • @adamkelly2420
    @adamkelly2420 8 років тому +9

    Still better than the new Ghostbusters trailer

  • @IgirisuNoGema
    @IgirisuNoGema 8 років тому +6

    I can't be the only person to notice his accent was distinctly English at the end....

  • @wondiefive
    @wondiefive 14 років тому

    The fact that a movie like this exists is so uncanny, you would think this is a MadTV parody I tell ya.

  • @One21Jiggawatts
    @One21Jiggawatts 16 років тому +1

    Saw it late on TV last year and its fucking funny. The lead actor was doing a dead on Stallone pisstake when delivering his puns. It was great.

  • @gusbaker4u
    @gusbaker4u 9 років тому +9

    before this, UA-cam showed a trailer for "Furious 7"...I see little to no difference in the quality of these two movies

    @UNKNOWNCOMICBEV 12 років тому +1

    who the hell gave him a lightsaber!

  • @adamspringhetti
    @adamspringhetti 13 років тому

    wow.... i never though id live to see a movie where there's a "leprechaun in space" again wow

  • @LunarPoet
    @LunarPoet 12 років тому

    Apparently I saw all these Leprechaun movies a few years ago, but watching this trailer... I can't remember a damn thing from it.

  • @zerogravity11
    @zerogravity11 13 років тому

    if michael jackson was from space i wouldnt think that leprachauns in space are not that rare

  • @michaelwhelan8049
    @michaelwhelan8049 12 років тому


  • @shadowface5591
    @shadowface5591 9 років тому +1

    This is the best of the Leprechaun movies in my opinion, I mean it doesn't get much better than a movie about a killer leprechaun set in outer space.

  • @manondrums79
    @manondrums79 14 років тому

    "you shall not leave this ship until I so say........say so."

  • @johanndukeofwayen4159
    @johanndukeofwayen4159 4 роки тому

    Princess zarina was the only reason I watched this, and continue to do so.

  • @JamesBobbyDouglasReed
    @JamesBobbyDouglasReed 13 років тому

    "Good Evening."
    "Upstop Coming Up!"
    "Always wear a proper lactive"
    "What did you shoot him with, steroids?"
    "This Bar B Q's only just begun!"
    These quotes had me laughing!!! XD

  • @peleking352
    @peleking352 10 років тому +2

    This trailer was on UFC 1. Does anybody remember the other trailers on the VHS? I need help finding the name of the trailer where some kids made their own Frankenstein.

    • @Sandlot1992
      @Sandlot1992 4 роки тому

      Frankenstein and Me starring the late Burt Reynolds, Ryan Gosling and Oscar Winner Louise Fletcher, go figure!

  • @CorporalCoward
    @CorporalCoward 12 років тому +1

    No! The Gold!

  • @johnhoward8677
    @johnhoward8677 6 років тому

    I noticed a goof, how can the space marines be breathing on another planet with no oxygen masks? oh well, still a funny movie. Dr. Mittenhand was hilarious, and a total scene stealer. Love the part when he first sees lep and starts bursting out laughing lol.

  • @truthseeker_89
    @truthseeker_89 13 років тому

    as you can see christian bale had some pretty humble beginnings lol

  • @Zerlono1
    @Zerlono1 11 років тому

    Obviously these movies are about as far from high art a a film series can be, but I still liked them, I don't remember watching this space one but I'm positive I've seen it. I think part of the reason I liked these movies so much is because it just brings back nostalgic memories af going to the movie store with my dad when I was a kid and renting VHS tapes, it was just more exciting not really knowing what to expect from the movie, all you had to go off was the box, as a kid that was fun

  • @TommyUB
    @TommyUB 14 років тому

    omg looks hilarious !!

  • @MrPrescott
    @MrPrescott 15 років тому

    great film

  • @Randomidable
    @Randomidable 13 років тому

    lol this trailer is funny xD

  • @Zekeormoses
    @Zekeormoses 11 років тому +2

    Still beats Twilight

  • @Leatherbubba
    @Leatherbubba 12 років тому

    It's like they took a random bad movie script and just wrote the Leprechaun into it later.

  • @jenkarras1595
    @jenkarras1595 11 років тому

    this is what disney is going to do to star wars in the new movies

  • @echo707
    @echo707 14 років тому

    Woot Conan!

  • @nickchris17
    @nickchris17 16 років тому

    This movie was fucking brilliant as parody of the first 3 in the series. But as a movie that actually took itself seriously it was even more hilarious.

  • @justgavin0659
    @justgavin0659 4 роки тому +1

    Its like jason x

  • @yaboyeric
    @yaboyeric 16 років тому +1

    silly leprechaun space is for astronauts !

  • @turbodaze
    @turbodaze 12 років тому

    This is a VERY funny movie, you all have to see this!

  • @LB74
    @LB74 15 років тому

    Space...where all horror franchises go to die.

  • @philblunt420
    @philblunt420 15 років тому

    they must have smoked more to come up with two leprechaun movies taking place in tha hood

  • @gabrielfrigoni
    @gabrielfrigoni 3 роки тому

    Acabei de zerar o filme, e é limpando as lágrimas após esse final incrível que venho escrever essa review. O filme é incrível. Uma sequencia a qual sem duvida alguma foi capaz de honrar toda a majestade do terceiro filme e fazer ainda melhor. A gameplay do filme, que com certeza não é seu foco, é incrível e suave, com movimentos lisos e responsivos, além de mecânicas completamente diferentes de qualquer outro filme, essa combinação de coisas o torna um horror movie excepcional e único. A arte do filme é perfeita, sem nenhuma falha. A maneira como as diferentes layers da arte se encaixam e se completam é um fator diferencial na arte, além da direção e execução artística em geral, que trazem a sensação de se estar assistindo uma pintura. A soundtrack orquestral completa a experiência perfeitamente. As músicas são épicas e marcantes, a ponto de se saber em que região da irlanda se esta apenas pela música que esta tocando, apesar de estarem no espaço. O desafio do filme não se concentra nas lutas ou em puzzles, mas sim em aproveitar a experiência assim como um jogo, mas ainda assim as lutas são extremamente divertidas e marcantes, os puzzles possuem suas "sacadas" incríveis, os momentos de tensão ou fuga são capazes de deixar o telespectador tenso com a situação. Assisti de dia e planejo agora tentar no modo madrugada, portanto pode ser que caso deseje um desafio maior, e se focar menos na história e na experiência, esse modo seja uma opção direta para você, mas recomendo que assista primeiro pela manha para aproveitar o filme como é. Por fim, fechando com chave de ouro, a história é emocionante. O storytelling te mantém preso ao filme, fazendo com que você sempre queira saber o que vai acontecer a seguir, e a história geral é simplesmente emocionante. Cheia de reviravoltas e situações inusitadas, não são poucas as vezes que você se pega com aquele embolar na garganta de "quase choro", ou até mesmo chegando a chorar. O final conclui este filme de forma maravilhosamente bem executada, lhe deixando com vontade de mais. A duração do filme é perfeita para com a história, não se estendendo muito de forma desnecessária, mas sem precisar "rushar" nenhum momento. Se tiver algo a reclamar, talvez seja a optimização do filme. Tive alguns tilts ao rodar o filme com o navegador aberto, com 8 GB de ram. Acredito que esteja se tornando cada vez mais comum os filmes necessitarem de uma quantidade maior de memória, mas não imaginei que fosse necessitar os 8 GB quase em sua totalidade. Mas isso forma apenas algumas vezes onde enfrentei problemas, e sabemos que o chrome é um ótimo devorador de memória. Dessa forma, os problemas com a ram não estragaram minha experiencia de maneira alguma, e assistindo com o navegador fechado não tive esses problemas, o que ainda me fez prestar mais atenção ao filme. O preço pode parecer um pouco alto por ser um filme de duração não muito extensa, mas o filme entrega cada centavo pago. Não acho que seja necessário esperar uma promoção, o filme vale o seu valor e ainda mais. Recomendo MUITO que compre e passe por essa magnífica experiência

  • @sixamsedna
    @sixamsedna 12 років тому

    believe it or not but this shit was terrifying when you're 10 years old. Now grown up you see how bad it is lol

  • @mclovin14s
    @mclovin14s 12 років тому

    all horror movies lose its taste when it goes into space

  • @spoojboy
    @spoojboy 16 років тому

    But not much of an achievement in computer imaging XD the space ship made me laugh. Ahh how I miss the 90s

  • @luigi180
    @luigi180 13 років тому

    hes got lightsaber

  • @KaydeyRai
    @KaydeyRai 15 років тому

    lol I love this movie, it makes no fucking sense though. I like the part where that half robot guy turns half spider "I am no longer Mittenhand, I am Mittenspider!"

  • @jennifersman7990
    @jennifersman7990 8 років тому +1

    @00:43-Mmmm Debbie Dunning from "Home Improvement", nice tools

  • @ope-aaron
    @ope-aaron 3 роки тому

    Just watched this on Prime Video. It was amazingly bad. I can't even describe it to my friends because of everything that went on in this movie. Everyone just needs to see it.

  • @P3WNAGE
    @P3WNAGE 14 років тому

    lol, Ditto. I saw this on Conan as well. Never knew it existed.

  • @tranceotaku
    @tranceotaku 13 років тому

    oh i didn't want to know this existed. lol

  • @EvWuzhere
    @EvWuzhere 14 років тому +1

    @TheElmoShow1 i thought it was a joke too, but it is for real, i found it on imdb. how did i not know about this?

  • @bietske
    @bietske 14 років тому

    My god, that would be stupid. I wish they made a movie in his homecountry Ireland.

  • @dekead
    @dekead 12 років тому

    I'm speechless

  • @0611930024838
    @0611930024838 13 років тому +1

    @YoungGillian NOW im watching it!

  • @antonioallender9081
    @antonioallender9081 5 років тому

    Part 1 and part 3 my favoritez

  • @dilps
    @dilps 13 років тому

    Good god, what are people thinking? Aye laddie, and a damn bad job they did too.

  • @tomgilbert7115
    @tomgilbert7115 10 років тому +5

    wtf is wrong with the world

  • @HeyItsAni
    @HeyItsAni 10 років тому +6

    are u fucking kidding me

  • @sethmanrockandroll
    @sethmanrockandroll 12 років тому

    Yeah, sometimes the internet lackies forget that things look better ON A REAL TV.
    I'm a little in the minority but I loved part 4. It was simply very shocking to see him go to space, but really there's a lot of cool stuff in this one.
    Part 2 and 3 have the better production value of the series as far as quality goes.

  • @TheWidow369
    @TheWidow369 12 років тому

    I can't be alive this movie is getting a reboot

  • @OliverKostrinsky
    @OliverKostrinsky 16 років тому

    a true classic its up there with the godfather lol

  • @dski1
    @dski1 16 років тому

    word is born= they should. they've been letting his movies perish into the low budget after life world lol

  • @luisalexander70
    @luisalexander70 14 років тому

    this in 3d will be better

  • @superrobz
    @superrobz 13 років тому

    Well at least it was more entertaining than Jason X lol *shudders*

  • @JamesBobbyDouglasReed
    @JamesBobbyDouglasReed 13 років тому

    1:15-1:21 What did you shoot him with, steroids?

  • @Trazynn
    @Trazynn 15 років тому

    How can this be a part 4? Were the other 3 such huge successes that they warranted a fourth movie?

  • @tjmack010
    @tjmack010 16 років тому

    God, any movie where a serial killer goes to space is a bad idea, they were plainning to make Micheal Myers go to space, so glad they didn't do it.

  • @razorjake
    @razorjake 14 років тому

    Wow... so I can see the attempt on TRYING to make it look BADASS... But, it failed! The setting would be great for Aliens though! LOL!

  • @filmidioten
    @filmidioten 11 років тому

    He was searching for the end of the rainbow.

  • @L0VED0CT0R1
    @L0VED0CT0R1 14 років тому

    The only way this movie would be good would be if he bumped into Uber jason while he was in space

  • @ThisCakeIsAPie
    @ThisCakeIsAPie 13 років тому

    Better then Avatar

  • @PirateLordRogan
    @PirateLordRogan 16 років тому

    Hahaha, IN SPACE!

    @SSTTEEAALLTTHH 11 років тому

    But the animatronics are quite good, very enjoyable if you like that pre-CGI feel.

  • @Laseranders
    @Laseranders 12 років тому

    Did they make Leprechauns on a plane yet?

  • @enriquearias4305
    @enriquearias4305 Рік тому

    Leprechaun 4: in space 1996

  • @weefi_
    @weefi_ 14 років тому

    dude wow. words cannot describe how absurd EVERY leprechaun movie is.

  • @jadenytsma2244
    @jadenytsma2244 11 років тому

    Came from collage humor livestream

  • @enriquelara8377
    @enriquelara8377 4 роки тому

    La 3 y la 4 son las mejores 🍀

  • @Eceoes
    @Eceoes 16 років тому

    Probably the most campy movie ever made.

  • @werewolforder138
    @werewolforder138 15 років тому

    no, but those rap guys had more loot than him

  • @fumeres
    @fumeres 16 років тому

    leprechaun is god!!!!

  • @-Pawuloniasty-
    @-Pawuloniasty- 14 років тому

    sure ^^

  • @UnwashedGoblin
    @UnwashedGoblin 14 років тому

    best movie ever
    was that tiger woods in the trailer ?

  • @truhayabusa
    @truhayabusa 13 років тому

    Running out of Ideas Already Hollywood??

  • @paddyoclown
    @paddyoclown 13 років тому

    ermm was that Christian Bale i saw in there

  • @randomathon
    @randomathon 15 років тому

    yah watsup with all the good horror movies goin to space like leprauchan and friday the 13

  • @SeasideDetective2
    @SeasideDetective2 14 років тому

    This movie struck me as more of an extended acting exercise than an actual story. There's way too many characters, and hardly any consistency in how they're portrayed. It's as if the actors wanted to prove how much "range" they had - all in the same film!

  • @AL3X9995
    @AL3X9995 16 років тому

    hellraiser in space? your kidding?

  • @Temujin18S
    @Temujin18S 14 років тому

    @AngelAbove00 true but have to say 3 and 5 was the most funny for me couldn't stop laughing

  • @Soulmaka2
    @Soulmaka2 14 років тому

    So now we no were Jason x got there idea from. But if this film is put up on UA-cam then I'm gonna watch it

    @W_WWWWWWWWWWW_W 15 років тому

    what the hell just happened? and did i just actually see what i saw?

  • @tjmack010
    @tjmack010 16 років тому

    No that was Jason that did it.