Review of FPSC Past Papers English | IBES

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @BilalHussain-q4c
    @BilalHussain-q4c Рік тому

    Best way of teaching in very easy way

  • @muhammadalizaman2001
    @muhammadalizaman2001 Рік тому

    Dear sir kbhi kbhar aise video bhi banay jis mai urdu translate kya Jay... Yani grammar or urdu translation dono video banaty raho sir JAZZAK ALLAH❤❤❤

  • @aminabatool1037
    @aminabatool1037 Рік тому

    Sir apka group kesy join kr skty heh online preparation k ley plz bta den

  • @niazibne-arbab5166
    @niazibne-arbab5166 Рік тому

    in the sentence, (after she tied her laces, she breaks the glasses) she did two works. firstly, she tied her laces; then, she broke glasses. should not this be correct to use combination of past perfect and past simple? In my opinion, the correct sentence of the above should be; "after she had tied her laces, she broke the glasses" what do you say?

  • @junaidraza6015
    @junaidraza6015 Рік тому

    Examw vida se English cover hu jega Kya kindly guide

  • @irfanumar1483
    @irfanumar1483 Рік тому

    Thanks so much ❤ sir

  • @aminabatool1037
    @aminabatool1037 Рік тому

    Assalam o Alaikum

  • @AbdulRehman-qz3zi
    @AbdulRehman-qz3zi Рік тому

    2022 past paper current affairs per bhi video bana den

  • @shoaibbaloch7468
    @shoaibbaloch7468 Рік тому

    When the sky falls, we shall all catch larks. its idiom and idiom should be the same as it is.

  • @MuhammadImran-gg4lw
    @MuhammadImran-gg4lw Рік тому

    Thank you sir 😘

  • @muqaddashanif1070
    @muqaddashanif1070 Рік тому

    Thanku sir g❤

  • @DiscoverThal520
    @DiscoverThal520 Рік тому +1

    Sir regular leacture sir please

  • @chroniclesofice6563
    @chroniclesofice6563 Рік тому

    Sir please maths b krwa dain

  • @syedaiqrajabbar1588
    @syedaiqrajabbar1588 Рік тому

    If the sky fells, we shall catch the larks this implies 1st condition

  • @ppscpreparationpoint5626
    @ppscpreparationpoint5626 Рік тому

  • @zairatheoptimistic8300
    @zairatheoptimistic8300 Рік тому

    She dances gaalt sentence ha simple ma dance hi ayega I think

  • @AbdulRehman-mx5zb
    @AbdulRehman-mx5zb Рік тому