Navroz Mubarak Song

  • Опубліковано 20 бер 2020
  • To commemorate Navroz, The Ismaili is excited to release a new song entitled 'Navroz Mubarak.' With lyrics in English, Hindi, Farsi, Gujarati, Russian, Portuguese, Burushaski, Arabic, and a touch of Shughni rap, this creative expression of love and gratitude features over 100 Ismaili artists from 14 countries, reflecting our global celebration of Navroz together as One Jamat.
    Navroz Mubarak - translation and transliteration
    نوروز مبارک
    Composition: Jishan Ali Thobani and Zaheed Damani
    Lyrics: Jishan Ali Thobani, Zaheed Damani, Maede Ejaredar, Amit Lakhani, Imran Hunzai
    Every winter
    Is a chance for another
    Reminder that we have
    So much together
    In common beyond the
    Borders between us:
    That all the colours of love and life
    Are shared from deep within us
    (Verse 1)
    - Hindi-
    नयी रोशनी, हो ओ
    Nayi Roshni, Ho O
    New Light
    नयी रौनकें, हो ओ
    Nayi Raunake, Ho O
    New Radiance
    नया है, हर एक नज़ारा
    Naya hai har ek Nazara
    Each perspective is renewed
    بوی گل بنفشه
    Booye gole banafshe
    The smell of violet
    قصه شور و خنده
    Gheseye shoor o khande
    The story of joy and laughter
    تصویرمان در آینه
    Tasviremaan dar aayneh
    Our reflections on the mirror
    I see us moving
    I see us blooming
    Towards the beauty of the Light
    Navroz Mubarak, Mubarak, Mubarak
    Navroz Mubarak, Mubarak, Mubarak
    Navroz Mubarak, Mubarak, Mubarak
    Navroz Mubarak, Mubarak, Mubarak
    (Verse 2)
    باز نوروز
    Baaz Nowruz
    Nowruz again
    با نسیمش
    Ba nasimash
    With its breeze
    غم زداید از جهان
    Gham zodayad dar jahaan
    Washes away sadness from the world
    دست گیرد
    Dast girad
    It uplifts
    دل گشاید
    Del goshayad
    It opens the heart
    نوری افروزد در جهان
    Noori afroozad dar jahan
    It will illuminate the world
    I see us moving
    I see us blooming
    Towards the beauty of the Light
    Navroz Mubarak, Mubarak, Mubarak
    Navroz Mubarak, Mubarak, Mubarak
    Navroz Mubarak, Mubarak, Mubarak
    Navroz Mubarak, Mubarak, Mubarak
    (Interlude - Shugni Rap)
    Шогуни Баҳор лӯм муборак а дуст
    Shoguni Bahor lom muborak a dust
    Navruz Muborak my friend
    Хушиям зохтху пи ху диландам вуст
    Khushiyam zokhtkhu pi khu dilandam vust
    Happiness has been tied to our hearts
    Лаке фуквахт тоза осмоната тоза нафас
    Lake fuk vakht toza osmonata toza nafas
    May there always be a clear sky above your heads
    Наврузи Баҳоранд кушод вид сина қафас!
    Navruzi bahorand kushod vid sina qafas
    May the doors of our hearts be open on this New Day
    Navruz, Navruzi Muborak
    (Verse 3)
    વસંત ની, ખુશ્બૂ થી,
    Vasant ni khushbuo thi
    The fragrance of spring
    આ હવાઓ, મહેકી રહી છે..
    Aa hawao mehki rahi chhe
    Is in the winds
    નવી કિરણો ના સ્પર્શ થી,
    Navi kirano na sparsh thi
    With the touch of new sunlight
    આ જમિન, ખીલી રહી છે..
    Aa jamin khili rahi chhe
    The land is beginning to smile
    કૈક આવી રીતે, જે હૃદય મા,
    Kaik Aawi rite j raday ma
    Similarly, in our hearts
    નવી આશાઓ, બની રહી છે..
    Navi ashao bani rahi chhe
    New hopes are being formed
    પતંગ ઉમંગો ભરેલી,
    Patang umango bhareli
    Kites filled with happiness
    આઝાદ આ ચગી રહી છે..
    Aazad aa chagi rahi chhe
    Are taking flight freely
    نرم نرمان
    Narm narmaan
    Very slowly
    با قدم‌های بهاران
    Ba ghadam haaye bahaaraan
    the steps of the Spring
    با گوهر‌های باران
    Ba gohar haaye baraan
    With the jewels of the rain
    رنگ آرد در گلستان
    Rang arad dar golestaan
    Bring colour to the garden
    Расти начнут семена надежды,
    Rasti nachnut semena nadezhdy
    The seeds of hope begin to grow
    В цветы прощения и доброты
    V cvety prashenya i dabraty
    Into flowers of forgiveness and kindness
    As borboletas se revelam
    As the butterflies emerge
    Com asas que inspiraram
    Their wings give flight
    sonhos novos
    to new dreams
    sonhos novos
    to new dreams
    Ċhile kaa gaṭi sang yuur ċum yuurar
    Water meets light in every corner of the world
    Shule gaṭikuṣe niiro-naau numa thar
    Rainbows of friendship and love extend
    Oltik kaa numa hankuṣe basiyar
    May they meet in our garden of unity
    Daltaskuṣ suṣ naa shulguyoar
    And bring beauty to our relations
    I see us moving
    I see us blooming
    Towards the beauty of the Light
    -Arabic- x2
    یَا مُقَلِّبَ الْقُلُوبِ وَ الْأَبْصَارِ
    Ya Muqallib Al-Quloobe Wal Absaar
    O Transformer of hearts
    یَا مُدَبِّرَ اللَّیْلِ وَ النَّهَارِ
    Ya Mudabbir Al-Layle Wa Nahaar
    O Disposer of night and day
    یا مُحَوِّلَ الْحَوْلِ وَ الْأَحْوَال
    Ya Muhawwil Al-Hawle Wal Ahwal
    O Transformer of states
    حَوِّلْ حَالَنَا إِلَی أَحْسَنِ الْحَال
    Hawwil Haalaana Ila Ahsanil Haal
    Make our states the best of states
    هر روزتان نوروز
    Har ruzetan Nowruz
    May your everyday be Nowruz
    نوروزتان پیروز
    Nowruzetan piruz
    May each Nowruz be prosperous
    Navroz Mubarak, Mubarak, Mubarak Ho
    Navroz Mubarak, Mubarak, Mubarak Ho
    Navroz Mubarak, Mubarak, Mubarak Ho
    Navroz Mubarak, Mubarak, Mubarak Ho