Very good cover! All of the doubles sound good, like both William, and Grey here: 1:28! But like I said I'm catching up on the tgt covers I missed from you! :)
I never heard about this song! It's such a banger! And your covers are always as great as ever!!!! You're always amazing! P.S: I'm planning to make some Fnf Songs not based from any mod!
You hammered this betadiciu home!
Nicely done!
Good cover but have you played Cuphead as well as Bendy and the Ink Machine and Bendy and the Dark Revival?
There's actually a game called Bendy and the Dark Revival??😶
@@freyosight9612 Yes there is and it came out last year.
This slaps
Very good cover! All of the doubles sound good, like both William, and Grey here: 1:28! But like I said I'm catching up on the tgt covers I missed from you! :)
Nice betadciu cloud! i really love this mod xd
I never heard about this song! It's such a banger! And your covers are always as great as ever!!!! You're always amazing!
P.S: I'm planning to make some Fnf Songs not based from any mod!
Nice one
The best part I like 2:04
Yoo PomPom Do Be Singing
Awesome Job :3
Nice wish it was lonely looser tho
I am a simple man, i see Spooky i click
new subscriber :D
Amazing cover
Wheres the cover what Ive talking about or i missed it
Amazing cover