  • Опубліковано 22 чер 2024
    voice : ahmad al shalabi
    Name :
    In verse 10 of this Surah it has been enjoined that the women who emigrate to dar al-Islam (the Islamic State) and claim to be Muslims, should be examined hence the title Al-Mumtahinah. The word is pronounced both as mumtahinah and as mumtahanah, the meaning according to the first pronunciation being "the Surah which examines", and according to the second, "the woman who is examined."
    Period of Revelation :
    The Surah deals with two incidents, the time of the occurrence of which is well known historically. The first relates to Hadrat Hatib bin Abz Balta'a, who, a little before the conquest of Makkah, had sent a secret letter to the Quraish chiefs informing them of the Holy Prophet's intention to attack them. The second relates to the Muslim women, who had started emigrating from Makkah to Madinah, after the conclusion of the Truce of Hudaibiyah, and the problem arose whether they also were to be returned to the disbelievers, like the Muslim men, according to the conditions of the Truce. The mention of these two things absolutely determines that this Surah came down during the interval between the Truce of Hudaibiyah and the Conquest of Makkah. Besides, there is a third thing also that has been mentioned at the end of the Surah to the effect; What should the Holy Prophet (upon whom be Allah's peace) make the women to pledge when they come to take the oath of allegiance before him as believers?About this part also the guess is that this too was sent down some time before the conquest of Makkah, for after this conquest a large number of the Quraish women, like their men, were going to enter Islam simultaneously and had to be administered the oath of allegiance collectively.
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    Surah Al-Fatihah الفاتحة
    Surah Al-Baqarah البقرة
    Surah Ali 'Imran آل عمران
    Surah An-Nisa' النّساء
    Surah Al-Ma'idah المائدة
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    Surah Al-A’raf الأعراف
    Surah Al-Anfal الأنفال
    Surah At-Taubah التوبة‎‎
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    Surah Ar-Ra’d الرعد
    Surah Ibrahim إبراهيم
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    Surah Al-Isra' الإسراء
    Surah Al-Kahf الكهف
    Surah Maryam مريم
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    Surah Al-Anbiya الأنبياء
    Surah Al-Hajj الحجّ
    Surah Al-Mu’minun المؤمنون
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    Surah Ar-Rum الروم
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    Surah Qaf ق
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    Surah At-Tur الطور
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    Surah Al-Qalam القلم
    Surah Al-Haqqah الحآقة
    Surah Al-Ma’arij المعارج
    Surah Nuh نوح
    Surah Al-Jinn الجن
    Surah Al-Muzzammil المزمل
    Surah Al-Muddassir المدثر
    Surah Al-Qiyamah القيامة
    Surah Al-Insan الإنسان
    Surah Al-Mursalat المرسلات
    Surah An-Naba’ النبأ
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    Surah 'Abasa عبس
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    Surah Al-Mutaffifin المطففين
    Surah Al-Insyiqaq الإنشقاق
    Surah Al-Buruj البروج
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    Surah Al-A’la الأعلى
    Surah Al-Gasyiyah الغاشية
    Surah Al-Fajr الفجر
    Surah Al-Balad البلد
    Surah Asy-Syams الشمس
    Surah Al-Lail اليل
    Surah Ad-Duha الضحى‎‎
    Surah Al-Insyirah الإنشراح‎‎
    Surah At-Tin التينِ
    Surah Al-'Alaq العلق
    Surah Al-Qadr القدرِ
    Surah Al-Bayyinah البينة
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    Surah Al-'Adiyat العاديات‎‎
    Surah Al-Qari'ah القارعة‎‎
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    Surah Al-Ma’un الماعون
    Surah Al-Kausar الكوثر
    Surah Al-Kafirun الكافرون
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    Surah Al-Lahab اللهب‎‎
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