Palau : le règne de la nature vierge I WIDE

  • Опубліковано 27 січ 2025


  • @jeanrenengbebou7989
    @jeanrenengbebou7989 Рік тому

    6 I said that the Congo-Kinshasa will be a significant centre for the midnight Cry.

  • @alimaakobe3583
    @alimaakobe3583 Рік тому +2

    10 Like Adam, God gave me power to name animals in this generation. God brought an animal before me and I called it lion and it became its name. I said to the Protestants: you are rams and it became their name. I said to the evangelicals: you are goats and it became their name, unless they repent. If you are a Catholic, you are an animal and that is why you cannot believe in the living prophet of your time. If you are a Protestant, you are an animal and that is why you cannot believe in the living prophet of your time. If you are an evangelical, you are a goat and that’s why you cannot believe in the living prophet of your time. If you are a Branhamist, you are the nameless animal of Daniel and that is why you cannot believe in the living prophet of your time. You are animals of different species but the Power of God will make that one day, you will get along and gather together. [Ed: the congregation says: Amen!].

  • @bricekonan9226
    @bricekonan9226 Рік тому +1

    28 When a prophet is on earth, the inhabitants of the earth will act so as to be blessed or cursed… And bear in mind that the greatest reward and the greatest gift of God to man is Salvation and Salvation comes only by a prophet! Eternal Life is the prophet’s reward in a generation. [Ed: The congregation says, "Amen!"].
    29 And you, Ivorians, Africans, Europeans, Americans and others, you are sons and daughters of the devil! You are the human posterity of the serpent that crawls in the bush! Do whatever you want but the midnight Cry shall sound in every continent, every nation, in every language, tribe and people on earth, in the remote jungles of Africa. [Ed: The congregation says, "Amen!"].

  • @kouamejojo4288
    @kouamejojo4288 Рік тому

    12 All men are equal before God, but the human races are not equal. The black skin is not the effect of the sun but the effect of the curse of Ham and his posterity. The black race is the race of slavery and servitude. And the wise and honoured slave is the slave who can whip his father and his mother and his brothers for his master.

  • @kevintano6466
    @kevintano6466 Рік тому

    19 I am a prophet of God and who is the priest, the prophet, the evangelist or pastor of a church who is my friend? Which leader of a Catholic, Protestant, evangelical or Branhamist church is my friend? How can I have them for friends while I am a nabi, while I am the Adonai’s portion?

  • @samuelwo5475
    @samuelwo5475 Рік тому

    20 En dehors des prophètes messagers, toute autre voix est une voix de discorde. Et c'est pourquoi vous prenez des chemins différents. Mais si Dieu doit vous rassembler, c'est par un prophète messager vivant et je vous dis qu'il y a un prophète messager sur la terre. [Ndr : L'assemblée dit: Amen!]. Les dirigeants catholiques sont des voix de discorde, les dirigeants protestants sont des voix de discorde, les dirigeants évangéliques sont des voix de discorde, les dirigeants branhamistes sont des voix de discorde. Tous ces prophètes d'églises, pasteurs, évangélistes, bishops, révérends que vous voyez sur toute la face de la terre, ce sont des voix de discorde. Et selon Matthieu 13:24-30 et Matthieu 24:31, la trompette de Dieu pour rassembler les élus des quatre vents retentit aujourd'hui sur la terre et vous l'entendez de vos propres oreilles. Et en dehors de cela, ce sont des voix de discorde. Et que celui qui a des oreilles pour entendre, entende!

  • @kouassilouisferdinandkouak4932

    3 The second question is: Brother Philippe, if the gates of our heavenly city were only opened in 2002, where were those who died since 1993 and who should get in there? Brethren, the gates, they are the different ministries here but the gate of the wall is the prophet messenger. Thus, the dead, although they were redeemed by Christ’s blood, simply fell asleep like those of the Old Testament. And in 2002 when the Cry sounded on earth, the gates were opened in Heaven. The Catholic, Protestant, evangelical and Branhamist veils were torn from top to bottom! And I said that when a preaching of the midnight Cry sounds on earth, it rips the Catholic, Protestant, evangelical and Branhamist nets and shakes the gates of the Hades. It was therefore in 2002, when the Cry sounded that the dead in Christ in the hope of the midnight Cry got in. [Ed: The congregation says, "Amen!"]. [Kc.80v6] [Kc.90v11] [Kc.130v5]

  • @kpisinuv7832
    @kpisinuv7832 Рік тому

    12 Quand tu es un vrai prophète, toutes choses, même le diable et ses enfants doivent participer à l’accomplissement de ton ministère [Ndr : L'assemblée dit : « Amen ! »].
    13 Bien ! Je vais lire dans Luc 16 :20-22 : « Il y avait un pauvre, nommé Lazare, couché à sa porte, tout couvert d'ulcères, et qui désirait de se rassasier des miettes qui tombaient de la table du riche ; mais les chiens aussi venaient lécher ses ulcères. Et il arriva que le pauvre mourut, et qu'il fut porté par les anges dans le sein d'Abraham. Et le riche aussi mourut, et fut enseveli ». Il ne faut pas y voir que les anges ont porté Lazare comme Élie le Tischbite mais qu’il a été enseveli. C’est son âme qui fut portée par les anges dans le sein d’Abraham !
    14 Bien... je puis voir ce jour-là … ! Que lorsque Lazare mourut, tout le monde l’appris mais personne n’a pleuré ! Leur souci, c’était comment se débarrasser de ce corps à cause de l’odeur ! La vie suivait son cours dans la ville, chacun vaquait à ses occupations ! Personne ne voulait toucher le corps de celui qui les traitait de serpent et qui traitait leurs églises de synagogues de Satan. Mais finalement, ils se débarrassèrent de ce corps comme on se débarrasse d’un chien mort...
    15 Puis, la nouvelle de la mort du riche se répandait partout ! Son corps était traité par des spécialistes et conservé à la morgue. Des journaux, des radios et télévisions diffusaient sans cesse la triste nouvelle. Un peu partout on observait des minutes de silence, on s’envoyait des messages de condoléances. Il y avait des messages : Telle et telle autorité, tel et tel et telle famille ici et là, tel ici et là… ont la profonde douleur de vous annoncer son décès. Vous voyez ? Et le comité d’organisation devait se concerter plusieurs fois sur différents points à l’exemple du choix du pagne pour l’uniforme, de l’accueil, de la date de la première veillée funèbre, de la deuxième veillée et bien d’autres choses ! Or pendant ce temps, son âme gisait en enfer ! [Ndr : L'assemblée dit : « Amen ! »].
    16 Maintenant, qui était ce riche ? Vous dites : « Oh Frère Philippe, assurément, ce riche n’était pas un homme bon ! Il avait une richesse malhonnête et il a fait du tort aux gens ». Non monsieur, ce riche était un homme bon ! C’était un Juif qui accomplissait la loi et qui avait de bonnes relations avec les meilleurs rabbins et qui vivait peut-être mieux que Corneille dans Actes 10 !
    17 Comme un bon branhamiste, il avait la Bible pour absolu et il a plusieurs fois chanté avec joie : « Quelle que soit mon importance sur la terre, sans Jésus tout est vanité ». Pour dire qu’il avait déjà accepté Jésus de Nazareth comme son sauveur personnel et qu’il n’avait plus besoin d’un prophète qui a lui-même besoin de Salut par le sang de Jésus. Et la Bible aussi ne lui reproche rien quant à sa vie ! Oui frères, je peux vous l’affirmer !

  • @elyseekoffi1717
    @elyseekoffi1717 Рік тому

    - - Kacou 15 : What God expects from us
    1 … When we have discovered the indisputable truth promised for our time, what remains to us is to carry this truth everywhere a child of God can be, whether he is rich or poor, far or near. God who is just will not allow that we enter into the Paradise without asking us for their blood. If the human is sacred as men’s law says, the soul is even more sacred. A great obligation is imposed on us. The order of Matthew 28:19 is not to treaties or books but to some people, us. A book cannot answer a question. You see? [Kc.16v1-3] [Kc.72v18] [Kc.115v1]

  • @gnabropauljulesgogo4395
    @gnabropauljulesgogo4395 Рік тому

    25 But because of the sin and because of the churches, know that the world will go from suffering to suffering. And it shall come to pass that a man will not be able to shake hands with his brother or his best friend for fear of being contaminated with the disease. People shall walk without touching one another. Schools will be closed and you will hear people say: "I'm afraid of taking the underground or the bus, I am afraid of being contaminated.” You see? The righteous one will say to the wicked one: "Go and show off your nudity on the beach!" and the wicked one will tell him: "I won’t!". You see? [Kc.141v49]

  • @audreyseri5947
    @audreyseri5947 Рік тому

    3 And now I would like to make an important clarification. I think that the time has come and this is in the line of mission of the midnight Cry. The midnight Message will put the Church in her true position of the beginning.

  • @kouakoucynthia2827
    @kouakoucynthia2827 Рік тому

    21 well, the fourth question now: "Brother Philippe, if a false pastor baptises, is this baptism recognized?" Everything depends on the spirit in which he was at the moment of the baptism. If he was sincere, then this baptism is recognised! But if he did it in an evil aim then this baptism must be taken up. A hypocrite or a sinner cannot administer remission of sins or justification. [Ed: The congregation says, "Amen!"].
    22 The fifth question is: "Brother Philippe, will the midnight Cry finish on December 18, 2005?" No brother! And here’s what William Branham said in 1962 in a question and answer session about that: "Statistics shows that a man’s Message lasts three years, any of them; Then he lives upon his reputation the rest of the time till God calls him. Now, that’s been since Christ; his was three and a half. See? And shows that all down, Spurgeon, Knox, Calvin, all the way down, it shows three to three and a half years is the limit for a man’s ministry. His candle’s burnt; he lives on his past reputation ― his works follow him. That’s all." You see?
    23 Now, William Branham says here that Spurgeon, Knox and Calvin are messengers! Are they among the seven stars? No! Are they eighth messengers? No! You see? We do not even see their tracks in the Bible… Couldn't God say that, from Moses down to John the Baptist, there were seven messengers? The shadow of what we’ve been living ever since Paul? You see? The Branhamists will answer for that one day before God! In the same way God sent tens of messengers in the Old Covenant, thus, God sent tens of messengers in the New Covenant since Paul. Since these last 2000 years, one generation has not passed that God has not sent messengers on earth. One after the other, since Paul leaving Asia, leaving the East till the West and now up to Kacou Philippe, God has sent prophet messengers to the nations. But all these prophets ministered under the influence of the seven stars which are Celestial messengers, the seven spirits in the hands of the Lord Jesus Christ. A star, that is to say a celestial angel in his time has raised several prophet messengers on the earth and I can say that Martin Luther, Ulrich Zwingli, John Calvin, and all those ones ministered under the influence of only one celestial angel, of only one star and that, Branhamists do not understand it. There are seven stars in the hands of the Lord, seven Celestial angels, but how many people, how many men, how many prophet messengers these stars will use on the earth? Only God knows it! [Ed: The congregation says, "Amen!"]. And for a Chosen one, as long as the rapture has not yet taken place. God will always send prophet messengers. And he that can understand, let him understand!

  • @ismaelbadou1866
    @ismaelbadou1866 Рік тому

    9 A child of God concerned about Salvation and about eternal Life, will seek, even in the slightest details, to know what Christianity is. A rat cannot be domesticated, a son of the devil, even in contact with the truth, will remain what he is. A son of God in contact with falsehood will ask himself questions until he is enlightened! Amen! You see? The deep calleth the deep. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”]. [Kc.43v32]

  • @desiredibi1621
    @desiredibi1621 Рік тому

    12 All those that you follow in the religions have no mandate from God. God did not send them. A king can send his servant to go and call his wife who is on a journey. But this does not give everyone the right to go and call the king's wife. If you do so, you will be asked, "Sir, by which mandate do you speak to the queen?" And the sentence is hanging.
    13 And all of you, leaders of Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Shintoism, Sikhism, Confucianism and Taoism, on which date, in which language, where and how did God speak to you to send you? In which appearance did God appear to you? I that speak to you, when an audible voice speaks to me, I know if that voice is the one of the Lamb of April 24, 1993 or not.
    14 The Word of God comes only to a prophet. And therefore, a ghost voice cannot say to an Ephesian 4, on April 2, 1962, "My servant, I give you three keys… Your time is over in this city". And in this time of scams, can an unknown voice say to you, "Honey, where did you put the key of the bedroom?" and you will tell him where you put the key? When scammers send you emails, text messages or call you, you are careful, but when it comes to Salvation, it doesn't mean anything to you because you are children of Satan.
    15 All your religious leaders have heard voices without seeing the author of those voices. Your imams, khalifs, pastors, rabbis, monks, and sâdhus are all scammers. Every prophet in the Bible saw a person. Isaiah 6:1 says, "In the year of the death of king Uzziah, I saw the Lord sitting upon a very high throne;" Jeremiah 1 says, " Jehovah spoke to me and put forth his hand and touched my mouth…" But what about your religious leaders? They are all scammers.
    16 And when your religious leaders say to you, "A voice said to me…", you are afraid to ask them where that voice comes from because you are children of the devil and Salvation after death means nothing to you. But all the children of God among you will come to me.

  • @florencengbebou6422
    @florencengbebou6422 Рік тому

    15 Read through the midnight Cry from one end to the other and tell me, is the singing of the Angels in Katadji a coincidence? Is it by coincidence that the trajectory of the eclipse of March 29, 2006 goes from Black America, crosses Black Africa, then the Maghreb and disappears in the borders of Asia and the Arab nations? Is it by coincidence that my name "Philippe" means "horseman" according to Revelation 19? Is it by coincidence that I start the ministry at 30 years old? Is it by coincidence that the Angel and the Lamb come down in 1993 according to William Branham’s prediction? Is it by coincidence that it is in 1993 that Nelson Mandela and Frederik De Klerk shook hands before the international community? No! These things will never be coincidences if you are not yourself a coincidence in the creation! [Ed: The congregation says, "Amen"].