Haha I remember one time I was hanging out with my Hijabi friend and a bunch of other girls during play rehearsals and her hijab got messed up so she took it off to fix it. Suddenly a group of boys walk in and we all crowd around her to keep them from seeing her hair. It was a fun time.
Sarah R The point is that it's her choice. It's her choice to cover her head and it's your choice not to. It's the same choice that every woman makes as to whether she wants to cover her cleavage, her legs, her shoulders, or if she doesn't want to. It's not anyone's business to tell a woman to put on more clothes or to take clothes off when that runs contrary to how the woman herself will feel the most comfortable. It would not be her place to tell you to cover up according to her beliefs, and it is not your place to ask her not to. Obviously she is expressing herself in the ways that she chooses, and dressing herself in the ways she wants. How would changing her own beliefs to go along with yours be anything other than another kind of submission?
Sara hijabi girls show their hair to close male family members that they can never get married with, so a hijabi girl shows her hair to her father, brothers, her uncles:)) I hope you get my point🤗❤❤
I'd like to point out that hijab is not just covering the head and hair, it is covering your body and maintaining your modesty, the way you act as well. Anyways this lady has such a lovely character
@@lydiakies9053 Yeah, hijab does mean veil/curtain, and it's ordered in the Qur'an for both males and females to observe the hijab. Firstly, for both genders, we're told to lower our gazes, and males are also told to cover from their navels to a little below their knees. For females, everywhere should be covered except for what is normally shown, e.g. faces, hands. Oh yeah, and both genders can't wear transparent/tight on the body clothing, because that really isn't observing the hijab, if you get what I mean.
Yeah, my mum always gets mad at me for not covering my chest, I don’t wear a hijab I just put a scarf around my neck, I only wear it in school. Whenever I’m at a family members house I have to wear it around my neck so it’ll cover my breasts or my mum gets pissed xD
Me too! I thought I wouldn't like covering up. But I love my Rabb and I love wearing my hijab! What's precious on a women is for her husband's eyes only. That makes me feel proud! "Quick throw me something" 😂😂😂 I've definitely answered the door w a t-shirt covering my hair.
I think it's strange how many people are complaining that ALL MUSLIM WOMEN are oppressed because they choose to wear the hijab. That's comparable to saying that all Catholics who participate in lent are oppressed because they have to give up something close to them. Both of the aspects of the religion are focused on CHOICE. While some predominately Muslim countries to require women to cover their head, I believe (please correct me if I'm wrong) it's because it's considered part of keeping modest. Like in the U.S., you can't walk around with no clothes on. Plus, it's a cultural norm in other countries. Someone wouldn't walk up to an African American woman wearing a headscarf and yell about how she's being oppressed. While some Muslim women are being oppressed, it's important to remember that people everywhere are being oppressed, and that MUSLIM WOMEN ARE NOT ALL THE SAME PERSON. The past of one Muslim woman is not the past of any other Muslim woman. Each and every person had a unique background. I'm so sorry if I've said anything that was incorrect. I tried to read up on the topic (through both positive comments and internet sources), but if I've said anything wrong, PLEASE correct me.
Yes it has become a cultural style in the Middle East (but some countries or local areas do shame a woman and oppress her if she doesn't wear it which is wrong). It's a choice in the way that she can't be forced to do it by anyone, but there are spiritual or religious consequences if she doesn't because it's a religious requirement (it's like youre required to take a certain course to graduate school but if you skip that course and just don't take it, you're not gonna be bullied or beat up or thrown in jail for it, but you won't graduate)
Thank you so much! I was kind of confused about the requirement aspect of it (this could be worded way better, but I can't think of a better way to reword what I wrote), but your analogy cleared it up for me. THANK YOU!!
I don't understand. It's wrong if a Muslim woman wants to cover her hair because of her faith but when a woman from another faith wants to cover her hair it's ok. It's frustrating
TheWorldItself X3 just how it's always been portrayed in the media and everywhere. If a Muslim woman wants to cover herself for her faith then she is automatically labelled as oppressed. But for nuns and women from other faiths who want to cover themselves up, no one even blinks an eye. Just generally the double standards we have.
I I went to my cousin’s birthday party and one of her friends had a hijab and I think her name was Amira she was a very pretty girl,and she told someone to make sure her hair didn’t come out of the hijab,and it came out and that person didn’t say anything,so I did, and she said “thank you,so much” and I said “your hair is very pretty by the way”
This was actually very insightful for me because I am not Muslim and I do not wear a Hijab. Thank you for giving me a glimpse of what other people from different cultures and religions experience.
Boy:Can i see your hair? Me:I am good Boy:Do you have any hair? Me:yup Boy:Well can i see it? Me:no Boy:Why? Me:3 reasons Boy:go ahead Me:One it so pretty i can't show you Boy:It can't be THAT pretty Next reason Me:my hair has a super power where when you see it you will be magically attracted and you'll love it with all your heart Boy:Werido!*he walks away*
@Francesca Buonanno hair is the main beauty of women so that's why you have to cover it up. You can only show your hair to your husband and your family. At least, we can avoid from getting bad hair day.
Francesca Buonanno You forget that the main reason women wear a hijab is for worship, it gives them a connection with god. For me personally it makes me feel safe. While hiding your beauty is one of the reasons it is not the main reason at all. It’s very disappointing that you believe we believe girls are only for sex, that it’s not true. So before you try to come in as the saviour of oppression read up!
@Francesca Buonanno yes, because we don't want to get sexual harrasment. Leave us alone if that what makes us happy. But before that, aren't non-muslims the one who always think about sex such as sex before marriage, at the young age and so on? 🙄
I love the mystery hijabs create. It makes you want to know that person. Also, she’s so sweet! Very generous of her to take the time with others in her day to day helping them understand why she wears it and to be understanding of them showing curiosity in different ways (even if it comes across jerkish). She didn’t have to do that. She seems like a really fun person. She presents herself so well. Very welcoming. 💕Thanks for the video!
To everyone saying "why can't she show her hair, it's just hair nothing special": 1) This video focused on things about the actual scarf around the head, but the hijab isn't just with hair. If you see most Hijabis (women who wear the hijab) also wear looser clothing and cover the entire body, not just their hair. Most only show their hands and face and some even choose to take it further and cover those parts as well. The hijab is being modest all over, as well as being a kind-hearted person and making sure your actions reflect who you truly are. Btw men also have their own kind of dress code. They have to cover from the bellybutton to their knees or at least midthighs, but that's not as well known because most male fashion already includes that dress code. 2) I'm sure if you've been out in the world at all and interacted with men, you've noticed that men in general are a lot more attracted towards women than women are to men. Of course we are all attracted to each other, but what I mean is physically it's more visible when men are attracted to a woman. And there are many many parts that men can be attracted to. Here's a list of a few things I've heard and read: Butt, chest, legs (especially thighs), stomach, neck and shoulders (including collarbones), jawlines, arms/hands, small of the back, waist, calves, and hair. That's basically every part of a woman's body. I've heard guys at school say things like "Yeah shes pretty but I wish she had longer hair" or "Those weird braid things that girls do are so hot". Women on the other hand are mostly attracted to similar things, but it's not always to the same intensity. And as I mentioned before, men's fashion is already fairly modest and different to women's fashion, which is why the dress codes are different. I'm glad people have asked this because I asked myself this when I was younger but now I realize why. It's hard to see these things until you notice how some men think and talk. Btw to all the men, I'm not trying to offend anyone in any way. Some of these things apply to guys that tend to lust after a lot of women and a lot of it is also human nature and biological.
Karolina Krupa as she said there are dress code for men as well they have to cover like wear a top and cover there legs just knee high and lets admit girls arent attracted to mens legs like wtf and if u r which most likely have a fetish and its different
Yes but let`s be honest, guys´ dress code is easier to follow. Also I have often heard guys that are muslims say to a muslim girl that she is not a real muslim just because she choose not to wear a hijab. Then I´m over there like: "Excuse me are u a real muslim if you are drinking alcohol and having sex before marriage tho?". That´s a reason why I sometimes feel like some girls are forced into thinking that it´s wrong for them to not wear a hijab, bc I can see that a lot of times boys are treated much lighter in that religion. They get to do a lot of things that girls would be shamed for doing. That´s my only issue: Guys´ thinking in that religion (not all guys, but a lot of them).
Yes, true that! And one part of the male physique that is definitely attractive is nice, full hair on a young man's head, right? So why on earth are they not covering up, but instead flaunting their young beauty shamelessly? This, to me, just seems like one of the hypocritical aspects of this whole discussion.
Just as men have their own types of clothing, women have their own kind. Men don't walk around in skirts, is this inequality? Men don't wear a bikini, is that inequality? It's based of off equality, but with that in mind that men and women are different. People often seem so infatuated with becoming a man. Like everything a man does, a woman has to do to or otherwise she's worth less. I have seen that covering the body sends a message and also your behaviour as well. You have to understand that women (muslims) don't date, when they're ready for marriage, they get coupled up with men they might like and get to know eachother, if they like eachother they get married. There's no need to dress up really. Dressing up comfortable, no skintight clothing and a loose headscarf with comfy shoes is truly freedom for me. I don't have to worry about looks, no makeup nothing. Marriage in Islam is mostly about your personality and ofcourse natural beauty, even with the talk I've just explained you can't wear makeup (you can though show your hair to a potential suitor). Men cannot look at women, must grow a beard and cannot wear tight pants (around thigh area) or lower their pants over their ankles. It's different from women, but men and women are different. Some things are supposed to stay different, in my opnion. Every command is balanced according to charactaristics of men and women.
Of course they are that is why when they are liberated from isis the first thing they dois remove their hijab as a sign of freedom.Why shouldn't they love their hijab it is not like a 3 year old girl got killed by her own father for not wearing her hijab....oh wait that happened
I fixed the spelling. It happened in India check before commenting.This is so sad Islam is like a case of having an abusive family, no matter what other's say you will never acknowledge that you are being abused. You know how it feels to be personally affected by this religion?Some of my closest friends who I used to go in bars with almost every night died in 9/11. Sorry but you are too young to understand this.
Aurthur Radley I hope you know that there are terrible corrupted Muslims and good Muslims, my family is very nice and they encourage me to wear but they don’t hit and it’s good if you wear it
I remember a couple years ago, at a girl guide sleep over at my leaders house, my friend Amine (who doesn't wear a hijab anymore but did up until last year) didn't have her hijab on because there were no men in the house. But my leader's son came by to grab something and as soon as she heard his voice she ran and climbed head first into her sleeping bag XD
@Francesca Buonanno So, if you decided to cover up in front of a man because that made you feel more comfortable, that would be sexist? Stop spreading hate and intolerance. It's 2020 :)))
Im very curios why it's not allowed to show hair ? Im not trying to hate it's just so interesting to me that they wear a hijab, and they look so beautiful in them :)
They are aloud to show hair to other females, husband, and direct family, at least that's what I was taught. it's because of modesty, I was also taught that you should not wear tight pants because they can see the leg shape then because it's not because you have to cover it for the sake of covering it but modesty.
I remember once I was telling my friend that I was gonna dye my hair and she literally said "why would you bother trying to look good? No one will see it anyways" WHAT KIND OF LOGIC IS THAT?
Her laugh is so contagious! Also she looks really happy to share and "explain" her culture! this video makes me overall happy, and i'm thankful, you go girl!!
I ABSOLUTELY LOVED, LOVED, LOVED THIS VIDEO!!! It is the best way one I have seen often his kind. So open and funny. Really relaxed and relatable. Great job guys!❤️
I'm curious. If wearing a hijab is to protect a woman's modesty and it's a personal choice, why do some little girls wear hijab? What modesty is a 6 year old protecting?
When I was 12 one kid from my Class was laughing at me thinking that the reason why I put it cuz my hair isn't good looking, not to be arrogant but I had the prettiest and the longest hair in school .
I used to work at Panera and one of the managers used to bother me about what colour I must have I think he was just like overly friendly! But like One day he went on the mic and announced I was unveiling at the end of the shift! I just think ppl are just curious so don’t let it bother you!
I am not muslim and I couldn't find a straight answer online, so if there is any Muslim Hijab wearing ladies in the comments I have a question. What is the reasoning behind not showing your hair to men? Just wanted to ask so I'm not ignorant to it in the future:)
Hair is considered a beautiful part of a woman like her other assets .. Hijab means to cover your body but your face ,hands and feet .. As they drive sexual thinking and islam allows a woman to work and mingle with society .. So the point is to keep yourself from a hungry eye or bad people ..hair is dealt with as the cleavage and the rest as beautiful things not the hair as only hair .. It allows people to deal with your personality more than your beauty .. I mean .. You see when they say that blondes are getting paid more and find a job easier .. They sexualize her hair into things that dosent need to , such as work .. Not work and other activities wont be given for beauty but effeciency .. And you would deal with her as a person not as an object. . And she would learn to cultivate her personality as she cares about her body and wouldnt see her body as the only appealing thing in her .. And above all that. its a sign for gods obedience ..
Elle Spicer, Also, hijab applies to men as well. Hijab is not only a piece of cloth on the head (as the person mentioned in the comment above). It's about covering your body in a certain way. And so men also have to cover their body in a certain way. In fact the Qur'an first addresses men and tell them to cover and only afterwards does it address women and tell them to cover. But unfortunately the male hijab rarely gets discussed. Secondly, hijab is not only physical. Modesty has a social aspect to it too. So not only must a man and woman dress modestly, but they should also behave modesty towards each other and treat each other as humans and not objects. In fact the Qur'an commands men and women to lower their gaze/avert their eyes if they come across man/woman who they may consider attractive (instead of ogling or worse harass them) as you must treat both genders with respect. The reason for modesty in Islam comes from the fact that in PRE-Islamic Arabia women were disrespected alot and not seen as capable or useful as men simply because of their biological difference to men. So the hijab came and covered up men and women to say "hey, physically you may be different but if you take that out of the equation, then your left with character, intelligence, skills etc. And these are longer lasting and more useful for the growth of society." So in a workplace/school/University etc it's not a man/woman working but two human beings. I hope that helps. :)
First and foremost women cover because their Creator has told them to. Hijab isn't just the headcovering but it's also covering your body in a modest way so that your body shape/assets are not shown. Your beauty in islam is only to be shown to your closest family members and your husband. Men are obviously attracted to women and vice-versa and veiling your beauty is a protection as men won't look at you in a lustful way and therefore you are protected from a lot of evil. But in the end it comes down to muslim women pleasing their Creator as He knows what is best for them.
Hijab is a way you deal with beauty and not how you avoid it ..... Allah actually gives women such importance that he asks her to cover up because every part of her is so precious and not every one has access to precious things ..... Many people think it's oppressive but it's actually very liberating.
One muslim girl once showed me her hair because she thought I was a girl (when we were in school) and then got really nervous and begged me not to tell her dad. Of course I didn't. Poor girl. But now she doesn't wear her hijab that often anymore.
people say that women wearing a hijab are oppressed but they're often the ones who don't think the women should have a choice in wearing a hijab or not.
I love her personality!!! And yes teaching ignorant people on why they wear hijab! I live in a very mix culture society and even i dont know a whole lot about the hijab, i just gotta ask my fellow muslim friends xD and knowing the whole world, not many people have muslim friends to ask that, so this video is so good in raising awareness!!
Right? Also, if yes, does that mean gay men can see it then? And what about asexuals? If Islam claims to be a progressive religion that is able to accommodate every time and place, then shouldn't it adapt to different 21st-century sexualities? Sigh. (This is ignoring the fact that in order to be a good Muslim, one needs to only adhere to heteronormative notions of sexuality)
Tatiana Personally, I think that any man that isn't related isn't allowed to see me without my scarf on. And I wouldn't mind if a lesbian woman saw my hair.
Tatiana, I wear hijab and all through out high school my gay friends would ask if they could see my hair just because they were gay. It doesn't matter if you are gay. if you are a man who isn't my close male relative you cannot see my hair period. Sexual orientation has nothing to do with who can see the hair. Other women can see our hair but that is assuming we are in a room full of only women.
I wish people would watch more videos on the Islamic religion. I’m sitting in my room googling about the Islamic religion I find it super interesting and I’ve always had an interest into it. I love learning about the hijab I think the reasoning for it and what it brings to certain people is cool as well. I wish small minded people would watch people like her to see that not everyone is bad from this religion. Some are kind souls and don’t like it I’ve watched videos where some disagree with some parts of it.
I wish more people would take the time to ask questions and educate themselves. Wearing a hijab is a personal decision, and if a woman makes that choice, it's an affirmation of their faith and love for Islam.
Life with Poodle Pants more importantly it's their choice and no one has the right to tell a woman what she should wear or not wear. It's none of their business. Why is Muslim women clothes so important for Europeans anyway, does it bother you so much that they're not wearing what you like them to wear?
Sarah R it's none of your damn business what a Muslim women should wear or not wear. Where's your freedom of choice and democracy. Or does it stop when it comes to Muslims right to practice their faith and freedom. I'm sure you wouldn't like someone else telling you what to wear and not wear, so are these women. Stop playing their savior and try to respect other people's beliefs and differences even if you don't like them.
Eren Jaeger 'if they get raped it's ok' ???? which part if the middle East is this please enlighten me. I don't think that's okay anywhere unless maybe according to Isis I don't know
I believe that there is a huge controversy with the hijab and the symbol it can potray i do believe objectivly that it can and often does represent a symbol of oppression but you cant denie that this girl is doing it out of her own will and it doesnt show any signs of oppression on her on the contrary it shows a different lifestyle that we just have to accept, i guess its more about just accepting peoples choices in life i completly understand the people who dont support it because of the oppresive background it has but i do at the same time fully support and accept the Women who chose this way of life i mean hell its your life if you wanna wear it man wear it , if not then dont. just do you man its your life to anyone out there just do you man just do you
+BreakingSharingan Dont be fooled she is 100% oppressed, its just internalized. The video is staged, she isn't always this giggly. Not only is she oppressed but she is actively selling out on her entire gender, and aiding in the stigmatization of non hijabi females that have to suffer from this disgusting trend. This whole video is nothing but spin control , show me any happy go lucky hijabi girl that thinks this is all normal, and ill show you 1000 woman that are beaten, harassed, intimidated by their family/society,/culture, suffering immense psychological, emotional and often physical abuse.
Christiano Rizzo what culture difference moron? Im criticizing my own culture! That bullshit excuse only works on other people. And its not hate. only regressive PC idiots think so.
Christiano Rizzo hahaha sure... its obvious you are completely intellectually inept. You sound like a naive 12 year old repeating what your mommy tells you. Go waste someone elses time little boy. When you put your big boy pants on, maybe then we cn have a chat.
+TheSabatuer Shut the fuck haha do you really think you seem mature and make a point when you call me a naive little boy? Even a 12 year old will know more than you immature piece of shit
lol chill out guys, i was just saying that everyone can believe and do what they want and you both can have different opinions it doesnt make any of you seem smaller then the other
It's not about the hair. It's about modesty. Almost all Muslim women who wear it wear it out of choice. It is a device used to bring equality among Muslim women, if one girl is very pretty the other girls feel bad about themselves. It's just a piece of clothing girls wear. It tries to de-sexualize the female body. Only other girls (and the father, brothers, the husband and uncles of the girl) can see a girl without her hijab. Like a protective method. And the hijab is only limited to the head. You can wear anything you like on your body as long as it's below the knees (same goes for men, men cannot wear anything above the knees and go out in public). Girls don't have to wear the hijab when they're at home even in the presence of male guests. Hope you learned something :)
i just want to make two corrections and add some other details... 1. actually, girls have to wear hijab in front of male guests if they are not part of the close family like father, brother, uncle, grandfather etc. being at home does not change that. 2. hijab is not only covering the head. it also means covering(not wrapping) the body by wearing loose and non transparent clothes which does not reveal your body shape(like a pencil skirt or sking tight jeans). a clothing below the knees is not enough in front of stranger men(male cousins included) if it does reveal some leg for example. ------ i also want to add: - The clothes of the women must cover all parts of her body; according to Hanafi school(one of the 4 main schools in sunni islam) all parts of the body except her hands, face and feet. there are some tiny differences in other schools. - The outer garment must not be made a means of ornament. - Their clothes must not resemble the characteristic clothes of non-Muslims.(like the robe of a priest for example or the complete attire of a nun) so this is something for a muslim guy too. - They must not be like men's clothes. - They must not wear attractive perfume in the places where stranger men are present. - The Muslim woman's dress must not be an expression of vanity or as a status symbol.
I also like to add that hijab is not restricted to the head or body. Behaviour is part of the hijab too. For example, when you wear the hijab, you must not use foul language, or throw fits of temper or be very loud and nuisance in public and many more. Little things like this matter. Moreover, +girlinthebox gave you guidelines to hijab. But you asked why men are not allowed to see the hair. Hijab has been prescribed to the believing women from God as a method of protection. It was seen as a symbol of respect during Prophet Mohammad's (PBUH) time. The hijab strips away the sexual appeal from women. Therefore, should a woman in a hijab be seen walking alone, men would pay her respect and not intend anything sexual. Hope that makes sense and thank you for your query.
It empowers me. Take back what's rightfully mine. I see women being "cat called" all the time. Such degrading demoralizing sexist behaviour. Why should I give someone that power. In every women is a mother and the status of a mother is 3 times higher then a father in Islam. Hijab actually elevates our status. After all you wouldn't keep your most valuable possession out in the open for strange eyes to see ;) These are only my beliefs and I will never and have never made judgement on those who don't cover as much.
I love how open she is about it because I watched this one girl(yes I know this one girl does not represent everyone) that, when asked a question, just answered as if she was asked about something we all knew about and we just wanted her to say or something. I mean I get it if you want to keep stuff private but for example I didn't only women and male family can see her hair. Like that's a cool little fact for people that are uncultured like me. I just so everyone reading this knows, I don't mean to offend anyone. My point was that I learn a lot from this video and next time I'll know more on the subject.
in fifth grade some guy asked me "do you have ears?" and i was ready to fall on the floor laughing
Mariam S. LOL😂😂😂😁😁
There one guy ask me if I have hair and my reaction was like that too
She laughs so much and her laugh is the best
Caitlin Jenner lol
Caitlin Jenner, her laugh is lovely.
Caitlin Jenner true...simply cute
She laughs just like my best friend 😊
I noticed a thing in Middle East's or Muslim girls that they are laugh so much
Her lough says " I am happy with my religion " satisfaction and faith on our believes are all what we need.
+Yanman88 Do you know? You dont really...
Hawra 1 and
Or it's a nervous laugh "I need to defend my hijab or the men of my religion will cut my head off"
Not just another guy .. Really??? Seriously??? Many Muslim women don't wear hijab and they are still safe and sound!!!!
Not just another guy i wear a hijaab. umm and also a niqaab.
Haha I remember one time I was hanging out with my Hijabi friend and a bunch of other girls during play rehearsals and her hijab got messed up so she took it off to fix it. Suddenly a group of boys walk in and we all crowd around her to keep them from seeing her hair. It was a fun time.
Clare Fox awwe so sweet
Awwee thats such a sweet gesture 💝💞
What a good friend
Clare Fox thats literally friend goals omg
friend goals
My Non-Muslim Friends: Do you wear it in the shower?
Me: Yup, I use Hijab & Shoulders, it really cleanses it nicely and prevents dandruff
Noon I omg 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
What a great way to break barriers with a laugh!
hijab & shoulders lol
Badum tss ikr
I died hahahhahahha
That made me laugh
She is really cuuuuuteeeeee ,who agrees ?
mahek asghar me
mahek asghar Me
I do♥️✨
Skin is on point
i’ve been asked “were you born with it?” smh people sometimes 😂
Omg 😂
laraib aziz you should say to them” and are you born with trousers that u have on??!”
I can’t believe someone actually asked that I mean sure they can ask but questions that got logic?!😂🤦♀️
laraib aziz who ever asked you that tell them
*tHe dOoR*
Hahaha I was asked that by a 5 year old
Omg. This woman is a breath of fresh air. So cute and positive.
Hi there hope you and your family are alright. Peace from England UK
My Secret Sketchbook :)
This girl is fun
+Real Slim Shady I guess being an ableist fuck is funny then? Piss off.
@@waolfie these types of ppl are so lost
@@prizma45 🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕
@@bezwzglednypierozek7884 what the hell is wrong with you!!??
I need to meet this girl
we all need to lol
Eirian Pycroft
Seriously though, she’s so generous, has a sense of humor, and is beautiful inside and out.
what a laugh and smile
I need a friend like her in my life
Me toooooooo
Be my friend
Ya me too !.
I was just thinking the same thing!!
Her laugh 😩❤️❤️❤️
Why the 😩face lol😂😂
@Adil Ahmed I don't think they're judging, what with all those heart emojisxD
thank you, I definitely learned a lot, that's actually really cool that they do it out of modesty, and to keep equality for Muslim girls.
Sonia Paletta THANK YOU! finally someone who isnt against Islam smh😑
Sarah R The point is that it's her choice. It's her choice to cover her head and it's your choice not to. It's the same choice that every woman makes as to whether she wants to cover her cleavage, her legs, her shoulders, or if she doesn't want to. It's not anyone's business to tell a woman to put on more clothes or to take clothes off when that runs contrary to how the woman herself will feel the most comfortable. It would not be her place to tell you to cover up according to her beliefs, and it is not your place to ask her not to. Obviously she is expressing herself in the ways that she chooses, and dressing herself in the ways she wants. How would changing her own beliefs to go along with yours be anything other than another kind of submission?
Quran 2:228 and Sahih Bukhari 6:301 speak for themselves
Critical thinking is really hard Sonia, isn't it.
That's contradictory as she is told by someone else to do that.
Mashallah nice video, she is so strong with her Hijab :)
L. Lawleit?
@@Btsarmy-ng1pl u muslim If u are people say mashallah Allah Means god so she or he is meaning god may bless Her Mashallah
PINS! That's how they stay on! I've always wondered because they are so beautifully draped but I couldn't figure out how they stayed on.
Watch hijab tutorials lol
It's not always the pins lol sometimes you kind of have to tuck it somewhere like near your chin so it stays on 😂
@@kawtharr that reminds me of my grandmother 🤣🤣
She said that lol
In uae and other places most of us don’t use pins we just tuck in the edge near or cheeks
I don't have to worry about bad hair day when going out..
hahah lol ikrkrkrk so relatableee
@Hanneyfa AA Ikr!!!!
Never I can walk out with my hair like shit but I can put a hijab over it and I’m good
I mean bad hijab days are definitely a thing tho lol
Hanneyfa AA yesss ikr
I'm very curious, and I definitely liked learning more about the hijab
Sonia Paletta ask me anything! I may not wear a hijab but ive learnt alot about wearing one and i can answer any of ur questions
LAYYAH _N why are women only allowed to show their hair to close male family members?
Sara well I know you didn't ask me but it's because they can't marry close male members which is why they are allowed to see their hair.
Sara hijabi girls show their hair to close male family members that they can never get married with, so a hijabi girl shows her hair to her father, brothers, her uncles:)) I hope you get my point🤗❤❤
So a hijabi girl can't show her hair to her cousin?
I'd like to point out that hijab is not just covering the head and hair, it is covering your body and maintaining your modesty, the way you act as well. Anyways this lady has such a lovely character
It's more of a practice, right? Correct me, but 'hijab' means veil or curtain in Arabic? I'm not Muslim, but want to understand better.
@@lydiakies9053 Yeah, hijab does mean veil/curtain, and it's ordered in the Qur'an for both males and females to observe the hijab. Firstly, for both genders, we're told to lower our gazes, and males are also told to cover from their navels to a little below their knees. For females, everywhere should be covered except for what is normally shown, e.g. faces, hands. Oh yeah, and both genders can't wear transparent/tight on the body clothing, because that really isn't observing the hijab, if you get what I mean.
Yeah, my mum always gets mad at me for not covering my chest, I don’t wear a hijab I just put a scarf around my neck, I only wear it in school.
Whenever I’m at a family members house I have to wear it around my neck so it’ll cover my breasts or my mum gets pissed xD
Ah. That explains a lot.
@@bubbles696 Woah. I'd think since you're at home, it wouldn't matter.
I like how she isnt angry about people being nieve. It shows how kind hearted she is.
I hope I don't offend anyone with this comment....
I find Hijabi culture so interesting.... I want to know so much moreee!!!! Omg! It's fascinating.
AWESOME what do you want to know about it?
If you have any questions please ask me
Me too!
I thought I wouldn't like covering up. But I love my Rabb and I love wearing my hijab!
What's precious on a women is for her husband's eyes only. That makes me feel proud!
"Quick throw me something"
I've definitely answered the door w a t-shirt covering my hair.
shaila scott if you have questions just ask me. I’m actually very happy you are interested in the hijabi culture 😊
amanda roberts why cant they show their hair to non family members (boys) ?
I love how happy she is to explain everything.
I think it's strange how many people are complaining that ALL MUSLIM WOMEN are oppressed because they choose to wear the hijab. That's comparable to saying that all Catholics who participate in lent are oppressed because they have to give up something close to them. Both of the aspects of the religion are focused on CHOICE. While some predominately Muslim countries to require women to cover their head, I believe (please correct me if I'm wrong) it's because it's considered part of keeping modest. Like in the U.S., you can't walk around with no clothes on. Plus, it's a cultural norm in other countries. Someone wouldn't walk up to an African American woman wearing a headscarf and yell about how she's being oppressed. While some Muslim women are being oppressed, it's important to remember that people everywhere are being oppressed, and that MUSLIM WOMEN ARE NOT ALL THE SAME PERSON. The past of one Muslim woman is not the past of any other Muslim woman. Each and every person had a unique background.
I'm so sorry if I've said anything that was incorrect. I tried to read up on the topic (through both positive comments and internet sources), but if I've said anything wrong, PLEASE correct me.
Yes it has become a cultural style in the Middle East (but some countries or local areas do shame a woman and oppress her if she doesn't wear it which is wrong). It's a choice in the way that she can't be forced to do it by anyone, but there are spiritual or religious consequences if she doesn't because it's a religious requirement (it's like youre required to take a certain course to graduate school but if you skip that course and just don't take it, you're not gonna be bullied or beat up or thrown in jail for it, but you won't graduate)
Thank you so much! I was kind of confused about the requirement aspect of it (this could be worded way better, but I can't think of a better way to reword what I wrote), but your analogy cleared it up for me.
Brilliant explanation mashallah!
Sana Shakir while in middle east were I live is mixed not only muslims, people all over the world one thing there are more foreign people than muslims
Faith Elizabeth I am from Pakistan and you will see hijabless and hijabi women everywhere. its a personal choice
Shame that there are so many ignorant comments on such a lovely video, just puts a damper on the humour of this video...
Rejwana Ahmed I haven't read one hate comment ...
What ignorant comments
@@elliefoster9432 reply to another good comment. Find the one that have a lots of replies.
What are you talking about!? There's so much positive comments. You just want likes.
I don't understand. It's wrong if a Muslim woman wants to cover her hair because of her faith but when a woman from another faith wants to cover her hair it's ok. It's frustrating
Raeesah M who said that
TheWorldItself X3 just how it's always been portrayed in the media and everywhere. If a Muslim woman wants to cover herself for her faith then she is automatically labelled as oppressed. But for nuns and women from other faiths who want to cover themselves up, no one even blinks an eye. Just generally the double standards we have.
Exactly. I’m an atheist and I wear a hijab. It’s not that big of a deal. I don’t treat it like a religious thing. I wear it because I like it
Yea you are so right it is not like muslim women are killed for not wearing hijabs like other religions.....oh wait...they are
Constance D. Russell who say? We dont get killed if we are not wear hijab. But Allah will punish you in the hell if you do that
So one time I was drawing a pic of my mom in art class for mother's day and this boi asked me how do u know what ur mom's hair looks like 😂😂😂
hahah lol
I I went to my cousin’s birthday party and one of her friends had a hijab and I think her name was Amira she was a very pretty girl,and she told someone to make sure her hair didn’t come out of the hijab,and it came out and that person didn’t say anything,so I did, and she said “thank you,so much” and I said “your hair is very pretty by the way”
another great story is here ua-cam.com/video/1K4ZQ0B84k8/v-deo.html
She's so nice on the video ! 👏🏼☺️
R U really not allowed to show it?
What a lovely woman, respect to her!
This is how many times she laughed😂
I went to school with 1 Muslim in the whole school and that was me
lol in my year there are only 3 muslim girls that are hijabi
and me
There are a few muslims in mine but i am the first with a hijab, i csn relate to the questions asked thay even muslim girls ask me
@@fish9230 watch this great vid... very mind opening ( ua-cam.com/video/1K4ZQ0B84k8/v-deo.html )
I’m a Christian I love every religion and I love hijabs there so cute
This was actually very insightful for me because I am not Muslim and I do not wear a Hijab. Thank you for giving me a glimpse of what other people from different cultures and religions experience.
One of the best video ever made to show amazing hijabi lady who is so normal with a superb laugh
A guy asked my hijabi friend out and he got rejected so badly😭 I stared crying😂😂
thats the reason for it ---> ua-cam.com/video/1K4ZQ0B84k8/v-deo.html
and why would you LOL
No chance? Blimey I really liked this hajabi girl but I'm an infidel
@@FG-bu3jp nup
Boy:Can i see your hair?
Me:I am good
Boy:Do you have any hair?
Boy:Well can i see it?
Me:3 reasons
Boy:go ahead
Me:One it so pretty i can't show you
Boy:It can't be THAT pretty Next reason
Me:my hair has a super power where when you see it you will be magically attracted and you'll love it with all your heart
Boy:Werido!*he walks away*
Bitchyourafan !
One of my guy friends asked me that, the conversation when like that up until the magic hair bit
Lol 😂😂
@Francesca Buonanno hair is the main beauty of women so that's why you have to cover it up. You can only show your hair to your husband and your family. At least, we can avoid from getting bad hair day.
Francesca Buonanno
You forget that the main reason women wear a hijab is for worship, it gives them a connection with god. For me personally it makes me feel safe. While hiding your beauty is one of the reasons it is not the main reason at all. It’s very disappointing that you believe we believe girls are only for sex, that it’s not true. So before you try to come in as the
saviour of oppression read up!
@Francesca Buonanno yes, because we don't want to get sexual harrasment. Leave us alone if that what makes us happy. But before that, aren't non-muslims the one who always think about sex such as sex before marriage, at the young age and so on? 🙄
I love how she's laughing😂 this woman is wonderful❤️
I love the mystery hijabs create. It makes you want to know that person. Also, she’s so sweet! Very generous of her to take the time with others in her day to day helping them understand why she wears it and to be understanding of them showing curiosity in different ways (even if it comes across jerkish). She didn’t have to do that. She seems like a really fun person. She presents herself so well. Very welcoming. 💕Thanks for the video!
"I'm getting my hair done for ME".
Sadly, it's still a radical idea to take care of your appearance for yourself.
what about flaunting everything for others??? 😏🤔
@@babdullah5025 nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnno
“I know we don’t use Hijab & Shoulders”
Omg 😂 😂 😂
Ok that throw when men came to house is sooo real..
Hijab empowers me and I am so proud and happy to wear hijab☺
In love with this comment section😍 so much positivity👏🏽❤
Her laugh is beautiful!! I like how she’s finding humour in everything lol
To everyone saying "why can't she show her hair, it's just hair nothing special":
1) This video focused on things about the actual scarf around the head, but the hijab isn't just with hair. If you see most Hijabis (women who wear the hijab) also wear looser clothing and cover the entire body, not just their hair. Most only show their hands and face and some even choose to take it further and cover those parts as well. The hijab is being modest all over, as well as being a kind-hearted person and making sure your actions reflect who you truly are. Btw men also have their own kind of dress code. They have to cover from the bellybutton to their knees or at least midthighs, but that's not as well known because most male fashion already includes that dress code.
2) I'm sure if you've been out in the world at all and interacted with men, you've noticed that men in general are a lot more attracted towards women than women are to men. Of course we are all attracted to each other, but what I mean is physically it's more visible when men are attracted to a woman. And there are many many parts that men can be attracted to. Here's a list of a few things I've heard and read: Butt, chest, legs (especially thighs), stomach, neck and shoulders (including collarbones), jawlines, arms/hands, small of the back, waist, calves, and hair. That's basically every part of a woman's body. I've heard guys at school say things like "Yeah shes pretty but I wish she had longer hair" or "Those weird braid things that girls do are so hot". Women on the other hand are mostly attracted to similar things, but it's not always to the same intensity. And as I mentioned before, men's fashion is already fairly modest and different to women's fashion, which is why the dress codes are different.
I'm glad people have asked this because I asked myself this when I was younger but now I realize why. It's hard to see these things until you notice how some men think and talk. Btw to all the men, I'm not trying to offend anyone in any way. Some of these things apply to guys that tend to lust after a lot of women and a lot of it is also human nature and biological.
Sana Shakir very well explained :)
Karolina Krupa as she said there are dress code for men as well they have to cover like wear a top and cover there legs just knee high and lets admit girls arent attracted to mens legs like wtf and if u r which most likely have a fetish and its different
Yes but let`s be honest, guys´ dress code is easier to follow. Also I have often heard guys that are muslims say to a muslim girl that she is not a real muslim just because she choose not to wear a hijab. Then I´m over there like: "Excuse me are u a real muslim if you are drinking alcohol and having sex before marriage tho?". That´s a reason why I sometimes feel like some girls are forced into thinking that it´s wrong for them to not wear a hijab, bc I can see that a lot of times boys are treated much lighter in that religion. They get to do a lot of things that girls would be shamed for doing. That´s my only issue: Guys´ thinking in that religion (not all guys, but a lot of them).
Yes, true that! And one part of the male physique that is definitely attractive is nice, full hair on a young man's head, right? So why on earth are they not covering up, but instead flaunting their young beauty shamelessly? This, to me, just seems like one of the hypocritical aspects of this whole discussion.
Just as men have their own types of clothing, women have their own kind. Men don't walk around in skirts, is this inequality? Men don't wear a bikini, is that inequality? It's based of off equality, but with that in mind that men and women are different. People often seem so infatuated with becoming a man. Like everything a man does, a woman has to do to or otherwise she's worth less. I have seen that covering the body sends a message and also your behaviour as well. You have to understand that women (muslims) don't date, when they're ready for marriage, they get coupled up with men they might like and get to know eachother, if they like eachother they get married. There's no need to dress up really. Dressing up comfortable, no skintight clothing and a loose headscarf with comfy shoes is truly freedom for me. I don't have to worry about looks, no makeup nothing. Marriage in Islam is mostly about your personality and ofcourse natural beauty, even with the talk I've just explained you can't wear makeup (you can though show your hair to a potential suitor). Men cannot look at women, must grow a beard and cannot wear tight pants (around thigh area) or lower their pants over their ankles. It's different from women, but men and women are different. Some things are supposed to stay different, in my opnion. Every command is balanced according to charactaristics of men and women.
she's so cute omg
This video makes me very, very happy.. 😊😊😊
I am so that a girl in my religion is happy wearing a hijab
Of course they are that is why when they are liberated from isis the first thing they dois remove their hijab as a sign of freedom.Why shouldn't they love their hijab it is not like a 3 year old girl got killed by her own father for not wearing her hijab....oh wait that happened
Constance D. Russell if ur ganna hate plz fix ur spelling and that didnt happen dumb shit if it did what country?😂
I fixed the spelling. It happened in India check before commenting.This is so sad Islam is like a case of having an abusive family, no matter what other's say you will never acknowledge that you are being abused. You know how it feels to be personally affected by this religion?Some of my closest friends who I used to go in bars with almost every night died in 9/11.
Sorry but you are too young to understand this.
Aurthur Radley I hope you know that there are terrible corrupted Muslims and good Muslims, my family is very nice and they encourage me to wear but they don’t hit and it’s good if you wear it
@@ashesh8085 indiot
“Do you have any hair under there?” 😂
I remember a couple years ago, at a girl guide sleep over at my leaders house, my friend Amine (who doesn't wear a hijab anymore but did up until last year) didn't have her hijab on because there were no men in the house. But my leader's son came by to grab something and as soon as she heard his voice she ran and climbed head first into her sleeping bag XD
😂💜💜 this is every muslim’s girl life including myself.
@Francesca Buonanno Your ignorance is what is sad.
@Francesca Buonanno So, if you decided to cover up in front of a man because that made you feel more comfortable, that would be sexist? Stop spreading hate and intolerance. It's 2020 :)))
@Francesca Buonanno Not everything is about you, Francesca.
@Francesca Buonanno You don't really know someone's feelings or hearts. Only he/she and God know human feelings, that's if you believe in God.
Lovely woman and she explains perfectly. Thank you
“Hijad and shoulder” I dead laughing 😂😂😂😂
Im very curios why it's not allowed to show hair ? Im not trying to hate it's just so interesting to me that they wear a hijab, and they look so beautiful in them :)
KRISTIANAPUSKEIRE it's for modesty reasons and was prescribed by god in the Quran
They are aloud to show hair to other females, husband, and direct family, at least that's what I was taught. it's because of modesty, I was also taught that you should not wear tight pants because they can see the leg shape then because it's not because you have to cover it for the sake of covering it but modesty.
KRISTIANAPUSKEIRE Mother Mary used to be covered from head to toe. God has described what modesty is.
How about boys? why don't they cover their hair? Shouldn't they dress modesty as well?
I think it's for alot of reasons and I think one of the reasons would be because hair is the most attractive part of a woman's body maybe?
I remember once I was telling my friend that I was gonna dye my hair and she literally said "why would you bother trying to look good? No one will see it anyways" WHAT KIND OF LOGIC IS THAT?
"Do you ever take your hijab off" LOL I've been asked that so many times
Hahahaha looovely video! Loved the spirit and her attitude! 😍 And her laugh made me laugh!
I get some of these questions all the time 🤦🏾♀️
it just me or do i keep re-watching this every year and laugh even harder?
Living in Saudi Arabia and having hijabi friends gave me a new perspective on hijabs.
Her laugh is so contagious! Also she looks really happy to share and "explain" her culture! this video makes me overall happy, and i'm thankful, you go girl!!
HAIFA 💛💛💛Yas my girl xx
This one boy at my school pulled off this girls hijab. She was so upset and crying, but he didn't get in trouble.
Wow that is messed up
Djdjdjdjzjxnxn Hhhgg That is. Like, it's her decision, and her religion. Is it hurting you? Leave her alone.
Pixel Cat i didn't do it, a bully did it
Damn. imagine someone running around school taking girls' shirts off.. messed up
This video is so cute
I just realized that if I wore one I could hide my double chin under it🤠
Adele has a double chin
This was so cute. Her laugh was adorable and I loved the points she addressed in this video, in such a positive way
I ABSOLUTELY LOVED, LOVED, LOVED THIS VIDEO!!! It is the best way one I have seen often his kind. So open and funny. Really relaxed and relatable. Great job guys!❤️
I actually love her hijab style! I can never find a scarf that long
I'm a Muslim girl
Did you ever wanted to ask a Muslim about their religion?
Well I'm here to answer them!
Ask me any questions!❤️
I'm curious. If wearing a hijab is to protect a woman's modesty and it's a personal choice, why do some little girls wear hijab? What modesty is a 6 year old protecting?
Six years olds shouldn't wear hijabs. Wearing a hijab starts when a girl starts puberty. But I'm not Muslim so I could be wrong.
LadyChaos101 I wear it when I was 10 just to look like my mum XD
Hoa Nguyen it's not that they shouldn't,they can if they want and it's great preparation.They don't have to,unless,of course, they hit puberty.
Oh I see, that makes sense I guess
I wore mine since 1st grade because I wanted to.
I love her personality and laughter, I literally smiled throughout the video.♥️
I love how chill this is, like she's not some annoying/snappy feminist, she's just a chill gal with a religion, so I can def get behind on this.
These comments a lot more pleasant compared to the comments on another BBC video
Haha she is so cool about all stupid or curious assumptions lol
loved the video
When I was 12 one kid from my Class was laughing at me thinking that the reason why I put it cuz my hair isn't good looking, not to be arrogant but I had the prettiest and the longest hair in school .
❤️❤️❤️Her laugh is so contagious!!!!!!!!!❤️❤️❤️
I used to work at Panera and one of the managers used to bother me about what colour I must have I think he was just like overly friendly! But like One day he went on the mic and announced I was unveiling at the end of the shift! I just think ppl are just curious so don’t let it bother you!
I am not muslim and I couldn't find a straight answer online, so if there is any Muslim Hijab wearing ladies in the comments I have a question.
What is the reasoning behind not showing your hair to men?
Just wanted to ask so I'm not ignorant to it in the future:)
Hair is considered a beautiful part of a woman like her other assets .. Hijab means to cover your body but your face ,hands and feet .. As they drive sexual thinking and islam allows a woman to work and mingle with society .. So the point is to keep yourself from a hungry eye or bad people ..hair is dealt with as the cleavage and the rest as beautiful things not the hair as only hair .. It allows people to deal with your personality more than your beauty .. I mean .. You see when they say that blondes are getting paid more and find a job easier .. They sexualize her hair into things that dosent need to , such as work .. Not work and other activities wont be given for beauty but effeciency .. And you would deal with her as a person not as an object. . And she would learn to cultivate her personality as she cares about her body and wouldnt see her body as the only appealing thing in her .. And above all that. its a sign for gods obedience ..
Oh okay Thank you! :)
Elle Spicer,
Also, hijab applies to men as well. Hijab is not only a piece of cloth on the head (as the person mentioned in the comment above). It's about covering your body in a certain way. And so men also have to cover their body in a certain way. In fact the Qur'an first addresses men and tell them to cover and only afterwards does it address women and tell them to cover. But unfortunately the male hijab rarely gets discussed.
Secondly, hijab is not only physical. Modesty has a social aspect to it too. So not only must a man and woman dress modestly, but they should also behave modesty towards each other and treat each other as humans and not objects.
In fact the Qur'an commands men and women to lower their gaze/avert their eyes if they come across man/woman who they may consider attractive (instead of ogling or worse harass them) as you must treat both genders with respect.
The reason for modesty in Islam comes from the fact that in PRE-Islamic Arabia women were disrespected alot and not seen as capable or useful as men simply because of their biological difference to men. So the hijab came and covered up men and women to say "hey, physically you may be different but if you take that out of the equation, then your left with character, intelligence, skills etc. And these are longer lasting and more useful for the growth of society."
So in a workplace/school/University etc it's not a man/woman working but two human beings.
I hope that helps. :)
First and foremost women cover because their Creator has told them to. Hijab isn't just the headcovering but it's also covering your body in a modest way so that your body shape/assets are not shown. Your beauty in islam is only to be shown to your closest family members and your husband. Men are obviously attracted to women and vice-versa and veiling your beauty is a protection as men won't look at you in a lustful way and therefore you are protected from a lot of evil. But in the end it comes down to muslim women pleasing their Creator as He knows what is best for them.
Hijab is a way you deal with beauty and not how you avoid it .....
Allah actually gives women such importance that he asks her to cover up because every part of her is so precious and not every one has access to precious things .....
Many people think it's oppressive but it's actually very liberating.
OMG she's so adorable 😍😍Love her laugh 😂❤️
One muslim girl once showed me her hair because she thought I was a girl (when we were in school) and then got really nervous and begged me not to tell her dad. Of course I didn't. Poor girl.
But now she doesn't wear her hijab that often anymore.
How did she think you were a GIRL?😂😂
She's so bubbly and happy!! So soft and pure
people say that women wearing a hijab are oppressed but they're often the ones who don't think the women should have a choice in wearing a hijab or not.
Her laugh is so *contagious*
Her laugh is contagious
I wear a hijab
Woooow, you just healed my islamophobia. U are great
I love her personality!!! And yes teaching ignorant people on why they wear hijab! I live in a very mix culture society and even i dont know a whole lot about the hijab, i just gotta ask my fellow muslim friends xD and knowing the whole world, not many people have muslim friends to ask that, so this video is so good in raising awareness!!
If the purpose of the hijab is to avoid men seeing it because it's an attractive feature, are bi/gay women excluded from seeing a hijabi's hair, too?
Tatiana that's actually a good question.... 🤔
Right? Also, if yes, does that mean gay men can see it then? And what about asexuals? If Islam claims to be a progressive religion that is able to accommodate every time and place, then shouldn't it adapt to different 21st-century sexualities? Sigh.
(This is ignoring the fact that in order to be a good Muslim, one needs to only adhere to heteronormative notions of sexuality)
Tatiana Personally, I think that any man that isn't related isn't allowed to see me without my scarf on. And I wouldn't mind if a lesbian woman saw my hair.
Tatiana personally, I prefer not to show my hair in front of homosexuals or any sort of men. I have nothing against them, just a personal preference.
Tatiana, I wear hijab and all through out high school my gay friends would ask if they could see my hair just because they were gay. It doesn't matter if you are gay. if you are a man who isn't my close male relative you cannot see my hair period. Sexual orientation has nothing to do with who can see the hair. Other women can see our hair but that is assuming we are in a room full of only women.
*Me looks at the thumbnail*
What I thought: Duh, it's like saying do u shower with ur clothes🤭
My god she's hilarious
I wish people would watch more videos on the Islamic religion. I’m sitting in my room googling about the Islamic religion I find it super interesting and I’ve always had an interest into it. I love learning about the hijab I think the reasoning for it and what it brings to certain people is cool as well. I wish small minded people would watch people like her to see that not everyone is bad from this religion. Some are kind souls and don’t like it I’ve watched videos where some disagree with some parts of it.
Squigley it’s nice to know you’re learning about it!!(:
I wish more people would take the time to ask questions and educate themselves. Wearing a hijab is a personal decision, and if a woman makes that choice, it's an affirmation of their faith and love for Islam.
Sarah R LOL I'm a 'western' woman and a hijabi. love It.
Life with Poodle Pants more importantly it's their choice and no one has the right to tell a woman what she should wear or not wear. It's none of their business. Why is Muslim women clothes so important for Europeans anyway, does it bother you so much that they're not wearing what you like them to wear?
Sarah R it's none of your damn business what a Muslim women should wear or not wear. Where's your freedom of choice and democracy. Or does it stop when it comes to Muslims right to practice their faith and freedom. I'm sure you wouldn't like someone else telling you what to wear and not wear, so are these women. Stop playing their savior and try to respect other people's beliefs and differences even if you don't like them.
Eren Jaeger 'if they get raped it's ok' ???? which part if the middle East is this please enlighten me. I don't think that's okay anywhere unless maybe according to Isis I don't know
Sarah R punishing a woman for adultery after she has been raped is not mainstream Islam.
She's so full of love and energy
I believe that there is a huge controversy with the hijab and the symbol it can potray i do believe objectivly that it can and often does represent a symbol of oppression but you cant denie that this girl is doing it out of her own will and it doesnt show any signs of oppression on her on the contrary it shows a different lifestyle that we just have to accept, i guess its more about just accepting peoples choices in life i completly understand the people who dont support it because of the oppresive background it has but i do at the same time fully support and accept the Women who chose this way of life i mean hell its your life if you wanna wear it man wear it , if not then dont. just do you man its your life to anyone out there just do you man just do you
+BreakingSharingan Dont be fooled she is 100% oppressed, its just internalized. The video is staged, she isn't always this giggly. Not only is she oppressed but she is actively selling out on her entire gender, and aiding in the stigmatization of non hijabi females that have to suffer from this disgusting trend. This whole video is nothing but spin control , show me any happy go lucky hijabi girl that thinks this is all normal, and ill show you 1000 woman that are beaten, harassed, intimidated by their family/society,/culture, suffering immense psychological, emotional and often physical abuse.
Christiano Rizzo what culture difference moron? Im criticizing my own culture! That bullshit excuse only works on other people. And its not hate. only regressive PC idiots think so.
Christiano Rizzo hahaha sure... its obvious you are completely intellectually inept. You sound like a naive 12 year old repeating what your mommy tells you. Go waste someone elses time little boy. When you put your big boy pants on, maybe then we cn have a chat.
+TheSabatuer Shut the fuck haha do you really think you seem mature and make a point when you call me a naive little boy? Even a 12 year old will know more than you immature piece of shit
lol chill out guys, i was just saying that everyone can believe and do what they want and you both can have different opinions it doesnt make any of you seem smaller then the other
i am so sorry i think hijab and shoulders is not better than dove for hijab because i think dove give you scarf a better smell 😂😂
Sireen Hammad looool I agree I been using five for my hijab since ever😂😂😂
I would like to know, why aren't guys allowed to see your hair, I don't want to assume, just want to learn more
It's not about the hair. It's about modesty. Almost all Muslim women who wear it wear it out of choice. It is a device used to bring equality among Muslim women, if one girl is very pretty the other girls feel bad about themselves. It's just a piece of clothing girls wear. It tries to de-sexualize the female body. Only other girls (and the father, brothers, the husband and uncles of the girl) can see a girl without her hijab. Like a protective method. And the hijab is only limited to the head. You can wear anything you like on your body as long as it's below the knees (same goes for men, men cannot wear anything above the knees and go out in public). Girls don't have to wear the hijab when they're at home even in the presence of male guests. Hope you learned something :)
i just want to make two corrections and add some other details... 1. actually, girls have to wear hijab in front of male guests if they are not part of the close family like father, brother, uncle, grandfather etc. being at home does not change that. 2. hijab is not only covering the head. it also means covering(not wrapping) the body by wearing loose and non transparent clothes which does not reveal your body shape(like a pencil skirt or sking tight jeans). a clothing below the knees is not enough in front of stranger men(male cousins included) if it does reveal some leg for example. ------
i also want to add: - The clothes of the women must cover all parts of her body; according to Hanafi school(one of the 4 main schools in sunni islam) all parts of the body except her hands, face and feet. there are some tiny differences in other schools.
- The outer garment must not be made a means of ornament.
- Their clothes must not resemble the characteristic clothes of non-Muslims.(like the robe of a priest for example or the complete attire of a nun) so this is something for a muslim guy too.
- They must not be like men's clothes.
- They must not wear attractive perfume in the places where stranger men are present.
- The Muslim woman's dress must not be an expression of vanity or as a status symbol.
I also like to add that hijab is not restricted to the head or body. Behaviour is part of the hijab too. For example, when you wear the hijab, you must not use foul language, or throw fits of temper or be very loud and nuisance in public and many more. Little things like this matter. Moreover, +girlinthebox gave you guidelines to hijab. But you asked why men are not allowed to see the hair. Hijab has been prescribed to the believing women from God as a method of protection. It was seen as a symbol of respect during Prophet Mohammad's (PBUH) time. The hijab strips away the sexual appeal from women. Therefore, should a woman in a hijab be seen walking alone, men would pay her respect and not intend anything sexual. Hope that makes sense and thank you for your query.
thank you, I love learning about and getting to know new things
It empowers me. Take back what's rightfully mine. I see women being "cat called" all the time. Such degrading demoralizing sexist behaviour. Why should I give someone that power. In every women is a mother and the status of a mother is 3 times higher then a father in Islam. Hijab actually elevates our status. After all you wouldn't keep your most valuable possession out in the open for strange eyes to see ;) These are only my beliefs and I will never and have never made judgement on those who don't cover as much.
I love how open she is about it because I watched this one girl(yes I know this one girl does not represent everyone) that, when asked a question, just answered as if she was asked about something we all knew about and we just wanted her to say or something. I mean I get it if you want to keep stuff private but for example I didn't only women and male family can see her hair. Like that's a cool little fact for people that are uncultured like me. I just so everyone reading this knows, I don't mean to offend anyone. My point was that I learn a lot from this video and next time I'll know more on the subject.
she has such good energy!