[4K] Amerigo Vespucci - Most Beautiful & Legendary ship in the world * Left Darwin for Singapore

  • Опубліковано 21 жов 2024
  • Current Docking status:- Departed Darwin for Singapore 新加坡. Expected 24 October 2024.
    8 October 2024 Left Manila for Darwin - expected 5 October 2024 at Darwin Waterfront Precinct, Darwin (Larrakia: Garramilla), capital city of the Northern Territory, Australia.
    艦齢93年! イタリア海軍最古の帆船東京寄港 - アメリゴ・ヴェスプッチ
    2024年8月イタリア海軍帆船『アメリゴ・ヴェスプッチ』が東京へ寄港しました。『アメリゴ・ヴェスプッチ』は1931年に進水し艦齢は93年でイタリア海軍最古です。同船は現在31カ国を巡るワールドツアー中で東京にも寄港しました。また、寄港時、横須賀にはイタリア空母『カブール』フリゲート『アルピーノ』が寄港中で 日本にイタリア海軍艦が3隻揃った格好となりました。
    Amerigo Vespucci - Italian naval ship built in 1931. It is the oldest ship in operation in the Italian Navy. The Italian Navy's historic and iconic Training Ship, Ambassador of UNESCO, UNICEF and Italy is once again sailing around the world, visiting over 30 ports, 28 countries, and 5 continents. On its incredible voyage, for the first time, it will combine the traditional training activities of Officer Cadets with the promotion of Made in Italy excellence. Storica e iconica Nave Scuola della Marina Militare, Ambasciatrice di UNESCO, UNICEF e dell’Italia compie di nuovo il giro del mondo, attraversando oltre 30 porti in 28 paesi e 5 continenti. Nel suo incredibile viaggio affiancherà per la prima volta, alla tradizionale attività formativa degli Allievi Ufficiali, la promozione dell’eccellenza del Made in Italy. イタリア海軍が誇る、歴史あるそして象徴的な存在。ユネスコ、ユニセフ、イタリアのアンバサダーたるこの訓練船が、再び世界中を航海しながら、皆様がお住いの30以上の港、28か国、5大陸を訪問いたします。そんな素晴らしい航海では、今回初めて、士官候補生の伝統的な訓練活動はもちろん、素晴らしきメイド・イン・イタリアの振興とのコラボレーションを実現いたします。義大利海軍艦艇建於1931年。 義大利海軍歷史悠久、標誌性的訓練艦--聯合國教科文組織、聯合國兒童基金會和義大利大使號再次環遊世界,訪問了 30 多個港口、28 個國家和 5 大洲。 在其令人難以置信的航行中,它將首次將軍官學員的傳統訓練活動與推廣義大利製造的卓越性結合起來。
    Villaggio Italia Amerigo Vespucci World Tour 2023-2025:-
    1 July 2023 Genoa
    4-7 July 2023 Marseille
    19-22 July 2023 Las Palmas
    29 July - 1 August 2023 Dakar
    4-6 August 2023 Praia
    28 Agosto - 2 September 2023 Santo Domingo
    7-10 September 2023 Cartagena
    18-19 September 2023 Port of Spain
    4-10 October 2023 Fortaleza
    23-26 October 2023 Rio De Janeiro
    4 November 2023 - 13 March 2024 La Plata
    14-16 March 2024 Montevideo
    17-21 March 2024 Buenos Aires
    1-4 April 2024 Ushuaia P. Arenas
    28 April - 2 May 2024 Valparaiso
    12-15 May 2024 Callao
    22-23 May 2024 Puerto Ayora
    29 May - 3 June 2024 Balboa
    18-23 June 2024 Puerto Vallarta
    3-8 July 2024 Los Angeles
    24-28 July 2024 Honolulu
    26-30 August 2024 Tokyo
    14-18 September 2024 Manila
    5-7 October 2024 Darwin
    24-28 October 2024 Singapore ** On The Way **
    1-4 November 2024 Belawan
    6-10 November 2024 Phuket
    28 November - 2 December 2024 Mumbai
    7-10 December 2024 Karachi
    18-21 December 2024 Doha
    23-26 December 2024 Abu Dhabi
    30 December 2024 - 3 January 205 Muscat
    20-24 January 2025 Jeddah
    29 January - 1 February 2025 Aqaba
    6-9 February 2025 Alexandria
    16-19 February 2025 Durres
    February 2025 Italy
    ONLY ONE - One Planet One Ocean One Health
    Video and pictures taken at Aloha Tower, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii
    Dates taken: 27 & 28 July 2024
    #AmerigoVespucci #アメリゴヴェスプッチ #아메리고 베스푸치 자태 #亞美利哥韋斯普奇