Wes Audio Ng76: Analog 1176 with Digital Recall!

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @mixbustv
    @mixbustv  Рік тому +5

    Get the Ng76: sweetwater.sjv.io/Y99oWK

    • @doradayeh1550
      @doradayeh1550 Рік тому

      Hello there! thank you for all your help.
      If you could have only 1 compressor, would it still be the Distressor or could it be the Wes Audio Ng76?
      How do you think it compares to the UA 1176?

  • @arkarmoethouk2445
    @arkarmoethouk2445 Рік тому +17

    Digitally controlled Analog Hardware gear should be the norm in the future. It's definitely the 'best of both worlds'. The modern convenience of 'digital world' and the iconic signal-flow of 'analog world'.
    This thing is dopeeee!

  • @30killabeatz
    @30killabeatz Рік тому +9

    Recallable hardware is next level!! 🙌🏽🔥

  • @falconshield
    @falconshield Рік тому +3

    Holy hell that makes me drool. Got the Tegeler Audio Créme RC last year and these digitally controlled units just shot to the top of my wishlist.. the NG76 looks incredible!

  • @sub-jec-tiv
    @sub-jec-tiv Рік тому +6

    Everyone: Do we need another 1176? Everyone after this video: Sh!t.

  • @theuniversityoflife8704
    @theuniversityoflife8704 Рік тому +2

    Wes audio rock - HPF on 1176....lovely!

    • @cjwallgor
      @cjwallgor Рік тому

      Agreed! The kick sounded so impeccable with that bloom!

  • @SoundKilterStudio
    @SoundKilterStudio Рік тому +1

    Holy SHIT!!! That kick drum sounded MASSIVE!! And the way it pulled the room up was incredible! The overall performance of it was more than impressive to my ears. Not to mention all the features. It just made the "Gotta Have" list. Excellent work bro!

  • @crayzmusic
    @crayzmusic Рік тому +1

    Btw thanks for answering as many of our comments as you can. Appreciate it a lot

  • @ernestbuckley8671
    @ernestbuckley8671 Рік тому +1

    This unit sounds great. WES Audio is thinking way ahead of everyone else. This is truly cutting edge hardware thats priced right. I may have to pick this up instead of the UA 1176 which has been in my SW basket for some time.

  • @billyhughes9776
    @billyhughes9776 Рік тому +1

    Pretty sure this will be an automatic buy for me -- I just started dipping my toe into hybrid style mixing, so this kind of compressor with the digital recall for my purposes at this point is just about perfect. Thanks David!!!

  • @aleksamrkela831
    @aleksamrkela831 Рік тому +2

    WesAudio absolutely has to paint all their 500 series modules black. It makes them look so slick. 😄 Needless to say, no corners have been cut here, either!

  • @drakewatkins2624
    @drakewatkins2624 Рік тому +1

    Wow just wow this thing is a work of art wes audio just did it again folks man the gear worlds got some work to do they took it to the next level with this one 🔥 brilliant

  • @1loveMusic2003
    @1loveMusic2003 Рік тому

    The versatility control and automation of digital and the performance of analog. I'm looking forward to the future in audio.

  • @EYEAUM1985
    @EYEAUM1985 Рік тому

    great videos man, wes gear sound is very gluey and clear

  • @louisbeaudet3835
    @louisbeaudet3835 Рік тому

    As always, honest in your reviews. Love your channel !

  • @ErikAnders
    @ErikAnders Рік тому

    Hell yes. I hope everyone boosts them up so they can keep pushing out new devices. The dione is amazing.

  • @beethewizard
    @beethewizard Рік тому

    Thanks for sharing. That unit is quite impressive.

  • @LesVegasMusic
    @LesVegasMusic Рік тому

    This thing makes total sense. I'll take two.

  • @joezazasin7
    @joezazasin7 Рік тому

    Beautiful David! Congrats. This device is very unique i need this myself. The flexibility and being able to save presets, automate and program with analog hardware sound, this fusion is sick 🤘🔥

  • @chrisheaton5853
    @chrisheaton5853 Рік тому +2

    Kids need to get into audio engineering, they will never have money for drugs! F***ing wick new compressor love the 1176 style of compression. Kinda reminds me of what SSL did with the EQ, comp and bus comp

  • @richardpenrose1968
    @richardpenrose1968 Рік тому +1

    I’m torn between getting an AudioScape 1176 RevD or get the Wes NG76. Like the features of the Wes but not sure how it would compare to the AudioScape?

    • @mixbustv
      @mixbustv  Рік тому

      I"m not familiar with Audioscape

  • @skiiizo
    @skiiizo Рік тому


    • @mixbustv
      @mixbustv  Рік тому +1

      Thank you for the support Michel!

  • @Brutuscomedy
    @Brutuscomedy Рік тому

    Tech 21 has had digital recall on some analog guitar pedals over the years which was really cool.

  • @firstname7566
    @firstname7566 Рік тому +2

    Question: do you need a separate unit for each instance of plugin? You know if you're mixing a song and you wanted to use this on multiple tracks each with it's own settings.

    • @machineagevoodoo2106
      @machineagevoodoo2106 Рік тому +1

      unless youre performing magic in your studio, you need more than one unit

    • @YungK
      @YungK Рік тому

      Im also interested, maybe you have to print one track and you can use it on the next.

    • @firstname7566
      @firstname7566 Рік тому

      @@YungK that's kinda whT I was thi for

  • @jeromelester8
    @jeromelester8 Рік тому

    It might sound a bit corny, but the over 50 years old 1176 (or rebuild) is the most versatile compressor even till today.

  • @mixlikenix
    @mixlikenix Рік тому +2

    Will be excited to hear the STAM76 vs the NG76

    • @CreativeMindsAudio
      @CreativeMindsAudio Рік тому

      Thinking the same thing! This looks like the latest stam 76 with digital control! I hope one day to have a space where something like this would be well worth it. I’ll probably get a stereo pair of them.

    • @LaFaMiMusic
      @LaFaMiMusic Рік тому +1

      ​@@CreativeMindsAudio To my ears Stam ADG have more mojo but less flexibility.
      I have a pair of 76 ADG's that I was thinking of selling to grab some mimas or these will suit my workflow better

    • @CreativeMindsAudio
      @CreativeMindsAudio Рік тому

      @@LaFaMiMusic good to know! I have a distressor right now and with how good my plugins sound it’ll be a while before it’ll be actually worth it to upgrade. Also I feel by that time plugins may have fully caught up to hardware 😂.

    • @mixbustv
      @mixbustv  Рік тому +4

      Members will get that video, ADG vs Mimas vs Ng76 vs D+

    • @crayzmusic
      @crayzmusic Рік тому

      @@mixbustv The 1.99 membership? Really wanna see the comparison, if i join can you add the waves cla-76s??? Lol sorry just really interested before i blow more money

  • @MIxstarsOnline
    @MIxstarsOnline Рік тому +1

    Damn bro I think im about to sell my MC 77 and get this. When does it come out though?

  • @murraywebster1228
    @murraywebster1228 Рік тому

    Looking good, tres Bon!

  • @eternalgospels
    @eternalgospels Рік тому


  • @BpackAudio
    @BpackAudio Рік тому

    Was literally looking for a dual 76 style comp. Seriously considering going all Wes Audio.

  • @CharlesK441
    @CharlesK441 Рік тому

    This is fantastic!

  • @markjacksonmusic21
    @markjacksonmusic21 Рік тому

    Looks amazing!!

  • @antonhamacher
    @antonhamacher Рік тому +1

    Your channel is a gold mine David! Which of the 1176 units do you prefer for Vocals? The Mimas, the Ng76, the Stam ADG or the Stam D+? I want to pair it with a GAP Comp-3a and a A-Designs Pacifica preamp I already have. I'm doing mostly ballads, pop music and a little bit of rap... Would love to hear your thoughts :)

    • @mixbustv
      @mixbustv  Рік тому

      If I had to pick one would be a really really hard battle but I think I would go with the ADG simply because the blue stripe is amazing and then you have two more options. But the D+ when it works is one of a kind.

  • @FransvandenBergeMuziekschuur

    I think you would want two of those. For buscompressing.

  • @Groove81TV
    @Groove81TV Рік тому

    Where are the kali audio's ? :)

  • @williambyrne6855
    @williambyrne6855 Рік тому

    Any possibility of using a pair of Ng76 to function as a dual channel bus compressor?

    • @mixbustv
      @mixbustv  Рік тому +1

      I wouldn't but stranger things have been done and of all versions of 76, these are probably the ones you'd use to try that because of the sc and color options

  • @firstname7566
    @firstname7566 Рік тому

    So damn cool..first we digitally emulated hardware ..now we have a hardware emulation of a digital emulation so to speak.

  • @urielterry
    @urielterry 9 місяців тому

    One of the most important things is go to the bed and next day continues with the mix...

  • @adrianjeffrey2897
    @adrianjeffrey2897 Рік тому

    Am I not mistaken but better make her made an EQ and compressor that was digitally controlled or is this different? Besides it being 1176 style which is much needed and a staple

    • @mixbustv
      @mixbustv  Рік тому

      Wes Audio was the first and their software is absolutely perfect, no glitches no dropouts

  • @jeffbaumet794
    @jeffbaumet794 Рік тому

    Can you give me some advice? would love to see a video on this... I want to buy a pair of compressors and I only have enough money to do it once. call it a cap of $1000 per channel. i could go a bit above but prefer not to. I was planning on some 1176 clone but found the RND 543 and am thinking maybe its better to get a neve product over a clone. its cheaper than a wes audio mimas but i dont see anyone really talking about it.

    • @mixbustv
      @mixbustv  Рік тому +1

      A pair of what kind of compressor? Fet? MU? Opto? For what? What style? If you a do it all there is only one answer and that's a pair of Distressors, if you want a 76, the Stam 76ADG is the best there is, if you want a diode bridge probably still Stam 609 (dual mono) , a MU at that price either Rhea (stereo, not dual mono) or RSE Audio

    • @jeffbaumet794
      @jeffbaumet794 Рік тому

      @@mixbustv I have to hand it to you. you are one of the most responsive content creators in this space. Respect. I'll look into the Stam stuff. dont know much about them. i am looking for something that has application for tracking on the front end and mastering on the back end. Stereo and Dual mono is a must. Id have to think realy hard before i jump to 1600 per channel for a distressor.

    • @jeffbaumet794
      @jeffbaumet794 Рік тому

      @@mixbustv wow the stam audio stuff is really affordable. thanks for the tip.

  • @ftlaud911
    @ftlaud911 Рік тому

    Thank you for the review. Sounded great!! Wes Audio is hitting it out of the park on every new release. So hard to choose with limited rack space. For EDM what would be your 1st (under 5k) and budget choice (under 2k)? Appreciate your opinion, thanks!

    • @mixbustv
      @mixbustv  Рік тому

      I suppose you mean 1 unit for 2bus? In the Wes audio catalog that would definitely be the NgBus. Considering any brand that's a tough call. HG-2 is a great unit for EDM (not only), so would be believe it or not the Stamchild MII (not sure if it's below 5K)

    • @ftlaud911
      @ftlaud911 Рік тому

      @@mixbustv - Thanks for the reply and suggestion. Hope your enjoying Namm. Checked out the HG-2 and love it. Really appreciate the feedback.

  • @charley0313
    @charley0313 Рік тому

    Exclude those functions like S.C/SAT/THD, how does it compare to Stam 76ADG?

    • @mixbustv
      @mixbustv  Рік тому +1

      There's gonna be a video comparing all of them, for members only

  • @TheWorldGalactic
    @TheWorldGalactic Рік тому


  • @bontempo1271
    @bontempo1271 Рік тому

    omg i like it. I'm curious how it sounds next to an original 1176. Also, can the saturation mode be used simultaneously with the compressor ? If not thats a dam shame !

    • @mixbustv
      @mixbustv  Рік тому +1

      No it can't be used simulaneously, they way they achive that function is actually very complex. I will release a full "vs" video between this, the mimas, blue stripe, rev d and rev d tube for members only tho' this upcoming week.

    • @bontempo1271
      @bontempo1271 Рік тому

      @@mixbustv ok that will be a good watch, cheers David

  • @dronbana
    @dronbana 7 місяців тому

    Could someone please explain how he's able to use a stereo drum track with a mono hardware unit? Thanks a ton

    • @MeanTrainingMachine
      @MeanTrainingMachine 7 місяців тому +1

      At no point he's using it on a stereo drum. All drums and vocals were mono. Not him nor anyone else could use a mono compressor on a stereo source

    • @dronbana
      @dronbana 7 місяців тому

      @@MeanTrainingMachine That's what i was wondering. Thanks for clearing that out for my slow head, Cheers.

  • @therealliveguy
    @therealliveguy Рік тому

    Dope! Is this unit mono or stereo?

    • @mixbustv
      @mixbustv  Рік тому +1

      Every 1176 in the world is mono

  • @karlomihaljevic9708
    @karlomihaljevic9708 Рік тому

    I got a notification about comparison video between Wes audio ng76and Mimas and I watched it on mobile phone but when I came home and wanted to listen comparison on my studio headphones and system it said "private video"??

    • @mixbustv
      @mixbustv  Рік тому +1

      There was an issue with the audio, it will be reuploaded tomorrow!

    • @karlomihaljevic9708
      @karlomihaljevic9708 Рік тому

      Great 👍 It will be interesting to hear the difference since Wes audio stated too that there is some difference (not difference in quality) due to different design, 500 series and 19 rack.

  • @nikdrown
    @nikdrown Рік тому

    The tech to have digital recall has been around for quite a while and it wasn’t that much to implement. I never understood why it hasn’t made its way into HW pieces more

    • @mixbustv
      @mixbustv  Рік тому +1

      Oh no, it IS much to implement. Very much. That's why it hasn't and Wes is the only one who did it successfully and consistently without any issues.

  • @Fwuzeem
    @Fwuzeem Рік тому

    I wonder if they're up for making a version with no face plate

    • @mixbustv
      @mixbustv  Рік тому +1

      I'm not sure you understand what this is 😂

    • @Fwuzeem
      @Fwuzeem Рік тому

      @@mixbustv no I'm dead serious

  • @sparkplugrecs.official
    @sparkplugrecs.official Рік тому

    thing with plugin controlled gear is id wanna slap it on everythign like a normal plugin almost, does the recall/interfacing (or however that works) allow multiple instances within a track while keeping the same settings for a different lane, example: low end control on a drum group, and then high end control for mastering?

    • @mixbustv
      @mixbustv  Рік тому +2

      Oh no 😄 I think you're missing an important point: this is hardware. It's just controlled with a plug-in, and as every piece of hardware, if you want one here and one there you need to buy two. If you want one on vocal, bass, snare, kick, you buy 4 and you need as many ADDA channels as pieces of analog you have.

    • @sparkplugrecs.official
      @sparkplugrecs.official Рік тому

      @@mixbustv why not both. lol

  • @okstanley5318
    @okstanley5318 Рік тому

    This looks really good, are they making a LA2A next?

    • @LaFaMiMusic
      @LaFaMiMusic Рік тому

      I think it will be the "Gates Sta-Level" Timbre. it's the last WES unit witout NG technology

    • @mixbustv
      @mixbustv  Рік тому +1

      I can't tell you what's next but you'll see it(them) here first

    • @VinceJackson1
      @VinceJackson1 Рік тому

      As always an amazing review of a great product. I'm moving back into hybrid & have this Wes audio stuff in my sites!!!!!!!!

  • @johnwalter6410
    @johnwalter6410 Рік тому +4

    I have the original beta 76 they made. I have a UA 1176 and a purple mc77 and the beta 76 sounds better than both of them.

    • @bontempo1271
      @bontempo1271 Рік тому

      You know the way the UA 1176 has that precise, fast and clean release when dialled in well ? Does the WA 76 do that ?

    • @mixedbyedd
      @mixedbyedd Рік тому +1

      what are the sound differences between the wes 76 & purple mc77? looking for one for hip hop/pop vox.

  • @GeorgeAmodei21
    @GeorgeAmodei21 Рік тому

    Oh, This is what you wanted to say but couldn't the other day/Vid. Would be nice if this is where most Hardware is going?

    • @mixbustv
      @mixbustv  Рік тому +1

      This is definitely where hw is going, you don't see other companies doing it because it's super hard to implement.

    • @GeorgeAmodei21
      @GeorgeAmodei21 Рік тому

      @@mixbustv Yeah I bet! See you @ NAMM :) George Amodei

  • @fyzooman
    @fyzooman Рік тому

    So does this mean that you've changed your mind from selling your hardware stuff as you said?

    • @mixbustv
      @mixbustv  Рік тому +1

      Dude it was April's fool lol you didn't watch the whole video 😄

    • @fyzooman
      @fyzooman Рік тому

      @@mixbustv ok David,lollll,peace my brother.

  • @kaikenmusic1921
    @kaikenmusic1921 Рік тому

    I'm salivating so hard I'm going to dehydrate. 🤤🤤🤤🤤

  • @jstnbieber853
    @jstnbieber853 Рік тому

    what is the name of the rap song

    • @mixbustv
      @mixbustv  Рік тому


  • @TheReal_E.IRIZARRY
    @TheReal_E.IRIZARRY Рік тому

    So basically based on the sound of this new Wes Audio Ng76,
    it's doing the exact opposite of Weiss: code line by line to the plugin world.....
    plugin world THD, Dry Wet mix digital knobs in reverse to the analog OTB world. Impressive #QuakeIIIArenaMasterVoice

  • @jason.martin
    @jason.martin Рік тому

    This is the future, I am suprised no one will build units to go into their titan rack.

    • @mixbustv
      @mixbustv  Рік тому +1

      They don't because it's hard to implement

    • @jason.martin
      @jason.martin Рік тому

      @@mixbustv That is too bad, i know when i chatted with WE Audio regaridng their 500 series titan rack they had the info open source for other develoeprs to be able to make it to be compatible. Il be grabbing a few of these down the road. The Dione is great !

  • @dextercon
    @dextercon Рік тому

    the game would definitely change the day I could have analog gear (1176 or la2a or tube tech or...) and multiple inserts playing in my daw at the same time, with that one gear. 🙃

    • @mixbustv
      @mixbustv  Рік тому +1

      😂 I'm sorry to break it down to you but that day will never come. Analog doesn't work like that lol you need, now and forever, a unit for any channel you want to use that unit on. It's physics. It's like you're waiting for the day where you can use the same $100 bill to pay everything

    • @dextercon
      @dextercon Рік тому

      @@mixbustv lol I have some analog equipments, I know that it's almost utopian, you can't divide a capacitor into 10 😅, but let's be crazy, optical fiber is already an extraordinary advance in the field (one input, 8-16 output with one cable), I just hope that science can still work miracles, that's all 🙂🤞

  • @frequency_sequencer
    @frequency_sequencer Рік тому

    i wish it was a stereo unit

    • @mixbustv
      @mixbustv  Рік тому +1

      You can get a matched from factory (to 0.00x db), what you mean is you want two at the price of one lol

    • @frequency_sequencer
      @frequency_sequencer Рік тому

      @@mixbustv yeah .... not at the same price of one but definately something cheaper than 2 ... also a stereo unit would work amazing with Bitwig's workflow

    • @bontempo1271
      @bontempo1271 Рік тому

      @@frequency_sequencer Why do you want a stereo 1176 ? What are you going to use it for ?

  • @SydneyValette
    @SydneyValette Рік тому

    Cool but why not doing an A/G instead of F/G? Taking both extremes of the spectrum …

    • @mixbustv
      @mixbustv  Рік тому +2

      Sourcing the right components for a blue stripe ain't easy unless you want to write blue but not actually having a blue stripe.

    • @SydneyValette
      @SydneyValette Рік тому

      @@mixbustv fair enuf

  • @crayzmusic
    @crayzmusic Рік тому

    You need to get 2 for stereo 😞

    • @mixbustv
      @mixbustv  Рік тому

      Like any other 1176 on the planet

    • @crayzmusic
      @crayzmusic Рік тому

      @@mixbustv Of course im just wondering if anyone would build a dual system... Is that even possible? Theyre revisions but could change it. Are you getting another??

    • @mixbustv
      @mixbustv  Рік тому +1

      The 1178 is roughly a stereo 1176

    • @crayzmusic
      @crayzmusic Рік тому

      @@mixbustv hmm yeah haven't seen that much of ever in person. I'll check it out

    • @crayzmusic
      @crayzmusic Рік тому

      @@mixbustv whoa yeah it basically is. Are you going to get a stereo pair?

  • @egonklawoprywatny9265
    @egonklawoprywatny9265 Рік тому

    so what... it's still mono..M O N O !! by the way, it is produced in Poland.. :)

    • @mixbustv
      @mixbustv  Рік тому

      It's so funny to see all the mono comments. The 1176 has always been mono. What people want is a stereo AT THE PRICE of a mono lol, because you can get a matched pair from the factory. People just don't wanna pay for it lol

  • @sparkplugrecs.official
    @sparkplugrecs.official Рік тому

    dude, 4:20 mode.. LFG

  • @kevinyounkins214
    @kevinyounkins214 Рік тому